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Page numbers in Bold represent Figures accountability 8, 42 accumulation 142–7, 156; exclusionary 209–10; indicators 208 Actis 76–7, 126–7; infant industries 170–1 Africa: blaming 98–9; disinvestment 159–63; earnings 163; economic collapse 23; global Keynesian multiplier 63; health sector 94; negative perceptions of 40–1; poverty in 92–109; privatisation 85–6; procurement regulations 135–6; social services 92–3; underdevelopment 4 African Development Bank (AfDB) 55–6, 126–9; contracts awarded 130; private sector development 128; procurement contracts 117–18; procurement procedures 134–7 African Development Fund (ADF11) priorities 128 agribusiness 76; Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) 155; investment in 74; Zimbabwe 176 agricultural partnerships 72–3 aid: defining 100–1; discourse on 9; effect on growth 181–4; expenditure on 28–9; growth in 104–5; OECD members 105; spending constraints 113 aid finance 83 aid fungibility 184 aid instruments 182 aid ministries 6 Aid-Funded Business Service 131 Anglo American Corporation 177 anti-corruption policy 135–6 anti-globalisation movement 201–2 anti-market zone 3 antiretroviral treatment (ARV) 94 arms exporters 79 Asian contagion crisis 21; response to 24–5 Asian Development Bank (ADB) 124–6; Afghanistan 146–7 aspiration 96–8 assessment 39–41; fluid 44 assistance: progressive 49 association framework 7 Atlantic Charter 67 Aureos Capital 76 austerity measures 18 autonomy 71 backstop institution 85 bad debt 8 balance 10; achieving 17–18 bank bail-outs 198–9 bankruptcy 59; virtual 60 banks: good 56 beneficiaries 1; pattern of 31 benevolence 3, 100 best value procurement 135 bidding: competitive 129–37 Big Plan 183 bilateral assistance statistics 104–9 bilateral development finance institutions (DFIs) 7–8; risk management 49–50 bilateral donors: repaying 56–9 Black Wednesday 21 blame 64, 98–9 boardroom 197 boardroom-level interventions 49 books: balancing 10, 17–18 borrowing: Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) 72; defining 9; government 43 borrowing privilege 32 Botswana Power Corporation 87 bottom billion 183 Bracking_14_index.qxd 13/02/2009 10:55 Page 233 INDEX [ 234 ] brands 201 Braudel, F. 3 Bretton Woods institutions 206 buck-passing 199–201 burden 19 burden sharing 54 business principle 144 calculable risk 44–5 callable capital 55 capital: displacing 169–71; financial 8–9 capital export process 60–1 capital flows: augmenting 142 capital markets 151; shared 42 capital relation 33 capitalism 1–2, 187–8; construction of 3; crisis but salvation 207–8; improving 12; inclusion 189; managing structures 212 capitalist process 2 capitalist ruling class 156 capitalist state 42–3 catalytic effect 142 causation 64, 93–4; modelling 181 charity 3, 192–3 China: African Development Bank (AfDB) contracts 128–9; contracts awarded 120–3 civic action 211 civil works contracts 120; top suppliers 123 class project 37 class structures 44 closed procurement 129–37 co-operative ownership model 191 co-operatives 212–13 COFACE 80 collective action clauses 26 collective surveillance 25 colonial legacy 45–6 colonial resistance 67, 70 commercial activity 102–3 commercial borrowing 9 commercial credit 8–9 commercial deals 166–7 commercial interests 56, 182, 186–7, 193; and development objectives 69 commercial objective 112 commercialisation 86 commodity prices 199 Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) 66–79, 68; agribusiness 155; debt relief 167; financial performance 150; Ghana investment 174–5; privatisation 84–7, 157; profitability 145, 147; project ownership 169 Commonwealth Development Group plc (CDG) 6 community-run projects 212 Companhia Do Buzi Sarl 87 companies: advantaged 131–7; national 151; Northern 114 company financing 48–9 company-level interventions 49 competition: beneficiaries 136; preventing 46 competition policy 91 competitive advantage 129–37 competitiveness 203 concessional resources transfer 9 concessionality 100–1 concessionary flows 163–4 conditionality 10, 47, 56, 87–8, 182; and Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) 89–90 conditionality policy 27 conditionality principle 21 confidence 12 confidentiality 162–3 connectivity 98–9 constituencies: domestic 114–23 construction contracts 118 consultancy 82–3 consultancy contracts 119, 120, 133; Asian Development Bank 124–6, 124; Ghana 173; top countries 122; World Bank 133 contagion 24 contracts 61; beneficiaries 111, 116–29; creditor state companies 114; power 78 contributions 54–5; and leverage 127–8 coordination failures 141 Bracking_14_index.qxd 13/02/2009 10:55 Page 234 INDEX [ 235 ] core creditor states 60, 111; competition between 118–19; competitive edge 129–31 core-satellite model 70 corporatisation 86 corruption 98, 135–6 cost: socialized 20–1 cost–benefit analysis 181 country debt provisioning 47 country risk: management 47; perceived 49 credit: access to 18–19; public 53 credit club 54 credit crunch 43, 44–5; multilateral institutions 57; multilateralisation of funds 109 crisis but salvation narrative 4–5, 207–9 crony networks 129–37 cross-investment 155 Crown Agents 6, 66, 81–4; emergency response function 119 Crown Agents Financial Services Ltd (CAFSL) 82 The Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations Limited 82–3 culture 96–9 currency swaps 48 dam schemes 79 debate: inconclusive 181–5 debt: expansion of 19; multilateral 57; origins of 169–71; owed to institutions 164–8 debt assistance 17–19 debt cancellations 148 debt crises 8, 23–5, 56–7; 1980s 10; response to 151 debt cycle 10 debt management 84 debt reduction figures 26–7 debt relief 25–8, 156, 168, 168; Export Credit Guarantee Department (ECGD) 165, 165; International Monetary Fund (IMF) 57–8, 60 debt repayments 23 debt service repayments 58 debt-servicing problems 51 debt stock 165–6 debt sustainability 57 debt work-outs 26 debt write-offs 166–7 deficit: managing 18 delivery 183 democracy 30, 36–7, 62 democratic deficit 67, 199 democratic reform 210 demonstration effects 142, 144, 169; Actis 170–1 Department for International Development (DFID) 66–7; debt relief 167, 168 dependence theory 188 dependent development 10–11, 11; market management 36 derivative business 114; African Development Bank (AfDB) 126–9; Asian Development Bank 124–6 derivative business benefit 187 derivative contracts 115, 116–29 derivative procurement business 117, 121 development: dependent 10–11, 11; discourse of 67, 157, 204–5; fashions in 73–4; and profitability 144–5 development assistance 17–19; contribution of 99–103 Development Assistance Committee (DAC) 7; overseas development assistance (ODA) 106, 107 development failure 3 development fields of action 211 development finance 8–9, 100; collective management 90–1; history 19–23, 103–9; objectives 112–13; privatisation 85; raising 82 development finance institutions (DFIs) 3–4, 6–7, 196; co-operation 151, 155; European 147–9, 152–4; expansion of 151; financial performance 150; global Keynesian multiplier 161; growth of 8; profitability 147 development finance market 29–33 development narrative 4–5, 207–9 Bracking_14_index.qxd 13/02/2009 10:55 Page 235 [...]... inequality 96–8, 187; increasing 31; perceived 93; radical 190–1; reinforced 32–3; remaking 203 inequality traps 12, 95 inflation 19, 199 infrastructure investment 194 infrastructure spending 128 injustice 190 instability 24 Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) 135 institution first approach 59 institutions: externally oriented 6; frontier 7–8; global economic 5–7; habituated 206; importance of 9–12; imposed... 96–8 in- country procurement systems 135 Globeleq 77–8, 126–7 inclusion 96–8, 188–90 goods: desired 93 income: expected 44–5 goods contracts 120; Asian Development Bank 124–6, 124; top incomplete markets 38 [ 237 ] Bracking_14_index.qxd 13/02/2009 10:55 Page 238 INDEX independence: undermining 22 independent territories 70–1 India: contracts awarded 120–3 industrial strength 116 inelastic demand 199 inequality... third-wave building 12 Interact Group 151, 155 interest rate swaps 48 interest rates 20, 200 interests: collectivised 158; divergent 145–6 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 89–90 international borrowing privilege 32 International Capital Market Association (ICMA) 28 International ECA Reform Campaign 81 International Finance Corporation (IFC) 36, 48–51; contributions to 55 international... international financial institutions (IFIs) 61; democratising 201–2; Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) 101–3; profitability 114 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 7, 11; debt relief 57–8, 60; money dispersal 54; United States influence 116 intervention 197; deepened 60; direct 140–1 intervention programme 49 investment: abroad 160; and adjustments 171–2; arbitrary decision-making 50; and certainty 39–41;... Development Bank (AfDB) political correctness 97 128; Britain 171–8; Commonwealth political economyof development Development Corporation (CDC) 210–13 155–6; concepts 143; instruments political influence 116 112, 140–2, 158 political kingdom 63 private sector finance 156 political relations 134 private voluntary sector 62 political risk 44–5, 50 privatisation 48, 83; Commonwealth political technology... production of 191; profitability 208; and development and profits 85; relational 93–4; 144–5; weak markets 38 structural 191 profitable aid 186 Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers profits 61; and poverty reduction 85 (PRSPs) 22 progress 1 poverty trap 188–9 provisioning 47, 54–5, 148 power 204; balance of 25; elite 32–3; relations of 1; sharing 7; structures proximity 134 psychological damage 192 of 5–7;... dirty industries 42 discourse: dominant 204–5 disinvestment 92, 159–63 displacement 146 displacing capital 169–71 distance theory 94–6 divestiture 86–7 dollar: free-floating 200 domestic interest 186–7 donor darlings 27 donor dependency 142 donor interests 187 donors: new 106; policy leverage 113; repaying 56–9 double counting 166 DUCROIRE 80 Dutch Disease 184 duty 190–2 [ 236 ] Bracking_14_index.qxd... codification of 146; and manufacturing decline 118 regulation 197–8 marginalisation 23 net disbursements 103 market development approach 140 net receipts 53–4 market distortions 146–7 new economic institutionalism 205 market makers 38–9; and sovereign new international economic order political risk 45–7 (NIEO) 196 market making 113 New International Financial market management 36 Architecture (NIFA) 14 marketing... development finance institutions 147–9, 152–4 European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI) organisation 151 European Financing Partners (EFP) 151 European Union (EU): procurement 133–4 exchanges: economic 5–6 exclusion 188–90 excuses 98 expected income 44–5 expendability 94–5 exploitation 31, 64, 188–9; benefits of early impact aid 185–6 12 earning ability 18 earnings 163; foreign 182; retained 100... exploitation Niger famine 88 material life 3 Nigeria: debt cancellation 84; merchant bankers 156–7 investment in 161 Mhlume Sugar Ltd 169 nodes 5–6 military spending 29, 184 non-concessional funds 100–1 Millennium Development Goals non-displacement provision 144 (MDG) 28–9, 99 non-intervention 98 mining contracts 78 Northern companies 114 missing middle 158, 178 Northern Rock 44 money 8–9 monopoly state . Paris: OECD and AfDB. Offe, C. (1975) The Theory of the Capitalist State and the Problem of Policy Formation’. In L. Lindberg et al. (eds), Stress and Contradiction in Modern Capitalism. Lexington,. Culture and Imperialism. London: Chatto and Windus. Santiso, C. (2007) ‘Strengthening checks and balances in financial governance: The evolving role of multilateral banks in Latin America’. In S 116 inelastic demand 199 inequality 96–8, 187; increasing 31; perceived 93; radical 190–1; reinforced 32–3; remaking 203 inequality traps 12, 95 inflation 19, 199 infrastructure investment 194 infrastructure