phần thi tiếng anh ielts Speak quý 3 2023

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phần thi tiếng anh ielts Speak quý 3 2023

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In fact, I dont particularly enjoy studying geography because its a rather dull subject where I mostly need to memorize some common knowledge and patterns. Compared to geography, I prefer studying physics and chemistry. Do you think Geography is useful? Most of what I learned in geography hasnt been very useful in my daily life. Its important to know about the world, but I find that I rely more on technology and the internet for information about places and geography. Have you ever learned Geography? Well, to be honest, I didnt really enjoy studying geography at school. It felt like a lot of memorization and not much practical application. I preferred subjects that were more engaging and handson. Do you want to be a Geography teacher? I dont think so. Being a geography teacher sounds a bit boring to me. Id prefer something more dynamic and interactive. Teaching geography might be great for some, but its not my cup of tea

淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 Part1 新题汇总 注意事项: (1) 题库已更新,答案会陆续更新 目录 1:Geography(新题) 2:Fishing(新题) 3:Helping others(新题) 4:Gifts(新题) 5:Tea or coffee(新题) 6:Robots(新题) 7:Films(新题) 8:Chatting(新题) 9:Running(新题) 10:Noise(新题) 11:Maps(新题) 12:Musical instrument(新题) 13:Clothing(新题) 14:Work and Study(新题) 15:The place you come from(新题) 10 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 1:Geography(新题) How you like Geography? In fact, I don't particularly enjoy studying geography because it's a rather dull subject where I mostly need to memorize some common knowledge and patterns Compared to geography, I prefer studying physics and chemistry Do you think Geography is useful? Most of what I learned in geography hasn't been very useful in my daily life It's important to know about the world, but I find that I rely more on technology and the internet for information about places and geography Have you ever learned Geography? Well, to be honest, I didn't really enjoy studying geography at school It felt like a lot of memorization and not much practical application I preferred subjects that were more engaging and hands-on Do you want to be a Geography teacher? I don't think so Being a geography teacher sounds a bit boring to me I'd prefer something more dynamic and interactive Teaching geography might be great for some, but it's not my cup of tea 2:Fishing(新题) Is fishing popular in your country? Absolutely, fishing is quite popular in China It's not only a recreational activity but also an important tradition Many people enjoy spending leisure time by the rivers, lakes, or oceans, fishing with friends and family It's a peaceful way to connect with nature and savor the catch of the day Do you like eating fish? I love eating fish! It's a staple in Chinese cuisine and comes in so many delicious varieties Whether it's steamed, fried, or in a spicy Sichuan dish, fish is flavorful and nutritious Plus, it's a symbol of prosperity and abundance in our culture, so it's always a joy to enjoy it Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you? Oh, definitely! I've visited many places in China where you can see lots of fish, especially in beautiful lakes and rivers Places like West Lake in Hangzhou or the Li River in Guilin are famous for their crystal-clear waters and abundant fish It's a serene and picturesque experience Have you seen any movies with lots of fish? Sure, I would watch a TV program or film about fish, especially if it's about underwater exploration or marine life Learning about different species and their habitats can be fascinating Plus, documentaries about the ocean's beauty and mysteries are both educational and visually captivating 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 3:Helping others(新题) Do you usually help people around you? Definitely, I enjoy helping people It's not only a way to make others' lives easier but also brings a sense of satisfaction and connection I believe helping one another is a valuable act, and it's a rewarding way to contribute to our communities and build meaningful relationships How you help people around you? I try to offer help in various ways Copyright by Anxiaoya It could be lending a hand with tasks, providing advice, or just being there to listen when someone needs to talk Helping others is a way to strengthen bonds and create a supportive community Do your parents teach you how to help others? Of course! My parents have always taught me to be a helpful person They told me that only those who are good at helping others can make genuine friends! Did your parents help you a lot when you were young? Yes, absolutely In my family, being helpful and considerate towards others is a core value My parents always encouraged me to lend a hand to those in need, whether it was assisting with household chores or helping neighbors It's an important part of our upbringing and reflects Chinese values of kindness and community 4:Gifts(新题) Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others? Yes, I have Handmade gifts can be very special because they show the effort and thought put into them I've crafted personalized cards, knitted scarves, and even baked homemade treats It's a lovely way to make someone feel unique and appreciated on special occasions Have you ever received a great gift? Oh yes, I've received some wonderful presents over the years The best ones are usually thoughtful and meaningful, rather than expensive It's not about the price tag, but the sentiment behind the gift that makes it truly special Those are the ones I remember and cherish the most How to choose a gift? For my friends, it really depends on their interests I try to pick something that reflects their hobbies or preferences It could be a book, a nice piece of clothing, or even a small gadget Personalized gifts tend to be the most appreciated because they show I know them well Do you think you are good at choosing gifts? I'd say I'm decent at picking presents for others It can be a bit tricky sometimes, you know, trying to find 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 something that matches their taste and personality But I my best to choose thoughtful gifts that show I care and put some effort into it 5:Tea or coffee(新题) Do people like tea and coffee nowadays? Oh, absolutely! Tea is a big deal here in China It's not just a drink; it's a part of our culture Coffee has been gaining popularity too, especially among the younger generation and in urban areas So yes, people in China definitely enjoy both tea and coffee Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests? Absolutely, it's a common courtesy in Chinese culture Whether it's tea or coffee, offering a warm beverage is a way to make guests feel welcome and comfortable It's a small gesture of hospitality that shows respect for our guests, and we take pride in doing so When was the last time you had a cup of coffee? I had a cup of tea just yesterday It's part of my daily routine, especially in the afternoon I find it calming and a good way to take a break Coffee, on the other hand, I had a few days ago when I needed that extra kick of energy to start the day Copyright by Anxiaoya Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop? Sure, I do! Meeting friends at tea houses or coffee shops is a common way to socialize in China We chat, study, or just relax with a cup of tea or coffee It's a nice break from our busy lives and a chance to catch up with friends 6:Robots(新题) How interested are you in robots? I think that robots represent the peak of society’s technological advancements and innovations It is awe-inspiring to me how robots can perform tasks far beyond human capabilities, like space exploration or surgery They raise questions about ethics, artificial intelligence, and the future of automation, which I think is fascinating Have you ever watched a movie about robots? When I was a child, my favourite action movies to watch were the ones which featured robots I had many robot toys when I was growing up, so to see them projected up on the big screen was always a treat for me In particular, I would love to watch the spectacle of fight scenes between two giant robots clashing Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys? I would never trust a car with an automatic driving feature I simply don’t believe that the technology is currently advanced enough to ensure that self-driving cars are completely safe I would always feel unsafe travelling in a self-driving car and so would prefer to avoid them wherever possible What can robots for you at home? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 Personally, I would love to own a robot who could help me out with daily chores around the house Most days I find that I am extremely busy with my studies, so being able to have something like a robot vacuum cleaner which could ease some of the burden of having to clean would be incredibly helpful 7:Films(新题) What films you like? My favourite genre of films to watch is action movies There’s nothing more exhilarating to me than watching the latest action blockbuster in the cinema I love the energy of the audience as huge and exciting action sequences unfold on the big screen It’s always a fantastic way to spend an evening Did you often watch films when you were a child? My parents would often take me to the cinema when I was a child It was a great family bonding experience which would excite my imagination and exposed me to fantastical narratives and new ways of storytelling However, they would always make sure that movies we went to see were appropriate for my young age Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child? No, I never went to the cinema by myself when I was a child Even as an adult, I have never gone to the cinema alone because I prefer doing activities with friends When I am by myself, I don't even like going out! Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends? I absolutely love watching films with friends in my dorm Such gatherings, as well as providing entertainment, also spark discussions and create memorable experiences Talking about the movie together after a screening is also a great way to deepen friendships amongst my dormmates, whilst also offering a break from academic pressures 8:Chatting(新题) Do you like chatting with friends? I try to chat with my friends as much as possible, either in person or over messaging As a full-time student, speaking with my fellow student friends provides emotional support, alleviates stress, and fosters a sense of belonging, as we are all going through the same thing and understand each other’s struggles I think that frequently chatting with friends is an essential practice for one’s wellbeing What you usually chat about with friends? We usually discuss some current social hot topics in the news, as well as our individual hobbies and interests, such as games, clothing, shoes, and more I have many close friends, and we talk about everything under the sun Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend? I am quite an introverted person, and so I struggle to carry conversation with more than one person at a time Sometimes I can feel socially overwhelmed by chatting with so many people and can’t think of what to say I find that, when talking with just one person, I am more able to consider carefully what is being said to me and can then respond with more thoughtful replies 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media? I much prefer talking to my friends face-to-face as opposed to online That way, I find it a lot easier to feel the warmth of our social interactions and friendship It’s often the case that I am a much better listener and conversationalist in person, when I can see their facial expressions and hear their tone of voice 9:Running(新题) Do you go running a lot? Yes, I used to run all the time It was an enjoyable and active part of my daily routine which I have very fond childhood memories of I believe that being an avid runner as a child helped me stay fit and energetic whilst fostering a love of exercise which continues to this day Where you usually go running? There is a river which flows right next to my student dorms I often see joggers go for runs along the riverbank which I think is an excellent idea The river provides a serene atmosphere and a scenic route for anyone running in the area I think I’ll go there for a run myself on the weekend when I have some free time When was the last time you went running? I am the type of person who highly values keeping in shape Because of this, the last time I ran was very recently, as I try to go for a 20-minute jog at least once per day Not even a strong cup of coffee can wake me up in the morning the same way that a brisk, 6am run can What you think of running as a sport? Running is an excellent form of exercise with numerous benefits It enhances cardiovascular health, boosts endurance, and burns calories effectively On top of that, running requires minimal equipment, making it accessible to almost anyone Practically anybody can throw on a pair of old trainers and go for a jog in their local park 10:Noise(新题) Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise? Yes, I would love to live in a quieter place I am the type of person who really needs his sleep in order to be functional during the day I currently live in student dorms, which can be very noisy, and often find myself woken up during the night by the sounds of parties and gatherings I’m currently trying to move to a quieter environment so that I can be better rested and focus more effectively on my studies What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live? I live in a busy university town, so I often hear a variety of noises associated with urban environments such as traffic, car horns, sirens from emergency vehicles, construction work, or sometimes music from nearby clubs and bars on weekends These urban sounds are common in densely populated areas, and I think that they pleasantly contribute to the city's bustling atmosphere Is making noise one of people's rights? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 Yes, I feel that it is generally acceptable for people to make a reasonable level of noise in public places Social interactions, events, and everyday activities often involve some level of noise, and public spaces accommodate this However, it's essential to be considerate of others and follow noise regulations to maintain a respectful environment, as public places are spaces which we all have to use Do you enjoy listening to loud music? I am a huge fan of loud and aggressive music, especially in live settings Nothing hypes me up more than being part of an energetic crowd all rocking out to a loud live show together Of course, I always take precautions such as wearing earplugs during live gigs so as to not damage my hearing 11:Maps(新题) Do you often use a map on your phone? How often? I use the map on my phone almost every day The fact that a map on a smartphone can provide your location in real-time makes it vastly superior to traditional, paper maps I can also use these sorts of apps to check the opening and closing times of stores and establishments around me, which I often use whenever I need to some late-night shopping Have you ever used a paper map? When I was a child, I remember my father teaching me how to read a paper map He had assumed at the time that this would be a useful life skill for me to carry forward into my adulthood Little could he have known how obsolete paper maps would become in the near future Nevertheless, I remember it fondly as a bonding experience between father and son Would you ever put a map on the wall in your home when you were a child? I remember that there was always a framed map of the world adorning the living room wall of my childhood home My parents used to use this map on the wall to teach me about global geography To this day, I still keep a world map on my dorm room wall so that I can always remember where all the countries of the world are Do you find it easy to read maps? Yes, I think that reading maps can be easy with some practice and experience Basic maps typically use symbols, colours, and labels to represent geographic features and locations Once a person has memorised these simple features, they can navigate and interpret maps with ease, making it a valuable skill for purposes like travel, hiking, and geography studies 12:Musical instrument(新题) Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? When I was in primary school, music was a mandatory subject My classmates and I were all taught how to read music to a rudimentary degree and to perform simple melodies Later on, once we had entered high school, we were taught about the history of music and various influential composers What musical instruments you enjoy listening to the most? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 I believe the piano is one of the most beautiful instruments in the world, and I love listening to piano music the most When I finish a day of work or study, I always play my favorite piano pieces in my bedroom Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school? Copyright by Anxiaoya I think it could be of benefit to all children to receive a musical education at school Because music is such a ubiquitous form of human expression, music lessons at school could help children grow into adults more willing and able to participate in wider world culture All schools should provide access to quality music education for those who wish to pursue it Do you think music education is important to children? I think it's important! Many scientific studies have shown that learning music from a young age is beneficial for a child's intellectual development At the same time, learning music or a musical instrument from a young age can help children discover hobbies they enjoy 13:Clothing(新题) What kind of clothes you like to wear? I'm a passionate enthusiast for T-shirts I have a vast collection of T-shirts with various designs; they represent different meanings, including cartoons and scenic prints Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes? I find that most of the time, I prefer to dress for comfort rather than style Most of my days are spent studying either at home or at the library on campus Because I don’t find myself in many formal contexts, it’s far more convenient for me to put on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt than to dress smartly just to hit the books What you with your clothes when you no longer use them? My apartment building has an old clothing recycling bin downstairs, and I take all my unwanted clothes there I heard that there are professionals who recycle and process old clothes there, providing them to those in need I think it's a good deed Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes? I take a lot of pride in my physical appearance and sense of personal style Because of this, it can take me upwards of an hour every morning to decide on what to wear for the day Coordinating the colour of each particular item of my outfit is extremely time consuming 14:Work and Study(新题) Programmer Where you work? I work as a programmer at a tech company in Beijing It's a dynamic and fast-paced environment, which I find exciting We're constantly working on innovative projects and contributing to the world of technology Plus, the tech industry in China is booming, so there are plenty of opportunities for growth and learning 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 How you usually travel to work? I typically commute to work by subway Beijing's subway system is extensive and efficient, making it a convenient mode of transportation It's a chance to catch up on emails, read, or just relax before a busy day at the office Plus, it helps avoid the city's notorious traffic jams How you feel after you finish a day at work? After a day at work, I often feel a mix of satisfaction and exhaustion Programming can be mentally taxing, but completing tasks and solving challenges is rewarding It's a feeling of accomplishment, and I look forward to unwinding, maybe with some coding side projects or just relaxing with friends and family Salesman Where you work? I work for a sales and marketing firm in Shanghai It's a bustling city, and my job involves reaching out to clients, building relationships, and promoting our products Shanghai's business scene is vibrant, and there are plenty of opportunities to network and expand our client base How you usually travel to work? I usually drive to work Having a car in Shanghai offers convenience and flexibility It's a bit of a status symbol too, which can be beneficial in business Of course, dealing with traffic can be frustrating, but having your own vehicle is often seen as a sign of success here How you feel after you finish a day at work? After a day at work, I usually feel a mix of accomplishment and fatigue Sales can be demanding, but closing deals and meeting targets is satisfying It's also a chance to unwind, maybe catch up with colleagues over dinner or relax with a cup of tea Balancing work and life is essential Housewife Where you work? I work from home as a freelance graphic designer It's a fantastic way to balance my career with taking care of the family I have a cozy little office space where I create designs for clients, and I can manage my time to meet household needs It's a rewarding setup How you usually travel to work? I don't have a daily commute because I work from home I'm fortunate to have this flexibility, especially as a housewife It allows me to manage household chores and take care of my family while pursuing my career It's the perfect balance between work and home life How you feel after you finish a day at work? After wrapping up work for the day, I usually feel a sense of accomplishment Being able to contribute to the family income while caring for my loved ones gives me a sense of fulfillment It's a busy but rewarding life, and I cherish the moments spent with family in the evening 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 Hometown Where you study? I study at my local university right here in my hometown It's convenient and cost-effective, which is a practical choice for many students While studying abroad can be exciting, staying close to family and friends, and saving on living expenses, are some of the advantages of studying locally How you usually travel to the place where you study? I typically commute to my college by bicycle or public transportation Biking is a common mode of transportation in my hometown, and it's eco-friendly and keeps me active When the weather isn't great or I have early classes, I opt for the bus or subway It's a straightforward and economical way to get around How you feel after you finish a day of study? After a day of study, I usually feel a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment College life can be intense, but making progress in my education is satisfying It's also a chance to unwind with friends, maybe enjoy some local food, and recharge for the next day It's all part of the college experience City far away Where you study? I study at a university in Beijing, far away from my hometown It's been an exciting journey, experiencing life in a big city and meeting people from diverse backgrounds While I miss my hometown's simplicity, this adventure offers unique opportunities for personal growth and academic excellence How you usually travel to the place where you study? I mainly rely on public transportation to reach my college The subway system and buses in Beijing are incredibly convenient, although sometimes they can be incredibly crowded! Occasionally, I use ride-sharing apps, but navigating the city's extensive public transport network is part of the adventure of studying in a big, bustling city like Beijing How you feel after you finish a day of study? Completing a day of study here in the bustling city leaves me with a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration The academic challenges are intense, but the opportunities for personal growth and exploration are endless It's a rollercoaster of emotions, but I'm grateful for the chance to broaden my horizons far from home 15:The place you come from(新题) Big city Do you come from a city, town or village? I come from a big city in China, Shanghai Life here is fast-paced and dynamic There's always something happening, from cultural events to technological advancements It's a vibrant place, but sometimes I miss the 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 成功人士(新题)3 I really admire Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who has been the social media giant Facebook’s executive for years, charged with growing the company’s advertisement business and handling its communications The first time I knew her was on a piece of social news She has, no doubt, succeeded handsomely She used her business acumen to increase Facebook's revenue several times over Sandberg was rewarded for her work with a position on the Facebook board of directors She was also the first woman to join the board Apart from her business achievement, she has also inspired me a lot with her continuous dedication to encourage women to “lean in” and show confidence in the workplace She published a book named “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead.” She also established a foundation named after the book to focus on women’s issues in the workplace The biggest impact has been a surge in women supporting women In the past, helping each other was presented as a duty that, if ignored, would land you in “a special place in hell.” Sheryl reframed this sisterly support as joyful and strategically smart “Lean In” catapulted Sandberg into a household name and has changed so many women’s lives Sheryl is a role model and icon for me, as well as women across the globe 中文思路: 我非常钦佩 Facebook 首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg),她在社交媒体巨头 Facebook 担任 高管多年,负责拓展公司的广告业务和处理沟通事宜。我第一次看到她的名字是在新闻上。毫无疑问, 她取得了巨大的成功。她用自己的经营智慧让 facebook 的营收增加了好几倍。桑德伯格因她的工作而 获得了 Facebook 董事会的席位。她也是第一个加入董事会的女性。 除了她在商业上的成就,她不断鼓励女性“向前一步”,在工作中展现自信,这也给了我很大的启发。 她出版了一本名为《向前一步:女性、工作和领导意志》(Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead)的 书。她还建立了一个以这本书命名的基金会,以关注职场中的女性问题。最大的影响是女性支持女性 的人数激增。在过去,互相帮助被认为是一种责任,如果忽视了,就会把你带到“地狱里一个特殊的 地方”。谢丽尔把这种姐妹式的支持定义为快乐和战略性的智慧。《向前一步》让桑德伯格一举成名, 并改变了许多女性的生活。谢丽尔是我也是世界各地的女性的榜样和偶像, 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 钦佩的运动员(新题)1 I think a famous athlete should not only be the best in his professional field, but also has decent quality and social image Among many domestic athletes, I believe Yao Ming is the most admirable athlete I know Yao Ming is a basketball player who is very tall, about 2.25 meters as I can remember Although I have never met him in person, I have seen his wax figure in the wax work museum As a basketball player, being tall is the best talent he has Moreover, Yao Ming is also extremely hard-working and thus he plays basketball very well He entered the NBA and achieved remarkable results, conquering most American athletes and audiences Meanwhile, he has also actively participated in competitions as a member of our national team and led the national team into the top eight of the Olympic Games In addition, Yao Ming is also a person with an incomparable sense of duty and social responsibility He did not choose to become a coach or be idle at home after retiring, but decided to enter politics instead, and now serves as the president of China Basketball Association He is committed to promoting the development of China's basketball Many famous athletes choose to be decadent and waste their time after retiring but Yao Ming still harbors great ideals and aspirations, which is what I admire most 中文思路: 我认为一个著名的运动员不单单需要在他的专业领域做到极致,而且他还需要拥有良好的品质和社会 形象。在诸多的国内运动员中,我认为姚明是我所知道的最令人敬佩的运动员。 姚明是一名篮球运动员,他长得非常高,我记得大概有 米 25 那么高。虽然我没有当面见过他,但是 我在蜡像馆见过他的真人蜡像。对于一个篮球运动员来说,长得高就是他所拥有的最好的天赋。而且 姚明还是一个非常努力的人,所以他的篮球打得非常好。他进入了 NBA 职业联赛,并取得了骄人的成 绩,征服了大部分的美国运动员和观众。同时他还积极参加我们国家队的比赛,带领国家队进入奥运 会八强。 同时姚明也是一个具有无比责任心和社会责任感的人。在他退役后,他没有选择当教练员或者赋闲在 家。他选择了从政,现在担任了中国篮球协会的会长,致力于推动中国篮球事业的发展。很多著名运 动员在退役后都选择了颓废和虚度光阴,但姚明还有着远大的理想和抱负,这是他最令我钦佩的地方。 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 钦佩的运动员(新题)3 To be quite frank, I don't care much about sports I have had very little interest in sports ever since I was a young child However, I am still aware of some of the most famous athletes, the most impressive of which I believe to be Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player with flowing blond hair He is incredibly handsome and has a bright and captivating smile Copyright by Annayasi It is for these reasons that he initially impressed me so much If my memory serves me correctly, I first discovered him on a billboard near a bus stop At the time, he was Nike's sneaker ambassador, and over a period of time, you could see him in adverts at bus stops and subways across the city After some time, I became intrigued about the man within the adverts, and I searched for information about him on the Internet I found that not only did he have a beautiful and charming image, but he was also a world class football player His talent and skill have awarded him many football prizes and he has won many competitions He is an incredibly talented athlete, but he is also very diligent and self-disciplined It is a common case for a lot of talented players to start to slack off and indulge themselves after they become famous, which results in their competitive state to decline very quickly But Ronaldo is very strict with himself, stringently following the athlete's standard diet, and never consuming junk food During the holidays, he continues going to gym without fail It is for these reasons that he can attain so many honors and become famous 中文思路: 事实上,我是个不太关注体育的人,我从小就不喜欢运动。但我还是知道一些知名运动员的,其中印 象最深的应该就是 C 罗了。 C 罗是一名足球运动员,个子很高,金发飘飘的。从我第一次看见他,我就觉得他长得很帅,而且笑 起来很阳光。这也是我对他印象很深刻的原因。如果我没记错的话,我是在公交站旁的广告牌上第一 次见到他的。他是耐克的球鞋代言人,有那么一段日子,公交站牌和地铁上都是他的拍的广告。 后来我对他产生了很大的好奇,就在网上搜他的资料。我发现他不但形象很好,足球也踢得很棒。他 拿过很多足球的大奖以及比赛的冠军。他是个很有天赋的运动员,同时也非常勤奋和严于律己。我知 道不少有天赋的球员,但他们往往在成名后就懒散和放纵自己,导致他们的竞技状态下滑地很快。但 C 罗非常严于律己,严格按照运动员的标准饮食,从不吃垃圾食品。假期里他都坚持每天健身锻炼, 从不停歇。这应该也是他能取得如此多荣誉以及著名的原因。 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 一幅画(新题) 生活中的积极改变(新题) 令你兴奋的活动(新题) 没见过但想了解更多的人(新题) 好建议(新题) 工作/学习的困难任务(新题) 想法有趣的人(新题)1 This topic reminds me of my little nephew who is only years old and is still in kindergarten Although he is young, he is very clever and always has interesting ideas I really like to chat with him I still remember the day I was asked to look after him because both my uncle and aunt needed to work overtime At the moment I stepped into the house, he imitated a dinosaur and tried to scare me Of course, I was not scared, but laughed a lot I spent the whole afternoon playing with toys and games with him When I borrowed his watch to see what time it was, I found that the time of his watch was wrong I told him I was going to correct the time but was stopped by him He said every time he went to kindergarten, he put the clock forward by half an hour, so that he could pretend that he would leave the kindergarten half an hour earlier He explained that this would make him feel less sad I immediately burst into laughter because it was the funniest joke that I heard recently I don't know how he gets so many interesting ideas His innocence and childlike humor always make me laugh, and these unique ideas make him more special He is the most interesting child that I have ever seen and I wish he could retain that creativity when he grows up 这个话题让我想起了我的小侄子,他只有 岁,还在读幼儿园。虽然他很小,但很聪明,总是有有趣 的想法。我很喜欢和他聊天。我记得有一天我被要求照顾他,因为我的叔叔和婶婶都需要加班。我一 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 进屋,他就模仿恐龙想吓唬我。当然我没有被吓到,而且哈哈大笑。我花了整个下午陪他玩玩具和做 游戏。 当我借他的表看看现在几点时,我发现时间是错的。我告诉他我要改成正确的时间,但被他拦住了。 他说,每次他去幼儿园,他都会把时钟拨快半个小时,这样他就可以假装自己提前半个小时离开幼儿 园。他解释说这会让他感到不那么难过。我立刻大笑起来,因为这是我最近听到的最有趣的笑话。 我不知道他怎么会有这么多有趣的想法。他的天真无邪和孩子气的幽默总是让我发笑,这些独特的想 法让他更特别。他是我见过的最有趣的孩子,我希望他长大后能保持这种创造力 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 Part3 新题汇总 注意事项: (1) 颜色标记说明: a) 黄色:初版,后续可能会改; b) 蓝色:外教初步审核过,需等待二次检查并录音; c) 绿色;最终版答案,不会再改; 目录 1:城里的公园或花园(新题) 2:擅长说中文的外国人(新题) 3:感兴趣的科学领域(新题) 4:学校/工作中的重要规定(新题) 5:聚会(新题) 6:感兴趣的地方(新题) 7:喜欢烹饪的人(新题) 8:糟糕服务(新题) 9:电脑出问题(新题) 10:感兴趣的历史时期(新题) 11:钦佩的运动员(新题) 12:刺激的活动(新题) 13:给他人建议(新题) 14:成功的经营者(新题) 15:感到累的活动(新题) 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 16:美丽的城市(新题) 17:有益的广告(新题) 18:喜欢的照片(新题) 19:改变人生的时期(新题) 20:成功的同学(新题) 21:想法有趣的人(新题) 22:工作/学习的困难任务(新题) 23:喜欢看的一幅画(新题) 24:等待美好事情(新题) 10 25:没见过面的有趣的人(新题) 10 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 1:城里的公园或花园(新题) Do young people like to go to parks? It is not uncommon to see groups of young people assemble in parks all over the city As young people typically have less disposable income than the senior generation, parks often serve as ideal locations for them to hang out and kill time together without having to spend any money Many young people will use parks as a venue for social gatherings, picnics, or playing music As well as social hangout spots, young people also use parks as an inexpensive place to exercise Afterall, it is far cheaper to go for a jog in a local park than it is to pay for a gym membership What old people like to in parks? The older generations tend to visit parks as a refuge from the busy pace of the modern world Parks often possess a more serene and peaceful environment than that of the surrounding city, so it is only natural that older people would be drawn to these places in order to unwind Parks also offer opportunities for leisure activities such as bird watching, walking clubs, and gardening groups, which many people of retirement age adopt as hobbies Furthermore, parks can foster a sense of community, which is very appealing to many older people who often struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation at their age What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people? Going to the park offers many common benefits to old and young people alike Merely spending time within the calming atmosphere of a park is enough to alleviate some stress and anxiety As well as mental benefits, there are physical benefits to be gained by going to the park Parks often serve as places to exercise and can even host calisthenics equipment which the public can use for free Finally, there are a lot of potential social benefits to frequenting a park One can go to a park with their friend group to hang out, or can visit a park in order to meet new people and build relationships Why some people like planting flowers? Horticulture is a popular hobby amongst both the younger and senior generations Tending to flowers offers people a sense of purpose and responsibility, whilst demanding a lesser commitment than that of owning a pet Seeing a flower grow as a result of one’s own care is enough to encourage feelings of pride within most people Horticulture is also considered to be a creative outlet by many people It allows people to personalise their outdoor spaces, and foster a sense of self-expression through the artistry of planting and cultivating different varieties of flowers What benefits can parks bring to a city? Should people who live in cities help to keep parks tidy? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 2:擅长说中文的外国人(新题) What foreign languages Chinese children learn? Nowadays, Chinese children primarily learn English as a foreign language This is because English plays an extremely important role on the world stage when it comes to global communication and international business Reflecting this global significance, English is a compulsory subject in Chinese schools, and is likely the foreign language which the majority of Chinese children would be most familiar with English language cinema and TV programming is also massively popular all over the world, which could similarly encourage Chinese children to learn English as a foreign language Why Chinese children learn English? Chinese children learn English for a variety of reasons Firstly, English has developed to be the language of global communication, vital for international business, trade, and diplomacy This marks proficiency in English as a deeply practical skill for future career opportunities The teaching of English to young Chinese people also helps China to interact with the wider world and to remain more competitive in global market This is a means for the Chinese youth to communicate with the wider world, promoting cultural understanding and bridging the gap between China and English-speaking countries Why are so many people learning English? People from all over the world are learning English for a number of similar reasons From an economic perspective, English is now the language of international trade As such, many people lean English in order to pursue better career prospects abroad in English-speaking nations From a cultural perspective, English-language media, particularly from America, has become hugely popular internationally As well as cinema and television, internet resources and social media content are more and more frequently using English as their primary language Because of this, people learn English for its practical benefit as well as to feel generally more connected to the wider world Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past? The way in which people learn English nowadays is very different to the methods people used to employ in the past In today’s society, rather than in the classroom, the majority of exposure people have to English is through social media This means that people, especially young people, are learning English through interactions that they have online, as opposed to through textbooks and instruction One the one hand, modern students of English might have a lesser understanding of the language’s grammar through this method, but on the other, they know better how to communicate in a more colloquial style befitting a native speaker Is it easier for children to learn languages than adults? How can teach make language learning more fun for children? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 3:感兴趣的科学领域(新题) Is it important to study Science at school? Many would agree that a proper scientific education at school is essential for any child’s development Science equips students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to understand the world around them A scientific education also deeply aids in preparing future generations for an increasingly complex and technologically driven world It encourages students to engage with pressing global issues like climate change, technological innovation, and healthcare Moreover, from a professional perspective, a strong education in science is essential for those looking to pursue careers in STEM fields, which are prestigious positions vital for innovation and economic growth Which science subject is the most important for children to learn? It is difficult to determine one school of science to be superior to all others, but when considering which science would be of most help to a student in the modern world, computer science could be considered the most useful In today’s digital age, computer science underpins virtually every aspect of modern life, from communication and commerce to healthcare and entertainment Computer science is essential for students looking to pursue high level careers in fields such as software development, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity As well as prepping children to achieve prestigious positions after graduation, computer science also promotes computational thinking, which enhances logical reasoning and problem-solving skills for the world at large Should people continue to study Science after graduating from school? It is a very productive habit for one to keep abreast of scientific developments even after graduating from school Science, by definition, is an ever-evolving field, and staying updated is crucial to understand and address complex challenges which society faces on a global scale Continuing to study science after leaving education helps one to maintain an understanding of the world and develop their critical thinking ability Additionally, further scientific study will help individuals to make informed decisions regarding aspects of their own lives, such as their health and the environment Should scientists explain the research process to the public? In a scientifically driven age such as ours, it is very important for scientific researchers, not only to share their research with the public, but to explain it in such a way that that it is clearly understandable by a layman This helps to foster trust between the general public and the research community Moreover, involving the public in the research process might even result in collaborations which could lead to valuable insights In order to bring the largest benefit possible to society as a whole, the public and research community must work hand in hand Why some children not like learning science at school? What skills or quality that a good scientist needs to have? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 4:学校/工作中的重要规定(新题) What rules should children follow at home in your country? On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some rules? What rules should people follow when using public transport? What kinds of rules people need to follow in public places? What are the reasons that cause people to break rules? When people break rules, how would they be punished in your country? 5:聚会(新题) Why people like parties? Why some people not like going to parties? Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those who often attend parties? Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party? What would you if you were disturbed by neighbor’s party? What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public place? 6:感兴趣的地方(新题) How can people access travel information? Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country? What causes the differences between different regions of your country? ls it just youngsters who like to try new things, ordo people of your parents' age also like to try new things? ls a great tourist destination also a good place to live? Why people who go to live in small towns think these towns are more interesting than the big cities? 7:喜欢烹饪的人(新题) What we need to prepare when we need to cook? Do you agree that food is an important part of Chinese festivals and ceremonies? Which dishes are a must at festivals? Should students learn to cook at school? Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course? Why? Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past? 8:糟糕服务(新题) What kinds of service are bad services? Why some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services? Who should be responsible for bad services? As a boss, what would you to prevent bad service? Does providing good employee training always lead to good customer service? Why are some people often dissatisfied with customer service? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 9:电脑出问题(新题) What people use computers for? Should students be allowed to use computers at school? What you think of people who are addicted to playing computers? Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex? Why people often have problems when using new products? Does relying on technology prevent children from learning skills? 10:感兴趣的历史时期(新题) Should everyone know history? In what ways can children learn history? What are the differences between learning history from books and from videos? ls it difficult to protect and preserve historic buildings? Why is it important for people to remember personal events from the past? Why some people think it's wrong to let the past influence their decisions? 11:钦佩的运动员(新题) Should students have physical education and disports at school? What qualities should an athlete have? Is talent important in sports? Is it easy to identify children's talents? What is the most popular sport in your country? Why are there so few top athletes? 12:刺激的活动(新题) What kinds exciting activities that young people like to in your country? Why people choose to exciting activities, such as extreme sports? How people benefit from trying new things? Why are some people reluctant to try new things? Are people less willing to try new things as they get older? Should people engage in dangerous stimulating activities? 13:给他人建议(新题) Do you think parents should give their children advice? Should teachers give students advice? Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’ advice? How people give young people and old people advice? What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice? Have you ever received any advice from professional people, like a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 14:成功的经营者(新题) What factors lead to success? What people need to sacrifice for success? Is it easy for people to succeed in the national testing your country? ls it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment? Which family businesses you know? How you think of family businesses? 15:感到累的活动(新题) Does studying and learning make people tired today? When people usually feel tired? What you think about striving for learning and striving for sports? Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past? What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising? How can people solve the problem that old people easily get tired? 16:美丽的城市(新题) What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities? Why some people like to visit historical sites? How can people preserve historical buildings? How can governments preserve historical buildings? How may towns and cities change in the future? What are the reasons why so many modern towns and cities have tall buildings? 17:有益的广告(新题) What you think of online advertising? Are there any great online advertisements? What people usually buy? Why does buying new things make people happy? Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age? Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives? 18:喜欢的照片(新题) Do you think people are taking too many photos these days? What kinds of photos people like to take? Do you think people take more photos now than in the past? Do you think equipment is important for photography? Do you think being a professional photographer isa good job? Why? Why some people like to post their photos on social media? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 19:改变人生的时期(新题) Do you like new things or changes in life? Why some people quit and change jobs? How you adapt to changes in life? Who can adapt better to changes, children or adults? When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of things would you consider? What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes? 20:成功的同学(新题) What students need to to succeed in school? Is it easy for students to succeed in school these days? Why some people think money is the best way to measure success? Is success in school the most important thing for young people? What sacrifices may people need to make in order to achieve success? Is it harder for people to succeed today than in the past? 21:想法有趣的人(新题) When you think children start to have their own opinions? Are children's opinions influenced by their parents? Who are smart children likely to be influenced by? How inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas? Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers? What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country? 22:工作/学习的困难任务(新题) What are the things that make people feel proud of? Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task? What challenges young people face today? How young people handle difficult or challenging tasks? What kinds of rewards people receive formwork? What are the most difficult jobs that people do? 23:喜欢看的一幅画(新题) What are the differences between painting and drawing? Why some people keep a painting for a longtime? How does building style affect people's lives? Should children learn to draw and paint? Why? How young people share arts with others? 淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅 原创出品侵权必究 Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed? 24:等待美好事情(新题) On what occasions people have to wait for a long time? What people while waiting? Are most people patient while waiting? Do you like to wait for a long time? Why? Why most children have difficulties waiting fora long time? Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train? 25:没见过面的有趣的人(新题) Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends and between you and other people? Do people feel lonely in crowded cities? Where and how can people get to know new people? Can clothing tell and reveal a person's personality? Why individuals from the same family have different personalities? How does society influence a person's personality?

Ngày đăng: 13/11/2023, 09:25