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Energy-Efcient Data Aggregation for WirelessSensorNetworks 481 by avoiding unnecessary traffics generation during data transmissions to the sink node. Moreover, as the size of network increases, the performance gap between DP and HDA schemes as well as that between DP and DD schemes get wider. It indicates that, in of our DP scheme, data aggregation efficiency improves further with the increasing size of the networks. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 4*4 6*6 8*8 10*10 Network Size Dissipated Energy in mJ DP HDA DD Fig. 16. Energy consumption for varying size of WSN when source nodes are fixed to 25% of the sensor nodes. (b) Source nodes: Similar to the analytic performance, Fig. 17 shows that our DP scheme always require less amount of energy to aggregate data than HDA and DD schemes when the number of source nodes in a WSN varies. In addition, the rate of increase in the amount of the dissipated energy improves further in DP scheme with the increasing number of source nodes in a WSN. The reason is that, unlike HDA and DD schemes, DP scheme doesn’t generate extra traffics and it guarantees data aggregation in WSNs. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 10 20 30 40 50 Source Nodes Dissipated Energy in mJ DP HDA DD Fig. 17. Energy consumption for varying source nodes in a 1010 WSN. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 3 4 5 Network Cardinality Dissipated Energy in mJ DP HDA DD Fig. 18. Energy consumption for varying network cardinality when source nodes are fixed to 15% of sensor nodes in a 1010 WSN. (c) Network cardinality: Fig. 18 depicts that when the network cardinality increases the amount of dissipated energy for data transmissions to the sink node decreases for all DP, HDA and DD schemes. This is because with the increase in the network cardinality, the coverage range of each node also increases. As a result, it reduces the total number of messages in the network and so does the dissipated energy. As above analytical performance evaluation, the performance of our DP scheme is always better than those of HDA and DD schemes for varying network cardinality. The reason is that, in DP scheme, all sensor nodes utilize data aggregation application knowledge for when and where to send data during their transmissions to the sink node. However, on the one hand, a larger value for network cardinality gives more energy efficiency to a WSN; but on the other hand, increasing data transmission rage of sensor nodes costs much energy. Therefore, there must be a reasonable trade-off of the network cardinality over the data transmission range. For this time, we would like to keep this issue as our future work. 7. Conclusion and Future Work In this chapter, we proposed two energy efficient schemes for resource-constraint WSNs. First, we proposed DP scheme as energy efficient data aggregation for WSNs in which a pre- determined set of paths is run in round-robin-fashion in order to tackle the unnecessary traffics and hotspot problem of the conventional data aggregation schemes which always drive data flow towards the sink node/s. In our DP scheme, all sensor nodes participate in gathering all the sensed data and transferring them to the sink node. Because all the nodes in the network are charged for the heavy workload, we believe that the sensor nodes consume their energy almost equally and the hotspot problem can be significantly relieved. In addition, DP scheme avoids unnecessary traffics during data transmissions to the sink node by utilizing data aggregation application knowledge. Moreover, unlike both DD and HDA schemes, DP scheme can be used for continuous data delivery for event-driven applications because unnecessary traffics do not intervene during data collection processes. SustainableWirelessSensor Networks482 The presented analytical performance evaluations and simulation results have similar trends to achieve energy efficiency. Both of them show that DP scheme is more energy efficient for aggregating data in WSNs and hence it can prolong the lifetime of resources- constraints WSNs than HDA and DD schemes. Second, we propose a novel scheme called signature scheme in order to efficiently transmit IDs of a large number of sensor nodes along with aggregated sensor data to the sink node. In our signature scheme, first, the sink node generates a unique signature for the Real ID of every sensor node. Then, parent nodes (data aggregators) superimpose the signatures of their child nodes including their own signatures and transmit the superimposed signatures along with aggregated data to the sink node. For this, a single bit is enough to hold the information of a sensor node. Through analytical performance evaluations, we have shown the efficiencies of the signature scheme over the existing work in terms of scalability, energy consumption, payload size and computation overhead. Transmitting IDs of contributed sensor nodes along with sensed data is mandatory for many applications designed for WSNs. Therefore, as our future work, first we would like to show simulation results of the signature scheme and then we will mingle DP scheme with signature scheme in order to provide further more energy efficient scheme to collect data in WSNs. In addition, we would like to apply our combined scheme to arbitrary types of WSN and networks with multiple sink nodes. 8. Acknowledgment This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science Technology (MEST) and Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) through the Human Resource Training Project for Regional Innovation. This work was also supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2010-0000202). 9. References Akkaya, K. & Younis, M. (2005). A survey on routing protocols for wirelesssensor networks, Ad Hoc Networks 3 (2005) pp. 325-349. Akyildiz, I.; Su, W.; Sankarasubramaniam, Y. & Cyirci, E. (2002). Wirelesssensor networks: a survey, In Computer Networks 38 (4) (2002), 393–422. Bi, Y.; Li, N. & Sun, L. (2007). DAR: An energy-balanced data-gathering scheme for wirelesssensor networks, In Computer Communication 30 (2007) 2812-2825. Bista, R.; Kim, Y-K. & Chang, J-W. (2009). A New Approach for Energy-Balanced Data Aggregation in WirelessSensor Networks, In CIT09, cit, vol. 2, pp. 9-15. Bista R., Chang J-W. Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols for WirelessSensor Networks: A Survey, Sensors 2010, 10(5) : 4577-4601. Castelluccia, C.; Mykletun, E. & Tsudik, G. (2005). Efficient aggregation of encrypted data in wirelesssensor networks, In MobiQuitous, pp. 109–117, 2005. Considine, J.; Li, F.; Kollios, G. & Byers, J. (2004). Approximate aggregation techniques for sensor databases, In Proceedings of ICDE, pp. 449-460, April, 2004. Conti, M.; Zhang, L.; Roy, S.; Pietro, R-D.; Jajodia, S. & Mancini, L-V. (2009). Privacy- preserving robust data aggregation in wirelesssensor networks, Security and Communication Networks, 2009; 2:195–213. Dijkstra, E-W. (1959). A Note on Two Problems in Connection with Graphs, Numeriche Mathematik, Vol. 1 (1959) pp. 269-271. Girao, J.; Westhoff, D. & Schneider, M. (2005). CDA: Concealed Data Aggregation for Reverse Multicast Traffic in WirelessSensor Networks, In ICC 2005, Vol.5, pp. 3044-3049. He, W.; Liu, X.; Nguyen, H.; Nahrstedt, K. & Abdelzaher, T. (2007). Pda: Privacy-preserving data aggregation in wirelesssensor networks, In Proceeding of INFOCOM, pp. 2045–2053, 2007. Heinzelman, W-R.; Kulik, J. & Balakrishman, H. (1999). Adaptive protocols for information dissemination in wirelesssensor networks, In Proceedings of MOBICOM, pp. 174– 185, August, 1999. Heinzelman, W.; Chandrakasan, A. & Balakrishnan, H. (2000). Energy-efficient communication protocols for wireless microsensor networks, In Proceedings of HICSS, January, 2000. Hill, J.; Szewczyk, R.; Woo, A.; Hollar, S.; Culler, D-E. & J.Pister, K-S. (2000). System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors, In ASPLOS, pp. 93–104, 2000. TinyOS is available at http://webs.cs.berkeley.edu. Horton, M.; Culler, D.; Pister, K.; Hill, J.; Szewczyk, R. & Woo, A. (2002). MICA the commercialization of micro sensor motes, In IEEE Sensors J., April 2002, 19(4): 40-48. Itanagonwiwat, C.; Govindan, R. & Estrin, D. (2002a). Directed Diffusion: A Scalable and Robust Communication Paradigm for Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of MOBICOM, pp. 56-67, 2002. Itanagonwiwat, C.; Estrin, D.; Govindan, R. & Heidemann, J. (2002b). Impact of Network Density on Data Aggregation in WirelessSensor Networks, In Proceedings of the 22nd ICDCS, pp. 457-458, 2002. Levis, P.; Lee, N.; Welsh, M. & Cullar, D. (2003). TOSSIM: Accurate and scalable simulation of entire TinyOS applications, http://www.cs.berkely.edu/~pal/research/tossim.html. Madden, S R.; Franklin, M J.; Hellerstein, J M. & Hong, W. (2002). TAG: a tiny aggregation service for ad hoc sensor networks, In Proceedings of the OSDI02, pp. 1-16, December, 2002. Madden, S R.; Franklin, M J.& Hellerstein, J M. (2005). TinyDB: an acquisitional query processing system for sensor networks, ACM TDS 30 (1) (2005), pp.122–173. Mueller, R.; Kossmann, D. & Alonso, G. (2007). A Virtual Machine for Sensor Networks, In EuroSys'07, pp. 145-158, March 2007. Pottie, G-J. & Kaiser, W-J. (2000). Wireless integrated network sensors, Communications of ACM, May 2000. Yao, Y. & Gehrke, J. (2003). Query processing for sensor networks, In Proceedings of the CIDR 2003. Yick, J.; Mukherjee, B. & Ghosal, D. (2008). Wirelesssensor network survey, In Computer Networks, 2008, 52(12): 2292-2330. Energy-Efcient Data Aggregation for WirelessSensorNetworks 483 The presented analytical performance evaluations and simulation results have similar trends to achieve energy efficiency. Both of them show that DP scheme is more energy efficient for aggregating data in WSNs and hence it can prolong the lifetime of resources- constraints WSNs than HDA and DD schemes. Second, we propose a novel scheme called signature scheme in order to efficiently transmit IDs of a large number of sensor nodes along with aggregated sensor data to the sink node. In our signature scheme, first, the sink node generates a unique signature for the Real ID of every sensor node. Then, parent nodes (data aggregators) superimpose the signatures of their child nodes including their own signatures and transmit the superimposed signatures along with aggregated data to the sink node. For this, a single bit is enough to hold the information of a sensor node. Through analytical performance evaluations, we have shown the efficiencies of the signature scheme over the existing work in terms of scalability, energy consumption, payload size and computation overhead. Transmitting IDs of contributed sensor nodes along with sensed data is mandatory for many applications designed for WSNs. Therefore, as our future work, first we would like to show simulation results of the signature scheme and then we will mingle DP scheme with signature scheme in order to provide further more energy efficient scheme to collect data in WSNs. In addition, we would like to apply our combined scheme to arbitrary types of WSN and networks with multiple sink nodes. 8. Acknowledgment This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science Technology (MEST) and Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) through the Human Resource Training Project for Regional Innovation. This work was also supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2010-0000202). 9. References Akkaya, K. & Younis, M. (2005). A survey on routing protocols for wirelesssensor networks, Ad Hoc Networks 3 (2005) pp. 325-349. Akyildiz, I.; Su, W.; Sankarasubramaniam, Y. & Cyirci, E. (2002). Wirelesssensor networks: a survey, In Computer Networks 38 (4) (2002), 393–422. Bi, Y.; Li, N. & Sun, L. (2007). DAR: An energy-balanced data-gathering scheme for wirelesssensor networks, In Computer Communication 30 (2007) 2812-2825. Bista, R.; Kim, Y-K. & Chang, J-W. (2009). A New Approach for Energy-Balanced Data Aggregation in WirelessSensor Networks, In CIT09, cit, vol. 2, pp. 9-15. Bista R., Chang J-W. Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols for WirelessSensor Networks: A Survey, Sensors 2010, 10(5) : 4577-4601. Castelluccia, C.; Mykletun, E. & Tsudik, G. (2005). Efficient aggregation of encrypted data in wirelesssensor networks, In MobiQuitous, pp. 109–117, 2005. Considine, J.; Li, F.; Kollios, G. & Byers, J. (2004). Approximate aggregation techniques for sensor databases, In Proceedings of ICDE, pp. 449-460, April, 2004. Conti, M.; Zhang, L.; Roy, S.; Pietro, R-D.; Jajodia, S. & Mancini, L-V. (2009). Privacy- preserving robust data aggregation in wirelesssensor networks, Security and Communication Networks, 2009; 2:195–213. Dijkstra, E-W. (1959). A Note on Two Problems in Connection with Graphs, Numeriche Mathematik, Vol. 1 (1959) pp. 269-271. Girao, J.; Westhoff, D. & Schneider, M. (2005). CDA: Concealed Data Aggregation for Reverse Multicast Traffic in WirelessSensor Networks, In ICC 2005, Vol.5, pp. 3044-3049. He, W.; Liu, X.; Nguyen, H.; Nahrstedt, K. & Abdelzaher, T. (2007). Pda: Privacy-preserving data aggregation in wirelesssensor networks, In Proceeding of INFOCOM, pp. 2045–2053, 2007. Heinzelman, W-R.; Kulik, J. & Balakrishman, H. (1999). Adaptive protocols for information dissemination in wirelesssensor networks, In Proceedings of MOBICOM, pp. 174– 185, August, 1999. Heinzelman, W.; Chandrakasan, A. & Balakrishnan, H. (2000). Energy-efficient communication protocols for wireless microsensor networks, In Proceedings of HICSS, January, 2000. Hill, J.; Szewczyk, R.; Woo, A.; Hollar, S.; Culler, D-E. & J.Pister, K-S. (2000). System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors, In ASPLOS, pp. 93–104, 2000. TinyOS is available at http://webs.cs.berkeley.edu. Horton, M.; Culler, D.; Pister, K.; Hill, J.; Szewczyk, R. & Woo, A. (2002). MICA the commercialization of micro sensor motes, In IEEE Sensors J., April 2002, 19(4): 40-48. Itanagonwiwat, C.; Govindan, R. & Estrin, D. (2002a). Directed Diffusion: A Scalable and Robust Communication Paradigm for Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of MOBICOM, pp. 56-67, 2002. Itanagonwiwat, C.; Estrin, D.; Govindan, R. & Heidemann, J. (2002b). Impact of Network Density on Data Aggregation in WirelessSensor Networks, In Proceedings of the 22nd ICDCS, pp. 457-458, 2002. Levis, P.; Lee, N.; Welsh, M. & Cullar, D. (2003). TOSSIM: Accurate and scalable simulation of entire TinyOS applications, http://www.cs.berkely.edu/~pal/research/tossim.html. Madden, S R.; Franklin, M J.; Hellerstein, J M. & Hong, W. (2002). TAG: a tiny aggregation service for ad hoc sensor networks, In Proceedings of the OSDI02, pp. 1-16, December, 2002. Madden, S R.; Franklin, M J.& Hellerstein, J M. (2005). TinyDB: an acquisitional query processing system for sensor networks, ACM TDS 30 (1) (2005), pp.122–173. Mueller, R.; Kossmann, D. & Alonso, G. (2007). A Virtual Machine for Sensor Networks, In EuroSys'07, pp. 145-158, March 2007. Pottie, G-J. & Kaiser, W-J. (2000). Wireless integrated network sensors, Communications of ACM, May 2000. Yao, Y. & Gehrke, J. (2003). Query processing for sensor networks, In Proceedings of the CIDR 2003. Yick, J.; Mukherjee, B. & Ghosal, D. (2008). Wirelesssensor network survey, In Computer Networks, 2008, 52(12): 2292-2330. SustainableWirelessSensor Networks484 Zhang, W-S.; Wang, C. & Feng, T-M. (2008). GP2S: generic privacy-preservation solutions for approximate aggregation of sensor data, concise contribution, In Proceedings of PerCom, pp.179–184, 2008. Zhou, B.; Ngoh, L. H.; Lee, B. S. & Fu, C-P. (2006). HDA: A hierarchical Data Aggregation Scheme for Sensor Networks, Computer Communication 29 (2006) 1292-1299. Zobel, J.; Moffat, A. & Ramamohanarao, K. (1998). Inverted Files versus Signature File for Text Indexing, In ACM TDS, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1998, pp. 453-490. A Chaos-Based Data Gathering Scheme Using Chaotic Oscillator Networks 485 A Chaos-Based Data Gathering Scheme Using Chaotic Oscillator Networks Hidehiro Nakano, Akihide Utani, Arata Miyauchi and Hisao Yamamoto 0 A Chaos-Based Data Gathering Scheme Using Chaotic Oscillator Networks Hidehiro Nakano, Akihide Utani, Arata Miyauchi and Hisao Yamamoto Tokyo City University Japan 1. Introduction Recently, wirelesssensornetworks havebeen studied extensively with agreat amount of inter- est. In wirelesssensor networks, many wirelesssensor nodes are deployed in an observation area, and monitor status information such as temperature around them. Sensing informa- tion is transmitted to and gathered by one or more sink nodes. Each wirelesssensor node not only transmits own sensing data but also relays the sensing data from the other wirelesssensor nodes. By such a multi-hop wireless communication, the wirelesssensornetworks are available to observation for large-scale area, and have various applications including natural environmental monitoring. Since wirelesssensor nodes generally operate by batteries, effi- cient data gathering schemes with saving energy consumption of each wirelesssensor node are needed for prolonging wirelesssensor network lifetime. Ant-based algorithms (Caro et al., 2004; Marwaha et al., 2002; Ohtaki et al., 2006; Subramanian et al., 1998) and cluster-based algorithms (Dasgupta et al., 2003; Heinzelman et al., 2000) have been proposed as routing al- gorithms. They are more scalable, efficient and robust than the other conventional routing algorithms (Clausen & Jaquet, 2003; Johnson et al., 2003; Ogier et al., 2003; Perkins & Royer, 1999). Sink node allocation schemes based on particle swarm optimization algorithms (Ku- mamoto et al., 2009; Yoshimura et al., 2009) aim to minimize total hop counts in wireless sen- sor networks and to reduce energy consumption in each wirelesssensor node. Forwarding node set selection schemes (Nagashima et al., 2009; Sasaki et al., 2009) can significantly reduce the number of transmissions of duplicate query messages as compared with original flooding schemes. Secure communication schemes considering energy savings (Li et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2009) have also been proposed. Common purpose of these studies is to prolong wirelesssensor network lifetime by saving energy consumption of each wirelesssensor node. Along this line, this study focuses on control schemes for timings of transmissions and recep- tions of sensing data, proposed as a synchronization-based data gathering scheme (Wakamiya & Murata, 2005). In this scheme, each wirelesssensor node has a timer characterized by an integrate-and-fire neuron (Keener et al., 1981). Coupling the timers of wirelesssensor nodes which can directly communicate to each other, they construct a pulse-coupled neural net- work. It is known that pulse-coupled neural networks can exhibit various synchronous and asynchronous phenomena (Catsigeras & Budelli, 1992; Mirollo & Strogatz, 1990). The con- ventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme is based on the synchronization in pulse-coupled neural networks. As synchronization is achieved, the following control for tim- ings of transmissions and receptions of sensing data is possible: wirelesssensor nodes turn 21 SustainableWirelessSensor Networks486 off their power supplies when they do not transmit and receive sensing data. Hence, long- term observation to target area is possible. As a hardware module, a passive wake up scheme for wirelesssensornetworks has also been proposed (Liang et al, 2008). In the conventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme, it is assumed that wirelesssensor nodes do not have any complex routing tables; they transmit and receive sensing data by only referring val- ues of hop counts to the nearest sink node. However, simple pulse-coupled neural networks consisting of integrate-and-fire neurons can exhibit periodic synchronization only. In the con- ventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme, many duplicate sensing data can be relayed by many wirelesssensor nodes. Generally, wirelesssensor nodes consume a lot of energy in transmitting sensing data (Heinzelman et al., 2000). Also, in multiple sink wirelesssensor networks, multiple sink nodes are allocated on target area, where these are generally distant to each other. If they are not coupled to each other by some communications, it is hard to synchronize all wirelesssensor nodes. In order to prolong wirelesssensor network lifetime and realize long-term observation, more efficient data gathering schemes are needed. In the previous works, a chaos-based data gathering scheme has been proposed (Nakano et al., 2009; 2010). In the chaos-based data gathering scheme, each wirelesssensor node has a timer characterized by a chaotic spiking oscillator which generates spike-trains with chaotic inter- spike intervals (Nakano & Saito, 2002; 2004). Coupling multiple chaotic spiking oscillators, a chaotic pulse-coupled neural network is constructed. Chaotic pulse-coupled neural networks can exhibit various chaos synchronous phenomena and their breakdown phenomena. The proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme especially applies the breakdown phenomena in chaotic pulse-coupled neural networks. In the phenomena, all chaotic spiking oscillators do not exhibit perfect synchronization. However, partial synchronization on network space and intermittent synchronization on time-domain can be observed depending on parameters. The partial and intermittent synchronization can significantly reduce the redundant trans- missions and receptions of sensing data. In the method presented in (Nakano et al., 2009), sensing data is transmitted in the timings when transmitting wirelesssensor nodes generate spike signals. In this case, lost sensing data may appear. But, it is confirmed in the numerical experiments that high delivery ratio for sensing data can be kept. In the method presented in (Nakano et al., 2010), sensing data is transmitted in the timings when transmitting wire- less sensor nodes accept the spike signals from the other wirelesssensor nodes. In this case, it is guaranteed that all sensing data must be transmitted to sink nodes without lost sensing data. Since all chaotic spiking oscillators do not exhibit perfect synchronization, wake up time of each sensor node becomes longer, compared with the conventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme. This method does not aim to reduce energy consumption by turning off power supply of transceivers. However, the partial and intermittent synchronization in the chaos-based data gathering scheme can significantly reduce the total number of transmis- sions and receptions of sensing data. It can contribute to prolonging wirelesssensor network lifetime. Also, the proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme can flexibly adapt not only single sink wirelesssensornetworks but also multiple sink wirelesssensor networks. This chapter consists of five sections. In Section 2, the conventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme is introduced, and some assumptions for wirelesssensornetworks in this research is explained. In Section 3, a model of the proposed chaos-based data gath- ering scheme is explained, and typical phenomena from a simple master-slave network are presented. Then, a basic mechanism of partial and intermittent synchronization in the pro- posed chaos-based data gathering scheme is discussed. In Section 4, simulation results for two types of wirelesssensor networks, a single sink wirelesssensor network and a multiple sink wirelesssensor network, are presented. Through simulation experiments, effectiveness of the proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme is shown, and its development potential is discussed. In Section 5, the overall conclusions of this chapter are given and future problems are discussed. 2. Synchronization-Based Data Gathering Scheme First, a synchronization-based data gathering scheme presented in (Wakamiya & Murata, 2005) are explained. A wirelesssensor network consisting of M wirelesssensor nodes and L sink nodes are considered. Each wirelesssensor node S i (i = 1, ··· , M) has a timer which controls timing to transmit and receive sensing data. The timer in S i is characterized by a phase φ i ∈ [0, 1], an internal state x i ∈ [0, 1], a continuous and monotone function f i , a non- negative integer distance level l i > 0, and an offset time δ i . If each wirelesssensor node does not communicate to each other, dynamics of the timer in S i is described by the following equation. dφ i (t) dt = 1 T i , for φ i (t) < 1, (1) φ i (t + ) = 0, if φ i (t) = 1, (2) where T i denotes a period of the timer in S i . That is, if the phase φ i reaches the threshold 1, S i is said to fire, and the phase φ i is reset to 0 based on Equation (2), instantaneously. The internal state x i is determined by the continuous and monotone function f i (φ i ) where f i (0) = 0 and f i (1) = 1 are satisfied. The following equation is an example of the function f i . x i = f i (φ i ) = 1 b i ln(1 + (e b i −1)φ i ), (3) where b i > 0 is a parameter which controls rapidity to synchronization (Mirollo & Strogatz, 1990). From Equations (1) and (3), increase of the phase φ i causes increase of the internal state x i . If x i reaches the threshold 1, x i is reset to the base state 0, instantaneously. The couplings between each wirelesssensor node are realized by the following manner. Let S j be one of the neighbor wirelesssensor nodes allocated in the radio range of a wirelesssensor node S i . The wirelesssensor node S i has a nonnegative integer distance level l i characterized by the number of hop counts from the nearest sink node. The wirelesssensor node S i transmits a stimulus signal with the own distance level l i . If S j receives the signal from S i , S j compares the received distance level l i with the own distance level l j . If l j > l i is satisfied, S j is said to be stimulated by S i , and the phase and internal state of S j change as follows: x j (t + ) = B(x j (t) + ε j ), (4) B (x) = x, if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0, if x < 0, 1, if x > 1, (5) φ j (t + ) = f −1 j (x j (t + )), (6) where ε j denotes a strength of the stimulus. After S j is stimulated, S j does not respond to all stimulus signals from the neighbor wirelesssensor nodes during an offset time δ j . That is, each wirelesssensor node has a refractory period corresponding to the offset time. A Chaos-Based Data Gathering Scheme Using Chaotic Oscillator Networks 487 off their power supplies when they do not transmit and receive sensing data. Hence, long- term observation to target area is possible. As a hardware module, a passive wake up scheme for wirelesssensornetworks has also been proposed (Liang et al, 2008). In the conventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme, it is assumed that wirelesssensor nodes do not have any complex routing tables; they transmit and receive sensing data by only referring val- ues of hop counts to the nearest sink node. However, simple pulse-coupled neural networks consisting of integrate-and-fire neurons can exhibit periodic synchronization only. In the con- ventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme, many duplicate sensing data can be relayed by many wirelesssensor nodes. Generally, wirelesssensor nodes consume a lot of energy in transmitting sensing data (Heinzelman et al., 2000). Also, in multiple sink wirelesssensor networks, multiple sink nodes are allocated on target area, where these are generally distant to each other. If they are not coupled to each other by some communications, it is hard to synchronize all wirelesssensor nodes. In order to prolong wirelesssensor network lifetime and realize long-term observation, more efficient data gathering schemes are needed. In the previous works, a chaos-based data gathering scheme has been proposed (Nakano et al., 2009; 2010). In the chaos-based data gathering scheme, each wirelesssensor node has a timer characterized by a chaotic spiking oscillator which generates spike-trains with chaotic inter- spike intervals (Nakano & Saito, 2002; 2004). Coupling multiple chaotic spiking oscillators, a chaotic pulse-coupled neural network is constructed. Chaotic pulse-coupled neural networks can exhibit various chaos synchronous phenomena and their breakdown phenomena. The proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme especially applies the breakdown phenomena in chaotic pulse-coupled neural networks. In the phenomena, all chaotic spiking oscillators do not exhibit perfect synchronization. However, partial synchronization on network space and intermittent synchronization on time-domain can be observed depending on parameters. The partial and intermittent synchronization can significantly reduce the redundant trans- missions and receptions of sensing data. In the method presented in (Nakano et al., 2009), sensing data is transmitted in the timings when transmitting wirelesssensor nodes generate spike signals. In this case, lost sensing data may appear. But, it is confirmed in the numerical experiments that high delivery ratio for sensing data can be kept. In the method presented in (Nakano et al., 2010), sensing data is transmitted in the timings when transmitting wire- less sensor nodes accept the spike signals from the other wirelesssensor nodes. In this case, it is guaranteed that all sensing data must be transmitted to sink nodes without lost sensing data. Since all chaotic spiking oscillators do not exhibit perfect synchronization, wake up time of each sensor node becomes longer, compared with the conventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme. This method does not aim to reduce energy consumption by turning off power supply of transceivers. However, the partial and intermittent synchronization in the chaos-based data gathering scheme can significantly reduce the total number of transmis- sions and receptions of sensing data. It can contribute to prolonging wirelesssensor network lifetime. Also, the proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme can flexibly adapt not only single sink wirelesssensornetworks but also multiple sink wirelesssensor networks. This chapter consists of five sections. In Section 2, the conventional synchronization-based data gathering scheme is introduced, and some assumptions for wirelesssensornetworks in this research is explained. In Section 3, a model of the proposed chaos-based data gath- ering scheme is explained, and typical phenomena from a simple master-slave network are presented. Then, a basic mechanism of partial and intermittent synchronization in the pro- posed chaos-based data gathering scheme is discussed. In Section 4, simulation results for two types of wirelesssensor networks, a single sink wirelesssensor network and a multiple sink wirelesssensor network, are presented. Through simulation experiments, effectiveness of the proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme is shown, and its development potential is discussed. In Section 5, the overall conclusions of this chapter are given and future problems are discussed. 2. Synchronization-Based Data Gathering Scheme First, a synchronization-based data gathering scheme presented in (Wakamiya & Murata, 2005) are explained. A wirelesssensor network consisting of M wirelesssensor nodes and L sink nodes are considered. Each wirelesssensor node S i (i = 1, ··· , M) has a timer which controls timing to transmit and receive sensing data. The timer in S i is characterized by a phase φ i ∈ [0, 1], an internal state x i ∈ [0, 1], a continuous and monotone function f i , a non- negative integer distance level l i > 0, and an offset time δ i . If each wirelesssensor node does not communicate to each other, dynamics of the timer in S i is described by the following equation. dφ i (t) dt = 1 T i , for φ i (t) < 1, (1) φ i (t + ) = 0, if φ i (t) = 1, (2) where T i denotes a period of the timer in S i . That is, if the phase φ i reaches the threshold 1, S i is said to fire, and the phase φ i is reset to 0 based on Equation (2), instantaneously. The internal state x i is determined by the continuous and monotone function f i (φ i ) where f i (0) = 0 and f i (1) = 1 are satisfied. The following equation is an example of the function f i . x i = f i (φ i ) = 1 b i ln(1 + (e b i −1)φ i ), (3) where b i > 0 is a parameter which controls rapidity to synchronization (Mirollo & Strogatz, 1990). From Equations (1) and (3), increase of the phase φ i causes increase of the internal state x i . If x i reaches the threshold 1, x i is reset to the base state 0, instantaneously. The couplings between each wirelesssensor node are realized by the following manner. Let S j be one of the neighbor wirelesssensor nodes allocated in the radio range of a wirelesssensor node S i . The wirelesssensor node S i has a nonnegative integer distance level l i characterized by the number of hop counts from the nearest sink node. The wirelesssensor node S i transmits a stimulus signal with the own distance level l i . If S j receives the signal from S i , S j compares the received distance level l i with the own distance level l j . If l j > l i is satisfied, S j is said to be stimulated by S i , and the phase and internal state of S j change as follows: x j (t + ) = B(x j (t) + ε j ), (4) B (x) = x, if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0, if x < 0, 1, if x > 1, (5) φ j (t + ) = f −1 j (x j (t + )), (6) where ε j denotes a strength of the stimulus. After S j is stimulated, S j does not respond to all stimulus signals from the neighbor wirelesssensor nodes during an offset time δ j . That is, each wirelesssensor node has a refractory period corresponding to the offset time. SustainableWirelessSensor Networks488 ),( ii x ϕ ),( ii x ′ ′ ϕ i δ j ε ),( jj x ϕ 1 1 t 0 0 Fig. 1. Time-domain waveforms of internal states x i and x j (l j > l i ). ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 ∞ 1 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 ∞ 1 1 2 2 2 ∞ 0 ∞ Fig. 2. Propagation of stimulus signals and update of distance levels. The stimulus signals are transmitted by the following manner. A wirelesssensor node S i broadcasts stimulus signals offset time δ i earlier than the own firing time. That is, S i broad- casts the stimulus signals if the following virtual internal state x i considered the offset time δ i reaches the threshold 1. φ i = φ i + δ i (mod 1), (7) x i = f i (φ i ). (8) Fig. 1 shows time-domain waveforms of internal states x i and x j , where l j > l i . Distance levels of each wirelesssensor node are adjusted as shown in Fig. 2. Initially, distance levels of each wirelesssensor node are set to sufficiently large values, and that of the sink node is set to 0. A sink node broadcasts “level 0” as a beacon signal. Then, each wireless 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 3 Fig. 3. Transmission of sensing data based on distance levels. i δ i l 1+= ij ll t t stimulus ontransmissi j δ stimulus ontransmissi stimulus ontransmissi nodesink 1= ′ i x 1= i x 1= ′ j x 1= j x Fig. 4. Relaying sensing data (l j > l i ). sensor node forwards the beacon signal by using flooding, and adjusts each own distance level as corresponding to hop counts to its nearest sink node. The beacon signal is transmitted when each wirelesssensor node transmitts stimulus signals. That is, for a stimulus signal from a wirelesssensor node S i , a wirelesssensor node S j adjusts own distance level l j as follows: l j = l i + 1, if x i (t) = 1 and l j > l i (9) As a result, each wirelesssensor node has a distance level as corresponding to hop counts to its nearest sink node. Sensing data is transmitted and received as shown in Fig 3. S i is assumed to receive sensing data from its neighbor wirelesssensor node S j if l j = l i + 1 is satisfied. Then, S i aggregate the received sensing data and own sensing data. After that, S i transmits the aggregated sensing data. Sensing data is assumed to be transmitted and received in each firing period. The communications between a wirelesssensor node S i and its neighbor wirelesssensor node S j are summarized as follows (see Fig. 4). • If l j = l i + 1, S i receives sensing data from S j , and aggregates it with the own sensing data. Then, the aggregated sensing data is transmitted to the other wirelesssensor nodes. • If l j > l i , S j is stimulated by S i , and the internal state x j is changed based on Equation (4). At the same time, the distance level l j is updated as l j = l i + 1. After that, S j does not respond to all stimulus signals during an offset time δ j . • Otherwise, both stimulus signals and sensing data are ingored. As synchronization is achieved by the above explained manner, wirelesssensor nodes having large distance levels can transmit sensing data earlier than those having small distance levels. As the offset time is set to sufficiently large value considered conflictions in MAC layer, the sensing data can be relayed sequentially to sink nodes as shown in Fig. 4. A Chaos-Based Data Gathering Scheme Using Chaotic Oscillator Networks 489 ),( ii x ϕ ),( ii x ′ ′ ϕ i δ j ε ),( jj x ϕ 1 1 t 0 0 Fig. 1. Time-domain waveforms of internal states x i and x j (l j > l i ). ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 ∞ 1 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 ∞ 1 1 2 2 2 ∞ 0 ∞ Fig. 2. Propagation of stimulus signals and update of distance levels. The stimulus signals are transmitted by the following manner. A wirelesssensor node S i broadcasts stimulus signals offset time δ i earlier than the own firing time. That is, S i broad- casts the stimulus signals if the following virtual internal state x i considered the offset time δ i reaches the threshold 1. φ i = φ i + δ i (mod 1), (7) x i = f i (φ i ). (8) Fig. 1 shows time-domain waveforms of internal states x i and x j , where l j > l i . Distance levels of each wirelesssensor node are adjusted as shown in Fig. 2. Initially, distance levels of each wirelesssensor node are set to sufficiently large values, and that of the sink node is set to 0. A sink node broadcasts “level 0” as a beacon signal. Then, each wireless 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 3 Fig. 3. Transmission of sensing data based on distance levels. i δ i l 1+= ij ll t t stimulus ontransmissi j δ stimulus ontransmissi stimulus ontransmissi nodesink 1= ′ i x 1= i x 1= ′ j x 1= j x Fig. 4. Relaying sensing data (l j > l i ). sensor node forwards the beacon signal by using flooding, and adjusts each own distance level as corresponding to hop counts to its nearest sink node. The beacon signal is transmitted when each wirelesssensor node transmitts stimulus signals. That is, for a stimulus signal from a wirelesssensor node S i , a wirelesssensor node S j adjusts own distance level l j as follows: l j = l i + 1, if x i (t) = 1 and l j > l i (9) As a result, each wirelesssensor node has a distance level as corresponding to hop counts to its nearest sink node. Sensing data is transmitted and received as shown in Fig 3. S i is assumed to receive sensing data from its neighbor wirelesssensor node S j if l j = l i + 1 is satisfied. Then, S i aggregate the received sensing data and own sensing data. After that, S i transmits the aggregated sensing data. Sensing data is assumed to be transmitted and received in each firing period. The communications between a wirelesssensor node S i and its neighbor wirelesssensor node S j are summarized as follows (see Fig. 4). • If l j = l i + 1, S i receives sensing data from S j , and aggregates it with the own sensing data. Then, the aggregated sensing data is transmitted to the other wirelesssensor nodes. • If l j > l i , S j is stimulated by S i , and the internal state x j is changed based on Equation (4). At the same time, the distance level l j is updated as l j = l i + 1. After that, S j does not respond to all stimulus signals during an offset time δ j . • Otherwise, both stimulus signals and sensing data are ingored. As synchronization is achieved by the above explained manner, wirelesssensor nodes having large distance levels can transmit sensing data earlier than those having small distance levels. As the offset time is set to sufficiently large value considered conflictions in MAC layer, the sensing data can be relayed sequentially to sink nodes as shown in Fig. 4. SustainableWirelessSensor Networks490 3. Chaos-Based Data Gathering Scheme In this section, a chaos-based data gathering scheme using a chaotic pulse-coupled neural network presented in (Nakano et al., 2009; 2010) is explained. As same as synchronization- based data gathering scheme, a wirelesssensor network consisting of M wirelesssensor nodes and L sink nodes are considered. Each wirelesssensor node S i (i = 1, ··· , M) has a timer which controls timing to transmit and receive sensing data. The timer in S i is characterized by an oscillator having two internal state variables x i and y i , a non-negative integer distance level l i , and an offset time δ i . Basic dynamics of the timer in S i is described by the following equation. d dt x i (t) y i (t) = ∆ i ω i −ω i ∆ i x i (t) y i (t) , for x i (t) < 1 ∧ j x j (t) < 1 (10) x i (t + ) y i (t + ) = q i y i (t) − p i (x i (t) −q i ) , if x i (t) = 1 (11) x i (t + ) y i (t + ) = a i y i (t) − p i (x i (t) − a i ) , if j x j (t) = 1 (12) where ∆ i is a damping, ω i is a self-running angular frequency, p i is a slope in firing, q i is a base sate for self-firing and a i is a base state for compulsory-firing. j denotes an index of a neighbor wirelesssensor node S j such that l j < l i . x j (t) is a virtual internal state variable of S j considered an offset time δ j such that x j (t) = x j (t + δ j ) (13) If the internal state variable x i reaches the threshold 1, S i exhibits self-firing, and the internal state (x i , y i ) is reset to the base state based on Equation (11). If a virtual internal state variable x j reaches the threshold 1, S i exhibits compulsory-firing, and the internal state (x i , y i ) is reset to the base state based on Equation (12). After S i exhibits compulsory-firing, S i does not exhibit the next compulsory-firing during an offset time δ i . That is, each wirelesssensor node has a refractory period corresponding to the offset time. It should be noted that the unit oscillator presented in Section 2 has one internal state variable, and can exhibit periodic phenomena only. The unit oscillator of the proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme has two internal state variables x i and y i , and can exhibit various chaotic and bifurcating phenomena (Nakano & Saito, 2002; 2004). Also, it can generate chaotic spike-trains such that series of interspike intervals is chaotic. Fig. 5 shows a typical chaotic attractor from a unit oscillator without couplings. As ∆ i > 0, the trajectory rotates divergently around the origin. If the trajectory reaches the threshold, it is reset to the base state based on Equation (11). Repeating in this manner, this oscillator exhibits chaotic attractors. Fig. 6 shows typical phenomena from a simple master-slave network con- sisting of two oscillators, where M = 2 and l 1 < l 2 . As shown in the figure, the first (master) oscillator exhibits chaotic attractors for both q i = −0.2 and q i = −0.6. The second (slave) oscillator is synchronized to the first oscillator for q i = −0.2. That is, the network exhibits master-slave synchronization of chaos. On the other hand, the second oscillator is not per- fectly synchronized but intermittently synchronized to the first oscillator for q i = −0.6. These phenomena can be explained by error expansion ratio between the master and slave trajecto- ries (Nakano & Saito, 2002). The case a i = 1 is considered. Let t n be the n-th compulsory-firing y x x τ 2− 2− 2 2 2 2− 0 2 y x 2− 2− 2 2 q 1 1 1 q Fig. 5. A typical chaotic attractor from a unit oscillator without couplings. ∆ i = 0.25, ω i = 5, p i = 1, q i = −0.2. time of the slave oscillator, let the slave trajectory starts from (q i , y 2 (t + n )), and let the virtual master trajectory starts from (q i , y 1 (t + n )). Let us consider that the (n + 1)-th compulsory-firing of the slave oscillator occurs at t = t n+1 and that each trajectory is reset to each base state. Then, the following average error expansion ratio is defined. α ≡ 1 N N ∑ n=1 ln α n , α n ≡ y 1 (t + n+1 ) − y 2 (t + n+1 ) y 1 (t + n ) − y 2 (t + n ) (14) If the average error expansion ratio is negative for N → ∞, the slave oscillator is synchronized to the master oscillator as shown in Fig. 6(a). Otherwise, the slave oscillator is not synchro- nized to the master oscillator. However, depending on sequence {α n }, the slave oscillator can be intermittently synchronized to the master oscillator as shown in Fig. 6(b). Such intermittent synchronization plays an important role for effective data gathering by the chaos-based data gathering scheme. Basically, the sequence {α n } is determined by the parameters and initial states of the master and slave oscillators. Distance levels of each wirelesssensor node are adjusted as the the same manners explained in Section 2. Each sink node broadcasts “level 0” as a beacon signal. As each wirelesssensor node forwards the beacon signal and adjusts each own distance level, each wirelesssensor node has a distance level as corresponding to hop counts to its nearest sink node. Also, sensing data is transmitted and received as the same manners explained in Section 2. By comparing received distance level with own distance level, sensing data is relayed se- quentially to sink nodes. However, chaos-based data gathering scheme can exhibit not only synchronization but also intermittent synchronization. Hence, an assumption as shown in Fig. 7 is additionally introduced. In the figure, stimulus signal is transmitted at t = t i from S i and is received by S j . Then, S j broadcasts own sensing data at t = t j . This sensing data can be received by S i if t i ≤ t j ≤ t i and l i = l j −1 are satisfied. Each wirelesssensor node transmits sensing data to the nearest sink node when stimulus signals are received. Therefore, at least one neighbor wirelesssensor node can receive the sensing data even if the chaos-based data gathering scheme exhibits intermittent synchronization. In wirelesssensor networks, energy consumption of transceivers in transmitting sensing data is a dominant factor (Heinzelman et al., 2000). The intermittent synchronization can reduce redundant relays such that the same sensing data is relayed to sink nodes, and can reduce the total number of transmissions in wirelesssensor networks. It can contribute to prolong- ing wirelesssensor network lifetime. Also, for effective data gathering, multiple sink nodes should be allocated in an observation area where they are distant from each other (Kumamoto et al., 2009; Yoshimura et al., 2009). If all sink nodes are not coupled to each other via some [...]... (2009) An Efficient Sensor- to -sensor Authenticated Path-key Establishment Scheme for Secure Communications in WirelessSensor Networks, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol 5, No 8, 2107– 2124 Liang, S.; Tang, Y & Zhu, Q (2008) Passive Wake-up Scheme for WirelessSensor Networks, ICIC Express Letters, Vol 2, No 2, 149 154 498 Sustainable Wireless SensorNetworks Marwaha,... the sink node without Sustainable Wireless SensorNetworks total number of relays 496 1000 100 (a) (b) 10 (c) 1 0 10 20 30 40 transmitting wirelesssensor node index total number of relays Fig 11 Total number of relay wirelesssensor nodes in 1-sink wirelesssensor network (a) qi = −0.2 (b) qi = −0.6 (c) distance level 1000 100 (a) (b) 10 (c) 1 0 10 20 30 40 transmitting wirelesssensor node index Fig... is called 3-sink wirelesssensor network On the other hand, in the simulations for 1sink wirelesssensor network, let only a node at (0, 0) be a sink node and let nodes at ( 15, 0) and (15, 0) be wirelesssensor nodes The radio range of each wirelesssensor node and each sink node is set to 5 The radii of the concentric circles are set to 3, 6, 9 and 12, respectively 10n wirelesssensor nodes are set... sensor node index Fig 12 Total number of relay wirelesssensor nodes in 3-sink wirelesssensor network (a) qi = −0.2 (b) qi = −0.6 (c) distance level lost sensing data, but the sensing data is relayed by many wirelesssensor nodes as shown in Fig 11(a) In the case of 3-sink wirelesssensor network and qi = −0.2, each wirelesssensor node is synchronized partially and intermittently to each other as... relays for each transmitting wirelesssensor node deceases as shown in Fig 12(a), compared with the case of 1-sink wirelesssensor network as shown in Fig 11(a) In the case of 1-sink wirelesssensor network and qi = −0.6, each wirelesssensor node is synchronized partially and intermittently as shown in Fig 9(b) This result is the same also in the case of 3-sink wirelesssensor network and qi = −0.6... horizontal axis denotes time, 494 SustainableWirelessSensorNetworks 300 Si 0 t 20 t 20 (a) 300 Si 0 (b) Fig 9 Firing time of each sensor node in 1-sink wirelesssensor network (a) qi = −0.2 (b) qi = −0.6 and vertical axis denotes the indexes of each wirelesssensor node, where the indexes are sorted by each distance level Fig 9(a) show the results for 1-sink wirelesssensor network in qi = −0.2 All... of transmissions in wireless sensornetworks It can contribute to prolonging wirelesssensor network lifetime Also, for effective data gathering, multiple sink nodes should be allocated in an observation area where they are distant from each other (Kumamoto et al., 2009; Yoshimura et al., 2009) If all sink nodes are not coupled to each other via some 492 SustainableWirelessSensorNetworks 2 2 2 y′... Heterogeneous Wireless SensorNetworks 501 22 X Energy-efficient Reprogramming of Heterogeneous Wireless SensorNetworks Seán Harte1,2, Emanuel M Popovici1,2, Stefano Rollo1 and Brendan O'Flynn1 1 Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland 2 University College Cork, Cork, Ireland 1 Introduction In order to build wirelesssensor network (WSN) applications, there are many challenges WSNs are distributed networks. .. 30 Fig 8 A model of a wirelesssensor network 4 Numerical Simulations In order to confirm effectivity of the chaos-based data gathering scheme, numerical simulations are performed Fig 8 shows a wirelesssensor network model for the simulations In the figure, 300 wirelesssensor nodes are deployed at random locations on 12 concentric circles whose centers are ( 15, 0), (0, 0) or (15, 0), and 3 sink nodes... to sink nodes are considered If all the wirelesssensor nodes are synchronized to each other, all sensing data must be relayed to the sink nodes without lost sensing data However, it is considered that many wirelesssensor nodes relay the same sensing data This problem becomes more serious if density of wirelesssensor nodes increases, and the number of wirelesssensor nodes and sink nodes increases . of each wireless sensor node in 1-sink wireless sensor network and 3-sink wireless sensor network, respectively. In the figures, horizontal axis denotes time, Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks4 94 20 300 0 t i S (a) 20 300 0 t i S (b) Fig for wireless sensor networks, Ad Hoc Networks 3 (2005) pp. 325-349. Akyildiz, I.; Su, W.; Sankarasubramaniam, Y. & Cyirci, E. (2002). Wireless sensor networks: a survey, In Computer Networks. wireless sensor network lifetime. Also, the proposed chaos-based data gathering scheme can flexibly adapt not only single sink wireless sensor networks but also multiple sink wireless sensor networks. This