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Get ready for ieltsreading  pre intermediate a2+

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Tiêu đề Get Ready for IELTS Reading
Tác giả Els Van Geyte
Trường học Trường Đại Học Quy Nhơn
Chuyên ngành English for Exams
Thể loại book
Năm xuất bản 2018
Thành phố Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh
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Collins Get Ready for IELTS READIN G 13 nrra NHÀ XUÀT BAN TONG HOP THÀNH PHÔ HO CHI MINH Nhân Tri Viêt Cong ty TNI II I Tai ngay!!! Ban co the xoa dong chu nay!!! Els Van Geyte POWERED BY COBUILD Collins English for Exams Get Ready fo r IELTS READIN G ElsVan Geyte _ SÁCH TÁI BÁN TRƯ Ờ N G ĐẠI H Ọ C Q U Y NHƠfv THƯ VÌỆN 3Ũ _ ' N TV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Cơng ty T N H H Nhân Trí Việt ' Collins Get Ready for IELTS - READING Copyright © 2012-2017 by H arperC o llins P u b lish e rs Ltd Vietnam's edition © 2018 by Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd This edition is published in Vietnam under a licen se Agreem ent between HarperCollins Pub lishers Lim ited, U K and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd., Vietnam All rights reserved No part of this publication m ay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system , or transm itted, in any form or by any m eans, electronic, m echanical, photocopying, recording, or otherw ise, without the prior written perm ission of the copyright owner ontents a Title Topic Introduction r Friendship Leisure tim e Multiple-choice questions Body and mind Sports and feelings Short-answ er questions 14 S tu d y in g a b ro ad Education Completing tables and flow charts 20 26 Review Science and technology at home S cien ce and technology Com pleting se n te n ce s 28 Back to nature The natural world Com pleting and labelling diagram s 34 Communication Com m unication Com pleting notes and sum m aries 40 Review 46 Business management M oney Matching information 48 Young people's rights Rights and responsibilities Matching senten ce endings 54 Community matters Groups Matching features 60 66 Review I0 British culture Britain Matching headings 68 11 Crime detection Crim e Identifying information; True / False / Not Given questions 74 I2 Travel Places and travel Identifying w rite rs' vie w s or claim s; Yes / No / Not Given questions 80 Review 86 Practice test 88 Answ er key 98 Glossary 122 Introduction Who is this book for? G et Ready for IE L T S Reading has been w ritten for learners w ith a band sco re of or w h o w a n t to achieve a higher score Using this book w ill help you im prove your pre-interm ediate reading skills for the IELTS Academ ic Reading test You can use G et Ready for IE L T S Readin g: • as a self-study course W e recom m end that you w o rk syste m a tic a lly through the 12 units in order to benefit from its progressive structure • as a supplem entary reading skills co urse for IE L T S preparation c la s s e s T he book provides enough material for approxim ately 50 hours of classro o m activity Get Ready for IE L T S Reading • This book consists of 12 units Each unit fo c u se s on a different topic, and th e se to pics are ones that often appear in the IE LT S te st • After every three units, there is a Review w hich helps you to revise the language and skills covered in the previous units • At the end of the book, the Practice test gives you the opportunity to take an lE LT S -style te st under test conditions • There is also a full Answ er key at the back of the book so you can check your a n s w e rs H ere you will find possible a n sw e rs for m ore open-ended qu estio n s and su g g ested a n s w e rs for the exam practice questions in Part of each unit • The Glossary at the back of the book lists the useful w o rd s and p h ses w ith their definitions Unit structure Each unit starts with the Aim s of the unit They outline the key language and skills covered Part 1: Vocabulary provides e xe rcise s on vocabulary related to the topic as w ell as any relevant grammar points related to the IELT S task covered in the unit Clear structu res are provided Part Skills development provides information and practice on the ta sk typ es you w ill co m e acro ss in the IELTS Reading test An explanation of each task type is follow ed by e xe rc ise s of increasing difficulty These exercises give you the opportunity to practise the skills that are needed to com plete the tasks, and they help you to develop strategies for com pleting th e se ta sk s in the te st Part Exam practice provides realistic exam practice questions for the ta sk s you have been practising in a format that follow s the actual te st You can use this to check your progress tow ards being ready for the test Finally, a checklist in Progress check su m m arises the key points covered in the unit Other features Exam information boxes in each unit provide key background information about the IELTS Reading test Exam tip boxes provide essential exam techniques and strategies Watch out! boxes highlight com m on errors in the test Study tips • Each unit contains approxim ately three hours of study material • Try to an sw e r the questions w ithout looking at a dictionary to develop the skill of guessing the meaning of unknown w ords from context This is important because dictionaries cannot be - used during the actual test • U se a pencil to com plete the exe rcise s so that you can erase your first an sw e rs and the e xe rcise s again for revision • Try to revise w hat you have learnt in Parts and before doing the practice IELT S questions in Part This will improve the quality of your an sw e rs, and using the new language will help you to rem em ber it • It's recom m ended that you try and com plete all questions in each unit as the skills needed to w ell on the IELTS te st can onfy be improved through extensive practice • Read the an sw e r key carefully as this provides information on w hat kind of an sw e r is awarded high m arks In Part 3, you are given the opportunity to put the strategies that you have learnt in Part into practice R em em ber to read the questions carefully and com plete the tasks in the exact w ay you have been asked Do not assu m e that you know a particular task because you have practised sim ilar ones in the past There may be slight variations in the ta sks in the actual IELTS test • Other titles Also available in the Collins G et R ea d y for IE L T S se rie s: Writing, Listening, and Speaking The International English Language Testing System (IÈLTS) Test IELTS is jointly managed by the British Council, Cambridge E S O L Exam inations, and IDP Education, Australia There are two versions of the test: • Academic • General Training Academic is for students wishing to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels in an English-medium environment General Training is for people who w ish to migrate to an English-speaking country This book is primarily for students taking the Academ ic version The Test There are four modules: Listening 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes for transferring an sw ers to the an sw er sheet NB: The audio is heard only once Approx 10 questions per section Section 1: two speakers discuss a social situation Section 2: one speaker talks about a non-academic topic Section 3: up to four speakers discuss an educational project Section 4: one speaker gives a talk of general academic interest Reading 60 minutes texts, taken from authentic sources, on general academic topics They may contain diagrams, charts, etc 40 questions may include a variety of tasks, such as multiple choice, sentence completion, completing a diagram/graph/chart, choosing headings, Yes/N o orTrue/False questions, classification, and matching exercises Task 1: 20 minutes - description of a table, chart, graph, or diagram (150 words minimum) Writing Task 2: 40 minutes - an essay in response to an argument or a problem (250 words minimum) Speaking 11-14 minutes A three-part face-to-face oral interview with an examiner The interview is recorded Part 1: introduction and interview (4-5 mins) Part 2: individual long turn (3-4 mins) - the candidate is given a task, has one minute to prepare, then talks for 1-2 minutes, answering some questions given by the examiner Part two-way discussion (4-5 mins) - the examiner asks further questions on the topic from Part and gives the candidate the opportunity to discuss more abstract issues or ideas Timetabling Listening, Reading, and Writing must be taken on the same day and in the order listed above Speaking can be taken up to days before or after the other modules Scoring Each module is given a band score.The average of the four scores produces the Overall Band Score You not pass or fail IELTS; you receive a score IELTS and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) The CEFR shows the level of the learner and is used for many English as a Foreign Language examinations The table below shows the approximate C EFR Level and the equivalent IELTS Overall Band Score IS JH !! If 111 II I — 1IE L T S B an d S c o re Proficient user (Advanced) C2 C1 7.5-8 Independent user (Intermediate Upper Intermediate) B2 B1 -7 5 -6 " 1.v'»V'.v.n h a r t rivi t.com This table conta ns the general descriptors for the band scores 1-9: iBxiM 5'' i ; "' i •'j '■ ;i " ’ • IN -V-s-T* : "O* , \ *V *\ “ “l’f V "* ‘'V Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate, and fluent with complete understanding Expert user Very good user Has fully operational command of the language, with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations Handles complex detailed argumentation well Good user Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies, and misunderstandings in some situations Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning Competent user ! lûG’goncrcỵly effective command of the language desoite some inaccuracies, rnappropriacies, and misunderstandings.‘Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations Modest user Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes Should be able to handle basic communication in own field Limited user Basic competence is limited to familiar situations Has frequent problems in understanding and expression Is not able to use complex language Extremely limited user Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations Frequent breakdowns in communication occur Intermittent user 1No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using iisolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate ineeds Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English Non user Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words Did not attempt the test No assessable information provided, Marking The Listening and Reading papers have 40 items, each worth one mark if correctly answered Here are some examples of how marks are translated into band scores: Listening: 16 out of 40 correct answ ers: 23 out of 40 correct answ ers: 30 out of 40 correct answ ers: band score band score band score Reading: 16 out of 40 correct answ ers: 23 out of 40 correct answ ers: 30 out of 40 correct answ ers: band score band score band score Writing and Speaking are marked according to performance descriptors Writing: examiners award a band score for each of four areas with equal weighting: * * * Task achievement (Task 1) Task response (Task 2) Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy Speaking: examiners award a band score for each of four areas with equal weighting: * 1 fc Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical r a n g e _ Accuracy and pronunciation =or full details of how the examination is scored and marked, go to: w w w ielts.org n vvw nhantriviet.com Friendship A IM S : Vocabulary related to leisure time • Working with key words • Answering multiple-choice questions Part 1: Vocabulary la What we need friends for? Match the words to the pictures The first one has been done for you : sharing chatting ii'U> y lb having fun partying Words ending in -ing are often at the beginning and at the end of sentences Put the four words from Exercise l a in the correct sentences It is difficult for young children, but they have to learn that friendship is about with friends is not som ething I very often, but w e alw ays celebrate our birthdays w ith friends is one of my favourite w ays to spend an afternoon W e have so much to say that w e often talk for hours Even on bad days, being with my best friend m eans kf

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2023, 12:12