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Research project report the impact of relationships at workplace on motivation a sdt perspective

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BUSINESS RESEARCH MODULE -b&a - RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT The impact of relationships at workplace on motivation: A SDT perspective Class Group Members : EMQI : : Nguyen Lan Anh Nguyen Thi Phuong Anh Nguyen Thuy Duong Nguyen Tra My Ho Vu Thao Nguyen Cao Thi Oanh Pham Mai Phuong Hanoi, June 2022 i Table of Contents Table of Contents List of Abbreviations .ii List of tables and figures .1 Chapter : Introduction .2 Chapter Literature Review and hypothesis development 2.1 Literature Review 2.1.1 Self-determination theory 2.1.2 Motivation .6 2.1.3 Relatedness 2.2 Conceptual Model .9 2.3 Hypothesis development 2.3.1 H1: Relatedness influences employee’s extrinsic motivation 2.3.2 H2: Relatedness influences employee’s intrinsic motivation .10 Chapter Research method 11 3.1 Sample and data collection .11 3.2 Measures and scales 13 3.3 Data analysis procedure 13 Chapter : Results 14 4.1 Descriptive statistics .14 4.2 Hypothesis testing results .16 Hypothesis 1: 17 Chapter : Discussion and Conclusions 19 5.1 Limitation And Future Research .19 This is a preview Do you want full access? 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Log in ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Explanation QOL Quality of leadership SSSu Social support from supervisors SSCo Social support from colleges ExMot Extrinsic motivation InMot Intrinsic motivation List of tables and figure Table 3-1: Description of the research sample .12 Table 4-1: Descriptive statistics of the study variables 14 Table 4-2: Results from hypothesis testing 16 Figure 2.2: Conceptual Model .8 CHAPTER : INTRODUCTION Abstract Motivation is one of the central topics in the social sciences, and work motivation plays a similarly central role in organizational behavior This research aims to review the impact of relationships at the workplace on motivation when applied the self-determination theory According to self-determination theory, people need to feel the following in order to achieve psychological growth: autonomy, competence, relatedness We discuss the STD research relevant to work motivation, focusing on relatedness Data was collected through a questionnaire The questionnaire included questions about gender, age, relationship with partners in company, and work motivation This is a preview Do you want full access? 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Log in In this research, we analyze relevant document by performing analysis of studies that looked at motivation according to the SDT We provide the background of SDT in the workplace We next illustrate a basic overview of the factors affecting motivation We specifically focus and clarify how these are linked to relationships in offices Rationale Work plays an important part and how to increase the motivation at work is of great concern Nowadays, everyone has their own job, and motivation is a very important factor that directly affects the work efficiency as well as the concentration in the work of employees Accordingly, the contribution of employment to improving people's quality of life and overall wellbeing is becoming a topic of research (Vansteenkiste, Lens, De Witte, & Feather, 2005) In addition, companies nowadays are also extremely important with things that can become the motivation of employees to work In reality, high level of motivation at work can help to reach the long-term goals of the organization including satisfaction(Chattopadhyay, 2015) financial success and customer Several researchers have conducted studies about the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation the employees’ outcomes at workplace Panagiotakopoulos (2013) claimed that when employees run into the financial adversity, they are more likely to reach the optimal work performance In order to improve the performance of the organization, management professionals must inspire their staff to work as expected Similar findings were reached by Dysvik and Kuvaas (2010) who found that intrinsic incentive was the only employee characteristic that had a positive association between mastery-approach goals and turnover intention Companies should provide employees with a suited workplace environment and necessary resource to perform the tasks Barney and Elias (2010) revealed that there is a substantial interaction between job stress and schedule when extrinsic motivation is present Leaders are aware that every effective and profitable company has a core value: the business culture and people with the same goals or work direction(Gignac & Palmer, 2011) Based on self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan and Deci 2000, 2017), many researches have shown that having positive relationships with coworkers and supervisors can increase employees' motivation Therefore, the question we raised in this study is: (1) Can the way people feel belonged and related to the workplace can affect their work motivation; (2) How to measure the work motivation according to the level of relatedness; (3) How to raise people work motivation based on relationships at work Since employee functioning is truly improved by incentive, it is important to understand the underlying theoretical principles Research method The research used primary data from online survey questionnaires collected from 107 people in Vietnam We used multiple regression analysis to test the correlation between relatedness and motivation at work Structure of the report Chapter 1: explains why we chose this topic as well as reviews the previous research on this issue Chapter 2: gives definitions of self-determination theory, motivation and relatedness based on the theoretical bases and the studies that have been done in the literature review and develops hypothesis Chapter 3: indicate sampling method, method of data collection; measures; data analysis procedure and tool Chapter 4: provides results of the descriptive statistics and result of hypothesis testing Chapter 5: provides discussion and conclusion sections, as well as summary of findings and contribution to future developments In this research, we analyze relevant document by performing analysis of studies that looked at motivation according to the SDT We provide the background of SDT in the workplace We next illustrate a basic overview of the factors affecting motivation We specifically focus and clarify how these are linked to relationships in offices 20 Hypothesis 1: For the purpose of testing the theoretical model, multiple linear regression was performed The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that the model has an R2 coefficient of 0.143 and a corresponding adjusted R2 value of 0.058.Therefore, the independent variable in the model accounts for 0.58% of the variance in the dependent variable, the remaining proportion is explained by the independent variables outside the model The multiple regression coefficients results show that Sig values of all variables Sig > 0,05 so hypothesis should be rejected In addition, the results also show that SOSUSUPER has an impact on Exmot at the 95% confidence level with an Coefficient of Variation of -0.394.This is a negative relationship showing that when SOSUSUPER changes by unit, the change in Exmot decreases by 0.394 SD unit, Working variable has an Coefficient of Variation of 0.230 with 90% confidence means that when Working changes by unit, Exmot changes by 0.230 SD unit Hypothesis 2: For the purpose of testing the theoretical model, multiple linear regression was performed The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that the model has an R2 coefficient of 0.116 and an adjusted R2 value of 0.029, respectively Therefore, the independent variable in the model accounts for 0.29% of the variance in the dependent variable, the remaining proportion is explained by the independent variable outside the model The multiple regression coefficients results show that Sig values of all variables Sig > 0,05 so hypothesis should be rejected In addition, the results also show that firmSize has an impact on Exmot at the 90% confidence level with an Coefficient of Variation of 0.190.This is a positive correlation showing that when firmSize changes by unit, the change in Exmot increases by 0.394 SD units, Working variable has Coefficient This is a preview Do you want full access? 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Log in 22 CHAPTER : DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The present study was undertaken to investigate the impact of relatedness on employee’s extrinsic and intrinsic motivation It also explored the correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and relatedness These conclusions are drawn from a critical review of the results that were tabulated The multiple regression coefficients results of hypothesis testing table show that Sig values of all variables Sig > 0,05 so both hypothesis and hypothesis should be rejected.So this study does not support the result that there is a significant positive relationship between relatedness and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation 5.1 Limitation And Future Research Future research needs to address the various shortcomings of this study First of, the scope of this study was restricted to one nation with a fairly tiny population between the ages of 20 and 30 Second, it is challenging for practitioners to use since the questionnaire content is not entirely clear and contains several questions with almost identical meanings Thirdly, because the poll was conducted so quickly, it was unable to gather enough data to conduct a thorough analysis As a result, it is important to vary the subjects of future research, choose the questionnaire more carefully in order to make it easier to complete, and allow adequate time for all investigations that need a period of time to complete it in the greatest detail Finally, a quantitative data survey was a good choice because the study's viewpoint was examined The effect of interpersonal interactions at work on motivation This is a preview Do you want full access? 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Ngày đăng: 23/10/2023, 06:27


