1. Trang chủ
  2. » Luận Văn - Báo Cáo

Moreover, it is undeniable that the economic effects in which Superstars has left are tremendously apparent through these charts'''' analysis below based on the MGI repor

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RMI TI nt e r na t i o nalUni v e r s i t yVi e t nam ECON1 19 3–Bus i ne s sSt a t i s t i c s1 SUPERSTARS2 Subj e c tCo de : ECON1 193 Subj e c tName : Bus i ne s sSt a t i s t i c s Lo c a t i on& Campus RMI TVi e t nam , HCMC Cl as sTi me : We dne s da y8AM St ude ntName : Da ngHongThuThao St ude ntNumbe r : S377 87 72 YourTe a c he r : Si e nne yLi u Sc r i ptWor dCount : SUPERSTARS2 PARTA: I nt r o duc t i o n: Ac c o r d i n gt ot heMc Ki n s e yGl ob a lI n s t i t ut e( MGI )r e s e a r c h , fir ms , s e c t o r sorc i t i e sh a v i n g c on s i de r a b l el a r g e ri nc o me ' ss r et npe e r sa nda l wa y sh a v i n gal a r g eg a pi ni nc o me f r o mt hos epe e r sa r ede fin e da st heSu pe r s t a r s Mo r e o v e r , i ti su nde ni a bl et tt he e c o nomi ce ffe c t si nwhi c hSupe r s t a r sha sl e f t a r et r e me nd ous l ya ppa r e ntt hr o u ght he s e c r t s ' a na l y s i sbe l o wba s e dont heMGIr e p or t : MGIr e po r t ’ sanal y s i s : Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor I tc a nbei n di c a t e df r o mt hefir s tg r a pht tt he5 0c i t i e se xi s t i n gont h ema pa r ekn o wna s “ Su pe r s t a rc i t i e s "a mon gt he30 00b i gg e s tc i t i e si nt h ewo r l d Me a n whi l e , t hec i t i z e nsc o me f r o mt he30 00l a r g e s tc i t i e sc on t r i but et o67% i nGDPa swe l la s4 0% i nt h ep o pul a t i ono ft he wor l d, t hei nh a bi t a n t swhoo r i g i na t ef r omt ho s eSu pe r s t a rc i t i e sh a v et o g e t he rg e ne r a t e dupt o 1% i nt h eg l oba lGDPa nd8 %i nt hewor l d’ spo pu l a t i on , de s pi t et hef a c tt tt henu mbe rof Supe r s t a r si sr ou g hl yone s i xt i e t h( 16 0)i nc omp a r i s onwi t ht h et o t a lnu mbe roft hewo r l d ' s l a r g e s tc i t i e s Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor I na ddi t i on , Sup e r s t a rc i t i e sa r ea l s oc on s i de r e da so neoft h emos tc o nt e mpo r a r y , mo de r n i z e d a n da ggr e g a t ec i t i e s ,t heg l oba ll a r g e s or t s , a ndt hena t i on a l&r e g i ona lc a pi t a l s Tobemor e d e t a i l e d ,a p pr o x i ma t e l yha l foft h el a r g efir msa l la r o un dt hewo r l dha she a dq u a r t e r sma i nl yi n t ho s e50s up e r s t a rc i t i e s Ne v e r t he l e s s , a mon gt h e2 0bus i e s tpor t soft heg l ob e , s up e r s t a rc i t i e s h a v ema deupmo r et h a n50% wi t ht hef ou rbi g g e s t :Sha n g i , Hon gKo n g , Si n g a p or e ,a n d Sh e nz e na swe l la so t h e rl a r g epo r t ss uc sHa mbu r ga ndBus a n.Fur t he r mor e , t het o p20 l a r g e s ta i r p or t sa r ec hi e flyf r oms upe r s t a rc i t i e s Fo rt he s er e a s on s , i ti se vi d e ntt h a tt h e s e50 c i t i e sp l a yapi v o t a lr o l ei nc onn e c t i n gt h ee c ono mi ca c t i v i t i e s ' g l o ba lwe b Be s i d e s , t he i n v e s t me nti nRe s e a r c ndDe v e l opme nt( R&D)ofmul t i na t i o na lfir msc o me sf r o m70% of s up e r s t a r sa n dt hus , t h e ys e e mt obehub so fi nno v a t i o n Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor I tc a nbef oun di nt het hi r dgr a p ht h a t11s u pe r s t a rc i t i e si nt heUni t e dSt a t e sha v es u r p a s s e d t hea v e r a g eUSme t r o pol i t a nonGDP’ ss i de e v e ni fAt l a nt son eoft hes u pe r s t a r sha vi n gt h e l o we s tl a bo ri nc omep e r c e ntwi t h2 8%, i t sp or t i o ni ss t i l lhi g he rt nt hea v e r a g eUSme t r o wi t ho nl y2 5% Th i si sb e c a us et hewa g e sofl a borp l usa d v a n t a g e sl e a dt oahi g he rl e v e lo f i n c omea ndt h eg a i nsf r o mi nt e r e s ti nc ome ,di vi d e nds , a ndr e a le s t a t er e s ul ti nt heh i ghe r c a pi t a li n c ome Asac on s e q ue n c e , s up e r s t a rc i t i e sa r es e e na sa ne n gi nef o re c on omi cgr o wt h Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Fr o mt h e4t hpa r a gr a ph , t hep e r f or ma nc eofs up e r s t a rfir msi ns c a l e , fin a nc e , a ndope r a t i on t e n dst omor es t a ndoutf r o mt h e i rp e e r s Thi si sduet ot hef a c tt tt heg a pi nt ot a ls a l e sf r o m g l ob a l i z a t i onbe t we e nt he s es u pe r s t a rc omp a ni e sa ndt heme di a nfir msi sq u i t ef a re v e ni fi ti s a tt hepr e s e n tori twa si nt hep a s t20y e a r sa g o Tob emor ede t a i l e d, 0y e a r sa g o , t hes a l e s f r o mou t s i det he i rna t i o nswe r ene a r l yo ne f ou r t h( 38 6%) , 83t i me shi g he rt nt h os eo ft he me d i a nfir ms Th e r e f or e , i ti sc l e a rt h a ts up e r s t a rc ompa ni e sha v ea ni mpor t a ntr o l ei nt r a d i n g a swe l la saf or e i gndi r e c ti n v e s t me ntt nt he i rp e e r s Fur t he r mor e , i nt h epr o fit a b i l i t y ’ s p e r s pe c t i v e , mo r et h a nha l foft hen e ti nc o me( 53%)a ndone t hi r d( 30%)a r ebo t hma deupof t he s es upe r s t a r s , t ti st h er e a s onwh yt he i rne ti nc omema r g i ndo ub l e st tofme di a nfir ms Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Asc a nbes e e nf r o mt hel a s tgr a pht h a ti nt hes e c t o r sofs up e r s t a r si n v e s tmo r ei ni nt a n gi b l e a s s e t ss u c sbr a n ds , p a t e nt s , a nds ub s c r i be r sr a t he rt nc a pi t a la s s e t ss uc spr o pe r t y , p l a nt , Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor a n de q ui pme nti n put s , e s pe c i a l l yi nt hefina n c i a ls e r v i c e s , orp r ma c e ut i c a l s , me di c a lfie l ds I npa r t i c u l a r , bus i ne s sa ndfina nc i a ls e r vi c e sha v ehi gh e r s ki l l e dl a bo ri n pu t sb e c a us et h ei t s p r op or t i o ni sa ppr o xi ma t e l y3t i me shi g he rt no t he rs e c t o r s Be s i de s , t h et o t a ll a bo ri n put so f s up e r s t a r si nme di c a la ndt h ei nt e r n e ts e c t or sa l s od e c l i nea ndl o we rt not h e rs e c t or s He nc e , i tl e a d st ogr e a t e ri n v e s t me nti nr e s e a r c ndde v e l opme nti ne c ono mi ca c t i v i t i e s The r e f or e , t hedi gi t a lma t ur i t yi son eoft hec ommonc r a c t e r i s t i c sofs u pe r s t a rs e c t o r s Anda sar e s ul t , f ors u pe r s t a rs e c t or s ,a l loft h ea c t i vi t i e sont hei n t e r n e ta ndme di a , b a n ki n ga swe l la s p r of e s s i on a l s e r v i c e sa r ec ons i de r e da st hep i one e r si ndi gi t a li nn o v a t i ona ndt h ef a s t e s t d i gi t i z i n gs e c t o r si nmo s ta r e a s Co nc l us i on I nc on c l us i on, a l lc o mpo ne nt so fSup e r s t a ri nc l udi n gfir ms , s e c t o r s , a ndc i t i e sa r emor e i n no v a t i v e , mor epr o fit a bl e , a ndmo r epr o du c t i v et nt he i rne i ghb orc i t i e sa n dt h us , i t se ffe c t o nt hee c on omyi st ot a l l yp os i t i v ef o ri t s e l fr e gi on sa swe l la st hewor l ddu et oi t sr ol e si n t r a di n g , c o nne c t i n gt hewor l da swe l la sc on t r i bu t i n gh i ghGDPpe rc a pi t at ot heg l oba li n c ome The r e f o r e , Sup e r s t a ri skno wna savi t a lp a r ti npr o mot i n gwor l de c on omi cde v e l opme nt PARTB: Pa r tb , Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor a Ba s eo nt h ede s c r i p t i v es t a t i s t i c sa na l y s i s , i tc a nbei ndi c a t e df r o mt h e2t a bl e sa bo v eg i v e nt t h i ghe rAma z onRe vi e wr a t i n g sf r omc u s t ome r s ' r a t i n g sb e l on gt oAp pl ea ndt h el o we rr a t i n g s b e l o n gt oSa ms u n g Th i si sma i nl ybe c a us e : Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Me as ur e me ntofCe nt r alTe nde nc y :  TheMe a nofSa ms un gi sl o we rt nt to fAppl e ,i tme a nst tt hea v e r a g er a t i n gofc us t o me r s f r o mAma z o nop t sf o rAppl ei s3 53, me a n whi l e , t h ea v e r a g er a t i n gofc us t o me r sc h oos e Sa ms un gi so nl y3 35  He n c e , Appl er e c e i v e sh i ghe rr a t i n g sf r o mc on s u me r s  I na ddi t i on , t heMe di a no fAppl ei sa l s oh i ghe rt nSa ms u n g ’ sMe d i a nwhi c hc a nbe u nde r s t oo dt h a t : ForSa ms ung: 0% o fAma z on ' sc on s ume r se v a l ua t eSa ms un g ’ sr a t i n g sa tl e a s t3 45 , whe r e a st her e ma i ni n g h a l fo ft he ms u ppo s et heh i ghe s tr a t i n gt tSa ms u n gd e s e r v e st or e c e i v ei so nl y3 ForAppl e : Un l i k eSa ms u n g , wh i l e5 % ofc us t ome r soft h es a mpl es i z ev o t eAp pl ea tmos t3 60,t he r e ma i ni n go ft h e mt hi nkt h a tt h ea ppr o pr i a t er a t i n gf orAp pl es h oul dbe3 0o rmor e  The r e f o r e , i ti si ndi s pu t a bl et tmos toft hec us t ome r st a k emor ei nt e r e s ti nApp l et n Sa ms un g Me as ur e me ntofVa r i at i o n:  Be s i de s , t heRa n g eofSa ms un gi sl o we rt nt tofApp l ewhi c hme a nst tt heg a pdi ffe r e nc e b e t we e nt heh i ghe s tr a t i n ga n dt hel o we s tr a t i n gf r o mc us t ome r sofAp pl ei sl a r g e r , c ompa r e dt o Sa ms un g I npa r t i c ul a r ,a l t ho u ghbo t hSa ms u n ga n dApp l es h a r et hes a mev a l u eo ft hel o we s t r a t i n g sof1 0, t hehi gh e s tr a t i n gi nwhi c hAppl ea t t a i n sf r omi t sc u s t ome r si s5 0, b utt to f Sa ms un gi so nl y4 20  Asar e s ul t , i tc a ni n di c a t et tt henumb e ro fAma z on ' sc on s ume r smor el i k e l yt ous eAppl e r a t he rt h a nSa ms un g  Du et ot hef a c tt tt heSt a nda r dDe vi a t i o nofSa ms un gi sl o we rt nt tofApp l e , i ti l l u s t r a t e s t tSa ms u n g' sc us t o me r s ' r a t i n g sa r el e s sv o l a t i l e , t he ys l i g ht l yfluc t u a t ea r ou nd3 35 Ho we v e r , f o rApp l e ,b e c a us eofi t sl a r g e rSt a nda r dDe vi a t i on , a ndt h us , i t sd a t amor es pr e a dout f r omt he 10 Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor mi d dl e v a l uewhi c hme a nst tAppl e ' sc us t ome r ’ sr a t i n g sc a nb ef a rhi g he rorl o we rt nt he a v e r a g er a t i n g sofc us t o me r s( 3)  Fo rt hi sr e a s on , t h er a t i n g so fApp l ea r emor ea pp a r e ntt nSa ms un ga n dc on s e q ue nt l y , i t c a npr o vi d eas p e c i fico v e r v i e wf o rt ho s ewhos t i l ldono tkn o wwha tb r a ndst he ys h oul d c ho os e Bo x andWhi s ke rpl o t sana l y s i s :  I tc a nbei n di c a t e df r omSa ms un gt tt hel e f t whi s k e r( 13-1=2 13 )i sl on g e rt nt her i g h t wh i s k e r( 20-3 60=0 0)a n dt h el e f tbo x( 5-3 3=0 32 )i sl a r g e rt nt her i ghtb o x( -3 45=0 15)  He n c e , t h i sdi s t r i b ut i ono fSa ms u n gi sne g a t i v e l ys k e we d  Fu r t he r mor e , i tc a nbes ho wnf r o mApp l et tt hel e f t whi s k e r( 10-1=2 0)i sl o n g e rt n t her i ghtwh i s k e r(5 0-3 9=1 1)a ndt hel e f tbo x(3 0-3 10=0 50 )i sl a r g e rt nt her i ght b o x( 90-3 60=3 30 )  He n c e , t h i sdi s t r i b ut i ono fApp l ei sa l s one g a t i v e l ys k e we d 11 Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor  Fr o mt h eb o xa ndwhi s k e rpl o t sa n a l y s i s , i ti sc l e a rt h a tbo t hb r a ndsha v et hes a mes h a peof t hedi s t r i but i on , whi c hi st hen e g a t i v e l ys k e we ds h a pe Ad di t i on a l l y , a n ot he rhi g hl i g hti st he s i mi l a r i t yi nt hel e f t whi s k e ro fbo t hbr a nd swhi c hdi s pl a y st t2 5% ofc us t ome r sa l la s s e s st h a t t hehi g he s tr a t i n g sAp pl ea n dSa ms un gs ho ul dr e c e i v ea r e3 10a nd3 13, r e s p e c t i v e l y Ho we v e r , t her i ghtwh i s k e rofSa ms un gi sha l foft tofAp pl ewh i c hme a n st tf r o ma l lofAma z on' s c us t o me r s , whi l eSa ms u n g ' sc u s t ome r sv ot ef o rSa ms u n ga t4 20-i t shi gh e s tr a t i n g , Appl e ' s c us t o me r ss e e mt ober e a l l yi ndu l g e di nt hi sbr a nda st he yr a t eApp l eu pt o5 00 Fort he s e r e a s on s , i ti se vi d e ntt h a tApp l ei smor epr e f e r r e db yc us t o me r st h a nSa ms un g b Appe ndi x1:Adapt e df r om St a t i s t a Mo r e o v e r , i tc a nbes e e nf r o mt h et a b l ea bo v et h a tt her e v e nuet tAppl eha sob t a i ne df r oms e l l i n gi t s p r od uc t sf r o m2 13t o20 18i sma i nl yh i ghe rt h a nSa ms u n gwhi c hl e a dst ot her e s u l tt tAppl e ’ s Mo bi l eBus i ne s sdou bl e st hes i z eofSa ms un g ' s( Ri t c he r201 9) 12 Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Ap pe nd i x2:Ad a pt e df r o mCo unt e r p oi nt Ne v e r t he l e s s , bo t ho ft he s e2br a nd sdoa l s oh a v eas ma r t wa t c hpr o duc t , no ts i mp l yal a p t op ,mo bi l e p hon eo rt a bl e ta sus ua l Be s i de s , f r o mt h et a bl ea bo v e , i tc a nbei ndi c a t e dt ti nt h efir s tq ua r t e rof 018a nd2 019 ,t h epr o por t i onofs ma r t wa t c hs h i pme nt sg l ob a l l yo fApp l ei sr a nk e di nt hefir s tpl a c e wi t h3 5a nd3 8,whe r e a st tofSa ms un gi s7 2a nd1 1, r e s p e c t i v e l y He nc e ,t he s epor t i onss ho w t tt h ec us t ome r s ' de ma ndf r oma l lo v e rt hewo r l df orAp pl e ' ss ma r t wa t c hi sa l wa y sh i gh e rt na n y 13 Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor Moreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.reporMoreover it.is.undeniable.that.the.economic.effects.in.which.Superstars.has.left.are.tremendously.apparent.through.these.charts''.analysis.below.based.on.the.MGI.repor

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