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Materials and processes in manufacturing

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Tiêu đề Materials And Processes In Manufacturing
Tác giả J T. Black, Ronald A. Kohser
Trường học Auburn University
Chuyên ngành Manufacturing
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Năm xuất bản 2013
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FPREF 02/08/2012 14:29:45 Page FFIRS 02/08/2012 14:25:43 Page DeGarmo’s MATERIALS AND PROCESSES IN MANUFACTURING INTERNATIONAL STUDENT VERSION ELEVENTH EDITION J T Black Auburn University-Emeritus Ronald A Kohser Missouri University of Science & Technology John Wiley & Sons, Inc FFIRS 02/08/2012 14:25:43 Page Copyright # 2013 John Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte Ltd Cover image from # Benis Arapovic/Shutterstock Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc has been a valued source of knowledge and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations Our company is built on a foundation of principles that include responsibility to the communities we serve and where we live and work In 2008, we launched a Corporate Citizenship Initiative, a global effort to address the environmental, social, economic, and ethical challenges we face in our business Among the issues we are addressing are carbon impact, paper specifications and procurement, ethical conduct within our business and among our vendors, and community and charitable support For more information, please visit our website: www.wiley.com/go/citizenship All rights reserved This book is authorized for sale in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East only and may not be exported outside of these territories Exportation from or importation of this book to another region without the Publisher’s authorization is illegal and is a violation of the Publisher’s rights The Publisher may take legal action to enforce its rights The Publisher may recover damages and costs, including but not limited to lost profits and attorney’s fees, in the event legal action is required No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website www.copyright.com Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, website http://www.wiley com/go/permissions ISBN: 978-0-470-87375-5 Printed in Asia 10 FPREF 02/08/2012 14:29:44 Page PREFACE It’s a world of manufactured goods Whether we like it or not, we all live in a technological society Every day we come in contact with hundreds of manufactured items, made from every possible material From the bedroom to the kitchen, to the workplace, we use appliances, phones, cars, trains, and planes, TVs, cell phones, VCRs, DVD’s, furniture, clothing, sports equipment, books and more! These goods are manufactured in factories all over the world using manufacturing processes Basically, manufacturing is a value-adding activity, where the conversion of materials into products adds value to the original material Thus, the objective of a company engaged in manufacturing is to add value and to so in the most efficient manner, with the least amount of waste in terms of time, material, money, space, and labor To minimize waste and increase productivity, the processes and operations need to be properly selected and arranged to permit smooth and controlled flow of material through the factory and provide for product variety Meeting these goals requires an engineer who can design and operate an efficient manufacturing system Here are the trends that are impacting the manufacturing world  Manufacturing is a global activity Manufacturing is a global activity with companies sending work to other countries (China, Taiwan, Mexico) to take advantage of low-cost labor Many US companies have plants in other countries and foreign companies have built plants in the United States, to be nearer their marketplace Automobile manufacturers from all around the globe and their suppliers use just about every process described in this book and some that we not describe, often because they are closely held secrets  It’s a digital world Information technology and computers are growing exponentially, doubling in power every year Every manufacturing company has ready access to world-wide digital technology Products can be built by suppliers anywhere in the world working using a common set of digital information Designs can be emailed to manufacturers who can rapidly produce a prototype in metal or plastic in a day  Lean manufacturing is widely practiced Most (over 60%) manufacturing companies have restructured their factories (their manufacturing systems) to become lean producers, making goods of superior quality, cheaper, faster in a flexible way (i.e., they are more responsive to the customers) Almost every plant is doing something to make itself leaner Many of them have adopted some version of the Toyota Production System More importantly, these manufacturing factories are designed with the internal customer (the workforce) in mind, so things like ergonomics and safety are key design requirements So while this book is all about materials and processes for making the products, the design of the factory cannot be ignored when it comes to making the external customer happy with the product and the internal customer satisfied with the employer  New products and materials need new processes The number and variety of products and the materials from which they are made continues to proliferate, while production quantities (lot sizes) have become smaller Existing processes must be modified to be more flexible, and new processes must be developed  Customers expect great quality Consumers want better quality and reliability, so the methods, processes, and people responsible for the quality must be continually improved The trend toward (improving) zero defects and continuous improvement requires continual changes to the manufacturing system iii FPREF 02/08/2012 iv 14:29:44 Page Preface  Rapid product development is required Finally, the effort to reduce the time-to-market for new products is continuing Many companies are taking wholistic or system wide perspectives, including concurrent engineering efforts to bring product design and manufacturing closer to the customer There are two key aspects here First, products are designed to be easier to manufacture and assemble (called design for manufacture/assembly) Second, the manufacturing system design is flexible (able to rapidly assimilate new products), so the company can be competitive in the global marketplace & HISTORY OF THE TEXT E Paul DeGarmo was a mechanical engineering professor at the University of California, Berkley when he wrote the first edition of Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, published by Macmillan in 1957 The book quickly became the emulated standard for introductory texts in manufacturing Second, third, and fourth editions followed in 1962, 1969, and 1974 DeGarmo had begun teaching at Berkeley in 1937, after earning his M.S in mechanical engineering from California Institute of Technology DeGarmo was a founder of the Department of Industrial Engineering (now Industrial Engineering and Operations Research) and served as its chair from 1956–1960 He was also assistant dean of the College of Engineering for three years while continuing his teaching responsibilities Dr DeGarmo observed that engineering education had begun to place more emphasis on the underlying sciences at the expense of hands on experience Most of his students were coming to college with little familiarity with materials, machine tools, and manufacturing methods that their predecessors had acquired through the old ‘‘shop’’ classes If these engineers and technicians were to successfully convert their ideas into reality, they needed a foundation in materials and processes, with emphasis on their opportunities and their limitations He sought to provide a text that could be used in either a one-or two-semester course designed to meet these objectives The materials sections were written with an emphasis on use and application Processes and machine tools were described in terms of what they could do, how they it, and their relative advantages and limitations, including economic considerations Recognizing that many students would be encountering the material for the first time, clear description was accompanied by numerous visual illustrations Paul’s efforts were well received, and the book quickly became the standard text in many schools and curricula As materials and processes evolved, advances were incorporated into subsequent editions Computer usage, quality control, and automation were added to the text, along with other topics, so that it continued to provide state-of-the-art instruction in both materials and processes As competing books entered the market, their subject material and organization tended to mimic the DeGarmo text Paul DeGarmo retired from active teaching in 1971, but he continued his research, writing, and consulting for many years In 1977, after the publication of the fourth edition of Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, he received a letter from Ron Kohser, then an assistant professor at the University of Missouri-Rolla who had many suggestions regarding the materials chapters DeGarmo asked Ron to rewrite those chapters for the upcoming fifth edition After the 5th edition DeGarmo decided he was really going to retire and after a national search, recruited J T Black, then a Professor at Ohio State, to co-author the book with Dr Kohser For the sixth through tenth editions (published in 1984 and 1988 by Macmillan, 1997 by Prentice Hall and 2003 and 2008 by John Wiley & Sons), Ron Kohser and J T Black have shared the responsibility for the text The chapters on engineering materials, casting, forming, powder metallurgy, additive manufacturing, joining and non-destructive testing have been written or revised by Ron Kohser J T Black has responsibility for the introduction and chapters on material removal, metrology, surface finishing, quality control, manufacturing systems design, and lean engineering DeGarmo died in 2000, three weeks short of his 93rd birthday His wife Mary died in 1995; he is survived by his sons, David and Richard, and many grandchildren For the FPREF 02/08/2012 14:29:45 Page Preface v 10th edition, which coincided with the 50th anniversary of the text, we honored our mentor with a change in the title to include his name—DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in Manufacturing We recognize Paul for his insight and leadership and are forever indebted to him for selecting us to carry on the tradition of his book for this, the 11th edition! & PURPOSE OF THE BOOK The purpose of this book is to provide basic information on materials, manufacturing processes and systems to engineers and technicians The materials section focuses on properties and behavior Thus, aspects of smelting and refining (or other material production processes) are presented only as they affect manufacturing and manufactured products In terms of the processes used to manufacture items (converting materials into products), this text seeks to provide a descriptive introduction to a wide variety of options, emphasizing how each process works and its relative advantages and limitations Our goal is to present this material in a way that can be understood by individuals seeing it for the very first time This is not a graduate text where the objective is to thoroughly understand and optimize manufacturing processes Mathematical models and analytical equations are used only when they enhance the basic understanding of the material So, while the text is an introductory text, we attempt to incorporate new and emerging technologies like direct-digital-and micro-manufacturing processes as they are introduced into usage & ORGANIZATION OF THE BOOK E Paul DeGarmo wanted a book that explained to engineers how the things they designed are made DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in Manufacturing is still being written to provide a broad, basic introduction to the fundamentals of manufacturing The book begins with a survey of engineering materials, the ‘‘stuff’’ that manufacturing begins with, and seeks to provide the basic information that can be used to match the properties of a material to the service requirements of a component A variety of engineering materials are presented, along with their properties and means of modifying them The materials section can be used in curricula that lack preparatory courses in metallurgy, materials science, or strength of materials, or where the student has not yet been exposed to those topics In addition, various chapters in this section can be used as supplements to a basic materials course, providing additional information on topics such as heat treatment, plastics, composites, and material selection Following the materials chapters are sections on casting, forming, powder metallurgy, material removal, and joining Each section begins with a presentation of the fundamentals on which those processes are based The introductions are followed by a discussion of the various process alternatives, which can be selected to operate individually or be combined into an integrated system The chapter on rapid prototyping, which had been moved to a web-based supplement in the 10th edition, has been restored to the print text, significantly expanded, and renamed Additive Processes: Rapid Prototyping and Direct-Digital Manufacturing, to incorporate the aspects of rapid prototyping, rapid tooling, and direct-digital manufacturing, and provide updated information on many recent advances in this area Reflecting the growing role of plastics, ceramics and composites, the chapter on the processes used with these materials has also been expanded New to this edition is an Advanced Topic section on lean engineering The lean engineer works to transform the mass production system into a lean production system To achieve lean production, the final assembly line is converted to a mixed model delivery system so that the demand for subassemblies and components is made constant The conveyor type flow lines are dismantled and converted into U-shaped manufacturing cells also capable of one-piece flow The subassembly and manufacturing cells are linked to the final assembly by a pull system called Kanban (visible record) to form an integrated production and inventory control system Hence, economy of scale of the FPREF 02/08/2012 vi 14:29:45 Page Preface mass production system changed to the ‘‘Economy of Scope’’, featuring flexibility, small lots, superior quality, minimum-inventory and short throughput times Later chapters provide an introduction to surface engineering, measurements and quality control Engineers need to know how to determine process capability and if they get involved in six sigma projects, to know what sigma really measures There is also introductory material on surface integrity, since so many processes produce the finished surface and residual stresses in the components With each new edition, new and emerging technology is incorporated, and existing technologies are updated to accurately reflect current capabilities Through its 50plus year history and 10 previous editions, the DeGarmo text was often the first introductory book to incorporate processes such as friction-stir welding, microwave heating and sintering, and machining dynamics Somewhat open-ended case studies have been incorporated throughout the text These have been designed to make students aware of the great importance of properly coordinating design, material selection, and manufacturing to produce cost competitive, reliable products The text is intended for use by engineering (mechanical, lean, manufacturing, and industrial) and engineering technology students, in both two-and four-year undergraduate degree programs In addition, the book is also used by engineers and technologists in other disciplines concerned with design and manufacturing (such as aerospace and electronics) Factory personnel will find this book to be a valuable reference that concisely presents the various production alternatives and the advantages and limitations of each Additional or more in-depth information on specific materials or processes can be found in the expanded list of references that accompanies the text & SUPPLEMENTS For instructors adopting the text for use in their course, an instructor solutions manual is available through the book website: www.wiley.com/go/global/degarmo Also available on the website is a set of PowerPoint lecture slides created by Philip Appel Two additional chapters, as well as three Advanced Topic sections, are available on the book website These chapters cover: measurement and inspection, nondestructive inspection and testing, lean engineering, quality engineering, and the enterprise (production system) The registration card attached on the inside front cover provides information on how to access and download this material If the registration card is missing, access can be purchased directly on the website www.wiley.com/go/ global/degarmo, by clicking on ‘‘student companion site’’ and then on the links to the chapter titles & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the multitude of assistance, information, and illustrations that have been provided by a variety of industries, professional organizations, and trade associations The text has become known for the large number of clear and helpful photos and illustrations that have been graciously provided by a variety of sources In some cases, equipment is photographed or depicted without safety guards, so as to show important details, and personnel are not wearing certain items of safety apparel that would be worn during normal operation Over the many editions, there have been hundreds of reviewers, faculty, and students who have made suggestions and corrections to the text We continue to be grateful for the time and interest that they have put into this book For this edition we benefited from the comments of the following reviewers: Jerald Brevick, The Ohio State University; Zezhong Chen, Concordia University; Emmanuel Enemuoh, University of Minnesota; Ronald Huston, University of Cincinnati; Thenkurussi Kesavadas, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Shuting Lei, Kansas State University; Lee Gearhart, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; ZJ Pei, Kansas State University; Christine Corum, FPREF 02/08/2012 14:29:45 Page Preface vii Purdue University; Allen Yi, The Ohio State University; Stephen Oneyear, North Carolina State; Roger Wright, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute The authors would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr Elliot Stern for the dynamics of machining section in Chapter 20, Dr Memberu Lulu for inputs to the quality chapter, Dr Lewis Payton for writing the micro manufacturing chapter, Dr Subbu Subramanium for inputs to the abrasive chapter, Dr David Cochran for his contributions in lean engineering and system design, and Mr Chris Huskamp of the Boeing Company for valuable assistance with the chapter on additive manufacturing As always, our wives have played a major role in preparing the manuscript Carol Black and Barb Kohser have endured being ‘‘textbook widows’’ during the time when the book was being were written Not only did they provide loving support, but Carol also provided hours of expert proofreading, typing, and editing as the manuscript was prepared & ABOUT THE AUTHORS J T Black received his Ph.D from Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana in 1969, an M.S in Industrial Engineering from West Virginia University in 1963 and his B.S in Industrial Engineering, Lehigh University in 1960 J T is Professor Emeritus from Industrial and Systems Engineering at Auburn University He was the Chairman and a Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at The University of Alabama-Huntsville He also taught at The Ohio State University, the University of Rhode Island, the University of Vermont, and the University of Illinois He taught his first processes class in 1960 at West Virginia University J T is a Fellow in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Institute of Industrial Engineering and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers J loves to write music (mostly down home country) and poetry, play tennis in the backyard and show his champion pug dog VBo Ron Kohser received his Ph.D from Lehigh University Institute for Metal Forming in 1975 Ron is currently in his 37th year on the faculty of Missouri University of Science & Technology (formerly the University of Missouri-Rolla), where he is a Professor of Metallurgical Engineering and Dean’s Teaching Scholar While maintaining a full commitment to classroom instruction, he has served as department chair and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Instruction He currently teaches courses in Metallurgy for Engineers, Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, and Material Selection, Fabrication and Failure Analysis In addition to his academic responsibilities, Ron and his wife Barb operate A Miner Indulgence, a bed-and-breakfast in Rolla, Missouri, and they enjoy showing their three collector cars FPREF 02/08/2012 14:29:45 Page BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:47 Page INDEX ‘‘S’’ shape, 3-2-1 principle, 749 Abrasion, 386 Abrasive flow machining (AFM), 1000 Abrasive jet machining (AJM), 742, 990, 991 Abrasive machining, 17, 710 Abrasive media, 924 Abrasive water-jet cutting (AWC), 739, 992 Abrasive, 711 Abrasives, 228 Abrasives, hardness, 712 Acceptable quality level (AQL), A67 Accuracy, 1010, A44, A45 Acetylene, 209, 814 Acid pickling, 929 Acrylic, 893 Adaptive control (A/C), 701 Additive manufacturing supports, 513 Additive manufacturing, 267 Additive processes, 507, 987–1002 comparison, 528 economics of, 529 Address system, 692 Adherend, 897 Adhesion, 386 Adhesive bonding, 365, 892 Adhesive, high-temperature, 894 Adhesive-bonded joints, 897–901 Adhesives, hot melt, 894 Adjustable reamer, 661 Advanced gas metal arc welding (AGMAW), 828 AFS number, 297 Age hardening, 125, 133 Aging, 127 Air gage, 1036 Air-bend die, 453 Airless spraying, 931 AISI-SAE classification system, 160 Alclad, 192 Alkaline cleaning, 928 Alkyd, 930 Allotropic, 93 Allowance, 1011 Alloy steels, 158 Alloys, 102 Alternating current, 822 Alumina, 227 Aluminum alloys, wrought, 193 Aluminum bronze, 187 Aluminum casting alloys, 195 Aluminum classification system, 191 Aluminum foam, 196 Aluminum oxide, 231, 581, 713 Aluminum, 188, 291 Aluminum, structural, 189 American Armory System, 51, A1, A4 American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM), 95 American Welding Society (AWS), 801 Amorphous metals, 204, 484 Amorphous structure, 92, 226 Anaerobic, 893 Analog signal, 692 Angle gage block, 1033 Angle measuring instrument, 1031 Angle milling cutter, 677 Anisothopy, 86, 393, 470 Anisotropic, 100, 235 Annealing, 121, 361, 393 Anodizing, 192, 937 Antioch molding process, 311 Antioxidants, 217 Apron, 619 Arbor-mounted milling cutter, 674 Arc cutting, 838 Arc furnaces, 337 Arc welding, 814, 821 Arc-welding electrode designation, 824 Arithmetic average, 915 Ascending surface, 515 Aspect ratio, 238 Assembly jig, 762 Assembly line, 42 Assembly line, moving, 53 Assignable cause variation, A58 Assignable cause, A44 ASTM grain size number, 95 Atomic bonding, 90 Atomic force microscope, 1003 Atomic number, 90 Atomic structure, 90 Atomization, 483 Attributes, 1005 Attributes, gage, 1033 Attrition, 712 Ausforming, 142 Austempered ductile iron (ADI), 176 Austempering process, 176 Austempering, 142 Austenite, 115, 122 Austinetic stainless steel, 169 Autoclave, 370 Autogenous welds, 868 Automated guided vehicle (AGV), 22 Automatic hot forging, 414 Automatic spraying, 931 Automatic storage and retrieval system (AS/RS), 22 Automation, 22 Automobile material content, 165 Autonomation, A4, A7, A66 Autoquenching, 144 Babbitt, 204 Back rack angle, 548 Backlash, A53 Backward extrusion, 428 Bainite, 129 Bakelite, 212 Ball lead screw, 693 Ball screw mechanism, 691 Bar, 400 Bar folder, 449 Barrel burnishing, 923 Barrel finishing, 922 Barrier potential, 951 Basic-length unit (BLU), 700 Beach mark, 79 Bead weld, 801 Bed, 618 Bell furnace, 146 Belt sanding, 926 Bench lathe, 620 I1 BINDEX 02/09/2012 I2 10:55:47 Page Index Bench life, 303 Bend radius, 451 Bending, 379, 449 Beryllium, 204 Bevel protractor, 1021 Bicycles frames, 250 Bilateral tolerance, 1014 Bill of materials, 33, 36 Bismuth, 188 Black-Huang model, 555 Blank coating, 941 Blankholder force, 461 Blanking, 441, 444 Blast cleaning, 922 Blending, 485 Blind riser, 280 Blocking, 409 Bloom, 399 Blow molding, 347 Blow out, 423 Blows, 298 Boat, 956 Body-centered cubic (BCC), 93, 97 Bolster, 475 Bonded product, 710 Bonding materials, grinding wheels, 718 Boring, 538, 540 Boring, 611, 613 Boron nitride, 236 Bottoming die, 453, 453 Boule, 951 Box drill jig, 753 Box furnace, 145 Braiding, 373 Brale, 70 Brass, 185 Braze welding, 885 Brazed joint strength, 877 Brazing filler metals, 880, 882 Brazing flux, 881 Brazing, 808, 876 Breaking strength, 65 Brine, 138 Brinell hardness test (BHN), 68 Brittle material, 66 Broaching, 17, 534, 540 Bronze age, 59 Bronze, 186 BTA drill, 645 Bucket brigade, A12 Buffing, 927 Built-up edge (BUE), 557 Bulging, 463 Bulk flow, 379 Bulk forming processes, 399 Bulk welding, 830 Bulk-molding compound, (BMC), 238, 367 Bundle system, A12 Burnishing, 434 Burr removal, 942 Burrs, 941 Butt joint, 803, 878 Butt welding, 472 Calender, 359 Calendering, 354 Canned machining routine, 694 Canning, 492 Capacitor-discharge stud welding, 852 Capillary action, 367, 876 Carbides, 579 Carbon composites, 240 Carburizing flame, 816 Carburizing, 144 Card-on-board packaging, 949 Cards See Printed wiring assemblies (PWAs) Carriage, 619 Cartridge brass, 185 Cast cobalt alloy, 577 Cast iron nodular, 176 Cast iron, 115, 117, 291 Cast iron, gray, 173 Cast iron, malleable, 175 Cast iron, mechanical properties, 177 Cast iron, white, 175 Cast steel, 178 Casting molds, 269 Casting processes, 267 Casting processes, selection, 342 Casting semi-permanent-mold, 324 Casting, 17 cleaning, 339 design, 284 heat treating, 339 permanent-mold, 323 plastics, 346 simulation, 286 Cause-and-effect diagram, A62 Cavitation, 929 Cementation, 363 Cemented carbides, 579 Cementite, 115, 122 Cements, 229 Center core drill, 643 Center drill, 647 Center head, 1021 Centerless grinding, 730 Centrifugal barrel tumbling, 924 Centrifugal, 333 Centrifuging, 334 Ceracon process, 493 Ceramic cutting tools, 233 Ceramic mold casting, 312 Ceramic, fibers, properties, 237 Ceramic-ceramic composite, 227 Ceramic-matrix composites (CMC), 240, 374 Ceramics, 208, 224, 581 advanced, 230 machining, 363 processing, 360 structural, properties 232 structure, 226 ultra-high-temperature, 233 Cermet, 227, 229, 583 Chance cause, A44 Channel jig, 755 Chaplets, 310 Charpy test, 74 Chase method, A11 Chatter, 557 Check sheet, A61 Cheek, 310 Chemical blanking, 775 cleaning, 927 conversion coating, 935 flux cutting (FOC), 820 machining (CHM), 773 milling, 775 vapor deposition (CVD), 569, 589, 990 Chill zone, 274 Chills, 281 Chip disposal, 751 Chip groove, 580 Chips, 949 Chip thickness ratio, 551 Chipless manufacturing, 771 Chips, 21 Chisel end, 642 Choke, 277 Chromate, 935 Chucking reamer, 661 Chucks, lathe, 630 Chvorinov’s rule, 273, 289 Cladding, 930 Clamping, 747, 750 Clamps, 761 Classes of fits, 1016 Clay content, 296 Clay, 227 Clean cutting, 871 Clearance fit, 1012 Climb milling, 671 Closed die forging, 408 BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:47 Page Index Closed-mold processing, 371 Close-packed plane, 94, 97 Cluster mill, 402 CNC machining vs DDM, 519 Coalescence, 799 Coated abrasive, 734 Coated product, 710 Coated-carbide tools, 581 Coating, 930 Cobalt, 201 Coherency, 127 Cohesiveness, 295 Coining, 433, 453, 495 Cold forming, 427 heading, 428 molding, 349 roll forming, 455 rolling, 401 shuts, 275 welding, 854 working, 101, 389 working, properties, 391 Cold-chamber die casting, 329 Collapsibility, 295, 310 Collet, 632 Coloring agent, 217 Columnar zone, 274 Combination drill, 648 Compacted graphite cast iron (CGI), 177 Compactibility, 297 Compaction, 485 Companywide quality control (CWQC), A43 Comparator, 1026 Composites, 208 applications, 243 fiber reinforced, 236 filaments, 367 laminar, 234 materials, 234 particulate, 234 polymer-matrix fiber-reinforced, 238 strength to weight ratio, 242 Compound dies, 448 Compound rest, 619 Compounds, 926 Compressibility, 484 Compression bending, 454 Compression molding, 347 Compression testing, 68 Compressive strength, sand, 297 Compressive stress, 61 Computer numerical control (CNC), 509 Computer-aided design (CAD), 7, 508 Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 7, 509 Condensation soldering, 983 Conductive adhesive, 897 Conductive polymer, 218 Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), 1002 Conform process, 424 Consolidation processes, 267, 799 Constantan, 187 Constitutive relations, 384 Constitutive, 396 Construction, 10 Consumable-electrode process, 822 Consumable-electrode remelting, 156 Consumer goods, Contact printing, 960 Continuous casting, 155, 335 extrusion, 423 improvement, A5 path, 689 process, 13, 14, 46 rolling mill, 403 surface bond, 897 Continuous-cooling-transformation (C-C-T) diagram, 134 Continuous-processing industries, 10 Contouring, 689 Control chart limits, A53 Control chart, A53–A57 Control-loops unit (CLU), 689 Conventional milling, 671 Conveyance, 22 Cooling curve, 107, 272 Coordinate measuring machine (CMM), 1030 Cope, 270, 294 Copolymer, 210 Copper alloys designation system, 185 Copper zinc alloy properties, 186 Copper-beryllium, 187 Copper-copper alloys, 183 Copper-nickel alloys, 187 Copper-tin alloys, 186 Copper-zinc alloys, 185 Core box, 270 Core prince, 310 Core print, 270 Cored, 112 Core-oil process, 309 Cores, 307 Cores, split-piece, 308 Core-to-face bond, 897 Corner joint, 803 Corrosion fatigue, 77 Corundum, 712 Counter bore, 659 Counter-blow machine, 410 Counterboring, 646 Countersinking , 659 Covalent bonds, 91 Crack growth rate, 84 Crater wear, 592 Creep feed grinding (CFG), 727 Creep, 82 Creep, rate, 82 Critical path method, 46 Cross slide, 619 Cross slit, 99 Cross-linking, 222 Crowned roll, 405 Crucible furnaces, 337 Crush dressing, 721 Cryogenic processing, 142 Crystal structure, 92 Crystallize, 79, 211 Cubic boron nitride (CBN) 569, 713 Cupolas, 336 Cupronickel, 187 Curing, 892 Cut-and-peel method, 773 Cutoff, 915 Cutoff, 445, 538, 615 Cutter offset, 698 Cutting, 715 Cutting force, 545, 553 Cutting stiffness, 547, 562 Cutting tool, 536 geometry, 588 lathe, 625 material properties, 575 materials, 569, 573 selection, 570 Cyanoacrylate, 893 Cycle time, A19 Cylindrical grinding, 729 Czochralski method, 954 Daily demand (DD), A2 Damping capacity, 67 Damping capacity, metals, 174 Data-processing unit (DPU), 689 Datum surface, 747 Dead riser, 280 Deburring processes, 943 Decanning, 492 Decouplers, 47, A2, A9, A23 I3 BINDEX 02/09/2012 I4 10:55:47 Page Index Deep drawing, 459 Deep-hole drill, 644, 646 Defects, A68 Deflection, 615 Deformation resistance welding, 852 Degasification, 156 Delayed-tack adhesive, 896 Delta-ferrite, 115 Deoxidization, 156 Depletion region, 951 Deposition, 987 Deposition-based processes, 510 Depth of cut (DOC), 536, 609 Depth-of-cut line (DCL), 586 Depth-to-diameter ratio, 644 Design defects, 83 Design engineer, 11 Design engineering, 252 Design for manufacturing (DFM), 742 Design of experiments (DOE), A71 Desktop manufacturing, 508 Destructive testing vs nondestructive testing, 1051–1052 Deviation-type gage, 1036 Devitrification, 361 Dezincification, 185 Dial indicator, 1036 Diamond pyramid hardness, 71 Diamonds, 583, 713 Die casting, 254, 323 Die casting, metals, 332 Die set, 446 Die shoe, 446 Die sinking, 994 Die-casting, 327 alloys, 199 hot-chamber, 328 Die-castings dies, 328 Dies, 21, 445 Die-sinking machine, 681 Diffusion, 956 Diffusion bonding, 365 Diffusion welding (DFW), 860 Diffusion, 112 Digital signal, 692 Dinking, 445 Dip brazing, 884 Dip soldering, 889 Dipping, 359, 931 Direct digital manufacturing (DDM), 508 Direct extrusion, 420 Direct labor, Direct laser welding, 907 Direct metal deposition (DMD), 523 Direct-current electrode-negative (DCEN), 822 Direct-current electrode-positive (DCEP), 822 Direct-digital manufacturing, 527 Direct-reading instrument, 1020 Direct-write techniques, 957 Discrete fasteners, 902 Disk grinder, 733 Dislocation, 97 Dispersion hardening, 125 Dispersion, strengthened materials, 235 Dissolution, 993 Distortion, 139, 283 Distortion, 809 Distribution, A47 Dividing head, 682 Doctor-blading casting, 362 Dog plate, 629 Dog, 629 Dopant, 954 Doping, 950 Down milling, 671 Draft, 270, 283 Drag, 270, 294 Draw bar, 633 Draw beads, 462 Draw bench, 425 Draw bending, 454 Draw ratio, 461 Drawing, 354, 424, 449 Dressing, 720 Drift, 1019 Drill, body, 640 chuck, 652 point, 640 press, 655 selection, 651 shanks, 640, 643 Drilling, 17, 534, 539, 616, 637 cutting fluids, 658 cutting time, 639 feeds, 638 speeds, 638 Drilling, sequence of operations, 648 Drills, tool life, 597 Droplet deposition manufacturing (DDM), 516 Dross, 274 Dry etching, 961 types of, 962 Dry oxidation, 957 Dry painting, 933 Dry pressing, 362 Dry-sand cores, 307 Dry-sand molds, 302 Dubbing, 641 Ductile cast iron, 176 Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature, 81 Ductility, 65 Duplicator, 681 Duralumunum, 192 Durometer, 72 Duty cycle, 788 Dynamic metrology, 1002 Dynamics of machining, 557 EBW, 866 Economic order quantity (EOQ), A28 Economy of scope, A1 Edge clamp, 762 Edge dislocation, 98 Eff-set molding process, 307 Ejector drill, 645 Elastic deformation, 95 Elastic emission machining (EMM), 997 Elastic limit, 63 Elastomer, 208, 222, 359, 892 Elastomer, artificial, 223 Elastomers, properties, 225 Electric conductivity, 85 Electric resistivity, 85 Electrical conductivity, 103 Electrical discharge machining (EDM), 786, 994 Electropolishing, 927 Electrochemical deburring, 785 grinding, 782 machining (ECM), 779 micromachining (EMM), 781 Electrocoatings, 932 Electrode, 821, 844 Electrodeposition, 932 Electroforming, 471, 937 Electroless composite plating, 939 Electroless plating, 938 Electrolytic tough-pitch copper, (ETP), 184 Electron beam machining, 992 Electron beam melting (EBM), 519 Electron holes, 103, 950 Electron-beam hardening, 144 machining (EBM), 791 welding (EBW), 866 Electronic assembly, 980–983 assembly process, 980 BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:47 Page Index bridging, 981 clinching, 981 feeders, 982 pick-and-place machine, 982 plated through-holes (PTH), 977 slump, 981 snap-off distance, 981 surface mount (SM), 980 through-hole (TH), 980 time–temperature curve, 982 vapor-phase soldering, 983 wave soldering, 981 Electronic products, hierarchy, 950 Electroplating, 935 Electropolishing, 781 Electroslag remelting, (ESR), 157 Electroslag welding (ESW), 865 Electrostatic chuck, 765 Electrostatic deposition, 931 Electrostream drilling, 781 Elongation, 61 Embossing, 468, 469 Embossing, 851 Emery, 712 Enabling technologies, 50 Enamel, 930 End milling, 669 End-inspection, 1018 Endothermic cutting, 871 Endurance limit, 75 Endurance strength, 76 Engine lathe, 609, 620 Engineering stress, 66 Enterprise, 3, 5, A79–A99 acceptable quality level (AQL), A93, A94 accounting, A88 axiomatic design, A80–A81 classical production system, A85 design for manufacture (DFM), A90 design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA), A91 digit technology (DT), A80, A86 dispatching, A95 economic order quantity (EOQ) model, A97 engineering, A89 engineering change orders (ECOs), A91 enterprise resource planning (ERP), A99 enterprise system design (ESD), A81–A84 expediters, A95 external customer design factors, A84 finance, A87 functional areas, A84–A89 human resources (HR) department, A89–A99 industrial engineering, A92 inventory control, A95–A96 lean engineering tools, A93 lean production, A82 make-or-buy decision, A89 manufacturing engineering, A91 manufacturing processes, A79 marketing, A86 master production schedule (MPS), A94 material requirements planning (mrp), A98 operations analysis sheet, A92 plant engineering, A93 procurement/purchasing functions, A94 product design engineering, A90 production scheduling, A95 quality engineering, A93 reorder point model, A97 research and development (R&D), A89 stable system design, functional requirements, A83 troubleshooting/firefighting, A91 value engineering, A91 work-in-process (WIP), A85 Enterprise resource planning (ERP), A26 Epoxy, 893 Equiaxed zone, 274 Equilibrium phase diagram, 106 Erosion, 994 Errors, A57 Etch bias, 961 Etch factor, 777 Etching, 951 Etch radius, 777 Etchant, 773 Ethane, 209 Ethylene, 209 Eutectic, 113 Eutectoid, 113, 130 Evaporation, 990 Evaporative adhesive, 896 Excimer laser, 793 Exothermic cutting, 871 Expansion fit, 903 Expansion reamer, 661 expendable-mold casting, 291 Explosive bonding, 365 Explosive welding (EXW), 861 External chills, 281 External customer, A8 External setup, 759 Extrusion, 351, 418 Extrusion, hollow shapes, 422 Extrusion, lubrication, 421 Extrusion welding, 906 Fabricating, 10, 986 Face milling, 539, 668 Face plate, 633 Face-centered cubic (FCC), 93, 97 Facing, 538, 614 Factory design, Fatigue failures, 78 Fatigue strength, 76, 921 Fatigue striations, 78, 79 Fatigue test, 75 Fatigue testing, 947 Faying surface, 845 Feed force, 545 Feed per tooth, 665 Feed rod, 619 Feed, 536 Ferretic stainless steel, 169 Ferris metals and alloys, 152 Ferris metals, classification, 153 Ferrite, 115, 122 Fibers, reinforcing, 366 Filament winding, 368 File test, 72 Filler metal, 816 Filler metal electrode, 865 Fillet weld, 802 Fillets, 285 Filters, ceramic, 277 Fineblanking, 442 Finisher impression, 409 Finishing processes, 21, 996–1002 Fishbone diagram, A62 Fixed-type gage, 1033 Fixture, 745 Fixture, economics of, 765 Fixtures, welding, 837 Flame cutting, 818 Flame hardening, 143 Flame retardant, 218 Flame straightening, 820 Flanging, 456 Flank wear, 592 Flash, 286, 330, 358, 408, 855 Flash welding (FW), 872 Flashless forging, 409 Flask, 270, 294 Flaskless molding, 301 Flats, 954, 955 I5 BINDEX 02/09/2012 I6 10:55:47 Page Index Flattening, 456 Flexforming, 464 Flexibility, 4, 57, A5 Flexible manufacturing system (FMS), 42 Floating plug, 426 Flow rate, powder, 484 Flow shop, 13, 14, 34, 42, 43, A1 Flow stress, 554 Flow turning, 458 Fluidity, 275, 878 Flush-pin gage, 1035 Flute-chucking reamer, 661 Flutes, 640 Flux-cord arc welding (FCAW), 825 Fluxes, 817 Fluxless brazing, 884 Fluxless soldering, 889 Fly cutter, 678 Foam molding, 353 Foamed plastic, 213, 219 Follow board, 293 Follow rest, 633 Forced vibration, 559 Ford factory system, 54 Forge welding (FOW), 853 Forge-seam welding, 854 Forging, 406 Form milling cutter, 677 Form tools, 625 Form turning, 611 Forming, 17, 19, 449 Formability, 83, 395 Forming limit diagram, 471 Forming processes, 381 dependent variables, 382 Forward extrusion, 428 Forward redraw, 461 Four-jaw chuck, 631 Four-slide machine, 476 Fracture appearance transition temperature (FATT), 81 Fracture mechanics, 83, 230 Fracture strength, 65 Fracture toughness, 83 Free vibration, 559 Free-form fabrication, 508 Free-form manufacturing, 19 Free-machining steels, 167 Freeze drying, 107 Freezing range, 109, 273 Friability, 713 Friction force, 553 Friction stir welding, 906 Friction welding, 855, 905 Friction, 384 Friction, coefficient, 385 Friction-stir welding (FSW), 856–858 Full annealing, 123 Fullering, 409 Full-mold casting, 317 Furnace brazing, 883 Furnaces for heat treating, 145 Furnaces, 337 Fused deposition modeling (FDM), 521 Fusion, 518 Fusion weld terminology, 807 Fusion welding, 800, 816 Fusion zone, 805 G Ratio, 718 Gage blocks, 1007 Gage capability, 1011, 1019, A58 Gage length, 62 Gaging, 1006 Galvanizing, 198, 934 Gang milling, 676 Gang-drilling machine 655 Gap-lathe, 620 Garnets, 713 Gas atomization, 483 Gas flame welding, 814 Gas flushing, 275 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), 826 Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) 831, 833 Gas-hardened cores, 309 Gate, 293 Gating system, 276 Gel milling 773 Geometric tolerance, 1016 Glass ceramics, 229 Glass, 229 Glassy state, 226 Globular transfer, 827 Go gage, 1034 Goods, Gooseneck die casting, 328 Grain boundaries, 95 Grain flow pattern, 389 Grain growth, 102, 272 Grain size, 296, 714 Grain structure, 95 Grain-size refinement, 125 Grand average, A57 Graphite mold, 313 Graphite, 118, 205 Gravity drop hammer, 407 Green density, 487 Green strength, 484 Green-sand, 296 Green-sand casting, 302 Green-sand cores, 307 Grinding cutting tools, 723 machines, 726 operations, 722 parameters, 712 Grinding wheel geometry, 722 grade, 717 marking system, 733 structure, 717 Grinding, 534, 710, 711 GRIP flow, 443 Grit size vs surface finish, 715 Groove weld, 801 Grooving, 538 Group jig, 760, 762 Group technology, 15 Guerin process, 462 Gundrill, 644 Hafnium, 204 Hammer, computer-controlled, 407 Hand ramming, 299 Hand reamer, 660 Hand spraying, 931 Hand-layup processing, 370 Hard chrome plate, 937 Hardenability, 136, 159 Hardfacing, 873 Hardness, 297, 921 Hardness conversion table, 72 Hardness testing, 68 Hardness vs temperature, 573 Hardness vs tensile strength, 73 Hatching, 513 Headstock, 618 Heat capacity, 85 checking, 328 treating, 339 treatment, 21, 121 Heat-affected zone (HAZ), 788, 805, 840, 993 Heliarc welding, 831 Helical mill, 677 Helix angle, 640 Hexagonal close-packed lattice (HCP), 94, 97 Hi-energy-rate-forming (HERF), 468 High hardness, 572 High speed grinding, 728 High-speed steels, (HSS), 172, 569, 576, 685 High-speed steels coated, 577 BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:47 Page Index Histogram, A47, A61 Hold-down pressure, 461 Hole cutter, 647 Hole saw, 647 Hollow end mill, 674 Homogenization, 124 Honing, 734 Hooks law, 63 Horn press, 475 Hot drawing, 467 hardness, 572 isostatic pressing (HIP), 7, 491 rolling, 401 spots, 285 spraying, 931 tears, 298 working, 101, 387 Hot-box method, 309 Hot-dip coating, 934 Hot-gas welding, 906 Hot-isostatic pressing, HIP, 362 Hot-metal-gas forming 467 Hot-plate welding, 906 H-process molding, 301 Hubbing, 434 Hybrid welding processes, 870 Hydraulic presses, 474 Hydro dynamic machining, 739 Hydroforming, 463 Hydroforming parallel-plate, 464 Hydrogen, 819 Hydrostatic extrusion, 423 Hypoeutectoid steels, 117 IC architectures development of, 953 process of, 958 Impact extrusion, 428 Impact plating, 939 Impact test, 66, 74 Impactor, 409 Implant welding, 906 Impregnation, 340, 496 Impression-die forging, 408 Incremental information 692 Indexable insert drill, 650 Indexing, 683 Indirect extrusion, 420 Induction brazing, 883 furnace, 338 hardening, 143 Inert gas, 490 Inertia welding, 855 Infeed, 727 Infiltration, 340, 496 Infrared radiation welding, 907 Injection die casting, 329 Injection melting (DIM), 156 Injection molding, 349, 362, 373 Inkjet deposition (ID), 516 Inoculation, 176, 272 Inserts, 330, 357 Insert-tooth milling cutter, 678 Insolubility, 111 Inspection methods, 1018 Inspection, 9, 1005, A53 Insulating sleeves, 281 Integral fasteners, 902 Integrated circuit packaging, 968–975 ball grid arrays (BGAs), 971 chip-and-wire attachment, 971 chip scale packaging (CSP), 971 direct chip attachment (DCA), 971 direct die mounting, 971 dual in-line package (DIP), 969 flip-chips, 974 Gull-wing leads, 969 multichip modules (MCMs), 974 packaging processes, 971 pin grid arrays (PGAs), 969 pin-in-hole (PIH) technology, 969 premolded packages, 974 quad flat packages (QFPs), 971 surface mount (SM) technology, 969 tape-automated bonding (TAB), 971, 973 Tessera micro BGA package, 974 through-hole (TH) technology, 969 Integrated circuits (ICs), 21, 949 Integration, A67 Interchangeable parts, 52, A1, A92 Interference band, 1027 Interference fit, 1012 Interferometry ,1026 Interim cell, A15 Interim manufacturing cell, A15, A18, A19 Intermediate jig concept, 760 Intermetallic compound, 103, 113, 203 Internal chills, 281 customer, A8 setup, 759 International meter, 1006 International system of units, 1006 Interpolation, 698 Interrupted cutting, 665 Interstitial atoms, 98 Intrinsic semiconductor, 103 Invar, 201 Inventory control, TPS, A30 I7 Investment casting, 313, 315 counter-gravity, 317 mold, 228 Ion-beam machining (IBM), 791, 995 Ionic bonds, 90 Ionitriding, 145 Iron, 153 Iron age, 1, 59 Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, 114 Ironing, 468 Islands, 774 ISO system, 1017 Isostatic compaction 489 Isostatic pressing, 362 Isothermal forging, 394, 411 Isothermal-transformation (I-T), 129 Isotropic, 100 Izod test, 74 Jacobs chuck, 653 Jidoka, A4 Jig, 745 Jigs, welding, 837 Job shop, 5, 6, 12, 13, 33, 34, 35, A1, A4, A16, A33 Joinability, 811 Joining, 799 Joining processes, 20 Jolting, 299 Jominy test, 134 Just-in-time quality control (JIT/ TQC), A4, A43, A59 Just-In-Time, (JIT), 54, 55 Kanban, 47, A2 Kerf, 818, 871, 992 Kevlar, 238, 246, 366 Keyhole effect, 835 Knoop test, 71 Knotching, 444 Knurling, 617 Lacquer, 930 Ladle metallurgy, 154 Laminated-object manufacturing (LOM), 523 Lamination processes, 369 Lancing, 444 Land, 640 Lap joint, 878 Lap welding, 472 Lapping, 737 Laser, Laser beam micromachining, 993 Laser interferometer, 1027 Laser processing, 792 Laser scanning, 1028 BINDEX 02/09/2012 I8 10:55:47 Page Index Laser spot welding, 872 Laser types, 793 Laser-based additive process, 512 Laser-beam cutting (LBC), 870 hardening, 144 machining (LBM), 791 welding (LBW), 868–870 Laser-engineering net shaping (LENS), 523 Lathe, Lathe center, 618, 629 Lathe design, 617 Lathe dog, 630 Lattice, 92, 950 schematic of, 951 Lay symbols, 915 Lay, 914 Layered composites, 234 Layered manufacturing, 508 Lead alloys, 203 Leadscrew, 619 Leaf jig, 754 Lean cell machine tool design, A37–A39 Lean engineer (LE), 11, A1 Lean engineering, A1 Lean manufacturing cell design, A31A36 Lean manufacturing cell layout, A34 Lean manufacturing system, 46 Lean manufacturing, 12, A43 Lean production system, A1 Lean production, 3, 25, 54, 55, A4 Lean production, implementation, A6 Lean shop, 34 Least material condition (LMC), 1016 Led-free solders, 887 Leveling, 456, A5 Life-cycle cost, 24 Limit dimensions, 1015 Line balancing, 53, A9 Line stop, A66 Linear friction welding (LFW), 856, 905 Linear variable-differential transformer (LVDT,) 1036, A51 Linearity, 1019 Linked cell manufacturing system (L-CMS), 14, 47, A2, A4, A39 Linked-cell, 13 Lips, 641 Liquid atomization, 483 Liquid-based process, 510 Liquidus line, 109 Liquidus, 272 Lithium, 194 Lithography, 957 Little’s Law, A4, A28 Live riser, 280 Locating, 745 Location dimension, 747 Logarithmic strain, 66 Lost wax casting process, 17, 18 Lost-foam casting, 317 Lost-wax process, 314 Lower natural tolerance limit (LNTL), 1013 Lower specification limit, A43 Lower yield point, 64 Low-force groove (LFG), 589 Low-pressure permanent-mold casting (LPPM), 325 Low-stress grinding, 720 Lubricants, 387 Lubrication, 386 Luders band, 392 Machinability, 83, 598 Machine tool, 1, 5, 6, 536, A36 Machine tools, automation steps, A22 Machine zero point, 690 Machining, 17, 533 allowance, 283 center, 702 costs, 587 economics, 600 forces, 541 heat distribution, 571 plastics, 354 power, 543 time, 613, 636 Machinists rule, 1021 Macro fabrication, 986 Macrosegregation, 112 Magnesium alloys, properties, 197 Magnesium, 196 Magnetic abrasive machining, 1000 Magnetic chuck, 763 Magnetic flow polishing, 1000 Magnetic response, 85 Magnetorheological finishing (MRF), 998 Magnification, 1020 Make one – check one – move one on (MO-CO-MOO), A2, A70 Mallability, 83 Mandrel, 421, 630 Mannesmann process 432 Manufacturing, 59 cell, A9, A26 cell, cycle time A42 cost, 2, defects, 83 engineer, 11, 28 environmental considerations, 254 evolution, 50 geometric considerations, 254 material cost, 257 process, 3, 6, 30 resource planning (MRP), A26 system design, 3, 12, 26, 33, A4 Manufacturing system, 30, 31, 32 characteristics, 49 MAPP gas, 816 Martempering, 142 Martensite, 130 Martensitic stainless steel, 169 Maskant, 773, 991 Masked lamp descending platform, 515 Mass production, 42, 43, A4 Mass production system, 15, A1 Mass vs lean production system, Mass-transport limited, 965 Material availability, 257 defects, 83 handling, 22 processing families, 268 removal, 267 requirements planning (mrp), A26 selection, 248-266 selection, methods, 253 substitutions, 260 engineer, 11 handling, processing, 59, 267 Materials vs processes, compatibility, 259 Maximum material condition (MMC), 1016 Mean, A43, A57 Measurement, 1005 Mechanical fastening, 901–905 plating, 939 presses, 472 properties, 60 Melting, 269 Merchant’s force diagram 553 Meso fabrication, 986 Metal cutting, 17, 533 cutting fluids, 599 heat sources, 572 Metal forming, 379 BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:48 Page Index independent variables, 380 modeling, 384 Metal injection molding (MIM), 493 Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field, 953 Metal powder cutting (POC), 820 Metal removal process, 17 Metal removal rate (MRR), 536, 613 drilling, 639 ECG, 784 ECM, 780 milling, 666 Metal spinning, laser-assisted, 458 Metal working, 385 Metal working lubrication, 385 Metal inert-gas welding (MIG), 826 Metallizing, 873 Metallic bond, 91 glasses, 204 materials, 60 Metal-matrix composites (MMCs), 239, 373 Methane, 209 Methods-time-measurement, 39 Methyl-acetylene-propadiene, 816 Metric-English conversion, 1008 Metrology, 1002, 1018, 1033 Micro abrasive blasting, 991 Micro chipping, 586 Micro drilling, 652 Micro fabrication, 986 Micro/meso/nano fabrication processes, 986–1003 additive processes, 987–1002 chemical vapor deposition (CVD), 988–990 deposition, 987 mechanical micromachining, 990 abrasive-flow machining, 1000 abrasive-jet machining, 991 chemical/electrochemical milling, 996 elastic emission machining, 996–998 electrodischarge micromachining, 994 electron-beam machining (EBM), 992–993 finishing processes, 996 heat-affected zone (HAZ), 993 ion-beam machining, 995 laser-beam micromachining, 993 magnetic abrasive machining, 1000–1002 magnetic float polishing, 999–1000 magnetorheological abrasiveflow finishing, 999 magnetorheological machining, 998–999 proton-beam machining, 996 ultrasonic micromachining, 990 water-jet/abrasive water-jet cutting, 992 metrology, 1002–1003 confocal laser scanning microscopy, 1002–1003 scanning interferometers, 1002 microcracks, 986 removal processes, 990 size effect, 986–987 spin-on deposition, 988 Microcracks, 986 Microindentation hardness, 71 Micromachining, 990 Micrometer caliper, 1022 Microstructure, 89 Microwave energy, 906 Microwave sintering, 491 Milling, 17, 534, 617 fixture, 770 horsepower, 670 problems/causes, 673 speeds and feeds, 667 up vs down, 671 Milling cutting time, 666 Milling feed rate, 665 Milling machines, 678 accessories, 682 bed type, 680 column and knee, 678 planer-type, 680 ram type, 678 turret type, 678 Milling surface finish, 672 MIM flowchart, 494 Misruns, 275 Modular fixture, 757 Modular tooling, 446 Modulus of elasticity, 63 Moisture content, 296 Mold cavity, 270 constant, 273 hardness, 296 release agent, 217 Molding, 17 Molding plates, 865 Molecular structure, 92 Molybdenum, 202 I9 Monel, 187, 201 Monolithic, 804 Motherboard, 949 Mottled zone, 175 Mounted wheel, 734 Mucleation, 95 Muda, A2 Muller, 296 Multiple-spindle drilling machine, 657 Multislide press, 476 Nano fabrication, 986, 990 Natural gas, 819 NC tape format, 697 NC words, 696 Necessary cycle time (NCT), A4 Necking, 64 Net-shape forging, 417 Neutral axis, 449 Neutral flame oxidizing flame, 815 Nibbling, 444 Nichrome, 201 Nickel silver, 187 Nickel-based alloys, 201 Niobium, 202 Nitriding, 145 No-bake molding, 304 Nodulizer, 176 No-gage, 1034 Nominal, A44, A47 Non metals, 60 Nonconsumable-electrode process, 822 Nondestructive testing and inspection, 1052–1053 advanced optical methods, 1052 chemical analysis and surface topography, 1053 computed tomography (CT), 1053 dormant vs critical flaws, 1053 leak testing, 1052 resistivity methods, 1053 strain sensing, 1052 thermal methods, 1052 vs destructive testing, 1051–1052 acoustic emission monitoring, 1051–1052 advantages and limitations, 1042 eddy-current testing, 1049–1051 hardness testing, 1041 liquid penetrant inspection, 1043, 1044 magnetic particle inspection, 1044–1046 BINDEX 02/09/2012 I10 10:55:48 Page 10 Index Nondestructive testing (Continued) proof testing, 1041 radiographic inspection, 1048–1049 ultrasonic inspection, 1046–1048 visual inspection, 1043 Nonferrous metals alloys, 182 properties, 182 Nonmetallic materials, 208 Nonmetals density, 203 Nontraditional machining (NTM), 771 Normal chance variation, A58 Normal distribution, A48 Normalizing, 123, 124 Notch sensitive, 75 NTM hole making, 783 NTM processes, 772 N-type semiconductor, 103 Nucleation, 271 Nugget, 847 Numerical control, 7, 15 Oblique machining, 534, 547 Offset method, 64 One-piece flow, A3 Onset of shear, 548 Open riser, 280 Open-die hammer forging, 407 Open-mold processing, 371 Operation, 5, Operations sheet, 33, 38 Optical flats, 1027 Optical projector, 1026 Orbital forging, 412 Organic compound, 929 Organic finishes, 930 Oriented plastic, 218 Oriented structure, 389 Orifice gas, 834 Orthogonal array, A72 disk machining (ODM), 547 machining, 534, 547 plate machine (OPT), 547 plate machining, 568 tube turning (OTT), 547 Osprey process, 472, 493 Overcut, 789 Oxyacetylene cutting (OFC-A), 819 Oxyacetylene metal-spraying gun, 874 Oxyfuel-gas cutting (OFC), 818 Oxyfuel welding/materials, 817 Oxyfuel-gas welding (OFW), 814 Oxygen lance cutting (LOC), 818 Oxygen-free high-conductivity copper, (OFHC), 184 P/M advantages, 501 forging, 495 processes, 579 products, 499 Pack rolling, 402 Packages, 21 Packaging, 9, 22 Painting, 930 Pallet changer, 704 Parent population, A53 Pareto diagram, A63 Parison, 347 Part program, 695 Particulate processes, 482 Parting line, 270 Parting, 538, 615 Patterns, 270, 281, 293 cope-and-drag, 294 loose-piece, 294 match-plate, 294 one-piece, 293 Pearlite, 129 Peck drilling, 694 Peen plating, 939 Peening, 434 Penetration, 276, 298, 823 Percent elongation, 65 Percent reduction in area, 66 Percussion welding (PEW), 873 Perforating, 444 Performance of materials, 59, 89 Peripheral milling, 665 Permanent-mold casting, 325 Permeability, 295 Permeability number, 297 Phase diagram, 106 Phase transformation, 125 Phosphate coating, 935 Phosphor bronze, 187 Phosphosilicate glass (PSG), 964 Photochemical machining (PCM), 776 Photochemical milling, 775 Photocurable polymers, 514 Photolithic, 993 Photolithography, 951, 959, 960, 988 Photomasks, 957 Photoresist, 776, 955 Physical properties, 60, 85 Physical vapor deposition (PVD), 574, 590, 989 Pickling, 391 Piercing, 431, 444 Pig iron, 153 Pillow forming, 464 Pilot, 447 Pilot process A52 Pipe, 400 Plain end mill, 674 Plain milling cutter, 677 Plain-carbon steel, 157 Plasma, 834 Plasma arc cutting (PAC), 794, 820 Plasma arc welding (PAW), 834 Plasma-arc spray gun, 874 Plasma etching, 961 Plaster casting, 312 Plaster mold casting, 311 Plastic deformation, 63, 96, 379 Plastic deformation in surface, 920 Plastic, fillers, 216 Plasticizers, 217 Plastics vs Metals, 220 Plastics, 208 additive agents, 216 biodegradable, 222 properties, 214 recycling, 220 structure, 209 Plate jig, 754 Plate, 399 Plowing, 715 Plug gage, 1034 Plug weld, 803 Plunge-cut grinding, 727 P-N junction, 951, 952 Pocket milling, 694 Point-to-point machine, 689 Poissons’s ratio, 96 Poka-yoke, 10, 47, A2, A68, A69 Polarization, 92 Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), 586 Polycrystalline diamonds (PCD), 584 Polycrystalline metals, 99 Polyformic, 93 Poly-jet conceptual model, 524 Polymer, 210 Polymerization, 210 Polysilicon, 965 Polyvinylchloride, (PVC), 212 Population, A48 Porcelain enameling, 940 Porosity, 271 Positioners, welding, 837 Post processing, 510 Pouring cup, 270 Pouring, 269 Powder coating, 933 BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:48 Page 11 Index Powder injection molding (PIM), 493 Powder manufacturing, 483 Powder metallurgy (P/M), 267, 481 Powder metallurgy, design rules, 498 Powder metallurgy properties, 497 Powder mixing, 485 Powder-based process, 510 Power supplies, welding, 836 Precipitation hardening, 125 Precision, 382, 1010, A44, A52 forging, 418 plasma, 839 Predeposition, 956 Prepreg, 367 Press bending, 454 Press break, 449 Press fit, 903 Press forging, 411 Press, hydraulic, 411 Press, mechanical, 411 Press, screw, 411 Presses, drive mechanisms, 472 Presses, gap-frame, 474 Pressure gas welding (PDW), 817 Pressure-bag molding, 370 Pressure-induced ductility, 423 Pressure-sensitive adhesive, 896 Pressure-temperature (P-T) diagram, 106 Pressure-to-pressure extrusion, 423 Primary bonds, 90 Printed circuit board (PCB), 21, 949, 975–979 additive circuitization, 978 built-up multilayers, 979 buttercoated, 978 double-sided, 975 epoxyimpregnated fiberglass, laminates, 976 flex circuits, 975 inner-layer circuitization, 978 microvias, 979 multilayers of laminations, 979 outer-layer circuitization, 979 partially buried vias, 978 plated through-holes (PTHs), 977 single-sided, double-sided, or multilayer, 977 stages, 975 substrate selection criteria, 976 subtractive circuitization, 978 thick film, 977 Printed wiring assemblies (PWAs), 949 Probability distribution, A48 Probe, 704 Process anneal, 123 capability, 704, 1011, 1025, A43 capability study, A45, A48 capacity table, A27 damping, 562 flow chart (PFC), A63 planning, 33, 35, 744 planning sheet, A17 play, technology, 23 variability, A45 Processing, 8, 10 Producer goods, Product liability, 261 Product life cycle, 23, 24 Production life-cycle, Production ordering kanban (PLK), A28 Production rate (PR), A4 Production systems, 3, 4, 30, 31 See also Enterprise Products, 10 Profiler, 681 Programmable automation, 120 Programmable logic controller (PLC), 42 Progressive die set, 447 Progressive fractures, 78 Progressive snap gage, 1035 Project shop, 13, 14, 44 Projection printing, 960 Projection welding (RPW), 851 Propane, 819 Properties of materials, 59, 89 Proportional limit, 63 Propylene, 816 Protective atmosphere, 490 Proton beam micromachining, 996 Prototype, 252 Proximity printing, 960 P-type semiconductor, 104 Pull method, A9 Pulsed plasma arc cutting, 839 Pulsed sprayed transfer (GMAW-P), 827 Pulsed-current ECM (PECM), 781 Pultrusion, 368 Pulverization, 484 Punch 445, 446 Punch holder, 446 Punch press, turret-type, 448 Punched tape, 692 Pyrolithic, 993 Quality circles, A59 Quality control (QC), A44 Quartz, 712 I11 Quench and temper, 133 Quench cracking, 137 Quench media, 137 Quenching, 127 Quick-change chuck, 652 gear box, 619 Quick-release fastener, 903 Quick-stop device (QSD), 552 Quill, 618 Rabbit chase, A9 Radial drilling machine, 657 Radial force, 545 Radiation-curing adhesive, 897 Radius gage, 1035 Rake angle, 588 RAM EDM, 786 Range (R), A55 Range of fit, 1013 Rapid manufacturing, 19 Rapid prototyping, 19, 507 Rapid thermal annealing (RTA), 956 Rapid thermal processing technologies, 956 Rapid tooling (RT), 525 Rastoring, 511 Ratchet marks, 79 Reaction injection molding, 350 Reaction stresses, 809 Reactive hot melt, 894 Reactive ion etching (RIE), 961 Reamers, types of, 660 Reaming, 616, 659 Recrystallization, 101, 123, 388 Reducing atmosphere, 490 Refractoriness, 295 Refractory materials, 227 Refractory metals, 202 Regardless of feature size (RFS), 1016 Regenerative chatter, 559 Regulator, 731 Relay zones, A12 Repeat accuracy, 1019 Repeatability, 1011, A44, A52 Repressing, 495 Reproducibility, 1011 Residual stress, 77, 123, 139, 389, 808, 840, 913, 921 Resilience, 63 Resinoid bond, 718 Resin-transfer molding, RTM, 371 Resistance brazing, 884 butt welding, 851 seam welding (RSEW), 850 spot welding (RSW), 847 BINDEX 02/09/2012 I12 10:55:48 Page 12 Index Resistance welding, 844–847 Resistance, heating, 845 Resist mask, 957 Resolution detection, 917 Resolution, 958, 1020 Resolver, 691 Retained austenite, 131 Reverse engineering, 511 Reverse polarity (RPDC), 822 Reverse redrawing, 461 Rhenium, 202 Rheocasting, 332 Ring gage, 1034 Ring jig, 754 Ring rolling, 404 Riser design, 280 Riser, 270 Rivet, 903 Riveting, 433 Rocker-arm machining, 848 Rockwell hardness test scales, 70 Rockwell hardness test, 69 Rod, 400 Rod-drawing process, 424 Roll bending, 454 bonding, 365 extrusion, 432 forging, 4, 455 Roll-bonding, 854 Roller burnishing, 435, 920 Rolling defects, 405 Rolling, 354, 399 Rolling mill, 402 Rollover jig, 755 Roll-welding (ROW), 854 Rose-chucking reamer, 661 Rotary piercing, 431 Rotational molding, 353 Roughness, 914 Route sheet, 33, 37, A17 Route-mean-square (rms), 916 Rubber bond, 719 Rubber, 223, 359 Rubber-die forming, 462 Rubber-mold casting, 313 Rubbing, 715 Rule of 10, 1020 Run chart, A47, A60 Runner, 270, 277, 293 Sailon, 232 Salt bath furnace, 147 Salt-bath brazing, 883 Sample, A48 Sample error, A57 Sample size, A54, A55 Sand casting, 292 Sand slinger, 299 Saturated monomer, 209 Sawing, 17, 534 Scanned laser polymerization (SLP), 515 Scanning interferometer, 1002 Scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), 1003 Scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 1003 Scatter diagram, A63 Scleroscope test, 72 Screen printing, 774 Screw dislocation, 98 Screw machine, 622–625 Seaming, 456 Seamless tubing, 431 Season cracking, 185 Secondary bond, 92 Seed crystal, 954 Selective inkjet binding, 520 Selective laser melting (SLM), 516 Selective laser sintering (SLS), 516 Selenium, 188 Self-check, A68 Self-excited vibration, 559 Semicentrifugal casting, 334 Semiconductors, 950–951 Semisolid casting, 331 Sensitivity, 958, 1020 Sensitization, 171 Sequence of operations, Service system, Services, Servomotor, 692 Setup, 747 Shake out, 295 Shallow drawing, 459 Shaped-tube electrolytic machining (STEM), 781 Shaping, 17, 534, 540 Shaving, 444 Shaw process, 312 Shear angle and direction of shear, 548 angle, 445 force, 553 forming, 458 front angle, 555 strain, 555 stress, 61, 554 velocity, 552 Shearing, 17, 379, 440, 443, 548 Sheet, 399 Sheet metal forming, 440 Sheet metal, properties, 469 Sheet stamping, 373 Sheet steels, mechanical properties, 166 Sheet-forming processes, 399 Sheet-molding compounds, (SMC), 238 Shelf life, 22 Shell end mill, 674 Shell molding, 304 Shell reamer, 661 Shellac bond, 719 Shell-molding compound, SMC, 367 Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), 823 Short-circuit transfer (GMAW-S), 827 Shot blasting, 922 Shot peening, 810, 920 Shrink fit, 903 Shrink rules, 282 Shrinkage, 271, 278 Shrinkage, age allowance, 282 Side mill, 674 Side riser, 280 Silica, 227 Silica sand, 298 Silicate bond, 718 Silicon age, 59 bronze, 187 carbide, 231, 236, 713 nitride, 231 Silicon wafer, 954–955 fabricating integrated circuits, 955–962 Silicones, 894 Silver solder, 881 Sine bar, 1033 Single minute exchange of dies (SMED), A4 Single piece flow, 57 Single-minute-exchange-of-dies (SMED), 759 Single-piece flow (SPF), A3 Sinter bonding, 908 Sinter brazing, 490 Sinter hardening, 491 Sintered carbide, 578 Sinter-fore, 364 Sintering, 360, 489, 510 laser, 363 liquid-phase, 363 reaction, 363 microwave, 363 spark-plasma, 363 BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:48 Page 13 Index Sintermask, 521 Six Sigma, A43, A70 Size dimension, 747 Size effect, 986 Sizing, 432, 495 Skelp, 472, 472 Skin-dried, mold casting, 302 Slab, 399 Slab milling, 539, 665 Slag, 274, 817 Slip casting, 362 Slip lines, 100 Slitting, 444 Slush casting, 324 Small-scale integration (SSI), 952 Smith forging, 408 Smoothing of production, A5 S-N curve, 76 Snagging, 720 Snap gage, 1035 Snap-fit fastener, 903 Snap-fits, 355 Sodium silicate molding, 302 Solder, 204 Soldering fluxes, 888 Soldering materials, 886 Soldering, 808, 885–889 Sol-gel processing, 362 Solid ground curing (SGC), 515 Solid solution, 103 Solidification, 112, 269, 271 Solid-solution strengthening, 125 Solid-state welding, 844 Solidus line, 110 Solidus, 273 Solubility studies, 109 Solvent cleaning, 928 Solvent welding, 907 Solvus line, 109 Sonotrode, 990 Source inspection, A68 Spade drill, 648 Spark erosion, 786, 994 Spark-plasma sintering, 491 Specific heat, 85 Specific horsepower (HP), 543 Specification limits, A47 Speed sensitivity, 385 Speed, 536 Spheroidization, 123 Spider mandrel, 905 Spin coating, 958 Spindle, 618, 655, 924 Spinneret, 354 Spinning, 354, 457 Spin-on deposition, 988 Split core box, 308 Split nut, 619 Spot face, 659 Spot welding, 833 Spot-welding gun, 848 Spray deposition, 472 forming, 472, 493 molding, 372 painting, 931 transfer (GMAW-ST), 827 Sprayed metals, applications, 875 Springback, 391, 449, 453 Sprue well, 277 Sprue, 270, 293 Sputter etching/ion milling, 961 Sputtering, 990 Square head, 1021 Squeeze casting, 331 Squeezing machine, 299 S-shaped curve, Stability lobe diagram, 564 Stability, 1019 Stabilization, 227 Stabilizers, 217 Stack cutting, 819 Stack molding, 301 Stainless steels, 169 Stair stepping, 511 Staking, 433, A43 Standard operation route sheet (SORS), A21 Standard work, A25 combination sheet, A28 sheet, A29 Standards of measurement ampere, 1006 candela, 1006 length, 1006 mass, 1006 temperature, 1006 time, 1006 Standard-work-in-process, (SWIP), 49 Static properties, 61 Station, 5, Statistical process control (SPC), A53 Steady rest, 633 Steel sheet, precoated, 167 Steel, 116, 154 alloying elements, 159 baken-hardenable, 163 martensitic, 164 Steel-rule die set, 447 Steels advanced high-strength, (AHSS), 163 complex-phase, (CP), 164 I13 dual phase, 164 high-strength, low-alloy, (HSLA), 162 low, medium, high, carbon steel, 157 maraging, 168 microalloyed, 163 structural, 162 transformation-induced plasticity, (TRIP), 164 Stellite tools 577 Step drill, 648 Stepped machining, 774 Stepper, 958 Step-type go/no-go gage, 1034 Stereolithography (STL), 510 Stereolithography apparatus, 514 Stick welding, 823 Stiefel mill, 432 Stiffness, 63, 572 Stimulation emission, 792 Stockless production, A30 Stone age, 1, 59 Storage, 22 Storing, Straddle milling, 676 Straight polarity (SPDC), 822 Straightening, 456 Straight-sided press, 475 Strain hardening, 67, 98, 125, 390, 470 Strain, 61 Strain-hardening exponent, 67 Strain rate, 67 Strap clamp, 761 Stress, 61 Stress concentration, 286 Stress relief, 810 Stress vs number of cycles, 76 Stress-corrosion cracking, 185 Stress-rupture diagram, 82 Stress-strain diagram, 63 Stretch forming, 459 Stretcher strains, 392 Stretching, 449 Stringers, 389 Strip, 399 Strip rolling, 438 Stripper plate, 445 Structural adhesive, 892, 896 Structural shapes, 400 Structure of materials, 59, 89 Stud welding (SW), 830 Stylus profile device, 916 Subassembly cells, A9 Subcell design, A14 Subcell system, A9 Subland drill, 648 BINDEX 02/09/2012 I14 10:55:48 Page 14 Index Submerged arc welding (SAW), 828 Substitution atom, 98 Successive check, A68 Super abrasive bond, 719 Super alloys, 201 abrasives, 228 finishing, 736 heat, 272 micrometer, 1025 plastic forming, 469 Superficial hardness test, 70 Superglue, 893 Superplastic forming, 861 Surface damage vs rake angle, 920 deformation, 913 engineering, 912 finish, 582, 914, 918 grinding, 711, 731 hardening, 143 integrity, 720, 912 roughness, 914 roughness vs process, 919 treatments, 21 Surfacing, 873 Surfacing weld, 801 Sustaining technology, Swaging, 416 Swing, 619 Swing grinder, 720 Tachogenerator, 701 Taguchi methods, A43, A71 Tailstock, 618 Takt time, A2, A8 Tandem rolling mill, 403 Tang, 643 Tantalum, 202 Tape casting, 362 Tape laying, 368 Taper reamer, 661 Taylor tool life, 594 Temper designation, 191 Temperature effect on material properties, 79 Temperature-composition phase diagram, 107 Tempered glass, 227 Tempering, 132, 361 Ten percent rule, A59 Tensile impact test, 75 Tensile strain, 62, 64 Tensile strength vs elongation, 165 Tensile strength vs yield strength in steels, 161 Tensile test, 62, 64 Terne coating, 935 Terpolymer, 210 Tessellation, 510 Testing, 9, 1005 Thermal arrest, 272 cladding, 873 cutting, 818 cutting processes, 801 deburring, 795 error, 702 expansion, 85 fatigue, 328 spray coating, 873–876 Thermit welding (TW), 864 Thermo conductivity, 85 Thermoforming, 352 Thermoplastic, 210, 215, 892 Thermoplastic polymer, 905 Thermosetting, 210, 216, 892 Thick-molding compound, TMC, 367 Thin films, 957 Thin films deposition, 962–968 chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes, 963 epitaxial growth, 966 integrated circuit component interconnection, 966–967 integrated circuit yield and economics, 968 physical vapor deposition (PVD, 962 sputtering, 963 vapor-phase epitaxy (VPE), 966 Thixocasting, 332 Thorium, 204 Thread pitch gage, 1035 Threading tools, 625 Three-dimensional printing (3DP), 520 Three-jaw chuck, 631 Through-mask techniques, 957 Thruput time (TPT), A4, A8, A19 Time-temperature-transformation (T-T-T) diagram, 129 Tin alloys, 203 Tin bronze, 186 Tin coating, 935 Titanium alloys strength vs temperature, 200 Titanium alloys, 199 Titanium carbide (TiC), 589 Titanium nitride (TiN), 589 Titanium, 249 T-joint, 803 Toggle clamp, 762 Tolerance, 1012 Tools, chip interface, 571 design, 748 failure, 592 grinder, 733 life, 592, 608 paths, 509 setting point, 694 steel, 171, 576 steels, AISI grades, 172 Tooling 5, 9, 380 Tool-less manufacturing, 508 Toolmakers flat, 1027 Toolmaker’s microscope, 1025 Top riser, 280 Topography, 913 Torch brazing, 882 Torque, drilling, 641 Total quality control (TQC), A4 Toughness, 66, 572, 574 Toyota production system (TPS), 25, 54, 55, A1, A4 Toyota sewing system (TSS), A9, A12 Transfer dies, 448 line, 42, 45, 54, A21 molding, 348 press, 476 Transgun, 848 Transmission laser welding, 907 Treatments, Trepanning, 646 Tribology, 387 Trimming, 462 True strain, 66 True stress-true strain curve, 66, 391 Truing, 720 Trust force drilling, 641 T-slot cutter, 678 Tube bending, 454–455 Tube drawing, 425 Tube hydroforming, 465 Tube sinking, 426 Tube, 400 Tumble jig, 755 Tumbling, 922 Tungsten carbide, 685 Tungsten inert-gas welding (TIG), 831 Tungsten, 202 Turbulent flow, 276 Turning, 17, 20, 534, 535, 538, 609–613 Turning center, 611, 703, 745 Turret lathe, 621 BINDEX 02/09/2012 10:55:48 Page 15 Index Turret lathe tools, 628 Turret press, 475 Turret type drilling machine, 657 Twist drill, geometry, 637 Two-lip mill, 674 Ultimate tensile strength, 64 Ultra-high-speed machining center (UHSMC), 705 Ultrasonic cleaning, 929 consolidation, 524 impact grinding, 738 machining (USM), 738 micromachining, 990 welding (USW), 858–860, 905 Undercutting, 777 Uniform elongation, 65 Unilateral tolerance, 1014 Unit cell, 92 Unit strains, 61 Universal jig, 755 Unsaturated monomer, 209 Up milling, 671 Upper natural tolerance limit (UNTL), 1013 Upper specification limit, A43 Upper yield point, 64 Upset forging, 413, 430 Upset welding (UW), 873 Upsetting, 820 Uranium, 204 Urethane, 894 U-shaped cells, 46, 47 Vacuum-assisted resin-transfer molding, (VARTM), 372 Vacuum-bag molding, 370 Valence electrons, 90 Value stream map (VSM), A66 Van der Waals force, 92, 211 Vapor degreasing, 929 Vapor-phase reflow soldering, 889 Vapor-phase soldering, 888 Variability, A43, A45 Variable polarity, 822 Variables, 1005 Venting, 324 Verification, 697 Vernier caliper, 1021 Vertical turning lathe, 620 Vibration welding, 905 Vibration, 557 Vickers hardness test, 71 Videograph, 550 Visco elastic polymer, 1000 Viscoelastic plastic, 218 Viscous flow, 360 Vise, 757 Vision system, 1029 Visual inspection, 1029 Vitrification, 360 Vitrified bond, 718 Voids, 298 Volatile organic compound (VOC), 929 Voxel geometry, 512 V-process molding, 306 Vulcanization, 223, 360 Vacancies, 98 Vacuum arc remelting, (VAR), 156 chuck, 765 cleaner assembly, 251 degassing, 156, 275 molding, 306 permanent-mold casting, 327 sintering, 490 Wafers, 21, 949 Walkaway start switch, A17 Warm compaction, 489 Warm working, 393 Warpage, 809 Water atomization, 483 Water glass, 302 Water-jet cutting (WJC), 739 Water-jet machining, cutting speeds, 741 Wave soldering, 888 Waviness, 914 Ways, 618 Wear resistance, 574 Wear, 386 Web, 641 Web thinning, 643 Weld bonding, 901 Weld metal, 801 Weld pool, 805 Weldability, 83, 811 Welding, 799 Welding joint designs, 803 Welding metallurgy, base metal, 804 Welding processes classification, 800 power densities, 869 Welding torch, 814, 832 Wet etching, 961 Wet pressing, 362 Wettability, 878 Whiteware, 227 Wire brushing, 927 Wire drawing, 426 Withdrawal kanban (WLK), A28 Woodruff keyseat cutter, 678 Work in progress (WIP), A4 Workability, 83 Workholder, 9, 745 Workholder design, 749 Workholding device, 536 Workholding, lathes, 629 Workpiece configuration, 10 Workpiece, 536 YAG laser, 793 Yield point, 63, 392 Young’s modulus, 63 Zero inventory, A30 Zinc alloys, 198 Zirconia, 232 Zirconium, 204 I15

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2023, 11:37