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(Luận văn thạc sĩ) high school students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards sustainable development (case studies of van coc public high school in phuc tho

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY DO QUYNH HUONG h HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (CASE STUDIES OF VAN COC PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL IN PHUC THO DISTRICT AND NGUYEN BINH KHIEM PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL IN CAU GIAY DISTRICT, HANOI) MASTER'S THESIS VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY DO QUYNH HUONG h HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (CASE STUDIES OF VAN COC PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL IN PHUC THO DISTRICT AND NGUYEN BINH KHIEM PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL IN CAU GIAY DISTRICT, HANOI) MAJOR: GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CODE: QHJ-2019-MGL RESEARCH SUPERVISORS: Prof Dr KAZUO KURODA Prof Dr NGUYEN TUAN ANH Hanoi, 2022 STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT With personal honor, I guarantee that this study’s result is my own and it does not violate the Regulation on prevention of plagiarism in academic and scientific research activities at Vietnam Japan University (Issued together with Decision No 700/QĐ-ĐHVN dated 30/9/2021 by the Rector of Vietnam Japan University) This study is submitted in the fulfillment of requirement for the master’s degree in Global Leadership Signature: Do Quynh Huong Date: July - 2022 h ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express the most appreciation to my supervisors, Prof Dr Kazuo Kuroda and Prof Dr Nguyen Tuan Anh Although very busy, they always gave me conscientious instruction and kind support to help me through the hardest time and finish my thesis I also would like to give my deep gratitude to Dr JungHyun Jasmine Ryu for her kindness, enthusiasm and patience during the time I studied and wrote my thesis at VJU I am also grateful to Ms Nguyen Thi Thu Trang for helping me connect and collect valuable data Last but not least, I would like to save my special thanks for my family and friends, who are always very supportive and encourage me through my most difficult time Thank you Hoa Phuong Thao-san for always giving advice and support, and Hong Anh for accompanying me during deadlines Hanoi, July 2022 Author h Do Quynh Huong ABSTRACT Education was recognized in the 1992 Earth Summit and repeatedly highlighted in many other official documents by the UN as one of the main paths leading to sustainable development (SD) In 2017, education for sustainable development (ESD) was officially adopted to the formal education system in Vietnam Vietnam set an ambitious goal to educate all Vietnamese high school students to be equipped with knowledge on SD by 2020 Yet, obstacles and difficulties remained, which prevented ESD from being effectively implemented to achieve this target Previous research revealed that students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors (KAB) towards SD are diverse in different genders, types of school, and academic levels Azapagic et al (2007) indicates that students’ knowledge on three dimensions of SD is unbalanced Daniel Olsson & Gericke (2017) reveals the gender gaps in students’ sustainability consciousness The objectives of this study are to explore high school students’ awareness as well as their KAB towards SD The research design categorizes independent variables h such as genders, types of school, and academic levels The case studies are conducted in Van Coc public high school in Phuc Tho district and Nguyen Binh Khiem private high school in Cau Giay district, Hanoi The dependent variables include: i) the respondents’ awareness on SD; and ii) their levels of KAB towards SD Mixed method is employed as the methodology of the study An online survey was distributed to the high school students, followed by in-depth interviews for a more conclusive understanding The study found that around 90% of high school students have awareness on SD and more than 70% of them have sufficient knowledge, supportive attitudes and behaviors towards SD to an extent This is a significant improvement of Vietnamese high school students’ perception towards SD in comparison with the result of 25.4% shown in Polese et al (2018)’s work The high school students’ KAB are also presented to be balanced towards the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of SD In addition, the research found that genders, types of school, and academic levels had influence on the high school students’ KAB towards SD These findings of the study support the results of previous studies h TABLE OF CONTENTS h LIST OF TABLES i LIST OF FIGURES ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1.Reason of the study 1.2 Research objectives and significance of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Scope of the study CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL CONSIDERATION and METHODOLOGY 2.1 Literature review 2.1.1 The development of ESD 2.1.2 ESD implementation in Vietnam 2.1.3 Students’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviors (KAB) towards SD 13 2.2.Working concepts and theoretical consideration 16 2.2.1.Operationalization 16 2.2.2.Conceptual framework 17 2.2.3.Analytical framework 17 2.3.Methodology 20 2.3.1 Research site 20 2.3.2 Survey design 21 2.3.3 Interview design 24 CHAPTER 3: Findings and discussion 25 3.1 Findings 25 3.1.1 ESD integration into the formal high school curriculum 25 3.1.2 High school students’ awareness on SD 26 3.1.3 High school students’ KAB towards SD 29 3.1.4 Influence of gender, type of school, and academic level on high school students’ KAB towards SD 35 3.2 Discussion 43 3.2.1 High school students’ awareness on SD 43 3.2.2 High school students’ KAB towards SD 44 3.2.3 Conclusion of discussion 45 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION 47 4.1 Research summary 47 4.2 Limitations 49 4.3 Further research 49 REFERENCES 50 APPENDIX 53 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Analytical framework created by the author……………………………… 17 Table 4.1 Independent variables of the study……………………………………… 24 h i LIST OF FIGURES h Figure 3.1 Conceptual framework created by the author………………………… 16 Figure 3.2 SDGs classification (Barbier & Burgess, 2017)……………………… 19 Figure 5.1 Sources of high school students’ awareness on SD…………………… 29 Figure 5.2 High school students’ KAB towards SD……………………………… 30 Figure 5.3 High school students’ knowledge on SD……………………………… 32 Figure 5.4 High school students’ attitudes towards SD…………………………… 33 Figure 5.5 High school students’ behaviors towards SD………………………… 35 Figure 5.6 Knowledge on SD of female and male high school students………… 37 Figure 5.7 Attitudes towards SD of female and male high school students………… 37 Figure 5.8 Behaviors towards SD of female and male high school students……… 38 Figure 5.9 High school students’ knowledge on SD in Van Coc public school and Nguyen Binh Khiem private school………………………………………………… 39 Figure 5.10 High school students’ attitudes on SD in Van Coc public school and Nguyen Binh Khiem private school………………………………………………… 40 Figure 5.11 High school students’ behaviors towards SD in Van Coc public school and Nguyen Binh Khiem private school…………………………………………… 41 Figure 5.12 Knowledge on SD of high school students across grade 10, 11, and 12 42 Figure 5.13 Attitudes towards SD of high school students across grade 10, 11, 12… 42 Figure 5.14 Behaviors towards SD of high school students across grade 10, 11, 12…43 ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ESD: Education for Sustainable Development GOS: Central Population and Housing Census Steering Committee of Vietnam KAP: Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors MOET: Ministry of Education and Training SD: Sustainable development SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals UN: the United Nations UNDP: United Nations Development Programme UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization h iii SD policies in Vietnam should concentrate not only to high ranking levels but also to local levels such as high school students 4.2 Limitations Most of the research faces difficulties in collecting primary data (Thao, 2021) and this research is not an exception Due to the situation of Covid 19, the data collection had occurred for a year However, the data was collected only with the permission of the school teachers, guaranteeing the ethical standard of the study Qualitative data is limited due to a small number of interviewees The data would be more conclusive if the respondents could be contacted directly in the field 4.3 Further research ESD implementation in Vietnam has gained significant achievements and high school students show to be increasingly supportive towards SD However, challenges and limitations remain, raising the need for further studies on difficulties against high school students in learning ESD Moreover, due to teachers being considered as a main source of SD information for high school students, more research should be conducted h to explore teachers’ perception towards SD in Vietnam 49 REFERENCES h Arndt, C., Tarp, F., & Thurlow, J (2015) The economic costs of climate change: A multi-sector impact assessment for Vietnam Sustainability (Switzerland), 7(4), 4131–4145 https://doi.org/10.3390/su7044131 Azapagic, A., Perdan, S., & Shallcross, D (2007) How much engineering 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A THPT Vân Cốc B THPT Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm Bạn học khối lớp nào? A Lớp 10 B Lớp 11 C Lớp 12 Xin cho biết giới tính bạn A Nam B Nữ C Khác Bạn nghe đến cụm từ "Phát triển bền vững" chưa? A Đã nghe B Chưa nghe Nếu bạn nghe đến cụm từ "Phát triển bền vững", bạn nghe cụm từ qua kênh thông tin nào? A Trong chương trình học trường B Trên phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng (Báo, đài, TV, v.v.) C Trên phương tiện truyền thông xã hội (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, v.v.) 53 Thầy, cô Người thân Bạn bè Các hoạt động, phong trào xã hội Kênh khác Xin bạn chọn định nghĩa sau phát triển bền vững mà bạn cho đúng: A Phát triển bền vững kiểu phát triển đáp ứng nhu cầu hệ tương lai B Phát triển bền vững kiểu phát triển đáp ứng nhu cầu hệ C Phát triển bền vững kiểu phát triển đáp ứng nhu cầu hệ không làm tổn hại hệ tương lai việc đáp ứng nhu cầu họ Phần I: Bạn cho biết ý kiến phát biểu (đối với phát biểu, bạn chọn đáp án/phương án trả lời bạn thấy phù hợp với thân mình) (Đối với câu hỏi, đáp án đưa là: không đồng ý, khơng đồng ý, khơng có ý kiến, đồng ý, đồng ý, không biết, ý kiến khác) Để phát triển bền vững, cần chấm dứt hình thức nghèo nơi Để phát triển bền vững cần xóa đói, bảo đảm an ninh lương thực, cải thiện dinh dưỡng thúc đẩy phát triển nông nghiệp bền vững Để phát triển bền vững cần đảm bảo sống khỏe mạnh tăng cường phúc lợi cho người lứa tuổi Để phát triển bền vững cần bảo đảm giáo dục có chất lượng, cơng bằng, tồn diện thúc đẩy hội học tập suốt đời cho tất người Để phát triển bền vững cần trao quyền hội cho phụ nữ trẻ em gái Để phát triển bền vững cần quản lý bền vững tài nguyên nước Để phát triển bền vững cần đảm bảo khả tiếp cận nguồn lượng bền vững, đáng tin cậy có khả chi trả cho tất người Để phát triển bền vững cần đảm bảo việc làm tốt cho tất người Để phát triển bền vững cần xây dựng sở hạ tầng có khả chống chịu cao 10 Để phát triển bền vững cần giảm bất bình đẳng xã hội 11 Để phát triển bền vững cần phát triển thị, nơng thơn bền vững, có khả chống chịu; đảm bảo môi trường sống làm việc an toàn; phân bổ hợp lý dân cư lao động theo vùng 12 Để phát triển bền vững cần đảm bảo mơ hình sản xuất tiêu dùng bền vững 13 Để phát triển bền vững cần ứng phó kịp thời, hiệu với biến đổi khí hậu thiên tai 14 Để phát triển bền vững cần bảo tồn sử dụng bền vững đại dương, biển nguồn lợi biển 15 Để phát triển bền vững cần bảo vệ phát triển rừng bền vững, bảo tồn đa dạng sinh học, phát triển dịch vụ hệ sinh thái, chống sa mạc hóa, ngăn chặn suy thoái phục hồi tài nguyên đất D E F G H h 54 16 Để phát triển bền vững cần thúc đẩy xã hội hịa bình, cơng bằng, bình đẳng phát triển bền vững, tạo khả tiếp cận công lý cho tất người; xây dựng thể chế hiệu quả, có trách nhiệm giải trình có tham gia cấp h 17 Để phát triển bền vững cần tăng cường phương thức thực thúc đẩy đối tác toàn cầu phát triển bền vững Phần II: Bạn cho biết ý kiến phát biểu (đối với phát biểu, bạn chọn đáp án/phương án trả lời bạn thấy phù hợp với thân mình) (Đối với câu hỏi, đáp án đưa là: không đồng ý, khơng đồng ý, khơng có ý kiến, đồng ý, đồng ý, không biết, ý kiến khác) Tôi nghĩ đói nghèo nên chấm dứt nơi Tôi nghĩ cần đảm bảo an ninh lương thực, cải thiện dinh dưỡng thúc đẩy phát triển nông nghiệp bền vững Tôi nghĩ cần bảo đảm sống khỏe mạnh tăng cường phúc lợi cho người lứa tuổi Tôi nghĩ tất người phải trao hội để có kiến thức, kĩ giá trị để có sống bền vững Tơi nghĩ đàn ơng phụ nữ tồn giới cần trao hội công tiếp cận giáo dục việc làm Tôi nghĩ người cần có trách nhiệm sử dụng bền vững tài nguyên Tôi nghĩ người cần tiếp cận nguồn lượng bền vững, đáng tin cậy có khả chi trả Tôi nghĩ cần đảm bảo việc làm tốt cho tất người Tơi nghĩ cần có sở hạ tầng có khả chống chịu cao trước thiên tai biến đổi khí hậu 10 Tơi nghĩ cần giảm bất bình đẳng xã hội 11 Tơi nghĩ cần phát triển đô thị, nông thôn bền vững; đảm bảo mơi trường sống làm việc an tồn, phân bổ hợp lý dân cư lao động theo vùng 12 Tôi nghĩ cần xử phạt nghiêm doanh nghiệp gây hại môi trường 13 Tơi nghĩ người dân nên khuyến khích việc sử dụng sản phẩm bảo vệ môi trường 14 Tơi nghĩ người dân cần có hiểu biết tốt ứng phó kịp thời, hiệu với biến đổi khí hậu thiên tai 15 Tơi nghĩ người cần nâng cao ý thức bảo tồn sử dụng bền vững đại dương, biển nguồn lợi biển để phát triển bền vững 16 Tôi nghĩ người cần nâng cao ý thức bảo vệ phát triển rừng bền vững, bảo tồn đa dạng sinh học, ngăn chặn suy thoái phục hồi tài nguyên đất 17 Tôi nghĩ người cần nâng cao ý thức thúc đẩy xã hội hòa bình, cơng bằng, bình đẳng phát triển bền vững 55 18 Tôi nghĩ cần tăng cường hợp tác quốc tế phát triển bền vững Phần III: Bạn cho biết ý kiến phát biểu (đối với phát biểu, bạn chọn đáp án/phương án trả lời bạn thấy phù hợp với thân mình) (Đối với câu hỏi, đáp án đưa là: khơng đồng ý, khơng đồng ý, khơng có ý kiến, đồng ý, đồng ý, không biết, ý kiến khác) Tôi thường giúp đỡ người nghèo xã hội Tơi quan tâm thực thói quen lựa chọn thực phẩm tốt cho sức khỏe Tôi tham gia hoạt động xã hội mơi trường, phát triển cộng đồng; giúp đỡ người gặp khó khăn Tơi chủ động tìm hiểu phát triển bền vững Tôi tôn trọng, đối xử công với trai gái, phụ nữ đàn ơng Tơi khơng lãng phí nước Tơi khơng lãng phí điện Khi thường chọn phương tiện công cộng, đạp xe để di chuyển Tôi quan tâm theo dõi thông tin tăng trưởng kinh tế 10 Tôi quan tâm theo dõi thông tin xây dựng sở hạ tầng chống chịu thiên tai, biến đổi khí hậu 11 Tơi tơn trọng, đối xử cơng với người khác vùng miền văn hóa h 12 Tôi quan tâm theo dõi thông tin phát triển đô thị, nông thôn bền vững 13 Tôi cố gắng tái chế sản phẩm sử dụng nhiều 14 Tơi quan tâm theo dõi thơng tin ứng phó với biến đổi khí hậu 15 Tôi quan tâm theo dõi thông tin bảo tồn sử dụng bền vững đại dương, biển nguồn lợi biển 16 Khi du lịch, tơi có trách nhiệm với hành động để bảo vệ môi trường thiên nhiên 17 Khi lên mạng xã hội tơi đối xử với người hài hịa ngồi đời thật 18 Tơi quan tâm theo dõi thông tin hợp tác Việt Nam với đối tác quốc tế phát triển bền vững Bạn có đồng ý tham gia trả lời vấn phát triển bền vững không? Nếu bạn đồng ý, học viên Đỗ Quỳnh Hương liên hệ vấn bạn Nếu đồng ý trả lời vấn, xin vui lòng cung cấp địa email, số điện thoại bạn thời gian bạn trả lời vấn Nếu đồng ý xin bạn vui lòng chọn “Có”, khơng đồng ý xin bạn vui lịng chọn "Khơng" A Có B Khơng 56 Xin vui lịng cung cấp địa email, số điện thoại bạn thời gian bạn trả lời vấn bạn trả lời "Có" Câu trả lời bạn: Link address to the survey in Vietnamese: https://forms.gle/kX4KbrozA2QP9tW16 h 57 Appendix 2: Survey form in English h Thank you for spending your time to complete this survey Please read the following instruction before doing the survey: The purpose of the survey is to investigate high school students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards sustainable development in Vietnam The responsible person for this research is Do Quynh Huong (Master’s program in Global Leadership – Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University of Hanoi) If you have any question or technical issue about this survey, please contact via email: 19110078@st.vju.ac.vn Participation is volunteer All of your responses will be kept confidential Your responses will be used only for the purpose of this research Your personal information (full name, email, phone number) will not be mentioned in the research *********************************** What is your school? A Public High School Van Coc B Private High School Nguyen Binh Khiem What grade are you in? A 10 B 11 C 12 What is your gender? A Male B Female C Others Have you ever heard about the term “Sustainable Development”? A Yes B No If “Yes”, what sources did you hear about “Sustainable Development”? A Formal program in the school B Mass media (TV, newspaper, radio, etc.) C Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc.) D Teachers E Friends F Relatives G Social activities, movement H Others What is the definition of “Sustainable Development”? A Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the future B Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present C Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs 58 h Part I: Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements (With each statement, please choose the closest option with your opinion among: “strongly disagree”, “disagree”, “neutral”, “agree”, “strongly agree”, “don’t know”, “other opinion”) Ending all forms of poverty everywhere is necessary for sustainable development Eliminating hunger, ensuring food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture development are necessary for sustainable development Ensuring a healthy life and enhancing welfare for all citizens in all age groups are necessary for sustainable development Ensuring a quality, equitable, and inclusive education and promoting life-long learning opportunities for all are necessary for sustainable development Achieving gender equality, empowering and creating enabling opportunities for women and girls are necessary for sustainable development Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all is necessary for sustainable development Ensuring access to sustainable, reliable and affordable energy sources for all citizens is necessary for sustainable development Ensuring sustainable, comprehensive and continuous economic growth; and generating full, productive and decent employment for all citizens are necessary for sustainable development Developing a highly resilient infrastructure; promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization; and promoting renovation are necessary for sustainable development 10 Reducing social inequalities is necessary for sustainable development 11 Promoting sustainable, resilient urban and rural development; ensuring safe living and working environments; ensuring a reasonable distribution of population and workforce by region are necessary for sustainable development 12 Ensuring sustainable production and consumption is necessary for sustainable development 13 Responding in a timely and effective manner to climate change and natural disasters is necessary for sustainable development 14 Sustainably conserving and utilizing the ocean, the sea and marine resources for sustainable development is necessary for sustainable development 15 Sustainably protecting and develop forests; conserving biodiversity; developing eco-system services; combat desertification; preventing the degradation of and rehabilitate soil resources are necessary for sustainable development 16 Promoting a peaceful, democratic, just, equitable and civilized society for sustainable development; ensuring access to justice for all citizens; developing effective, accountable and participatory institutions at all levels are necessary for sustainable development 59 17 Strengthening implementation modalities and promoting global partnerships for sustainable development are necessary for sustainable development h Part II: Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements (With each statement, please choose the closest option with your opinion among: “strongly disagree”, “disagree”, “neutral”, “agree”, “strongly agree”, “don’t know”, “other opinion”) I think poverty should be ended everywhere I think it is necessary to ensure food security, improve nutrition and improve sustainable agriculture development I think it is necessary to ensure a healthy life and enhance welfare for all citizens in all age groups I think everyone should be given the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and values for a sustainable life I think men and women throughout the world should be given the same opportunities for education and employment I think that everyone has responsibility to use natural resources sustainably I think everyone should be able to access the sustainable, reliable and affordable energy resources I think it is necessary to ensure decent jobs for everyone I think it is necessary to build highly resilient infrastructure to disasters and climate change 10 I think it is necessary to reduce social inequality 11 I think there is a need to promote sustainable, resilient urban and rural development; ensure safe living and working environments; ensure a reasonable distribution of population and workforce by region 12 I think we need stricter laws on enterprises which harm the environment 13 I think the people should be more encouraged in using pro-environment production 14 I think everyone needs to have more knowledge about timely and effectively responding to climate change and natural disaster 15 I think people need to raise awareness of conversation and sustainable use of oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development 16 I think people need to raise awareness of protecting and developing forests sustainably, conserving biodiversity, preventing degradation and restoring land resources 17 I think people need to raise their awareness about promoting a peaceful, just and equal society for sustainable development 18 I think it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation for sustainable development 60 h Part III: Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements (With each statement, please choose the closest option with your opinion among: “strongly disagree”, “disagree”, “neutral”, “agree”, “strongly agree”, “don’t know”, “other opinion”) I often help poor people I often make life choices which are good for my health I participate social activities for environment, social development, and helping people in need I’d like to learn more about sustainable development I show the same respect to men and women, boys and girls I never waste water I never waste electricity When possible, I choose to cycle, walk, and or use public transportation I am interested in following information about economic growth 10 I am interested in following information about building disaster and climate change resistant infrastructure 11 I treat everyone with same respect, even if they have different culture background or hometown 12 I am interested in following information about sustainable urban and rural development 13 I try to recycle as much as possible 14 I am interested in following information about responding to climate change 15 I am interested in following information on the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources 16 When traveling, I take responsibility for my actions to protect the natural environment 17 I treat people on the social media as respectfully as in real life 18 I am interested in following information about cooperation between Vietnam and international partners for sustainable development Do you agree to participate in the interview about sustainable development? If you agree, practitioner Do Quynh Huong will contact and interview you If you agree, please select "Yes", if not, please select "No" A Yes B No If you agree to be interviewed, please provide your email address, phone number and the time you can be interviewed (Your answer) 61 Appendix 3: Interview guide in Vietnamese h Bảng câu hỏi vấn Kiến thức, thái độ, hành vi học sinh trung học phổ thông Phát triển bền vững (Nghiên cứu trường hợp trường THPT công lập Vân Cốc, huyện Phúc Thọ THPT dân lập Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội) Thông tin chung - Mã vấn: - Hình thức vấn: - Tên file ghi âm: Thông tin người tham gia vấn - Tên trường: - Khối lớp: - Giới tính: Nội dung vấn: Nhận thức Phát triển bền vững (PTBV) - Em nghe cụm từ PTBV chưa? - Em nghe PTBV qua nguồn thơng tin nào? - Theo em, PTBV gì? Kiến thức, thái độ, hành vi PTBV 2.1 Kiến thức - Trong khía cạnh PTBV, em thấy hiểu khía cạnh nhất? Tại sao? - Trong mục tiêu PTBV, em thấy hiểu mục tiêu nhất? Tại sao? 2.2 Thái độ - Trong khía cạnh PTBV, em thấy khía cạnh quan trọng nhất? Tại sao? - Trong mục tiêu PTBV, em thấy mục tiêu quan trọng nhất? Tại sao? 2.3 Hành vi - Em có hành động cụ thể để thúc đẩy phát triển bền vững? 62 Appendix 4: Interview guide in English h Interview guide on High school students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards Sustainable development (Case studies in Van Coc public high school in Phuc Tho district and Nguyen Binh Khiem private school in Cau Giay district, Hanoi) General information: - Interview ID: - Type of interview: - Recorded file: Interviewee’s background information: - School name: - Academic level: - Gender: Interview questions: Students’ awareness on SD - Have you ever heard of the term SD? - What sources providing you information about SD? - Do you know what SD is? Students’ KAB towards SD 2.1 Students’ knowledge on SD - What dimension of SD that you know best? Why? - What SDGs you know best? Why? 2.2 Students’ attitudes towards SD - In your opinion, what dimension of SD is the most important? Why? - In your opinion, what SDGs are the most important? Why? 2.3 Students’ behaviors towards SD - What you to promote SD? 63

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2023, 09:25

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