Hòa hợp thì và động từ là hai khái niệm quan trọng trong ngữ pháp ngôn ngữ, chúng đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc xác định thời gian và sự kiện trong một câu. Hòa hợp thì (tense) đề cập đến thời điểm một sự kiện xảy ra trong quá khứ, hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Có ba thì chính trong tiếng Anh: Quá khứ (Past), Hiện tại (Present) và Tương lai (Future). Hòa hợp thì giúp xác định mối quan hệ thời gian giữa các sự kiện trong câu. Động từ (verb) là một phần quan trọng của câu, thể hiện hành động, trạng thái, hoặc quá trình. Chúng có thể thay đổi dựa trên hòa hợp thì và nhân xưng (subject) của câu. Động từ có thể biểu thị sự xảy ra, sự thay đổi, ý thức và nhiều khía cạnh khác của một câu chuyện hoặc thông điệp. Hòa hợp thì và động từ là hai yếu tố cơ bản trong việc xây dựng câu hoàn chỉnh và chính xác trong tiếng Anh, và chúng cùng nhau tạo nên cấu trúc và ý nghĩa của câu. Chúng giúp thể hiện thời gian, sự liên quan giữa các sự kiện và cách sự kiện diễn ra trong ngôn ngữ.
lOMoARcPSD|22643971 Tuần - Thì phối thì, mạo từ, câu hỏi đi, phátâm s,es TiếngAnh(TrườngTrunghọccơsở–TrunghọcphổthơngNguyễnKhuyến,Thànhphố Hồ ChíMinh) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Trang Nguyen (mee686868@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22643971 VIP 90—DOTPHADIEMSDVQI B@ CAU HMI DETRUNG TUVA B@ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan:Cé Vñ ThiMaiPhu'o'nq|| Boc quyen vâ nhât tai:Nqoainqu24h.vn TAI LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOCVIP90—TONGONTRONGDIEMBOCAUHOI DE TRU NG T U & BO DE PH AT T RI ENDETHA M KHAO 20z2 BO DE DQ DOAN: THI VA SV PHOI THI (BUOI 1) CñVñThiMaiPhirong A CAC THI CD BAN TRONG TIENGANH Thi Dau hieu nhan biét Vi du HTD usually, always, often, never, They are new students every She tidies her room every two weeks HTTD (right) now, at present, at the We are having lunch right now moment, Look! Nam is going shopping at present HTHT already, yet, recently,j u s t , I have lived here for a long time since, for, ever, in the past Linda has recently sold her old bike years HTHTTD for, since, already They have been waiting for him for hours QKD yesterday, last , ago We were late for the meeting yesterday They finished their work three hours ago QKTD at 8.00 last night, while, when I was watching my favourite programme on TV at 7.00 last night QKHT before, after, when, Before we came, they had finished their meal QKHTTD before, after, when, The builders had been putting up the scaffolding when the roof fell in TLD tomorrow, next , in the I will have my car maintained next Friday future TLTD this time next week Wewillbecelebratingour parents’ 40thwedding anniversary this time next month TLHT by the end of this month, by Shewillhavegraduatedfrom college by the end of this the end of next week for month years TLHTTD by the end of this month, by Luke will have been working for this company for the end of next week for months by the end of this year years TLG next month, tomorrow, Sheis going to visither grandparents in New York next month ViquyénIg'ichfnhdângcdachfnhcâcem.Khéngchiasé lieuOOCQUYENnaychongu’é'ikhâc! Downloaded by Trang Nguyen (mee686868@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22643971 B SVPHOITHI SINCE HTHT since QKD Since QKD, HTHT We haven’t seen him since we left school WHEN HTD/HTHT, TLD HTD, HTD QKD, QKD When I see him, I will give him this book When she is bored, she likes to write I used to go fishing with my dad when I was a child James called me when I was listening to music QKD, QKTD QKD, QKHT WhenI r e t u r n e d finished dinner BEFORE/BY THE TIME/AFTER By the time HTD, TLHT Before/By the time QKD, QKHT After QKHT, QKD home,t h e y had already She will have finished the report by the time you come back The bus had left before I arrived at the station After she had read the contract carefully, she signed her name WHILE While QKTD, QKTD My mom was cooking dinner while my dad was listening to the radio NO SOONER THAN—HARDLY/SCARCELY .WHEN No sooner had S PII than+QKD No sooner had I opened the door than she shouted at me Hardly/Scarcely had S PII when+QKD Hardly had they lost the game when they blamed each other MOTSOLIENTU’CHITHCiI GIANKHAC As soonas/Once/Until(till)/A s HTD/HTHT,TLD/cau rnenhlenh * Khâng dung thi twcrng lai den m nhd é trang ngâ chi thâi gian Once I have finished this work, I will go out with you Call rue as you arrive at the airport CéPhu’o’ng chdc câc em Ié’pVIP 90:ON @TRUNG TU- THI LATRUNG TUYEN Viquyénlg'i chfnh dângcdachfnh câcem.Khéngchiasé tâi lieuOOC QUYENnaychongu’é'i khâc! Downloaded by Trang Nguyen (mee686868@gmail.com) VIP 90—DCiTPHADIEM SDVQI B@ CAU HMI DE TRUNG TU VA B@ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan:CéVñ ThiMaiPhu'o'nq||Boc quyen vâ nhât tai:Nqoainqu24h.vn LUYEN TAP Question 1.[Déd@ 12 ] We flowers in the school garden when it started tor a i n A.wereplanting B.plant C.areplanting D.have plantedQuestion [Dé d@22021] , she will hold a party to celebrate theevent A When Sophia was moving into her newh o u s e B When Sophia had moved into her newh ou s e C When Sophia moved into her newhouse D When Sophia moves into her newhouse Question 3.Since Peter changed hish a i r s t y l e , he the centre ofattention A.was B.willbe C.hadbeen D.hasbeen Question4 He unemployed since last month due to the outbreak of the covid-19pandemic A.was B.hasbeen C.hadbeen D.is Question 5.Laura will start writing a fullarticle A once she collected all necessaryinformation B as soon as she has collected all necessaryi n f o r m a t i o n C when she had collected all necessaryinformation D before she collected all necessaryi n f o r m a t i o n Question6.We the annual prom when the lights wentout A.werecelebrating B.havecelebrated C.celebrate D.arecelebrating Question7.Before I relocated toLondon,I an English course for advancedl e a r n e r s A.havetaken B.willtake C.hadtaken D.wastaking Question8.A.I many white-collar jobs since itappeared A.hadthreatened B.hasthreatened C.threatened D.willthreaten Question9.Wewillhavefinishedrenovatingthishouse A.by the time thewinterapproaches B.once the winterappro ached C.when the winterwas approaching D.after the winter hada p p r o a c h e d Question 10.This time nextmonth,Lucy the year-end party with herc o l l e a g u e s A.hascelebrated B.hadcelebrated C.wascelebrating D.will becelebrating Question 11.Itook an instant dislike to the boy nextdoor A.as soon as I firstmeethim B.prior to our firstm e e t i n g C.upon ourfirstmeeting D.before we first meth i m Question 12.After the man had stopped his car, he walked out of it,o p e n e d t h e b o o t and somegoods A.produced B.willproduce C.hadproduced D.hasproduced Question 13.Namusually to the theme park near his house when he was a littleb o y A.goes B.went C.hadgone D.hasgone Question 14.City citizens will go to thecinema A.when covid-19 restrictionswerelifted B.once covid-19 restrictions arel i f t e d C.before covid-19 restrictions were liftedD.after covid-19 restrictions had been lifted Question 15.They had conducted asurvey A.after I hadarrived B.once I arrive C.as soon as Iarrive D.prior to my arrival ViquyénIichfnhdângcdachfnhcâcem.Khongchiasé lieuOOCQUYENnaychongu’é'ikhâc! VIP 90—DOT PHA DIEM SDVII B@ CAU HMI DE TRUNG TU VA B@ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan:Cé Vñ Thi Mai Phu'o'nq|| Boc quyen vâ nhât tai:Nqoainqu24h.vn Question 16.Someone knocked the doorwhenBob ashower A.hastaken B.istaking C.wastaking D.takes Question 17.Michael will sing asong A as the school holds the beautycontest B when the school held the beautycontest C before the school held the beauty contest D after the school had held the beautycontest Question 18.Iwas surfing the Internet whilemyclassmates to eachother A.havechatted B.arechatting C.willchat D.werechatting Question 19.Before Hung went tobed,he speaking Chinese with his teacher for 2h o u r s A.has practiced B.hadpracticed C.willpractice D.ispracticing Question 20.Since the incident happened, a bondoffriendship between Joey andr u e A.hadbeenforged B.wasforged C.isforged D.has beenforged Question 21.Tim’s mother won’t allow him to eat hamburgers and chips A.when he got hightestscores B.before he got high tests c o r e s C.until he gets hightestscores D.after he had got high testscores Question 22.After social distancing rules had been relaxed in this area ofthe country,people to return ton o r m a l i t y A.begin B.began C.havebegun D.willbegin Question 23.Since Tom moved toVietnam,he a big fan ofPhoandBanhM i A.is B.hadbeen C.hasbeen D.willbe Question24.Martin worked as a tour guideafterhe fromuniversity A.graduates B.hasgraduated C.isgraduating D.hadgraduated Question25.Hoawill havecompletedherfirstyearatHanoiOpenUniversity A.by the time thepandemicends B.before the pandemice n d e d C.after the pandemichadended D.once the pandemice n d e d Co Phu’o’ng chtic câc em Ié’pVIP 90:ON @TRUNG TU- THI LATRUNG TUYEN Viquyén I i chfnh dângcdachfnh câcem.Khéngchiasé tâi lieuOOC QUYENnaychongu’é'i khâc! lOMoARcPSD|22643971 VIP 90–ĐÞT PHÁ ĐIàM SỐVàI BÞ CÂU HỎI DỄ TRÚNG TỦ VÀ BÞ ĐÞ PHÁT TRIàN ĐÞ THAM KHÀO 2022 Biên so¿n:Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương|| Đßc qun t¿i:Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐỘC QUYỀN ĐI KÈM KHĨA HàCVIP90–TỔNGƠNTRàNGĐIỂMBỘCÂUHỎIDỄ TRÚNG TỦ & BỘ ĐỀ PHÁT TRIỂN ĐỀ THAM KHẢOTHI ONLINE: THÌ VÀ SỰ PHỐI THÌ CơVũThßMai Phương (BUỔI 1) Choose the correct answer for the following questions Question 1.Thatpipe for ages – we must get it mended A.hasbeenleaking B.is leaking C.leaks D.had beenleaking Question 2.