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Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Improvement of Vietnamese vegetable production using GAP principles for seed and seedling production and superior hybrid varieties " MS5 ppt

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1 Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development CARD Project Progress Report 025/06 Improvement of Vietnamese vegetable production using GAP principles for seed and seedling production and superior hybrid varieties MS5: 3 rd SIX MONTHLY REPORT AND TECHNICAL ATTACHMENTS 1 Table of Contents 1. Institute Information ___________________________________________________ 1 2. Project Abstract _______________________________________________________ 2 3. Executive Summary ____________________________________________________ 2 4. Introduction & Background _____________________________________________ 2 5. Progress to Date _______________________________________________________ 3 5.1 Implementation Highlights ________________________________________________ 3 5.2 Smallholder Benefits______________________________________________________ 5 5.3 Capacity Building ________________________________________________________ 5 5.4 Publicity________________________________________________________________ 5 5.5 Project Management _____________________________________________________ 5 6. Report on Cross-Cutting Issues___________________________________________ 5 6.1 Environment ____________________________________________________________ 5 6.2 Gender and Social Issues __________________________________________________ 5 7. Implementation & Sustainability Issues ____________________________________ 6 7.1 Issues and Constraints ____________________________________________________ 6 7.2 Options_________________________________________________________________ 6 7.3 Sustainability____________________________________________________________ 6 8. Next Critical Steps _____________________________________________________ 6 9. Conclusion ___________________________________________________________ 6 10. Statuatory Declaration__________________________Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Institute Information Project Name Improvement of Vietnamese vegetable production using GAP principles for seed and seedling production and superior hybrid varieties Vietnamese Institution Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute Vietnamese Project Team Leader Associate Prof Dr. Tran Khac Thi. Australian Organisation Centre for Plant & Food Science University of Western Sydney Australian Personnel Robert Spooner-Hart Oleg Nicetic Tony Haigh Peter Hanson (AVRDC) Date commenced March 2007 Completion date (original) February 2010 Completion date (revised) Reporting period October 2008 – march 2009 Contact Officer(s) In Australia: Team Leader Name: Robert Spooner-Hart Telephone: 0245 701429 Position: Associate Professor, Leader Sustainable Plant Production Systems Fax: 0245 701103 Organisation Centre for Plant & Food Science University of Western Sydney Email: r.spooner- hart@uws.edu.au In Australia: Administrative contact Name: Mr Gar Jones Telephone: 0247360631 Position: Director, Office of Research Services Fax: 024736 0905 Organisation University of Western Sydney Email: g.jones@uws.edu.au In Viet Nam Name: Telephone: Position: Fax: Organisation Email: 2 2. Project Abstract 3. Executive Summary The project has met most of its milestones to this date. A successful GAP workshop was held in December 2008, in Hanoi. Tomato and cucumber evaluation trials were commenced in 2007 all three identified trial locations: the Red River Delta (FAVRI), the Central Coast (HUAF) and the Central Highlands (PVFC), but heavy rain destroyed the initial trials in Hue and Lam Dong. This delayed the submission of this report until additional data were generated. A second set of evaluation trials were commenced in the following season in all three previous locations, as well as an additional cucumber trial in Cu Chi district (TP HCMC) by IAS. All of these second trials generated good data, except for Lam Dong where heavy rains and late blight destroyed the trial crops. A number of the new, disease-resistant AVRDC tomato varieties and FAVRI cucumber varieties performed well in several locations. A technical report on data from all trials accompanies this document. The first TOT was conducted for trainers in the Red River Delta and Central Coast in April 2008, and preparations are well underway for the TOT in Lam Dong in June 2008. In addition, preparations are also underway for the Industry Workshops in Red River Delta and Lam Dong, and the study tour to Australia in September-October 2008. 4. Introduction & Background Vegetable production in Viet Nam has increased by around 30% in the last decade with an area of 614,500 ha planted in 2005. Average productivity in 2004 was 14.8 tons/ha with the total annual production exceeding 9 million tons. Higher production has allowed increased domestic per capita vegetable consumption as well as export of a range of vegetables. Vegetables constitute 60% of the total value of Vietnamese exports of fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants, which had an average annual value of US$224.4 million in the period 2000-2004 with a target of US$690 million to be reached by 2010. Tomato and cucumber The project aims to develop capacity in three Vietnamese research organisations, the Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute Hanoi, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry and the Potato Vegetable and Flower Research Centre Institute Da Lat, in evaluation and use of disease-resistant hybrids as part of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) in vegetable production. Superior tomato hybrids resistant to geminivirus from the World Vegetable Centre as well as cucurbits resistant to mildews, will be evaluated for performance in North, Central and Central Highlands regions over two seasons. Superior varieties will be used in farmer demonstration trials in five locations in each region, together with IPDM involving use of PSOs and record keeping. Farmers will participate in demonstration trial evaluations, which will be supported by Farmer Field Schools conducted by PPD. The project includes key commercial companies, and will involve them in developing GAP for seed and seedling production. Training will include a technical visit to Australia and workshops. Selected superior germplasm will be supplied to seed companies for production and distribution to farmers. The project will reduce use of pesticides in vegetable production, increase food safety and farmer incomes. It will also reduce Viet Nam’s reliance on imported vegetable seed. 3 and other cucurbits are the most stable of vegetable export products. Tomato can be produced for 9 months of the year and provides a much higher net return than rice (30 million VND/ha for tomato vs 15 million VND/ha for rice), making tomato production a popular choice for farmers. Despite the substantial and largely successful development of vegetable production in Viet Nam, vegetable farming still faces considerable problems, particularly quality production of vegetable seed and seedlings, and vegetable food safety. In Viet Nam approximately 8000 tonnes of vegetable seeds are planted every year. More than half of these seeds are imported, 41% is produced by local farmers and only 7% is supplied by local seed companies. Seeds produced by local farmers are commonly of poor quality, resulting in low yield while imported seeds cost the Vietnamese economy millions of dollars. Vegetable seedling production in nurseries or by farmers in many provinces uses very simple technology with high labour costs, which has further contributed to low farm yield and production efficiency. With the increased intensity of vegetable production, concerns about vegetable food safety have escalated, especially the high quantity of pesticides (10 -12 times/ plant cycle) and fertilizers applied to small plots of land used for vegetable production, particularly in peri-urban areas, in an attempt to boost production. The lack of pest and disease tolerant/resistant varieties has added to this problem. Recent studies have found that in Hanoi 9% of all vegetable samples exceeded pesticide residue limits by 5-10 times and 7% of samples were found to have residues of banned pesticides. As a result, there are annually thousands of food poisoning cases due to eating vegetables with high pesticide residues (MALICA, 2003). In addition, pesticide overuse has resulted in increased pest damage caused by natural enemy destruction and development of pesticide resistance. Good agricultural practice (GAP) principles, together with results of several international projects involving the current project collaborators, provide a solid base for improvement of vegetable seed and seedling production that will result in increased production of safe, high quality vegetables. The proposed project will utilise results from these projects to develop pilot tomato and cucumber seed and seedling production systems primarily using TYLCV and other disease-resistant tomato genetic material from AVRDC, and downy and powdery mildew resistant cucurbit material developed in FAVRI, and comparing the production with local varieties. The evaluation trials will be undertaken by the project’s collaborating institutions over 2 seasons in 3 important vegetable production regions in Viet Nam, the Red River Delta, the Central Coast and the Central/Southern Highlands. The demonstrated superior varieties will be further evaluated in farmer demonstrations over 2 seasons, which will form a key component, together with PSO-based IPDM, in Farmer Field Schools (FFS). An identified serious capacity gap is that Viet Nam does not sufficient parental material to allow production of virus-resistant hybrid varieties such as those developed in Taiwan at AVRDC. After evaluation at these sites, superior varieties will be provided to commercial seed and seedling producing companies. The project will also develop GAP protocols for tomato and cucurbit seed, seedling and field production, and a GAP manual. The project will also provide direct contact between leading Australian and Vietnamese seed producing companies and seedling nurseries that will facilitate introduction of high-quality production technology to Viet Nam. 5. Progress to Date 5.1 Implementation Highlights 1. Two successful TOTs were held. 4 The first was held at FAVRI, Hanoi for the trainers from the Red River Delta provinces in April 21-22 and the Central Coast (Quang Nam and Da Nang) with 35 participants. The second was held in PVFC, Da Lat for trainers from Lam Dong and Dak Lak provinces, as well as from TP Ho Chi Minh City in June 10-12, 2008, with . Over 25 trainers were trained Full details of the trainers are given in Appendix 1A and 1B. 2. Two well-attended industry workshops were conducted, on GAP, production of tomatoes and cucumbers, and production and grafting of tomato seedlings. The first was held in FAVRI, on Ha Noi, on 30, October 2008 with 30 participants. The second was held at PVFC, Da Lat on June 13 at PFVC, Da Lat, with 25 participants. 3. A survey of Metro, and its attitude to GAP and “safe” tomatoes and cucumbers, was completed in June 2008. This was an activity which had been delayed from the previous milestone report. 4. A highly successful study visit to Australia by seven Vietnamese members accompanied by the 3 key UWS members of the CARD 06/025 project team occurred in 18-29 September 2008. The study tour took 7 days, and travelled around New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (Vic), covering a distance of more than 2500 km. In Sydney, the group visited University of Western Sydney, biological control companies, tomato and cucumber production (including protected cropping and hydroponics) by Australian-Vietnamese farmers, and vegetable seedling production. In Griffith, NSW, they visited the major DPI Vegetable Research Institute, South Pacific Seeds production, testing and processing facilities, as well as vegetable seed and commercial crop production. In Daylesford, Vic, they visited Rijk Zwaan Seeds production facilities, and at Werribee, Vic visited Australia’s largest seedling producer, as well as larger scale tomato production facilities. The group also visited Australia’s capital city, Canberra, visited a winery, and were taken to see the sights of Sydney on the weekend. Participants’ feedback of the study tour was extremely positive. The report of the study visit, with itinerary is presented in Appendix . 5. The Australian project team also visited Viet Nam during this period. Oleg Nicetic visited in April, 2008, and participated in the TOT workshop at FAVRI. Robert Spooner-Hart, Tony Haigh and Oleg Nicetic visited in June, and participated in the TOT and Industry workshops at PVFC, Da Lat. Tony Haigh and Robert Spooner-Hart also held a meeting with FAVRI staff in June to finalise the GAP manual development, and the forthcoming Australia study tour. 6. A number of Farmer Field Schools commenced during this period in the Red River delta, including the provinces of Hung Yen, Vinh Phuc, Ha Noi and Hai Phong. It was anticipated that good learning would take place from these FFS, and they would provide further evaluation of the selected varieties of tomato and cucumber in a more commercial setting. 7. Southern Seeds, an industry collaborator in CARD 06/025 has commenced further evaluation of tomato varieties identified for use in the project. They report several of the varieties are performing well, and show promise for either commercial production or for use in SSC’s tomato breeding While this was not part of the original project plan, it is extremely encouraging 5 5.2 Smallholder Benefits The industry workshops conducted in Ha Noi and Da Lat involved participation of small- holder tomato seedling producers. They learned about record keeping and Gap, but also about superior seedling production technology from researchers and large producers, and in Da Lat, visited the largest vegetable seedling producer in Lam Dong. The smallholders also learned how to graft tomato seedlings. This knowledge and skills will not only assist them for their production, but also provide opportunities for production of high quality and grafted seedlings for other farmers in their district. 5.3 Capacity Building The Australian study tour in September 2009 was one of the major capacity-building activities for the project partner participants. Staff from UWS, together with senior staff from FAVRI, PVFC, PPD and IAS continue to assist in conducting TOTs, to upgrade skills of trainers. In addition, collaborative participation in the industry workshops has enabled the project members to develop their skills in developing and delivering suitable curricula for industry, in a meaningful way. 5.4 Publicity 5.5 Project Management As discussed in the previous project milestone report project management is progressing well. However, for various reasons, including the ongoing health of RSH, the reporting of the milestones is, regrettably, delayed. It is hoped this situation will be rectified soon. The project team continues to work well, and the relationship between all project members is good. The study tour provided an excellent opportunity for interaction and discussion between all the participants, brought the Australian and Vietnamese participants (as well as those Vietnamese participants who did not know each other well) much closer together. The Vietnamese Project Team continues to show has good project management skills and a significant insight into the project. 6. Report on Cross-Cutting Issues 6.1 Environment In the up-coming season for FFS, there is the possibility of heavy rain during the field trials. This emphasises the importance of using grafted tomatoes (particularly on eggplant rootstock for waterlogging in the North and bacterial wilt-resistant tomato rootstock for bacterial wilt in Lam Dong) as treatments in these FFS trials. 6.2 Gender and Social Issues The study tour was well balanced, with 2 Directors/Deputy Directors, 1 Senior industry person, and 4 relatively junior staff. There were 2 female participants in the tour group of 7. 6 7. Implementation & Sustainability Issues 7.1 Issues and Constraints We noted that neither Quang Nam nor Da Nang had any experienced producers of quality tomato seedlings. In the first trial, the quality of the tomato seedlings sent from FAVRI was not good, because of the long transport distance. We therefore contracted Mr. Nguyen Hong Phong , the largest and best tomato seedling producer from Lam Dong, to provide quality seedlings for the FFS. 7.2 Options Dr. Ngo Quang Vinh Dr Vinh, IAS, although not an original project participant, had previously contributed to evaluation of cucumber varieties (see previous milestone report. Dr Vinh further participated in the TOT and Industry workshops in Da Lat, as a presenter. 7.3 Sustainability No other issues have been identified to date. 8. Next Critical Steps The first series of FFS will be conducted in a number of provinces in the Red River delta from September-October, 2009. We are planning a review meeting for trainers, after the completion of many of the first series of FFS, for February 2009, in Hanoi (organised by PPD). 9. Conclusion The project is continuing well, and has completed the scheduled activities required. The GAP manual appears to be on target for completion in mid 2009. 7 Itinerary for visit to Australia 18 to 29 September 2008 Participants NAME ORGANISATION MALE/FEMALE Tran Khac Thi FAVRI M Pham Van Dung FAVRI M Le Thi Thuy FAVRI F Thi Thu Ha FAVRI F Pham Xuan Tung PVFC M Nguyen Van Quy HUAF M Nguyen Hoang Tuan SSC M ITINERARY Date Activity 18/09 Thursday Depart various locations to fly to Sydney. 19/09 Friday Arrive Sydney at 08:15. Morning tour to Manly beach. Travel to UWS and accommodation, Richmond. Visit UWS, Beneficial Bugs Pty Ltd. 20/09 Saturday Visit Sydney: Darling Harbour, Circular Quay, Botanical Gardens 21/09 Sunday Visit to country market in Windsor, Australian BBQ lunch, visit Mt Tomah botanic garden. 22/09 Monday Visit tomato and cucumber growers in Sydney basin. Visit Vietnamese suburb Cabramatta. Visit vegetable seedling producer. 23/09 Tuesday Travel to Griffith via Blue Mountains, Bathurst and Cowra 24/09 Wednesday Visit South Pacific Seeds, Griffith vegetable farms and vegetable seed production farms, MIA 25/09 Thursday Visit Yanco Agricultural Institute, NSW DPI. Visit field vegetable and production sites. Travel to Daylesford, Vic. 26/09 Friday Visit Rijk Zwaan seed production facilities, Daylesford. Visit tomato and other vegetable production and Boomeroo seedling producers, Werribee, Vic. 27/09 Saturday Travel to Albury, visit to Canberra tourist sites. Return to Richmond 28/09 Sunday Break day. Shopping in Penrith. Farewell dinner. 29/09 Monday Leave for Ho Chi Minh City at 10:15 am. 8 Itinerary for TOT on cucumber and tomato production Date 21-23/4/2008 Time Activity Responsibles Date 21/4/2008 08h30 - 09h00 Registration Organizer 09h00 - 09h15 Introduction of participants Dr. Nguyễn Quốc Hùng (FAVRI) 09h15 - 09h30 Welcome address and opening remarks Dr. Trịnh Khắc Quang (FAVRI) 09h30 – 09h45 Brief introduction of project CARD 025/VIE 06 PGS.TS. Trần Khắc Thi (Vice director) 09h45-10h45 Use PSO in safe cucumber production Oleg Nicetic (WSU) 10h45-11h00 Take picture and teabreak All participants 11h00-11h30 Use PSO in safe tomato production Oleg Nicetic (WSU) 11h30-12h30 Lunch 13h30-15h00 Use grafting tomato to tomato production in the North of Vietnam ThS. Lê Thị Thủy (Viện NCRQ) 15h00- 15h30 Teabreak All participants 15h00 -16h30 Practice on graft tomato ThS. Lê Thị Thủy (Viện NCRQ) 16h30-17h00 Wraping first day PGS.TS. Trần Khắc Thi (FAVRI) Ngày 22/4/2008 08h300 – 09h00 Safe vegetable production in Vietnam PGS.TS. Trần Khắc Thi (FAVRI) 09h00 – 10h00 GAP for vegetable production in Vietnam (VietGAP) ThS. Ngô Thị Hạnh (FAVRI) 10h00-10h30 Teabreak All participants 10h30– 11h30 Pest and disease on cucumber and tomato – safe and efect control ThS. Phạm Mỹ Linh (FAVRI) 11h30 – 12h30 Luch 13h30 – 17h00 Visit seedling farm in Hung yen Ngày 23/4/2008 8h30 - 10h00 Reduce poison of pesticide chemical in vegetable production. Dr. Ngô Tiến Dũng (PPD) 10h00-10h20 Teabreak 10h20-11h30 Reduce poison of pesticide chemical in vegetable production. Dr. Ngô Tiến Dũng (PPD) 11h30-13h30 Lunch 13h30-15h00 Discuss curriculum for FFS Dr. Ngô Tiến Dũng (PPD) 15h00 – 15h30 Teabreak 15h30-16h00 Closing ceremory Dr. Trinh Khac Quang (FAVRI) [...]... Hưng Yên SPPD Hưng Yên SPPD Hải Phòng SPPD Hải Phòng SPPD PPD PPD PPD 1 Male/female Male female Male Male female female female Male nữ Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Cucumber and tomato growing season in participating provinces RRD (Red River Delta), CC (Coast Centre) Province Ha Noi Hun Yen Crop Cu Tom Cu Tom Jan Feb * * * * * Mar * * - Apr * + + May + + + + June + . Information Project Name Improvement of Vietnamese vegetable production using GAP principles for seed and seedling production and superior hybrid varieties Vietnamese Institution Fruit and. Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development CARD Project Progress Report 025/06 Improvement of Vietnamese vegetable production using GAP principles for seed and seedling production and. sites, superior varieties will be provided to commercial seed and seedling producing companies. The project will also develop GAP protocols for tomato and cucurbit seed, seedling and field production,

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