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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KINH TẾ QUỐC DÂN _*** _ VIỆN ĐÀO TẠO TIÊN TIẾN, CLC & POHE BUSINESS ETHICS INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT CASE : National Collegiate Athletic Association Ethics and Compliance Program* Họ tên Lớp Mã sinh viên GV hướng dẫn : : : : Lưu Thục Quyên Quản trị Kinh doanh quốc tế CLC 64A 11225484 Nguyễn Bích Ngọc Hà Nội, 2023 MỤC LỤC A SUMMARY I II III IV INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF NCAA CHALLENGE FOR ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL Penn State Scandal Ohio State University of Arkansas Self-reporting and monitoring student athletes CONCLUSION B QUESTION This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 12 pages A I SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Accesspopular to all documents College football is immensely and profitable in American colleges, with programs like Texas A&M and Notre Dame having a significant impact Unlimited Downloads on school culture The Get revenue generated from football programs is substantial, and recent deals with ESPN have resulted in more games being televised Coaches nowImprove have expanded roles beyond coaching, becoming the your grades faces of their teams Successful programs work hard to fill stadium seats and encourage alumni donations The media gives more visibility to successful football teams, leading to greater awareness of the college or university and an increase in applications Upload Collegiate football programs have intangible influences on their Share your documents to unlock surroundings, particularly through their devoted fan bases of students, alumni, staff, faculty, and local businesses Victories are celebrated with large crowds and festivities Texas A&M is cited as an example of a program that generates profits and fosters fan loyalty, with thousands of fans attending each home game Free Trial The financial support and influence programs create pressures on Get 30 days of of football free Premium players, coaches, and administrators to fundraise, sell tickets, and win games These pressures can create opportunities for misconduct, making it increasingly important for university administrators and football program officials to address such issues However, it can be challenging for administrators to have an objective view of Log incidents, Already Premium? in especially when they involve successful football programs that benefit the entire university In conclusion, college football is not only popular and lucrative but also has a significant impact on school culture It generates revenue, attracts attention, and fosters loyalty among fans However, the pressure to succeed can lead to misconduct, emphasizing the need for administrators to acknowledge and address such issues The ultimate responsibility lies with the university, which can be challenging when dealing with successful football programs II OVERVIEW OF NCAA The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) was established in 1906 with the goal of protecting student-athletes from exploitation and harm It consists of three divisions (I, II, and III) to manage the increasing complexity of college sports programs, and universities can choose their division based on desired competitiveness Each division has the power to create policies and regulations through a group of university officials, with the NCAA President and Executive Committee overseeing all divisions In the early 1980s, concerns arose about the academic standards of student-athletes, prompting the NCAA to strengthen academic requirements and establish the Presidents Commission to collaborate with the NCAA The NCAA emphasizes that universities are responsible for overseeing their athletic departments and complying with conference terms They establish principles, rules, and enforcement guidelines, including disciplinary actions for ethical and unethical conduct by student-athletes and athletics personnel The NCAA enforces rules to maintain fair competition and respect studentathletes' rights It emphasizes the education of student-athletes and their post-athletic career opportunities The organization also regulates off-thefield activities, such as recruiting and gift acceptance, to protect studentathletes' best interests Despite its extensive rules and regulations, the NCAA has faced criticisms A former investigator was dismissed for violating investigation rules, leading to accusations of rule-breaking by others within the organization The NCAA has also been sued for allowing the use of players' likenesses in video games without compensation Misconduct in college sports, involving stakeholders like wealthy sports boosters, remains a challenge for the NCAA The pressure to maintain successful sports programs can lead to cheating and cover-ups When misconduct is alleged, the NCAA conducts investigations and imposes penalties, but criticisms arise regarding the severity and effectiveness of sanctions In conclusion, the NCAA aims to protect student-athletes and maintain fairness in college sports However, challenges persist, including criticisms of its practices, misconduct in college sports, and debates about the appropriateness of sanctions The organization continues to navigate these complexities while striving to uphold ethical standards and the well-being of student-athletes III CHALLENGE FOR ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL College football is not just a sport but a lucrative business for universities in the United States However, this business aspect raises ethical and compliance issues The question arises whether schools overlook these issues due to the financial benefits generated by football programs, leading to conflicts of interest Recent scandals in college football have drawn significant attention and criticism to the schools involved The NCAA's response to these scandals has received mixed reactions from stakeholders The NCAA faces the challenge of ensuring ethical compliance in college sports and preventing complacency among colleges due to the success of their teams The following examples highlight three major college football scandals, the schools' responses to the scandals, and the potential sanctions imposed by the NCAA Penn State Scandal The Penn State football team scandal of 2011 involved accusations that a former assistant coach sexually assaulted at least eight young boys over many years, and that the school did not take adequate steps to stop it Investigations revealed that the first report of misconduct came in 1998, but no criminal charges were made due to a lack of evidence In 2001, a graduate assistant reported seeing the perpetrator sexually assaulting a young boy to Head Coach Joe Paterno, but campus officials did not report it to the police Later reports indicated that the coach and school officials covered up the crimes The Penn State officials' negligent behavior may be explained by the strength of the football program and the complacency of the university culture The NCAA imposed sanctions against Penn State, including a $60 million fine, a four-year postseason ban, a four-year reduction in scholarships, and vacating the football team's wins from 1998 to 2011 Additionally, the university was required to take eight corrective steps, including creating a compliance officer and council, conducting training and education, and appointing an independent athletics integrity monitor The NCAA's goal is to find and stop unethical behavior before it becomes a problem Ohio State The Ohio State scandal involved student-athletes violating NCAA rules by receiving benefits that were not offered to the public, and the coach covering This is a preview Do you 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Go Premium and unlock all 12 pages up the violations Five football players were suspended for trading team gear for cash and tattoos, but the coach failed to report the violation for nine months, allowing the team to continue playing in ineligible games The Access to all documents NCAA banned Ohio State from a bowl game, took away scholarships, and put the team on probation The coach was issued a five-year show-cause Get Downloads order, essentially ending hisUnlimited career in collegiate athletics Other violations were also found, including players accepting money from a booster and Improve yourjob grades being overpaid for work in a summer The NCAA placed sanctions on Ohio State for failure to properly oversee their athletics program, costing them an estimated $8 million The scandal highlighted the importance of administrators being aware of what is happening within their organization and the severe consequences of violating NCAA rules Upload University of Arkansas Share your documents to unlock Head Coach Bobby Petrino, known for his coaching abilities but with a controversial personal reputation, faced a scandal during his tenure at the University of Arkansas Despite his success in transforming the football team, a motorcycle accident in 2012 revealed a hidden scandal Initially lying about riding alone, Petrino later admitted to riding with Jessica Free Trial Dorrell, a former student whom he had recently hired He also confessed to Get 30 days freegiving Premium an inappropriate relationship with herofand her gifts The scandal was compounded by the fact that Petrino was married with children and failed to disclose the conflict of interest in hiring Dorrell University of Arkansas Athletic Director Jeff Long faced a difficult decision but ultimately chose to fire Petrino due to the misconduct Although Already Premium? Log in keeping him would have Petrino's contributions to the team were significant, implied condoning his behavior Dorrell resigned shortly after Petrino's dismissal Despite the scandal, Petrino was later hired as the Head Coach at Western Kentucky University, which drew criticism for prioritizing winning games over ethical behavior Fortunately, the University of Arkansas avoided NCAA sanctions as no rules were violated Jeff Long demonstrated ethical leadership by taking action against Petrino's misconduct, even without pressure from the NCAA The university's actions reflected a commitment to high ethical standards within the football program While the team suffered from Petrino's departure, the decision created a culture of ethics and compliance, emphasizing that misconduct, even if not an NCAA violation, would not be tolerated Self-reporting and monitoring student athletes Minor violations can escalate into scandals when they are covered up by universities or football program authorities for extended periods The responsibility for monitoring the football program lies with the university, and a culture that fosters misconduct can lead to major scandals On the other hand, universities that promptly identify and report minor violations to the NCAA demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior and are less likely to be involved in significant scandals The NCAA considers self-reporting and accountability when determining penalties for violations In 2011, Boise State University faced 22 allegations of misconduct from the NCAA The university and head coaches took immediate action and collaborated with the NCAA During their investigation, the university discovered additional violations previously unknown to the NCAA and reported them These violations included assistant coaches arranging inexpensive housing and transportation for potential football players over a five-year period While the monetary value was relatively low, the duration of the violations was significant Boise State imposed self-imposed sanctions, resulting in fewer preseason practices and scholarships After reviewing the incidents and proposed sanctions, the NCAA added more penalties, citing a lack of institutional control and the prolonged infractions The university acknowledged its compliance shortcomings due to the rapid growth of the football program and took steps to strengthen its compliance department The University of New Mexico also faced sanctions for academic fraud in its football program The fraud occurred in 2004 but was not discovered until 2007 Two former assistant coaches assisted recruits and a current student in obtaining academic credit for an online course without completing the work Despite the incident's three-year gap, the university treated the matter seriously and imposed significant sanctions, including reductions in scholarship offers, scholarships, and coaching and recruiting capabilities The NCAA accepted most of the self-imposed sanctions but increased the scholarship reduction The issue of providing special favors to college athletes, such as compensation, has been a long-standing concern Violations related to providing benefits or paying athletes can jeopardize the integrity of college sports The argument against paying athletes is that it would diminish the appeal of college sports Legal battles, such as the one in 2013-14 concerning player compensation for the use of their likeness, highlight the ongoing debate However, the central issue remains whether student athletes should receive salaries or reimbursement for sports-related expenses and medical care The NCAA and universities recognize the importance of transparency and a level playing field to maintain the integrity of collegiate athletics Most college athletes will not pursue professional sports careers, emphasizing the need to prepare them for future careers and contributions to society Treating collegiate athletics like professional sports could have adverse consequences Therefore, all stakeholders should focus on helping young men and women develop skills for successful careers beyond athletics IV CONCLUSION The NCAA's primary goal is to prevent unethical behavior in collegiate athletics by establishing and enforcing standards of conduct They encourage universities to establish their own systems of compliance and control, as the ultimate responsibility lies with the universities and the culture they create When colleges impose sanctions on their football programs, the NCAA objectively examines these sanctions and either accepts them as sufficient or adds additional penalties that align with the misconduct This should not discourage universities from self-reporting violations or implementing selfimposed sanctions Although there is no guarantee of avoiding penalties, a proactive approach from football programs may receive more consideration from the NCAA during investigations Furthermore, a proactive culture of ethics and compliance helps programs recover more quickly after instances of misconduct The NCAA is a compliance-oriented organization that promotes certain values for universities to adopt in their sports programs While the NCAA rules should not be seen as the sole measure of ethical conduct, they serve as a minimum benchmark The NCAA guidelines provide a framework for how collegiate sports programs should behave and outline consequences for noncompliance Universities that have experienced both minor and major violations have recognized the importance of emphasizing ethics and compliance in their sports programs B QUESTION This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 12 pages Question1 : How does the NCAA encourage collegiate football programs to develop a culture of ethics and compliance? Access to all documents The NCAA encourages collegiate football programs to develop a culture of ethics and compliance through various measures Here are some ways in Get Unlimited Downloads which the NCAA promotes and encourages ethical behavior: Improve grades Setting Standards: The NCAAyour establishes clear rules and guidelines that govern collegiate athletics, including football These standards serve as a foundation for ethical conduct and provide a framework for programs to follow Compliance Assistance: The NCAA provides resources and support to Upload universities in establishing their own compliance programs They offer Share your documents to unlock educational materials, training sessions, and guidance to help institutions understand and meet the compliance requirements Monitoring and Enforcement: The NCAA actively monitors collegiate football programs to ensure compliance with rules and regulations They FreeandTrial conduct investigations, audits, reviews to identify any potential Get 30 days of of free Premium and deterrence violations This helps create a sense accountability Penalties and Sanctions: When violations occur, the NCAA imposes penalties and sanctions on the offending programs These consequences serve as a deterrent and send a message that unethical behavior will not be tolerated By holding programs accountable,Log the NCAA encourages a culture Already Premium? in of compliance Self-Reporting and Cooperation: The NCAA encourages universities to self-report any violations or misconduct promptly Programs that proactively report violations and cooperate fully with NCAA investigations are often viewed more favorably This incentivizes programs to be transparent and take responsibility for their actions Education and Awareness: The NCAA promotes ethical behavior through education and awareness campaigns They emphasize the importance of integrity, sportsmanship, and fair play, instilling these values in athletes, coaches, and administrators Learning from Past Incidents: The NCAA learns from past scandals and misconduct cases to improve its regulations and preventive measures By analyzing and addressing previous failures, they aim to prevent similar issues from arising in the future Overall, the NCAA encourages a culture of ethics and compliance by providing guidance, enforcing rules, and emphasizing the importance of integrity in collegiate football programs Question : Is it a valid criticism that the NCAA is based more on compliance than ethical values? The criticism that the NCAA is more focused on compliance rather than ethical values is a valid perspective that some individuals hold While the NCAA does emphasize compliance with its rules and regulations, there are arguments that suggest a greater emphasis on ethical values could further enhance the organization's mission Here are a few points to consider: Rule-Based Approach: The NCAA primarily operates on a rule-based system, where adherence to specific guidelines is paramount Critics argue that this approach may prioritize technical compliance rather than a broader understanding of ethical behavior They argue that a purely compliancefocused approach may not necessarily promote deeper ethical reflection and decision-making Lack of Flexibility: Some argue that the rigid enforcement of rules by the NCAA could limit universities' ability to address unique situations with nuanced ethical considerations A strict compliance approach may not fully accommodate the complexities and specific circumstances that arise within collegiate sports programs Ethical Development: Critics contend that while the NCAA's rules provide a baseline for ethical behavior, they may not actively foster the moral and ethical development of athletes and coaches There is a concern that a compliance-oriented culture may not fully encourage athletes to internalize ethical values or prioritize character development Inconsistencies in Enforcement: There have been instances where the NCAA's enforcement actions have been seen as inconsistent or lacking proportional responses Critics argue that a more value-driven approach to 10 addressing violations could result in fairer and more appropriate sanctions that align with the gravity of the misconduct It's important to note that the NCAA does place importance on ethics and promotes values such as integrity and sportsmanship However, the criticism suggests that there may be room for the NCAA to strike a better balance between compliance and fostering a culture of ethical values, ensuring that rules and regulations are not the sole focus but are complemented by an emphasis on moral development and decision-making Question3 : How can student athletes, coaches, and university administrators demonstrate a proactive response to ethics and compliance? Student athletes, coaches, and university administrators can demonstrate a proactive response to ethics and compliance in the following ways: Education and Training: Provide comprehensive education and training programs on ethics, values, and NCAA rules to student athletes, coaches, and administrators This includes regular workshops, seminars, and resources that promote ethical decision-making and compliance awareness Clear Policies and Expectations: Establish clear policies and expectations regarding ethical conduct and compliance within the athletic program Communicate these policies effectively to all stakeholders and ensure they understand the consequences of violating them Strong Leadership: Foster strong leadership at all levels of the program Coaches and administrators should lead by example and demonstrate high ethical standards and integrity in their actions This includes making ethical decisions, enforcing policies consistently, and holding individuals accountable for their behavior Encourage Reporting and Whistleblowing: Create a culture where individuals feel comfortable reporting potential violations or unethical behavior Implement mechanisms to protect individuals who come forward with information, such as anonymous reporting channels, to encourage transparency and accountability 11 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 12 pages Regular Monitoring and Auditing: Implement robust monitoring and auditing systems to identify potential compliance issues or ethical lapses Regularly review and assess theto program's operations, financial transactions, Access all documents and interactions to ensure compliance with NCAA rules and ethical standards Get Unlimited Downloads Self-Reporting and Cooperation: Encourage a proactive approach to selfyour grades reporting any violationsImprove or misconduct to the NCAA When instances of non-compliance are identified, promptly investigate, take appropriate action, and cooperate fully with NCAA investigations Ethical Decision-Making Support: Provide resources and support for individuals to navigate ethical dilemmas effectively This includes access to Upload ethics committees, ombudsman services, or advisors who can provide Share your documents to unlock guidance on ethical decision-making and help individuals understand the implications of their choices Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and updating ethics and compliance programs Stay informed about changesFree in NCAATrial rules and regulations, adapt policies and Getencourage 30 days offeedback free Premium practices accordingly, and from stakeholders to enhance the program's effectiveness By collectively demonstrating a proactive response to ethics and compliance, student athletes, coaches, and university administrators can help create an environment that upholds ethical values, Already Premium? Log inpromotes compliance, and ensures the long-term integrity of collegiate sports programs 12

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2023, 06:27


