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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Fixed Point Theory and Applications Volume 2011, Article ID 363716, 14 pages doi:10.1155/2011/363716 Research Article Common Coupled Fixed Point Theorems for Contractive Mappings in Fuzzy Metric Spaces Xin-Qi Hu School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China Correspondence should be addressed to Xin-Qi Hu, xqhu.math@whu.edu.cn Received 23 November 2010; Accepted 27 January 2011 Academic Editor: Ljubomir B. Ciric Copyright q 2011 Xin-Qi Hu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We prove a common fixed point theorem for mappings under φ-contractive conditions in fuzzy metric spaces. We also give an example to illustrate the theorem. The result is a genuine generalization of the corresponding result of S.Sedghi et al. 2010 1. Introduction Since Zadeh 1 introduced the concept of fuzzy sets, many authors have extensively developed the theory of fuzzy sets and applications. George and Veeramani 2, 3 gave the concept of fuzzy metric space and defined a Hausdorff topology on this fuzzy metric space which have very important applications in quantum particle physics particularly in connection with both string and E-infinity theory. Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham 4, Lakshmikantham and ´ Ciri ´ c 5 discussed the mixed monotone mappings and gave some coupled fixed point theorems which can be used to discuss the existence and uniqueness of solution for a periodic boundary value problem. Sedghi et al. 6 gave a coupled fixed point theorem for contractions in fuzzy metric spaces, and Fang 7 gave some common fixed point theorems under φ-contractions for compatible and weakly compatible mappings in Menger probabilistic metric spaces. Many authors 8– 23 have proved fixed point theorems in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces or probabilistic metric spaces. In this paper, using similar proof as in 7, we give a new common fixed point theorem under weaker conditions than in 6 and give an example which shows that the result is a genuine generalization of the corresponding result in 6. 2 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2. Preliminaries First we give some definitions. Definition 1 see 2.Abinaryoperation∗ : 0, 1 × 0, 1 → 0, 1 is continuous t-norm if ∗ is satisfying the following conditions: 1 ∗ is commutative and associative; 2 ∗ is continuous; 3 a ∗ 1  a for all a ∈ 0, 1; 4 a ∗ b ≤ c ∗ d whenever a ≤ c and b ≤ d for all a, b, c, d ∈ 0, 1. Definition 2 see 24.Letsup 0<t<1 Δt, t1. A t-norm Δ is said to be of H-type if the family of functions {Δ m t} ∞ m1 is equicontinuous at t  1, where Δ 1  t   tΔt, Δ m1  t   tΔ  Δ m  t  ,m 1, 2, , t∈  0, 1  . 2.1 The t-norm Δ M  min is an example of t-norm of H-type, but there are some other t-norms Δ of H-type 24. Obviously, Δ is a H-type t norm if and only if for any λ ∈ 0, 1,thereexistsδλ ∈ 0, 1 such that Δ m t > 1 − λ for all m ∈ ,whent>1 − δ. Definition 3 see 2.A3-tupleX, M, ∗ is said to be a fuzzy metric space if X is an arbitrary nonempty set, ∗ is a continuous t-norm, and M is a fuzzy set on X 2 × 0, ∞ satisfying the following conditions, for each x, y, z ∈ X and t, s > 0: FM-1 Mx, y, t > 0; FM-2 Mx, y, t1 if and only if x  y; FM-3 Mx, y, tMy, x, t; FM-4 Mx, y, t ∗ My, z, s ≤ Mx, z, t  s; FM-5 Mx, y, · : 0, ∞ → 0, 1 is continuous. Let X, M, ∗ be a fuzzy metric space. For t>0, the open ball Bx, r, t with a center x ∈ X and a radius 0 <r<1isdefinedby B  x, r, t    y ∈ X : M  x, y, t  > 1 − r  . 2.2 AsubsetA ⊂ X is called open if , for each x ∈ A,thereexistt>0and0<r<1suchthat Bx, r, t ⊂ A.Letτ denote the family of all open subsets of X.Thenτ is called the topology on X induced by the fuzzy metric M. This topology is Hausdorff and first countable. Example 1. Let X, d be a metric space. Define t-norm a ∗b  ab and for all x, y ∈ X and t>0, Mx, y, tt/t  dx, y.ThenX, M, ∗ is a fuzzy metric space. We call this fuzzy metric M induced by the metric d the standard fuzzy metric. Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3 Definition 4 see 2.LetX, M, ∗ be a fuzzy metric space, then 1 asequence{x n } in X is said to be convergent to x denoted by lim n →∞ x n  x if lim n →∞ M  x n ,x,t   1, 2.3 for all t>0; 2 asequence{x n } in X is said to be a Cauchy sequence if for any ε>0, there exists n 0 ∈ ,suchthat M  x n ,x m ,t  > 1 − ε, 2.4 for all t>0andn,m≥ n 0 ; 3 a fuzzy metric space X, M, ∗ is sa id to be complete if and only if every Cauchy sequence in X is convergent. Remark 1 see 25. 1 For all x, y ∈ X, Mx, y, · is nondecreasing. 2 It is easy to prove that if x n → x, y n → y, t n → t,then lim n →∞ M  x n ,y n ,t n   M  x, y, t  . 2.5 3 In a fuzzy metric space X, M, ∗, whenever Mx, y, t > 1 − r for x, y in X, t>0, 0 <r<1, we can find a t 0 ,0<t 0 <tsuch that Mx, y, t 0  > 1 − r. 4 For any r 1 >r 2 ,wecanfindanr 3 such that r 1 ∗ r 3 ≥ r 2 and for any r 4 we can find a r 5 such that r 5 ∗ r 5 ≥ r 4 r 1 ,r 2 ,r 3 ,r 4 ,r 5 ∈ 0, 1. Definition 5 see 6.LetX, M, ∗ be a fuzzy metric space. M is said to satisfy the n-property on X 2 × 0, ∞ if lim n →∞  M  x, y, k n t  n p  1, 2.6 whenever x, y ∈ X, k>1andp>0. Lemma 1. Let X, M, ∗ be a fuzzy metric space and M satisfies the n-property; then lim t →∞ M  x, y, t   1, ∀x, y ∈ X. 2.7 Proof. If not, since Mx, y, · is nondecreasing and 0 ≤ Mx, y, · ≤ 1, there exists x 0 ,y 0 ∈ X such that lim t →∞ Mx 0 ,y 0 ,tλ<1, then for k>1, k n t → ∞ when n →∞as t>0and we get lim n →∞ Mx 0 ,y 0 ,k n t n p  0, which is a contraction. 4 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Remark 2. Condition 2.7 cannot guarantee the n-property. See the following example. Example 2. Let X, d be an ordinary metric space, a ∗ b ≤ ab for all a, b ∈ 0, 1,andψ be defined as following: ψ  t   ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ α √ t, 0 <t≤ 4, 1 − 1 ln t ,t>4, 2.8 where α 1/21 − 1/ ln 4.Thenψt is continuous and increasing in 0, ∞, ψt ∈ 0, 1 and lim t →∞ ψt1. Let M  x, y, t    ψ  t   dx,y , ∀x, y ∈ X, t > 0, 2.9 then X, M, ∗ is a fuzzy metric space and lim t →∞ M  x, y, t   lim t →∞  ψ  t   dx,y  1, ∀x, y ∈ X. 2.10 But for any x /  y, p  1, k>1, t>0, lim n →∞  M  x, y, k n t  n p  lim n →∞  ψk n t  dx,y·n p  lim n →∞  1 − 1 ln  k n t   n·dx,y  e −dx,y/ ln k /  1. 2.11 Define Φ{φ : R  → R  },whereR  0, ∞ and each φ ∈ Φ satisfies the following conditions: φ-1 φ is nondecreasing; φ-2 φ is upper semicontinuous from the right; φ-3  ∞ n0 φ n t < ∞ for all t>0, where φ n1 tφφ n t, n ∈ . It is easy to prove that, if φ ∈ Φ,thenφt <tfor all t>0. Lemma 2 see 7. Let X, M, ∗ be a fuzzy metric space, where ∗ is a continuous t-norm of H-type. If there exists φ ∈ Φ such that if M  x, y, φ  t   ≥ M  x, y, t  , 2.12 for all t>0,thenx  y. Definition 6 see 5.Anelementx, y ∈ X×X is called a coupled fixed point of the mapping F : X × X → X if F  x, y   x, F  y, x   y. 2.13 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 5 Definition 7 see 5.Anelementx, y ∈ X × X is called a coupled coincidence point of the mappings F : X × X → X and g : X → X if F  x, y   g  x  ,F  y, x   g  y  . 2.14 Definition 8 see 7.Anelementx, y ∈ X × X is called a common coupled fixed point of the mappings F : X ×X → X and g : X → X if x  F  x, y   g  x  ,y F  y, x   g  y  . 2.15 Definition 9 see 7.Anelementx ∈ X is called a common fixed point of the mappings F : X × X → X and g : X → X if x  g  x   F  x, x  . 2.16 Definition 10 see 7. The mappings F : X×X → X and g : X → X are said to be compatible if lim n →∞ M  gF  x n ,y n  ,F  g  x n  ,g  y n  ,t   1, lim n →∞ M  gF  y n ,x n  ,F  g  y n  ,g  x n   ,t   1, 2.17 for all t>0 whenever {x n } and {y n } are sequences in X,suchthat lim n →∞ F  x n ,y n   lim n →∞ g  x n   x, lim n →∞ F  y n ,x n   lim n →∞ g  y n   y, 2.18 for all x, y ∈ X are satisfied. Definition 11 see 7. The mappings F : X ×X → X and g : X → X are called commutative if g  F  x, y   F  gx, gy  , 2.19 for all x, y ∈ X. Remark 3. It is easy to prove that, if F and g are commutative, then they are compatible. 3. Main Results For convenience, we denote  M  x, y, t  n  Mx, y, t ∗ Mx, y, t ∗···∗Mx, y, t    n , 3.1 for all n ∈ . 6 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Theorem 1. Let X, M, ∗ be a complete FM-space, where ∗ is a continuous t-norm of H-type satisfying 2.7.LetF : X × X → X and g : X → X be two mappings and there exists φ ∈ Φ such that M  F  x, y  ,F  u, v  ,φ  t   ≥ M  g  x  ,g  u  ,t  ∗ M  g  y  ,g  v  ,t  , 3.2 for all x, y, u, v ∈ X, t>0. Suppose that FX ×X ⊆ gX,and g is continuous, F and g are compatible. Then there exist x, y ∈ X such that x  gxFx, x,thatis,F and g have a unique common fixed point in X. Proof. Let x 0 ,y 0 ∈ X be two arbitrary points in X.SinceFX × X ⊆ gX, we can choose x 1 ,y 1 ∈ X such that gx 1 Fx 0 ,y 0  and gy 1 Fy 0 ,x 0 . Continuing in this way we can construct two sequences {x n } and {y n } in X such that g  x n1   F  x n ,y n  ,g  y n1   F  y n ,x n  , ∀n ≥ 0. 3.3 The proof is divided into 4 steps. Step 1. Prove that {gx n } and {gy n } are Cauchy sequences. Since ∗ is a t-norm of H-type, for any λ>0, there exists a μ>0suchthat 1 − μ ∗ 1 − μ ∗···∗1 − μ    k ≥ 1 − λ, 3.4 for all k ∈ . Since Mx, y, · is continuous and lim t →∞ Mx, y, t1forallx, y ∈ X,thereexists t 0 > 0suchthat M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  ≥ 1 − μ, M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  ≥ 1 − μ. 3.5 On the other hand, since φ ∈ Φ, by condition φ-3 we have  ∞ n1 φ n t 0  < ∞.Thenfor any t>0, there exists n 0 ∈ such that t> ∞  kn 0 φ k  t 0  . 3.6 From condition 3.2,wehave M  gx 1 ,gx 2 ,φ  t 0    M  F  x 0 ,y 0  ,F  x 1 ,y 1  ,φ  t 0   ≥ M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  ∗ M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  , M  gy 1 ,gy 2 ,φ  t 0    M  F  y 0 ,x 0  ,F  y 1 ,x 1  ,φ  t 0   ≥ M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  ∗ M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  . 3.7 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 7 Similarly, we can also get M  gx 2 ,gx 3 ,φ 2  t 0    M  F  x 1 ,y 1  ,F  x 2 ,y 2  ,φ 2  t 0   ≥ M  gx 1 ,gx 2 ,φ  t 0   ∗ M  gy 1 ,gy 2 ,φ  t 0   ≥  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 ∗  M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 , M  gy 2 ,gy 3 ,φ 2  t 0    M  F  y 1 ,x 1  ,F  y 2 ,x 2  ,φ 2  t 0   ≥  M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 ∗  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 . 3.8 Continuing in the same way we can get M  gx n ,gx n1 ,φ n  t 0   ≥  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 n−1 ∗  M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 n−1 , M  gy n ,gy n1 ,φ n  t 0   ≥  M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 n−1 ∗  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 n−1 . 3.9 So, from 3.5 and 3.6,form>n≥ n 0 ,wehave M  gx n ,gx m ,t  ≥ M  gx n ,gx m , ∞  kn 0 φ k  t 0   ≥ M  gx n ,gx m , m−1  kn φ k  t 0   ≥ M  gx n ,gx n1 ,φ n  t 0   ∗ M  gx n1 ,gx n2 ,φ n1  t 0   ∗···∗M  gx m−1 ,gx m ,φ m−1  t 0   ≥  M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 n−1 ∗  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 n−1 ∗  M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 n ∗  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 n ∗···∗  M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 m−2 ∗  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 m−2   M  gy 0 ,gy 1 ,t 0  2 m−nmn−3 ∗  M  gx 0 ,gx 1 ,t 0  2 m−nmn−3 ≥ 1 − μ ∗ 1 − μ ∗···∗1 − μ    2 2m−nmn−3 ≥ 1 − λ, 3.10 which implies that M  gx n ,gx m ,t  > 1 −λ, 3.11 for all m, n ∈ with m>n≥ n 0 and t>0. So {gx n } is a Cauchy sequence. Similarly, we can get that {gy n } is also a Cauchy sequence. 8 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Step 2. Prove that g and F have a coupled coincidence point. Since X complete, there exist x, y ∈ X such that lim n →∞ F  x n ,y n   lim n →∞ g  x n   x, lim n →∞ F  y n ,x n   lim n →∞ g  y n   y. 3.12 Since F and g are compatible, we have by 3.12, lim n →∞ M  gF  x n ,y n  ,F  g  x n  ,g  y n  ,t   1, lim n →∞ M  gF  y n ,x n  ,F  g  y n  ,g  x n   ,t   1. 3.13 for all t>0. Next we prove that gxFx, y and gyFy, x. For all t>0, by condition 3.2,wehave M  gx, F  x, y  ,φ  t   ≥ M  ggx n1 ,F  x, y  ,φ  k 1 t   ∗ M  gx, ggx n1 ,φ  t  − φ  k 1 t    M  gF  x n ,y n  ,F  x, y  ,φ  k 1 t   ∗ M  gx, ggx n1 ,φ  t  − φ  k 1 t   ≥ M  gF  x n ,y n  ,F  gx n ,gy n  ,φ  k 1 t  − φ  k 2 t   ∗ M  F  gx n ,gy n  ,F  x, y  ,φ  k 2 t   ∗ M  gx, ggx n1 ,φ  t  − φ  k 1 t   ≥ M  gF  x n ,y n  ,F  gx n ,gy n  ,φ  k 1 t  − φ  k 2 t   ∗ M  ggx n ,gx,k 2 t  ∗ M  ggy n ,gy,k 2 t  ∗ M  gx, ggx n1 ,φ  t  − φ  k 1 t   , 3.14 for all 0 <k 2 <k 1 < 1. Let n →∞,sinceg and F are compatible, with the continuity of g,we get M  gx, F  x, y  ,φ  t   ≥ 1, 3.15 which implies that gx  Fx, y. Similarly, we can get gy  Fy, x. Step 3. Prove that gx  y and gy  x. Since ∗ is a t-norm of H-type, for any λ>0, there exists an μ>0suchthat 1 − μ ∗ 1 − μ ∗···∗1 − μ    k ≥ 1 − λ, 3.16 for all k ∈ . Since Mx, y, · is continuous and lim t →∞ Mx, y, t1forallx, y ∈ X,thereexists t 0 > 0suchthatMgx,y,t 0  ≥ 1 − μ and Mgy,x,t 0  ≥ 1 − μ. Fixed Point Theory and Applications 9 On the other hand, since φ ∈ Φ, by condition φ-3 we have  ∞ n1 φ n t 0  < ∞.Thenfor any t>0, there exists n 0 ∈ such that t>  ∞ kn 0 φ k t 0 .Since M  gx, gy n1 ,φ  t 0    M  F  x, y  ,F  y n ,x n  ,φ  t 0   ≥ M  gx, gy n ,t 0  ∗ M  gy,gx n ,t 0  , 3.17 letting n →∞,weget M  gx,y,φ  t 0   ≥ M  gx,y,t 0  ∗ M  gy,x,t 0  . 3.18 Similarly, we can get M  gy,x,φ  t 0   ≥ M  gx,y,t 0  ∗ M  gy,x,t 0  . 3.19 From 3.18 and 3.19 we have M  gx,y,φ  t 0   ∗ M  gy,x,φ  t 0   ≥  M  gx,y,t 0  2 ∗  M  gy,x,t 0  2 . 3.20 By this way, we can get for all n ∈ , M  gx,y,φ n  t 0   ∗ M  gy,x,φ n  t 0   ≥  M  gx,y,φ n−1  t 0   2 ∗  M  gy,x,φ n−1  t 0   2 ≥  M  gx,y,t 0  2 n ∗  M  gy,x,t 0  2 n . 3.21 Then, we have M  gx,y,t  ∗ M  gy,x,t  ≥ M  gx, y, ∞  kn 0 φ k  t 0   ∗ M  gy,x, ∞  kn 0 φ k  t 0   ≥ M  gx,y,φ n 0  t 0   ∗ M  gy,x,φ n 0  t 0   ≥  M  gx,y,t 0  2 n 0 ∗  M  gy,x,t 0  2 n 0 ≥ 1 − μ ∗ 1 − μ ∗···∗1 − μ    2 2n 0 ≥ 1 −λ. 3.22 So for any λ>0wehave M  gx,y,t  ∗ M  gy,x,t  ≥ 1 − λ, 3.23 for all t>0. We can get that gx  y and gy  x. 10 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Step 4. Prove that x  y. Since ∗ is a t-norm of H-type, for any λ>0, there exists an μ>0suchthat 1 − μ ∗ 1 − μ ∗···∗1 − μ    k ≥ 1 − λ, 3.24 for all k ∈ . Since Mx, y, · is continuous and lim t →∞ Mx, y, t1, there exists t 0 > 0suchthat Mx, y, t 0  ≥ 1 − μ. On the other hand, since φ ∈ Φ, by condition φ-3 we have  ∞ n1 φ n t 0  < ∞.Thenfor any t>0, there exists n 0 ∈ such that t>  ∞ kn 0 φ k t 0 . Since for t 0 > 0, M  gx n1 ,gy n1 ,φ  t 0    M  F  x n ,y n  ,F  y n ,x n  ,φ  t 0   ≥ M  gx n ,gy n ,t 0  ∗ M  gy n ,gx n ,t 0  . 3.25 Letting n →∞yields M  x, y, φ  t 0   ≥ M  x, y, t 0  ∗ M  y, x, t 0  . 3.26 Thus we have M  x, y, t  ≥ M  x, y, ∞  kn 0 φ k  t 0   ≥ M  x, y, φ n 0  t 0   ≥  M  x, y, t 0  2 n 0 ∗  M  y, x, t 0  2 n 0 ≥ 1 − μ ∗ 1 − μ ∗···∗1 − μ    2 2n 0 ≥ 1 − λ, 3.27 which implies that x  y. Thus we have proved that F and g ha ve a unique common fixed point in X. This completes the proof of the Theorem 1. Taking g  I the identity mapping in Theorem 1, we get the following consequence. Corollary 1. Let X, M, ∗ be a complete FM-space, where ∗ is a continuous t-norm of H-type satisfying 2.7.LetF : X × X → X and there exists φ ∈ Φ such that M  F  x, y  ,F  u, v  ,φ  t   ≥ M  x, u, t  ∗ M  y, v, t  , 3.28 for all x, y, u, v ∈ X, t>0. 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F and g in X Acknowledgment The author is grateful to the referees for their valuable comments and suggestions References 1 L A Zadeh, Fuzzy sets,” Information and Computation, vol 8, pp 338–353, 1965 2 A George and P Veeramani, “On some results in fuzzy metric spaces,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol 64, no 3, pp 395–399, 1994 3 A George and P Veeramani, “On some results of analysis for fuzzy metric spaces,” . Hindawi Publishing Corporation Fixed Point Theory and Applications Volume 2011, Article ID 363716, 14 pages doi:10.1155/2011/363716 Research Article Common Coupled Fixed Point Theorems for Contractive. coupled fixed point theorem for contractions in fuzzy metric spaces, and Fang 7 gave some common fixed point theorems under φ-contractions for compatible and weakly compatible mappings in Menger. probabilistic metric spaces. Many authors 8– 23 have proved fixed point theorems in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces or probabilistic metric spaces. In this paper, using similar proof as in 7,

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2014, 05:20