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LỚP TIẾNG ANH CÔ TẠ THANH HIỀN BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP & TỪ VỰNG CHUYÊN SÂU TIẾNG ANH LỚP THEO CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MỚI CỦA BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO Full name: _ School: _ Grade: _ Teacher: _ Hanoi, July 2023 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT I Vocabulary N0 Words Transcription Meaning Example artisan (n) /ˌɑːtɪˈzæn/ thợ làm nghề The hand-woven textiles were made by skilled thủ công local artisans attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ sự/ sức/ điểm Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction hấp dẫn authenticity (n) /ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ tính xác thực The authenticity of the letter is beyond doubt cast (v) /kɑːst/ đúc (đồng) The statue cast in bronze is heavy craft (n) craftsman (n) cross (v) /krɑːft/ /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ /krɒs/ nghề thủ công Sheep shearing is a highly skilled craft thợ thủ công It is clearly the work of a master craftsman đan chéo The roads cross just outside the town drumhead (n) /ˈdrʌmhed/ mặt trống A drumhead is a membrane stretched over one or both of the open ends of a drum embroider (v) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdə(r)/ dệt The sleeves were embroidered in gold 10 frame (n) /freɪm/ khung I’m going to paint the door frame white 11 handicraft (n) /ˈhændikrɑːft/ sản phẩm thủ Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft công 12 lacquer (n) /ˈlækə(r)/ sơn mài Lacquer is a type of solvent-based product 13 layer (n) 14 mould (v) /ˈleɪə(r)/ /məʊld/ lớp (lá) đổ khuôn A thin layer of dust covered everything The figure had been moulded in clay 15 preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːv/ 16 remind (v) /rɪˈmaɪnd/ bảo tồn, bảo Efforts to preserve the peace have failed vệ gợi nhớ The building reminded me strongly of my old school 17 sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ điêu khắc, đồ She creates sculptures out of scrap materials điêu khắc 18 set off (ph.v) 19 strip (n) 20 surface (n) /set ɒf/ /strɪp/ /ˈsɜːfɪs/ khởi hành mảnh, dài bề mặt 21 team (n) building /tiːm ˈbɪldɪŋ/ We set off for London just after ten a strip of paper, a strip of cloth Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel việc xây dựng The programme focuses on team building đội ngũ 22 thread (n) /θred/ sợi This is a robe embroidered with gold thread 23 treat (v) /triːt/ xử lý (chất Water is discharged from the sewage works thải) after being treated 24 turn up (ph.v) /tɜːn ʌp/ 25 weave (v) 26 workshop (n) /wiːv/ /ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ xuất hiện, đến Don’t worry about the letter - I’m sure it’ll turn up đan, dệt She is skilled at spinning and weaving công xưởng The workshop employs 25 full-time workers II Word formation Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Words Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) Transcription Meaning Related words attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ hút, sức hút attractant (n) /əˈtrỉktənt/ chất hấp dẫn trùng attractive (a) attractively (adv) attractiveness (n) authenticity (n) /əˈtræktɪv/ /əˈtræktɪvli/ /əˈtræktɪvnəs/ /ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ hấp dẫn cách hấp dẫn hấp dẫn, lơi tính xác thực authentically (adv) authenticate (a) authentication (n) inauthentic (a) inauthenticity (n) caster (n) /ɔːˈθentɪkli/ /ɔːˈθentɪkeɪt/ /ɔːˌθentɪˈkeɪʃn/ /ˌɪnɔːˈθentɪk/ /ˌɪnɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ /ˈkɑːstə(r)/ đích thực, xác thực xác nhận xác nhận khơng thật, giả tính khơng thật thợ đúc casting (n) craftsmen (n.pl) /ˈkɑːstɪŋ/ /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ đúc, vật đúc thợ thủ công craftswoman (n) craftswomen (n.pl) embroiderer (n) /ˈkrɑːftswʊmən/ /ˈkrɑːftswʊmən/ /ɪmˈbrɔɪdərə(r)/ nữ thợ thủ công nữ thợ thủ công người dệt embroidery (n) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdəri/ công việc thêu, đồ thêu preserver (n) /prɪˈzɜːvə(r)/ người bảo quản preservation (n) preservationist (n) preservative (a, n) /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/ /ˌprezəˈveɪʃənɪst/ /prɪˈzɜːvətɪv/ bảo quản, giữ gìn người bảo thủ bảo quản, chất bảo quản preservable (a) reminder (n) /prɪˈzɜːvəbl/ /rɪˈmaɪndə(r)/ bảo quản điều gợi nhớ treatment (n) /ˈtriːtmənt/ việc đối xử, cách xử lý treatable (a) /ˈtriːtəbl/ treater (n) treaty (n) weaver (n) /ˈtriːti/ /ˈtriːti/ /ˈwiːvə(r)/ xử lý, điều trị người giải hiệp ước, thỏa thuận thợ dệt weaving (n) /ˈwiːvɪŋ/ công việc dệt attract (v) authentic (a) cast (v) craftsman (n) embroider (v) preserve (v) remind (v) treat (v) weave (v) III Grammar Complex sentences Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) - A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone Subordinator + dependent clause, independent clause Independent clause + subordinator + dependent clause Examples: When I have free time, I usually go to the museum I usually go to the museum when I have free time - Subordinators in complex sentences: Reason Contrast Condition Place Purpose Time As Although If Where In order that After Because Considering Unless Wherever So that Before that Since Even though On condition For fear that As soon as that Even if As long as Once Though Provided that Until Whereas Providing that When While Whenever While Examples: Although Denise had some doubts, she found the courses very useful Computers have come a long way since they first came on the market The alarm was raised as soon as the fire was discovered Phrasal verbs - A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an adverb or a preposition, or both Typically, their meaning is not obvious from the meanings of the individual words themselves - Phrasal verbs can be intransitive (i.e they have no object): We broke up two years ago They set off early to miss the traffic He pulled up outside the cottage - Phrasal verbs can be transitive (i.e they can have an object): The police were called to break up the fight When the door is opened, it sets off an alarm They pulled the house down and redeveloped the site - Some phrasal verbs can be both intransitive and transitive The two friends made up after their bitter argument (intransitive) Please stop making up excuses (transitive) - Some common phrasal verbs: Phrasal verbs Meaning Examples be about to st định làm Hi Johnny, I was about to call you be in có mặt I will let you know as soon as the doctor is in be into thích, hào hứng I’m really into this band right now be over kết thúc The worst is over He should start to recover in a few days come across st/ sb tình cờ gặp I came across that old watch of mine when I was cleaning tìm thấy out the drawers Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) come into thừa kế (tiền, tài sản) He must have come into a bit of money come up with tìm ra, nảy ý tưởng I’m finding it difficult to come up with new ideas come down with bị nhiễm bệnh I don’t feel very well today I think I’ve come down with the flu get on (with sb) có quan hệ tốt We’re getting on much better now that we don’t live together get out of tránh khỏi How can I get out of this mess I’m in get (a)round to st/ thu xếp thời gian để I still haven’t gotten (a)round to fixing the broken table doing st hồn tất việc get back trở What time did you get back last night? get rid of vứt bỏ I want to get rid of that old mattress give away st hiến tặng He’s a generous man He give away half of his salary to charity each month give out phân phát Can you give out these books to the rest of the class please? give up từ bỏ The doctor has told me to give up smoking look into điều tra, xem xét, nghiên The police are looking into reports of a robbery last night cứu look up tra cứu (từ điển) Can you look up John’s phone number for me please? look forward to mong đợi, mong chờ I am looking forward to seeing my family again after six months of living abroad look after trơng nom, chăm sóc Can you look after my cat while I’m away? look down on khinh thường My neighbours look down on us because we have less money look up to coi trọng She really looks up to her boss He has taught her many things break down hư hỏng My car broke down on the highway today break into đột nhập Burglars broke into my house last night break out bùng phát An epidemic of flu has broken out pick up đón Can you pick up the children after school? pick on trêu trọc You’re always picking on me, and I wish you would stop put up with st/ sb chấp nhận, chịu đựng I don’t know how she put up with him put in dành (thời gian) He puts in 12 hours at work every day put off st trì hỗn See if you can put the meeting off for an hour We still need more time put aside/ away st để dành I’ve put away/ aside enough money to retire early put away st cất Can you please put away all those books lying around? put on (weight) tăng cân I’ve put on a lot of weight recently I must have put on several kilos run into sb tình cờ gặp I ran into an old friend of mine yesterday while I was out shopping run out of st hết, cạn kiệt We’ve run out of coffee again Could you get some on your way home? run over đâm phải He’s still very upset after running over the cat last night (bằng xe) run through st bàn qua lượt, luyện OK, can we just run through the main points again? tập Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 run up against take up st/ doing st take over st take off take after sb take on st Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) gặp phải (khó khăn) The company ran up against some problems initially, but now things are operating smoothly bắt đầu (một thói quen) I’m thinking of taking up a new hobby tiếp quản The company has been taken over by a Spanish corporation cất cánh You’ve just missed the plane: it took off a few minutes ago giống ngoại hình He takes after his father in his love of tennis tính cách gia đình đảm nhận I’ve taken on too much work How will I ever find the time to finish it all? UNIT - PRACTICE TEST A PHONETICS I Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group A pottery B local C control D fold A artisan B establish C attraction D handicraft A environment B environmental C entertainment D document A helped B struggled C remarked D watched A chairs B suitcases C things D calculators A endangered B generation C accept D memorable A traditional B graduation C handicraft D grandparent A environment B repeat C embroider D transfer A pottery B opinion C communicate D behavior 10 A handicraft B publish C remind D historical 11 A pottery B product C workshop D conical 12 A surface B layer C frame D birthplace 13 A weather B thread C together D rather 14 A historical B system C landscape D business 15 A carved B impressed C embroidered D weaved 16 A attraction B artisan C frame D handicraft 17 A drumhead B illustration C earplug D drugstore 18 A strip B visual C artistic D remind 19 A thread B treat C pleasure D deadline 20 A embroider B preserve C benefit D effect 21 A east B head C street D season 22 A although B southern C theatre D these 23 A developed B located C founded D completed 24 A capital B liberty C empire D mingle 25 A famous B neighbour C harbour D southern 26 A surface B attraction C lacquerware D artisan 27 A layer B artisan C frame D place 28 A drum B culture C museum D sculpture 29 A weave B treat C deal D drumhead 30 A although B authenticity C through D tablecloth Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) II Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group A preservation B recognition C decision D exhibition A artisan B citadel C paradise D handicraft A pottery B sculpture C embroider D handkerchief A control B lantern C carpet D basket A attraction B souvenir C particular D variety A surface B attraction C bamboo D technique A transfer B publish C accept D remind A handicraft B cultural C museum D sculpture A opinion B embroider C department D drumhead 10 A workshop B authenticity C grandparent D village 11 A craftsman B attraction C museum D department 12 A embroider B lantern C impress D desire 13 A workshop B remind C outskirts D village 14 A competition B generation C conical D authenticity 15 A family B typical C grandparents D embroider B MULTIPLE CHOICE I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences In 1990, due to the change of the economic situation, Dong Ho paintings were difficult to sell and many quit their job A craftsmen B crafts C craftsmanship D craft unions The Van Phuc silk producers have expanded their silk garment goods they can satisfy the varied demand for their silk A so that B in order to C despite D because It turned out that we rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours A hadn’t B should have C needn’t have D mustn’t Weaving mats in Dinh Yen, Dong Thap used to be sold in the “ghost” markets set up at night and operate up to early morning the government built a new market five years ago A after B as soon as C when D until Since changing the way of production, many craftsmen have voluntarily joined together to for A cooperatives B cooperative C cooperates D cooperation I don’t like to ask people for help but I wonder if you could me a favour A make B C find D pick Nowadays, Tan Chau artisans can produce silk of multiple colours they can meet customers’ demands A but B in order C so D so that Situated on the bank of the Duong river, the village was famous for the of making Dong Ho paintings A manufacture B activity C craft D production There was no in continuing for him the race was over A value B worth C point D profit 10 a large number of the country’s crafts villages are suffering from a shortage of human resources and difficulties in building brand recognition, many international organizations have had projects to help them A Even B Although C However D But Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) 11 Vietnamese traditional is done with a simple hammer and chisel A sculptured feature B sculptor C sculpture pieces D sculpture 12 This cloth very thin A feels B touches C holds D handles 13 It was only he told me his surname that I realized that we had been to the same school A until B when C since D then 14 a majority of Vietnamese small and medium enterprises not have in-house designers or specialized design staff, they have to hire freelance designers A While B Since C Due to D Despite the fact 15 Now, at the age of over 80, the artisan is leaving the craft to his descendants with the desire to this ancient craft A change B consider C preserve D reserve 16 For that artisans, making the paintings is a career it supports the life of many generations of the family A because of B although C so that D because 17 The four-ton statue of hero Tran Vu, in 1667, still stands in Quan Thanh Temple A to cast B to be vast C cast D casting 18 Her business must be going rather well, by the car she drives A deducing B deciding C inferring D judging 19 I’m afraid this vase is anything but antique - In fact, it’s A pointless B worthless C meaningless D hopeless 20 He couldn’t his father that he was telling the truth A admit B confide C trust D convince 21 Tom wakes his parents up playing the guitar very softly A because B in spite of C because of D although 22 she was very hard working; she hardly earned enough to feed her family A In spite of B Because C Because of D.Although 23 I went to the club last Saturday the heavy rain A because of B because C in spite of D though 24 Despite the fact that it rained, we enjoyed our trip A Because of the rain B Though it is raining C Despite of the heavy rain D Though it rained 25 Although he is very old, he can walk to the station A In spite of his old age B Despite his old age C Despite the fact that he is old D All are correct 26 The boy can’t reach the shelf he’s not tall enough A because B although C even though D and 27 Nam failed the final exam _ he was lazy A while B though C because D but 28.We didn’t go for a walk _it was very cold A though B because C but D so 29 I’m learning English _ I want to get a better job A or B because C therefore D but 30 Lan couldn’t pass the exam _ she is too lazy A because B because of C although D in spite of 31 Many people believe him _he often tells a lie Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) C although D because of A because B in spite of 32. her poverty, she feels happy A Although B Because C If D In spite of 33 In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job A As hard as he work B Despite he worked hard C Though he worked hard D Although hard work 34 Tom went to work although he didn’t feel very well A that he did not feel very well B despite of the fact not feeling well C because he did not feel very well D.despite not feeling very well 35 I have tried hard but I can’t earn enough money A Although I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money B Although I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money C In spite of I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money D Despite I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money 36 She couldn’t unlock it _ she had the wrong key A while B but C though D because 37 We watched TV the whole evening we had nothing better to A because B though C so D but 38 They decided not to go out for a meal _they were too tired A so B because C but D if 39 Last night we came to the show late the traffic was terrible A although B despite C and D because 40. _ his broken leg, he didn’t come to class yesterday A Because B Because of C Despite D So 41 I almost missed my flight there was a long queue in the duty-free shop A although B since C despite D because of 42 I want to be well-groomed other people think nice things about me A in order to B so as not to C so that D as soon as 43 she is young, she is very independent A Although B Because C In order that D In spite of 44 I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years A As soon as B Although C After D Before 45 he had finished his studies, he went to America A While B Before C After D Until 46 You’ll never guess what happened I left my room A as long as B as soon as C while D as far as 47 they’re expensive, they last forever and never go out of style A When B As soon as C Even though D Because 48 She went back to live with her mother she did not earn enough money to live in her own house A although B so that C in order to D because 49 They were driving to Dallas they caught an accident A when B while C before D as soon as 50 she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag A In order that B Although C Because of D While C WORD FORMS Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) Children have to have moral lessons at school to avoid behavior of (MORALITY) in the future If you don’t go to work regularly, you will be punished for (REGULARITY) in work In our country, men and women are equal No one supports sexual (EQUALITY) Every young man undergoing military training is bound to experience (COMFORT) Tom’s failure was due not to but to his own mistakes (FORTUNE) He is a notorious who robbed a bank yesterday (CRIME) It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird It has been listed as one of the (DANGER) species The weather was terrible, so we had a very holiday (PLEASE) The of the new guest caused trouble to me (ARRIVE) 10 to the school is by examination only (ADMIT) 11 The price of clay, supplies and equipment is a small percentage of the total (PRODUCT) cost to pottery 12 He started the youth group to keep local off the streets (YOUNG) 13 Poem conical hats are believed to come from Tay Ho Village in Hue, which (SKILL) was famous for hat makers 14 Today, Hang Trong paintings are found only in museums or (AUTHENTICITY) fine art galleries 15 Craft village tourism has also proved an , receiving great (ATTRACT) attention from visitors, especially foreign tourists 16 Mass started in 1989 when the first 340 Windsurf guests (TOUR) arrived 17 The tribe is concerned with the of its culture and traditions (PRESERVE) 18 The second collection was more decorative, inspired by (EMBROIDER) and pattern 19 Vietnamese people have a strong desire to maintain a distinct (CULTURE) identity 20 I’d like to thank everyone for helping to make this day for us (MEMORY) D VERB FORMS I Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box live on look through pass down set off close down come back deal with get up They offered her a trip to Europe but she it turn down keep up with He has the report and found nothing interesting Phong walks too fast and it’s really hard to him These traditional stories have been from parents to children over many generations My sister is an early bird She at o’clock every day of the week We’ll for Tay Ho village at o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock When I was a student, I small allowances from my parents The government must now the preservation of traditional craft villages The banks have a lot of branches in villages over the last few years 10 Many foreign tourists decided to Vietnam for another holiday 10 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) 18 His doctor advised him (give up) _ (jog) _ 19 My watch keeps (stop) _ 20 People used (make) _ fire by (rub) _ two sticks together II Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets Tom regrets _ (spend) too much time _(play) computer games Students stopped (make) noise when the teacher came in He’ll try (not make) the same mistake again Would you mind (turn) off the radio? When you see Tom, remember (give) him my regards They postponed (build) an elementary school for lack of finance It’s no use _ (advise) him He never allows anybody _ (give) advice It’s easy (get) into bad habits Is there anything here worth (buy)? 10 We missed (watch) a football match last night 11 The principal tells him (come) in 12 My parents decided (take) a taxi because it was late 13 Do you agree (lend) me some money? 14 Tom refused (give) me his address 15 You’ll be able (do) it yourself when you are older 16 I didn’t know how (get) to your house, so I stopped (ask) the way 17 We found it very difficult (reach) a decision 18 I will remember (give) Mr Brown your message 19 She remembers (be) taken to the zoo by her mother 20 Do you feel like (go) to the concert or would you like (stay) at home? F CORRECTION I Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it If you don’t want to be late for work again, try to go to bed earlier A B C D She was awarded the employee of the year though her young age A B C D Although John will have a very busy day tomorrow, he has arranged meeting him at 4.00 A B C D Despite of not being a professional dancer, Linda practices dancing every day A B C D My mother always suggests to read the book before seeing the film A B C D In spite of have to be far from home regularly, Tim decided to become a tour guide A B C D Despite her tiredness, Susan is attempting burn the midnight oil for studying A B C D Tony, who graduated with an excellent degree, is offered become a chef A B C D Although a good position, Mr Allred has to work overtime regularly A B C D 211 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) 10 We can’t stand to hear loud noises from the construction site day by day A B C D 11 If you not have breakfast in the morning, you should not be able to study or work efficiently A B C D 12 I don’t like eating something overcooked, so I will ask the chef to cook another piece of A B C D beef for me 13 My mother needed some cloves of garlic, so I went to the market and buy it for her A B C D 14 While the chicken is cooking, wash two cucumbers, chop them in a half and slice them A B C D 15 If you can cook some food for yourself, have a bowl of cereal and a bottle of milk A B C D 16 Last year, she had spent approximately 15 million VND on the holiday with her best friend in Korea A B C D 17 What I love to in France most is to go to sightseeing in the historic city of Versailles A B C D 18 After a hard-working season, we just want to go to Da Nang, stay at a beautiful A B seasides resort and enjoy seafood every day C D 19 All the passengers are required to remain seated for some minutes after the down touch A B C D 20 As soon as she arrived at the hotel from the airport, she checked-out to get a room A B C D G READING I Read the following text and complete the blanks with the appropriate jobs given in the box There are extra options engineer astronaut vet police officer lawyer mail carrier doctor flight attendant dentist teacher The Different Careers Nowadays, there are many different careers that one can choose For example, if you like sharing your knowledge with others, you can become a(n) (1) This job is not easy, but at least you will get summer vacation like all the students If you not like that one, you can become a(n) (2) This career is excellent for those who have a good sense of authority, since you will have to make sure people abide by the law If someone breaks the law, you can arrest him / her But if what you want is to help people, why not become a(n) (3) ? That way, when people get sick, you can help them feel better If you not like this profession, you can become a(n) (4) .That career requires knowing medicine, but you would only work on people’s dental health If you like medicine, but you not want to cure people, you can also help animals, you can become a(n) (5) Another good job if you want to help people is that of a(n) (6) But this is a dangerous job, since you would have to be very close to fire all the time, trying to put them out If you want to work in something safer, there are many other options Would you like to go to the moon? Maybe you can work as a(n) (7) Or maybe you can work as a(n) (8) , delivering mail If that still does not suit you, you can also consider working as a(n) (9) It may be boring to serve food to people, but at least you will be doing it on a plane That way, you would be able to travel more The last option I can tell you about is an interesting job in which you must fix pipes If you not mind doing 212 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) that, you can be a(n) (10) I hope you have found a career that you like If not, keep looking You will find one that is just perfect for you! II Read the extracts from three people, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) Amelia: I’d really like to the course in performing arts, because I’m very interested in dance, but I have to think about my career I work as a fashion designer and will need to use a computer to design clothes, so I’m going to the Information Technology course I can study dance and photography in my free time Jack: I really like the idea of performing arts course I’m in a rock band and I love drama and music, but my parents don’t like that idea at all, they don’t think it’s very useful for my career They want me to the Information Technology course, but I already know a lot about computers and I don’t want to spend my life working with computers So I’ve decided to the leisure and tourism course because travelling is quite interesting, and it makes Mum and Dad happy because it’s a “real job”! Susan: I really liked the idea of the sports studies course - it looks great - working with people and doing something I enjoy, but if I the part-time course it’s just too long! Four years studying three evenings a week - it’s too much I look at the childcare course too, but it’s working with really small children, and I prefer older ones So in the end, I didn’t choose any of these courses, I’m going to look for another sports studies course at a different college, because I want to try to find something shorter T F The work of a fashion designer requires computer skills Amelia will become a dancer Jack will follow the Information Technology course Jack’s parents make him follow a career in leisure and tourism Susan finally takes a sports studies course Susan is interested in small children because she considers the childcare course Amelia and Jack take an Information Technology course None of them can follow their first choice of courses III Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question It is sometimes very difficult to decide which career to choose when you leave school British students are helped by career teachers, who inform them about different careers, qualifications needs and try to help them make up their minds Mr Hemmings, a careers teacher as well as a History teacher, talks about his experience “I’ve been a careers teacher for around five years and, on the whole, I’ve found it a rewarding experience Our students have careers lessons once a week for the fourth and the fifth years (15 or 16 years old) My task consists of explaining as accurately as possible the qualifications required for each job, as well as the type of work and personal skills involved Advising teenagers can be rather difficult - some youngsters have no idea at all of what they want to do, or of what the real world outside school really is They come to me and say “I don’t like routine nine- tofive jobs I’d like something exciting that pays well ” What can I say? That we’re running out of exciting jobs? But they usually end up facing reality and come down to their senses after a while Anyway here in school we only give them a piece of advice according to what we know about their favorite and weakest subjects, pastimes and personality But if you ask me, things are happening so quickly around here, with our economy in the dumps that sometimes you don’t know what to say A few days ago I asked a fifteen-year-old boy what job he had in mind and he replied “I haven’t any plans You see, Sir, I don’t know what new jobs will replace today’s” What could I say? What career teachers in Britain help students? 213 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) A Inform them about different careers B Tell them the qualifications needed for careers C Help them make up their minds D All of the above How has Mr Hemmings found his job as a careers teacher? A An easy job B A rewarding experience C A stressful job D A challenging experience How often British students have careers lessons? A Once a week B Twice a week C Once a fortnight D Twice a month Why is it difficult to advise teenagers? A Teenagers have no idea of what exciting jobs are B Many youngsters never go outside of their houses C Some of them don’t know what careers they want D Many teenagers only like doing jobs that pay well Why hasn’t the student got any plans about his future job? A There will be many new jobs in the future B His parents haven’t told him about his future job C He is too young to think about it D He is busy studying his favorite subjects IV Read the passage and answer the questions Over a million people working in America’s fields, and far more globally, are about to face competition from workers who never get tired or ask for a living wage As field robots have gotten cheaper, a steady stream of farm jobs are being automated Lettuce weeding is one of the first where the cost of robots now matches human labor Weeding lettuce is slow, expensive, and potentially dangerous due to chemical exposure Farm workers must spray individual weeds from a pesticide-filled backpack Automated systems like the one designed by Danish firm F Poulsen Engineering replace this with mechanical weeding and computer vision to distinguish between crops and pests The company says it can the job much faster and at no extra cost Robots will likely make inroads fastest in areas where the labor is backbreaking, and peak harvest times create a short supply of workers Most robots have been built for specialized tasks: grapevine pruners, lettuce thinners, strawberry picking and cow-milking robots But corn and other commodity crops are already taking advantage of economies of scale to get ahead of the cost curve Large corn farmers in the US are buying features like self-steering tractors to save money Even though the technology isn’t expected to reach price parity with human labor until 2020 for most farmers, about 10% of US farmers have adopted the technology because of their scale Answer the question below What does “the workers never getting tired or asking for a living wage” refer to? _ What farm job is not too costly to use agriculture robots? _ What farm workers carry when they apply some chemicals to vegetables? _ What can the automated system distinguish? 214 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) _ To reduce cost, what some American farmers buy? _ V Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank Although you may think you are too young to worry about your future career, it is important that you start (1) _ about your life after high school right now so that you can take the steps necessary to any (2) _ you may choose Some of these steps include choosing the right high school, enrolling in the necessary (3) _, earning good grades, getting work experience and building a resume It can seem overwhelming trying to choose a career before you (4) _high school, but always keep in mind that it is never too late (5) _your career path and no one says you have to decide now There are lots of different (6) _that go into choosing a career path To determine the occupation you want to enter, you need to consider your interests, how long you want to be in school, how much money you want to make, the type of work you want to do, the (7) _ for job growth and job trends in the industry sounds like a lot, but that is just the tip of the iceberg Each day you make many decisions - what to wear, who to hang out with, how to spend your time after school Some of the decisions you make today can affect you for the (8) _ of your life Once you have figured out the things you like to and the things you well, you can begin exploring careers that include your interests and skills Make a plan for the beginning, and once you have a plan, work the plan Do the steps along the way each year to keep on (9) _toward graduation and higher (10) _ A launching B emitting C thinking D peaking A vacation B career C position D seat A classes B schools C courses D academics A extend B stop C continue D complete A to change B to explore C to start D to ban A views B sides C factors D points A confident B potential C dangerous D impressive A weight B light C wave D rest A track B atmosphere C vacant D universe 10 A employment B career C education D requirement H WRITING I Fill the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases 215 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) Although the Internet has some bad effects, more and more people use it → In spite of In spite of a heavy snowstorm, the reporters went out to their tasks → Even though The weather was very bad, so they had to cancel the live show → Because of _ He bought a newspaper to read about the football match though he saw it on TV last night → In spite of Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well → In spite of Although she said that she would come, I don’t think she ever will → In spite of _ Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman → Despite _ In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies → Even though _ In spite of his good salary, Jack gave up his job → Although 10 She told me the secret, despite having promised not to so → Although II Join each pair of sentences into one, beginning with the words provided John would like more holidays He doesn’t mind going to school → Despite The work was hard and the wages were low He decided to take the job → In spite of She is the boss She works as hard as her employees → Despite She was successful She felt dissatisfied → In spite of They drank from the stream They knew it was polluted → They drank _ The villagers refuse to leave Their food supply is threatened → The villagers Reid failed to score himself He helped Jones score two goals → Although _ My foot was injured I managed to walk to the nearest village → I managed He has health problems He is always smiling → In spite of 10 I got good marks The exam was difficult → Despite III Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word or words given, and so that the meaning stays the same Do not change the words given in any way Terry works in a different place now (JOB) _ A good boss looks after everyone in the company (EMPLOYER) 216 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) _ I am sure you will learn a lot in this job (EXPERIENCE) _ This job is a good way to earn money, but that’s all (LIVING) _ The firm gave me a rise after I had worked there a year (RAISED) _ The company was profitable last year (MADE) _ I had to be interviewed at the head office (ATTEND) _ My annual salary is £12,000 (A YEAR) _ Jill is employed by a firm of accountants (WORKS) _ 10 We advertised the job in the paper (PUT) _ IV Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same Mr Thuan was injured He managed to finish the race → Despite _ Although he had no qualifications for it, he got the job → In spite I didn't like the CD you have recommended to me, but I bought it all the same → Although Thuy went to school She was ill → In spite _ We couldn't win the match We played well → Despite It rained a lot We enjoyed our holiday → In spite I told her all the truth However, she didn't believe me → In spite They didn't play well, but they won the game → Despite He didn't get the job He had all the necessary qualifications → In spite 10 Although the shirts are very expensive, people buy them because they are trendy → In spite _ UNIT 12 – PRACTICE TEST PART PHONETICS I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group A universe B technical C profession D content A logical B calm C skilful D cultivation A college B colleague C engineer D biologist A service B decide C design D advice A alternative B career C applied D approach 217 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) II Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the others in each group A management B injection C profession D vocation A discuss B planner C leisure D effort A dynamic B consider C qualified D variety A alternative B adaptable C biologist D academic 10 A vocational B architecture C development D compulsory PART VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences 11 That artist painted a beautiful painting of a rhino the fact that he has never seen one A although B despite C because D due to 12 My parents have me to focus on social sciences and humanities A tried B encouraged C managed D make 13 Would you mind the door? A open B to open C opening D opened 14 What kind of career you think is most suitable for you when you’ve just graduated from college? A way B ladder C path D break 15 You should give up or you will die of cancer A smoke B to smoke C smoking D smoked 16 I hope they take her age into when they judge her work A account B note C thinking D attention 17 Ann was very surprised to find the door unlocked She remembered it before she left A to lock B locking C lock D she locks 18 My sister is and she wants to become a fashion designer A romantic B artistic C optimistic D pessimistic 19 We need to get a good job to a decent living A spend B earn C D bring 20 The staff discussed the next meeting until next week A postponing B to postpone C postpone D to postponing 21 The possible career paths in education can be to become teachers, education or curriculum developers A leaders B administrators C professors D businessman 22 You can make by starting up your own business A a difference B a fuss C headway D a bundle 23 The assignment was very lengthy so she was forced to burn the to get it done on time A lamp B oil C midnight lamp D midnight oil 24 The driver stopped a coffee because he felt sleepy A have B to have C having D had 25 You should choose a job that is based on your and your likes A levels B abilities C rates D career II Identify the underlined word of phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct by choosing A, B, C or D 26 After learning the lesson, the children got much inform about the history of their country A learning B the C inform D their 27 My father used to walking 10 km to school when he was a student A used B to walking C when D was 28 It seems difficult for us having a trip abroad at the moment 218 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) A seems B difficult C having D at 29 There is still evidence for people to believe in the exist of UFOs A still B for C believe D exist 30 We are confident that we will be ability to persuade our friends to keep the school clean A confident B ability C persuade D to keep 31 We have to save energy because save energy is very necessary A have to B energy C save D necessary 32 It is raining heavily because I can’t go out A raining B heavily C because D go out 33 This book was writing by Jack London, an American writer A This B was writing C by D an 34 It’s not easy find a cheap apartment in Ho Chi Minh city A not easy B find C cheap apartment D in 35 The students have four fifteen-minutes breaks each day A have B fifteen-minutes C breaks D day III Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences 36 You must submit the child’s birth when you want to register him for the school (CERTIFY) 37 The company must to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract (APPLICATION) 38 Thanks to my parents’ I passed the English Speaking Contest and won the second prize (ENCOURAGE) 39 He can himself into believing anything he wants to believe (PERSUADE) 40 A is a person who studies one or more of the natural or physical sciences (SCIENCE) 41 She had to between giving up her job or hiring a nanny (CHOICE) 42 I don’t want to go to the party but I suppose I’d better put in an (APPEAR) 43 You will need to seek advice about your claim for compensation for the job (PROFESSION) 44 Wearing uniforms students to be proud of their schools (ENCOURAGEMENT) 45 The Internet in a fast and convenient way to get (INFORM) PART READING I Read the following passage and choose the option A, B, C or D to complete the following statements If your application indicates that you are qualified, the employer may request an interview The interview enables you to learn more about the job It also helps the employer find out if you are the best person for the job Many people prepare for an interview by learning about the employer’s business You can find such information in an organization’s annual report or on its website This kind of knowledge can help you ask intelligent questions during your interview It also shows the interviewer that you are interested in the employer’s business Most interviewers pay close attention to the way an applicant acts, dresses and answers questions You can make a good impression by arriving on time and by being confident, prepared and well-organized Your clothing should be clean, comfortable and professional Wear the kinds of clothes appropriate to the company, unless the workers wear uniforms The interviewer will probably ask about your interests, your work experience and your goals Answer all questions briefly You should also prepare questions to ask the interviewer about the company and the position you are seeking Send a follow-up letter to everyone who interviewed you no later than two days after the interview In the letter, thank the interviewer for the time spent discussing the position with you Let the interviewer know if you are still interested in the job 46 You can make a good impression on the interviewer A with your punctuality B by wearing casual clothes C by wearing the company’s uniform D with your acting skills 47 The interview is necessary to A the interviewer B both the interviewer and interviewee 219 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) D the candidate C the company 48 The follow-up letter should A include the good time you experienced at the interview B be written after two days of the interview C include your gratitude to the interviewer and your interest in the job D interest everyone interviewed for the job 49 Visiting the employer’s website A may help candidates prepare questions to ask the interviewer B it not necessary before an interview C helps you read the organization’s annual report D only wastes some of your time 50 Interviewees should also prepare questions to ask A about the interviewer’s work experience B the interviewer before they are asked C about the employer’s interests D about the company and the vacancy II Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank Although you may think you are too young to worry about your future career, it is important that you start (51) about your life after high school right now so that you can take the steps necessary to any (52) you may choose Some of these steps include choosing the right high school, enrolling in the necessary (53) , earning good grades, getting work experience and building a resume It can seem overwhelming trying to choose a career before you (54) high school, but always keep in mind that it is never too late (55) your career path and no one says you have to decide now There are lots of different (56) that go into choosing a career path To determine the occupation you want to enter, you need to consider your interests, how long you want to be in school, how much money you want to make, the type of work you want to do, the (57) for job growth and job trends in the industry sounds like a lot, but that is just the trip of the iceberg Each day you make many decisions - what to wear, who to hang out with, how to spend your time after school Some of the decisions you make today can affect you for the (58) of your life Once you have figured out the things you like to and the things you well, you can begin exploring careers that include your interests and skills Make a plan for the beginning, and once you have a plan, work the plan Do the steps along the way each year to keep on (59) toward graduation and higher (60) 51 A launching B emitting C thinking D peaking 52 A vacation B career C position D seat 53 A classes B schools C courses D academics 54 A extend B stop C continue D complete 55 A to change B to explore C to start D to ban 56 A views B sides C factors D points 57 A confident B potential C dangerous D impressive 58 A weight B light C wave D rest 59 A track B atmosphere C vacant D universe 60 A employment B career C education D requirement III Read the following text and answer the questions below It sometimes very difficult to decide which career to choose when you leave school British students are helped by career teachers, who inform them about different careers, the qualifications needed and try to help them make up their minds Mr Hemmings, a career teacher for around five years and, on the whole, I’ve found it a rewarding experience Our students have career lessons once a week for the fourth and the fifth years (15 and 16 years old) My task consists of explaining as accurately as possible the qualifications required for each job, as well as the type of work and personal skills involved Advising teenagers can be 220 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) rather difficult - some youngsters have no idea at all of what they want to do, or of what the real would outside school really is They come to me and say ‘I don’t like routine nine-to-five jobs…I’d like something exciting that pays well…’ What can I say? That we’re running out of exciting jobs? But they usually end up facing reality and come down to their senses after a while Anyway, here in school we only give them a piece of advice according to what we know about their favourite and weakest subjects, pastimes and personality But if you ask me, things are happening so quickly around here, with our economy in the dumps that sometimes you just don’t know what to say A few days ago, I asked a fifteen-year-old boy what job he had in mind and he replied ‘I haven’t any plans… You see, Sir, I don’t know what new jobs will replace today.’ What could I say? 61 How often British students have career lessons? 62 What career teachers in Britain help students? 63 How has Mr Hemmings found his job as a career teacher? 64 Why hasn’t the student got any plans about his future job? 65 Why is it difficult to advise teenagers? PART WRITING I Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given at the beginning so that the meanings stay the same as the first ones 66 He is too old, but he still does his gymnastics every morning In spite _ 67 Trang Anh is the boss She works hard as her employees Despite _ 68 Please remember that you must buy some stamps Please remember _ 69 “I cheated in the exam”, said Mary Mary admitted _ 70 We wanted to open the door, but we couldn’t We failed _ II Rewrite the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence 71 In spite of the high prices, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday (ALTHOUGH) 72 Even though she had a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children (DESPITE) 73 Though she has been absent frequently, she has managed to pass the test (IN SPITE OF) 74 My friend ate the chocolate cake even though she was on a diet (DESPITE) 75 In spite of a headache, he enjoyed the film (ALTHOUGH) II Use the given words to write the complete sentences 76 He/ not promoted/ spite of/ efforts 77 Students/ need/ vocational skills/ before they enter/ world of work 221 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) 78 She/ a dynamic businesswoman./ She/ so/ energy and focus 79 He/ such/ empathetic nurse/ the patients/ love him 80 I feel/ we have too/ academic subjects/ not enough time/ physical education TEST YOURSELF (UNITS 10 – 11 – 12) I Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress is different from the others A weightlessness B telescope C cosmonaut D prediction A mathematics B comparable C habitable D championship A drastically B curriculum C absolute D consequently A facilitate B developer C externally D advantageous A satisfaction B application C sympathetic D unsuitable A architecture B professional C vocational D experience II Choose the word ( A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced diffrently A detergent B champion C arrangement D heritage A parabolic B ordinary C astronomy D operation A virtual B attendance C appointment D applicant A brigadier B breadwinner C provision D brilliant A meaningful B housekeeper C colleague D principal A academic B organism C cultivation D architecture III Choose the correct form of the words (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences In the future, there will be more men _ at home as househusbands A to stay B stay C stays D staying NASA’s astronauts are well- people A quality B qualification C qualitative D qualified Our solar system is just a tiny part of the _ Way A Milking B Milky C Milks D Milk She started to work as an two week ago A editor B edit C editing D edition When choosing a job, consider _ environment A work B works C working D worked IV Choose the best word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence My father has a day- so he takes me to the zoo A out B off C up D in Don’t worry about Khang He has a very good sense of _ so he will be on time tomorrow A time B direction C style D humour I haven’t a decision on which university I’ll enter after graduating from high school A done B gotten C taken D made The Moon is the only _ satellite of the Earth A artificial B man-made C natural D supernatural NASA has launched dozens of satellites _ space A on B into C out D up Many people believe that women have contributed enormously in the field of health A care B concern C involvement D interest Working as a(n) _ planner may give you opportunities to meet different people and plan many ceremonies, parties, programmes, etc 222 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) A occasion B event C experience D situation My father wasn’t promoted a lot of effort in his job A although B but C due to D in spite of Her father stays at home doing housework as a _ every day A husband B wife C househusband D housewife 10 Pluto is a dwarf planet which is named _ Hades, the Greek god of the underworld A at B after C previous D on 11 You are good at English and Chinese Have you ever thought of becoming a ? A painter B housekeeper C postman D translator 12 She is really a successful _ She has performed in many countries around the world A singer B artisan C fashion designer D architect 13 I think this piece of rock must be a from Mars A rocket B jewelry C diamond D meteorite 14 There’s no that men and women’s roles in current society have become less strictly defined A belief B trust C doubt D suspicion 15 Since both parents have to go to work, child- _ provision becomes more and more essential A concern B care C watching D raising V Choose the best response (A, B, C or D) to complete each conversation – Which work area are you interested in? - A I’m interested in mountainous areas B Art and Literature C The area of 100 square metres D I work for a newspaper – My father usually does housework and cooks for us - _ A What a great father! B Your father must be externally employed C Is he a breadwinner? D There must be something wrong here – Is the sun the largest star in the universe? - _ A It’s the centre of the solar system B The average temperature on the Sun is very high C The Sun is not the only bright star in the universe D It’s just an average-sized star VI Read the passage and choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D) to fill in the blanks Since the day I knew what an astronaut did, I 1. _ to become one The qualifications for an astronaut are very demanding and only the best are accepted into the astronaut program It takes years of studying and working to even 2. _ the basic requirements That’s why, to help realize my dream, I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree 3. _ Engineering at NYU My plan is to get a job right after graduating to get the experience I need During that time, I plan on exercising and keeping my body in top shape so I can pass the physical test when the time comes Getting a pilot license is also my plan 4. it’s not a top priority I know all of this is not easy to pull off but with hard work and 5. _, I will make my dream come true A have wanted B want C wanted D had wanted A take B get C meet D need A in B on C at D about 223 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) A because B so C and D though A determine B determination C determining D determined VII Read the passage and choose the correct answers Astronaut has been a profession that is dominated by men since the very beginning It wasn’t until 1963 that Valentina Tereshkov, a Soviet cosmonaut, became the first woman in space Out of 540 people that have been sent to space, only 59 of those are female In 2013, for the first time in history, an equal number of men and women were chosen to be part of NASA’s astronaut program They were selected from a pool of more than 6,000 candidates This is considered a huge victory for women everywhere Not only does this prove that women are just as capable as men but this also sends a strong and positive message to young girls whose dreams are to become an astronaut Who was Soviet Tereshkov? A The first Soviet cosmonaut B The first woman in Soviet C The first cosmonaut in space D The first woman to travel in space as a cosmonaut How many females have been sent to space before 2013? A 540 people B More than 540 people C 59 people D 6,000 people What can be inferred from the equal number of men and women who were chosen to be part of NASA’s astronaut program in 2013? A The number of women increases in the world B This is a huge victory for women C More and more women want to become astronaut D Men are no longer as capable as women How did the equal number of men and women who were chosen to be part of NASA’s astronaut program in 2013 affect young girls? A It proves that they are as capable as men B It makes them want to become an astronaut C It sends a strong and positive message to young girls whose dreams are to become an astronaut D It encourages them to men’s work Which is not true according to the paragraph? A Many women worked as astronauts at the very beginning B Valentina Tereshkov travelled into space in 1963 for the first time C Both men and women can become astronauts D Many women dream to be an astronaut VIII Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting Neptune is the eight and farthest planet from the Sun in the solar system A B C D To become a staff in out company, you are required to be punctual and responsibility A B C D My mother has to go to work all day so my father is responsible with cooking and taking care of us A B C D She wants to work as a chemist but her father said that the job was only suitable for man A B C D As a tour guide, he doesn’t mind to travel a lot instead of staying at home with his family A B C D Part-time job may help you gain experiences but don’t let them badly affect your study at school A B C D She likes creative jobs so she hopes becoming a fashion designer A B C D 224 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668 Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Tạ Thanh Hiền (Đại học Hà Nội) Cô Hiền chúc thi đỗ vào lớp 10 mà yêu thích nhé! Determination makes success! 225 Add: Seasons Avenue – Mo Lao – Ha Dong Cell phone: 0903 489 668

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2023, 12:00
