Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 2011, Article ID 371241, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2011/371241 ResearchArticleResolventIterativeMethodsforSolvingSystemofExtendedGeneralVariational Inclusions Muhammad Aslam Noor, 1, 2 Khalida Inayat Noor, 1 and Eisa Al-Said 2 1 Mathematics Department, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan 2 Mathematics Department, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia Correspondence should be addressed to Muhammad Aslam Noor, noormaslam@hotmail.com Received 1 October 2010; Revised 4 January 2011; Accepted 10 January 2011 Academic Editor: Mohamed A. El-Gebeily Copyright q 2011 Muhammad Aslam Noor et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We introduce and consider some new systems ofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions involving six different operators. We establish the equivalence between this systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions and the fixed points using the resolvent operators technique. This equivalent formulation is used to suggest and analyze some new iterativemethodsfor this systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions. We also study the convergence analysis of the new iterative method under certain mild conditions. Several special cases are also discussed. 1. Introduction In the recent years, much attention has been given to study the systemofvariational inclusions/inequalities, which occupies a central and significant role in the interdisciplinary research between analysis, geometry, biology, elasticity, optimization, imaging processing, biomedical sciences, and mathematical physics. One can see an immense breadth of mathematics and its simplicity in the works of this research. A number of problems leading to the systemofvariational inclusions/inequalities arise in applications to variational problems and engineering, see; for example, 1–31. Variational inclusions/inequalities can be viewed as innovative and novel extension of the variational principles. Inspired and motivated by research going on in this area, we introduce and consider a new systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions involving six different nonlinear operators. This new class ofsystemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions includes the systemofvariational inclusions/inequalities involving five, four, three, and two operators and quasi variational inclusions/inequalities as special cases. Using the resolvent operator 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications technique, we establish the equivalence between the new systemofgeneralvariational inclusions and the fixed point problem. This alternative equivalent formulation is used to suggest and analyze some iterativemethodsforsolving this systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions. Several special cases of these iterative algorithms are also discussed. We also prove the convergence of the proposed iterativemethods under weaker conditions. Since the new systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions/inequalities includes the systemofvariational inclusions/inequalities and related optimization problems as special cases, results proved in this paper continue to hold for these problems. Our result can be viewed as refinement and improvement of the previous results in this field. The interested readers are advised to explore this field further and discover some new and novel applications of these systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions/inequalities in various branches of pure and applied sciences. This field of study is not much developed and offers several opportunities for future research. For example, see 5, 6 and the references therein, for the applications of recurrent neural network regarding the extendedgeneralvariational inequalities. 2. Preliminaries Let H be a real Hilbert space whose inner product and norm are denoted by ·, · and ·, respectively, Let K be a closed and convex set in H.LetT 1 ,T 2 ,A,g,h,g 1 : H → H be nonlinear different operators, and let ϕ : H → R ∪{∞} be a continuous function. We now consider the problem of finding x ∗ ,y ∗ ∈ H such that 0 ∈ ρT 1 y ∗ ρA g 1 x ∗ − g y ∗ g 1 x ∗ ,ρ>0, 0 ∈ ηT 2 x ∗ ηA h 1 y ∗ g 1 y ∗ − h x ∗ ,η>0, 2.1 which is called the systemofgeneralvariational inclusions involving seven different operators. We now discuss some special cases of the systemofgeneralvariational inclusions 2.1. i If T 1 T 2 T and g h g 1 ,ρ η, x x ∗ y ∗ , then 2.1 is equivalent to finding x ∈ H, such that 0 ∈ ρT x ρA g x , 2.2 which is known as the variational inclusion problem or finding the zero of the sum of two more monotone operators 8–12. It is well known that a wide class of linear and nonlinear problems can be studied via variational inclusion problems. ii We note that, if A·∂ϕ·,thesubdifferential of a proper, convex, and lower- semicontinuous function, then 2.1 is equivalent to finding x ∗ ,y ∗ ∈ H, such that ρT 1 y ∗ g 1 x ∗ − g y ∗ ,g x − g 1 x ∗ ≥ ρϕ g 1 x ∗ − ρϕ g x , ∀x ∈ H, ρ > 0, ηT 2 x ∗ h 1 y ∗ − h x ∗ ,h x − g 1 y ∗ ≥ ηϕ g 1 y ∗ − ηϕ h x , ∀x ∈ H, η > 0, 2.3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 which is called the systemof mixed generalvariational inequalities involving five different nonlinear operators and appears to be a new one. iii If T 1 T 2 T, then 2.3 reduces to the following systemof mixed generalvariational inequalities of finding x ∗ ,y ∗ ∈ H, such that ρT y ∗ g 1 x ∗ − g y ∗ ,g x − g 1 x ∗ ≥ρϕ g 1 x ∗ − ρϕ g x , ∀x ∈ H, ρ > 0, ηT x ∗ h 1 y ∗ − h x ∗ ,h x − g 1 y ∗ ≥ηϕ g 1 y ∗ − ηϕ h x , ∀x ∈ H, η > 0. 2.4 iv If ϕ is an indicator function of a closed and convex set K in H, then 2.4 is equivalent to finding x ∗ ,y ∗ ∈ K, such that ρT y ∗ g 1 x ∗ − g y ∗ ,g x − g 1 x ∗ ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ H : g x ∈ K, ρ > 0, ηT x ∗ g 1 y ∗ − h x ∗ ,h x − g 1 y ∗ ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ H : h x ∈ K, η > 0, 2.5 is called the systemofextendedgeneralvariational inequalities involving five different operators, which has been studied by Noor 23. v If T 1 T 2 T,h g 1 , then 2.5 is equivalent to finding x ∗ ∈ K such that Tx ∗ ,g x − h x ∗ ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ H : g x ∈ K, 2.6 which is known as the extendedgeneralvariational inequality introduced and studied by Noor 16 in 2009. It has been shown 16 that the minimum of a differentiable nonconvex function on the nonconvex set can be characterized by the extendedgeneralvariational inequality 2.6. For the neural network technique forsolving 2.6,see5, 6. In particular, for suitable and appropriate choice of the operators, one can obtain the various classes ofvariational inclusions and variational inequalities. This shows that the systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions involving seven different operators 2.1 is more general and includes several classes ofvariational inclusions/inequalities and related optimization problems as special cases. For the recent applications, numerical methods, and formulations ofvariational inequalities and variational inclusions, see 1–31 and the references therein. 3. Iterative Algorithms In this section, we suggest some explicit iterative algorithms forsolving the systemofgeneralvariational inclusion 2.1. First of all, we establish the equivalence between the systemofvariational inclusions and fixed point problems. For this purpose, we recall the following well-known result. 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Definition 3.1 see 1. For any maximal operator T, the resolvent operator associated with T, for any ρ>0, is defined as J T u I ρT −1 u , ∀u ∈ H. 3.1 It is well known that an operator T is maximal monotone if and only if its resolvent operator J T is defined everywhere. It is single valued and nonexpansive, that is, J A u − J A v ≤ u − v , ∀u, v ∈ H. 3.2 We now show that the systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions 2.1 is equivalent to the fixed point problem and this is the motivation of our next result. Lemma 3.2. If the operator A is maximal monotone, then x ∗ ,y ∗ ∈ H is a solution of 2.1,ifand only if, x ∗ ,y ∗ ∈ H satisfies g 1 x ∗ J A g y ∗ − ρT 1 y ∗ , g 1 y ∗ J A h x ∗ − ηT 2 x ∗ . 3.3 Proof. Let x ∗ ,y ∗ ∈ H be a solution of 2.1. Then g y ∗ − ρT 1 y ∗ ∈ I ρA g 1 x ∗ , h x ∗ − ηT 2 x ∗ ∈ I ηA g 1 y ∗ , 3.4 which implies that g 1 x ∗ J A g y ∗ − ρT 1 y ∗ , g 1 y ∗ J A h x ∗ − ηT 2 x ∗ , 3.5 the required result. This equivalent formulation is used to suggest and analyze an iterative method forsolving 2.1. To do so, one rewrite 3.3 in the following form: x ∗ 1 − a n x ∗ a n x ∗ − g 1 x ∗ a n J A g y ∗ − ρT 1 y ∗ , 3.6 y ∗ y ∗ − g 1 y ∗ J A h x ∗ − ηT 2 x ∗ , 3.7 where a n ∈ 0, 1 for all n ≥ 0 satisfies some suitable conditions. This alternative equivalence formulation enables us to suggest the following explicit iterative method forsolving 2.1. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 5 Algorithm 1. For arbitrarily chosen initial points x 0 ,y 0 ∈ K compute the sequence {x n } and {y n } by x n1 1 − a n x n a n x n1 − g 1 x n1 a n J A g y n − ρT 1 y n , y n1 y n1 − g 1 y n1 J A h x n1 − ηT 2 x n1 , 3.8 where a n ∈ 0, 1 for all n ≥ 0 satisfies some suitable conditions. For g 1 g and g 1 h, Algorithm 1 reduces to the following algorithm forsolving 2.1. Algorithm 2. For arbitrarily chosen initial points x 0 ,y 0 ∈ K compute the sequence {x n } and {y n } by x n1 1 − a n x n a n x n1 − g x n1 a n J A g y n − ρT 1 y n , 3.9 y n1 y n1 − h y n1 J A h x n1 − ηT 2 x n1 , 3.10 where a n ∈ 0, 1 for all n ≥ 0 satisfies some suitable conditions. For suitable and appropriate choice of the operators T 1 ,T 2 ,A,g,h,g 1 and spaces, one can obtain a wide class ofiterativemethodsforsolving different classes ofvariational inclusions and related optimization problems. This shows that Algorithm 1 is quite flexible and general and includes various known and new algorithms forsolvingvariational inequalities and related optimization problems as special cases. Definition 3.3. A mapping T : H → H is called r-strongly monotone, if and only if, there exists a constant r>0, such that Tx − Ty,x − y ≥ rx − y 2 , ∀x, y ∈ H. 3.11 Definition 3.4. A mapping T : H → H is called relaxed γ-cocoercive, if and only if, there exists a constant γ>0, such that Tx − Ty,x − y ≥−γTx− Ty 2 , ∀x, y ∈ H. 3.12 Definition 3.5. A mapping T : H → H is called relaxed γ,r-cocoercive, if and only if, there exists constants γ>0,r >0, such that Tx − Ty,x − y ≥−γTx− Ty 2 rx − y 2 , ∀x, y ∈ H. 3.13 The class of relaxed γ,r-cocoercive mappings is more general than the class of strongly monotone mappings. It is known that the relaxed γ,r-cocoercivity implies strongly monotonicity, but the converse is not true. 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Definition 3.6. A mapping T : H → H is called μ-Lipschitzian, if and only if, there exists a constant μ>0, such that Tx − Ty ≤ μ x − y , ∀x, y ∈ H. 3.14 4. Main Results In this section, we consider the convergence criteria of Algorithm 2 under some suitable mild conditions and this is the main motivation of this paper. In a similar way, one can consider the convergence analysis of Algorithm 1. Theorem 4.1. Let x ∗ , y ∗ be a solution of 2.1.IfT 1 : H → H is relaxed γ 1 ,r 1 -cocoercive and μ 1 -Lipschitzian and T 2 : H × H → H is relaxed γ 2 ,r 2 -cocoercive and μ 3 -Lipschitzian, Let g be a relaxed γ 3 ,r 3 -cocoercive and μ 3 -Lipschitzian. Let the operator h be relaxed γ 4 ,r 4 -cocoercive and μ 4 -Lipschitzian. If the operator g 1 is relaxed γ 5 ,r 5 -cocoercive and μ 5 -Lipschitzian, then ρ − r 1 − γ 1 μ 2 1 μ 2 1 < r 1 − γ 1 μ 2 1 2 − μ 2 1 μ 2 − μ μ 2 1 ,r 1 >γ 1 μ 2 1 μ 1 μ 2 − μ ,μ k k 3 < 1, 4.1 η − r 2 − γ 2 μ 2 2 μ 2 2 < r 2 − γ 2 μ 2 2 2 − μ 2 2 ν 2 − ν μ 2 2 ,r 2 >γ 2 μ 2 2 μ 2 ν 2 − ν ,ν k 1 k 3 < 1, 4.2 where k 1 − 2 r 3 − γ 3 μ 2 3 μ 2 3 ,k 1 1 − 2 r 4 − γ 4 μ 2 4 μ 2 4 ,k 3 1 − 2 r 5 − γ 5 μ 2 5 μ 2 5 , 4.3 and a n ∈ 0, 1, ∞ n0 a n ∞, then for arbitrarily chosen initial points x 0 ,y 0 ∈ H, x n and y n obtained from Algorithm 1 converge strongly to x ∗ and y ∗ , respectively. Proof. From 3.6, 3.9, and the nonexpansive property of the resolvent operator J A , we h ave x n1 − x ∗ x n1 − g 1 x n1 J ϕ g y n − ρT 1 y n − x ∗ − g 1 x ∗ − J ϕ g y ∗ − ρT 1 y ∗ ≤ x n1 − x ∗ − g 1 x n1 − g 1 x ∗ J ϕ g y n − ρT 1 y n − J ϕ g y ∗ − ρT 1 y ∗ ≤ x n1 − x ∗ − g 1 x n1 − g 1 x ∗ g y n − ρT 1 y n − g y ∗ − ρT 1 y ∗ x n1 − x ∗ − g 1 x n1 − g 1 x ∗ y n − y ∗ − ρ T 1 y n − T 1 y ∗ y n − y ∗ − g y n − g y ∗ . 4.4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 7 From the relaxed γ 1 ,r 1 -cocoercive and μ 1 -Lipschitzian of T 1 , we have y n − y ∗ − ρ T 1 y n − T 1 y ∗ 2 y n − y ∗ 2 − 2ρ T 1 y n − T 1 y ∗ ,y n − y ∗ ρ 2 T 1 y n − T 1 y ∗ 2 ≤ y n − y ∗ 2 − 2ρ −γ 1 T 1 y n − T 1 y ∗ 2 r 1 y n − y ∗ 2 ρ 2 T 1 y n − T 1 y ∗ 2 ≤ y n − y ∗ 2 2ργ 1 μ 2 1 y n − y ∗ 2 − 2ρr 1 y n − y ∗ 2 ρ 2 μ 2 1 y n − y ∗ 2 1 2ργ 1 μ 2 1 − 2ρr 1 ρ 2 μ 2 1 y n − y ∗ 2 . 4.5 In a similar way, using the γ 3 ,r 3 -cocoercivity and μ 3 -Lipschitz continuity of the operator g and γ 5 ,r 5 -cocoercivity and μ 5 -Lipschitz continuity of the operator g 1 , we have y n − y ∗ − g y n − g y ∗ ≤ k y n − y ∗ , 4.6 y n − y ∗ − g 1 y n − g 1 y ∗ ≤ k 3 y n − y ∗ , 4.7 where k and k 3 are defined by 4.3.Set θ 1 k 1 2ργ 1 μ 2 1 − 2ρr 1 ρ 2 μ 2 1 1/2 1 − k 3 . 4.8 It is clear from condition 4.1 that 0 ≤ θ 1 < 1. Hence from 4.5,4.6,and4.7, it follows that x n1 − x ∗ ≤ θ 1 y n − y ∗ . 4.9 Similarly, from the relaxed γ 2 ,r 2 -cocoercive and μ 2 -Lipschitzian of T 2 ,weobtain x n1 − x ∗ − η T 2 x n1 − T 2 x ∗ 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 − 2η T 2 x n1 − T 2 x ∗ ,x n1 − x ∗ η 2 T 2 x n1 − T 2 x ∗ 2 ≤ x n1 − x ∗ 2 − 2η −γ 2 T 2 x n1 − T 2 x ∗ 2 r 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 η 2 T 2 x n1 − T 2 x ∗ 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 2ηγ 2 T 2 x n1 − T 2 x ∗ 2 − 2ηr 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 η 2 T 2 x n1 − T 2 x ∗ 2 ≤ x n1 − x ∗ 2 2ηγ 2 μ 2 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 − 2ηr 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 η 2 μ 2 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 1 2ηγ 2 μ 2 2 − 2ηr 2 η 2 μ 2 2 x n1 − x ∗ 2 . 4.10 8 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Also, using the γ 4 ,r 4 -cocoercivity and μ 4 -Lipschitz continuity of the operator h, we have y n − y ∗ − h y n − h y ∗ ≤ k 1 y n − y ∗ , 4.11 where k 1 is defined by 4.3. Hence from 3.7, 3.10, 4.7, 3.7,and4.11, we have y n1 − y ∗ y n1 − y ∗ − g 1 y n1 − g 1 y ∗ J ϕ h x n1 − ηT 2 x n1 − J ϕ h x ∗ − ηT 2 x ∗ ≤ y n1 − y ∗ − g 1 y n1 − g 1 y ∗ x n1 − x ∗ − η T 2 x n1 −T 2 x n x n1 − x ∗ − h x n1 − h x ∗ , 4.12 which implies that y n1 − y ∗ ≤ θ 2 x n1 − x ∗ , 4.13 where θ 2 k 1 1 2ργ 1 μ 2 1 − 2ρr 1 ρ 2 μ 2 1 1/2 1 − k 3 . 4.14 From 4.2, it follows that θ 2 < 1. From 4.9 and 4.13,weobtainthat x n1 − x ∗ ≤ θ 1 θ 2 x n − x ∗ . 4.15 Since θ 1 θ 2 < 1, it follows that lim n →∞ {x n − x ∗ } 0. Hence the result lim n →∞ {y n − y ∗ } 0 is from 4.11. This completes the proof. Remarks 4.2. It is well known 5, 6 that the traditional algorithms may not be efficient due to the structure of the problems. To overcome this drawback, one usually uses the artificial neural network based on the circuit implementation. It has been shown 5, 6 that the neural network models are efficient in solvingvariational inequalities and related optimization problems. The recurrent neural network methods have applications in kinematics control, support vector machine learning, and related branches of engineering. Using the technique and ideas of Liu and Cao 5 and Liu and Yang 6, one can consider the recurrent neural network based on the resolvent operator f or solving the systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions 2.1 and its special cases. This is an interesting problem for future research. Such type of systems ofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions may have important and significant applications in engineering and applied sciences. For more general systems ofgeneralvariational inequalities/inclusions, see the work of Noor and Noor 27, 28 and the references therein. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 9 5. Conclusion In this paper, we have introduced and considered a new systemofextendedgeneralvariational inclusions involving six different operators. 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