People Real Places Real Language The second edition of World English introduces students to some of the worlds most fascinating people and places and builds upon an effective competencybased ...People Real Places Real Language The second edition of World English introduces students to some of the worlds most fascinating people and places and builds upon an effective competencybased ...
Trang 2World Engl¡sh: _- ::.: ,.: lT_ a!!''world EnglishUnit 2 -Unit 3Un¡t 5Unit 6TED-ẠKSUnit 7 r i r e! ¡.un¡t I '.1:ir-reUn¡t 9 r,t:t:aTEDTALKSEeT:rr¡-¡Ll-.rEi:k.rLL- 1: L:!5,rrnsif.r3,,ta¡L :Unit 10 r¿ .' ar,;a aUnit'11 ,r re!unit l2
TEDTALKS,:\ : E¡r -j:fi,lr ií:il p,a¡iai ịrr I r-a:¡ :
Trang 3Unlt Goals Grammar Vocabuláry
C¡n rasl!sn:r¿ iira;Lratt ir¿rb 1¿ns3'¿f -iri
ál ¡n5 s mf.: f ssBnl:r'l:: NS llr,'!P'l
Drsc DE,ae¡!:¿rh! i r:i; a¡'il, riLS i:rla
¿rrd larc i eat tiia a,i!! út,j
Das0r be l¿vor t: D jfe:
!,aas cooking lish rtfi
' ltsar ¡E a l¿t¡r :.q i¡od S ia I ¡i:ji,¿iSB I e_cu ?r aro re!! arl.' learned t - )"at::lt ir:'
Tak aa¡rlpe s¡na Prt5ariu:'i:l :!a
exFef Én.1É5 pe has lraveled,:, natr.t int¡
l-.Llsasra ta{lrr r¡r¿r¡¡" rjd Haw ii evet se J,t¿iíe)
Lean la creraam: ¿
1fllLl¿qa L2- ar
'Descr !! f"r!r c t! ¡t iilíI FutúeLlf,1,'i
'-,i rd d.odt - w¡llhe
n-q -rb¡r¡roa l,triil*I¡eiaL:ar
, l' ' : belo¡e "
30 Cha lo Tođ:Tio Shared Erpüianie ol Absurdily
' !r:a,ss !rat¡31¡ lar" !ẻ lrýIa k ao¡Li lfes:'r .s
' S!!gel he rlJ ¡alJra
ramac es
Efa a l aausú ani]:ifiat
The aomparlir:5 sLlrii:: ,.: :_¡ErlLalres
leli s heallhiet tha¡ - -.'
ni¡:vs cúpa!e
Yat üí ütriteawiá:'a,
Pasiar,.¡lFJ¡us ,.s ilq: i: :a,ii
/já,ii¡!l,isiail.'f ir:,tii ij
Pasl irairl rujl: I Í i_: : ': : lasi,fe werc eal¡¡g : ",' when yoacalled.
É¡¡r¡¡ ¡,:r'í _ i_ -._ - ¿a Balritia ,,'as old enough': s¿ti¿ittlc
Us nc il¿ !-i::':' -:_:,: icn::
I ve l¡ved alar€ lar f)ve Wars
HaLt - ¡t t : - ¿i\,¿rL
6."ú!rep¡ ca -9q .nsC ralr
Fo¡a slap es
'1, " :anrJn a2l arl
and gesluitsSr.a la r[]tr i¿l,lapsl! arUanst¿.ts ril¡a lladl'E!elltal" a müils
Phis ca :¡a rie ia
rla en-e:
Sia!:s Lrl lsAạl v:s 'rr a!e
Ia k ab.¡uifạ 1! .ha e¡,Jls ! saLSS pasi
aaa0r.o s¡lIent] Llse lrLrana ,n!ir!_¡ 1 ia k
abiJl at te:
Desar bea !.e¡!niaha ?:q?
Ta k a"r¡ul¡ isf¡es Iirr'Llr '!
Ta k a¡¡ut 1r¡ b!sl a!-B:¡d! iLiñ'eih nq
.l.lse i!11quB5i r,irs Ịr,!il
lofe ¡1¡fmal!.n DesaT l]t aa mcaị¿'rl
Trang 4Llsterlng:: tLrsad stEn n!' niSiv elr: ae larr¡ nqi:i¿É lsteningtlvatsati0ns)iallak
j:¡?ral and foctrsed
:.:n n0: -la o interv ew:-3rd n N rnariP in Par s: :Lsed sl€n ¡!, luss o¡s:: 'fere¡t ifestylesj:neral slei ¡gnlerv ewl
,enny Daltry herpeto o0l
ie¡era a¡d focused
aten nq: radlo pro0rarnHeallhy I ps from anDk ¡arran aenle¡ar anSp6aklng ardPronunclátlonCo¡r"par fg d f rent reqr¡ns
dlsoussing the rcirule
and ihe r iood
L ¡k ¡! soLnds:
Ina co¡sofanlfo ol,ledby a voweReadlngNat¡onal Geographic:AS e ofH slorywñdngRespo¡d n! (oYI&.bdNaliona¡GeoqÉphrc:Frlrb odÉ¡ F '
Talk ¡! about urlrat you hrre
or haven idone
tr/laklnq sna lalk
HSrtor rrsvs aontracl ons
Disauss ng gocd a¡d rhad
e eme¡ls n anei!hborhood
Prediatfg the Íuture oi ciles
Empfatic stress
Tak nq P ctuies olthe Wond
!ryr trnO o0 nicns Nat¡onal Geoqraphic:''0rang!tan Lairo!¿¡:
''How Frrod Sha0es
0ur Clt es'
Wriln! a paragraph
w ih preClct ons aboul
Dlt es n the fLriure
Ta kino about focd andex€¡crse thalare good icr
SuQlesllnO Basy remed es
Linking with compa¡al les
and suterlatives
Disalrss r! rha er!!s
T¿ k nq ?boutab rl 9s
Words lhal9¡d n 9i
Talking aboutsometh ¡gyouđ
D sclss nq the besi age irr
Lie translt ons
lhe sch[,a soL]nd /a/ ln
unsliesserl sy ab eS
NalioralGeograph¡ciT ny nvaderi
Wr ling a¡ excuse lor as ck chid
'The Hun'ran Body
Nal¡onal Geographic:'Arcia 0reams and
N gilnrares
Wrrt ¡0 a pa¡alraphabouta cha eng ¡!
e¡!eT ence
'Searctring Íor tlre Siow
Liv n! Beyond Lim ls
Wr Iing ¡ paragraph
1o descrlbe ¿ rfe
lrans I o¡
Trang 5Udt Goal§ Graltlmar Vocábülary Exp a n hov/ \te geiluxury
T¿ k ¿boul needs and wa¡ls Discuss !vlralmakes peoples
ives beller
Eval!ate the eflect ofadverl s nq
Llse cond t ona s Io talkabo!t rea s tuations T, k aboulpDssih e IulLre
s tual ons
Descr be \^haian ma s do D scuss a probletn ¡ naturo
Dlscuss Ie ¡ ll're pa§
' Coftrasl d llerenl,rays
Compar¿ ioday w ih the
Ta k abolt h star ca wo¡der
T¿ k aboul pr€pant o¡s for Expressi¡g n€cess ty
Luxrry items
mpo(/expofi leñrs
Pasl pa¡tici!les oi rreOUlar
Nouns a¡dadlecll/es lo
desü be anlmah
Adverbs oi manner
Life n the pasl
Separab e phcsalverbs
At lhe a rpcrt
Careers and lobs
Pa cpa adFclves
I ¡nusl nake a esctvAlian
l,,4oda s for !iving advice
You should chaose a üteerthal
lils yaut pe5analilyl¡def nlte pronouns
Everyone ¡n the audience waslaughtrg
Compar sons wilh is .as
llew fears ¡s as exctling as
Passive voice (present lense)
Jeitelry is given ase gilt.Pass ve \ro ce wth ,/
This b10úse was nade hyweJl'pa¡d warkers
Bea cond t onals in thel!lureff I have l¡netanürcw lll
call you
Bevle\\, of quanllf ers
Baacaons eal nanydilferen¡ nds
Us"d ¡o
Na¡ive Aneicans use¡l lo nake
lhe[ shoes ou! of deercktn
Passrv€ 1ro re n lhe past
lglaas werc buill w¡lh blacks
Vlder Pa&118 BErsrl, alld Oln8t Joüheí: tlrC LslaoÉ lroíi Big Cst¡
T¿ I ¿boutdilere¡t l, nds ol Ercress n0 or.h h I on
!¿a¿l on\
vo-nuslttolldL"D.,' ee
use tno s¡ allne ¿ rporl
D scr.rss the 0ros and cons
Discuss caTeer cho ces
Ask and answer
lob related
Jalk aboút career ¡ ann ng
' Ia k aboul nnovative jobs
Descr be a feslr!al Compareho days ln
d fferent c0Lr¡1r es
Talk about ae ebat ons
test vals and hoLdays
ErpEssions for
Trang 6Llstenlng
:::used s(an ¡!I :auss ons:
-ne worla i o\rer markel
i,_ec anC Iocused
I r:d ¡ pr¡qramÍ.e b uel¡ lu¡a
r:r".fa a¡d focused
::9n n0: ¿c1!r,eTre S¿m peopleianeraland 10c!sed:l¿n ¡g-,nfefsalonsl'J'ácat onS
rrnef¿ aid ÍocLrsed
.n nlerview
A r8staur¿¡lol^rnef
r Tha iand
:elera and foausedsten nqD saussi¡nsLocalcelebratlons orho daysSpsaklng andPronurclatlon
D saLrss ng lu¡Llt es aid¡ecess ir¿s
Ta k n! aLholllmprov igyouf I Íe
Sente¡ce $rass {ontenl
1,ords vs Iunctlon woTds
Ta k abD!1 lssues thal affectnatLrre
Ro e playinq to pror¡ote
enl/ roftnenla acl on tc
rnak8 oc¿ans sustain¿b e
Ta kifq aboulho!1r leahno ogy
h?s changed ¡ur l]es
Discuss ¡! d¿ y ie I
t e pasl
P ann n! a drearn vacalo¡
Mak n! l/oirr lvay throlqh
lhe a rporl
FEduct on ofrrr, ¡,
has lo -otl ía
Nal¡oralGeographicieerlune Tie Essen¡e of
trlr ¡nQ apr nlad
Vldeo Joumal
Nal¡onalGeograph¡c:CDober Pedy 0!als'
fovi Poachers Beaame
Car¿lakeril,lir 1n! a paragcph toqrean!!¡nO¡NalionalGeographic:Ha!py E epha¡rsNationalGeograph¡c:'Lcrd olthe l,,lo¡qo sWr tinO a paragmph onane olthe NEü 7
Wonders of th€ WDrld
'Search n0 for GenOhis Klran
Nat¡onal Geographic: \¡/r¡ nq a laragra!h
ạhout rlou 1o!risls can
¡lalionalGeograph¡c:Ad1renlur€ Capita of t:r!
D sauss nq care¿r arr¡ ;eS
¡lonalicn ln ü.resto¡s
(rlak oil F llhy Weter
Writ ¡! a etter ! vlnQ¿dviaeNal¡onalGéographic:'Ir n dad B r¡ l,'l¿_Compar n! diÍf€r€nlnlefn¿1ofa ce e¡ral !nsTalkirqa¡oüipersonace ebral ons0ues1 Dn nio¡atron \a thislsNationalGeograph¡c:Siarln! a Nell Tradlt on'
Wr ting a substariatej
op nlc¡
Trang 7Cha llenges
i_ s ¡lirll i1¡r,r l[e sl¡rlJ íri
lri f rIriljg rJi : ¡ran il¡r.l:na¡! ¡rs: l ¡ [ar ] , [a ]a
rl:r: iri ii i! ir, mft¡ ír¡ llÉ
3L':¿aa,r_l il,i" iil i,! :ri r! ¡É :!r
i 5:f arf:: nr ! r,l9 li rn¡i ti !r
Li - ,irr¿r i l a! i¡i,¡_ Lf r: ¿ r
,.,1 ri : .,r,n u-r r¡1 f j'I r[:r'al :'¡
¡xiias'iI l : ¡l¡liafalrr ti ,i r!
-r il,rr ¡ Pralr i,]: a-q Fi :t r's l¡'ei ¡ r ti tlB -:s: 'rr'al
'a-ini1,1!:3r.f.rj r,itr S ll e lJ ¿ t:lrL
I !.1:1¡t:l.2il' rr.rnr::r r:1laii A
' rran I atl ¡r:¡rS SiS -'¡ -i,it lrn
: ,1¡ el sí,' ¡ al¿;2:r rll2r'ilr,.!.?ri:ara¡.1.![ l:r2 r ú] rL'
i at:ri atla r 1r:t r t,:1¡ ri lhrJl
:1lt,ia[ IrP.i ! ¡ ii_ ? sl.rl im: r I
:1_: '¡L, s:,r rrr ! l1: ilr!'¿f:
rl[dúrÉ l1,.ller]: L,ille .r I Asl
[,]iar ]5l.linirjrrlrÉ, r'1'1ir¡.'¡É ¡,rrr,
;)il¡iirtaS ¡iaiir ia rlj¡i i¿uri l,i
I raitsirảrll atierl Ii ti l_.1, a !,l
l¿Lt :lL¡: i1s ¡as;t Le ir¡¡l ¡.'f sỉ ,l:!: s:-il.qils : :ạrii ll:'Jlas ¡fi
,i l ¡ r¿.:fir
(,lrn[r¿r: ¿¡s'-,afs r, lr l¡r ] r:!
¿!l frÉ¡i rr-,: ars ![a r ]r llj
.¡,r i _¡ ilEm:¡r 'lt L!ari a 5t,rrl.ni5
ii ¿:fií a !a rs l,tr/irr r ¡ia liJ!'islalt.liiirrlt r!! lirL,t'i¡,:i rr r:rr¡ llar'
)r¡iirỊ r¡N ii¡',rj.,¡ii r,rrr'l
' C¡ .r,'úr i¡ ln lSra ! r,1r lt a ¡:1 F¡ri3;irlli¿ q r:¿ \¡,:ra5
:lu¡aris a r:aai rir' rr ¿ril ,i .¡
íi,l t'i r¡r ¡.?.i,ltrrrr rr¿Í:li it,i
i! ịir iitri¿i-11¡r,: lr iii! !¿:,
iari;iL'Pa ela\\,,,.,,Ii
! .:¡ e palt irnse r! patl
|Í werc eat¡ng alin¿l
!,ra,ra¡ rr 'l a¡Lr!al
l!,; ,rr 'ril riil ti¿s old enough lt
Pfls aa a¡a ¡intacta l!¡lBS
P¡rasa 1,ÉrLrs
L sienln! lor l3¡.ra
rr(]¿rsiani n!Ar ntarv e!! i¿n-l!Da [rt hsrp¿i¡ ¡q I
Trang 8t
Uf i Tlr,"rne 0\i e[, .:.
Par¡:E ¡l: ¿qes ifír]'a ' ' '.: :
Íasc n¡leC bi cha erqE! ir ::,l,r,'lJF,¡¡ois !ni !i lri !i:'-:: :
c¡,¡ls,¡or dí de s f ,:a I í :' -.
¡lan'ra2 r! ie¿s lel,r.rea t :
f 1os !f p!¡p e A ¡an r l:,::
ile Lln(ec statis sal I ại1:-1,:
S7 re
"liBsnalesr¡'45 n i -'-:
! r | ¡a ¿ lrad hef aft,¡fif f, i ::
lihen sle \{¿s 0r I ll m!¡nii-i: r :
t¡ ¿¡ nar ¡¡s t'rlao 6,1 ¿ri : : :.:
, SOm! alt"h8sr ih¿ .¡n! s ¿r: ¿ j: :¡ hearse ves a lr.¡naf r l .l
ra¡ 247 2 k:iümeleri 11-.1 r-
-24 ¡ịtrs ol¡er-i:rE ¿m¿: .! "
l¡a a¡nrexl¡fan nd rara :: : _
as ¡]l,en 3 b n¡ peTson eá : t :,Birl ihar s s¡rierh ¡0 r ila :¡-'.
ci a a¡a ,e¡W siricessiu I iii I 1'
ns¡irES oljl?i pecp e fa i¡ t í ' :
llre! may be ab e io arl elP i¡;t _,.1seerns 0uts 0e ihe r ra¿al
ln tl s,J¡ t studenls ,r r ai_: 1.'m¡¡y k .¡s 01 c¡a e¡ges-L¡i_menla ar,a f.i-rr"s ca Tnei ,', :¿ ,
a¡cLrl cha erqes thei r¿i¿ 1¡aịn ifeit rrorn ives ard !\' a!' 1 '
¡,1'a1ihe,/ ha¡/e ac:úmI siraL T']:-¡r'r i¿ k abouitl: s{ s ann ilúa :::
rgqu red tc rneel a cha enqÉ anarealL ¡Il \rilr(]n atcrL.nts rl L_l ::li:
F ihE 4 dernEss-alih.ll¡rlf :: .
F an AIr c¿r 'a ¡ I¡T¡sl ¿¡i i 'l:
''r¡u¡t¿Llns ¡1 Cl]¡lra As a
Nal¡onalGeoqraphic:Arclc Dreams andN lrtmares
Wr I nq ¿boút a Nat¡onal
aha en0 ¡O exoer enle G¿ographic:
: Search ng lor the
S¡ow Leopard
Trang 9f .,"'*
Talk Ahout Facing
' Have s¡rdents look 3t the p clLlre
and describe what theY see Have studenls read the para0raph
Ask compche¡s Df questio¡s forexafiple, A re chal I e n ge s alwals
phys¡úl? Whalwas ¡his Pe$ans
challengẻ Haw does she tlescribe¡l? Whaldaes she wanl ta do
when she ach)eves her ga)al?!,ạr'e
sl!dents listen lo lhe record n!and ¡01rce the pronLrnc allof 01the
\4ords ¡bLle SDEI
' Have dilÍerenl students lry to
expla n ihe mea¡ing o,llre words
' Po ¡t outth€ collocat ons n the
il^ro Word Focus bores Ask l{r¿ndid wu face a challenqez Whal
wB il? Haw dld yau fiake prcgrcss
lawatds yaú ga)al?
HavE sludents matchthewords i¡
b ue lrom A to their meani¡gs Hale students compare answers
!!ith a panner Check a¡swers.
G ram mar
lnlroduce the pasl conllnuous
teÍrse Te istudenls ¿rs¡ righ¡
al e¡ahl o dack I was roÍecting
yaur hanetr'ark papers My
h t)s ba n d /f r ¡end/n úlh er wa s
walching TV Whal aboül yaü?
Whalwere yoü doing al eiahloaio¿k2EIicit answers ¡ tlre
!asl contlnito\rs tense Go over the inlormation ñ lhe
charts Focus $udenls attent on o¡
lhe lse of tth".¡ and ryhile
fo laee r hdllsngo đếns lodẹrde to do somelhriq n !
m0fole oro¿1ñsa@f ma goa
EDED Lisren and read ab0Lrl0ne person's cl¡alens6.
Ihe w0rd r¿ I I mghtÍrake voútlrink ol i il:: acnvties lik!
Dlayinq sporls But r' activltiessuch as learninga nev/ angÚaqe 0ra new ! can also be a ch¿llsnqe Forme earninqto dava musical
nslrumentisa chalenge butalso an _,1¡'i:Lr ị You mrghtieelairard
lo lrv I but ll s as excilnq as t¡aveling lo a new place and the onlv
ị r¡.r you nead is a violi a guitar, or in my case-a fdl,Whsn s1árted my lol0lessoos my!¡r uraslolearnloplaylhi§
i¡rir, instrurnentwel enoughlo paylor r¡ylamilỵ N0u l'm makinq
good i-¡r!: !v l[ lhe help 01 my mus c t¿acher she lhink§ m gettinqbstler svery v/eekl L can probab y, L! my goal soon and iiren l p ẹth€ koio al my ialhers b rthday party
writ4 eá.h r/ord n nexlt0lhe correct rnean nq
1- relaied tothe body :
2 somelhing new tlral ÉqLr res ".flort -: - il
3 frprovemenl
¡ lhtngs needed foran acnvty:: h l:
5 unusua and exc¡llng ac¡v y-::i
.r-6 succeedln nrakinq sonrelhng happm ''
7 re aled lo lhe m nd
8 somellrinq y0ú hope 1o d0 ove¡1nre9 ¿rr r_ rlc'Fo|ecsoé ró L'o\hdoF10 surprs nq nlefesl ng, and oonderiúl
Gr¡rn ár Past c0nllnLr0us vs s rlll) e Rast
Use rhe I
use rhe 5imp/epastt¿nsp lo lall aboútpasl continuous lvilh ,vrl
saw Sasha yesterday alternoon *
was leachhq his son lo rlde a bic.:.
We s¿ren'l walcii¡o a nrov o al
I 00 last nelrl W" $€re sludying
cof¡pleled aclioRs orsrluatons n lhe pasl
Edmund Hilary and Tenuinq Nor!:
cllmbed ¡¡oúnt Everest n r953
56 Unlt 5
Word Bank; Achievefl únts
ear¡inQ a degrer/diplomaOetl¡g ¿ promot on al work
earnln! a ne!d ski
overcom n! a prob em/obstac eTeceivinq an awafd
winn nq a qame/match/conlest
Grammar: Pasl aont IL./ous tefse
Th€ past continuous lense emphas ¿es an action thal beoan
beiore a¡d conllnr.r€d after a poinl in the past Becaus€ of th s
I rs óen r o i _o 0",o .or ¡-r _ n p e parl t1.e
'the same seflence
I was slualy¡ng when yut cane ¡n
I ón a,-o oe -)ed ¡ll o 'er.'o 'óo d po t nP
lhe oastr
I was sludyinq al nine oclack.
Trang 10:i !i Ltrritl tLr:l t r:r,r I rhr: s -:rfl? r:::l
- : ]0 e pasl !!lh lire pasr: - io fa k ab0ul a pasl evenl
'- .r:ed s0mellr ng a r"aady n
' " : i ¡use lvitir rf¡erlor lhe
''i s nPo Pastand irrelor
' : 'rr¿ pastconl nuousten§e
* rn" rt.", *t, tir,*
weuere pracllclnq t¡re 0ay $/hBntlre
lwasmhlnq vert, hard $rh€n lhsy
sea gor a lext nressagewhlh shewas la,king lrith herprofessorwhile B¿n wa§uiling h s rcsearchoa0er, the comouler sloooed ooí( 0q
' Ha\r! slLrderts work n !a rs to
curnplete the se¡tences !! ih
' Hale slLdsnis c¡mpare ans\leTs
wilh a p¿rl¡er
Cuheck answers
: :: :h senlenc0s us0lhe oa§l c0n¡[rc[s iorm oilhe vefb in parentlrese§
:i r] (do)h s rome\rofkl,ihen arr¡ved
, : r3._. :_ iro0k)10¡a jobYrhen lr¡el herforlhe I rsrl ¡e
i ¡oú¡tarn clmbers (rell !y[e¡ ll¡e s]o¡¡ beqa¡.
.Tedand :(\,/airll0seelrredoclor tod r.nanrflnysl0ry
- rd rou¡rnends lsrt) n the collee sl¡op yeslerday mor0inq.
Have studenls clcse ¡heir booksWr te the questrDn ¡n the board
Ithal was Helei s biggesl challenge
lasi yeat?
.Playtherẹordln! EEE
Check answeL
Pl¿y or read the co¡!ersaion aqa n
Ior the c ass to rBpE¿i
Praclce the ccnv€rs¿1on witlr llreclass n chorus
Havr S1Lrdents pracliaE the
conversatror v! th a!artner thensw hh ro e§ and pract oe rl aga n
'Have pairs d sctrss !4hatwas¡ 1l cu tabouleaclr c¡a leige andw althe speakeÁ Oa ned forn
fac n! these caa enles
Have seuera pa rs share l¡e r
rieas Wr tc the on lh8 board
@§¡ Cros".your booli ¿nd lsten to rhs co nverarion whalúas Herens
qqe (5¿ re_g ; rp,'
-: ?i: U/lrat\ías tho mog difficrrlth ng y0u đ iastyear?
Do lou mean ure \,Yorct1hrng,
-: i] No mean your biqgesl c[a]hn,oe
:iu: Wer gell ng used t0a n".r!schoo ulren mtr famly moved was
:¿len: Fo¡ me ostiinq my drivers cs¡se oas ¿ chalenge t {ras lra¡d
E Puctice tlre convmauon u ur a partner Whatras dlifcutaboul each
E E!trlIIIElf¡ rark ab0ur hcinq charhiqe§
: ¡oout a chalenge\rou lrawlaced !!th a panner r lratwas lrappen nq n
:-' le ¿1rtu1t mẻ lolr d d tha cha enq¿ clran9¿ l,our lh 0r chanqe yoủ
Nave stude¡ts wr te notes
n¡iv dla ¡/¿boulch¿ e¡ges tlrey
¡ave laced !l]¡atwas happen ¡!
n iheir ves ¿lihe I me oÍ the
cha €¡gẹ and fo\( the cha e¡qecha¡ged them or thrl r ;lẹ
Have s]!dents v/irk wiUr partner lolaik ab¡u1 the aha enges rn the r0\^1n ives
Hale seleral studen{s ie thec ass aboul one of their painers
r¿mmarPracltc8 rr: l' '.,
-1Dose a pc nlln (he pal slch as yesterday alfoLrr: : ocl Have slude¡ts lrrle ten se¡tences ¿boul
.ial olher p€op e l|ere dD ¡! al thal llrne, us ¡g lhe
.rl co¡lnuols te¡se Te ll'rem lhey can \tl le about
::¡p e they k¡ow or aboul Iamols peop € They ca¡!a truB lnl0rmation 0r the r imag ¡a[]on
L4 nalhet was aaaking dinnet
it¡e ptes¡den! ¡/as llfing in a neiicaplet.
Have studenls read lhe r senlences t0 a parl¡er Then
have eaah lalr choose o¡e interestinq senle¡ce Io
Trang 11LES§0f
Discuss Pasl
L isten irrg
ntroduce lhe idBa of an r¡ak thal
ar€ €ndanOered tlrey m oht alldle oút soon E lc I wel known
e¡amp es (llgers some klndsolwha es etc.) Po ¡1 oulthedef¡ito¡ in the Word Focus box.
T€ i studenls lhey are go ¡g to hear
af ¡terv e\4 !!tth a woman who
llorks \4 lh endanger€d an rna s. Have studenls ook atlhe oiclures
and read the direclo¡s D scusslhe qlestions as a class Te ther¡
they \\ri hear about some of lhesean ma s n the interview
' Have slude¡ts read tlre qtreslonsTel lhem to f ¡d ihe answers
rrhile they lslef to th€ lnlerv e[]
th€ illst t mẹ
' P ay the record ¡g one or moretimes B@
Have st¡rdenls compaTe answeTs
!!ith a partner. Check answers
, Ask, Which an¡nals n fhe pic¡ueswee nenl¡aned ¡n lhe ¡nteü¡ew?
lans,le$ pafida, S¡anese ctacod¡|e
Anlguar racet) Expla I l|al a 01Ihese anlmals are endanOered
Tell studenls lo sie¡ to the
inlervlew again a¡d ii¡d lhe
lnforrnation H?ve them read
lhe q!estlofs
P ay the record ¡g o¡e ot more
tmes IEE
Have studenls comlale a¡swefs
!4 th a lartner. Check answers
Direclstude¡ts allent on to lhe
Engage box Have studenls
drscLSS lhe queslio¡s \{ th a
pairct Ask Why ateendangetedaninals inpalanl? EN,p a I lhaloljr€r p ants a¡d a¡imals need lheendancer€d an mah Ta k aboul
examples ol endangered an ma s in
th€ stude¡ts coL-intries olori!¡n
58 lri{lT 5r Challenges
L stÉn r' (l
whal do you kno,vaboutthese endangered anrmals?Wrr i_:_lhrnk people slrould \?ofkt¡e hardestt0 savẻwlr!?
Howmanyrocodles are n lhe larqeslgroup?
(EA Listenlo tlre interview orJenny Datry C rco lñs c.ri, -
-t Whal arna: ng thnq đJenny Dallrydỏ
ạ She discovered a qroup 0f S amese crocod les
l¡.lShelound a n0\,/ kind ol bird in car¡b0d ac she tretped scentists protect panda bears
2 wlraiu/as h¿r b ggest cha lengẻa, wa kinq lhrough nrarshosb, avoiding dangeroús snakes
ri)educa! ng pe0pl" ab0u1 crocodi es
3 Nou dld she aclr eve hersoar?
¡jiShe explalned that c¡ocodiles are Lmportant to the marshesb She sxp!an0d!hal crocodiles are nol rea ly danqerousc Sheexplarn0d thatcrocodiles are extincl
IEE L sien aqain Ansuertlre qúeslions.sndangolad = lananñá 6
endanqercd ns popú ar¡ar t5
^ Jenny Da try lrerpetologsl
How d0 y0! reel aboulúocod esand snakes? s I
in po náđ ló tt alett ! ¡ p o pú l, ¡
endanqsred ai D¿ls?
5a Unit 5
Noly manyacresare now prol".cled by lh¿ qovsrnmenỉHoLr do mo§t people lee about crocoü es?
4 WlralrasDaltryd0irgulrenshefoLrndoirtaboutlheAntiguanr¿:i r
For Y0ur lnformati0n: Siamese crocodile
The Slames€ crocodile once lived in swamps, riversand lakes across Southeast Aslạ from Vietnam
t0 N4alays a lt is abolt 3 meters (10 ieet) onỌ
In 1992, sc e¡tists decided ihat it was complele y
extincl Then ln 2005 a nest ol baby crocodiles
lxas f0u¡d n Laos and r¡ore adu I crocodiles were
lou¡d n Car¡bodia Today I is belreved l¡¿ -l
¿re on y 500 of the a¡tmals lelt n the worlo 1
Srda N¿tro¡al Park in lha l¿nd there s a Fr':l
breed the crocodlles and re ¡trod!ce thern _ : I
Trang 12r: L.r: Words that end in !d
G¡ - llrn to these lyordsllral end in'sd Théed s pronounced ¡ t[ree
u 1d/ trdl
_i0 nelDed lslen l¡siened slad slarted
§! ;rar repeat ano cneck (,/) the column 0ith" sound you hear
Pronunciat on
Point o!t that the 'edendrnO for
thÉ pasl tense is pronoLrnced
djllerenl y n diflerent \^rords Tel
studenls 10 sie¡ to the wo¡ds a¡l¡olce the d ifere¡ce
Play lhe recordln! lE
Te slude¡ls to listen lo each rior.
repeat t and lhen check Ure soụr
ol the -edend ¡g
P ay tlre recording one or morE
t mes BUE
' Have stldenis cornpare ans'r".rs
wlh a păner
Check anslvers
Have sluderts Mle a s!D1t¿rverbs ¡d v dla y Te I llrem ia
make sLrre lhat some enc n t ai ,. D:v de th€ C ass nto pair: Ha!9
sllde¡ts take lurns Say ng a !r:
frorn lheir sl !!h le the otlre:
listens and says il n lhe pasi iais: Draw lhree colum¡s on l¡e Lr¡¿'a
/t/ /d/ and /rd/ Have s1!deni§
!v¡le lheir verbs ¡ tlre c¡raa:
co umn Have stude¡ts rep-.¿:
Ihe past tense forms chora ) ?_lndiv d!¿ ỵ
Commun cation
Divide lhe class ¡tc !a rs i:,:
them bra n$orm a ist r'la :_
challenges ior peo!le t r.t:
students ag€s \r delv i 11¿' :- "pa r choose a¡ aQe i¡ a;sa,::
n !roups of Íour irav¿
i¡:-disclss lhe r sls anC al':: :_ :'
rank lhe mosld lJ;au :_r::
PornloLt t¡e del¡ I r:- r:_: ,', :
Focus box llave suat.i:'::t':
dlrect ons and [r 1, ña:i: :: -'
1lr€ pers!n and lh: r Oa¿ Assiqn ¡ew !a rs ii d s:-:: _i
people they r'ẹh¡s!'
!ry !h lhe \|ho e; ¿ts I :,-:: _.
peopiẹ Whal .!e: sa-a - _:b ggest aah evr¡é:3 ,l-r::._
we leárn frcm thi-_.L
E} Wr 1" dovn ler vsbs in t¡e presentlense Sonre verbs §hoúrd end n ¡or d
Say one oJ yoúr\rords and ask your pannerto say t in ihe pasl tense Then
rr!n calion
E¡ Work \rr t¡ a partner r,4ak0 a st 01 challenges pe0ple yoLrr age lacs
g Get iogelh".r wilh anolherpatroJ stúdenisand compare yourtrsts frylo
agr".e on llre tlvo orlhree mosr diincu t chaLenqes ior peop e voúr aqe
0isouss past aDcomplishmen!s
.'le lw0 orthree sentences aboui a lamoús person ora per§on you kn0,,i,
li§t beloly or use your ovn ideạ What chatenqes did he or stre
r:e n the pasl? H0ur did lhe person achievo h s of her goal? Tel your partnef
:!LI1he person you chose
Io rchiove a qoalúeam to
súcceed in doiiq som¿lhifq
Expansion Aclivity
Fo o\\rinq lire commu¡icallon
exerc ses have ludents work with
a lart¡er to make a slofadv re lor
someo¡e lhey have a ready r¡el\,ihois lac nq a challenqe lor €xamD e
prepa¡nO for a¡ imporla¡t exam
g".tt nq a li¡st job or movino lo ane!1r cltỵ
Trang 13t[ ;1rrlriir '],;
Use Ioo and
Enough to Talk
Al¡out Ahilities
, rir,, [,ti]iir rLU i
ilaiE studenis read the art c ẹAsk a¡mpreire¡s c¡ questons for
etanpẹ WheÉ is Subaru ftan?
Wtal daes h¿ like da¡t1? Whal dtd
he doÍhal t/as a challengẻelc.0uestions can be asked !ra iy orwrile lhefir for lldenls to a¡swerindividually or in pairs.
Hemrnd studenls lhatwhen lheydon't know ie\! vocab!1arỵlhey
can use the conlext io !uess themeanlnq Po ¡t oul the 1,ords
in b Le in lhe artcle Ln Ạ Nave
sludefts matctr tlre phrasa verbs to
the r rnean nls
' Have str.rdenls compare afswerswith a parlner
Ch€ck aiswers
Go over the nlormatlo¡ ¡thePhrasalverbs box Po ¡laLlithata phrasal verb s a \]erb !lLrs o¡e
or t\40 preposit ons lhat are usedtog"¡ther lo lorm a mea¡ing lhal s
dlffere¡t fro¡r Ihe rnea¡lnq ol theverb and lhe preposit ons when
used sep¿rale y
Elicit more sentE¡ces l,v lh these
verbs Ask for ex¿r¡ple ,,Y¡É¡e didyaLrgra / up? Whal ¡s sanelhing
thallou pu¡ Ltp w¡¡h?ü:i:rItillaI
.llave slLrdents reread the sentB¡cesthey sal¡/ n lhe a icle a¡d c rc e
lhe answers
Check ans!,iers
D rerlslLdefts atlenlio¡ 1o the
:ngage box Have stLrdenls
I sarss lhe questions n pa rs
:,slra c.,:Jr5 Then coTnpalei -r: : r, :' :la a ass and
::!-:l r.::: ISS 0L
SLrbaru Iakar¿lr ": h 'onan amarng
adventure Hs q!á :::,<añ Francisco aone Subarü
ñea¡lnis.::-: : :::: _: -:::rerrsthoughlhewasodenoui
tosal alore arc :_i- _r ::: _ :, : :::: Ẹ ejl on July22 Atf rsl lhe
tripwaseasi T.:_:':: ::.: -!!_¡ne - sohed¡dn'th:.:
any lqhts ll i¿::: : : ;:_ ¡s ¿r niglrt becaLrse lwastoo dai
tos¿eh,s i::i: :::.: _: ::: iirpp¿d
Subaru was rcal.- ! i r_or¿s§rla§vefy sl0w bulhe rii¡'
: _: ¡" SaDtembe¡13 §uba¡úsaled
:::' ::: _' :: : : :i:::i:.nevertosalaioneacross
r :r::: ::-::.r! oaduJl[outb".ngupsel
I : : : r: ':-::i lroánáriúll
- -.-.; !l somelh ng thal yoLr lrayg
8 :_::.:: _ r -:: : .
aiirr¡flar E/r:i,.;' 'i_- : : :
Read llrese s".nlences fiom: :
C rc e Y lor .res and l{ ior ,ú1 He was ald enauoh ¡a sail atạ.
Could hesa alonẻ t I
2 He vas nol last enaúah lo útch rsi,
Dd he catch ish? I
3 lt was lao daú to see h¡s baal
Could PeoPe §oe hs boal? Y
160IUnit 5Wor{l Bank;' lll,lr¡l lca o¡c0me aaf0ssf nd oltgel ofJgel o¡illi iti,.r rrlt:lg0 overp¿ss awaypul ofltLrn nlo
Granrif¡ar: ,i, '.r1, r'l , ,,, - :' ::i1ve
Enough nal enaugh,and taa are us€d llllh adrEris
He lalks l1udly enoagh./He doesni lalk lcrnLi enoügh,/
EnauQh/Nol enoüghareaso used !1, th verbs ani riu¡s.fh¡s rcon ¡s h¡g enough/nol big enoughloo big.
lete eoough We have enough l¡ne
Tr' o5.o posqllhor rsp¡r.¿oJpc-rẹ F-ọg.s
p aced ¿fler lhe adiective, while 100 s !laced before
Trang 14-: !Y¿s rollasl ¿n0uqh to catclrlsh
- s boatlYasloo da¡kto see
,01+ adled ve + erolor D0ñ I haveth3 arnountthalyou lranl
r 11¿s old enouqhlo s¿r a one adtectüe + erouq¡ = rlre amount urat
Go oler ih€ ¡niormal ¡r r i¡a ala
abo u I enrrghr,,i tri,r9h, i"'o t lh
adiect ves
Have St!denis comp ele 1¡:sentences l^r lh É¡ol10i ¡di
rrúrohllro and lhe spec i 3ú
adlEcl !e
Have stude¡ts compaae ans\leTs!l lh ¿ lartner
Ch".ck ansüersljciveisair(rl
Have $rdenis c ose their booksWrlte the question on the board
Whaldaes Lisa need lo da befate
sft ün clinbihe naúnlain)
Play the record n! EDE
Cheak ans!!ers.
P ay or read tlE convers¿lon ¿-aain
Ior llre c ass io reoeal
Pract ce the co¡versat on wth thea ¿ss ¡ chorus
Have studenls !racllcB lhe
con¡rersalon w llr a p¿l¡el afd
then rnake nevJ c0nversalons !sing
lhe acti! ties n Ihe box. llave one or two pairs presenl
one tf Ihe r neu, canveTsat ons lo
The ilass.
¡ó, + adled ve - ¡¡or"qtlran Ure
c0mplet¿the senknces us¿ enorgh natenoú1h of ¡orr and tlre adledirc
1 Suba¡u s b0atias _ iblg)ror1,lopeopk
2 a boat s l¿¡0ercrver f0 me to bú,r becaüse donl have
3 Crossrnglhe ocú¡ alone§ ldrliicuLl)1or most psop¿i0 d0
4 ¡¡y Darents say m
alon"q lrave lovat únlml8
5 thrnk Subarus 1r D uas ldanqerousllorayouno pBrso¡
N s parent§ shou d ¡0t h¿ve el hrír g0 a 0ne
6 ar.p os.^-4 ' oo p¿ o <¿ 1¿d.q_'e o1o
(sale)lo¡ myiam y and mẹ Maybe \i/e gollrere iorour nextvacaton
'irs:tt ¡l rl
(EEl c o§e yoúrbook and ristenlo rhe conversaton whatdoes L §a ne"ad.Lrbl|e
Lisa: Do tou knovr trhat lyanttodo n".xtsummer? lr¡vgoa!i§to dimbMari: Afe y0u seroLrs? Black Mounlan sloohardlocrmb Donly0uneed
spec a eqú pnrsnl?
Lisa: I a readyasked aboul L Júst n-íed qood boolsMari: a¡d you re nol slfong enou9h to clmb a nrounian
L§a: Yourerq ca¡ldo¡lnoú Bú1 !l q0 hrk ng every \teekend Nert
sLrnrrn0r I bell enough t0 cimbthe fir0úntarn.
liari: Wel lllke hlkinq l lOo !vth yoú somellmes
El Practrce tire conversat0n wtha păneL Then have nsw convorsalions¿boul rhe ac1 vitrss in llre b0x
EfiÍfíffffff7' Use,o0and errusrl0 lalk abDút ab¡lllles
' 1e dourn sxlhrnqs\loú uantlo dọ0iscuss \¡/helhef you can d0 lhese th ngs
_: r Are you o d enough to do tlrem? Arelhey a1i0rdabl" or 100 expen§Ns?
lfaflnrarPraCliCe: i ':,'-ri: ,í,ir',rii r r,i + ¡alljlllr/i
- i:[ese phrases o¡ the boafd:
' Have slLrdenls read the direclonsTien have llreÍr !{Íte a I st ol at
east s x thlnOs they \4ant to dọPTo! de vocabu ¿ry as ¡ecessaTy
D v de l¡e c ass lnio pa rs ¿¡d have
Sludents d scüss the th ¡gs they
uraft 10 do and when they can do
them í,¡ode ¡riti a studenl Ask
Wh oD yau wa¡lla dảflen ask
ap!ropriate ques: ons for examp ẹ
AEyẳ old engh Ía
Da talt have enẳqh đrney la
Call !n se, erai studenls io te thec asS 3¡olt somelh nq lhe r paflner
!{anlsl¡ do and [rielherhe or shesode¡oLrgh etc
:,, a hause
play chess
play wilh tol cars- !.rdenls Can yau tün 1A k¡bnelets?Eltctl
: :,r:r!wlh erorgh nal enaugh taa + ad)ecluẹ
' -\ l n ¡ao ald la un 10 lanelerc /l'n nal
: .naugh l0 tun 1A kibneterc /lnt lil enough- _ lrl]/rmelẹs Have them d scuss the phras8s
gel naÍ¡edr¡de a btcycle
\! lir a pa ¡er Ca oi studenls lo say a senle¡ae
I0r the class The¡ chal enoe pa rs to think ol a
ne!! !hrasr t0 ¿sk the class Wrlte lheir phraseson the board and have pa rs d scuss them in a
s ¡t af !!ay
Trang 15LlSs0ai
Describe a
*ersonai iltraiienge
' ¡:,li I n!
.lrrrodrcelhe l¡l] a !lihe r6ad nq
Ask slLrdents L¡/¡e¡" /s 1/16l¡a¡ra7Whal da ttú krawahari l? Ha\,e lirtleits reail lhe sentBnrBS
and a rc e the r luesses Te
Ihtm they
'! I ¡d :he arslrersnihe3riae
Po ¡l our th! '.acab! ari r lhe Har/e sludenls read ihe art a;É
lo check the r guesses Tell thern
t¡ use the conlext to try to OUesslfe rnean nil oi afy words theydon I knoll
Chacl ansllsrs.
Go aver the arficl wLth ths c assans,\rer ng 3ay quÉsl ons lrom thesludents a¡oLrl vocab! ary Ha1]e siLrd".nls answPr llrP
\!ral do lor kn0s aborlrh¿Arrc, c c ellre ansüers lhe¡ r¿ad llre ¿n cle 1o lr?ck
l I rhe lint¿r'i llre Ar¡1r! fs ó¡rklrcuÁ ¿!¿ry da\r
ạ12 b.20 c.2l
2 The No¡1lr Poh s o¡
ạ and b Lrater c ce
3 n tlre Archc lor can s¿e_
;r.porar bears
c, poarbears and panqu ¡s
Ans\rerlhe quo§no¡s ln your nolebooI rl
necessarỴ l00k back a1 lhe art c e
l, Wlral was Boorqe and Mlkes rdeả
2 What happdned h t[air,ood?
3 Now đ Eoerqe and M ke lraver?
4- Hoú hrd d ¡hey go everydaỉ
5 What happen".d !yh".n lhey,r¿rs c0si6 Wlreo didlhey gettorh€ Po ¿?
E Tel a partner about the * I cr ñ
youropinon whallvastlr¿scsr¡f,;:¡3
thing aboul tho exped¡l cr?
quel ons ard rereac ihe article asnecessafỵ
Have slú0ents compare answeTs
ur lh a !¿rlner
D v de Úre c ass inlo !a rs Havethern close lh€ r bools a¡d worktogether to rete llie slory oÍihe
expedit or Have l¡em d scuss
whal ar¡a7Dd llem the mosi Ccmpare a¡swers \\l ll th¿ c ass
Whaldi¡ studelrts f rd mosl
ai!ressrls abolt the tvro mefs
aah evement? 62 Uñit 5
F0r Y0ur lnf0rmat¡0n: Th€ Itc¡1h Pol€
lhe Ncrth Púle s thB n0flhernn'ostpornl¡n Earll-t
i res n lhe miđ e ol llr.i Arcl c ocean ¡n sea lceabove sa¡l,\laier lhat s 4261 mei8lS(l3980feet)ri!e¡ BeaaLjse the ce is co¡st¿¡t y nr0,] .! 1¡
mprrssible to brild !.ermanenl sc eniif c stalions.suclr as thos!altheSoulh Pc P
Surpr sing y t s nol kn0wn for certa n !\,ha f rst
a scovarr:d lhe Ncrth Po e TIre AmEr can ax¡iorlrr
F.eder ri Clok c a med he reaahed 1irn Apr 21
1908 bul h s on y compan ons \\,ere lwo ¡lllmen\tlro had ¡o kno\^lled!€ ol science or na\] galicnA¡¡ther Ar¡sr ran Robert Peary said he reached
the P0 e on Alr 6 1909 bullris nav gat on¿
calcu ati0ns úere r, drly d sbB BVcd [,losi surprlsl¡:
ol al the f rsl person proled 10 hav8 actua y seen
the North P0 e Ro¡ d Amúndsen did lt fom ana ¡shlp n 1926 He was a s01¡! hrst explorer to
reach ihe Sdr¡,, Po B i 19121
lloal= 10 En on r.r ri r:É
Trang 16Alier Bsaoiog
W€b search: Have siLrde¡ts galher rnlormaticn about anotlrerpc ar l0urney by do ¡! a¡ 0r re search ,rlth lhe lerrns Á¡alr,
Dr Anlatclicana expedijan Hele l¡e$ prepare a shcrlora
rel]¡ 1,! th nlormation aboulthE Bxp orers vrhere llrey !!ent
and the r achlevemeils.
Proiecl: Nave studenls ,!ork in qr0Lr!s to col ect iniornat on
¿I¡id'dP" '"¡r .'d ¡9.'éI d''¿'!''o:e 'dlqeo 'oa,'i ¿'oq Ód
siortora !resental¡o¡ loth€ c ass
Trang 17LESS0I
Describe a
Personal Challenge
[ i] l']] tTi,lI La;riiiiI
E c lexamp es ol cha lenles and
wrile lhem on lhe hoafii Ask ,4/",
lhete sone clallerceswe dan'l
choasẻ Challenges ¡halwe have la
Iá6ẻ Wr lE examp es o¡ tlre board Divlde tlre c ass into palrs an0 have
them d sürss the quel ons Cor¡lare ans\^rets !v th fhe class
iị/ I ti¡ Lj
Wr te a shofl paraOraplr aboLrl¿
cha englno erperiencr n your ia
(on tlre bord/d splay on sareeii¡i¿ hando!t) 1-lave stude¡ts de¡t fy
the lop c senlence and then il,e
detalls thal€xp a n ih top c
Have studenls read the rt reclons
and !!rite the r ol^rn !¿ra!rạnhs n
Divlde the class inl0 0airs and hare
them share the r paraQraphs lethem to ask each olher quest¡ns lnfind oul more aboullhe cha len-1lln!
expef encẹ
Have s€veral stLrdenls tel lie classabout lherr pa¡1¡ers chal eng ng
exp€r encẹ
Teacher Tip: He 0 nq groups fifish at the same time
A c0mmon situatlon in grcup work ls that one qroup completes th€ lask lono before th€ others {r lon-c
afl€r Here are som€ approaches you can lake with a gro!p lhatflnishes too qrllckly: Check t0 be sure they have lnderstood the With agroup thal f ¡ishes too slowlyl
lask and compleled al pans corredY
Gi!e ihem ađitiona queslions.
Have th€ group prepare a writle¡ report oftheir ideas and answers
Te lhem to omll parts ol the task.
Tak€ over br elly as d scLlssion eader to he,!them move a onỌ
.Setatme lmit Telllher¡, /7/ as* frryourensú)ers ln f¡ve nin tes
:=-+' - -,Y-W- ,1""tsF-:<-\:(ü';b§rCc¡rmuIicat of
E Dscuss lhe queslonswilh a partner.
1 People Jace chalenqes for ditferenl r".as0ns bulihere is usually s!rt
re !ard riel re d(.onpli,l oL' qo, Wiól drél ee or'on (l c
l-in llethalcannolbe avolded? (Forexample, I can bea cha lenqe l
along well wilh al 0l our hfllly m".mbe¡s or ne 0hbors ) Whal are i:
rewards f we 1ac¿ lhose chal en0es?
2 fery0urpartđefabttwo or tlÍ¿e chaLlenqes nyouf lÍerhatyou:
lof yoLrfse l why d d you choose to do those lhings?
Wr trno
WrG a paraqrapn ab0ut a clrallenginq pasi exp".rience Jrom yourown,:
y0urnolebook Fnsh the topic §snlence belouThenađ inleresl¡nqYou maywanllo us€ time express¡ons such as Al list Tlre nexlda!
lopic $nbnca: When lwas-yearc old decdedl0
0etalls: il was a chatLengs becaúse
D¿scrlD€ a ¡eisonrl ch¿llenqe
Share yoú paraqraph w th a oartneL Askvour Da nẹ qúestions aboú: :EiniormaUon in ihe pamgraph
64 Un¡t 5
,al.-.- n'
.l* a -"' ¡
Trang 18,tr[\,.\1\'l¡Video Journal:
Searching for the
Snow Leopard
Before You Watch
Have students look atlhe ! arr-.
and Cescr be \rhat they s€i E '!4halthey know aboulthe sn r.1
' Have stldenls cornp ele ln:
paragraph 1, th lhe 1r¡rds .
Ihe box Prov de d ct onar isor aacesslo¿n o¡lne d cl¡".',
as necessary
Have stude¡1s co¡lpaÉ ansri:':
willr a partner Cheak answers
Wh le You Watch llave sludents read the st ol
activlt¡es TPl ureñr Io check the
ones they see as they watch
Have lLrdenls compare answer!
wlh a parl¡er 1]heck a¡swers
Have stLrdents read Ihe staternen:
D reatlhe r atlention to the \!or.: _
bo d and lhe r possrb e mean "l!
ure words n parentheses re 1_."to watch th€ lldeo aga n ạa á
'the correct mean ng
P ay lhe vjdeo aqain
' Have stude¡ts cor¡pare ¿r.,r .
wiUr a partner P ay llra \ r: :: _
as necessaty Cheak ansurers.
After You Watclr
Com m unicatrof
Dlv de llre c ass :n:a r': -::
of three or four 3:: "¿,:
-.-dLsclss lhequ¿s :::
Compale ansilÉ: ;, :_: :,.
iiow Leopard runnin! aíEr plet
't Yitr \¡jAtC ll
ti rn eaclr blankllrtI a\rord frọ0lhe box Use yourdiclonarylo hepyoufhe snol,,, eopard ves ¡thgh (r) '] : inlhe moúntarns0i
or'r¿rA ¿ ¡róerD pOp,o 2
I -
sú¡h asrñountain goatsandslreep snow i-copards are 14) and
'srpeople ha!¿ phoioqfaphed thenr Fof pholoqapher sieve wnGr gdl nqqo0d pcture§ in the§e cold mounl¿¡ns lvasa physicalaDd me¡lalchalengẹ
¡eand lrlsieam sel upcameras on l5) wherelhe eopards
lalk Iheñ theyuatched and u/a ted
r li Ya ri \ivatcrl
O Watchlhe vdsọ Check (,/) tlre activties ln the boxyou see nlhevideo
E| walch lhe video aqain c rce the best mean¡nq roreach vord n bold.1 0vertlrecoufs".oll0monlhs ohotoqfaohsr slove w ntef shol mofe uran
Z drv¡ns on mounla n
30.!00lrames n púrsú t ol tlre elúsive snow eopard i aninra s llñ;iurE)
I louchinq a eooad
Z Asjewas 3 500 snolv eopards may exist ¡ lhev d Theyve bsens4q!!qd as h¡sh as r8.000led.and tlrey rs uotoriously camera siry
r eer 0lo oq¡¿pl"d I
3 Snoühopardscan leap sewn llnres lhetr o\rn body enslh I vrau lilllgl)
iÉi Yc]lr V,ieia¡ i C0n'¡t r a;rtrcrl
ElDo you think Sleve Wnter gota ol oipclures 0fsno\r eopards?WhydoyoülhrnkW nkr and hs kam dec ded h do such a diiJ cult proled?
For Y0ur lnformal¡on: Sn0v/ Le0pards
he snour eopard ca¡ survlve ¡ llle cold snowy
inou¡tains ol Cenka! Asia tha¡ks to th ck insulatinq
' f end ur ale llrr-0avered le"ol lhal alLaw lhem lo
,!aL( more eas V on the s¡ow They have strona
ags lor lump n! and use th€ r lon0 tails lor balance
¡nd as b a¡kets to protecl ther¡selves kom the
:ú d Ho!4ever lhe number of snow eopards eil
n the wild is d m n shinq Thev are somel m€s
k lled by sheep and goalherders becaus€ lhey
prey 0n their an mals They are hunted illegaL y f0rtheir fur and lor thelr organs, wh ch ars used n
Ch nese rn€dlclnẹ n ađil on to lh s the r habilal
is vanish ¡g As a res!lt of these threats on lheir
s!TV l]al conserval on sts are work ng hard Io
protecl th s rare and b€aullÍu animal
Trang 19Transitions
A iotrl iír a ir'rat¡
fr i p'rr:.r slofil a lljso!¿ B¡5'|¿l
¡' d! n Dạ a L Lrb ¡19 : iem¡t!', aq¿
rn ths ¡i_ider."i(¡sor¡ and lllarB¡0nr¿
.lẹ aie h¡s l.qer pa nt".l as [¿r1¡1
l e !',reaa rg ieremanr' Tra faa:i r ¡i0a nt r! br les Iic".s s! Ir tạe | lnes¡¿:[ l¡LS¿_¡s ¡if¿ás Ala¡rd _! tr'rad I n I .q ¡r ar: laad s ¡a ¡iea taDreleil bed LtiI arc:¡t !,/m!D s rrle ¡rs !n ha,e slec a rneạ nqs ihe,iT¡i¡ r,'ras lakBn bi 1¡: !i¡0i0!re! tsr
railr n lhena !,rhJ t'r,r (tstra
lr rsl '
lnịii rr? tte il¡-nP l i:i rii AslLl/,iji oa!J t¡:¡s'¡/ót /xa¡¡l'
' D ralstu¡anis ::lirl .r'rr r¡ tle p tre
Ha,re !tudarls aasar Lre !,ilaliill sÉ, Haie jlrdriils | -0JSS ¡t: quis: o¡s
¡r 1: ¿ l]aÍné
Ta i all¡ui r1¡ f k ras ii:'a_3 tiiIs
tim nq a 5 rir lh3 ¡-li ¡ i¡rer]¡r :¡E salij¡i i;u]r! ¿
,i¡,/¿, s irJ;risr ,óii¡, ir, r"j /rrjj
irne JÉlir¡g ¡rraiart
As,( 1ras, qLresiLrls rr ,\rlir ilB¡ irn
lha b!a:d 1¡r:1ud¿rts 1a ars!rer rc¿ is ,fira/r i- i¡É ¡irs¡ r¡¡¡.Ljlii/¡.?¡-§ili n,¡.r aljiiLr! illj¡ |r/¡/'ll¡rr¡
r! ¡Na,Tnsl rr-lairiirr ¡/r¡si¡ir¡ '¡ J-.
C! ¡r'er lr." -r iGa¿ s ¡, r the ạ¡ss
F¡r tsac¡ go¿ B a lail riú'ds-ltrdiils a ria¡i kr¡Ji e,ra !! leth:n
¡r ili lr,J¿'il quEsl,J.i,r'f 1r,,,'
r¡r¡n¡llÉrạ , 't'r.r*t;::;fil.I,T)I
S role past lense vs presDfl
perfeat lense
llived alan¿ iti2A05
lve lived aiane iailive yeats
¡ 1r
H!l,i + ad]eciile ¡r aoverb
Slages ¡i fe
Adlgclves ioi aqel
lotlhluI ct ilaiish naii)te
G¿¡ir¿ a¡d locuseCistil nq
A raC Draqr¿LnlHla lhy t0s irom ar0k na,rar ien:efai in
Trang 20llir t Thenre Ove / e\J, Tha qreailrans i ons I alg¡sons ia
are tlra S¿¡ta aroL.lf:d l¡e r¡jor d ¡ r¡i
s:¡fr n! ¿¡d comp ein! a¡ eiLraa: a_
e¿,Jin! th¿ iamiry harie find ¡0 a i
sarlner.ll¿v no a cl d beaon r! ¿qranal-are¡1 iet I nq 1¡om wilrk
E!.'-cit ture ias ts o!"¡ !'Jay DfLaf f!
these iíans ions \! lir ct ebTatLcas
and c¿re¡ton es
An tterest ¡g rl llere rce bei$es_
iu lLrres s the a-!e alwh ch pe¡! ¿
make l¡lse lrans io¡s F¡Te¡afi a
1¡9 a!8al llh cn p8¡p B lEr mar Pa
far es !r de y elen v/ 1¡ n re1] ors _
Ban0 al]esh thB averaqe vioman Qal:
mai¡ sd at 16: ¡ 8Lfmạlne averail
\!0nan rnaff es for the llrs( time atra
¡\¡en ir S,!ede¡ marry at the avEra!t.
aae oÍ 32 I years (ihe h glresl n lh:
i,or d)u/hLe llre r ne qhllors I Pa ail
narfy al2b 2 iears
There are d flerences ln the age alrJh ah pe!.!le ar! ega r,r' aons dereaadlr is io! n Nepa ỵ!nQ Deo! i
bea¡r.B aiLr ls al l6 nTalksiar l¡
¡NewZeaand 1B irJapan 20 ¿_r
¡ Eqypl 2l A¡d n sorne c¡u¡tr ejlhe ssue s I;r more aaTnp ex a lli
Un l d StatES !Éoole aan qel rllar El
and gela drlve s lae¡ss all6 tir.nlhe r¡ tary at l7 ard,rcte al13 bL:lhey musl lE 21 10 ega y aorsu ¡ia coh0L
n lh s Lrn I $Ldenls r'l rrileii ạ l'.
d flerniaols and laqes ri fB ani
earn a¡0!t lha trans 1!ns rlrat marIthem Thei uJ I ta k aboul llre lresi
a!es lar d,lere¡lihinqs and praila;
¡escrib ¡! trans I ons n ihe r ú".rn
!es ard ln olh!r cir llrTgs
r0 ooJ TED Talks: // L, o pd.dc.dD o Nal¡onal
P"r 'úo q8F,.0 ro 'od,9'd' o Geographic:
silss ¡! the besl6qa
:i lE transilio¡sPronünc¡al¡on:
: so!nd
Nub a¡ Weđlng
Trang 21TEE§OII
Ta lk Ahoul
Mileslones in
Your Life
i ;,,,-; il
Talk eboirtihe p ciLres l\,ilh thBc ass Abcul how o d s eaah
Have sludenlswr 1e lhe correc¡!hrase jor each photo
Check ans\¡rers
Te slldenls 10 jrr tB lhe r de¿s
at,DLrlihe a0es 1or Ihase feisrti0Fs
EñUhaslze thald Iler".nlpeo! e 4
have d liere¡t ans!/srs
D v de the a ass nln pr¡ rs ¿nd ¡are
¡hem compaTe llls r a¡swers ¡nderp a ¡ the r re¡sc¡s P! nt lLrt
thB ".xample rn thespeec¡ bLrbb e
a¡d trl stud€nls to d scuss lhe
ahan!ss l¡al lake p ạB n eaah
trans lon
Compareanswers,,rlllr t e ü ass
Ask ab¡utthe chan0e! lh¿i areÉp0fianl r 1¡B tra¡sll ¡ns
i, .11 , ,1 ¡;
Rev e¡r the !r sentpelẹt tenseand 3 mp ¿ pasllensgs T".
stud, ls lor e{¿n¡r¿ /¡rle
4ite¿dt da).1-,, itl ni lhiñEs lada!
/ L/r r/r_e¿¡i ¡¡!,!¡l ¡ air-rs /
¡i_lrgllri¿i rrr! ¡al¡ai ¡/i, //¿
d¡i ¡ar,1r É-rr¡í i ;/tÉütú iJ ,l
/er r¡i!i]t l,;ir¿¡ ;r¡!l/¡,,7 ltr/iỉl
¡r[t]ru r!.ri¡ j.i íj ¡id",,,¡ ltr/¡-,rll¡?dJrJlar¡rr :_E i i¡a rs ¡isentenc¿s ,! lh il! !r!sÉnlperiea,
andsmpr¡aiị.i:is' 0o cv.or ll., nÍúịiai 'r l.
;; ạl ri:r i1i,
Coflpelelhe Ohot0 captionsrth a plrrase lrom the box.
whal do\rou th nk, Air,rña1¿q¿ do peop e makelheselransil ons?1.
from iofanc,, to cr tdIoodlrom chidhood to adol-os.enc¿
lrom ¿doksoencc ió ¡rltrlTho¡d
lrom sdulthood to oLd aq¿
-[l compare pur ansr+a n ererc se L! lh a partner § ans\i/efs !!ha1chanq¿stake p ate rn tirese lfanstl ons?
iir:rr ri , ii r ,.r- :ir-r,i::LIi, I::
Use the presenl perfecrlo lalI aboút
1 began n th¿ pastand corlnue
2 lrappened alan lndefñit¿ pasll nre
a¡d [ihch hare an ]mpacl on the
1 fe ¡as loved musc slnce hẹ,
á babr 1l-r"q stil olesmusc n.2 Tm hasllavelod alone bofor¿hes ¡ol nervoús about hs1.r :
3 rc¡ and Takako háv¿ ñovedlr
We bouqhl oür ho¡rse ¡ 2011
3 happened repeaied y n Ih¿ pasr!lse lhe s mple p¿sr l0¡ omplel¿d actDnor sfuation al a sp¿c nc p¿s1t meThe s g¡artrords tuer ¡¡a er ri¡¡rd,
and r/¿laie ofren used !rrhrlre
Has Juslrn qraduated r/E¿dỷ
No he hasn lOladuat¿d /¿¡
Y/.i rd 9airk:
, ,tt:r, 1 r,
nÍ3ir:f aralr baib e ür\/
ai r0hoorl oray go io schoLl,
¡C¡ esc¿rie qraaLrale f0m srt0o datB
rrr 'ịild qrl¡ l.rb qel rnarr ed DUi ¡n:r SÉ "¿\r¿ ¿ ¡a¡l
: r i!¿ r¿r rn er at qrai¡cf Jrel
üra fiar: i:,tii : l.iri, lri,ft,r, :r : : ,.il' ill,l
ThB presenl pedect lense s used to con¡ecllhe pal wilir tha
lve alTđy gndualed lrcn callege lsa naw lhat/e ny
The slmp e paslters€ descr bes a comp eted action al¿
speclf c I me
lgraduated lton caliege in 2A01
Trang 22: ::ịl perlBctúl1h /or1o tak
:r! sonrelh n! has been
: :::ñt peloctwlh srr¿¿to
.' r¿n a stuaion beqan.
S r¡one has had gmy haú ¡orhr(Tha1! how onq.)
Sh" has k¡own her best fr end sir.e
.1lve) n this aDanmenl iorlive vears BBfore thal
(qradualed)from hgh schoo nro yeaf§
(nol OradLrato fonr the únivs1y yei
(bẹ nol)10 SoulhAnrercạ búl sheftrave )in l\¡ex co last year
lst¿rl lhrs coúÁe ltro months ago
_ : iheselhinqs haveyoú donez Wiren did you do tirem?Wrile
'::!,1th lhe present perlecl0r simole oasttense nVournoleb0ok.
3 mov€oul ofyourparenls house
4 i nd a qmy lranon your head
! :-,pare your ansrvers n exercise B \i/[h a parnersansw¿rs Alühal: ::i or fe do people usúa¡y dotheseih ngs?Atwhalagẻ
Closeyourbookand lÉ1en10ihe conversaloo Where didJaso¡ gỏ
; :( Nave you everlravel¿d aonẻ
.:::r: Yes have itwasJunl: ¡ BealỷWhare did you go,
.:!:i uenlto Lo§ Ang-ales for a oeek aslsummer: :¡ Drd youstaylñ a h01el?
.::' fla vrsted my cous ns We had a qreaitime
5 : ::i:e t¡e c0nversation wiilr a partner Then nrake a newcoñversalon::: -i rour travelexperences
5@ rrrr abou! mlteitones ir your tite How roñg h.v yo! known
: ¡¿ stages 01 fe on paq¿ 68 Wri¿aquesnon abouia mileslone
_!ortantevenl)foreachsla¡te Askapaftnef yourqueslons
^ Ctv ol Los Anqees U SA
Have studenls comp
".te e¿úi
se¡teice witlr the corect lorñ r
the verb n parentheses Check a¡swers
Tell studenls lo write lrue senl:i:::aboullhemse ves Rernlnd lhiii
to use the Fresenlpeíect tens3 i
talk about llr ¡gs they lra!e dcra t
an !ndeflned t me in the pasi ail
the pasltense to ta k aboLrteraaịwlr€¡ Ur€y did them.
' D vide lhe class ¡lo pailS and iai:
them compare lheir ansl¡/ers ¡ B.
Tlren compare answ€rs l,v tlr theclass and d scLss the stag€ ol Íi
and most !sLralage 10 do each ai
tir€s¿ Urlnqs
Conve rsation
Have St!dents c os€ Iheir books
Write th€ quest on on the boardl
Where d¡d Jason gả P ay lhe r€cord ng E@
Clreck answers.
P ay or read lhe conversat on aga n
Ior th€ c ass to rBpeat
Praclce the conversati0n !!ith thEclass n chot!s
Have slLrde¡ts praclce theconversation wlth a partner thef
mak8 a ¡el^r conversalon abouilheir ol!n kavel erperle¡ces
- :rmar Pract¡ce: Prcs€lrt Derf€ai iersR vs silrlDlB ilasi lense- -:w has yout life chanled in lhe lasl l¡ve
, i Have slLdents wr te Ive senlences such as
.:.hanged j1bs.
.: na/ed lo a differenl apa nent
I videlh€ class nlo pairs Have lhem takelurns,¡: rq a senlence to the r 0artneL
The partner thei Oets more nlormal o¡ abouleach
senlence by asking and answering qu€slions i¡ lhesir¡pLe pasl Ie¡sewith uher, flrete why aidsa on.Dlscuss with the c ass
Have stude¡ts ook at the I Iestages on page 68 aoa ¡ Mode :r:
exampLe questio¡ and eJicrt olhq'
qu€st ons for each slage Hav!sludents wrle al ea§l one qir:st i_
lor each staqẹ
Dividelhe c ass irto palrs an¡
have lhem ask each olher t¡! r
quest ons Encouíaq€ lhenr 1:r ¿!.
each ourer fo o!!-!p quesl,.ñ3::
find oLrl more i¡fcrmal on Have severa stLrdenls le tii
c ass somelhln! abcul onr a: _- -partners ife stages.
Trang 23Talk About the
Best Age to DoSomethingListening
Have ludents look al the oicturesa¡d descr be whallhey seẹ D v de
lhe c ass nto pairs and hav€ lhem
d scuss lhe quel ons
Coripar€ ansllels1, th lhe class
Tellstudenis lhey are go nO to heara radio program abolt a wor¡an
n Japan Have them read thequeslrons.
Play the recordinQ one or more!lmes IEE
Have ludents comPare answers
with a 0¿ ¡er
Check ansüers.
fe students to len a0aln a¡dllnd the inJ.rmation
P ay the record ¡g one or moretimes BE
Have stude¡ls com¡ele ansuers\! lh alarlner P aYUre recordinO
alaln as necessary Check ans\{e§.
Hale s¡rdenls discuss the quesiion
n !airs
'l]ompate answers uith th€ class
Ask Da yau lhink very óld Pea7le
have a haPPY lifẻ Whl?
Pronu nciation
ExDLa ¡ thal the syFrbol is ca ed a
scrúá and qlle Is pron!nciatlon.
PLaythe recordirg cne or tnoretmes 3EE
Te studenls to sten and r€!!alAfter each word.lhey shoLr d
circethe syllab e (orsv abLes
note ,a¡lor¿l llas two unsilessed
syllab€s)\!th lhe schwa sound.
'P ay lhe record fg o¡e or moretimes 3E
Have studenls comPatB ans!lers
\! lh a larlner
Check a¡swec
70 Utllf 6i Transilions
LLStEf ng
E Drscuss these querto¡s úth a parlnú
1 Who h llre odesl persony0ú knoü? Ho!Y0ld is hs ors!rẻ2 Whatdoes th s person usua v do overv dav?
IDE Lsten toa mdio proq¡am aboLrt LJshiokushima ¡ üÓmanlror0kinava Japan Ansu/ertlre qÚesl ons
1 Wlrere does Ushiurork?2 !\rlry rs llsir únusual?
-IDE¡ L,slen ao¿ n ¿nd rnd thP nrorm¿ onneededbe0'r
^ Por'lmit ol a 104 irearo¡d
70 unlt 6
1 lllorelhan 700 PeoPe n 0k¡na\'/a2 TIr?e r¿asons forllris
!. b.
E woutoyou t<e to trveto ue t00? D scuss llre qÚes10n !vth a par¡r¿Explain voür r"oasors
Prcfrira ¿tt0ll T¡esch!/as0ulal r0 L!r
!nslressi]ii sy abl€s
Em Lrslen tolhords Notceth"qvolve §ound otliic Ú¡stÍessed
syllabes n I : This slhe §chÚa sound /a/ and lts the mos1¡omnron vo!rc sound n Eirqlsh
nlrni letlce chldFn Populat n dut
EEB Lht¿n and repeatllre üords Circellre unsressed sv able§ rLti
ír¡á nullqOC knq!3!ll n{iq@ crrrf!¡
F0r Your lnformal¡0n: Centlarians
Arou¡d the world the nurnber of cenleiaria¡s isgrol]ving Ép dlỵ I the unlted slales lhere afe no\|
rnore ihan 50 000 Certa n req ons are noted lor
their arQe n!mber r,.l inhabllants o!et 100: 0kinaw¿Sardinra (ltaly) a¡d the Nlcoya Pen nsu a lCosta
R ca) Researchers have lound lhatlhe lifesty esof e derly people in llrese p aces have a nu¡rber ol
things ¡ commont
Ps¡p e hals astrongssnse olpurpose th€y drinl
water conta n ¡0 a 01 of calc urJr and otlrer mlneri
Trang 24:onversation
Al@ cbs€ yoür book and lislon lo the convgrsation How old is Jamal? I 3
lndrca: Did y0ú h€ar $€ big news? Jamal h 0ettino hk own a$dmentl
fl¡¡: §€¡ou$ỷ Bul he§ l9llhalStoo younq to getyourown place
)lritot: Oh I donl k owabrdthát
Xi¡: Do yalJ ln¡nk hés old enolgh?
l¡drer: Well, hés malure, and he s hrd a parHim8 job slnm ie was 17
fi¡r: T¡at3 true lul I thi¡k he s¡outd wan a faw years.
lndru: R6allỷ Wllal d0 yoú lhink is lh6 best ags to livs ór yow own?
Ilm: llhink p€ople should gel tun own place after h6ýve rinlshed c¡llew.Anlrcr: That§ a good poirt L pian to live witr my parsds wl h l'm ln colleqẹ
3E Pmcüce the conveñation with a parher Switch roles and praclice I aqai¡r.
gt Make a chart with a partner Jn your notaboolc useyoụ own ideas Thenmak€ naw convorsalJons aboul Jorge and Mel ssa using lir€ convelsalionin ax8rcis€ l as an Bxampl6.
vo|J(á¡r4 ah ldonlknow
aDort lórl to dlsaorÉ Polltely
e 8€ad ths oliniqrs How old do you lhink each person is?
1 'Hérloo oldro play§occer." Age
2 'He r too you¡g lo lnvol alole ' Age
-3 'S'rés loo old lo dancs." ASẹ
ạ'SheslooyounoIodnve¡cár.' Aqẹ
5 'Shésr00old roh¿'na nedhlqu¿06' Ags.
6 !r'sroooLd lo q¡l n¿rfed.' Asẹ
trlalt a¡oul tltc Ü8sl a¡B lo d0 somelnns
Look aiyouranswers for D Compare youranswers with a parlner and exphinyouropinions Whai¡s tio besl age lor each oflhese lhings? Do you knowsomsone who does rirass rhinos at an unusualaoẻ
Ttle b€sl aqs for lh s sThe b€r aqo lortiis is
Expansion Acliv¡ty
Ask sludents t0 interview an elderly
per§on ln hi§0rher naUve languageand gethls or her advice lof living
a lono and healthy lilẹ H¿ve tlBm
present lhe advicelo lhe cla$-Are there any similarilies in what
diflerentpeople said?
rl Hav€ shrdenls c¡ose
the¡rbool§-W1h ke quest¡on on llE boatd:How old is Jana/?
' Play the recordi¡g ¡@
' Check answ6rs.
Dlrecl students'allention lo lheReal Language box.
El Play or read the convers¿uon.
Practice lhe conversalion withlheclass in choÍus.
Have sludents practlce theconversaUon with a partner, lhenswitch roles and praclice il again.
B ' Dividethe class into paks and havethem read the slater¡ents and fillín
ideas aboutthe peoplẹ Th€n have
lhem practlce nEw conversations
Iollowlno th€ nodelin Ạ Callon palrs to present aconversation lo the class.
Gl Have work individually t0lillin theaoes usln0 their ow¡ ideas.
Assion new partners and hav€ themcompare a¡d discuss thei answers
from 0 and the two questions.
Compare answers with the class.For each statemenl, callon several
sludents to share thelr answers.Then discuss why someone would
b€ loo young ortoo old iorthat
aclivity, and what lhe best age is lor
Trang 25lEs60r
Use How0ueslions
to Get More
Language Expansion Have studenls lo0k althe DrctLlre
and descr be the people a¡d the rre al onshi0s
Divide lhe class nto pairs andhave lhem read the adje¡llvBs and
descr !1 ons n llre box Then have
them talk aboulpeop e who lillhe
descr pl ons-peop e lhey know
persona y or famous peop s
Ask sev€ral ludents to te 1l'r€
c ass about people who 1t the
d flerenl descriplo¡s
Hale stLldenls work w lh a oarlner
to descr be lhe peopl€ ln lhe
p ctures AnsweTs may vary Compare answÉrs !! lh the class.
Nole llrat students firay not be
ableto ludge lhe peop es ages
accurately bll shou d be ab e to
app y lhe adjectives
Po nloulthe lwo aollo¡alons !!lthale ln the Word Foc!s box Ask
Whal ¡s lhe age linilfot slat¡ngschool in oür countrỷ When
da peaple cone al age ¡n lhiscaúnltỷ
Go 0\]er lirB ¡diecllves/adverbs andqueslro¡s ln the chart
Word Eank: Adleatrves ánd
advBrtrs for q!estio¡s l¡l ih
Adjectives:anqry blg, bor ng.
dilficult expens ve, heavy
¡teresl ng, old small Ia , t red,
Adv€rbsr badlỵ fast slowlỵ \^re
Grammar: QLTBSI 0ns ,,l/rtlt iirll + al:ljeal ve
or ¡d!Érll
These questions ask for clarif catio¡ oi t¡e degree ofthe
adverb or adlective A conrmon example lhat studenls have
alr€ady earned is Hrú r/C arelorr2Nole that l|lth adverbs
th s type of qLest on is used wlth adverbs of manner 1í,r//badlli elc.) and time ( /rle,.árl, bul not with otlrer types ofL-:r¡'r-! r.r¡u É Eipirrs,0f Adlectvt5f0 ¿qÉ
E¡ Doyou kno!v someone úho trts any ol tlr¿se descr¡p1 ons? !!lro s rll S_:your answers \xlth apairn"qL Use ilre adtect ves in lh€ box to [e p you
A Talkaboul lhose peop
".wth ¡ partner folyod arelhe)¡, Descrbe lti
w th adlecr ves ifom the box
youngeÍ aqe$aty0ú cai d0
but eh€ looks vé,y ñ.iurẹ
Gr rrilr l/,., - ¡rilF.t|E fr iIerb
AdFdives give informal on ab0ut noú¡s.Use ,ow+ adlecl ve 10 ask a quesr onabour a descripl vo adiectúọ
Advsós give informalon aboul verbs
lse Hrú+ advsrb 1o ask a que§l¡on
She¡ r¡¿lLre enou9h tob¿bysllm,::
lsarn quickly Hou qüicklydo ỵ!
learned to ride a b cycle ln one o¿
Trang 26El Unsc Embl" tlr E quesl or s Take tirr¡s w th a parinsr ask ng the qLresl ons'1.
En0 rsh lro\r/ do speak \ire iYoú
!ourlamllv ho,'r oiten rnove does
Conplete the c0nversahon§ Wrrle ques1ions úsinq n0l(
1 Ar th nk ¡,1r clren s too ederlll0lvsalone
8: Fe dossn'l ookodto me ,
2 A:M! brollrerfaiLed hs drlvers censelesi srx! mes because he drves
a: r can'1 9o to the moi e w th yoÚ lonighl becaÚse my lirst class s verv
ar rdont,lantto oel mv o\i/n apaftnenl fs muclr 100 ¿xpensrveread na the assO0mentforlomoro gu¿ss lrcad
Have sllrdents urile llre qLreslonson lhe ines.
Have slLrde¡ls comP¿re ans\vers\! Ih a part¡er
Check atsl,VPrs.
Favs s1!dents wr¡te the 1o o\!_LlP
q!est ons
'Have sludents compare answers
u th a Parl¡er. Check anslirers.
Have siude¡ls ciose the r bo¡ks
Writetie qusst on on the boatd
fihat did Et¡k gel?
Play ihe record n! 3E
Cl'reck ais\{ers
Play or read llre con!ersalon agarn
for lhe c ass lo rePBat.
Praclcs llre con1]ersalan wilh ilr.'class n charus
Ha¡re studenis !raalce t¡i
conv!rrsalon $rUl a parlnef thensw tch ro ss aid pcclice lt aga il
Div de lie c ass into palrs and
¡ave thefir read the nlormal on
a¡d f ln de¿s abolt th€ PecP e
The¡ lrave them prad ce nel^r
m¡versations Iollcwing 1¡e anodrnẠ
Ca cn pa ís 10 preseni e
coi!Brsatiotr lo ihe c ass
Ha,re eaclr sludenlprepare a
stateme¡t about [hemse v¿s w Ih an
adlective or adverb Give eratnp 3s
Mt parenls lhnk 1n lazy I cax Then lrave studenls lai(e tur¡s
te lrnq the slalemenlto their
păners ,fho respond asking
quellons wrtlr ¡oú/lo lel more
nlormaliof : lor er¿mPle H¡!, lá4l
are yaủ Haat wellcar 'laü cocl¡r
Have severa slude¡ls siare
sor¡etiinO thsy lound oLlt aboLlt
llre r partnet lvith the class.
' \",a_r.i,tI trT
got h".r orn aparhreni
lm C oseyolrr boor and slen to-t[e convecal on wrral did Erk sel?
lrs Ryai: Mr sor EÍk rur qot hrsfrsl cr¿dil card
Illrs Chen: Nessl la univer§ty sludent
Mls Byanr fhalslrue búi ne lras alrray§been car¿lLl t/i1lr rn0ney
Irlrs Chen: Rea ỷ Hoü carelulrs hẻ
Itlr§.8yan: Hes!erycar¿lu ln hiqh scho0lhe sBved enough rnoneyio bÚva r0m0uler
ll§ Chen: flren mavbe he s read! lo gela credrl card
El Prac¡cst¡e conv"Arsauon !Y tir a parlnEr Swrlch r0 Es and pradc¿again
El C.mpLslethe desripl,olrs cñ1lre rght rhsn make n¿ü
'onversal¡onslJss á0* queslions lo gel morB lnlormali0n
faketufls rth a oann¿r q vrnq a descriplio¡ olvoursei or hor you dosorn¿1li i! Ask queslons r¡1lr hout0 0etas mÚch rnformalon as po§sbe
Grammar Placlice: (-l :¡:i í r.r ','r ill i: ' r ¡,rlr;r'11
Wr te the sentence $ems 0n the board Have lude¡is comphte each one with adverbs oi mn¡elTan is e gtea¡ language leatnet R¡sa has geal pa i]s
She caoks
She decorales het house
She lelks la evetyane
Have studenls ask and ansller queslions aboul the stateme¡ts !t lh ,D,, For examp e
Tan warks üref ully Haw caÉlulll daes hewa ? He asks his brclhet ta check hls honewa* beiare he
L-"sson C 73
Trang 27/ trsso¡TEDTALKSDescribe anlmportanlTransition inYour LileRead¡ng
O Have studenls read lhe sl ofẹlv les and check ih-o l€transit ons
' Have studenls share the r deas
with a păner exp a ¡inq lhe
reasons lorlheir choices.
Cornpare answers with th€ c ass
Et Have st!dents look al the p cturesand descr be \4hal they see Po nl
olt lhe def n lons oflhe!lossed
Have students read lhe art cLe andclroose the correct opl ons Rernindthem to use lhecontextlo quessthe mean ng of new words Have studenls compare answers
with a partner.
Check answers Answer any
qLrest ons stldenls have aboutvocabu arỵ
Gl Have sludenls read llre slaleñrenls Have slLrdenls read tl're arlicle a!a n
and choose ¡rLre or lals",.llave sludenls compare answers
w th a parlner. Check ansllers.
O Have sludents read th€ d rections
and wr le down the r deas abolt
how they woLr d read
' D ! de the c ass nlo pa rs and havethem share lheir deas.
Share deas as a class
, Ask, What questjc)ns wc)uld yau
wanl lo esk Any Putdy ¡l you couldme".lrel?Have pa rs discuss a¡dwrite down thelr quesilons
Share q!est ons as a class.
Amy Purdy Professiona Snowboarder
Añv Plrdy,s a Bord champ'on snolvboarderwho has lvón two Wor d Cup.cđpet¡.ns Slre sar
actressand m.del She s also a doub € añpuleẹ
Wlren Púrdy úas 19vears od she lrecame lvla rarea¡d seróuslorm olmeninghs llamosl k lecrrer d evlhouch she s!rvv
osl herkdñevs rrefspẹn trr€ hearnqrn her efl.:
and bollr ol h€rieqs béor herkñees Pu,dysayslr:uhe¡ she I ¡ár y eí $e rrosp r.L srre lelr rke she r::
been p'ẹ€d bạk logelhér rke a palchworkdol S :
rccclved proslhetic eqs bul llrey we¡ẹ uúsy ár.¡eavv All,rsl iwas hardJorh€rlo imarlrne hor! s_:
trour¡ earn 1olvakaqan áñdevér¡arderlc maq':
lrral ore day she wour¡ be ab e tó I y dn mnta -:
hér sđlróad andlra! around thetrorld
Pr,dy spenr monllrs bed Shesrulr§eolc
recoverlr rier' đess bul slreleribolh phys.a r
a¡lđentalybroken Fnály sherế,zedthalrne _::
lc makea clránle Shesays ' k,refllhal o,¿¿rr:
úó!e lotr ald l¡ad Io el qo oflheolC Amy and e¿r
lc embraco t¡€ ¡ew ỵ
Ev thqh sneJ fạed many slruqgles P,r:.tóok charg,a ol hér lre Ilvast¡¡s mome¡l lrral l
!sked myse r lrali,ẹdef nng quesr ón: I my rleú,:-:
slofylo!o7 And lbelai 1o daydream daydreañẹ
g r andlmaqnedmys.l{ặ:
qrạ¿Ju lv h.pnq olher peop e throúlh myjourne!
andsrórbcadn0 ărạ she says
For Your lnlormation: Amy Purdy
Afler having bolh ol her leos ampulated, Ar¡y Purdy
realDed thaltherewas no support or resoLlrces loractio¡ sportslor people with prostheilc llmbs Pr or
lo her ll¡ess, P!rdy had been an accompLished
sn0wboarder and skaleboarder and shewanled toconli¡ue to parlicipal€ i¡ her passio¡s So she put
herse llo !!orkdele oping prosthetlc leqslhal she
could lse lo snowboard successfrlv.ltwasnlan easy
relurn to lhe sport but Purdy is ¡ow a wo¡ d champ o¡
adaplive s¡owboarder Bul perhaps more impodantly
Purdy is sharinq whal she has l€arned and achiev€dsince losing her leos She doeslhislhrough the
lou¡dation she co-fo!nded, Adapti!e Acuon Sp0rts
!!h ch prov des supportlo otheradaptve alhleteswlro wanl to b€ i¡volved i¡ aclion spods P!rdy flrm y
be ieves thatthe obstaclesweJace in llfe should push
!s lo b€ creatve in r€achi¡O o!r Ooals, and she iscedainly a¡ erañrp e ofth s.
EE Check (/) the tems be ou thal shou a
transtion in lfẹ S[areyour deas w th
L 1 qel a nevr lob
2 qo shopp nq
3 buyacar
41 oeg n cot¿rle orun v-rsty
El Bead ihetexl Clrcle tlre correciopton.
1 Amy Purdyrsa chanrp on
( cyc r I6-nñ¡a;rdt ).2 sh¿ has prosthetic( arms l&!!l).
3 Pudy (6asmed-l renremb",red )
4 Purdy\ ( book li¡rqa,,tratbi ) ,s
ca ed AdaplveAclon §pons 'O wrls r¡re or áalse nexr ro $e starements
1 Amy Purdy nearly died !ylren slre,,,as 19
r2- I wasnr diflúúrl lor herior¿cov¿rfom hor hess
Dúr ¡g her recoverỵ Purdy
deodedlo conlro h¿rlle aga n
4 §he heps olherpeode byshaf n0 hef story ü ih rhem
]5 Purdy \¡/orked as a mode beiore
OE¡ Nolydo you th ¡kyouüou d reacliñPurdys s tual on? Share your ideas
74 Un¡t6
Trang 28: ! lheñ Pullly has loie ar¡!2rñrl lh.!s She
:::l n mus c vdeos and mov es earneC aword: r; r lnof,boardẹ and kave ed aroúnd rhe wo d
añptlee ateflar tttr rt tel er ¡tđ , ¡¿n Érlttetl
prbhúa¡k i¿¡¿! ót tiotr ¡¡¿! ae * ,1t r a Bn4 ¡
ptuslhel¡c ar ¡ ẳtt¿t.t lit¡ln r¿.¡s ¡r,i,ss@,af
bđce !ú ar1pt Éadlti úr qlrlll
¡0t ptoli¡ ra! d.¡¿f¡t nax.J
: : ;rcloun'ledanon-prolilorganrzalon.a ed
: _:r:y slre lras slrared h.r slory oJ nspÉionánd
After Read¡ng
E lher ¡d v dua y or ¡ pa rs, have stldenls research AmyPurdy on ne and whalshe has aclrieved (lf approprlale,assig¡ studenls lo research her achievements as an adaptiveallrlete, model, actor, spokesperson mot vational speak€r,
elc ) Have them share what lhey Iind oul with the c ass.E¡couraqe sludents to walch Amy Purdys TED Ta k at
TFD com
Trang 29Lt§soti
Cl Havs ludents read tlre directio¡s
and wr le noles aboLrla¡ mporlantlrans lon ln the r lfe whatc¿used
I a¡d the eflect t had on them
D v d€ the c ass ¡to pa rs and have
the,¡ share Iheir e¡per e¡ces
Hale vo Lrnleers share the re¡ler ence \\lith the c ass
Et Write o¡ tlre board, phrásál verbs,a¡d e c I the ones studenls
rememberlrom Ihe un I Writethefir
on tlre board and lrave stLrdentsq ve examp es !s n! thefn Hale studenls choose the correcl
phrasalverb lo cornpLete e¿ch
Harre studenls compare ¿nswers
1, th a partner Check afswers
Gt Wr t€ on the b¡rard, srmplepasl
anC preserl p¿le,l and have
lLrCents provlde e¡amples to shol,v
h¡fl these tenses are lsed.
Have studenls cDmplete tllEparaoraplr.
rlave studenls compare answers
,\ th a partner
' :'rrk ans\lers
- :.- 13 ls read the d recl ons
: ' i _r1¿5 jor their
ansl^rer 1o
'- :,:a '
, : "- : :a-1 n:o stna qror.rps_:
-irlr lhelr deasmunicalion A and-: r: 1: Ass iln_ :-::': rJ e: eadeT: ; :_l relorter.:: : -?ii suTeExpansion
Have studenls write a paragraph aboul the imporla¡t
transition lhey d scussed n C0mmln¡cal¡0n Ạ
Prov de them \!ith lhe followi¡g mode (l posslb e,
comp €te the paGqraph yourse I and share it wllhslude¡ts belore they wrlelheir own)
When I
Bem nd sludents to use phrasa verbs and simplepastand prese¡t pel€ct tenses Have sludents
exchanqe papers wth a partner and help each olher
make c0rrectio¡s lo mprovetheir paragraph
ll was an ¡npañanl
^ Alter bscominq dhab Amy Purdy maqlned-anded
now ves-a verylul rje Commun¡cal¡on
6EThnk abour an imponafl rra¡s tion rharyou made nyourlitẹ
Whal caused ir? Whar ofi€cls did r havẻ share yoor deas w th
Al crcelhe corect phrasalverbs n ihe se,rtences.
1 '/ó *én|o a-la d ch- qé
' vo .r irẹ voL Ted D
2 rrans tions ca¡ be dl cult but it you ( [ie¡;ñ | srow up ) try n,c
3 Learning losnowbốrd was sochalengng thal Púrdy nếny
t setout l6aw u l
El wriie a parasraph n your noi€book d€sfi b ñg an
rnporlanttranslc-in Vour ilẹlncLude phrasalwrbs in vourwrilinq.
Th s kans trc¡ was mpọtantto đe
b¿ Oescribe áđ importanl lÉnsition in your lle
Share your ideas aboll translto¡s.Whal are some posillve/neqat ve
reasons iirr making tran§irlo¡s?
76 Unil6
76 Ul,¿lT 6r -': ! TALXS
Trang 30rEss0¡
Teacher Tip: Using V¡deo
Bemlnd students of strateg es th€y can us€ lo hetp lhem:
Activate prlor k¡owl€dg€ aboitt the lopic by ook ng al
pictures/maps/graplrs and tit €s before watchlng.
Guess lhe meani¡g ol ¡ew words from th€ conl€xt. Focus on stressed words as they are key contenl words. Focus on sp€ciftc dela ls or qeneral id€ạ
Bróe wdl, I i o Jr dcl re .oy wo,ds r rc qLeq olsthey need to answer
For Your lnlormation:
Nlb a sthe region alor'ro the Nie
R ver in firodern Egypt and Suda¡.
ln the pasl, itwas an i¡dependenl
ki¡odom Today Arab cLlture
predor¡¡nates the area, but Nubia¡s
st llhave thelr own lanquage, music,dances, and olher fadrlions.
Video Journal:
Nubian Weđing
Before You Watch
Have ludents look at the ! ctrtreand describe what lhey see
Ask How nany weđings ha\/e
you attendetl? Ga a"tet conñanvocabu ary lor weđlngs (br de,groof¡ f nos elc ).
Have strdenls work \/i lh a panner
or in small0roups lo compare
the weđlngs th€y have altend€dTe lhem to descr be the br dẹ
lhe groom the ceremony a¡d the
Compare exper ences with Ur€c ass.
While You Watch
Po ¡t oulthe locat o¡ oi Nub a onlhe map and ask studenls wlral
f anyth nO, they k¡o\^r aboutlhat
.Te lstudents to watch lhe videọ
Have lhe sludenls read thestalefnenls
Play the v deọ
H¿ve slude¡ts compare ansl¡/ers
witlr a partner
Check a¡swe¡s
.Tellstudents to \^]alch the video
a0ain a¡d find lhe iniormation.Paythevdeo
Have slude¡ts compare ansl,velS
witlr a partneL Check ansl4rers
After You Watch /Communication
D vide lhe class ¡to pairs and ha\reth€rn d sc!ss lhe qLrestions. Compare a¡swers wiUr the c ass
Ask which weđ ng is rnore
expens velinlerestinq/enloyab e-a Nubian lveđ nC or one n the r
::.:.¿ YOU WAtCh
E¡ Takvirh a panneraboútweđ nqsthateaclr ol yoLr has seen iJse the
lopcsandlhe queslon n tha boxto he pyoụ
: You Watch
[l watcn rne v Oeo Numberthe pans ot the weđinq n o¡rter
Everyone eal§ a speciald nn,cr.
Th¿ bideand qroom sqn sp¿cia eqa papers.The groom puts a rln0 on lhe brides ringer.
br d"Ás skin is pa nted
The qroonr leavos his parenis' house
El watch lhe v dso aoain Ansu/eriie queslions.1 When did sh¿riif mceiahir?
¡ When đ lechang"afo
i !¡r'hatdo p-oopl¿ ealallhe weđ nq? 'r: - - _.
6 Who kissesthe qroom?
- /r! \rvatch,r CommLtnrcation
E¡ xhat suersed you the most about he Nub an w-ođrnq? Hou, s ij simiar
i: 0rdiJerenllronr weđinq§ rn yourcountrỷ
TEDTALKSHan3 Ro3liñg Prolessoroi G¡oba Heath.
Co foụder Ga.déró.q
The IVIagic Washing
Before You Watch
Et D v de tlre c ass lnlo pa rs ¿¡d have'13r'r ook at the pic re and ans\|er
:'r ci!slo¡s.
:.mpare ans!!ers w th the c ass.El ' Ha,J fudents read the d rect onsand lhe words n the box Then
fave them Domp ele lhe para!raph
Have studenls compare answ€rs
with a partner. Check answers
Gl Ha,re studenls ook al lhe piclurcs
on pa!e 79 and pred cl whalthey
r hear abolt n the TED Ta k Ccmpare answers \/l th lhe class
Wr te the r deas about l,hat tlrey
w hear ln the la k on lhe board
iii/h e You Watch
Et ' Have st!denls read the direclio¡s
and the lhree opt ons for tlre
ma n dea olthe la k Tel thern to
len lhe f rsltime and focls on
undersland ¡g lhe main dea o¡lỵ
Rem ¡d thern thal th8y don lneed
1o understand everylh ¡!
P ay the talk.
Have slud€fts cor¡lare theiranswer!\rthapartneL
Before You Watch
6E Look at lhe picture and answerthequesiions wilh a pañner
1 !',rha1 :lh s cer.e, ¡o !¡! ha! ne n
,.Lr h.!s.' :
2, ¡/l rar per.¿¡: oi .ẹ¡ e ha,t,r r!ạr'
\!asr io mạh.ẹ
3, ts., iras r .hậeii .-é!p er resr .
B Here are wordsyou wl heár in the TED Tak.
Compleie the paragraph wdh thẹoreclwords Not allwords wil be used.
héai v ro au§o lsomárh n9) ro b6.e Mrm of ho(
iọd ¿ ró pur (án amoud ot sm€thins) lfo or olfo
ñésñérizé y ro hord lho alt€nlion or (somáon.)
riñé consuñing ádl uE n9 or ñé6d ^s á lalls
1s rr¡aZ r! h.¡ r¿.i ils ir¡.hangÉ:_.1¡]r si] ¡¡ j ,r.:r: rgr _1
nq 3! r!
r,¡i,:r lr ' ' Yo!n.ẹed
:¡ ¿ ln r,alÉ ;¡.r llr-.
s¡::lr i:n¡ th-¿ it¡res afd rr b írh
!.rn hạds 1.r a 1 ¡¡! I ¡É 1,.n !,8
i3l , th rạ'_! rạh.-¡
p,s_ t.e bLii¡n ar.1.: m: -é ¡ae3 Tlr.rÉsl :s _oi (¿r I i l¡ ¡., /_r'
:l: é¿n ¡ Ol iurrrs¿ a i::h n,o
i ¿.r -s¿: iar i r ị r-¡ a
r's ! ¿ ciob.¡:9 r rẹ e lrEl li¿rO Look atlhe pictures on the nexl page chec(
(,/) lhe nlormalon lhalyou predicl yo! wil
hear in lhe TED Ta k.
1 D n! a!¡¡r" s !s!a ! ú.,k'¡rv/ora¡ ar:l !.s
L2,P.ore I rc- ! ia! ? : :
¡rrÉre¡lrạh ¡es r lire-!
3 ,¡/e s".Lr.l.rré
kÉs r¡f.
Wh¡le You Watch
[§lwarcr rne reo rat crclerhe máin de:
1 lras ra mạrr ¡-.s ar- ferr p ,at ¿,: .2,',¡/D.re_ ke r¡ reaa ¡.re:t¿ rlrÉ,, kÉ
3.n'rÉ E¿LrÉ rrr ¿:'!r r,
1¿d'l c,hJ
I ẹịr ạ rh- !-.s .ri¿rge n p.s i !,É
tor Your lnformation: Hans Rosl¡ng
DL Hans Ros lng is a 0lobal hea lh expe( lromS\l€d€¡ He is a prolessor ol inlernationalh€alth
at the Karo inska nslitutet n Slockholñr Fosling
spent many years nrura Aftca, where he discoveredan epidemic paÉlytic diseas€ he naned kanzạ
Rosli¡0 co fornded Medecins Sans FronllersSweden He conlinues lo be inlerested ¡ lhe
'so-ca led' d€ve opi¡g wor d and focuses h s work on
helpi¡g people understa¡d globa tre¡ds especa yby disp€ lino lhe mylhs abouttlre deve op n0 wor d
He has been described as a "data visionary becaus.he presents latistics and facls ¡ an accessib e a¡a
€ven enloyab e man¡er He co founded a non-pro{,:
oroanüat o¡ cal ed Gapr¡ nder, 1^]h ch a ms to cornb¿
ignorance aboulg oba trends and pall€rns Throu!_
Gapminder, he deleloped free soltwar€ lhat prese¡i:slat stics ln a more vlsua y dynamlc l^]aỵ RoslinOs
aim s to raiseawar€¡ess ol lhe rea slate ofthe wor lby analyz ng a¡d pr€sent ng ln a d gest ble lorm
slatst cs, patterns, and ire¡ds.
Trang 32fhe images below re até ro the TED Talk Warch the TED Tak aqa n and
wrle the lelt€r of the caption under th€ corect photọ
ạill.rẹ.Slrede_lsÉó:oras c, Ha!.! afash _! ¡ạir.e !a!e
r.lh:s l! rar¡ Fl.3 ¡qs rolh¿rl rel.'.ai
b.:ẹpe i dE"ẹF,! !-les lse
ra f.1lhe,,or d s e¡er!!
1,- 2.-
3,-§@$ wna woL:o happen ilalrramiles arou¡d the world coud use a-.dem washins machinẻ Whalwoud be thé b€nefils and ths chalenges? Whal Ros ing lhink we should do about lhe chalenges? Shar€ your ideas wth lh€
:3ss Give reaso¡s ior your opinlons.
V¡ew¡ng T¡p
Bem nd students lo pay ñrore
atlentio¡ lo llre words thal are
stressed as lhese are the conle¡twords lhe words thal cary
meani¡g S m ar y rer¡ nd theñr thall they do¡ lLrndersla¡d these conle¡t
!!ords lhey shou d Lrselhe co¡lerl
and whal lhey hale already ide¡tif edas the ma ¡ ide, lo h€ p lhem guessthe m€afinq ol these nel,l words.
Ọ Have studenls read the caplonsa¡d look at the rnages fe them lo
listen aga n and match lhe capt onsto the ma0es
Ha\re studenls crlrnpare answers
wilh a partner. Check a¡swers
C halle n ge
.Wr te on the board ¡/e4,
lechnolag ¡es aft dtaw a chạtwlth tlre fo ow ng lour co urnnsSpec¡l¡c eíecls of nevl
lechnologies BesLrlls o[ everyanehav¡ng a wash¡ng ñach¡neBenelits, Challenges Di"tide theclass nlo 0ro!ps ol three or four.
llave then copy th€ charl (o¡€ per
0roup)a¡d d scuss Ure quest onsThen have lhem complete the clrarl
!r th the !roirp\ ideas.
Have each group share their deaswth the class Compl€le lhe charlon lhe board a¡d d scuss tlre
qLlestio¡s as a class
Trang 33After You Watch
Gl Have studenls read the summary
and complele il with thewofdslrom lhe box Play lhe talk aoain asnecessarỵ
Have studenls comoare answers
with a partner Check answers.
Gl Have sludents malch the phrasesto the numbers accordino to whatRosl¡no s¿id Play parts ol the talk
aoain as necessarỵ
Have students compare answers
wilh a parlner. Check answers.
Gl Have studenls read lhe sefltencesand circlelhe ones lhat paraphnseBoslin0S ideas.
Havethem compare answers with
a parlner.
Check answers.
Ask studenls, ,t/ra¿ /?¿ve b¿e,
key changes ¡n your country lhat
have led to a befler qual¡ty ofl¡lẻ More access lo educal¡on?
Less l¡ nẹconsum¡ng wotk?
Have students read the proiectdescription.
TEDTALKS Co{ouncl€r Gapm¡nderoqHf,ra Bọllđ9 Proles§or of Global Health,
Aftcr You Walch
Et Compl€16 ür€ §ummary with the wods ir lhé box.
Han"Boslnorir ? e"' hp how o6ool€ ive droụo r_pworld re
beLieves ihal by Gduc¡ng hard work,like (2) wzehjh4 clothes by
hand, women and sirls lñ (3) -l@grlLcoúlries will hav6 moretime lo rcad and study Why is lhat imporlanl? Because wi¡én people
haee an \q eL!@L, their qualily ol lile (5) gEEf9-O Mattr ürs phras€s io siai€ inromálior lrom lhs TED falk.
L 1, numb€r of people in the world
4L 2 amounl tlre richest peopl€ spend dai y
¿ 3 dfrenr rot lenerov cóđslmólion L 4 amount the p@rcst peple spend dá¡ly
3_, 5 fulure total €nsrgy conslmpiion
b $2
d $80é.12vaG! Read lhe statémenls below Circle lhs on€s lhat paraphrase
Ha¡s Ros¡ing s opinioñs.
OPeop e in rch counlri€s use much of the energy in the world.
2 i¡ost peop e in the world ar€ not very pooL
@People who usea ol of gnergy shouldn1 telr oiher people nol tọ@Getring a w6h¡ñg mach ñe made a big difior€nc€ n his family§ I fẹ
5 We should not have mo¡e technology in the wor d.
Ha¡s Rosling b€liews thal smáll lrans¡lions an individual lives can make a
big dilt€ronce ir rhe wođ As peoplé movo out ol pov€rty and do less liñe-consuming work, lhey gain time lo gét án éducalion and ñnd b€tter jobs Usehb idéas lo surv€y your classmaies a¡out an imporlaflt lransition ior p6ople in
Trang 34, ri ¿:lhe lsl of devces Circe the two you think have made lhe biggesl
:-:' ce ln peopés lives in lhe lástcenlury
vacuum cleaner aircondilionef
::¡oúter cellphone dishwasher
ạlpare yourchoices n exercise Awilh a panner Are lhere any youd ikeloađtolhe st? Th nk aboutdevces that save on
.r.« and g¡ve p€ope morelime to read and geta¡ edụalon.
-a<e a surveỵ wrile a questionfor each l€ñ ask each qlr€slion and
-en ask a iollow-up quesiion iordelais Use the chartlo take no1es.
El Go over lhe words ¡ the box Ha!e studenls circle tlre lwo lhey
lh ¡k have had the mosllmpact on
peoples ves
O Dlv de the c ass inlo pa rs and havethern compare the r cho ces in Ạ
H¿ve them discLss other dev ces
that save t me and work oad
and give peop e more tme lor
educal on and reading l_lave ther¡
ađ other tems lo th€ ist.
El Hav€ the studenls read lhedirecl ons and the chart Po ¡1 oútthe mode qLresl ons and ans!!erEliclt other quest ons and posslb e
follow-u! qussliofs for lhe ne¡1
lem n the chart Have l!dents!{r le lheir o\!n quel ons' Have sl!dents rnove arouid the
class and sLrrvey thelr c assmatPs
Remrnd lhem to wr le do\!¡ the r
answers n the chart
Have studenls reporl back on tfá
Po nl oLrtthe nÍormal lr _
Presentallon S?ate0y b.1 ::
l(/ra1 slalislịs did Rrsi,¡-r - ị
lhe falk? Haw did he p?s.':'.'
Have studenls read lhe l]1? i_,:
nlormatlo¡ ¡ pa rs or
ndividua lỵ have studrnls ' _l
anolher oi Ros inqs TED f¿ ^: ::see whalFos n0has ia"::.: -the world afd uhal prea c: :_ _.
makes lor lhe iutu e i1¿,: : -:i :,prepare a br el preselta::_ r :_.c ass on tlre la k the! ,1a::_:r _
af0e c asses háre :ha- :- :_
smallgroupsHars qos .9 is r.érerted dlp.ér .er baMéplrl ar *a
_ rk we know aboul lhe word and lhe way lh ngs realy arẹ He s also very
'ous about the ways lhe wor d is go ng lo change Go lo TED com añdr anolher TED Ta k by Hans Hos ing What has he l€arnéd and what: :lclons does he makẻ
ldeas Worth Sharing
Witl'r books closed, have sludents share whalthey rememb€raboul Hans Rosling Ask Whal ¡s his nessagẻ Whal doeshe want to sharc w¡lh peoplẻ Whỷ
Hav€ studenls read th€ rnformation n the ldeas WorlhSharinO box on page 78 Bem nd them lhat they can walch
the whole talk and 0lher talks by Rosling at¡¡
Trang 35LuxuriesAbout the Photo
Th s photo was laken by Dave Yoder
an Amer can phololournalist basedin tr¡llan lta y Yoder s a Nal ona
Geooraphic pholographer and exp orerln th s pholo he sho!4s guestsariv nq in
costume Ior a sumptuous dinner dur ¡gCarn val ¡ Ve¡ice, lla ỵ The Venet an
carn !a lradit on is rnost Iamous Ior its
beaullu masksi many people attena
lhe Carn v¿ w8ar ¡g both e aboratecoslLrmes like those ln lh s photo, and
the dlsllnct ve Venetian masks Luxury
means dllfere¡t lh ¡0s Io different
people b!t elaborate decorat onexpens ve, beaullÍulclolhing and d ¡ing
n a sLrr¡ptuous sett ng are co¡sldered
uxur es by many people
nf¡rlrrcri lh-o themc of lhe r¡ I
Dlreclsudents atlention 1o the p dure
Have slLrde¡ts aescribe !4hat they see
Have slude¡ts dlscuss the quasl ons
!4 th a parlner
' Compare answers wilh tlre c ass
Ask these qlesllo¡s ora y or by
!rr lln0 them on the b0ard ior studentsto answer in pa rs: Why da peaple
wanl luxuty ifens? Whal alhet luxury¡tens can you th¡nk al?
Go over the lln I Goa s !l ih lhe class. For each goa, elcit any words
lLrdents a ready kno!! a¡d wr le them
!n the boardtfcr examp e vocabu arýe aled to lobs mo¡ey the Lrury
ters prev ous ydiscussed etc
L!xury ll€msmporvExport lems
Past participl€s ol irIegular
Focused listenln0Dlsc!ssionsrthe worldllol/ier r¡arkel
Passive voice (prese¡t tense)
Jeweky ¡s g¡ven as a g¡ll.
Passiv€ voice !1]ith bli
fh¡s blause was nade hy
Trang 36w
\' A d d anarf oé nes a rrLrf ttr.
a5,§r¡tlli¡! t!.t¡iỉ ll1]r,¡ 15
¡ai ijrr¿ssá,"_r i!l iir¿r_1,¡Lr ira,l¡
,i-!¡iii,t 111: u11 s:Laells
¡, ,rin5 d¿r a 1r9e ¡arts 01 .h s
:el 1 Dr ,¡ili ¿r! uiLr !s ú|.p¿ns ị¿7
f¡al rr rar l.¡¡; sa!,Bra Jrrrr
lems ại tTaduaii t1j h-1 r 1lt,
a " au r,/ ol l a C'¡arss isrch ¿s lrara s i! rl?rlt a i ạ-,Ers -.a¡s rr a
I !h pf iB \lhai s r3i I T:cESSarr'ata r,1¿: I a L¡úlr' SlJitents ir
nr'esl t¿:e ilrase !Lestlrs ¡ thé
a!! ,iÉs
'¡Jll l¡ L¡Lr ¿s ! !'¿ JS p É¿sJr?? T1¿e¡: ;:rs lc il s llel la lr: b:r:¡d l3ri!r1!in i¡t ịt 1!ie 1!,:! r!
tr r¡E lra: i1 lem liat s a trlesuigdr! rri r ¡ne aU iLrB -¿l ba l¡ta I
r'rap¡raa alel t :n0:ltar ;ttratip .in the Ara:l an Px n:r a 1re nrense
: i !r i,r r:d ara rrarr!: 11 lalthousanCs í rri ar: 1:r llE iarasliiaf eles Á'¿11lJ¡afat r ,5 a¡lail
¡ :le 1l] ¿l sLLra¡tneil 1ae1ie s
: a13a:l ard :!mmtr ¡lldui]1 .r:sảịar -1111? piüras::: petp e 11¡i I
r¿ o ¡JS rl,.!iol ¡rs
a ase,:¡ To¡a lre a [ro ilal
iie samg pa r.lilrnq asSes I Ll r-.
l-,¿1s ,i, i¿f8 a TU:¡ I q¡ai p r3llari!.eil Í 11thE _ari:
¡1a Íariars
ce,l ! iÉr ll:ar ! a 51.r¡ents ¡j rares:r!nq op n ¡ns onE 111 ar 11? 0liarr!a,1tl s Ilp¿ ¡l !.{u t' leÍr B'a¡atam3s ant :la aLfa sLt"!úl r! lh:r
áe ¡xt l'the ¡\'tha !ri]l 01 !r: at:
Trang 37t-tssot¡
Voc¿bul¿ ry
Explain How We
Gel Luxury llems
Vocab u lary
Have sludents ook at lhe plcluresand describe what lhey seẹ Have sludents calegorze lhe words
and Jlhrases n th€ box Check answers.
¡troduce the idea ol imports ande¡porls Have studenls work w lh
a part¡er lo l¡sl products the r
co!ntry imports and exportsPrompl lhem I necessary: Do
facla es in ou county nakeallof ou ca§? Which other countr¡es
nake cars fat us? Da we eat allof lhe (r¡ce/beel/grapes)in aútcaunltỷ Whal happens lo lhepa ian thal we don'l use hetẻ
Ca o¡ studenl pais to read the r
sls lo the class Comp € two lists
on lhe board.
G rammar
Po ¡t outlhe Iists on the board.Ask.lor examD e lllr"!¡e d, l/Éget ü$? Cats arc inpo ed
ftan (lapan) Wherc do we
gel conpulers? Canputers arc¡npo ed frcn (China).El ct ñote
answers from the c ass.
Presenltlre inforrnation in the charlaboLrltl're aclive and pass ve !oices
Exp a ¡ f!rther lhat the pass !e!o c€ s notalerb tense-il s lsed
loOelher w lh diff erent !erb tenses.Te ludents, You ca, sạ,, dárs are¡n)aled frcn Gemanỵ Yau ün say
ca$ wete inpaned frcn Gemanyi¿sly¿ar Te them llrat in thls unit
theyt! llorad ce !s nq the lassiv€
vo ce w Ih lhe pres€nt lense E c I
more examples oflh ¡gs lhat are
Write each vrord orphraseironr the box nlhe correct cateqory above
E write rhree t[ ngs yourcouniry imporls and three th ngs your country
expofls nyouf notebook share yourlstswilhthe cass
Grammar: Passive voice (present tense)
Word Bank: Luxuries
dr ¡ks:coO¡ac, rare w nes
l€we ry bracelet cufl I nks, earr n!s,¡eck ace, pn, ring tiepi¡
precious metalsigold, plat num.
pr€c ous slones: d afirond emera d,ruby, sapph re
Grammar: The passive voice
The passive volce s ¡olalens€ bll a s€¡tence conlruction
rr orp ldsDo rle re or/er o d- ạl or A5 S,cf tF p¿<( re
\orLe L d' oe L¡eo il dny elSP Tlẹ Ibjél ó ¿ pa".rve_voir.
sé ler ce is t1 oDfcrl¿l rs 'ẹervi1g , a r or -l-e ooss rovoic€ ls used especla y for senlences nwhichtheagenlofan
action s not impo anl or is unknown
Drq r obip.r - Oe - pón p¿1( p'
Jewe ry is givsn asa gill
Some pe0pegivelewe ryasaqfl (by sonre peopo)
[4y cou nlry imporls cars lrom Gernany Cars are m poned lrom Germany(by mycounlry)
'Th¡ pas !¡ { É s lomed rlh lheGr:,r¡ 6lh¿ p¿ll)el p e dllen¿ n rr:
Trang 38:r.ipele the s-¡nlences in the paraq¡aph w th lhe passiveJorm oflhe yerbs-rrury lemsafeexpensveiorarea§on Expensivewatches.lorexample
' ' lmak¿)lrom pr¿c ous meta s such as s lveror p allnum
ị¿útiiullevery ' ' (produce)by peopl" nol bymach¡n-¡s
r':cousstones such as d amonds and opals ' ":' : '_ i §eparale)ronr
'rns 0frock and that reqú res expensve mach nerỵ hponed uxuryitenrs
- -_ (br¡g)
mfrom distantcountres sothe cost01transportation
.-dr,0,,.¡.,0."e E qt ,tr, J r¡crro!polrfo
§pec ailngr".dienls thal can 0ny b3Íound in a leur places n lhe urold
'.r¿1ch tlre luxury temsl0lhe action§
1 Peans
2 Anmaskns b.
3 Sik
¡ Damonds d.
5 P".rfunre ẹ
a¡e r¡ined n §everalcou¡lries
s exporled lr0m East As an counlf es
afe úsed io make iúf co¿ts
mlned = Éñ0!Éd lr0ñ uñder
B Takeiurns f¿ a parinerabouia uxury tem you have or\'Jantt0 have
\{here do you get t? Holv do you Oet t? No\i/is t nradẻ
, irsatrc'l
OE CLose yourbook and isten 1o tlre conversaton Who nrade
Elensbousẻ : ,
§andrai Thatsa beautifutboLrse ts ts k?E len: No ls colio¡ bul t s soll lke s k.
Sandrai lreard thatUre beslcollon s qrolvn in EgyptE len: Bea!ỷA lotofcolton isgfo\rn n ndiạloo but
don'l knowwhich k nd ¡s bdler.
Sandra: Where \,,,as your b0us-o ñradẻ
Ellen: n Sn La¡ka lv/as made by wonref n aco,op They
worklogeiherto make c ollres Then lh-oy are §ođned y io ihe slores and th" \',,omen koep the prof1.
Sandra: llral s great!
El Pmcl ce lhe coñversal on wilh a parlner S\i, hh ¡o es and practice taqa n
E@ r,rruin hor¡ ws qsl luxurv lrems
,ihatlúxury temsare popu ar nyourcounkỷ f theilems are imporled where
¡relhey madẻ Wlral are they madelrom?Who nrakesthem?Tel aparln€r
' Have studenls ook althe pictLrre
and descr be what they see Ask
Whal is nade fran catlon?
Have stLdenls work nd ! dua yto f in the passive lorm of
each verb
' Have sludents compare answers
wth a larlner C¡eck answers
Have sllde¡ts lorm pass vesenlences by match n0 theco ur¡rnS Po nl out the inlormat on
n lheliord Focus bo¡ andaskIor
examples oflh ¡lls lhat are m ned\gold dianands coel).
Check ¡nswers.
Divide the c ass nto pairs a¡dhave them take lurns le rng about a
L-rxuTy 1em
Conve rsation
Have studenls c ose lheir booksWrite the question on the board:
Who nade Ellens blausẻ
' P ay the record n! l8
'Check answers
, E¡p ain lurlherthala cóop(cooperative) is a b!s ness that s
owned by the \{crke§.
P ay or read the conlersalon again
Ior Ihe c aSs to repeal
Praclce th€ conversalon w th the
c ass ln chofus
Have studenls praclce the
con!ersalon with a parl¡er Ilren
sl!ltch roles and pracllce I aqa n
Grammar Pract¡ce: Pass !e voice
D v de the c ass nto pa rs l-lave them write as many senle¡ces
as they ca¡ ¡ f ve minutes about lh ngs lhat are done at lheirschoo a¡d lhe o€rson who does lhem.
l,4a¡h is laught by Mt Kwan
Canpúte9 are lixed bj, Mrs Rios.
Ca o¡ studenls 10 read a sentence Io the c ass om ltino llre
a!e¡t Ca o¡ another slldent to repeat th€ senlence ađ ¡!
lhe agenl.
E lc t ux!ry tems that are poplrlar
rn the sludenls counlry Wr le a slon Ihe board
' D v de the class nlo pa rs Have
them d scuss Ihe lLrxLrry ilems us ng
the quel ons pro,r ded Encourageth¿¡r to q ve¿S r¡uch nlormat cn as
!ossib e aboü eaclr item.
Have severa palrs descr be to
the c ass one oflhe terns they
Trang 39Talk Ahaui Ne*ds
and l{lants
Have studenls ock a1 lhe p irLlres
Ask Hasanyone e,/et lt/e¡ lrr
llawers lot a Dtese¡,!? V/t ¿i !|as ile
accasion? Wher lt Dea)".ie !i,te
Te sludenls the! ar¿ ga ¡! tc hea¡a radio pr¡graii aboui:Ll'oriers
n lhree ao!nlr es H?!a llré¡ read
the descr rt ¡rs and th9 th'eeilems
P aytlle recrTd 1q ons !r n¡rs
t mes EEE
Have strdents ,¡rnpare answerswlh a pár:ner
Clreck ans,!ers
Te lLrcents tc stei aqa ¡ 10th: thrBe sf.Bakers and,,!r 1e thefeasons !rhl I irwers are rnporlant
10 each persar Te theri 10 il ve a
shorl ans é r iheir o\\ln words P ay the rtlori n! o¡e or rnore
1mes !@
Have stud?rls aor.pare ansl^rers
!!th a parlner Check ansries
- Ask Da ytu e,et bry llawers? Whj,
at wll.rc)l Dt ta! ltkelo have
llawesln fatt latsẻPronunc¡atron
nlrodLrce lhe dea af c¡nlentwords irnean ng \!!ros] andiunatlci Iords (!rammar words)lf necessary re,i e\r lhe n¿ñtes ol
the larts 01 sl]gecl ¿¡d s li t moreexarnp es 10r each
Go over tlr8 nlormat o¡ r lfe
Exp a n that cc¡tenl \(ords arestressed (sr!nd lr¡n!erl n ¿
Bouquets of roses for sale
STtvL'HLi!IIqtL slen ng
EDE Lsr".nrorhree peop e 1a k abour the cutlow¿rindúrry why s i¿:t
.or1'rnporr¿nlortAfor-ror(''l1 i
has a sood clr¡at¿lorsrow ns io,
nrpoft§ maoyfloúefs
devalops naw klnds oj i o\rers
E»E Lrslen aqan Why slhe,loüer ndustry mportanllo
".ach persor1- Sh nob1.2.3 The Nelherlands
-Pronunclat 0n: Contefl vs funct 0n u/0rds
ln senlences conl".nl \i/ords lrave specilc nrean nq and recave greaterslr¿::
0therwordslraveagmnmatca lunctonand recervelessstress
66 lJnltT
t0r Y0ur lnformation: The cut-flower industry
Many cut I owers lhat are so d for holdays coñre foñr great
d stances For examp e n Eng and, one-lourth oflh" flowerssold on Va €nt nes Day are 0rown in Kenya, and many of theolhers come lrom Tanzania Elh opia, or Uganda ln NorthAmerica, a arqe percenta0e ol cut f ol^,ers are Orow¡ ¡Co ombiạ [¡any people are concerned aboülthe growth ofthis
ndusky becaLse worke¡s are exposed to arge qua¡tilies oltox c chern cals every daỵ Theyaso oblecl to growing luxuryllowers on farmland lhatcould Crow food for hLl¡ary peop €
wlrỵ where hovr wonderiu eas !
d she him have §.wil.coud s arẹ was thẹ a/n in.lo ol á
Trang 40f OE Listento the sl¡ess in each senlencẹThen lsten asain a¡d repeai
1 She{¿tr§lo$io a llilaE!!I€@
2 rre ¡49 r0 !¿I the qlsatrb Ul
3 Th-ihill can be oaid on fẹ
¡ ',,r la4jlJ !!!!s the E!¡!y l od!.
t T ü!¡!q D!]Ie! ior a ¡!!! conr outer
: _: !3d! a Lq¡!§ butlreshoLrldOqa&!ql3
'derlnethe conlentwords Then practice saying th"A sent-aIces with
' :,,,er§areanrmportantprrlojlle
: -i c ous gmpes can be groM in Caifornia
: e d ¡ñonds and rub es bü ih"qyre very erpens vẹ
"', rrr{qc0údEvefyq!d!
: :: ,: rts 1o búy a !!y !3I
i : ,:, " nri she §hou d gel a smallcar?
turu esarethnqsfrdon1
: : r :_:1 !m srcseawilhapartneaschart Takaboulühy
r-::: ;ir .rdon'i need)tlre llems.
Z láli aboul ns€ds and sanrs
: : ::!0 ute y need? whal uxúy temdoyouwantvery
Te students to slen lc ila
fecorded senlences !al _oall€nt on lo the str!ss
P ay the recordinq 3E
flren le the class tLi st¿l t:the same senlences ag3 l arjrepeal them
P ay the record ¡g IĐ
Have students \(ork nd r cJa !to under ne the cont€'rl!,iorls r
each sentencẹ
Háve slude¡ts cor¡pare ans!!efs
wltlr a partneL Check answers.
Have students praclce read nq thesent€nces to a p¿rlner Wa k aroLnd
helping wlh difllcult es.
Comm unication
Point oLrt lhe def n I ons n lheWord Foc!s box Have studenls
work individually t0 I st the wcrds
n the charl Emphas ¿e thal th s
activity involves op n 0ns-thereare no correclansureTsl
Divlde the c ass inlo palrs a¡d have
lhern compare and disclss lheir
Compare ansllers w lh the classFor eacl'r item, lrave students
ind cate with a show olhands l,vho
listed t as a uxury and who sled
It as a nec€ssitỵ
D v de the c ass inlo pa rs Have
Ihern d scuss o¡e ol the ¡ needsand one ol lhe r wanls g ving
feasons Ior each
Ca I on studenls lo le the class
aboLrt one ol the items theirpart¡ef chosẹ
Expans¡0n Act¡v¡ty: Liltle luxuries
D scuss the idea ol "litl e uxur es' thlnqs lhat don't cost a
ot ol money but that you enloy very much Give examp es: ácup of gournel caffee, a hat al fárcl b?lh soap Have slude¡ts,io4 r gto ps .o Lon p,lp a i\- o,tp I o,^r IF lL,¡
Then ca o¡ qroLps lo presenllhe r isls lo lhe cJass Dlscuss
nleresling ilems lrom the lsls a¡d ask whether anyo¡e,ee s
lhey ar€ necess lies not !xLrries.