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X-ray Micro-Tomography as a New and Powerful Tool for Characterization of MgB 2 Superconductor 241 Fig. 8. X-ray microtomography images of the Hypertech MgB 2 wires: left panels - 7 sub elements; right panels - 18 sub elements. Defects are identified on transversal (top) and longitudinal (middle) cross sections and on the associated 3D reconstructions. The outer diameter of the wires was constant at 0.83 mm. Superconductor 242 Sample T (°C) Density (g/cm 3 ) T d (°C) MB 960 2.39 920 MBSC 1000 2.37 955 MBBC 1000 2.08 960 Table 2. Samples, the maximum SPS-processing temperature, final density and T d data. The tomographic inspection was performed using the following operation parameters: U = 50 kV, I = 40 mA, voxel size = 5 μm. Representative results on the pristine MgB 2 sample are presented in Figs. 9-11. Figure 9 illustrates the identification of high density regions inside the investigated sample. By filtration and thresholding techniques the distribution of these high density regions inside the volume of the sample is revealed in Fig. 10. The identification of macroscopic low density regions is illustrated in Fig. 11. Fig. 9. Transversal, sagital and longitudinal cross-sections revealing high density regions; high density region size (inside circles) is of about 160 μm. Fig. 10. 3-D reconstruction (left) and the distribution of the high density regions inside the volume of the sample of about 0.8 mm 3 . To identify what represent the dense regions, the high resolution X-ray digital radiography analysis was performed on the raw powder sample. The result is presented in Fig. 12. In order to have a dimensional/density reference, a wolfram wire of 5 µm diameter, was X-ray Micro-Tomography as a New and Powerful Tool for Characterization of MgB 2 Superconductor 243 placed on the sample. The radiography reveals high density regions, of above 2-3 µm diameter-size, spreaded in the sample. Same intensity of the W-wire and of the high density regions suggests that in the commercial as-received MgB 2 raw powder this element is present, most probably in the form of WC. We suppose that impurification occured during powders milling in the process of commercial MgB 2 raw powder preparation. Fig. 11. Transversal, sagital and longitudinal cross-sections revealing low density region; low density region size (inside circles) is of about 130 μm. Fig. 12. Digital radiography of a MgB2 sample and a W-wire. For the studies by SEM, for a comparative analysis with micro-tomographic experiments, the samples have been fractured to reveal their grains structure and morphology. Selected secondary electron image is shown in Fig. 13. One can observe dense polycrystalline pristine Superconductor 244 SPS-processed MgB2 material with pores and grains of different form and size (Fig. 13). The pores of micrometer order are located at the grain boundaries. Apparently the observable size of the grains or sintered aggregates is of 0.2 – 2.5 µm. There are no significant differences that can be revealed by SEM among the 3 SPS-processed samples. Fig. 13. Polycrystalline MgB 2 sample (×10.000). Images of 3D tomographic reconstructions were observed in SiC- and B 4 C- doped MgB 2 samples. In Fig. 14 it can be observed the diference of the local densities between three samples. Samples show some clear differences, but, they are not as large as in the case of the samples A-D presented in Section 3.1. Remarkable is that although the local density uniformity is much improved for the SPS-processed samples, this is not perfect and a lower quality is likely obtained for the samples with additions. Indeed, some superconducting parameters were superior for the pristine MgB 2 SPS-sample and detailed results were reported in [34]. 4. Discussions and future trends XRT is a useful and powerful technique to observe MgB 2 superconducting samples. Remarkable is that although the resolution is at the level of micrometers we investigated nanostructured MgB 2 -based materials, and we got very useful information. We shall emphasize that one important limitation of the XRT is that it cannot give any information on crystal quality and composition. Therefore, this method is providing additional information, but it cannot replace the data from other measurements such as, e.g. structural ones (x-ray or electron diffraction) or those giving quantitative data on local composition (EDS, other). It is expected that with the improvement of the resolution more details can be observed. This is especially important for more uniform samples such as SPS-processed MgB 2 -bulks. Such developments are expected also to help in advancing the understanding of the relationship between processing, XRT, conventional microscopy techniques and superconducting properties. Based on this, a new generation of MgB 2 tapes/wires for various applications with optimum, controlled or improved working parameters will be produced. X-ray Micro-Tomography as a New and Powerful Tool for Characterization of MgB 2 Superconductor 245 In this work we show that XRT can reveal in a non-invasive and convenient way the architecture of 3D MgB 2 composite objects (e.g. wires). This is an important advantage saving time and energy. Fig. 14. Sagital cross-sections: (a) MgB 2 (MB), (b) SiC-doped MgB 2 (MBSC) and (c) C-doped MgB 2 (MBBC). XRT is envisioned as a continuous and in-situ testing method of the quality of the MgB 2 bulks, wires, tapes (and in the future of thin films) and their products. For example, XRT will provide direct and real-time information during processing, fabrication or exploatation of a MgB 2 -based product (e.g. fabrication of composite superconducting wires/tapes, formation of joints, coils winding, coils exploatation and so on). XRT will bring also information on local chemical and phase composition and some positive results are already in progress. XRT is not limited to MgB 2 and many other classes of materials can be investigated by this method. There is no doubt that XRT will become a key characterization technique in materials science and technology. 5. Conclusion In summary, we applied XRT vizualization to MgB 2 bulks, tapes and wires. XRT provides powerful and unmached information by the conventional microscopy techniques on the local 3D density uniformity and distribution, connectivity, search and identification of the macrodefects, 3D-shape details of the macro defects and of the components from the composite MgB 2 wires or tapes, on the roughness and perfection of the intefaces between the components. Advantages, limitations and future development trends are discussed. We have also shown that XRT allows to evaluate at least qualitatively the architectural integrity and geometrical quality of the samples and this information can be related to Superconductor 246 superconducting quality of the products. However, the details of this complex relationship remains unrevealed and the expectations are that with the improvement in the 3D XRT method one may understand more in this direction with much benefit in designing and fabrication of improved MgB 2 superconducting products. The importance of pioneering the application of 3D non-invasive XRT on MgB 2 is general, i.e. XRT is expected to be applied with much success for many other materials, processing and fabrication processes, and to monitor the work of different products/systems. 6. Acknowledgements Authors would like to acknowledge Prof. J. Groza from UC, Davis, US for SPS use, Dr. P. Nita from METAV CD, Romania for SEM measurements on wires, Prof. K. Togano from NIMS, Japan for the use of a SQUID (Quantum Design 5T) magnetometer, and J. Jaklovszky for the samples preparation for XRT. Prof. Y. Ma, Electrotechnical Institute, Chinese Academy of Science kindly provided MgB 2 tapes investigated in this work. Work at INCDFM was supported by ANCS-CNCSIS-UEFISCSU (CEEX 27/2005, PNII PCE 513/2009 and PNII PCCE 239/2008). 7. References [1] Nagamatsu J, Nakagawa N, Muranaka T, Zenitani Y, Akimitsu J, Superconductivity at 39 K in magnesium diboride, Nature 410 (2001) 63. 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Anis-ur-Rehman 1 and Asghari Maqsood 2 1 Applied Thermal Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad 44000 2 Thermal Transport Laboratory, SCME, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad Pakistan 1. Introduction Dissipation phenomena in high temperature superconductors are directed by the microstructure that builds up during the preparation process. Therefore, detailed investigations of the electrical and thermal transport and ac magnetic susceptibilities in superconductors prepared either in the form of single crystals, thin films or polycrystalline are important for understanding superconductivity as well as for useful applications. The effect of elements (Pb, Fe, Co, Ni, V, Zn) doping in Bi-based superconducting materials has been extensively investigated ( Remschnig et al., 1991; Awana et al., 1992; Maeda et al., 1990; vom Hedt et al., 1994; Pop et al., 1997; Mori et al. 1992; Kim et al., 1992; Gul et al., 2008; Maqsood et al., 1992 ). It was reported that the superconducting properties of these materials are affected with increase of the amount of doping, regardless of the nature of the dopants. The repression of superconductivity was concluded to be due to local disorder induced by the amount of doping. However, the details of the current limiting means in the Bi-2223 system are not well established. Consequently, it is of interest to try these doping elements in the Bi-2223 system with a different nominal composition, of which we intend to investigate Bi 1.6 Pb 0.4 Sr 1.6 Ba 0.4 Ca 2 Cu 3 O y in order to provide additional observations to contribute further understanding of their role on the superconductivity of the system. It is well established that ceramic high-Tc superconductors include a collection of tiny, randomly oriented anisotropic grains which are connected to each other by a system of so called ‘weak links’ or ‘matrix’. The linear temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity is one of the most important characteristics of the normal phase kinetics of high-T c layered cuprates (Batlogg, 1990). In superconductors where the dc electrical resistivity diverges to zero below T c , the thermal conduction is almost a unique measurement to study the transport properties below T c . The magnitude and temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity are parameters which have an impact on a broad spectrum of devices. In high-T C superconductors, such information is even more valuable to know how the free carriers and lattice vibrations contribute to the transport of heat. Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique is a well Superconductor 250 developed and a well known method (Gustafsson, 1991; Maqsood, 1994; Maqsood, 1996) to study the thermal transport properties. For TPS method a single transition phase will be of great help to study such properties. Multiple phases, in the material, will make the situation more complicated and an increase in measurement errors also. The TPS technique is modified and improved for the measurements of thermal transport properties of high-T c superconductors. The modified arrangement is referred to as the Advantageous Transient Plane Source (ATPS) technique (Rehman, 2002). The circuit components are reduced with this new arrangement as compared to the bridge used earlier (Maqsood, 2000). The modified bridge arrangement is already calibrated with fused quartz, carbon steel and AgCl crystals (Rehman, 2002; Rehman, 2003). Peltier refrigerators use the thermoelectric materials for refrigeration. Peltier thermoelectrics are more reliable than compressor based refrigerators, and are used in situations where reliability is critical like deep space probes. Thermoelectric material applications include refrigeration or electrical power generation. Thermoelectric materials used in the present refrigeration or power generation devices are heavily doped semiconductors. The metals are poor thermoelectric materials with low Seebeck coefficient and large electronic contribution to the thermal conductivity. Insulators have a large Seebeck coefficient and a small contribution to the thermal conductivity, but have too few carriers, which result in a large electrical resistivity. The Figure of merit is the deciding factor for the quality of thermoelectric materials. In order to increase the whole Figure of merit, it is of interest to replace the p-type leg of the Peltier junction by a thermoelectrically passive material with a Figure of merit close to zero (Fee, 1993). This is why it is interesting to study the Figure of merit of the ceramic superconductors. One of the important thermomagnetic transport quantities is the electrothermal conductivity and is shown to be one of the powerful probes of high-temperature superconductors. Cryogenic bolometers are sensitive detectors of infrared and millimeter wave radiation and are widely used in laboratory experiments as well as ground-based, airborne, and space- based astronomical observations (Richards, 1994). In many applications, bolometer performance is limited by a trade off between speed and sensitivity. Superconducting transition-edge bolometer can give a large increase in speed and a significant increase in sensitivity over technologies now in use. This combination of speed with sensitivity should open new applications for superconducting bolometric detectors (Leea et al., 1996). Other potent applications for electrothermal conductivity of superconductors is actuators in MEMS technologies, electrothermal rockets etc (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2003). The temperature dependence of the dc electrical resistivity, along with low field ac magnetic susceptibility, X-ray diffraction, thermal transport, electrothermal conductivity and thermoelectric power studies and calculations of Figure of merit factor are reported here. 2. Experimental 2.1 Preparation and characterization In the Bi-based high-T c superconductors the Bi-2223 phase is stable within a narrow temperature range and exhibits phase equilibrium with only a few of the compounds existing in the system (Majewski, 2000). Precise control over the processing parameters is required to obtain the phase-pure material (Balachandran et al., 1996). All samples were prepared from 99.9% pure powders of Bi 2 O 3 , PbO, SrCO 3 , BaCO 3 , CaCO 3 and CuO. The powders were mixed to give nominal composition of Bi 1.6 Pb 0.4 Sr 1.6 Ba 0.4 Ca 2 Cu 3 O y and were thoroughly ground in an [...]... 9898 Superconductor 13 Development of Large Scale YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductor with Plastic Forming Makoto Takahashi1, Sadao Ohkido2 and Kouichi Wakita3 of Applied Chemistry, College of Engineering, of Natural Science and Mathematics, College of Engineering, 3Department of Electronic Engineering, College of Engineering, Chubu University, Matsumoto-cho 1200, Kasugai, Aichi 487-8501, Japan 2Department 1Department... Therefore, the plastic forming has not been used to make the bulk superconductor sample, because the used slurry includes many impurities 264 Superconductor When the large bulk superconductor samples are made by the plastic forming, we think next matters are important 1 Making the particle size of ceramic powders the same size 2 Making the particle size of inorganic binder the same size 3 Removing useless... cosθ (2) Synthesis and Thermophysical Characterization of Bismuth based High-Tc Superconductors 255 where; B = Broadening of diffraction line measured at half its maximum intensity (radians), λ = Radiation source wavelength and t = Diameter of crystal particle, particle sizes are determined and the diameter of the crystal particles lies between 172 – 512 Å Fig 5 Indexed x-ray diffraction pattern of the... bismuth-based superconductor The behavior of thermoelectric power of the sample was approximately linear with temperature as observed in other bismuth-based high-TC superconductors The superconducting transition started at 114 ±1K and after that, thermoelectric power reduced almost to zero value at 103±1K The known value of the transition temperature of this sample measured from electrical resistivity was 110 ±1K... Thermal conductivity variation with temperature shows slight decrease initially 260 Superconductor and then a pronounced increase around Tc A similar behaviour is observed in all hole-type CuO2-plane superconductors and in all their structural forms This effect is due to phonon (Tewordt & Wolkhausen, 1988) or quasiparticle scattering (Houssa and Ausloos, 1994) Thermal diffusivity shows a similar tendency... most striking features about the cuprate superconductors is the behavior of the resistivity of the normal state that is found above the transition temperature of the optimally doped materials After the final sintering the measured density of the sample was 3.48 gcm-3 and Tc, 0 was 110 ± 1K The added barium (Ba) has increased the Tc, 0 Residual resistivity was 254 Superconductor 0.19 mΩ-cm and the intrinsic... using a calibrated Pt-100 thermometer Low field ac susceptibility measurements are very important for the characterization of high-temperature superconductors (Chen et al., 1989; Muller, 1989; Ishida & Goldfarb, 1990; Celebi, 1999) The sharp decrease in the real part χ/ (T) below the critical temperature Tc is a manifestation of diamagnetic shielding Ac susceptibility of the sample was measured after... D.X., Nogues J., Rao K.V.(1989) Cryogenics 29 800 Cohn J.L., Wolf S.A., Vanderah T.A (1992) Phys Rev B 45 511 Crommie M.F., Zettle A (1990) Phys Rev B 41 10978 Cullity B.D ( 1967) Elements of X-ray diffraction 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., London Fee M (1993) Appl Phys Lett 62 116 1 Ginsberg D.M (1992) High Temperature Superconductivity, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Gordon... This temperature dependence agrees with the widely observed behavior of λ for the oxide superconductors (Uher & Kaiser, 1987; Peacor & Uher, 1989; Mori et al., 1989; Crommie & Zettle, 1990; Cohn et al., 1992) Comparing the results between different laboratories, one notes that the thermal conductivity depends on a particular sample preparation process The temperature dependence of the conductivity is... be produced by the above techniques Therefore, a technique for easily and inexpensively making a large bulk superconductor is highly desired Plastic forming is very simple method and has been widely used for producing ceramics However, there have been few papers about the preparation of bulk superconductor with using plastic forming In the plastic forming, the slurry is prepared with kneading the mixture . Superconductors 255 where; B = Broadening of diffraction line measured at half its maximum intensity (radians), λ = Radiation source wavelength and t = Diameter of crystal particle, particle. Nb 3 Sn Superconductors, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 17(1) (2007) 34. [9] Scheuerlein C, di Michael M, Haibel A, On the formation of voids in internal tin Nb 3 Sn superconductors,. microtomography, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 (2008) 115 017 X-ray Micro-Tomography as a New and Powerful Tool for Characterization of MgB 2 Superconductor 247 [13] Hammersberg P, Mangard

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