Word tiếng anh 1 Competition

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Word tiếng anh 1 Competition

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Tiểu luận tiếng anh 1 Competition, năm học 2023, tiểu luận đến từ sinh viên trường Đại học Thương Mại, cung cấp dàn ý hữu dụng cho sinh viên các bạn sinh viên năm nhất của trường Đại học Thương Mại cũng như các bạn từ các trường đại học khác.

TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC THƯƠNG MẠI TÊN HỌC PHẦN : Marketing GIẢNG VIÊN : Tăng Duy Quang LỚP HỌC PHẦN : BMKT 0111 NHÓM :7 ENGLISH TOPIC: COMPETITIONS Teacher: Hoang Thu Ba Group: Class: 231_ENTH1411_13 Hà Nội -2023 THUONGMAI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH _ GROUP DISCUSSION ENGLISH Topic: Competitions/ racing Group: Class: 231_ENTH1411_13 Teacher: Hoang Thu Ba Group preparation assessment: Presentation assessment: List of students (in the order of presenting) No Name (for students) Comments (for teacher only) Nguyen Hong Ngan Nguyen Thanh Nam Dinh Tuyet Mai Hoang Yen Nhi Nguyen Thi Tra My MEETING MINUTES - GROUP: Time: from 20 p.m to 21 p.m, September 22, 2023 Mark Place: Google meet Participants: Leader: Nguyen Thi Tra My Dinh Tuyet Mai Nguyen Hong Ngan Hoang Yen Nhi Nguyen Thanh Nam Contents for discussing: - come up with an idea for an outline - assignment of duties Conclusion: - active discussion Duties for participants: Nguyen Thi Tra My Study case + Check content+Word Nguyen Hong Ngan Introduction+Conclution+powerpoint Dinh Tuyet Mai Drawbacks of competition Hoang Yen Nhi How to care a successful contest Nguyen Thanh Nam Benefits of competition Leader (Signature and name) Nguyen Thi Tra My Minute-Taker (Signature and name) Nguyen Hong Ngan MEETING MINUTES - GROUP: Time: from 21 p.m to 21.30 p.m, September 26, 2023 Place: Google meet Participants: Leader: Nguyen Thi Tra My Dinh Tuyet Mai Nguyen Hong Ngan Hoang Yen Nhi Nguyen Thanh Nam Contents for discussing: - Edit assignment content - Practice speaking in groups Conclusion: Active discussion Duties for participants: Nguyen Thi Tra My Study case +Check content+ Word Nguyen Hong Ngan Introduction+Conclution+powerpoint Dinh Tuyet Mai Drawbacks of competition Hoang Yen Nhi How to care a successful contest Nguyen Thanh Nam Benefits of competition Leader (Signature and name) Nguyen Thi Tra My Minute-Taker (Signature and name) Nguyen Hong Ngan I INTRODUCTION Competitions have been a fundamental part of human society for centuries, driving individuals and groups to strive for excellence Whether in the academic, professional, or recreational spheres, competitions offer a platform for individuals to showcase their skills, talents, and abilities They create an environment of challenge and motivation, pushing participants to reach their full potential Competitions come in various forms, from sports tournaments to academic debates, from business challenges to artistic contests Each type of competition has its unique appeal and demands, attracting participants from diverse backgrounds and interests In this era of globalization and rapid technological advancement, competitions have taken on a new significance They provide opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and personal growth Competitors not only seek victory but also aim to contribute positively to their fields and communities Moreover, competitions foster a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship Participants learn the value of fair play, resilience in the face of defeat, and the importance of continuous improvement In the following discussion, we will delve deeper into the various aspects of competitions, exploring their benefits, challenges, and the impact they have on individuals and society as a whole II BODY Benefits of competition 1.1 Motivation to excel: Competition inherently instills a sense of motivation and determination within individuals When faced with the prospect of surpassing others, the human spirit is often pushed to its limits in order to achieve greatness For instance, in athletics, rivalries between athletes have resulted in record-breaking performances and remarkable feats The quest for superiority pushes individuals to overcome barriers, strive for continuous improvement, and ultimately redefine what is possible This intrinsic motivation fuels progress, benefiting not only the competitors but also society at large 1.2 Encouragement of innovation: Competition breeds a culture of innovation and creativity as individuals and organizations seek to gain a competitive edge In a market-driven economy, businesses strive to outdo their rivals by developing cutting-edge products, improving customer service, and streamlining operations This constant pursuit of innovation ensures that consumers are provided with a wider array of choices and improved quality of products and services Moreover, competition stimulates research and development, as companies invest in finding new solutions, technologies, and methods to stay ahead of their competitors 1.3 Growth and self-improvement: One of the most significant advantages of competition lies in the personal growth and selfimprovement it fosters Whether in academic settings or professional careers, competing against one's peers serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-assessment By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of others, individuals are challenged to improve their own skills and knowledge Competition forces individuals to step outside their comfort zones, take risks, and continually strive for excellence As a result, individuals develop resilience, perseverance, and a growth mindset, attributes that are invaluable for success in any field 1.4 Accountability and transparency: Competition promotes accountability and transparency by holding individuals and organizations responsible for their actions In an environment where competitors are vying for success, unethical practices or subpar performance are swiftly exposed and criticized The fear of losing ground to rivals acts as a powerful deterrent, driving competitors to act ethically, make sound decisions, and deliver on promises Consequently, competition creates an environment where trust and integrity are valued, benefiting both participants and stakeholders Drawback of competititon 2.1 Psychological pressure: Competition can create great psychological pressure on participants Fierce competition and the desire to win can cause tension, anxiety and stress This can affect participants' performance and confidence Work-life imbalance: Fierce competition can create a strong focus on success and winning, while ignoring other aspects of life such as family, health and hobbies fun This can cause work-life imbalance, leading to burnout and overall imbalance 2.2 Fosters a Toxic Mindset: Competition can foster a mindset that prioritizes individual success at the expense of others The intense pressure to outperform others often leads to cutthroat behavior, envy, and a disregard for ethical considerations Individuals may resort to unethical practices, such as cheating or sabotaging others, in order to gain a competitive edge This toxic mindset not only erodes the moral fabric of society but also undermines the development of empathy and compassion, which are crucial for fostering a harmonious and cooperative community 2.3 Unfair competition: In some cases, competition can become unhealthy.Participants may use improper, unethical methods to gain an advantage, including fraud, libel and disparagement, abuse of power, stealing ideas or damaging the image of competitors defense.This destroys fairness and creates an unhealthy environment for everyone involved 2.4 Conflict and conflict: In a competitive environment, conflicts and conflicts can occur between individuals or groups Rivalry and competition can create an atmosphere of tension and cause conflict in a relationship, affecting the mental and psychological health of everyone involved How to care a successful contest 3.1 Define your goals: Determine the purpose of your contest Is it to increase brand awareness, engage your audience, or collect user-generated content? Clearly define your objectives before starting 3.2 Choose the right platform: Select a platform that aligns with your target audience and contest goals It could be social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook, or you could create a dedicated landing page on your website 3.3 Plan the mechanics: Decide on the type of contest you want to run, such as photo or video submissions, caption contests, or giveaways Set clear guidelines and entry requirements to ensure fairness and clarity for participants 3.4 Create compelling prizes: Offer prizes that are relevant to your audience and appealing enough to motivate participation The prizes can be products, discounts, experiences, or exclusive access to your brand 3.5 Promote your contest: Spread the word about your contest through various channels Utilize your social media accounts, email marketing, influencers, and any other relevant platforms to maximize reach and engagement 3.6 Monitor and moderate: Keep an eye on the contest entries, ensuring they meet the guidelines and are appropriate Address any questions or concerns from participants promptly and fairly 3.7 Encourage sharing and participation: Implement features that encourage participants to share the contest with their friends and family, such as referral bonuses or bonus entries for sharing on social media 3.8 Engage with participants: Interact with participants throughout the contest Respond to comments, ask questions, and show genuine interest in their entries This fosters a sense of community and increases engagement 3.9 Announce the winners: Once the contest ends, announce the winners in a timely and transparent manner Consider sharing the winning entries to showcase participant creativity and build excitement for future contests 3.10 Follow up and evaluate: After the contest, analyze its success based on your initial goals Measure metrics like participation rate, reach, engagement, and conversions Take note of what worked well and areas for improvement for future contests Remember, contests should always comply with local laws and regulations, and it's important to clearly communicate terms and conditions to participants Study case An example of a famous competition for fair competition around the world is Masterchef MasterChef has become a global sensation, captivating millions of viewers with its intense culinary challenges and showcasing the talents of aspiring chefs However, as with any popular reality TV show, doubts may arise regarding the fairness of the competition Nonetheless, it is my firm belief that MasterChef is indeed a fair competition, providing equal opportunities for contestants to showcase their skills and allowing only the most deserving individuals to emerge as victor - Transparent Selection Process: MasterChef maintains a transparent selection process, ensuring all contestants have an equal chance to participate The show invites talented home cooks from diverse backgrounds, regardless of their training or culinary experience By doing so, MasterChef offers an inclusive platform where individuals passionate about food can showcase their unique talents - Objective Evaluation: The competition's evaluation process is based on objective criteria Contestants are judged primarily on the taste, creativity, and presentation of their dishes, as well as their ability to handle pressure and adapt to unexpected challenges The judges, renowned culinary experts, base their decisions solely on the merits of each dish, ensuring that personal biases or preferences not influence the outcome This impartiality guarantees that contestants are evaluated fairly, solely on their culinary skills and performance - Equal Opportunities: MasterChef provides equal opportunities for contestants to grow and improve throughout the competition Each participant goes through a rigorous training phase, where they receive guidance and mentorship from world-class chefs This process ensures that all contestants have the chance to sharpen their culinary techniques and expand their knowledge By providing this platform for growth, MasterChef guarantees that the competition remains fair and allows contestants to refine their skills, irrespective of their initial level of expertise - Ethical Conduct: MasterChef upholds ethical standards throughout the competition Contestants are treated with respect, and their well-being is a priority The show focuses on celebrating culinary excellence rather than fostering unnecessary drama or manipulation While the show may generate tension and high-stakes situations, it does not resort to unethical practices that compromise fairness This commitment to ethics further solidifies the notion that MasterChef is a fair competition MasterChef has undoubtedly earned its reputation as a fair competition, enabling aspiring chefs from various backgrounds to showcase their talent and passion for gastronomy Through a transparent selection process, objective evaluation criteria, equal opportunities for growth, and an ethical conduct, MasterChef ensures that only the most deserving contestants emerge as victors Although cooking and investing may appear to be two unrelated fields, there are essential investment lessons to be gained from the MasterChef India judges, the MasterChef India winners, and the contestants : - Team challenges are important Talent matters, but working well with others can help you succeed And being a jerk can keep you at the bottom, no matter how great you are - Creativity matters, but sometimes you have to toe the line to get ahead - Don’t be afraid to try What seems like an obstacle could be an advantage - Keep Learning from Your Investment Mistakes & Experiment Considering All The Factors - Most important one, if at the end you must leave the stage - hold your head held high because you gave in your 100% every time III CONCLUTION In conclusion, competitions play a multifaceted role in our lives, influencing individuals and societies in both positive and negative ways On the positive side, competitions serve as a catalyst for personal growth and development They encourage individuals to push their boundaries, set higher goals, and continually strive for excellence This can lead to the acquisition of new skills, increased self-confidence, and a sense of accomplishment Competitions also have a broader societal impact They foster innovation and progress, driving advancements in various fields In the business world, competition drives companies to innovate, improve products, and offer better services, ultimately benefiting consumers However, it's essential to acknowledge the potential downsides of competitions Excessive competition can lead to stress, burnout, and even unethical behavior in the pursuit of victory Moreover, it may create disparities and inequality, as not everyone starts on an equal footing To harness the positive aspects of competitions while mitigating their negative consequences, it's crucial to promote fair play, sportsmanship, and inclusivity Competitions should be structured to encourage growth, learning, and collaboration, rather than solely focusing on winning at all costs The discussion cannot avoid mistakes; we hope you can understand and make corrections for our group

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2023, 20:21

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