I Biomimetics, Learning from Nature Biomimetics, Learning from Nature Edited by Amitava Mukherjee In-Tech intechweb.org Published by In-Teh In-Teh Olajnica 19/2, 32000 Vukovar, Croatia Abstracting and non-prot use of the material is permitted with credit to the source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. Publisher assumes no responsibility liability for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained inside. After this work has been published by the In-Teh, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are an author or editor, and the make other personal use of the work. © 2010 In-teh www.intechweb.org Additional copies can be obtained from: publication@intechweb.org First published March 2010 Printed in India Technical Editor: Goran Bajac Cover designed by Dino Smrekar Biomimetics, Learning from Nature, Edited by Amitava Mukherjee p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-025-4 V Preface Humans have always been fascinated by nature and have constantly made efforts to mimic it. Rapid advancements in science and technology have now made him to act beyond rather than just mimicking nature. He has now begun to understand and implement nature’s principles like never before. By adapting mechanisms and capabilities from nature, scientic approaches have helped him to understand the related phenomena in order to engineer novel devices and design techniques to improve their capability. This eld is now called as biomimetics or bio-inspired technology. The term biomimetics is derived from bios meaning life and mimesis meaning to imitate. While some of nature’s designs can be copied, there are many ideas that are best adapted if they are to serve as an inspiration using man made capabilities. There are many characteristics that can uniquely identify a biomimetic mechanism and a major characteristic is to function autonomously in a complex environment, being adaptable to unpredictable changes and to perform multifunctional tasks. Some of the major benets of biomimetics include the development of dust free materials taking inspiration from the lotus effect, photovoltaic cells that have been developed by studying the photosynthesis mechanism of bacteria, airplanes constructed mimicking the dragony and hummingbird to name a few. This book is a compilation of knowledge of several authors who have contributed in various aspects of bio inspired technology. It tends to bring together the most recent advances and applications in the eld of biomimetics. The book is divided into twenty ve chapters. The rst part of the book is entirely devoted to science and technology of biomimetic nanoparticle synthesis and identifying the various mechanisms adapted by nature. Chapters are devoted for the various strategies and applications of nanoparticles synthesized using living organisms, mimicking the various features of physiological membranes, studying the various features of photosynthetic energy conversion, neurobiology inspired design for control and learning, biomimetic oxidation catalyzed by metalloporphyrins and determining the role of carbonic anhydrase in the biomimetic zinc catalyzed activation of cumulenes. The second part of the book deals with the various aspects of fabrication of materials drawing inspiration from nature. It discusses the assembly of organic/ inorganic nanocomposites based on nacre, hydroxyapatite microcapsules, apatite nuclei and apatite related biomaterials. The nal part of the book lists the various applications of bio-inspired technology. It discusses in detail the development of biomimetic preparation of anti tumour therapeutics, super hydrophobic surfaces based on lotus effect, micro robots with fabricated functional surfaces, electrochemical sensors based on biomimetics, use of biomimetics in dental applications, VI tissue engineering, materials with improved optical properties, in drug and vaccine delivery and the development of space and earth drills drawing inspiration from the wood wasp. The editor would like to thank the authors for their valuable contributions and to all those who were directly or indirectly involved in bringing out this work. Last but not the least; we are indebted to Vedran Kordic who was responsible for coordinating this project. We hope that readers would greatly benet from this book by keeping abreast the research and latest advances in this eld. Amitava Mukherjee VII Contents Preface V 1. BiomimeticSynthesisofNanoparticles:Science,Technology&Applicability 001 PrathnaT.C.,LazarMathew,N.Chandrasekaran, AshokM.RaichurandAmitavaMukherjee 2. Immobilizedredoxproteins:mimickingbasicfeatures ofphysiologicalmembranesandinterfaces 021 DanielH.Murgida,PeterHildebrandtandSmiljaTodorovic 3. Photosyntheticenergyconversion:hydrogenphotoproduction bynaturalandbiomimeticsystems 049 SuleymanI.Allakhverdiev,VladimirD.Kreslavski,VelmuruganThavasi, SergeiK.Zharmukhamedov,VyacheslavV.Klimov,SeeramRamakrishna, HiroshiNishihara,MamoruMimuro,RobertCarpentiereandToshiNagata 4. Neurobiologicallyinspireddistributedandhierarchicalsystem forcontrolandlearning 077 SunghoJoandKazutakaTakahashi 5. Function-BasedBiologyInspiredConceptGeneration 093 J.K.StrobleNagel,R.B.StoneandD.A.McAdams 6. Biomimeticchemistry:radicalreactionsinvesiclesuspensions 117 ChryssostomosChatgilialogluandCarlaFerreri 7. Biomimetichomogeneousoxidationcatalyzedbymetalloporphyrins withgreenoxidants 137 Hong-BingJiandXian-TaiZhou 8. TheCarbonicAnhydraseasaParagon:TheoreticalandExperimental InvestigationofBiomimeticZinc-catalyzedActivationofCumulenes 167 BurkhardO.Jahn,WilhelmA.EgerandErnstAnders 9. BiomimeticLessonsLearntfromNacre 193 KalpanaS.Katti,DineshR.KattiandBedabibhasMohanty 10. RapidAssemblyProcessesofOrderedInorganic/organicNanocomposites 217 Chang-AnWang,HuirongLeandYongHuang VIII 11. ABiomimeticNano-ScaleAggregationRoutefortheFormation ofSubmicron-SizeColloidalCalciteParticles 241 IvanSondi,andSrečoD.Škapin 12. ABiomimeticStudyofDiscontinuous-ConstraintMetamorphic MechanismforGecko-LikeRobot 257 ZhenDongDaiandHongKaiLi 13. BiomimeticFabricationofHydroxyapatiteMicrocapsulesbyusingApatiteNuclei 273 TakeshiYaoandTakeshiYabutsuka 14. Biomimeticfabricationofapatiterelatedbiomaterials 289 MohammadHazUddin,TakuyaMatsumoto,MasayukiOkazaki, AtsushiNakahiraandTaijiSohmura 15. Podophyllotoxinandantitumorsyntheticaryltetralines. Towardabiomimeticpreparation 305 MaurizioBruschi,MarcoOrlandi,MicholRindone,BrunoRindone,FrancescoSaliu, RicardoSuarez-Bertoa,EvaLiisaTollpaandLucaZoia 16. Superhydrophobicity,LearnfromtheLotusLeaf 325 MengnanQu,JinmeiHeandJunyanZhang 17. MicroSwimmingRobotsBasedonSmallAquaticCreatures 343 SeiichiSudo 18. Bio-InspiredWaterStriderRobotswithMicrofabricatedFunctionalSurfaces 363 KenjiSuzuki 19. Electrochemicalsensorbasedonbiomimeticrecognitionutilizing molecularlyimprintedpolymerreceptor 385 YusukeFuchiwakiandIzumiKubo 20. Dentaltissueengineering:anewapproachtodentaltissuereconstruction 399 ElisaBattistella,SilviaMeleandLiaRimondini 21. BiomimeticPorousTitaniumScaffoldsforOrthopedicandDentalApplications 415 AlirezaNouri,PeterD.HodgsonandCui’eWen 22. ImprovedPropertiesofOpticalSurfacesbyFollowing theExampleofthe“MothEye” 451 TheobaldLohmueller,RobertBrunnerandJoachimP.Spatz 23. WoodwaspinspiredplanetaryandEarthdrill 467 ThibaultGouache,YangGao,YvesGourinatandPierreCoste 24. BiomimeticArchitecturesforTissueEngineering 487 JianmingLi,SeanConnellandRiyiShi 25. Lipid-basedBiomimeticsinDrugandVaccineDelivery 507 AnaMariaCarmona-Ribeiro BiomimeticSynthesisofNanoparticles:Science,Technology&Applicability 1 Biomimetic Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Science, Technology & Applicability Prathna T.C., Lazar Mathew, N. Chandrasekaran, Ashok M. Raichur and Amitava Mukherjee X Biomimetic Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Science, Technology & Applicability Prathna T.C. * , Lazar Mathew * , N. Chandrasekaran * , Ashok M. Raichur # and Amitava Mukherjee * * School of Bio Sciences & Technology, VIT University # Department of Materials Engg., Indian Institute of Science India 1. Introduction Nanotechnology emerges from the physical, chemical, biological and engineering sciences where novel techniques are being developed to probe and manipulate single atoms and molecules. In nanotechnology, a nanoparticle (10 -9 m) is defined as a small object that behaves as a whole unit in terms of its transport and properties. The science and engineering of nanosystems is one of the most challenging and fastest growing sectors of nanotechnology. This review attempts to explain the diversity of the field, starting with the history of nanotechnology, the physics of the nanoparticle, various strategies of synthesis, the various advantages and disadvantages of different methods, the possible mechanistic aspects of nanoparticle formation and finally ends with the possible applications and future perspectives. Though there are a few good reviews dealing with the synthesis and applications of nanoparticles, there appears to be scanty information regarding the possible mechanistic aspects of nanoparticle formation. This review attempts to fill the void. The review is organized into five sections. In section 2, we discuss about the early history of nanotechnology and the significant contributions made by eminent scientists in this field. In the next section we describe about the unique properties of nanoparticles, their classification and significance of inorganic nanoparticles. The next section discusses about the various methods of synthesis of nanoparticles and the possible mechanistic aspects. The last section highlights the recent advances and possible applications of nanparticles. 2. Early history The concept of nanotechnology though considered to be a modern science has its history dating to as back as the 9 th century. Nanoparticles of gold and silver were used by the artisans of Mesopotamia to generate a glittering effect to pots. The first scientific description of the properties of nanoparticles was provided in 1857 by Michael Faraday in his famous paper “Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light” (Faraday, 1857). 1 Biomimetics,LearningfromNature2 In 1959, Richard Feynman gave a talk describing molecular machines built with atomic precision. This was considered the first talk on nanotechnology. This was entitled “There’s plenty of space at the bottom”. The 1950’s and the 1960’s saw the world turning its focus towards the use of nanoparticles in the field of drug delivery. One of the pioneers in this field was Professor Peter Paul Speiser. His research group at first investigated polyacrylic beads for oral administration, then focused on microcapsules and in the late 1960s developed the first nanoparticles for drug delivery purposes and for vaccines. This was followed by much advancement in developing systems for drug delivery like (for e.g.) the development of systems using nanoparticles for the transport of drugs across the blood brain barrier. In Japan, Sugibayashi et al., (1977) bound 5-fluorouracil to the albumin nanoparticles, and found denaturation temperature dependent differences in drug release as well as in the body distribution in mice after intravenous tail vein injection. An increase in life span was observed after intraperitoneal injection of the nanoparticles into Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma-bearing mice (Kreuter, 2007). The nano- revolution conceptually started in the early 1980’s with the first paper on nanotechnology being published in 1981 by K. Eric Drexler of Space Systems Laboratory, Massachuetts Institute of Technology. This was entitled “An approach to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation”. With gradual advancements such as the invention of techniques like TEM, AFM, DLS etc., nanotechnology today has reached a stage where it is considered as the future to all technologies. 3. Unique properties of nanoparticles A number of physical phenomena become more pronounced as the size of the system decreases. Certain phenomena may not come into play as the system moves from macro to micro level but may be significant at the nano scale. One example is the increase in surface area to volume ratio which alters the mechanical, thermal and catalytic properties of the material. The increase in surface area to volume ratio leads to increasing dominance of the behaviour of atoms on the surface of the particle over that of those in the interior of the particle, thus altering the properties. The electronic and optical properties and the chemical reactivity of small clusters are completely different from the better known property of each component in the bulk or at extended surfaces. Some of the size dependant properties of nanoparticles are quantum confinement in semiconductors, Surface Plasmon Resonance in some metallic nanoparticles and paramagnetism in magnetic nanoparticles. Surface plasmon resonance refers to the collective oscillations of the conduction electrons in resonance with the light field. The surface plasmon mode arises from the electron confinement in the nanoparticle. The surface plasmon resonance frequency depends not only on the metal, but also on the shape and size of the nanoparticle and the dielectric properties of the surrounding medium (Jain et al., 2007). For example, noble metals, especially gold and silver nanoparticles exhibit unique and tunable optical properties on account of their Surface Plasmon Resonance. Superparamagnetism is a form of magnetism that is a special characteristic of small ferromagnetic or ferromagnetic nanoparticles. In such superparamagnetic nanoparticles, magnetization can randomly change direction under the influence of temperature. [...]... Sargassum wightii Greville Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces 57.; 97- 10 1 20 Biomimetics, Learning from Nature Song, J.Y.; Jang, H.K & Kim, B.S (2009) Biological synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Magnolia kobus and Diopyros kaki leaf extracts Process Biochemistry 44.; 11 33- 11 38 Sugibayashi, K.; Morimoto, Y.; Nadai, T & Kato, Y (19 77) Drug-carrier property of albumin microspheres in chemotherapy.I... Communications 19 6(5).; 549- 572 18 Biomimetics, Learning from Nature Cheon, J & Horace, G (2009) Inorganic nanoparticles for biological sensing, imaging and therapeutics J Mater Chem 19 .; 6249- 6250 Du, L.; Jiang, H.; Liu, X & Wang, E (2007) Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles assisted by Escherichia coli DH5α and its application on direct electrochemistry of haemoglobin Electrochemistry Communications 9.; 11 65-... 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I Biomimetics, Learning from Nature Biomimetics, Learning from Nature Edited by Amitava Mukherjee In-Tech intechweb.org Published by In-Teh In-Teh Olajnica 19 /2, 32000 Vukovar,. of nanoparticles was provided in 18 57 by Michael Faraday in his famous paper “Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light” (Faraday, 18 57). 1 Biomimetics, Learning from Nature2 . by fungi in the synthesis of nanoparticles appears promising. Understanding the nature of the biogenic nanoparticle would be equally Biomimetics, Learning from Nature8 important. This would