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Fundamentals of manufacturing

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Fundamentals of Manufacturing Third Edition Philip D Rufe, CMfgE Editor Society of Manufacturing Engineers Dearborn, Michigan Tai ngay!!! Ban co the xoa dong chu nay!!! Copyright © 2013 Society of Manufacturing Engineers 987654321 All rights reserved, including those of translation This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced by any means, including photocopying, recording or microfilming, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing of the copyright owners No liability is assumed by the publisher with respect to use of information contained herein While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions Publication of any data in this book does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any patent, proprietary right, or product that may be involved Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2011937423 International Standard Book Number: 0-87263-870-7; ISBN-13: 9780872638709 Additional copies may be obtained by contacting: Society of Manufacturing Engineers Customer Service One SME Drive, P.O Box 930 Dearborn, Michigan 48121 1-800-733-4763 www.sme.org Online video Visit www.sme.org/fom SME staff who participated in producing this book and online video sampler: Kris Nasiatka, Senior Manager-Certification, Book & Video Rosemary Csizmadia, Senior Production Editor, Digital and Print Media Janet Zasadny, Administrative Coordinator Christine Verdone, Cover Designer Jerome Cook, Video Producer Printed in the United States of America PREFACE This book was designed to provide a structured review of the fundamentals of manufacturing for individuals planning to take the Certified Manufacturing Technologist or Certified Manufacturing Engineering exams The topics covered are the result of a study of manufacturing managers, manufacturing technologists and engineers, and manufacturing educators Its purpose: to identify fundamental competency areas required by manufacturing technologists and engineers in the field Fundamentals of Manufacturing While the objective of this book is to help prepare manufacturing managers, technologists, and engineers for the certification process, it is also a primary source of information for individuals interested in learning fundamental manufacturing concepts and practices This book is a valuable resource for many individuals with limited manufacturing experience or training xix TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments xvii Preface xix Introduction xxi PART 1: MATHEMATICS FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 1: Mathematics 1.1 Percentages, Ratios, and Proportions 1.2 Algebra 1.3 Geometry 1.4 Trigonometry 12 1.5 Probability 14 1.6 Statistics 15 1.7 Calculus 20 Review Questions 22 PART 2: APPLIED ENGINEERING SCIENCE Chapter 2: Units of Measure 27 2.1 SI Base Units 27  28 2.3 SI Derived Units 29 2.4 U.S Customary System 29 Review Questions 29 Chapter 3: Light 33 3.1 Electromagnetic Radiation 33 3.2 Ray Theory 33 Review Questions 35 Chapter 4: Sound 37 4.1 Wave Nature of Sound 37 4.2 Intensity of Sound 38 4.3 Frequency of Sound 38 4.4 Response of the Human Ear to Sound 38 Review Questions 39 Fundamentals of Manufacturing v vi Fundamentals of Manufacturing Table of Contents Chapter 5: Electricity/Electronics 41 5.1 Circuits 41 5.2 Types of Circuit Connections 43 5.3 Circuit Analysis Using Kirchoff’s Laws 44 Review Questions 46 Chapter 6: Statics 49 6.1 Force 49 6.2 Rectangular Components of a Force 50 6.3 Moment of Force 51 6.4 Force Couples 52 6.5 Newton’s First Law and Moments 52 6.6 Free-body Diagrams 52 6.7 Friction 53 6.8 Centroid and Center of Gravity 54 Review Questions 58 Chapter 7: Dynamics 61 7.1 Rectilinear Motion 61 7.2 Angular Motion 61 7.3 Newton’s Second Law 62 7.4 Energy Methods 63 Review Questions 65 Chapter 8: Strength of Materials 67 8.1 Stress and Strain 67   68 8.3 Torsional Loading 70 Review Questions 71 Chapter 9: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 73 9.1 Temperature Conversions 73     73 9.3 Heat Capacity 74 9.4 Thermodynamics 75 9.5 Heat Transfer 76 9.6 Thermocouples 77 Review Questions 78 Chapter 10: Fluid Power 79 10.1 Fluid Properties 79 10.2 Fluid Statics 79 10.3 Fluid Power 80 10.4 Fluid Dynamics 81 Review Questions 83 Chapter 11: Chemistry 85 11.1 Structure of Matter 85    !" # " 86 11.3 Atomic Structure 86 11.4 Periodic Table 88 11.5 Types of Compounds 88 11.6 Acids and Bases 88 11.7 Nanotechnology 89 Review Questions 90 606 Fundamentals of Manufacturing B = Bxi + By j Appendix A: Mathematics (Eq A-30) then the vector C that is the sum of the two vectors is given by: C = Cxi + Cy j = (Ax + Bx )i + (Ay + By ) j (Eq A-31) MAGNITUDE OF A VECTOR A vector, A, can be defined as a unit vector  directed in the same direction as A multiplied by a scalar A that indicates the magnitude of the vector The magnitude of a vector can be found as: A = Ax2 + Ay2 + Az2 (Eq A-32) UNIT VECTOR The unit vector (designated by the caret ˆ) is oriented in the same direction as A and can be found as: ∧ A (Eq A-33) A= A two original vectors The magnitude of the cross product is equal to the product of the magnitude of the two vectors multiplied by the sine of the angle between them: A × B = A B sin θ (Eq A-38) Cross products are distributive, but they are not commutative Instead, if the components of the cross product are commuted, the negative of the original result is obtained: A × B = –(B × A) (Eq A-39) The cross product can be evaluated by resolving A and B into their rectangular components and performing a set of algebraic operations on them These operations can be summarized by the determinant: i C = A × B = Ax Bx j Ay By k Az Bz The components of the cross product C can be evaluated as: PRODUCT OF A SCALAR AND A VECTOR Cx = AyBz – AzBy (Eq A-40) The product of a scalar k and a vector P is denoted as kP It is defined as a vector having the same orientation as P and a magnitude equal to the magnitude of P multiplied by k The multiplication of a vector and a negative scalar results in a vector having the opposite sense Cy = AzBx – AxBz (Eq A-41) Cy = AxBy – AyBx (Eq A-42) SCALAR PRODUCT (DOT PRODUCT) The scalar product or dot product of two vectors, A and B, is defined as the product of the magnitude of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle between the two vectors The dot product is written as: A • B = A B cosθ (Eq A-34) AB = BA (Eq A-35) AB + C) = AB + AC (Eq A-36) AB = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz (Eq A-37) VECTOR PRODUCT (CROSS PRODUCT) The cross product of two vectors results in a vector that is mutually perpendicular to the A p pe nd ix B PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES B.1 UNITS OF MEASURE F¥t = m¥v (B-5) Table B-1 provides a guide to converting commonly used measurements from the U.S customary system to the SI metric system M¥t = I› ¡~ B.2 CURVILINEAR MOTION Curvilinear motion describes the action of particles traveling in a plane curve A plane curve may be approximated over a small interval with a circular arc with radius of curvature, r The motion is characterized by components normal n and tangent t to the curve: v2 an = r Δv at = Δt (B-1) (B-2) where: F = force M = moment  ¥t = time interval the force or moment is applied F¥t is known as an impulse The velocity before force F is applied and after is known as v1 and v2, respectively: mv1 + F¥t = mv2 (B-7) I›1 + M¥t = I›2 (B-8) Figure B-1 defines mass moment of inertia, I, for some common shapes B.4 POISSON’S RATIO where: a = acceleration v = velocity Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of the lateral strain and the axial strain as defined by Eq B-9 and illustrated in Figure B-2 B.3 MOMENTUM v=− Linear momentum, p, is given by the product of mass, m, and linear velocity, v: p = mv (B-3) Angular momentum, H, is the product of the mass moment of inertia, I, and angular veloc[!{› H = I› (B-4) Relationships between force or moment and changing momentum are: Fundamentals of Manufacturing εy εx =− εz εx (B-9) where: v = Poisson’s ratio ­ ] [# x, y, z = direction or axis B.5 BEAM LOADING Figure B-3 illustrates common beam loading conditions 607 608 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix B: Physics and Engineering Sciences Table B-1 U.S customary to SI metric system conversion Convert From To Multiply By m/s2 (meter per second squared) m/s2 (meter per second squared) 2.5400 × 10–2 3.0480 × 10–1 m2 (square meters) 6.4516 × 10–4 Acceleration in./s2 (inch per second squared) ft/s2 (feet per second squared) Area in.2 (square inches) m (square meters) m2 (square meters) m2 (square meters) 9.2903 × 10–2 8.3612 × 10–1 2.5899 × 106 N (newtons) 4.4482 × 100 μin (microinch) m (meter) 2.5400 × 10–8 in (inch) m (meter) 2.5400 × 10–2 ft (feet) m (meter) 3.0480 × 10–1 yd (yard) m (meter) 9.1440 × 10–1 mi (mile) m (meter) 1.6093 × 103 oz (ounce) g (gram) 2.800 × 101 lb (pound) kg (kilogram) 4.500 × 10–1 Pa (pascal) 6.8947 × 103 Pa (pascal) 4.7880 × 101 lb-in (pound-inch) N-m (newton-meter) 1.1298 × 10–1 lb-ft (pound-foot) N-m (newton meter) 1.3558 × 100 oz (fluid ounce) L (liter)* 2.9573 × 10–2 gal (gallon liquid) L (liter)* 3.7854 × 100 m3 (cubic meter) 1.6387 × 10–5 ft (square feet) yd2 (square yards) mi2 (square miles) Force lb (pounds) Length Mass Stress lb/in.2 (pounds per square inch) lb/ft (pounds per square foot) Torque Volume in.3 (cubic inch) 3 ft (cubic foot) yd3 (cubic yard) m (cubic meter) 2.8316 × 10–2 m3 (cubic meter) 7.6455 × 10–1 *1 L = 0.001 m In the cross-section of a beam, an internal force referred to as the shear force and an internal moment referred to as the bending moment, cause the beam to be stressed under loading Table B-2 defines the maximum shear force, V, and the maximum bending moment, M, for the five loading conditions in Figure B-3 XY ‚ ‚‚ [# {Å{ '!® σ= Mc I (B-10) where: c = distance from the neutral axis to the plane where the bending stress is to be calculated (typically the top or bottom surface) I = area moment of inertia 609 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix B: Physics and Engineering Sciences Figure B-1 Mass moment of inertia The area moment of inertia for a rectangular cross-section is given by: I= bh3 12 (B-11) where: b = base h = height The load is applied in a direction parallel to the height as shown in Figure B-4 610 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix B: Physics and Engineering Sciences Figure B-2 Axial and lateral strain Figure B-4 Rectangular beam cross-section XY  ‚ ‚‚ \  '  Y # [# { Ỉ{ '# a narrow, rectangular cross-section beam is given by: τ= 3Vmax 2A (B-12) where: Figure B-3 Typical beam loading conditions Vmax = maximum shear force A = cross-sectional area of the beam Table B-2 Important beam equations Loading Condition Maximum Shear Force, V Maximum Bending Moment, M a P PL b wL wL 2 c 5wL wL d P PL e wL wL Table B-3 defines the maximum deflection for the various beam loading conditions illustrated in Figure B-3 B.6 FLUID CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM Conservation of momentum is described by the momentum equation: ÔF]Q(v2 v1) (B-13) where:  ÔF = summation of forces acting on the system  Ÿ ] [!' [Y   Q = volumetric flow rate (Q = Av) A = cross-sectional area of the pipe v = fluid velocity 611 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix B: Physics and Engineering Sciences Table B-3 Important beam deflection equations Loading Condition Maximum Deflection a PL 3EI b wL 8EI c wL 185EI d PL 48EI e 5wL 384EI B.7 BUOYANCY The weight of fluid, W, displaced by an object of volume, V, is given by: W = JV where:  J = specific weight of the fluid (B-14) Appendix C GEOMETRIC TOLERANCING REFERENCE CHARTS REFERENCE Effective Training, Inc 2009 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Reference Charts Westland, MI: Effective Training, Inc For full 11 × 17 inch charts, contact Effective Training, Inc at: etinews.com Fundamentals of Manufacturing 613 614 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-1 Geometric tolerancing reference chart—ASME Y14.5-2009 and ASME Y14.5M-1994 comparison (Effective Training, Inc 2009) Fundamentals of Manufacturing 615 Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-1 (continued) 616 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-2 Geometric tolerancing reference chart—ASME Y14.5-2009 and ASME Y14.5M-1994 concept comparison (Effective Training, Inc 2009) Fundamentals of Manufacturing 617 Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-2 (continued) 618 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-2 (continued) Fundamentals of Manufacturing 619 Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-2 (continued) 620 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-2 (continued) Fundamentals of Manufacturing 621 Appendix C: Geometric Tolerancing Reference Charts Figure C-2 (continued)

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2023, 11:51