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Listening for ielts

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Tiêu đề Listening for IELTS
Tác giả Fiona Aish, Jo Tomlinson
Trường học Target English
Chuyên ngành Language Consultancy
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Năm xuất bản 2020
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
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Collins Thư viên — ĐHON I En g lish for Exams 1CD/400/A 382 F U R IELTS Fiona Aish & Jo Tomlinson A u d io a v a ila b le online NT V = POWERED BY C O B U I L D a cỏng ty TN H H NHÀ XUẮT BÂN TỔNG HỢP Nhân Trí Việt THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Tai ngay!!! Ban co the xoa dong chu nay!!! Collins | Engl ish for Exams LISTENING FOR IELTS Fiona Aish & NTV Cong ty TNHH NHA XUAT BAN TONG HOP Nhan TriV iet THANH PHO HO CHI MINH Collins Listening for IELTS Second edition 2020 Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers 2011, 2020 Vietnam's edition © 2020 by Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between HarperCollins Publishers Limited, UK and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd Vietnam Audio recorded and produced by ID Audio, London Cover illustration: © Maria Herbert-Liew 2019 Sample IELTS Listening answer sheet (p158): Reproduced with permission of Cambridge Assessment English © UCLES 2019 The Publishers gratefully acknowledge the permission granted to reproduce the copyright material in this book Whilst every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, in cases where this has been unsuccessful, or if any have inadvertently been overlooked, the Publishers would gladly receive any information enabling them to rectify any error or omission at the first opportunity Collins® and COBUILD® are registered trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers Limited All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the Publisher This book is sold subject to the conditions that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the Publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which :t is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser Entered words that we have reason to believe constitute trademarks have been designated as such However, neither the presence nor absence of such designation should be regarded as affecting the legal status of any trademark The contents of this publication are believed correct at the time of printing Nevertheless, the Publisher can accept no responsibility for errors or omissions, changes in the detail given or for any expense or loss thereby caused HarperCollins does not warrant that any website mentioned in this title will be provided uninterrupted, that any website will be error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs For full terms and conditions please refer to the site terms provided on the website All exam-style questions and sample answers in this title were written by the authors About the authors Jo Tomlinson and Fiona Aish are co-owners of Target English, a language consultancy specialising in materials development, test production and teacher training With MAs in Language Testing and ELT & Applied Linguistics, they have over forty years' teaching experience between them in areas such as general English, test preparation, and academic English They now work with a variety of organisations developing bespoke course and test materials, as well as training teachers in test preparation and production Authors' acknowledgements The authors would like to thank their families, especially their parents, Peter and Sylvia Tomlinson and Brian and Linda Aish, for their continuing support We would also like to thank Jim Leslie, Mike Burrows, Angela Must and Penny Leslie for their help and advice And a final word of thanks goes to Matthew Duffy, Celia Wigley, Lisa Todd and the team at HarperCollins its Topic Page tion national English e Testing System St he move H o lidays an d travel g young Y o u th 16 ate N atu re an d th e e n v iro n m e n t 24 lies Fam ily m a tte rs 32 :ing university E d u ca tio n 40 a C u ltu re an d m o d e rn so cie ty 48 'native energy S cie n ce an d te c h n o lo g y 56 ation Peo p le an d places 64 le gym H ealth an d fitn e ss 72 le office E m p lo y m e n t an d fin a n c e s 80 languages L a n g u a g e an d c o m m u n ica tio n 88 :ice exam 96 ripts 102 cey 137 ELTS Listening heet 158 ation chart 159 idits 160 Introduction W ho is this book for? Listening for IELTS will prepare you for the IELTS Listening test w hether you are taking the test fo r the first tim e or re-sitting the test It has been written for learners w ith band score -5 w h o are trying to achieve band score or higher The structured approach, comprehensive answ er key and model answ ers have been designed so that you can use the materials to study on your own However, the book can also be used as a supplem entary listening skills course for IELTS preparation classes The book provides enough material fo r approxim ately 50 hours of classroom tim e Content Listening for IELTS is divided into 12 units Each unit focuses on a topic area that you are likely to encounter in the IELTS Listening test This helps you to build up a bank of vocabulary and ideas related to a variety of the topics Units 1-11 cover the key types of questions that you find in the IELTS Listening test Every exercise is relevant to the exam The aims listed at the start of each unit specify the key skills, techniques and language covered in the unit You work towards Unit 12, which provides a final practice IELTS Listening test Additionally, the book provides exam strategies telling you w h at to expect and h o w best to succeed in the test Exam in ormation is presented in clear, easy-to-read boxes Exam tips in each unit highlight essential exam techniques and can be rapidly reviewed at a glance The Pronunciation sections will help you to improve your listening skills by demonstrating how natural spoken English actua y sounds There are also Watch out boxes that will help you avoid common errors made in the exam Finally, the xam tutor at the end of each unit gives you the opportunity to revise and consolidate the exam skills you have studied Unit structure Each of the first 11 units is divided into three parts Part Language development introduces vocabulary related to the topic A range of exercises gives you the opportunity to use the vocabulary in a variety of contexts These exercises also build aw areness o f the patterns in words and language items The vocabulary is presented using Collins COBUILD dictionary definitions Part Exam skills provides step-by-step exercises and guidance on specific question types that appear in the exam Each unit focuses on three question types and skills Exam information and Exam tips show you how to approach each question type and help you develop successful test-taking strategies EXam £ ractlce provides exam Practice questions for the same section of the exam that you did exercises for in thp \ e types' Tde f ° rmat follows the actual exam There is also an Exam tutor checklist after the exam practice that w.ll help you assess your readiness for the actual exam A n sw e r key and audio scripts Se" IOnS ° ' ,h e * ô * ã notes on w h y certain answers are are underlined ,n the audio scripts so you ca n see ^ e wnere where'tte “ ""I9answers feature “ ,he bai.k J * b“ k The a" SWe,i y the '“ correct in the audio U sing the audio ^ This icon Indicates that there is an audio track tn ikton v , , , w w w nhantnviet.com/MP3-f i FI7F Ck l ° ''Sten t a You can download the aud.o files at A U sin g the book for self-study If you are new to IELTS, w e recommend that you work systematically through the 12 units in order to benefit from its progressive structure If you are a more experienced learner, you can use the aims listed at the start of each unit to select the most useful exercises Each unit contains between three to four hours of self-study material Having access to someone w ho can provide informed feedback on the listening practice exercises is an advantage However, you can still learn a lot working alone or with a study partner willing to give and receive peer feedback Part 1: Language development Ideally, you should begin each unit by working through the Part V Language development exercises Try to answer the questions w ithout looking at a dictionary in order to develop the skill of inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words from context Part 2: Exam skills Work through the Part 2: Exam skills from beginning to end It is important to study the Exam information and Exam tips about each of the question types, so that you become familiar with how to approach the different question types in the test Doing this will also help you develop more general skills for listening The strategies covered should be thoroughly mastered so that during the actual exam you are fully prepared for each section and can focus on really 'listening' Listening is a skill that can only be improved through extensive practice, so it is important to listen regularly to Englishlanguage news programmes or lectures Part 3: Exam practice This section contains exam practice questions and the Exam tutor After you have done the exam, it is a good idea to spend some time reviewing w hy certain answers are the correct ones and then work through the Exam tutor For this reason w e suggest you approach this part in the following way: First the exam Here, you should focus on answering the questions correctly You should try and complete Part within the time limit set and listen only once, as this gives you the opportunity to practise under exam conditions Do not look at the Audio scripts at the back of the book while doing the Exam practice questions After you have finished the practice questions, make sure the form at and spelling of your answers are correct Then, check your answers using the Answ er key and Audio scripts at the back of the book Unit 12 Practice exam This is a complete Listening practice test This unit should be done under exam conditions You should answer all four sections consecutively and listen only once Normally, in the actual exam you would keep 10 minutes aside to transfer your answers Please keep this in mind when doing Unit 12 U sin g the book in the cla ssro o m If you are a teacher, you can use Listening for IELTS either as your main IELTS coursebook or as a supplementary course Detailed teacher's notes for each unit are available at: w w w nhantriviet.com /collinsieLti The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test IELTS is jointly managed by the British Council, Cam bridge ESOL Exam inations and IDP Education, A u stralia There are tw o versions of the test: • Academic • General Training Academic is for students wishing to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels in an English-m edium environm ent General Training is for people w ho wish to migrate to an English-speaking country This book is prim arily fo r students taking the Academic version The test There are four modules: Listening 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes for transferring answers to the answ er sheet NB: the audio is heard only once Approx 10 questions per section Section 1: tw o speakers discuss a social situation Section 2: one speaker talks about a non-academ ic topic Section 3: up to four speakers discuss an educational project Section 4: one speaker gives a talk of general academ ic interest Reading Writing 60 minutes texts, taken from authentic sources, on general, academ ic topics They may contain diagram s, charts, etc 40 questions: may include multiple choice, sentence completion, completing a diagram, graph or chart, choosing headings, yes/no/not given, true/false/not given, classification and matching Task 1: 20 minutes: description of a table, chart, graph or diagram (150 words m inimum) Task 2: 40 minutes: an essay in response to an argum ent or problem (250 words minimum) Speaking 11-14 minutes A three-part face-to-face oral interview w ith an examiner The interview is recorded Part 1: introductions and general questions (4-5 mins) Part 2: individual long turn (3 -4 mins) - the candidate is given a task, has one minute to prepare, then talks for 1-2 minutes, with some questions from the examiner Part 3: two-way discussion (4-5 mins): the examiner asks further questions on the topic from Part 2, and gives the candidate the opportunity to discuss more abstract issues or ideas Timetabling Listening, Reading and Writing must be taken on the same day, and in the order listed above Speaking can be taken up to days before or after the other modules Scoring Each section is given a band score The average of the four scores produces the Overall Band Score You not pass or fail IELTS; you receive a score IELTS and the Com m on European Fram ew ork of Reference The CEFR shows the level of the learner and is used for many English as a Foreign Language examinations The table below shows the approximate CEFR level and the equivalent IELTS Overall Band Score: CEFR description CEFR level IELTS Band Score Proficient user (Advanced) C2 C1 7-8 Independent user (Intermediate - Upper Intermediate) B2 B1 5-6.5 4-5 This table contains the general descriptors for the band scores 1-9: IELTS Band Scores Expert user Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding Very good user Has fully operational command of the language, with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations Handles complex detailed argumentation well Good user Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning Competent user Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations Worldsi oaf liai command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes Should be able to handle basic communication in own field Limited user Basic competence is limited to familiar situations Has frequent problems in understanding and expression Is not able to use complex language Extremely limited user Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations Frequent breakdowns in communication occur Intermittent user No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English Non user Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words Did not attempt the test No assessable information provided M a rk in g The Listening and Reading papers have 40 items, each worth one mark if correctly answered Here are some examples of how marks are translated into band scores: Listening: Reading: 16 out of 40 correct answers: band score 23 out of 40 correct answers: band score 30 out of 40 correct answers: band score 15 out of 40 correct answers: band score 23 out of 40 correct answers: band score 30 out of 40 correct answers: band score W riting and Speaking are marked according to performance descriptors W riting: examiners award a band score for each of four areas w ith equal weighting: • Task achievement (Task 1) • Task response (Task 2) • Coherence and cohesion • Lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy Speaking: examiners award a band score for each of four areas with equal weighting: • Fluency and coherence • Lexical resource • Gram matical range • Accuracy and pronunciation For full details of how the examination is scored and marked, go to: www.Lelis^grg On the move Language development | Travel an d to u rism v o ca b u la ry ; S y n o n y m s a n d p a p h sin g Exam skills | Predicting a n sw ers; P ro n u n ciatio n : V o w e l so u n d s a n d sp ellin g ; P a p h sin g options Exam practice | Section 1: Form co m p letio n ; M ultip le c h o ic e ; M a tc h in g Part 1: Language development Travel and tourism vocabulary Match the words a-h to the pictures 1-8 a custom ers b passenger e tour guide f c d g tourists travel agent w aiter staff receptionist Listening for IELTS h Q Watch out When you have to write answers in spaces (e.g form completion questions), make sure your words are grammatically correct, e.g The holiday is very expensive Unit S y n o n y m s and p a rap h rasin g Com plete th e passage about hotels below w ith the w ords a-h There are tw o possible answers for some of th e spaces a alte rn ative c o ld -fashio ned e su fficie n t g trad itio nal b co m m o n d reasonable f su itable h unique The Grand Hotel was built in 1900 and has a (1 ) _ style; there is nothing like it in the local area Although the interior design is (2 ) _ , the facilities are modern The hotel has a -conference centre and meeting rooms, so it is (3 ) _ for business purposes An ( ) _ option is the Hotel Royal, which is a ( ) _ choice for tourists because the prices are (6 ) _ , and it is next to the beach The hotel is not modern; in fact it is quite (7 ) _ and in need of minor repair, but it is ( ) _ for a short break M a tc h t h e w o r d s 1-8 with their synonyms a-h su itable a co nventio nal trad itio n al b fre q u en t alte rn ative c dated unique d o th er o ld -fash io ned e ad eq u ate reasonable f appro priate su fficie n t g fair co m m on h individual Learning topic -related words is a good wav to increase vour vocabulary You can organise the vocabulary by topic and add words and common collocations a Choose the sentences a-c which not mean the same as the key sentences 1-4 T he price o f din ner w a s reasonable Watch out I th o u g h t th e m eal w a s a fair price, b The bill fo r dinner w a s not too expensive, Don't just listen tor the same words Th a t meal w a s o verpriced you see in the questions or options c Q a Three hours w ill be su fficien t to see all o f the art gallery a b Three hours should give you enough tim e to see everything in the art gallery Some of the words and sentences on the recording are different to the words and sentences in the test I th in k three hours is an ad equ ate am o u n t of tim e fo r vie w in g th e art gallery c I d o n 't th in k this hotel is suitable fo r children, a Yo u 'll be unlikely to see all the art gallery in three hours This hotel is quite satisfacto ry fo r fam ilies b I w o u ld n 't recom m end bringing under-18s to this hotel, c This hotel isn't appropriate fo r m inors, in my view Heavy rain is com m on in this area at this tim e of year a There is often bad w e a th e r here at this tim e of year, b A t this tim e of year there are occasional storm s around here, c In this region rain is freq u en t at this tim e of year On the move Incorrect a n sw e rs: Part 3: Exam practice b (The stars are in love in th e film , b u t n o t in real life.) c (Rumour has it that Smith and Wyatt aren't the best of friends In fact, on the set they barely spoke to each other!) b (If you want romance, this film is fine) Q u e stio n s 1-3 A n sw e rs can be given in any order Incorrect answers: men and women alike can get something from this film, b u t sh e d o e sn 't actu ally rec o m ­ a (The rev ie w e r says th a t C m end it fo r w o m e n , a s o p p o se d to m en ) Happy as Larry is not a p articu ­ 'Happy as Larry', is a move away from the usual films Sonya makes - she is better known for her roles in action films - but she has shown herself to be a capable comedy actress However I'm not sure this is the finest film to it in.) c (The review er im plies th a t larly g o o d film : (The scheme has been great for tourism, but it was really started to raise awareness of the rich history of Sydney, [B] both locally [F] and nationally, and we think we've managed to this.) (We also wanted to make people aware of the impressive list of important people who have lived in this city, and we've certainly achieved that.) B, F Incorrect an sw e rs: A (Tourism has benefited, but this w as not one of the rea­ The scheme has been great but it was really started to raise awareness of the rich history of Sydney ) son s for starting the sch em e: for tourism , D (The sch e m e has been good for publicity, but publicity w as not o n e of th e original aim s.) Focusing on d eta ils E (A g ain, th e sch e m e has helped to preserve old buildings Exercise but it w a s not o n e of the reasons for starting the schem e: Correct: Quite independently of our original aims, the scheme has also helped preserve some of the older and more impor­ tant buildings in Sydney.) the number has almost doubled co rresp o n d s to More people; celebrities co rre sp o n d s to famous [people]) (Sen ten ce v: All aspects of a celebrity's life co rrespo n ds to almost everything about famous people; are made known to the public co rrespo n ds to The public now know) (Sentence ii: People are now famous corresponds to Fame; for only short periods corresponds to more short-lived) a (S e n te n ce iv: c e Exercise Answers can be given in any order -3: a c (It's true that there are more celebrities around than ever before) (Famous people are everywhere and although we know nearly all there is to know about these people - their lives are splashed all over magazines and television - they've retained their mystery) (This is because people become famous for only a short time One day a person is famous and the next they are forgotten.) Q u e stio n s -6 c d (In fact, the paparazzi, who photograph the rich and famous, are often seen as figures of hate for this They come off much worse in the end, because they are so disliked by the public and celebrities.) (And who pays for this? Well, all of us Cinema and concert ticket prices have risen and DVDs cost more than ever.) ( the rewards go to only a small elite but they miss a lot of the creative talent in the industry, like the people who write the screenplays They are still on the same salary they were on ten years ago.) (It has been really wonderful in highlighting our past.) A (Although the schem e has helped tourism, w e not know if has actually increased the am ount of tourism in the area.) B (There is no m ention of people w h o have becom e better kn o w n as a result of the schem e.) (A plaque can only be given to a person who is famous and has achieved something out of the ordinary, like an important politician or world-record-breaking sportsman, for example.) C Incorrect an sw ers: A (If you want to nominate someone for a plaque, you just need the person's name, where they lived and you need three signatures to approve your application) B (The role of the panel is to check that the data submitted -6 : b C Incorrect an sw e rs: is correct, not to approve nom inations: Our panel then checks that all the data you've submitted is correct and hopefully, within a year a new plaque wilt be erected.) A (Whereas in the past the tourist board put in the majority of funding, now public donations count for sixtyfive percent of all total funds!) Q u e stio n s -1 D (For example, if they are interested in famous sports personalities, they can a tour following the red plaques (the colour we are aiming to use for these people).) A (W e are thinking of using grey plaques to signify people who have done important work within the government) Answer key U7 thinking of using white plaques for those who have done good works in the community.) E (Lastly our green plaques we think will be very popular; these will be for painters and sculptors) B (W e are 10 Exercise claim fossil run out Exam tu to r Strategies you should use include reading the instructions carefully, predicting answ ers and thinking of w h at types of w ords can go in the spaces (for completion questions), Solar pow er recom m ended argued nuclear thinking about key w ords to listen for and how options radioactive w aste might be paraphrased contam ination The answ er keys outline how the answ ers (and questions) w ere paraphrased in the audio The plaque colours (e.g red plaques) w ere stated directly in the recording Part 2: Exam skills Identifying opinions The answ ers should be letters (e.g B) Exercise A lot of the information you hear will be paraphrased from 1A the question paper, so it will lead you to the right answers A ,, U D D 71) D 9A 1° Exercise I'm not convinced t h a t Unit 6A I co uld n 't agree m ore.; F ° r t m e, clearly the best option f o r ; I'm w ith you on W h at l particularly like a b o u t ; I w o u ld n 't like to say- Part 1: Language development No, the speaker says: "I'm not convinced th at its a W ord form s related to energy great plan." Yes, the speaker says: "I couldn't agree m ore." Yes, they say: "For me, geotherm al energy is clearly t Exercise „ best option for governm ents to invest in for th e future- N ouns: chem ical, electricity, fuel, gas, heat, liquid, metal, oil, and "I'm w ith you on t h a t " No, the second speaker says: "I w o u ld n 't like to say- oxygen, substance Verbs: boil, burn, cool, freeze, fuel, heat, melt, oil Pronunciation: Vow el sounds A d jectives: chem ical, cool, nuclear, solar Exercise An effective w ay of producing power is to use solar energy choose (long) w arned (long) At the North and South Poles, w ater becom es so cold that audience (long) Exercise statistics (short) it freezes If you heat w ater to 100 degrees Centigrade, it boils delete (short - long) This power station uses nuclear energy to generate electricity crucial (long) Oil is a substance found under the surface of the earth In order to make a fire, some kind of fuel such as w ood is Main and supporting ideas needed If you oil an engine, it will function more effectively Exercise Refrigeration is the main method of cooling food M 1S M Reported speech S M Exercise e c S 3f 4b i 6a 7h 8d 9j 10 g Exercise Exercise general specific (For and you need tw o adjectives that describe c o n f ir m e d / a n n o u n c e d / c la im e d denied the reading list The tutor says: "This list should be generd to give you som e backgro un d also be specific to the reco m m en d ed w arned persuaded 148 Listening for IELTS actual energy source you've c h o se n ".) make notes (While reading in th e flo w cha rt is parap hrased as as you read in th e audio.) (generally / very) expensive (Problem is paraphrased as drawback in the audio.) (kind of) system (Recording ideas in th e au d io is sim ilar to organise notes.) relevance (Notes and reading is p arap h rased in th e au d io as material.) critical analysis read w idely Questions 5-7 daylight (Calculate is paraphrased as working out in the nsw erin g accu rately audio.) country (Entire is paraphrased as whole in the audio.) (ercise willing to The an sw ers will be verbs or nouns w h ich refer to m ethods Q u e stio n s -1 Possible a n sw e rs: u se / using less lighting, turn / turning (Secondly, we'll take solar as an example and a cost prediction) C (some statistics from the government ) 10B (highlight any differences Here, differences is a p araphrase of discrepancies) E bow n heating, recycle / recycling The a n sw ers will be su b sta n ces w h ich can be seen as negative Possible a n sw e rs: carb o n dioxide, oil, gas, n uclear w a ste The ran ge of possible an sw e rs is m u ch w id er Exam tutor 9ram m atically an d them atically in this question co m p ared to q uestions an d The instructions tell you h o w you should answ er the Possible an sw e rs: high d em an d , expensive production, questions, including things like the format and num ber Political tension, limited production w ord s allow ed C h eck your spelling against the answ er key Remember, Usually the tercise of if you didn't spell it correctly, it's not right going to choose solar), biofuels (/ also want to talk )-QUt biofuels), nuclear (hve decided to nuclear.) *ar (/ am main points are the words on the flow chart the next step usually introduce a Signposts like then or tercise main point, w hich is then followed by further information background details of the sentences and the can tell you w hat kinds of answer Thinking about the gram m ar diagram s missing w ord forms you need From phrases to say w hether they agree or disagree (e g tercise j, k, I (The w ord m ust be a noun that refers to a type of acad em ic discussion.) I couldn't agree more!) or their intonation a, c, e, g (The w ord m ust be an adjective b ecau se it com es before the noun energy Note that in term s of context, only a, c and g are possible.) Unit a, c, e (The w ord m ust be an adjective because it com es before the noun phrase Part 1: Language development energy source.) b, d, f, h, i, (The w ord m ust be a noun b ecause there is an article 'the' before it Note that in term s of context, only d and i are possible.) M igration vocabulary f, j (The w ord m ust be a singular or u ncountable noun Exercise because there is an adjective before it verb appears is singular.) (academic) and 2c 10c i e 4b 5g Cf 7a 8k 9| 11 d Exercise cercise 10 I 1h the 3d 4a 5f m ig r a t in g monarch art 3: Exam practice u estio n s 1-4 less reliable (Phil doubts that all forms of renew able energy because they aren't always constant and so they become less reliable Aren't always constant cannot colony h e r it a g e Overpopulation D e m o g r a p h ic are beneficial be an an sw er because it has three w ords.) Answer key 149 Language of change Exercise (Suggested answ ers) Families w ith average incom es / Fam ilies w h o are com fortable financially Ch an ge in appearance: restore, distorted, manipulated, shrank C h an g e in q uality: restore, am ended, manipulated, deterio­ W ealthy couples w ith o u t children / Rich childless familieS Co u ples w h o no longer w o rk / People w h o receive a rated pension / Those in retirem ent C h an g e in q uantity: manipulated, boomed, diminished, Families w ith low incom es / Fam ilies w h o w o rk in blue' collar jobs eradicated, shrank, tailed off Exercise deteriorated restored W ealthy ho useholds / Fam ilies w h o are very w ell off Exercise (Require payment in th e question option is paraphrase you have to pay a registration charge.) C (Require payment in the question option is paraphrase in the audio as and therefore accessing the site will cost you.) A (Free to access in th e question option is paraphrased in the audio as can access all their resources without payment.) A (Free to access in th e question option is paraphrased in the audio as you don't have to pay or register.) B (Academic use only in the question option is paraphrased in the audio as it can only be accessed by those studying or researching in higher education.) C in the audio as shrunk tail off Part 2: Exam skills Pronunciation: W ord and sentence stress Exercise civilian indigenous migration population heritage Ordering inform ation ancestor Exercise dem ographic chronologically colony colonialism 1e 2b 3a 4d 5f 6c (Use the arrow s to help you Rem em ber that results are often talked ab out AFTER th e causes, and often w e order Exercise information from left to right and top to bottom ) Due to the jnrrpasina num ber of people moving abroad Exercise for v/wnrk purposes, hom e is something that is difficult to define being suspicious / suspicious of people (The speaker says " n eg ative - being afraid and being suspicious of peop le"; fear is on the diagram , so the an sw er being suspicious i suspicious of people.) O ne of the most important factors w hich causes people tc move to a different city or co untry is employment M igration has been occurring since the beginning of beliefs and values (The speaker lists these external humankind's habitation of the planet and is likely to r o n t i n u e for many generations to come factors: " T h e influence of family relationships, climate, beliefs and values, and the ability to co m m u n icate in the The indigenous people of South.Am erica have not rh a n a e d their w av of life for centuries and continue to resist the effects of globalisation Hi ir ancestors w ere nom adic people w ho moved from p l^ c e lo p ia c e in search of food and shelter m ust be language of the n ew culture have w ide-ranging effects" ) watch peopleobserving people.) listen (The point before in the question is This is paraphrased by the speaker as isolation (This box describes the negative effect, so w e are looking for a negative w ord The speaker says " it usually deteriorates quickly into isolation.") Identifying paraphrased chunks Exercise U s in g e x i s t i n g in f o r m a t io n The list of families is more likely to be paraphrased because Exercise the list A - C contains nam es of places, w hich cannot be The 1844 Naturalisation Act w as designed to know more about.im m igrants as they had to give their personal information w hen they arrived in Britain changed In classification questions, names of people or places or specific objects will usually not be paraphrased 150 Listening for IELTS u9gested an sw ers) Exam tu to r ^en im m igrants arrived in Britain, th ey had to give their They tell you the form at you need to answ er in, including •rsonal inform ation u nd er th e 4 N aturalisation A c t so the num ber of w ords (where applicable) of the diagram lat the g o v e rn m en t co uld find o u t m ore a b o u t th em They tell you the order } that th e g o vern m en t could find o u t m ore a b o u t There are m any w ays to paraphrase You should probably emi w h e n im m igrants arrived in Britain, th ey had to give think of at ¡east tw o or three eir personal inform ation u n d er th e 4 N aturalisation Act (On arrival in the question is p arap hrased as where, they arrived in th e aud io ) years / five years (Resident in th e question is parap hrased I 3s lived in the country in the aud io ) sPies (Prevent in th e question is p arap hrased as stop in the A g ister audio.) w ork perm its (Obtain in th e question is parap hrased as 9ft 3: Exam practice Unit H ealth and fitness vocabulary instructor recom m endations sent ho m e (If so m eo n e does not pass som ething they are rejects as If you an sw e r in an incorrect format, you will not get the m ark You m ust follow the instructions Exercise ue stio n s 1-3 then Part 1: Language development British Nationality 9et.) It can tell you w h at kind of information goes in each space and w h at the form at of the information should be (ercise outlined on the test paper The sp eak er running healthy says, "A n y on e w h o did not pass th e m edical exam ination exercising Was refused entry to N ew York and sent hom e on the next available sh ip ") fit Legal exam ination (The sp eak er says, " If the exam ination A djectives and prepositions Was passed, im m igrants w ere required to take a further exam ination, this tim e a legal e x a m in a tio n " ) terry (The stage before is after wait The wait, so th e a n sw e r is the action speaker says " im m igrants w ere told to w ait - this w ait could be as long as five hours - before boarding a ferry to take them to N ew York City.") U estions -6 A Id 2f 3b 4h 5c 6g 7a 8e predom inant in proportional to confined to com patible with optim um (no dependent preposition) m onotonous (no dependent preposition) D hostile to C im m une to u estio n s -1 shipbuilding (The speaker says "shipbuilding in the 0s".) Exercise predom inant proportional million (looking at the table w e can see w e need m onotonous an am ount, as the others in the row are am ounts The com patible speaker says " w h ic h has been steadily increasing over im m une the past hundred years from million in 1900, to optimum tw o million in the middle of the tw entieth century, to the 2.3 million inhabitants today.") E x e rc is e car or bus (The speaker says, "Prior to this, at the beginning of the tw entieth century, the only m eans of transportation w as by car or bus via the Brooklyn Bridge.") Exercise restoration (The speaker says, "The m odern-day equivalent of this is the restoration of Prospect Park, prompted incentive stems pinpoint , coincided w hich has brought more m iddle-incom e families into the area." Modern-day m eans current.) Answer key 151 Part 2: Exam skills Question 2: an adjective (If you look at th e o th er labels, you will see that they are all adjective + n o u n In questions Pronunciation: Changing sounds and , the noun is given, so the a n sw e r will very likely be an adjective.) Exercise 1 can meet w a n t different Question 3: a noun, an adjective (For questio n , the answer will very likely be an adjective + noun co m b inatio n to ten bottles follow the other labels Note th at no labels have articles (a / an / the), tallest building w hite paper so you not need to u se th em ) Exercise 6 m ust take digital (It is clear you need to use an adjective as there i s a noun screen after the space and no verbs are in any other label.) Key w ords and paraphrasing Exercise 2 durable (M ake sure you have spelled this w ord correctly ) (Su g gested an sw e rs) Slde suP P °rts (This is the final label on th e im age and the W here w as John born? speaker says "The final feature I should point o ut to you are the side supports ".) W hy does he love going to the gym ? W hat time does he usually arrive at the gym ? Understanding form categories H ow often does he go to the gym ? W h at unusual thing happened to him on his last visit? Exercise Exercise g (Su g gested an sw ers) W here is John's place of birth? / W here does John com e d (This is different from the exact age, e.g 27 n age group is a range of ages, e.g - ) * 5a 6c 7e 8b from ? W hat reason does he give for his love of the gym? W hat tim e does he normally get to the gym? exercise How m any times a w eek does he exercise? W hat strange / odd incident did he experience the last time he w en t? The order w ould probably be: B, D, E, C, A ^ bere are no other w ords that are accep tab le for that space.) swimming (Swim w ould be incorrect gram m atically The peaker says she has stopped ^ cannot oe the answer.) Following the audio S S S fitneSS (The receP ti°n ist asks w hy she has join This requests the reasons for joining.) Exercise not answered Checking answ ers It gives him energy (The speaker says "I enjoy it because Exercise To enjoy something is fo have a love of something.) 5.30 a.m (Arrive in the question is paraphrased as get here in the audio.) 'Suggested answers) it gives me so m uch energy for the day" not answered There w as a fire alarm and the sprinklers w ent off unusual thing is paraphrased as (An a funny thing in the audio.) !cb 3e 4d c 6a 8f twice a w eek 9.3 Tom, Barbara, Jenny yoga, aerobics W ednesday staff evening off Focussing on labels Exercise Purpose of th e diagram : b (All the labels indicate the parts.) Flow : b Type of an sw e r: Question : an adjective 152 Listening for IELTS aud“ ; ! T yo ^ by (a) conference (She next w e e k " ) and in the ' too hard y ^ ve got t0 ° to a conference *rt 3: Exam practice Vocabulary fo r business actions and processes Jestions 1-3 E xe rcise 0498355521 (The receptionist repeats the wrong number, 3-1, and Brad corrects it, "No, uh, it's 2-1 at the end.") s'lver (membership) (He says "I'll just take the silver".) ^ /11th e club lane (The receptionist describes this as on the far right) school groups (The receptionist describes this as a smaller drea sectioned off nearly halfway across the pool.) free swimming (This is described as being at the other end arn tu to r two times visit gym / What convinced choose Smith's gym /What achieve at gym Vou should check all your answers Check that they have followed the format, that they correspond to the right number, that they are spelled correctly, and that they follow the instructions 6b 5g 8f 7d collaborate / interact / cooperate optimises / maximises revenue restructured resolve / settle is the joining together of tw o separate companies or organizations so that they becom e one The tu rn o v e r of a com pany is the value of the goods or services sold during a particular period of time A profit is an am ou n t o f m oney that you gain when you are paid more for something than it cost you to make, get, or it The gross profit is the total am ount of profit before any (e.g through taxes) The net which remains when everything that should be subtracted from it (e.g taxes) has been subtracted m oney has been taken aw ay profit is the profit Two answers were numbers (1 and 3) They were all nouns They can tell you what type of information you are listening for 4a E xe rcise A ta k e o v e r is the act of gaining control of a company by buying m ore o f its shares than anyone else A m erger fr^m the school groups.) toddlers' pool (This is described as the little round pool.) Wenings, Sundays (He says "Most likely in the evenings I'd to come on Saturdays, but I often work then, so I think have to miss that day and then come on Sundays.") (the) television advert (Prompted me in the audio is synonymous with convinced Brad in the question.) (reach) optimum fitness (An aim is something that someone wants to achieve.) 3h Exe rcise ^ stio n s -7 •estions -1 2c If som eo ne has co p yrig ht on a piece of writing or m usic, it is illegal to reproduce or permission A trad em ark perform it w ithout their is a nam e or symbol that a co m p an y uses on its products and that cannot legally be used by another company M arketin g is the organisation of the sale of a product, should be supplied to, and h o w it should be advertised Advertising is the activity of creating advertisements and making sure people see them People or organisations that go bankrupt not have enough m oney to pay their debts If you are made redundant, your em ployer tells you to leave because your job is no longer necessary or because your employer cannot afford to keep paying you for exam ple, deciding on its price, the areas it nit 10 art 1: Language development Exercise isiness vocabulary and spelling e ercise Exercise collaborate entrepreneurs founders com m ission g 6h a 8c audit restructure m anager revenue assistant subsidiary C o l l o c a t i o n s r e la t e d t o b u s in e s s thrive Exercise ercise 2e d employees auditor(s) franchise J b f 3h 4g 5b 6c 7f 8a 1c f 3d e 5a 6g h 8b Answer key 153 Exercise close a deal signing contracts raise any points ranges (The speaker says, "Their ta rg e t w ill be to design and create tw o n ew ran ges of p rod ucts this y e a r ') (client) support (The sp eak er says, "Ian's team will als0 e send, an email upgrading our client sup p o rt p ack ag e to facilitate twenty m inutes the / your meeting four-hour access, seven days a w e e k " ) Synonyms Part 2: Exam skills Exercise (Suggested answers) Types of paraphrasing a Exercise 1 Working in a hotel is more interesting than working in a bank is activated: sounds / goes off / starts b m ake their w ay to: go to / head in th e direction of / wa to / proceed to Both m anagers and staff in the catering industry earn low salaries c O nce outside: W hen (you are) o u t of / A fter leaving / A te exiting O nly a few of the company's employees have (some / a lot d direct them to: sh o w them to / give th em directions to / point them tow ards of) experience in IT The staff kitchen isn't often clean The m eeting w asn't m anaged well f Exercise g safe to return: all right to go b ack / no longer dangerous e w h o is responsible for: w h o is in ch arg e of Their finances are audited by an outside accounting company The travel industry involves working long hours although it sounds glam orous / The travel industry sounds glamorous although it involves working long hours Designing modern office buildings is a task w hich is challenging Em ployees w ere w arned about impending job losses by their m anagers Understanding tables Youthful, should Travel Company.) noun phrase, be used to describe the Exercise a test personal belongings (Do time.) paraphrased as Exercise (Suggested answers) W hich person, Sarah, Brian or Helen, sends w eekly email a (A departm ent nam e is always a noun.) updates to all staff in the co m p an y? responsible for the is correct.) Pronunciation: Changing sounds (2) W hich person, Sarah, Brian or Helen, liaises w ith the cleaning staff? Exercise (Suggested answers) W hich advertising m edium , new spapers, television, or the Exercise Internet, will the com pany be using to advertise children's toys? all (You can hear a /w/ sound.) so (You can hear a /w/ sound.) W hich advertising medium, newspapers, television or the ft/ sound.) other (You can hear a /j/ sound.) Internet, will the company be using to advertise baby clothes? W hich advertising m edium, new spapers, television or the Internet, will the com pany be using to advertise maternity clothes? W hich advertising medium, newspapers television or the media (You can hear a /r/ sound.) Exercise assistant (The speaker says, "each of the current team m anagers will need an assistant and these positions will be internal appointm ents".) Listening for IELTS missing reservations for m eeting room s? people.) b (We know w hich city centre; therefore 154 (Once outside the building in the su m m a ry ,s When you have left the building.) people (Report is paraphrased as tell in th e audi°- fire m arshals W hich person, Sarah, Brian or Helen, m akes the a (Responsible is the adjective, and w e say sth.) saw (You can hear a not waste time in the sum m ary It's vital that you notspef) paraphrased in the audio as b (It is not just one holiday - it is a type.) a (Person is singular, so w e must use to return / safe to re-enter / not d an gerou s to go inside Rephrasing categories Exercise a (The adjective, ^ left: gone out of / vacated / m ade their w a y out of / eX‘te Internet, will the company be using to advertise baby food? A n sw e rs: A A C B irt 3: Exam p ractice Unit 11 ‘estions 1-3 Part 1: Language development consultancy system (Established in th e question is Paraphrased as create in th e audio.) $ ,0 0 ,0 0 / five million dollars (Revenue is an W ords related to communication am o u n t of m°n e y so w e k n o w th at w e should listen for an am ou n t.) headquarters (Located in th e question tells us w e are Exe rcise 1b g i e h 6a 7d 8j 9c 10 f Poking for a building in Sydney This is p arap hrased in the allowed us to build our brand-new headquarters h$re in Sydney.) audio as E xe rcise c b a f d 6e Exe rcise 'sstio n s -6 ^ (The sp eak er says, "it's M elbo u rn e that's the g a te w a y to lnternational co nn ectio n s, and therefore w e'v e decided to dialect sign language Rhetoric ^ o ve all m arketing operatio n s th e re ") B (The sp eak er says, "A s a result, staff training will no longer be here in Sydney but instead will take place in the Perth office, w h e re n ew facilities have been installed.") A (The speak er says, "Currently, each office has its ow n connotations transcription bilingual L a n g u a g e f o r a g r e e m e n t a n d d is a g r e e m e n t admin dep artm ent However, this is proving to be less officient than w e w o u ld like In order to resolve this situation, all th ese fun ction s will n o w be centralised here Exercise A n g ela: in Sydney.") I thought the lecture on UK regional accents had som e credible points about the ways in which ■©stlons -1 (Create in the subsidiary up in the sum m ary is paraphrased as audio.) (Recruited in the taking on in the audio.) sum m ary is paraphrased as sceptical of some of th e evidence It seem ed to me that their predictions sum m ary is paraphrased as w ere insufficiently detailed % / percent / ten percent / per cent / ten per (Raised in the is changing To be honest, I'm a little bit Kevin: em ployees cent English set increase in igela: the audio.) Really? I thought the research methodology appeared to be logical Maybe the researchers were iust cautious with their predictions for the future relocation p ackage (The speaker says, "I kn o w that som e people are w orried about the financial aspects of having to move to an o ther city as part of the restructure, so Benchm ark will be providing a relocation p ackage to all em ployees thus affected ") am tu to r N um bers or w ords IVU Positive: A n g ela, Negative: Kevin A n g ela: credible, logical, cautious (They are positive and show Angela thought the lecture was good.) Kevin, sceptical, insufficiently (They are negative and show Q uestions and are likely to be nouns b ecause there are adjectives before; question is likely to be a number The sum m ary you see is shorter than the inform ation you hear You w rite the letter, as the instructions indicate Yes This is w h at m akes these questions even more difficult E.g As a result, staff training will no longer be here in Sydney but instead will take place in the Perth, office, w here new facilities have been installed Exercise P 2N P 4P 5N 6P N 8P N 10 P Part 2: Exam skills Pronunciation: w eak forms x e rc is e When / w as living in Ireland, it w as quite difficult to understand the local accent Do vou think jit's important to sound like, a native speaker? I w ould have learnt Latin, buMt>i^snT_rL0 option when I w as at school Answer key 155 Exercise M any of the dialects in the world are gradually dying out C a n you recom m end w ays in w hich I can improve my listening skills? official (To indicate position th e sp e ak er says "other language in the n o rth -east".) quickly (To indicate position th e sp e ak er says sou th ".) in t e I'm researching minority languages for my essay so I w en t to the British library to find out more information Pronunciation: Connected speech Exploring options Exercise 1c 2d 3b 4e 5a Exercise Exercise 10 It sounds more natural the second time T h e r e _ a r e many S o u th _ A m e r ic a n _ J n d ia n languages, none _of w h ich _are related to Spanish S t u d y in g _ a c c e n t s _ i s _ a good w ay to u n d erstan d if a la n g u a g e _ is c h a n g in g _ o r not I st B (The tutor suggests th e th ing s th ey talked ab o u t in' ^ w eek's sem inar: co m m u n icatio n an d relationships een e com panies and their w o rkers.) s of D (The tutor leads the student to rem em ber the usefu online discussion groups; this is a part of social netw o Pronunciation: Disappearing sounds Exercise I stopped taking Greek lessons soon after I left school How w ill local languages stay in use if few er people learn th em ? Part 3: Exam practice Questions 1-2 A (O ne student says "the three lan g u ag es w e 're m os interested in are m ore w id ely spoken in C a n a d a than M exico so I think w e should go th ere in stead ") Understanding Diagrams or pictures C (One student says "young people under th e ag e o twenty-five use both N a-D ene an d Salishan m ore than A lg ic."; Algic is sm allest in C ) Exercise Questions 3-6 It sho w s the percentage None - W elsh, Gaelic, Cornish and Irish It refers to the recent past a iv b iii c i are all languages d ii (In any order) A, B, D, F (The stu den ts m ention family, job creation (em ploym ent), people who leave the USA (emigration), language policy.) Exercise Questions 7-10 B (The speaker says " nearly half the minority language speakers in the U K are speakers of W elsh", "there are few er the south-west com North County (The speaker mentions the western mountains.) spoken by as many people as the other languages", and m anaging director (The speaker says "W elsh is the m ost w idely spoken and the num bers of Irish and G aelic speakers are more or less the sam e.") Sun City (The speaker says speakers of G aelic com pared to W elsh ", "Cornish isn't Alternative options or extra w ord s w ithin th at co un t are 3d 4a 5f b Exercise central (From the image w e can see that the arrow is pointed to near the centre, so central regions makes sense.) dialect (To indicate position the speaker says "of the north-w est".) language (To indicate position the speaker says "the north­ ea st” ) 156 Exam tutor It is very important You should follow the w ord limit Exercise 2e head south-east.) south-central.) Four Positioning 1c r) reservation (The speaker m entions Listening for IELTS indicated by brackets, e.g (alternative) solutions south-west, south-east, south-central, w estern W hen the recording has finished, check your answers C h e c they are grammatically correct, and that you have answere in the correct format and followed the instructions Check that any written words are spelled correctly You can write on the question paper, but you m ust put your answers on the answ er paper You will have time to this at the end C h eck you have transferred the information accurately You have 10 minutes, so be careful- Jnit 12: Practice exam Section Q u e stio n s 1-23 action 21 nocturnal 'uestions -3 22 visual aids c 23 B B n arro w dow n Q u e stio n s 24-26 'uestions -7 ! Brightwell A ven u e 032217774 * - (in an y order): D, E, G Q u e stio n s -3 (early) m orning long strides d ou ghnut-shaped / donut-i 32.2 Uestions -1 low er (the) C h a n g in g Room s (the) Sh oe D ep artm en t retractable ■Mthe) C a sh D esk Section action 31 (temporary) hours Q u e stio n s -3 Oestions 1-13 32 stone midday 33 geographical positioning - (the) shopping district decorative * (the) Military M useum C 15 A 16 C u estio n s 8-20 S the driver } 0 / / seven ) discounts Q u e stio n s 5-37 35 individuals U estions 14-17 17 B globalisation 37 (70 / seventy) laboratories Q u e stio n s 8-40 38 A 39 B 40 E Sample IELTS Listening answer sheet ■ ••B R IT ISH • • COUNCIL m *1 ^ J^ ld p Cambridge Assessment English IELTS Listening Answer Sheet Centre No Test Date Day j Month | | ly e a rl 20656 158 Listening for IELTS Pronunciation chart n this book the International Phonetic A lphabet (IPA) is used to show how some words are pronounced, he symbols used in the International Phonetic Alphabet are shown in the table below Sym bols Vowel W ords Vow el a: calm, ah 13 ee act, mass D dive, cry 3U ais fire, tyre o: au out, down 01 aua flour, sour u e met, lend, pen u: ei say, weight U3 23 fair, care 31 i f[t, win A i: seem, me Consonant W ords b bed, rub Consonant W ords near, beard lot, spot note, coat claw, more boy, joint could, stood you, use lure, pure turn, third fund, must about Words t talk, bet V van, love d done, red F fit, if good, dog b hat, horse z zoo, buzz I yellow, you I ship, wish k king, pick l lip, bill r) m m at, ram t j n not, tin P r pay, lip d run, read d3 s soon, bus w X win, wool loch measure, leisure sing, working cheap, witch thin, m y th then, baihe joy, bridge Pronunciation chart 159 Photo credits Page (photo 1): © Aila images / Shutterstock Page 48 (photo 1): © gnepphoto / Shutterstock Page (photo 2): © Kamil Macniak / Shutterstock Page 48 (photo 2): © Diego Cervo / Shutterstock Page (photo ) : © KELENY / Shutterstock Page (photo ) : © RossHelen / Shutterstock Page (photo 5): © VGstockstudioi / Shutterstock Page (photo 6): © George Rudy / Shutterstock Page (photo 7): © Maridav / Shutterstock Page (photo 8): © David Tadevosian / Shutterstock Page 9: © Song_about-summer / Shutterstock Page 10 (top): © DoublePHOTOstudio / Shutterstock Page 10 (bottom): © WAYHOME studio / Shutterstock Page 16: © Yuganov Konstantin / Shutterstock Page 17 (top and centre): © AJR_photo / Shutterstock Page 17 (bottom): © Olena Zaskochenko / Shutterstock Page (photo 1): © Vasin Lee / Shutterstock Page (photo ): © Marc Bruxelle / Shutterstock Page (photo ): © Monika Wisniewska / Shutterstock Page (photo ) : © Zoran Ras / Shutterstock Page (photo 5): © idiz / Shutterstock Page (photo ): © Drew McArthur / Shutterstock Page : © SUNG YOON JO / Shutterstock Page : © GaudiLab / Shutterstock Page (top left): © Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock Page (top right): © ESB Professional / Shutterstock Page (bottom left): © Halfpoint / Shutterstock Page (bottom right): © zEdwardJndy / Shutterstock Page 3 : © Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock Page (top): © Andrey Arkusha / Shutterstock Page (bottom): © DGLimages / Shutterstock Page : © PHOTO BAZAR INDIA / Shutterstock Page (left): © Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock Page (right): © wichan / Shutterstock Page 4 : © leungchopan / Shutterstock 160 Listening for 1ELTS Page 48 (photo 3): © Lyubov Levitskaya / Shutterstoc Page 48 (photo 4): © SeventyFour / Shutterstock Page 48 (photo 5): © Andrey Armyagov / Shutterstoc Page 48 (photo 6): © FrameStockFootages / Shutterstock Page 50: © antoniodiaz / Shutterstock Page 52: © Stock-Asso / Shutterstock Page 56 (left): © Jenson / Shutterstock Page 56 (right): © Siberia Video and Photo / Shutterstock Page 58: © lovelyday12 / Shutterstock Page 59: © New Africa / Shutterstock Page 64 (left): © zizar / Shutterstock Page 64 (right): © 06photo / Shutterstock Page 66: © ESB Professional / Shutterstock Page 72: © ruigsantos / Shutterstock Page 73 (top): © Tom Wang / Shutterstock Page 73 (second from top): © AshTproductions / Shutterstock Page 73 (second from bottom): © Rachata Teyparsit / Shutterstock Page 73 (bottom): © Michaelpuche / Shutterstock Page 75: © Serghei Starus / Shutterstock Page 80 (top left): © Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock Page 80 (top right): © Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock Page 80 (bottom left): © boonchoke / Shutterstock Page 80 (bottom right): © G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock Page 81: © El Nariz / Shutterstock Page 88 (left): © Jaroslav Moravcik / Shutterstock Page 88 (right): © Martin Good / Shutterstock Collins Listening for IELTS Fiona Aish & Jo Tomlinson C hịu tr c h n h iệ m x u ấ t G iá m đ ố c - T ổ n g B iê n tậ p Đinh Thị Thanh Thuy Nguyễn Thị Liên B iê n tậ p Công ty N hân T rí Việt T rìn h b y sá c h Liên Nguyễn Sửa b ản in NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP THÀNH PHỐ H CHÍ MINH N g u y ễ n T h ị M in h K h a i - Q l - T P H C M a 38225340 - 38296764 - 38247225 E -m a il: to n g h o p @ n x b h c m c o m v n Fax: 38222726 S c h on lin e: w w w n xb h cm co m E b o o k : w w w sach w eb v n Thực liên k ết: Cơng ty TNHH Nhân Trí Việt " T r ầ n Đ ìn h X u , p N gu yễn Cư T rin h , Q uận T h n h phơ' H C h í M inh ® 38379344 Fax: 38302417 w w w n h a n triv ie t.co m In 0 k hố ,9 X ,6 c m tạ i C ông ty T N H H M T V IT A XA - 26 Nguyen Thị Minh Khai - Quận T P Hồ C h í M inh X N Đ K X B số: -2 /C X B IP H y i5 -3 /T H T P H C M Q ĐXB sô: n gay 22 -2 IS B N : -6 -5 -9 8 -9 In xon g nộp lưu chiếu quý 1/2020 1193/QĐ-THTPHCM-2019

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