System Design Information
The Working Pressure in the Boiler and the Mains
To optimize boiler efficiency, steam should be generated at a pressure close to the boiler's design specifications, even if it's higher than necessary for the plant's operations This approach is crucial because, as energy enters the boiler water through the tube surfaces, it reaches saturation temperature, resulting in the formation of steam bubbles These bubbles ascend and burst at the surface, releasing steam into the boiler's steam space.
The volume of steam bubbles in a boiler is directly influenced by the operating pressure; lower pressure results in larger bubble volumes Consequently, an increase in bubble volume raises the apparent water level within the boiler.
The steam space above the water level decreases, leading to heightened turbulence as larger bubbles break the surface, resulting in less space for water droplets to separate above the surface.
Further, the steam moving towards the crown or steam take- off valve must move at greater velocity with a higher volume moving across a smaller space.
All these factors tend to encour- age carryover of water droplets with the steam.
There is much to be said in favor of carrying the steam close to the points of use at a high pres- sure, near to that of the boiler.
Utilizing higher pressure in distribution mains allows for a reduction in their size, leading to decreased heat losses and improved steam quality at user locations Pressure reduction can be efficiently managed through pressure reducing stations located near steam users, resulting in smaller individual reducing valves that provide tighter pressure control and reduced noise This approach mitigates the risks associated with relying on a single reducing station for the entire plant and eliminates issues related to pressure fluctuations in the pipework caused by varying loads.
Table 1: Steam Pipe Sizing for Steam Velocity
Capacity of Sch 80 Pipe in lb/hr steam
Pressure Velocity psi ft/sec 1 / 2 " 3 / 4 " 1" 1 1 / 4 " 1 1 / 2 " 2" 2 1 / 2 " 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12"
Sizing Steam Lines On Velocity
Choosing the right pipe size for steam transport is crucial, as an undersized pipe leads to increased pressure drops, high velocities, noise, and erosion Conversely, an oversized pipe results in unnecessary installation costs and greater heat losses.
When sizing steam pipes, it's essential to ensure that either the pressure drop remains within acceptable limits or that the flow velocities are kept at manageable levels While it is efficient to size short mains and branches based on velocity, longer pipe runs must also be evaluated to confirm that pressure drops do not exceed recommended thresholds.
In saturated steam lines, it is advisable to maintain velocities between 80 to 120 feet per second (4800 to 7200 feet per minute) to prevent issues such as erosion of pipework and fittings caused by high-speed water droplets While some process plants have previously operated at higher velocities, up to 200 feet per second (12,000 feet per minute), citing manageable pipe noise, this approach overlooks significant risks Higher velocities should only be considered when there is substantial superheat and the pipes are carrying dry gas For accurate velocity measurements of saturated steam in pipes, refer to Table 1 or the accompanying figure.
1 or calculated in ft per minute using the formula:
Formula For Velocity Of Steam In Pipes
V - Velocity in feet per minute
Vs - Sp Vol in cu ft./lb at the flowing pressure
A - Internal area of the pipe— sq in.
Steam Piping For PRV’s and Flash Vents
Velocity in piping other than steam distribution lines must be correctly chosen, including pres- sure reducing valve and flash steam vent applications.
Steam properties indicate that as pressure decreases, the specific volume of steam increases To maintain consistent pipe velocity in high and low-pressure systems, the downstream piping must have a larger cross-sectional area proportional to the volume change If the pipe size is not adjusted, the velocity of low-pressure steam will rise For optimal performance of pressure reducing valves (PRVs) and to minimize noise, it is essential to have long, straight pipe runs on both sides of the valve, with a gradual reduction in pipe size leading to the valve and a subsequent expansion downstream This approach helps keep steam velocities within the recommended limits of 4000 to 6000 feet per minute.
Line velocity plays a crucial role in the discharge piping from steam traps, as it helps manage two-phase steam and condensate mixtures by slowing them down for effective gravity separation and minimizing condensate carryover from flash vent lines It is recommended that line velocities of flash steam not exceed 50 to 66 feet per second To facilitate proper separation within the flash vessel, a significantly lower velocity should be maintained, which may involve increasing the vessel's size The flash load refers to the total amount of hot condensate released from all traps draining into the receiver For specific examples of condensate line sizing, refer to page 46, and for vent line sizing, see page 43.
Sizing Steam Lines On Velocity
Fig 1 lists steam capacities of pipes under various pressure and velocity conditions.
EXAMPLE:Given a steam heat- ing system with a 100 psig inlet pressure ahead of the pressure reducing valve and a capacity of
1,000 pounds of steam per hour at 25 psig, find the smallest sizes of upstream and downstream pip- ing for reasonable quiet steam velocities.
Enter the velocity chart at A for
To determine the flow characteristics, start with a rate of 1,000 pounds per hour Next, locate point B at the intersection of the 100 psig diagonal line, and then move vertically to point C, where it intersects within the 4,000-6,000 feet per minute velocity range The actual velocity at point D is approximately 4,800 feet per minute for 1-1/2 inch upstream piping.
Enter the velocity chart at A for
At a flow rate of 1,000 pounds per hour, the analysis proceeds to point E, where the 25 psig diagonal line intersects From there, a vertical line is drawn to point F, which aligns with the diagonal line within the 4,000-6,000 feet per minute velocity range The actual velocity measured at point G is 5,500 feet per minute for 2-1/2 inch downstream piping.
Pressure Drop in Steam Lines
Always check that pressure drop is within allowable limits before selecting pipe size in long steam mains and whenever it is critical.
Fig 2 and Fig 3 provide drops in
Sch 40 and Sch 80 pipe Use of the charts is illustrated in the two examples.
What will be the smallest sched- ule 40 pipe that can be used if drop per 100 feet shall not exceed 3 psi when flow rate is
10,000 pounds per hour, and steam pressure is 60 psig?
1 Find factor for steam pres- sure in main, in this case 60 psig Factor from chart = 1.5.
2 Divide allowable pressure drop by factor 3
3 Enter pressure drop chart at
2 psi and proceed horizontal- ly to flow rate of 10,000 pounds per hour Select pipe size on or to the right of this point In this case a 4" main.
What will be the pressure drop per 100 feet in an 8" schedule 40 steam main when flow is 20,000 pounds per hour, and steam pressure is 15 psig?
To determine the pressure drop for a schedule 40 pipe at a flow rate of 20,000 pounds per hour, begin by moving vertically to the 8" pipe curve and then horizontally to the pressure drop scale, which indicates a drop of 0.23 psi per 100 feet at 100 psig However, since the actual steam pressure is 15 psig, a correction factor of 3.6 must be applied, resulting in a total pressure drop of 0.828 psi per 100 feet.
Steam Pipe Sizing For Pressure Drop
Figure 2: Pressure Drop in Schedule 40 Pipe
Figure 3: Pressure Drop in Schedule 80 Pipe
For other pressures use correction factors
Pressure Dr op psi/100 ft psi 0 2 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 75 90 100 110 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 factor 6.9 6.0 5.2 4.3 3.6 3.1 2.4 2.0 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.92 0.83 0.70 0.62 0.55 0.49 0.45 0.38
For other pressures use correction factors
Pressure Dr op psi/100 ft
When sizing steam mains for superheated service, the follow- ing procedure should be used.
Divide the required flow rate by the factor in Table 2 This will give an equivalent saturated steam flow Enter Fig 1, Steam Velocity
To determine the appropriate pipe size, refer to the chart on page 4 If you cannot find a suitable size, use the formula provided on page 3 to calculate the pipe's cross-sectional area Then, consult Tables 38 and 39 on page 81 to select the pipe size that most closely aligns with the calculated internal transverse area.
Size a steam main to carry 34,000 lb/h of 300 psig steam at a temperature of 500° F.
From Table 2 the correction factor is 96 The equivalent capacity is 34,000
Since 300 psig is not found on Fig 1, the pipe size will have to be calculated From the formula on page 3:
A Solving for area the formula becomes:
Select a velocity of 10,000 ft/min, which falls within the acceptable process velocity range of 8,000 to 12,000 ft/min Using the Steam Table on page 7, determine the specific volume (Vs) to be 1.47 ft³/lb.
From Tables 38 and 39 (page 81) the pipe closest to this area is 4" schedule 40 or 5" schedule 80.
Table 2: Superheated Steam Correction Factor
Table 3: Properties of Saturated Steam
Gauge Temper- Heat in Btu/lb Volume Gauge Temper- Heat in Btu/lb Volume
Pressure ature Cu ft Pressure ature Cu ft
PSIG °F Sensible Latent Total per lb PSIG °F Sensible Latent Total per lb
Efficient steam main drainage is crucial for safety and enhanced plant efficiency, as it prevents water accumulation that can cause water hammer, potentially fracturing pipes and fittings Rapid removal of water from steam mains is essential to avoid increased condensate film thickness in heat exchangers, which diminishes heat transfer Additionally, insufficient drainage can result in leaking joints and may contribute to wire-drawing of control valve seats.
Hook-up Application Diagrams
Boiler steam headers serve as essential collection vessels that gather steam from multiple boilers and distribute it to various mains throughout the plant The flow of steam can vary directionally, depending on the active boilers and supply lines Consequently, determining the optimal location for the drip point becomes a complex task It is advisable to design the header with careful consideration to ensure efficient operation.
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Draining End of Low Pressure Steam Main
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Spira-tec Loss Detector Strainer
For low pressure mains, it is advisable to utilize Float and Thermostatic (F&T) traps at drip stations Implementing F&T traps with robust steel bodies, third-generation capsule designs, or bimetallic air vents is recommended, along with operating mechanisms that are compatible with pressures up to specified limits.
F & T traps can be effectively utilized on properly drained lines without the occurrence of water hammer, even at pressures up to 465 psi that previously would have excluded their use It is advisable to install an auxiliary air vent at the end of all mains in systems that are automatically started up.
The LP Steam Main features an increased diameter to reduce steam velocity, ensuring low flow rates in either direction, even at maximum capacity This design allows the header to function effectively as a separator, while accommodating generously sized steam traps at both ends for optimal performance.
In modern high-performance packaged boilers, the boiler header and separator must manage carry-over from the boiler, which is an exception to the typical practice of using smaller steam traps While mains drip points generally require traps no larger than 1/2", these specific locations often necessitate the use of larger traps, such as 3/4" or even 1" This increase in size can lead to greater steam losses as the traps wear over time, making the implementation of Spira-tec steam trap monitors particularly beneficial for monitoring efficiency.
Drip points along steam lines and at the base of risers should feature large diameter collecting pockets Equal tees are effective for pipe sizes up to 6 inches, while larger pipes can utilize pockets that are 2 or 3 sizes smaller, but must not be less than 6 inches Additionally, terminal points of the mains should be equipped with automatic air vents, with equal tees serving as convenient collecting pockets for both condensate and air when installed correctly.
Draining and Air Venting Steam Lines
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Balanced Pressure Thermostatic Air Vent
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Expansion loops are typically installed in the vertical plane, positioned either above or below the pipeline When located below the line, condensate tends to accumulate at the bottom of the loop, while if placed above, it collects just before the loop, at the base of the riser To manage this condensate effectively, drainage points must be incorporated in both scenarios.
To ensure efficient drainage of both high-pressure (HP) and low-pressure (LP) mains, it is essential to connect them to a condensate return line that is at the same elevation as the steam line The optimal positioning for the traps is below the steam line, allowing for a riser to connect from the trap to the top of the return line.
Draining Steam Mains to Return Main at Same Level
Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer Connector
To ensure effective startup of steam mains, a manual bypass is installed to facilitate gravity drainage of condensate when line pressure is insufficient for the trap to manage it efficiently Additionally, incorporating a second trap in the bypass line allows for an automatic startup configuration, enhancing system performance.
Trapping Hook-up for Start-up of Steam Main
Often the normal trap discharges to a return line at higher elevation The startup trap must always discharge by gravity so here it is separated from the “normal running” trap A
Thermoton is used so that it will close automatically when the condensate temperature shows that warm up of the main is nearing completion.
Hook-up with Condensate Return Line at High Level
Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
In certain situations, additional service lines alongside the main steam line necessitate lifting condensate from the drip point to a higher elevation The absence of a loop seal can lead to steam traveling up a significant length, which can keep the trap closed while condensate accumulates This configuration effectively reduces such issues, ensuring more reliable trap performance.
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Draining Steam Main where Trap must be at Higher Level
Condensate Drainage to Reinforced Plastic Return Line, with Overheat Protection
T44 Temperature Control (set to open at temperature limit of pipe)
In some extensive facilities, steam distribution occurs underground, with drip points located within "steam pits." Ideally, steam main drip traps should discharge into gravity return systems; however, there are instances where direct connection to a pumped condensate line is required To prevent damage to plastic or fiberglass piping from high temperatures due to steam leakage as traps wear out, implementing a cooling chamber and control system is advisable.
If the temperature of the con- densate leaving the chamber ever reaches the safe limit, the control valve opens.
Condensate is discharged above grade, where it can be seen, until its temperature falls again below the limiting value.
Supervised Start-up Valve Set down about 2"
A TD traps on high temperature tracing application where tracer line must be drained clear of condensate.
B TSS300 traps on low temperature tracing where product temperature is below 150˚F and some of sensible heat in condensate may be utilized to improve efficiency.
Figure II-10 Typical Steam Tracer Trapping Arrangements
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer
Balanced Pressure Thermostatic Steam Trap
Spira-tec Loss Detector Strainer
Steam will automatically shut down as ambient temperatures rise above product solidification temperature.
Select self acting temperature control for number of tracer lines.
Condensate Collection Manifold Steam Trap Station with Test Valves
Steam Trap Station with Test Valves
To drain during supervised startup or during shutdown
Steam is efficiently delivered to tracers through a forged steel manifold featuring integrated piston valves Following heat distribution to the tracer lines, condensate is gathered in a preassembled manifold equipped with steam trap stations The inclusion of three-way test valves facilitates startup purging, blockage checks, trap isolation for maintenance, and visual inspection of steam trap functionality Additionally, the condensate manifold is designed with an internal siphon pipe to mitigate water hammer effects and ensure freeze protection.
Select inlet piping for reasonable velocity and expand downstream for equal flow rate.
Typical Pressure Reducing Valve Station
Pilot Operated Pressure Control Valve
Parallel Operation of Pressure Reducing Valves
Set lead valve 2 psi above desired set pressure and set lag valve 2 psi below desired set pressure.
Pilot Operated Pressure Control Valve
Pilot Operated Pressure Control Valve
Series Pressure Reducing Valve Station for High Turndown Rations
Note: Intermediate pressure takeoff requires an additional safety valve.
Pilot Operated Pressure Control Valve Pilot Operated
Hook-up for Remote Operation of 25 PRM Pressure Reducing Valve
Limit pilot to 15 ft drop below main valve and drain all supply tubing If pilot is mounted above main valve, pilot line drip traps can be eliminated.
For longer distance an air loaded pilot should be used.
Low Capacity Pressure Reducing Station
Installation of Pressure Reducing Valve in “Tight Spaces”
Pressure Sensing Line Pitch Down
Direct Operated Pressure Reducing Valve
Pilot Operated Pressure Control Valve
25 BP Back Pressure Controls used to Restrict Supply to Low Priority Uses at Times of Overload
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral
Pilot Operated Pressure Reducing and Back Pressure Valve
10 Pipe Diameters Minimum from Valve Outlet
During peak demand periods, boilers with adequate average capacity may become overloaded, leading to issues such as carryover, priming, or even low water lockout This can result in a drop in steam line pressure and interruptions to essential services Implementing back pressure controls for non-essential loads enables automatic shutdowns based on priority, ensuring that critical loads continue to receive supply during high load times.
Spira-tec Loss Detector Header
Reducing Steam Pressure Using 25PA Control Valve with Remote Air Valve
Depending on pilot selected, reduced steam pressure will be approximately 1:1, 4:1 or 6:1 times the air loading pressure sent to the pilot.
Pressure Sensing Line Pitch Down
Reduced SteamPressure toNon-essential Service
Hook-up for 25 TRM Temperature Control Remotely Mounted (within 15 ft of Main Valve)
Pneumatic Temperature Control of Heat Exchanger
Pilot 5/16" Copper Tubing or 1/4" Pipe
Pressure Reducing Valve for Pressure Powered Pump Motive Steam
Heat-up, Pressuring and Shutdown of Steam Mains using On/Off Control Valves and Programmer
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral
Pilot Operated On/Off Control Valve (for heatup only)
Spira-tec Loss Detector Strainer
Thermo- Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral
Pilot Operated On/Off Control Valve (for maximum flow)
Direct or Pilot Operated Pressure Reducing Valve
Pressure Surge Reservoir 1-1/2" or 2" diameter, 6’ long with eccentric fittings on ends
Hand Valve to adjust flow rate
Complete Condensate Drainage from Air Heater Coil under “Stall” with Combination Pump/Trap in a Closed Loop System
When steam pressure in the coil is high, it can push condensate through the steam trap despite any back pressure, rendering the pump inoperative If temperature control reduces the coil pressure too much, condensate flow stops This causes water to back up into the PPP body, activating it, and allowing the pump to use motive steam to push the condensate through the trap to the return line.
At the conclusion of each discharge stroke, the motive steam within the pump body is released through a balance line to the top of the liquid reservoir During startup conditions, a thermostatic air vent on the balance line allows air to escape, ensuring proper function even when the pump or trap is completely filled with condensate.
A preassembled modular pumping system provides a sole source solution for air heater coil applications.
Direct or Pilot Operated Temperature Control
See Fig II-25A for the preassembled
Controlling and Draining Preheat and
Reheat Coils in Vented Condensate
System with Freeze Resistant Piping for Makeup Air
Product Information
• Pressure Powered Pumps ™ • Packaged Pressure Powered Pumps ™
Spirax Sarco provides efficient solutions for condensate recovery with their High Capacity Pressure Powered Pump™, designed to drain and return condensate and liquids from various steam condensing equipment Capable of handling liquids with specific gravities from 0.65 to 1.0 and capacities up to 39,000 lb/hr, this robust pump is available in cast iron or fabricated steel, featuring stainless steel internals and durable check valves With a maximum pressure range of 125-300 psig and a temperature tolerance of 450˚F, this system not only enhances energy savings but also ensures optimal efficiency and low maintenance.
Pressure Powered Pump™ packaged units are designed for easy installation, featuring pre-piped configurations that integrate any Pressure Powered Pump™ up to 3" x 2" with a receiver Spirax Sarco offers fully assembled, wired, and tested electric pumps, including simplex units with an integral float switch and duplex units equipped with a mechanical alternator.
To achieve maximum productivity and energy efficiency in steam systems, it is essential to deliver steam at optimal pressure and temperature, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment Spirax Sarco offers a comprehensive range of controls and regulators designed for effective heat transfer in various processes and heating applications With sizes ranging from 1/2" to 6", operating pressures up to 600 psi, and capacities reaching 100,000 lb/hr, these solutions cater to diverse industry needs Available in materials such as iron, steel, stainless steel, and bronze, Spirax Sarco's controls and regulators are versatile and suitable for nearly all control applications.
• Steam Trap Surveys • Model VRS Control Panel
• Steam System Audits • Steam System Management
Contracted site management with Spirax Sarco offers significant advantages for major steam users, including energy savings and process improvements By forming strategic alliances, businesses can effectively outsource non-core activities, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
• Steam Trap Fault Detection Systems • Steam Trap Diffuser
Spirax Sarco specializes in the design and manufacturing of diverse steam traps made from various materials With expertise in steam mains, steam tracing, and heating and processing equipment, Spirax Sarco offers the knowledge, services, and products necessary to enhance the efficiency of your steam system.
Mechanical steam traps come in iron and steel materials, featuring NPT, socket weld, or flanged connections, and are offered in sizes from 1/2" to 4" Additionally, thermostatic models are available in brass, forged steel, stainless steel, and cast alloy steel, equipped with stainless steel internals and compatible with NPT and socket weld connections.
1/2" to 1-1/2" The kinetic energy disc types are available in stainless, alloy and forged steel and range in sizes from 1/2" to 1" with NPT, Socket Weld and ANSI connections.
Spirax Sarco Liquid Drain Traps are essential for effectively removing liquids from pressurized gases and eliminating condensate from compressed air lines Their float-operated design ensures instant and automatic adjustments to changes in liquid load and pressure, making them an ideal solution for various industrial processes.
The traps can handle liquids with a specific gravity as low as 0.5 Liquid
Drain traps are designed to operate at a maximum pressure of 465 psi and are available in sizes ranging from 1/4" to 4", with capacities reaching up to 900,000 lb/hr These traps are constructed from durable materials such as cast iron, ductile iron, carbon steel, or 316L stainless steel, and feature connection options including NPT, socket weld, or flanged configurations.
• Strainers - Pipeline and Basket • Sight Glasses/Checks
• Air Handling Equipment • Trap Diffusers
The Spirax Sarco line of Pipeline Auxiliaries complete the steam system and are available in a variety of materials and sizes to suit your needs.
A comprehensive range of stainless steel products:
• Steam Traps • Separators • Hygienic Ball Valves
Clean or pure steam is essential in various industries to minimize the risk of contamination, with applications ranging from sterilizing equipment in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals to cooking and heating foods with culinary steam Additionally, clean steam is used for humidifying clean rooms and filtered steam in hospital sterilizers Spirax Sarco offers a range of stainless steel specialty products, designed and manufactured to meet the highest standards, ensuring durability and performance in clean steam and other demanding process fluids.
Complete modular solutions for steam users worldwide:
• Steam Distribution and Condensate Collection Manifolds
Spirax Sarco’s modular pumping systems offer an efficient solution for condensate recovery and flash steam recovery, significantly reducing total installed costs Unlike traditional methods that rely on individually specified components and labor-intensive on-site assembly, these modular systems streamline the process, making them ideal for modern competitive plant environments.
The Engineered Systems Advantage accelerates installation and provides high-quality solutions for various steam users, featuring modular pumping systems that employ reliable Pressure Powered Pump™ technology, resulting in a 25% cost savings compared to traditional methods Each unit is supported by Spirax Sarco’s exclusive guarantee and unmatched expertise in steam system technology.
Years of experience have fostered deep expertise in steam control and conditioning Our skilled field personnel collaborate with design, operations, and maintenance engineers to consistently seek productivity enhancements These innovative solutions often yield significant returns on investment.
The four U.S training centers in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and Blythewood, SC, offer hands-on training with on-site steam systems Their educational programs cover steam theory, product application, and plant design for improved system efficiency, with options for customization to meet specific needs Each year, thousands of engineers enhance their expertise in steam systems through Spirax Sarco's comprehensive training programs.
Air Eliminators on Liquid Service 118, 135, 139
Air Leakage from Comp Air System 64
Air Venting (see Vents, Air for Steam Spaces) Autoclaves 103
Back Pressure Control (see Pressure Control Valves)
Back Pressure, Effect on Trap Cap 9, 46
Blenders and Three-Port Valves 28, 29, 30 Blowdown, Continuous 137
Block and Bleed Sterile Barriers 53, 129
Co-efficients, Heat Transfer 33, 67 Coils,
High Pressure, Draining 35, 97, 113 Pre-heat and Re-heat 32, 96
Compressor Cooling 64-65, 135 Condensate—Calculating Loads 9, 10, 24
Discharge into Plastic or Fiberglass Line 87
Lifting to Main at Same Level 86
Lifting from Trap to High Level 86
Lifting to Trap at High Level 87
Sizing Return Lines 43-47 Condenser, Solvent Control 138, 139 Controls
Back Pressure or Surplussing (see Pressure Control Valves) Combination, Pressure Reducing/Electric 104
Combination, Pressure Reducing/Temperature 100, 104Combination, Pressure/Temperature/Electric 103Definitions 23, 28Pilot Operated Electric 94, 107Pressure Reducing (see Pressure Control Valves)
Temperature (see Temperature Control Valves)
Culinary Steam (see Filtered Steam)
Drain Traps, Air and Gases 62, 135, 140
Line Pressure Engine—Jacket Temperature Control 135
Grinding (Ball) Mill Jacket Temperature Control 137
Heat Exchangers (see Exchangers) Heaters, Air 36, 37, 95, 97, 98 Heaters, Hot Water Storage 98, 99
Hot Water Blending 28, 29, 30 Ironer, Flatwork 111
Liquid Flowmeters (see Steam Meters)
Low Pressure Steam Main Drainage 84
Air Venting (see Vents, Air for Steam)
Draining End of HP Lines 85
Draining End of LP Lines 84
Draining Mains to Return to Same Level 86
Draining Main, with Trap at Higher Level 86, 87
Orifice Plate Flowmeters (see Steam Meters)
Overheat Protection of HW Storage Cylinder 98
Overheat Protection of Reinforced Plastic Condensate Lines 87
Parallel Operation of Pressure Reducing Valves 21, 89
Pressure Drop in Steam Mains 2, 3, 4, 5 in Water Lines 76, 77 in Air Lines 66 in Water Fittings 79
Discharging to Long Delivery Line 47, 118
Discharging to Long Delivery Line with Lift at Remote End 118
Draining Condensed Flash Steam with Other LP Condensate 48, 123, 125
Draining Evaporator as Pumping Trap 115
Draining Equipment Near Floor Level 116, 117
Draining Flash Steam Recovery Vessel 97, 121, 123, 125, 126
Draining LP Heater to Overhead Main 99
Draining Water from Sump Pit 118
Hookup for Staged & Standby Operation 117
Lifting Atmospheric Condensate to Overhead Main 114
Lifting from LP Source to HP Receiver 116
Pumping Condensate from Small Heater & Other Loads 100
Combined Pressure/Temp Control of Heat Exchanger 100
Control of Batch Processor with Electric Programmer 103
Controlling Boiler Feed Water Temp Using Pressure/Temperature Control 104
Controlling Live Steam Makeup to Flash Steam Recovery 120, 121, 122
Remote Air Pilot Control of PRV 92
Remote Operation of PRV’s 90, 92 Sizing 3, 4, 23, 24, 25 Two-Stage PRV Station 20, 22, 90
Typical Pressure Reducing Valve Station 20, 89 Pressure/Temperature Control (see controls) Programmers
On Supply to Platen Press 104
Mains Heatup, Pressurizing and Shutdown 9, 94
Pumping Trap (see Pressure Powered Pump) Pumps, Electrical 47, 48, 119, 127 Pumps, Packaged Units 97, 100, 101, 102, 112, 121, 122, 123, 124
Radiation—Baseboard Fin Tube, Hot Water and Steam 107
Reducing Valves (see Pressure Reducing Valves) Reheat-Preheat Coil 96
Safety Factors for Steam Traps 9, 39
Series Opertion of Reducing Valves 90
Standard Range Gilflo (SRG) (see Steam Meters)
Spiraflo Saturated Steam Metering System 131
Steam Needs Analysis Program (SNAP) 39
Steam Traps (see Traps, Steam)
Sterilizer Hookup 108, 109 Sterilizer, Trapping and Air Venting 108
Surplussing Valve (see Back Pressure Control)
Boiler Feed Water 104, 105, 127 Flash (sizing) 42-44, 49 Flash Steam Recovery (see Flash Steam, Recovery Hookups)
Sizing 23-30 Three-Port (blending, diverting) 28, 29, 30 Two-Port Direct Acting (heating) 26-29, 88, 98, 105, 108 Two-Port Reverse Acting (cooling) 28, 87, 127, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139
Thermostatic Air Vents (see Vents, Air, for Steam Spaces)
Vacuum Breakers 31, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 104, 105, 110, 118, 123, 125, 126, 136, 137 Vacuum—Draining Condensate from 115, 119 Valves
Pressure (see Pressure Control Valves)
Temperature (see Temperature Control Valves) Velocity,
Air Lines 63, 64 Vents, Air, for Steam Spaces 11, 31, 60, 85, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 109, 111, 113 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131
Vortex Flowmeters (see Steam Meters)
Warmup Loads, Steam Main 9, 10 Warmers, Blanket and Bedpan, Hospital 108
Water For Injection (WFI) 50Water Hammer 8, 32Water Logging 31, 35
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