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Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Sustainable community-based forest development and management in some high-poverty areas in Bac Kan Province ( ATTACHMENT 10 )" doc

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1 ATTACHMENT 10 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Community based forest management and development on some poorest areas in Bac Kan province Report of Regional Workshop on Experience sharing in comminty forest management Na Ri district, Bac Kan province Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry June 2009 2 1. Purpose The purpose of the project is to enhance capacity for the ethnic minority in four pilot areas in Van Minh, Lang San, Kim Hy sanctuary, Na Ri district Bac Kan province in field of forest management. The purpose of the project will get success through strenthening the capacity of the local governments at all levels in planning land use, land allocation participatory. Within these fields, extention services are important part in community based-forest management. These services include activities to strengthen capacity at the community level and other levels of government; and provide technical and institutional support. The project will also provide support to improve livelihood of poor people, especially for ethnic minorities to have equal opportunity access to forest land, better manage their resources as well as benefit from this resource. This new method will focus on support to prevent degeneration of forest land, development and conservation of forest resources. New information, experience and training methods getting from other pilot communities will not only be shared to some others in the district, but to other suitable area in Bac Kan province, and other ones through the partners, popularizing and media.Therefore, the workshop on ‘’sharing experience in community forest management’’ was held in Na Ri district, Bac Kan province. The purpose of the workshop is to report progress and results gained from the community forest management project, CARD program, learn and share experiences with other community forest management in Vietnam. 2. Participants The workshop attracted the participation of 71 members from various projects and organizations: 1. CARD project 017/VIE06, Na Ri- Bac Kan 2. ‘‘Enhance capacity in community forest management project in Cho Don- Bac Kan’’, CARE organization in Vietnam. 3. ‘‘watershed forest management project’’ in Thanh Hoa province, CARE organization in Vietnam. 4. ‘‘Culture identity and Natural resource management organization’’- CIRUM, Lang Son province. 5. IFAD, International fund for Agriculture development 6. ‘‘Minor support for the management and development of tropical forest project’’ Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen. 3 7. Department of Agriculture and Rural Developement in Bac Kan 8. People community in Na Ri district 9. Technical departments in Na Ri district 10. Bac Kan TV and Newspapers List of participants is in Appendix 2 3. Workshop program is in Appendix 1. The workshop also had the participation of four pilot areas in CFM, CARD program with these subjects: • Experience in tranferring community forest land • Plan in community forest management • Community forest fund for development • Agroforestry model • Nursery garden for communes and villages 4. The contents of the workshop 4.1 Introducing main activities and results from community forest management project of the groups taking part in the workshop 4.2 Questions and answers about the experience in community forest management of the participants and involved groups. 4.3 Visit field model of community forest management by CARD project 4.1 Introducing main activities and results from community forest management projects in the northern areas of Vietnam. The involved groups briefly presented activities, together with the results on community forest management. These contents were presented in detail of the involved groups (Powerpoint presentations). 4.2 Questions and answers Questions and answers about the experience in community forest management of the participants and involved groups are summarized below. Mr Pham Minh Khoi (IFAD) asked: 4 1. Which administrative office approve the regulation of ‘community forest management’’, ‘‘community fund’’ and the regulations for ‘‘nursery garden’’ of CARD project? 2. Is there any rewarding policy for the participants? ðàm Chí Cường, Khuổi Liềng commune answered: 1. People’s committee of village is the body to approve the regulations 2. There are currently no rewarding policies for the participants, but there is fine for the the ones breaking the rules. There should be reward to make better activities. Mrs. Trần Thị Hoà – CIRUM organization asked: 1. Does community fund of CARD project have limited time for the loan? 2 Who can exploit community forest of CARD project? 3. Who can get technology through training courses of CARD project? How many percent for women and for men? Mr Tran Van Nam, To Dooc answered: 1. The period of loan for the community forest fund is from six or twelve months, depending on the number of people in the village. Six months for the village with many people, and twelve months for less people. 2. All members participating in community forest management project will participate in exploitation of community forest to serve the purpose of housing, and breeding farms, but must contribute 20% of the product value to community forest development fund. 3. All members participating in training courses have understood the technology, 60% of women and 40% of men. Mr. Chử Ngọc Oánh - CARE international organization in Viet Nam asked: How to determine the amount of loan available from community forest development fund in villages? Mrs. Thiểm, Nà Mực commune answerd: After having made a yearly planning activity and determined the amount needed for these activities, the balance will be supplied as a loan to the needs of the households. 5 Questions and answers about the experience in management of community forest in Lang Son, CIRUM organization. Mr. Lục Văn Dung – community forest management board, Văn Minh village, CARD project questioned: 1. Is there any evidence to support the land belonging to community in project village? 2. Do the doctors of traditional herbal medicine and forest management board need to have any office’s confirmation paper for purchasing when finding someone who takes medicinal plants and wood in community forest? Mr. Nguyễn Minh Tài - member of traditional medicine herbs, CIRUM organization answered: 1. Community forest is certified by district and village administration through a forest ownership certification. Therefore, village’s community and doctors of traditional medicine herbs will keep and manage that communtity forest as ownership. 2. The doctors of traditional medicine will report to village’s administration and forest rangers for purchasing those medicinal plants and wood taken illegally from community forest. Mr. ðàm Văn Sơn, Bản Sảng village–Lạng San commune - CARD project asked: The area of community forest will decrease when being shared among new households. Does community forest have its own sustainability? Mr. Nguyễn Minh Tài, member of traditional herbal medicine, Lạng Sơn province answered: Each household in village possesses no more than 30 ha of forest land during the process of adjusting the area of forest. A conservative area will be kept in each community forest for the next generation, so there is little effect to community forest, and ensure sustainability. Questions and Answers about the experience in community forest management of CEFM project, Chợ ðồn- Bắc Kạn Mr Nong Hoang Ky- Chairman of Na Ri district asked: 1. Why didn’t CEFM project delivery forest ownership certification to Chợ ðồn - Bắc Kạn? 6 2. What about the households’ income at the time CEFM project implementation started in comparison with present form? Mr. Nguyễn Văn Mạn – Director of CEFM project answered: 1. Community forest, which is mostly rocky forest, and located far away. Villagers have large forest land, about 20 ha per household. Therefore, the people have no interest in the community forest, and it is impossible to delivery forest ownership certification to community. 2. There is a little income of each household compared with the time CEFM project started. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Ngãi- Director of Bac Kan Agriculture and Rural Development Department asked: What is the process of conducting surveys of forest resources? Mr. Nguyễn Văn Mạn – director of CEFM project answered Standard cell is used to conduct survey of forest resources. What kinds of trees in each cell, and what kinds of non-timber are there in each cell. Questions and answers about the experience in community forest management of ‘‘tropical forest management project’’ in Ban Nac commune, Vo Nhai district, NORFOR orgnization Mr. ðặng Minh Khôi – IFAD project asked 1. How many poor households are there before and after the implementation of the project? How has the people’s life changed? 2. Forests owned by individuals are grouped to make community forests. However, each of them still belongs to different owners. When the owners want to exploit the forests, the owners that have greater forest land want to get their benefit that is in direct propotion to their forest land. How can this matter be solved? Mrs. Trần Thị Thu Hà – NORFOR organization answered: 1. Before the implementation of the project, the rate of poor households is 70-80%, and the people only cultivated once in a year. When the project finished by 2006, people have cultivated two or three times a year, eliminated hunger and reduced poverty by 30% of poor 7 households. Average annual productivity has increased by three to five times. People have realized the importance of forest, and continued to invest to forest planning when they have capital from exploitation. 2. When contributed individual forest to community forest, the forest area of each household is different. However, people living in commune have set up a common regulation for rate of interest and contribution to community fund from forest exploitation that ensures fairness for all. Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Nghĩa – Vice manager of Bac Kan Agro-forestry extention center asked: What is the biggest success of the project? Mrs. Trần Thị Thu Hà – NORFOR organization answered: The biggest success of the pjoject is to set up centralized production of materials, change the way people think about the importance of forest, and more wealthy from forest as well. Questions and Answers about the experience in community forest management of PWM project- watershed forest management in Bá Thước, Thanh Hoá Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Tuyết – CIRUM organization asked: 1. What are the benefit and support of villages joining to the project? 2. What is the sustainability of the forest for the households with individual forest land? Mr. Chử Ngọc Oánh answered: 1. Communes in upper lands that plant and protect the forests are provided with labor force by the lower-land people. The lower communes get benefit from water for household use and agricultural production. 2. In the project area, forest will be protected better because of a clear boundary among the households. Mr. Hoàng Văn Bảo – director of Na Rì forest ranger department asked: What methods should be used to inform the residents of their communes' benefits so that they can have suggestions and recommendations for the project? 8 Mr. Chử Ngọc Oánh answered: Method to be used is PRA- Participatory rural appraisal 4.3 Visit to field model of community forest management by CARD Participants visited community nursery garden of Na Muc village which was facilitated by head of the village Mr Luyen. Seedlings of two species, acacia and manglietia, were under propagation and would soon be planted out. Some participants from outside CARD project communes were interested to buy some seedlings but were told that all the seedlings had been reserved for members within Na Muc village. Participants were impressed with the nursery which was clean and well maintained. Mr Khongsack also gave explaination to the participants about a better quality in seedlings using seed imported from CSIRO, Australia. Participants then visited an agroforestry model on private household land which belonged to Mr Luc Van Huy. With the area of 1 ha, corn and soybean are grown together with forest trees (acacia and manglietia). Corn and soybean were about 0.5-1 m in height and blooming with young fruits. Some visiting members in the visiting group also offered advices on caring young trees in nusery garden as well as other activities. Mr Tran Van Dien of Thai Nguyen University also introduced to the visiting group about the quality of DT22 soybean, and NK54 corn growing in the agroforestry model. 5. Conclusions Securing “Red Book” for community forest land is the highlight and attracted wide discussion from other organizations and projects. The activities in community forest management, fund for community forest development, nusery garden models, agroforestry models are highly appreciated. However, there should be plan to maintain these activities, especially the solution for the disruption of status seedling by cattle grazing freely. CARD project should learn some experience from other projects and organization to improve implementation. All the results from the workshop will be shown in Bac Kan T.V and newspaper, as well as in Na Ri’s so that people living in these areas are informed of the workshop and activities from CARD project. 9 6. Annex 1: Agenda of the workshop Time Activities Responsible agencies 27th May Reception of participants far from Na Ri CARD project's staff 28th May 8:00 - 8:10 Opening and introduction Bac Kan FPD 8:10 - 8:20 Welcome speech of Na Ri People's committee Chairman of Na Ri People's Committee 8:20 - 8:30 Expected outputs from the workshop Director of Bac Kan DARD 8:30 - 8:45 A review of CARD project on implementation of CFM in Van Minh and Lang San - Na Ri - Bac Kan CARD project (Ha) 8:45 - 9:00 Discussions: Questions and Answer 8:45 - 9:00 Experiences of community forest land allocation and management of CIRUM in Lang Son CIRUM 9:15 - 9:30 Discussions: Questions and Answer 9:30 - 9:45 Experiences of community forest management of CARE international in Cho Don Bac Kan Tổ chức CARE Quốc tế tại Việt Nam 9:45 - 10:00 Discussions: Questions and Answer 10:00 - 10:15 Coffee beak 10:15 - 10:30 Experiences of community forest management of TUAF in Thai TUAF 10 Nguyen 10:30 - 10:45 Discussions: Questions and Answer 10:45 - 11:00 Experiences of community forest land allocation of CARD project in Na Ri CARD project 11:00 - 11:15 Discussions: Questions and Answer 11:15 - 11:45 Experiences and lesson leant from other organizations Other participants 11:45 - 14:00 Lunch break 14:00 - 15:00 Constraints/difficulties in implementation of CFM plan in CARD project area Reprecsentatives of 4 villages (To dooc, Khuoi lieng, Na muc, Ban sang) 15:00 - 16:00 Group discussions: - Opportunities/challenges in implementation of CFM plan in other region - Recommendation/solutions for the in CFM plan implementation - Policy recommendations to relevant government agencies on CFM's policies Three groups 16:00 - 16:30 Presentation of outputs of each group Head of group 16:30 - 17:00 Remarks the first day workshop Ngày 29/5 Visit the CFM model of CARD project in Na Muc or in to dooc Participants [...]... Director of Bac Kan FPD 21 ðinh Ti n Toàn Technical Department of Bac Kan FPD 22 Lê xuân Di u Department of Forest protection and Management of Bac Kan 23 Nguy n ð c H i Technical Department of Bac Kan FPD 24 Tr n Văn ðáng Technical Department of Bac Kan FPD 12 25 Nguy n Th Nghĩa Vice Director of Agriculture and Forest Extension Center Bac Kan 26 Nguy n Văn H i Technical officer - Agriculture and Forest. .. Agency 3 Hà ð c Sơn Bac Kan Television Agency 4 Tr n Th Hoà Cultural Identity and Resource Upland Use Management CIRUM (NGO) 5 Chi Tuy t Cultural Identity and Resource Upland Use Management CIRUM (NGO) 6 ð ng Minh Tài Customary law based forest management project - Lang Sơn 7 Hà Văn Khang Customary law based forest management project - Lang Sơn 8 Tr nh Văn M nh Customary law based forest management project... Center Bac Kan 27 Nguy n Thành Th ng Technical officer - Agriculture and Forest Extension Center Bac Kan 28 Nguy n Bá Ngãi Direcror of DARD - Bac Kan 29 Lê C m Long Head of Administration office of DARD Bac Kan 30 Phan Th Phú Bac Kan Newspapers 31 Nông Xuân Kỳ Chairman of People's Committee of Na Ri District 32 Nông Văn Dũng Head of Administration office of People's Committee of Na Ri District 33 Nông. .. Agro-forestry model - Plantation 12:00 - Lunch break 14:00 14:00 - Recommendations for CARD project 15:00 15:00 - Closing DARD 15:30 11 Annex 2: LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ATTEDNING THE REGIONAL WORKSHOP "SHARING EXPERIENCES AND LESSON LEARNT IN COMMUNITY FOREST MANAGEMENT" AT NA Ri- BAC KAN 28-29 MAY 2009 STT H và tên ð a ch /ðơn v công tác 1 Khongsack CARD project Manager - CISRO 2 Ma Quang Huy Bac Kan. .. thôn b n 8:45 - 9:30 9:30 – 9:45 9:45 - 10: 00 10: 00 - 10: 15 10: 15 - 10: 30 10: 30 - 10: 45 10: 45 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:15 Th o lu n Kinh nghi m v s d ng và qu n lý ñ t r ng c ng ñ ng c a t ch c CIRUM t i L ng Sơn Th o lu n Gi i lao Kinh nghi m v qu n lý r ng c ng ñ ng c a t ch c CARE qu c t t i Ch ð n B cK n Th o lu n Kinh nghi m trong qu n lý r ng c ng Nguy n Bá Ngãi (Phó Giám ñ c s NN&PTNT) Tr n Văn ði n... Sơn 9 Tri u ð c Văn Department of Forestry - Bac Kan DARD 10 Tr n Th Thu Hà TUAF 11 Tr n Văn ði n TUAF 12 Hà Th Hoà TUAF 13 Nguy n Văn Khuy n TUAF 14 Nguy n Văn M n CEFM project - CARE international 15 Lê Huy Oánh PWMP project - CARE international 16 Ph m ðình Thi u CARE International in Vietnam 17 Hoàng Văn Giáp Manager of IFAD project - Bac Kan 18 Ph m Văn Khôi Forestry advisor of IFAD project 19... i Vi t Nam; 3 D án "Qu n lý r ng ñ u ngu n có s tham gia" t i t nh Thanh Hóa c a t ch c CARE qu c t t i Vi t Nam; 4 T ch c "B n s c Văn hóa và Qu n lý s d ng Tài nguyên Thiên nhiên - CIRUM), L ng Sơn; 5 Qũy Qu c t cho Phát tri n Nông nghi p (IFAD); 6 D án "Tài tr nh cho qu n lý và phát tri n r ng nhi t ñ i" ð ng H - Thái Nguyên; 7 S Nông nghi p và Phát tri n nông thôn t nh B c K n (DARD); 8 UBND Huy... San 52 L c Văn Dung UBND xã Văn Minh, Na Rì 53 L c Văn Hu UBND xã Văn Minh, Na Rì 25 54 Lưu Th Xuy n UBND xã Văn Minh, Na Rì 55 Hoàng Th Thu UBND xã Văn Minh, Na Rì 56 L c Văn Luy n Thôn Nà M c, xã Văn Minh 57 L c văn Khu Thôn Nà M c, xã Văn Minh 58 Ma Th Thi m Thôn Nà M c, xã Văn Minh 59 L c Văn Huy Thôn Nà M c, xã Văn Minh 60 L c Quang Phong Thôn Nà M c, xã Văn Minh 61 ðàm Chí Cư ng Thôn Khu i Li... village - Van Minh commune 67 L c Văn H u Villager of Na Muc village - Van Minh commune 68 L c Văn Cao Villager of Na Muc village - Van Minh commune 69 ðinh Th Oánh Television of Na Ri district 70 Nguy n Th Hu Television of Na Ri district 71 Nông Th Nguyên Officer - People's Committee of Na Ri district Chairman of People's Committee of Van Minh Commune 14 B Nông nghi p và Phát tri n Nông thôn “Qu n... chương trình Hoàng H i (Phó trư ng Chi c c KLBK) 8 :10 - 8:20 L i gi i thi u c a ñ i di n UBND Nông Văn Kỳ ( Ch t ch huy n NR huy n Na Rì) 8:20 - 8:30 K t qu mong ñ i t h i th o 8:30 - 8:45 Gi i thi u tóm t t quá trình th c hi n CFM t i Văn Minh và L ng San, huy n Na Rì, B c K n - Kinh nghi m giao ñ t r ng c ng ñ ng -K ho ch qu n lý r ng c ng ñ ng -Qũy phát tri n r ng c ng ñ ng -Mô hình nông lâm k t h p -Vư . 1 ATTACHMENT 10 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Community based forest management and development on some poorest areas in Bac Kan province Report. suitable area in Bac Kan province, and other ones through the partners, popularizing and media.Therefore, the workshop on ‘’sharing experience in community forest management ’ was held in Na Ri district,. capacity in community forest management project in Cho Don- Bac Kan ’, CARE organization in Vietnam. 3. ‘‘watershed forest management project’’ in Thanh Hoa province, CARE organization in Vietnam.

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2014, 04:20

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