Tổng hợp đề thi mẫu CSWA Solidworks Essential Phù hợp cho ai đang học, luyện thi lấy chứng chỉ CSWA của SolidWorks Có đáp án chi tiết sau bài, đề thi sát đề thi thật, bao gồm Lý thuyết + Bài tập Part, Assembly
Trang 1
Question 1 of 14 ‘
For 5 points:
|a00001: Drafting Competencies - To create drawing view 'B itis necessary to sketch a spline (as shown) lon drawing view ‘A’ and insert which Solidworks view
Trang 2Question 2 of 14
For 5 points: e
[s00004: Drafting Competencies - To create drawing
\view ‘B’ from drawing view ‘A’ insert which Solidworks view type?
» Crop —._ Broken-otit Sectian =
Projected ® Aligned Section
Trang 3
Question 3 of 14 For 5 points: @ Broken-out Section
[200005: Drafting Competencies - To create drawing View ‘Bit is necessary to sketch a spline (as shown) jon drawing view ‘A’ and insert which Solidworks view type?
Trang 4Question 4 of 14
For 15 points: e@
520901: Basic Part (Hydraulic Cylinder Half) - Step 1 Build this part in Solidworks
(Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)
‘Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, secand) IDecimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
{All holes through all unless shawn otherwise Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
What is the overall mass of the part (grams)? Hint: tf you don't find an option within 159 of your answer please re-check your solid model
Trang 5
Question 4 of 14
For 15 points: oe
820901: Basic Part (Hydraulic Cylinder Half} - Step 1
Build this part in SolidWorks,
(Save part after each question in a different file in ‘case it must be reviewed)
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown otherwise Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
What is the overall mass of the part (grams)? Hint: f you don't find an option within 1% of your
answer please re-check your solid model
Trang 6
Question 4 of 14
Build this part in Solidworks
(Save part after each question in a different file in
‘case it must be reviewed)
Unit system: MMS (millimeter gram, second)
Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown otherwise Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
la = 243.00 B = 114,00 IC = £200
|What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
Hint: if you don't find an option within 1% of your lanswer please re-check your solid model,
1984.69 5762.50
620901; Basic Part (Hydraulic Cylinder Half) - Step 1
Trang 7Question 4 of 14
For 15 points: e
1820901: Basic Part (Hydraulic Cylinder Half) - Step 1 Build this part in Solidworks,
(Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown otherwise Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
|A = 24300 B = 114.00 Ic = 82.00
What is the overall mass of the part (grams)? Hint: f you don't find an option within 1% of your answer please re-check your solid model,
Trang 8Question 4 of 14
e 1820901: Basic Part (Hydraulic Cylinder Half) - Step 1 lulld this part in Solidworks,
(Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)
For 15 points:
\Unit system: MMGS (millimeter gram, second} Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown otherwise (Material Aluminium 1060 Alloy
A = 243.00 lb = 114.00 Ic = 82.00
|What is the overall mass of the part (grams)? Hint: f you don't find an option within 1% of your lonswer please re-check your solid made
Trang 9
Question 5 of 14
For 15 points: e
1820902: Basic Part (Hydraulic Cylinder Half) - step 2 ‘Modify the part in Solidworks,
[Unit system: MMGS (millimeter gram, second) (Decimal places: 2
[Part origin: arbitrary
lall holes through all unfess shown otherwise, Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
Density = 0.0027 g/mm^3
‘Modify the part using the following variable values:
INote 1: Draft added on the side walls of the top inotch (Angle D")
Note 2: Assume all unshown dimensions are the
same as in the previous question
|What is the overall mass of the part (grams}2""
4 Enter Value: |
fuse (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 10
Question 5 of 14 FOF18 points: e
20002) lhasic Part Hydraulic Cylinder Half) - step 2
IModlity the part in Solidworks
|U( system) MMGS (millimeter gram, second)
|IWelnal places; 2
lan origin: arbitrary
‘Jal holes through all uniess shown otherwise,
[Material Aluminium 1060 Alloy
Đ |ÍWl6ty « 0/0027 g/mm^3
Í BIAfV ạddled on the side walls of the top (angle 0"
} Apne all unshown dimensions are the
# Wn the previous question,
1h the overall mass of the part (grams)?"
Enter Value:
(use (point) az decimal separator)
Trang 11
Question 5 of 14
For 15 points:
820902: Basic Part (Hydraut
Modify the part in SolidWorks
Unit system: MMS (milimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
‘Alt holes through all unless shown otherwise, Material: Aluminium 1060 Atioy
Density = 09027 g/mm^3
Modify the part using the following variable values:
|A = 248.00
8 = 117,00
iC = 84.00
ÍD = 5 degrees
[Note 1: Draft added on the side walls of the top notch (Angle D"”)
\Note 2: Assume alf unshown dimensions are the
same as in the previous question
|What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?""
| Previous Question © Reset Question Jj 7456 ic Cylinder Half) - Step 2
Enter Value: |
(use (point) as decimat separator)
Trang 12
‘Davie Part (Hydraulic Cylinder Half} - Step 2
‘the part in Solidworks
MMOS (millimeter, gram, second)
bal laces: 2
rg Arbitrary
‘{hyOUgN all Unless shown otherwise Alin 1060 Alloy
0.0027 g/mme3
Prt Using the following variable values:
con the side walls of the top
all unshown dimensions are the Ihe previous question,
‘Syerall Mass of the part (grams}?
Enter Value:
(use (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 13
Question 6 of 14 For 15 points:
1013001: Intermediate Part (Wheel) - Step 1
Build this part in SolidWorks
(Save part after each question in a different file in
case it must be reviewed)
lUnit system: MMGS (millimeter gram, second) [Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
‘All hales through all unless shown othenwise, Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
iA = 138.00 6 = 390,00
Note: All geometry is symmetrical about the plane represented by the line labeled F"" in the M-M
Section View
‘What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
Hinh f you don't find an option within 1% of your lanswer please re-check your solid model, "
Trang 15
Question 6 of 14
‘For 15 points: 9
‘013001: Intermediate Part (Wheel) - Step 1 Build this part in SolidWorks
(Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown otherwise ‘Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
‘A = 138.00 8 = 80000
‘Note: All geometry is symmetrical about the plane represented by the line labeled F°” in the M-M
Section View,
|What is the overall mass of the part (grams)? Hint lf you don't find an option within 1% of your lanswer please re-check your solid model, ""
Trang 16
}/001) Intermediate Part (wheel) - Step i
Wis part in Solidworks,
ail alter each question in a different file in 46 ih Nut be reviewed)
Hii Ayatern: MGS (milimeter, gram, second)
places: 2
| 0/1000: Arbitrary
[Noles through all unless shown atherwise AllIllum 1060 Alloy
13.00 _
We All Bini is symmetrical about the plane
1 by the line labeled F"" in the M-M
Ip the overall mass of the part (grams)?
WW You dow find an option within 136 of your
pleate re-check your solid model "
Trang 17_ Question 7 of 14
For 15 points:
1013002: Intermediate Part (Wheel) - Step 2
Modify this part in Solidworks by adding 15 cutouts
[Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
‘All holes through all unless shown otherwise,
‘Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
[Note 1; Assume all unshown dimensions are the Isame as in the previous question
Note 2: All cutouts are the exact same size shape, land dimensions
Note 3: The extent of the cutouts are coincident with ithe edges where the drafted walls meet the web of ithe wheel,
\What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
e Qian
Trang 18OF Intermediate Part (Wheel) - Step 2 his part in Solidworks by adding 15 cutouts J{ 4/0fem: MIMG5 (milimeter, gram, second)
W((Ạl plác65: 2 WI0I0: Abitrary
Holes through all unless shown otherwise, 4 Aluminium 1080 Aloy
#8 AF IN the previous question, Aillunshown dimensions are the
1W Cutouts ave the exact same size, shape, dimensions,
1 The extent of the cutouts are coincident with where the drafted walls meet the web of
Jo Nhe overall mass ofthe part cgramsi?
Enter Value:
(use (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 19
Question 7 of 14
For 15 points: 9
D13002: Intermediate Part (Wheel) - step 2 Modify this part in SolidWorks by adding 15 cutouts, Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
lall holes through ail unless shown otherwise Material: Aluminium 1060 Alloy
Note 1: Assume all unshown dimensions are the same as in the previous question,
‘Note 2: All cutouts are the exact same size, shape ‘and dimensions,
Note 3: The extent of the cutouts are coincident with ithe edges where the drafted walls meet the web of
he wheel,
[What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
Enter Value:
(use, (point) as decimal segarstor)
Trang 20
to proceed with feature recognition?”,
Wig Rods (3) are concentric to the It on the Wheel Components (2)
‘Fonneeting Rods (3) are concentric to holes it He É0/0161ing, Block (4),
8 Fell to the iso view image (first image) for Joehed position of the left Wheel_Component
3 JugidtgluuiiabhiossszsolBupiagiais
Wy the measured distance X (millimeters)?
W you don't find an option within 1% of your [lease recheck your assembly, ~
Trang 21Question 8 of 14 For 30 points: e
\want to proceed with feature recogniti please click ""No"*)
-Create the assembly using the following conditions:
1, Wheel Components (2) are mated concentric and flush to the end of the rods on the Base (1) {ino clearance),
2 Connecting Rods (3) are concentric to the ‘connector balls on the Wheel_Components (2)
3 Connecting Rods (3) are concentric to holes in the Connecting Block (4),
4 Refer to the iso view image (rst image) for locked position of the left Wheel Component 2)
A = 14.00
B = 19 degrees
(V/hat is the measured distance X (millimeters)?
Hint: f you don't find an option within 1% of your lanswer please re-check your assembly °" =
‘Attachment to this question `
Assembly.zip (166.7 kB) 3
Trang 22
rm TTore ees to proceed with feature recognition?”
dick No")
“(l6 the assembly using the following ow
Wheel,Components (2) are mated concentric fil flush to the end of the rads on the Base (1)
W Klenrance),
'000661ing Rod: (3) are concentric to the
101 balls on the Wheel.Components (2)
LÝ (00061ing Rods (3) are concentric to holes ín -
Hannecting Block (4)
| 4 Weler to the iso view image (first image) for
Jorhed position of the left wheel Component
lb * 1400
© WO degrees
iY Ip the measured distance x (millimeters)?
you don't find an option within 1% of your yinive! please re-check your assembly
10 this question sting Red Assembly-ip (166.7 +8)
Trang 23Question 8 of 14 For 20 points:
‘want to proceed with feature recognition?”
please click ""No™,)
“Create the assembly using the following conditions:
4, Wheel Components (2) are mated concentric
land flush to the end of the rods on the Base (1)
(no clearance),
2 Connecting Rods (3) are concentric to the ‘connector balls on the Wheel Components (2)
3, Connecting Rods (3) are concentric to holes in ithe Connecting Block (4),
4, Refer to the iso view image (first image) for the lacked position of the left Wheel Component 2)
A = 14.00 B = 19 degrees
What is the measured distance x (millimeters)?
Trang 24Question 9 of 14
For 30 points:
(11302: Modify this assembly in SohdWork
(Connecting Rod Assembly)
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter gram, second) ‘Decimal places; 2
‘Assembly origin: Arbitrary
Using the same assembly created in the previous {question modify the following parameters:
A = 18,00
I) ® 25 degrees
What is the measured distance X (millimeters)?
Enter Value: |
(use (point) as decimal separator)
[@ srow'summey Ì Í — NeiQuehenr>|
Trang 25Question 9 of 14 For 30 points:
£11302: Modify this assembly in SolidWorks
(Connecting Rod Assembly)
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram second)
Decimal places: 2
‘Assembly origin: Arbitrary
-Using the same assembly created in the previous question modify the following parameters:
What is the measured distance X (millimeters)?
Enter Value:
(use (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 26
Question 9 of 14
for 30 points:
(11302: Modify this assembly in SolidWorks (Connecting Rod Assembly)
Unit system: MMGs (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Assembly origin: Arbitrary
Using the same assembly created in the previous question madify the following parameters: A= 18.00
Ib © 25 degrees
What is the measured distance x (millimeters)?
Enter Value:
(use , (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 27
embly in SolidWorks lỤ |
Sineter, gram, second)
eated in the previous parameters: € X (millimeters)? Enter Value: |
(use (point) as decimal separator
Trang 28
Question 10 of 14
For 30 points: e
want to proceed with feature recognition?™, please click “No™,)
the Origin as shown in isometric view (This is IMPORTANT: Create the Assembly with respect to
(important for calculating the proper Center of Mass)
create the assembly using the following conditions:
1 Linkage Bolts (4) are mated concentric to
Linkage Coupling (5), Linkage Cylinder (2), and
|inkage Piston (3) holes and Linkage_Base (4) slot (no clearance)
@ Linkage Bolts (4) are mounted with the head |
incident to Linkage Piston (3), Linkage Cylinder -
|0) and Linkage Coupling (5) faces
A * 90.00
vit is the center of mass of the assembly IIIfllllteters)?
+ owing
Hint f you don't find an option within 1% of your “Tiiniwer please re-check your assembly
Trang 29Question 10 of 14
For 20 points: e
want to proceed with feature recognition?”, please click No")
-IMPORTANT: Create the Assembly with respect to
Ithe Origin as shown in isometric view (This is important for calculating the praper Center of
-Create the assembly using the following conditions:
1, Linkage_Bolts (4) are mated concentric to |
Linkage_Coupling (5), Linkage Cylinder (2), and
Linkage Piston (3) holes and Linkage Base (1) slot _ (no clearance)
2 Linkage Bolts (4) are mounted with the head coincident to Linkage Piston (3), Linkage Cylinder
(2) and Linkage Coupling (5) faces,
|A = 50.00 "My |
1 |
\What is the center of mass of the assembly
Hint: If you don’t find an option within 1% of your
lanswer please re-check your assembly.“ - ‘Attache to this question
Trang 30
Question 10 of 14
want to proceed with feature reco:
please click “"No™)
IMPORTANT; Create the Assembly with respect to
the Origin as shown in isometric view (This is Jinportant for calculating the proper Center of
1 Linkage Bolts (4) are mated concentric to |
ILinkage Coupling (5), Linkage Cylinder @}, and iLinkage Piston (3) holes and Linkage Base (1) slot (No clearance)
4 Linkage Bolts (4) are mounted with the head
_ }tGineldent to Linkage Piston (3), Linkage_Cylinder
J(2) and Linkage Coupling (5) faces j
wl is the center of mass of the assembly "`
| i
m Hf you don't find an option within 1% of your Taiwer please re-check your assembly,"
Trang 31Question 11 of 14
For 30 points: 9
(E20502: Modify this assembly in SolidWorks (Linkage
\Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)
iDecimal places: 2
JAssembly origin: Arbitrary
-Using the same assembly created in the previous question modify the following parameters:
ÍA = 10000
What is the center of mass of the assembly (millimeters)? Enter Coordinates: š: z
(use (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 32
Question 11 of 14 pe W points: 9
(20902: Modify this assembly in Solidworks (Linkage
(nil system: MMGs (millimeter, gram, second)
[Decimal places: 2
lAssembly origin: Arbitrary
‘Using the same assembiy created in the previous ieestion modify the following parameters:
lA * 100.00
“|What is the center of mass of the assembly inlluneters)?
(use, (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 33
Enter Coordinates: ¥ z
(ure (point) as decimal separator)
ae (Đseesmmy —] | Nest Quetion 9)
Trang 34
Question 12 of 14
For 15 points:
(610201: Advanced Part (Bracket) - Step 1
\Quild this part in Solidworks
‘(Save part after each question in a different file in ease it must be reviewed)
‘Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)
(Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
|| holes through all unless shown otherwise
ial; AISI 1020 Steel Density = 0.0079 g/mm^3 |Ạ + 5800
ih * 22.00 Je * 26.50
(What is the overall mass of the part (grams)? ‘Hint if you don't find an option within 1% of your
5 (016961 please re-check your selid modl
Trang 35
Question 12 of 14 For 15 points:
(C10201: Advanced Part (Bracket) - Step 1 Build this part in Solidworks
(Gave part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: arbitrary
ll holes through all unless shown otherwise Material: AISI 1020 Steel
Density = 0.0079 g/mm*3 A = 58.00
8 = 2200 ic = 28.50
What is the overall mass of the part (grams)? Hint: f you dont find an option within 1% of your lanswer please re-check your solid model,
807.21 € Previcus Question © Reset Question
Trang 36
S| 10201: Advanced Part (Bracket) - Step 1 ~ [BWllld this part in solidworks
~ |iSave part after each question in a different file in (09 IL mut be reviewed)
‘JUnit system: MMGs tmitlimeter, gram, second) ‘WPeeimal places: 2
Ht origin; Arbitrary
Mii holes through all unless shown otherwise
AISI 1020 Steel Wisity s 00079 g/mm^3
l(b the overall mass of the part (grams)? | you don't find an option within 1% of your Wwe! please re-check your solid model
Trang 37
Question 13 of 14
For 15 points: 9
(C10202: Advanced Part (Bracket) - Step 2 Modffy the part in SolidWorks,
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
AAI holes through all unless shown otherwise ‘Material: AISI 1020 Steel
Density = 0.0079 g/mm^3
Use the part created in the previous question and modify it by removing material in the indicated areas
Note: Assume all unshown dimensions are the same
as in the previous question, all dimensions for the new features are shown
‘What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
Previous Question | (Reset Question |
Enter Value:
(use (point) as decimal separator)
Trang 38
Question 13 of 14
For 15 points: e
(10202: Advanced Part (Bracket) - Step 2
Modify the part in Solidworks,
Unit system: MEGS millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown otherwise Material: AISI 1020 Steet
Density = 0.0979 g/mm^3
\se the part created in the previous question and ‘modify it by removing material in the indicated areas, Note: Assume all unshown dimensions are the same Jas in the previous question, All dimensions for the new features are shown,
\What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
[© Previous Question | [Reset Question |
oO hs Enter Value:
(use (point) a5 decimal separator)
wae Qshowsummy | [ M
Trang 39
Question 13 of 14
For 15 point e
C10202: Advanced Part (Bracket) - Step 2 Modify the part in SolidWorks
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2
Part origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown otherwise,
Material: AISI 1020 Steel Density = 0.0079 g/mm*3
Use the part created in the previous question and modify it by removing material in the indicated areas,
Note: Assume all unshown dimensions are the same as in the previous question All dimensions for the
new features are shown
‘What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
Enter Value:
(use (point) as decimal separator)
€ Previous Question A Reset Question | Cae [0 si sum "y Ï (eae
Trang 40
Question 13 of 14
For 15 points: 9
(C10202: Advanced Part (Bracket) - Step 2 Modify the part in Solidworks
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter gram, second) Decimal places: 2
art origin: Arbitrary
All holes through all unless shown othenwise, Material: AISI 1020 Steel
Density = 0.0079 g/mm^3
\Use the part created in the previous question and Imodiify it by removing material in the indicated areas, Note: Assume all unshown dimensions are the same as in the previous question ll dimensions for the Inew features are shown
\What is the overall mass of the part (grams)?
Enter Value:
(use (point) as decimal separator)