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Trang 2

Test Yourself for Proficiency


Notes to the Student

Trang 3

Test 1

Reading Comprehension

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence




General Custer was confident of victory despite being vastly by the


A outnumbered B outclassed C overcome D overtaken

Don’t tell me you ve read War and Peace !

A yet B still C already D just

The ministry refused to the figures to the press

A release B leak C show D add

Steve his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question

A threw out B threw off C threw away D threw in

Mr Jones gave his sons some money t†0 them up in business A get B set C put D make

HH Hee comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it

Alt B Therefore C There D That

James had, ạ saved the manuscript of his first novel from the burning


A lastly B at last C lately D at feast

Mr Nixon refused to answer the questions on the that the matter was confidential

A reasons B excuses C grounds D foundations

The lawyer insisted that his client never have been arrested in the first place

A should B must C ought D would

As they came under heavy fire, the captain ordered his men to

A fall away B fall back C fall over D fall out

How voters will react to this latest political scandal to be seen

Trang 4

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

‘There is no further treatment we can give,’ said Dr Jekyll ‘We must let the

disease take its 0000.2?

A course B end € term D way

He walked from the court a free man, having been of murder,

A unconvinced B discharged C liberated D acquitted

Michael was the force behind the company’s rapid expansion

A managing B leading C rising D driving

Can you take of the shop while Mr Bentall is away?

A management B running C charge D operation

Jack and Christine wondered how the rumours had begun to

A disseminate B spread C run D develop

The minister made no of any further negotiations

A mention B comment C indication D remark

The forecasters take a gloomy of the economic future

A regard B aspect C view D outlook

You’d rather speak to him yourself, ?

A hadn’t you B didn’t you C wouldn’t you D won’t you

I wish the neighbours 00.00 making so much noise

A would stop B will stop C stopping D stopped

Mrs Nelson’s baby is now two weeks

A late B overdue C delayed D expected

Every worker gets an extra month’s salary as an end-of-year ow

A bonus B addition C reward D donation

At the scene of the disaster the Prince said some comforting words to the — `

A lamenting B wailing C complaining D grieving

The soldiers walked cautiously through the deserted streets

A obviously B apparently C probably D hopefully

Since he spoke about the subject so indirectly, it was difficult to see what he

Trang 5

Use of English

1 Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word For over two hundred years, scholars have shown an interest in the way children learn to speak and understand their first language Several small-scale studies W€r€ (l1) out, especially towards the end of the nineteenth century, (2) data recorded in parental diaries But detailed, systematic investi- gation did not begin (3) the middle decades of the twentieth century, when the tape recorder (4) into routine use This made it possible to keep a permanent record of samples of child speech, so that analysts (5) listen repeatedly to obscure (6), and (7) produce a detailed and accurate description

The problems that have to be (8) when investigating child speech are quite different from (9) encountered when working with adults lt is not possible to carry out (10) kinds of experiments, because aspects of children”s cognitive đevclopment, (11) as their ability to (F2) attetfon or to remermber instructions, may not be (13) advanced (14) is it casy to get chilđren to (15) svstematic judgements about language - a (16) that is virtually impossible below the age of three Alor€over, (17) who has tried to make a tape recording of a representative sample of a child”s speech (18) how frustrating this can be Some children, it seems, are innately pro- grammed to_ (19) off as soon as they notice a ftape recorder

Trang 6

2 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it





EXAMPLE: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock

ANSWER: He is expected to arrive by nine o’clock

I won’t agree until Tom’s apologised

91) À ố Please don’t use the shower after midnight

Would you mind ow

I agree he’s a good worker but I still don’t think he should get the job eo The residents get very angry when bicycles are left in the hallway

The residents all wish Bicyches 0 cececssssesesctstistssinsistsstscensistsststnstastnsinsnise

‘John shouldn’t have behaved so badly,’ said Janet

Jaret Obfected Anna failed to understand how serious her illness was until she spoke to the doctor

Not Until ccc ccccssesssssesnsenunstessnenaetneetastensesaseuntsnannaetaeetnetinttssasesusannseenaeaneunseneense

They set off to climb the mountain in spite of the fog

9a I do like carrots, but I don’t want to eat them every day

Trang 7

3 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase




EXAMPLE: ‘Would you like some toast?’

A research project has been set up to ñnd out that causes this strange phenomenon

Inspector Morse questioned ten people, could give him any useful information

ICs been raining for hours I wish SIOP,

Be careful how you start the raotor There's no happen

The police investigation eight arrests

Ït 1s quite an easy test, so most stuđents will have completing it in twenty minutes

4 For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in

any way


EXAMPLE: It is by no means certain that he was responsible for the crime questionable

ANSWER: It is questionable whether he was responsible for the crime

The managing director suggested not appointing any new staff freeze

They hate each other intensely


Trang 8





I'd be grateful if you could have a look at these figures cast

I was pleasantly surprised at the result of the meeting


Although he has been very determined, he has never managed to defeat his rival


The arrival time of the plane has been changed to 3.30 re-scheduled

Trang 9

Test 2

Reading Comprehension

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence





John www it upon himself to ensure that everyone had satisfactory accommo-

Atook Bdid Cgot D made

Douglas took of his meeting with the Prime Minister to argue his case

A opportunity B advantage C chance D effect

In , it was a bad idea to pay him in cash

A hindsight B consideration C retrospect D knowledge

All things 5 he is the best president we are likely to get

A considered B thought C taken D added

The minister assured us that there were funds for this project

A rich B financial C ample D deep

This painting stands a good of winning the prize

A possibility B chance C opportunity D certainty

’ As the election results came through, the Prime Minister defeat

A declared B granted C conceded D announced

After months of getting „ the detectives began to feel that they were onto something

A somewhere B nowhere C everywhere D anywhere

Ít is very appropriate that the prize go to such a young architect

A could B should C need D might

The High Street in Cambridge is blocked by a lorry that has its load A slipped B shed C loosed D overturned

There is more work here than I can on My own

A cope with B do with C make out D go for

In the early years of the twentieth century, several rebellions in the

northern parts of the country

Trang 10

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Marcus never writes the timetable down He keeps it in his 0.00000

A brain B mind C head D heart

For a couple of hours after I left the dentist’s my jaw was still :

A asleep B unfeeling C painless D numb

I expect the course next year

A completing B to complete C will complete D completed

Don’t tell anyone about this, 0.000000 ?

A do you B won’t you C will you D should you

The accused guilty to all charges

A pleaded B admitted C said D confessed

Do not the driver while the bus is in motion

A disturb B distract C convert D interrupt

The patient’s heart-rate and breathing must be carefully during the operation

A counted B monitored C observed D supervised

‘There is no of forced entry,’ said Inspector Morse

A mark B attempt C trace D sign

Twenty people were arrested during the demonstration, of four were charged with obstruction

A who B whom C which D them

After eating the apple she threw the in the bin

A core B remains C stones D centre

I didn’t learn very much my time at that college

A during B throughout C on D all

The unpaid bills will be tO next month’s account

A carried in B carried on C carried up D carried over

‘We have ? said the controller, as the rocket rose into the air

Trang 11

Use of English

1 Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word

Clothes have (1) basic functions They protect s from (2) of temperature, rain and wind and provide a degree of modesty (3) covering our bodies (4) 1s also important however, is the way clothing transmits messages about the wearer’s personality, attitudes, social status, behaviour and group allegiances Some people are more sensitive to dress signals than others, but there are very few who (5) to take clothes


(9) social role and to be

into (6) at all when forming first

To () in with

(10) as a valid actor of your part, you usually have to look the part as well as act

the part (11) eccentric managers and executives are

(12) to dress in jeans and baggy pullovers, but they are very much in the

TH errreeree (13) Clothes in the professional world are a kind of uniform and

unwrirten rules prescribe (14) standards and styles for everyone in the hierarchy The (15) to be accepted is neither to underdress nor overdress If (16) the rules can be combined with a (17) mdividuality and personal flair, then the (18) will be greater Silk scarves, ties and other items that have no real (19) can com- municate (20) from political allegiance to temperament

Trang 12

2 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible

in meaning to the sentence printed before it

a) b) ©) 3) ©) 8) h) I never

EXAMPLE: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock

ANSWER: He is expected to arrive by nine o’clock

Jack plays football more skilfully than Paul

JACK G8 — ÔỎ ‘Hand over the bag or I’ll shoot you!’ said the robber to the security guard The robber threatened 00 cocccssssseossensssssssstssstnsersssenstinensaetassinstneeseenastnetassnstseeten Although Professor Sweet knew a lot about grammar, he couldn’t answer the question


Mrs Fielding is too old to make such a journey

Mrs Fielding i8 §O HH 2 earrrorrree

I am always short of time

I had only just watered the garden when it began to rain

I haven’t visited any countries in South America except Venezuela

\M⁄21z2.2 8:0 Ỷ ,ƠƠỊỎ

We cannot exchange tickets in any circumstances

Trang 13

3 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase


EXAMPLE: ‘Would you like some toast?’

‘This is your emergency signal beacon,’ said the instructor,

sooseecestnetiveeineevanesanennnenoseeseseenseee you should not travel in these remote regions.’ Do you hawe ì anyone involved in this case?

sessesenetatetsnatnsseneentiasestneeaetneten I had known that five years ago!

This machine is nọt the purpose for which it was


If so much money has been spent, why is there

for it?

Although he has lived in Canada for ten years, Marino still

TH H102 2e to the cold winters

4 For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in

any way




EXAMPLE: It is by no means certain that he was responsible for the crime questionable

ANSWER: It is questionable whether he was responsible for the crime

At 3 p.m the visiting football team had still not arrived sign

A summary cannot bring out the high quality of this book justice

He had no idea at all that the police were watching him

Trang 14





Joanne has a rather unsatisfactory relationship with her sisters


Whatever colour you choose, we can supply it

matter `

Although he is young, there are several ministers even younger than him


As a champion swimmer, she will never be better than she is now prime

Trang 15

Test 3

Reading Comprehension

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence





We need guaranteed fñinancial before we can even start the design


A agreement B backing C analysis D plans

At this time of year farmers their crops and store them for winter

A gather B remove C pick up D take in

After three weeks the cut on Tom’s hand had still not

A cured B joined C mended D healed

The cliffs on this part of the coast are being by the sea

A worn B eroded C demolished D deteriorated

Guy was the conspiracy because of his friendship with the conspirators

A caught in~ B taken in C drawn into D pulled by

While on holiday Walter and Daisy were caught a military coup A into Bup in C with D out of

He is a man to the police

A known B familiar C recognisable D accountable

Attendance at the council meeting Was Very

A poor B small C slack D limited

ANYONE oo ticket has been stolen should contact the airline immediately

A his B their C whose D which

Sally regretred the journalist so much

A telling B tell C to tell D told

Mrs Archer is known the finest collection of twentieth century art in private hands

Aashave _ B having C by having D to have

The police promised him from prosecution if he co-operated with them fully

Trang 16

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

After their catastrophic defeat the of the army made their way back

to their mountain strongholds

A survivors B remnants C wounded~ D deserters

This court deals only with crime

A petty B trivial C small D insignificant

In this quiz you have the chance to your wits against the most intelli-

gent people in England

A set B pit Ctry D sharpen

More than thirty people evidence to the court during the four-week


A gave B explained C produced D spoke

Adam is thought at sea

A to have been killed B having been killed C to be killed

D be killed

The lawyer claimed that the tests had been carried out by experienced scientists but this is not necessarlly

Aso B the way C thus D the method

Lotus What he says, observe what he does

A Although B In contrast C Contrary D Never mind

It was decided that the following Thursday

A we met B we would meet C our meeting D we will meet

Most of the victims đied because they poisonous fumes

A suffocated B inhaled C inspired D gasped

He his life to the skill of the surgeons

A owes B keeps C preserves D maintains

His ideas about the future of the company did not with those of the


A fit B go along C tally D suit

von WE understand his reasons, we cannot condone his behaviour

A Even if B Only if C What if D As if I don’t think that this fashion will

Trang 17

Use of English

1 Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word Conversations are such common, everyday events that we easily take them for granted and assume that they require no special skils (1) at some từ€ OT (2), most of (3) have had problems talking with other people You may (4) yourself unable to get a (5) in edgeways, and feel foolish and inadequate Sometimes you have to interrupt rudely, and are (6) feeling that, to other people, you must + (7) unpleasantly aggressive Or oe (8) been desperate to speak, you do not know how to stop and risk (9) considered boring Everyone sometimes ñnds it difficult to strike (10) conversations The importance of being able tơ start conversations i§ (11) To have

relationships, you have to meet people and get to know them To get to know

them, you have to talk to them At some point, (12) has to be an opening line, but how do you know what to say? Conversations often begin when one person remarks, 'Beautiful weather; isnt it?` or asks (13) other clichéd question Conversation Openers are (14) original - the anxiety of (15) the first approach is not conducive to creative thought

= but (16) does not matter (17) does matter is that

these openers are recognised (18) what they are — attempts

HH HH ae (19) starting a conversation The words are unimportant, the

Trang 18

2 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it




EXAMPLE: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock

ANSWER: He is expected to arrive by nine o'clock

Whenever he passed the prison, Bernard remembered the years he had spent


Bernard couldn’t

If you buy fifteen tickets for the same performance, you can have a 25 per cent discount

Provided ñfteen

Our profits this year are higher than they have ever been

It is my opinion that he is the greatest artist of the twentieth century

T consider Wim ioc ccc esc esesessessnseeenss senses tevarevnetnnnsasussteesseeasetvasnnvassaasesnastnsttenesee

‘I did not remove the money from the safe,’ said Peter

Peter denied occ sssesnsnsesensnsevesssnasaneussesuaseetseensseenassesuaseeeeteeessatsnseseseeasssas Macbeth is the play that I enjoy the most

Nobody remained on the ship after the captain had left it The captain

The factory seemed to have been damaged by fire

Trang 19

3 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase a) b) d) €) f)

EXAMPLE: ‘Would you like some toast?’

The judge refused to do what the gangsters asked, much money they offered him

Robert had filled the freezer with food, We were

very grateful

Mr Archer complained that the hotel te piCEUF€

1n the brochure

AII the robbers !O T€T V€AFS 11 pFiSOn,

Look at these footprints! He come this way!

Swimming is a good way oŸ ¿áo , YOUTS€If fit and healthy

For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in

any way




EXAMPLE: It is by no means certain that he was responsible for the crime


ANSWER: It is questionable whether he was responsible for the crime

The inspector showed us four potential health hazards drew

Margaret desperately wanted Nigel to return longed

Jack failed to keep his promise to help us

let ,

Trang 20



If we tried to force him to repay the debt, we would be wasting our time point

The house is dirty because no one bothers to keep it clean trouble

Sheila was dismissed after only three days


Trang 21

Test 4

Reading Comprehension

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence





This new instrument is us a lot of trouble

~ A working B giving C making D producing

If you do not repay the money we will, as a last » take you to court

A measure B attempt C act D resort

At the party conference, the Prime Minister backing for his new


A won B got C had D held

The two trains came ten metres of collision

A just B near C within D almost

Mary wanted to give Nigel a present that was a little bit out of the 000

A ordinary B normal C average D everyday

Most people would at the chance of working for that company

A dive B grab e D jump

All but two of the injured were from hospital within twenty-four


A discharged B released C sent D allowed

We decided to a coin to see who would go first A throw B pitch C roll D toss

Tf you want to know which companies to invest in, George can give you some

A clues B hints C words D tips

He was awarded a medal in of his services to the Queen

A view B recognition C regard D light

The racing-driver climbed out of the wreckage completely

A unwounded B intact C unscathed D well-preserved

The King showed his rmercy by the rebels’ lives

Trang 22

-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

The banks the Government’s new proposals on credit control

A welcomed B greeted C flourished D cheered

The entire machine was , taken to another factory and re-assembled


A dismantled B disconnected C demolished~~ D uncoupled

At the end of the day the shopkeeper walked to the bank, carrying the day’s

Hari in a special bag

A income B takings C earnings D profits

1 don't need to know the whole st†ory, just give me the

A gist B details C essence D summary The company is suspected the trade embargo

A having broken B to break € of breaking D breaking

_¬ had I left the hotel when I was surrounded by photographers

A No sooner B Immediately C Just D Hardly

The rocks in this area have been into strange shapes by the wind and ram

A broken B eroded C moulded D deteriorated

You must refrain tea or coffee while taking this medicine

A to drink B from drinking C drink D drinking

When both parents went to prison, social workers took the children


A with B for C into D to

William is an authority medieval tapestries Aon B with C about D in

Many of his best photographs of the conflict were taken when he was actually

HH re fire

Aon B under Cin D to

The machine should have switched itself off but it failed to do wu

Ait B thus C that D so

SH eree we need to complete the repairs ís £2,000

Trang 23

Use of English

1 Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word

Aggression has long been a natural feature of human behaviour, perhaps ever

since the emergence of the earliest hominids However; (1 is no

S22 (2) for organised group conflict before about 12,000 years ago The

development of_ (3) conflict was closely linked to changes srosesaseuanstunstestee (4) cconomy and society, (5) probably (6) more serious after the adoption of agriculture Larger populations b2 run (7) greater pressure on land and resources, and thus increased tension (8) neighbours Settled farmers also had food stores, herd animals and standing crops (9) steal The stresses associated with the emergence of more hierarchical societies (10) over by chiefs and kings may (11) have played an important (12) in the growth of inter-group conflict

As human communities became organised into larger units «00002000020 (13) warfare they waged became (14) more lethal States had greater T€SOUTC€S (15) for aggression, defence and the development of new weapons The written records of ancient societies tell (16) full- time specialists employed by the state to produce armour and weaponry, and expensively-equipped elite forces (17) into being Sometimes the

HH2 (18) social and economic order was moulded around the

LH 1.00 (19) of warfare The feudal system of medieval Europe, for example,

Trang 24

2 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it

a) b) c) ® 8) h)

EXAMPLE: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock

ANSWER: He is expected to arrive by nine o’clock

The controller never looked away from the screen

Ât no †ime 2222221222 212222000

Miranda said she was sorry that she had not read my report yet

Miranda apologised c2 0001 n2 neo Only the Chairman’s firmness and diplomacy prevented a serious argument

between the committee members

You can stay in the flat for free if you pay the bills

bố .ố.ố

I didn’t mean to be impolite


Despite Jack’s strange clothes, everybody ignored him

h\(009sà) 0i TN .ÔỎ

It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage

Trang 25

3 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase




EXAMPLE: ‘Would you like some toast?’

He packed his suitcase the night before to be able

to leave early the next morning

Dorothy took a packed lunch She couldn’t get any

food on the train

Please make cheques Thomas Nelson Ltd The novel has se for television by Thomas Smith

himself in

When he regained consciousness, he hospital

Captain Kidd found the treasure -+ many men before

him had searched in vain

For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in

any way



EXAMPLE: It is by no means certain that he was responsible for the crime questionable

ANSWER: It is questionable whether he was responsible for the crime

Everyone except John will remain on the coach apart

Joan was not sure if it was a good idea to employ such young staff


Trang 26




Andrew insisted that the shop gave him his money back refund

Be careful not to waste water economical

The performances take place every two hours intervals

Poverty is only part of the problem


Trang 27

Test 5

Reading Comprehension

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence






George decided to from his position as company chairman

A step down B step aside C step back D step out

The police car drove into the car park and sharply

A pulled in B pulled up C pulled aside D pulled about

The police asked the kidnappers to the deadline by six hours A prolong B extend C delay D lengthen

You might not get better but this medicine will do you no :

A worse B danger C harm D illness

Extra blankets will be supplied on

A request B demand C asking D need

James was oo from school for bad behaviour

A exiled B dismissed C expelled D discharged

with like,’ said Margaret

D each ‘You are not comparing

A like B same C bo

The prisoner escaped by of a rope ladder

A means B method C use D way

T could tell that John didn’t know had been an accident

A it B where C there D that

is understood to be no question of a criminal act having taken place

ere B It C Although D And

There is nothing we can do than wait

A except B other C rather D moreover

" no fault of his own, Brian was an hour late for the meeting

A From B For C By D Through

I’ve been meaning to repairing that fence for ages

Trang 28

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

"The government decided to down on income tax evasion

A press B crack C push D snap

‘I don’t believe you! You’re having me VY said Jack

A out B on C over D up

Over the centuries the feet of many visitors have the steps to the castle

A worn out B worn through C worn down D worn in

on getting as much out of it as possible willing D inclined

Everyone on the trip was

A determined B intent

They attempted to the painting to its original condition

A restore B renovate C repair D refurbish

The defenders the enemy until reinforcements arrived

A held off B held out C held away D held down

As he read the text aloud, the newscaster over the words

A slipped B twisted C fell D stumbled

The general was relieved of his command after committing one of the worst

"— in the history of warfare

A faults B defeats C disasters D blunders

Check the bottles carefully to make sure they have not been

A broken into B tampered with Ctouchedup D taken out Thịs is a matter of the concern

A ultimate B utmost C utter D universal

nicknames for their teachers

defining D hinting

Schoolchildren are gifted at

A developing B coining

The president declared that time was in the search for peace

Trang 29

Use of English

1 Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word

Curiosity about the origins and development of human society is a distinctive feature of our species that can be traced back thousands of years Even (1) ancient times, people kept collections of antiquities from even

(2) periods For

(4) of information, as written records are a comparatively

(3) of the human past, archaeology is

the only recent invention

Our knowledge of the period stretching back from the present day to the emergence of the first tool-making hominids some 2.5 million years ago

" (5) based predominantly on the remains of settlements, burials and

artefacts Ït is the (6) of these traces that is the domain of archae- ology From it we (7) of the gradual but (8) mastery of the environment, beginning (9) the ñrst tools, the building of

shelters and the knowledge of fre - early (10) along a path of

successive innovations such as pottery and metallurgy (11) has led to the advanced technologies of the present day We learn also of the change (12) hunting and gathering food to keeping animals and planting crops and oe (13) the increasing social complexity which accompanied these developments, eventually (14) to the formation of states and empires The archaeological record of (15) recent events is enriched (16) the survival of lavishly furnished tombs, temples and palaces

which are (17) the greatest human cultural and artistic achievemenIs

(18) archaeology is not only (19) study of the grandiose

Trang 30

2 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it





EXAMPLE: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock

ANSWER: He is expected to arrive by nine o’clock

His father made him study Latin at the age of three

At the age of three, he 2.2 Eterearrrrree

I would prefer you to pay in cash

Ped rather , Try as I might, I could not understand the code

No matter

Professor Helsing knows everything about this manuscript

There 18 If you trade in your existing answerphone, we will reduce the price of a new one by £100

Norman was sorry he had lost his temper

Trang 31

3 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase


b) d)


EXAMPLE: ‘Would you like some toast?’

‘No, thank you I’ve had some already.’

The man be the ringleader has so far evaded


Sonia has only her own greed for what happened

TẺs an interesting concept but can it practice?

If you hadn’t seen the policeman, what done?

George threatened his neighbour with an axe, he

received a six-month prison sentence

They hoped that the conference co better understand- ing between nations

4 For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in

any way



EXAMPLE: It is by no means certain that he was responsible for the crime questionable

ANSWER: It is questionable whether he was responsible for the crime

All the other students got their exam results before Maria did


When the automatic ticket machines are in operation, there will be no more

queues put

I tried as hard as I could to persuade John not to go

Trang 32




What would happen if we refused to pay? supposing

Jane is very likely to be promoted


After the lecture, Professor Sweet was exhausted left

Mr Keating must report to the police daily until his trial begins required

Trang 33

Test 6

Reading Comprehension

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence





Tom trains hard, is talented and eager to win — he 1s; im ; the perfect


A total B whole C short D part

seosstnssenetne attempts were made to reach those buried beneath the rubble of the collapsed building

A Strong B Strenuous C Energetic D Exhausting

Casinos ensure there is a healthy between what they take from gamblers and what they pay out

A profit B margin C difference D balance

He was told that students over the age of twenty-six were not entitled to a

government to help with their studies

A handout B subsidy C aid D grant

T revised my views comments from colleagues

A in the light of B further to C against D consequent upon

He bought the cottage renovating it and then selling at a large profit

A with a view to B with the target of C aiming to D his goal being

She got the job 00 of considerable competition

A in the face B in the teeth C regardless D irrespective That is a view to which I do not

A agree B support C subscribe D maintain

Tf only he help us by talking directly to the boss A might B could C will D should

It was difficult for the lecturer to his voice to the back of the hall

A shout B raise C deliver D project

The dealer the cards before the game began

A mixed B mingled C sorted D shuffled

The of the pudding is in the eating!

Trang 34

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

After the engine failed, the boat just 0000 with the current

A floated B moved C drifted D rolled

The consultant outlined the patient’s and asked the students to identify the disease

A signs B reactions C notes D symptoms

Harold would rather we hold the meeting on Friday A shouldn't B weren’t to C didn’t D wouldn’t

be quite so rude?

You may not have liked her, but

did you need to

A should you B did you dare to

D would you have to

The company doesn’t have a graphics section and out all its design work

A farms B sends C tenders D offers

The politician knew exactly how to call ow a response from the audience

A up B forward C out D forth She has not yet got her recent illness

Aby Bthrough Cover D out of

'The new recruits were put unđer a lot of

A pressure B worry C pain D tension

Such a horrible crime created a sense of among the public

A avenge B fury C outrage D revenge

This singer is on the of a wonderful career

A threshold B start C edge D point

Although he was regarded as being a talented actor, his career was not a success in financial ou

A ways B terms C aspects D points

The training manager told the trainees that they would have all the

techniques needed in selling by the end of the course

A mastered B overcome C conquered D vanquished

coverage of the story on all the television channels

extensive C total D absolute

There was A complete

Trang 35

Use of English

1 Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word

We do not know how art began any more than we know how language started If we take art to mean (1) activities as building temples and houses, making pictures and sculptures, (2) weaving patterns, there are b9 rerrrisree (3) people in all the world without art If, on the other (4), we mean by art some kind of beautiful luxury, we must realise that a (5) use of the word is a very recent development and that many of

the (6) artists of the past never (7) of it We can best

understand this difference if we think of architecture We all (8) (9) ofart But there is (10) any building (11) the world which was not erected (12) a particular purpose Those (13) use these buildings as (14) of worship or entertainment, or as dwellings; judge them (15) and foremost by the standards of utility But (16) from this, they may like or

(18) the attitude to „ (19) to under-

(20) it had

or the proportion of the structure In the

paintings and statues was often similar We are not

stand the art of the past if we are quite ignorant of the

Trang 36

2 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it



EXAMPLE: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock

ANSWER: He is expected to arrive by nine o’clock

These are problems which can only be solved politically

“These are problems to which n2 arrrrev

People say that animals are mistreated in that circus, but I didn’t see this lun an .AdAH,H :ẶH, If you practise regularly you will become more skilful

WTR Peter’s advice to me was to sell the shares immediately

Peter suggested oi ccccscssessssscsemesusssnsssscensseuasnsstvaseseenastnetessuastsssisapattnnesacssaeeaseuneevten Iam sure the exchange rate will not change

In my opinion ther€ 2102211002

We can attend the seminar provided we get the manager’s approval

á te

It sounds very much like a song I heard twenty years ago

I8 Sarah thought the traffic warden was a policeman

Trang 37

3 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase



EXAMPLE: ‘Would you like some toast?”

‘No, thank you I’ve had some already.’

my visit to the dentist but it turned out to be

even worse than I had expected

A (a Tom since eight o’clock and he still hasn’t arrived

You look upset What on earth se ?

Sally that you saw; she’s in London li getting up so early

Sally to come and spend Christmas with us, but

she had to change her plans as a result of the bad weather

For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in

any way



EXAMPLE: It is by no means certain that he was responsible for the crime questionable

ANSWER: = It is questionable whether he was responsible for the crime I couldn’t draw because I didn’t have the necessary equipment


No special payments have been received by my client receipt

He didn’t concentrate on the lecture attention

This car cannot go faster than 60 m.p.h

Trang 38




It was unfair that the ice-skater got such low marks deserve

There isn’t much that Peter doesn’t know about modern art gaps

That painting is nothing like the one I saw at the auction


William remained silent throughout the meeting

Trang 39

Test 7

Reading Comprehension

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence



Your son has the of a ñne musician

A beginnings B makings C looks D talents

In the climate, it is difficult to anticipate what the political reaction will be

A current B topical C contemporary D actual

People expect their representatives on the council to be ready and willing to

woos the important local issues

A address B target C hit D criticise

The children have such appetites that I have to cook them double portions

A devouring B delicious C voracious D omnivorous

He found that the test was child’s on

A play B games C matches D delight

The teacher is only too with the difficulties caused by disruptive students

A used B aware C familiar D accustomed

Her ability, with a determination to succeed, should make her very


A connected B coupled C joined D related

The troops were positioned in uu for action

A anticipation B alert C standby D readiness

Householders were told not to use hose-pipes as a(n) against a serious

water shortage

A preparation B precaution C attempt D provision

The minister received a show of support that it was impossible to think he would resign

Trang 40

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

You have failed to pay the outstanding bill and, 0 „ we have been forced

to take the matter further

A finally B consequently C subsequently D eventually

"¬-.- his love of swimming, it’s hardly surprising he enjoys spending his holidays by the sea

A Recognising B Given C Providing D Granted

He’s a tough politician — he knows how to the storm

A ride out B run down C keep up D push back

“Relax,' said Harry “Were the worst.’

A over B against C done with D finished off

Sebastian got for damaging his bicycle

A ticked off | B browned off —_C frightened off —_—D bitten off

He always wants to have things his own /

A way B road C path D direction

He broke his arm in two places and it was a long time before the bones would

A cure , B seal C knit D join

We couldn’t have afforded to buy the house if our parents hadn’t helped us to "—~- the cost

A pay B meet C manage D achieve

John’s observation was a bit wide of the

A target B mark C point D goal

There are hundreds of endangered in the world

A species B breeds C clans D varieties

The helicopter over the ship and lowered a doctor onto the deck

A flew B stationed C hovered D stayed

Before you start making the pudding, make sure you have all the necessary

"_— ready

A food B pieces C elements D ingredients

Continue the sauce to prevent it sticking to the pan

A turning B moving C stirring D agitating

Because of the ice, drivers found their cars 0 0 on the road

A squealing B slipping C squeaking D skidding

The cut on his face needed twelve `

Ngày đăng: 27/11/2023, 10:48