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2000 Câu Trắc Nghiệm Luyện Thi Thptqg

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2000 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM LUYỆN THI THPTQG TIẾNG ANH Collected by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST 0001 I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounceddifferently A hear B dear C pear D clear A.punctual B rubbish C.frustrate D furious A.theatre B.therefore C.throughout D.thunder A.influenced B.terrified C averaged D accompanied A.hat B.dangerous C.battle D calculate II Choose the word whose stress isdifferent A.accurate B.customer C.computer D exercise A.contaminate B.supervisor C.investigate D convenient A.reduction B popular C.financial D romantic A.environmental B.personality C.representative D technological 10 A.suffer B reduce C sanguine D intimacy III VOCABULARY &GRAMMAR Choose the right word or phrase to complete the sentences 11 His and bad work led to his dismissal from thefirm A unpunctual B.unpunctuality C inpunctual D inpunctuality 12 What you think is more important in the personyoumarry intelligence or A attractively B.attraction C.attractiveness D attracted 13 Thepeacocks roam within Whipsawed Wild AnimalPark A free B.leisurely C pleasant D.comfortably 14 Doctors have accepted that acupuncture can work forpain A release B.liberation C.relief D killing 15 You cannot ski on those tracks any longer, for most of the snowhas A broken B.dissolved C melted D.vaporized 16 I wanted to build a bookcase, but Icouldn'tmake of theinstructions A sense B understandingC s i g h t D reality 17 The laser beam can make the birthmarkless A remarkable B.noticeable C.conspicuous D.significant 18 We the time: we ran out of time at last, and failed therace A outlasted B.overwhelmed C.underestimated D undercharged 19 It can from the passage that Mars may outshine Jupiter oneday A beimplied B refer C be inferred D indicate 20 A part-time job gives me thefreedomto my owninterests A pursue B seek C chase D run after 21 TheChinese printing A invented B.discovered C found out D revealed 22 That English will become dominant in most scientific fieldsis A predicting B.predictable C.on predictions D to predict 23 Taxation has been used to increase the price andreducethe ofcigarettes A consumer B.consuming C consumed D.consumption 24 She passed the exam with excellent resultsandwas ascholarship A rewarded B.presented C.gave D.granted 25 It is widely believed that human beings are descended from one commonancestor A every B all C everyof D allof 26 Intheever world of computers it is necessary to beadaptable A advanced B advance C advancing D advances 27 Icaught of to lion lying under the tree, and my heartjumped A view B.sight C.look D scene 28 What I like best of him ishis A dependence B.dependable C independence D dependency 29 Inindustrialcities, of smoke are the popularsight A column B.pillars C stacks D tubes 30 It is amatterof to include pens and paper in the conferencedocuments A convenience B advantage C.benefit D profit 31 Inthe 1960s was concerned aboutpollution A hardlyeveryone B rarelyanyone C hardlyanyone D rarelysomeone 32 We shouldimposerestrictions media advertising ofalcohol A in B.with C.from D on 33 After the war, manyof us touch with our relatives A kept B.lost C on D got 34 women, men are much moremuscular A Comparison with B.Comparingwith C compared with D to compare 35 I hope Ihaven'tgot luggage A toomany B somany C too much D so much 36 I am lookingforwardto on vacation A go B be going C.going D havinggone 37 Thedepartmentstore by the Johansson for manyyears A hasbeen run B is run C runs D has run 38 People in my office exchangecards with during theholidays A ourselves B.themselves C.tryothers D one another 39 It is6 years we moved toChicago A when B.that C since D after 40 Thetheatrefailed a suitable play to appeal toaudience A producing B.toproduce C to have produced D producingof 41 I wondered whyhe hisjob A haschanged B.changes C used to change D hadchanged 42 She to take her neighbor to court if he didn't stop making so muchnoise A threatened B offered C.promised D.suggested 43 I think he will joinus, A doesn't he B.won't he C willhe D don'tI 44 I was just about to ring uphis office he arrivedhome A when B.although C.then D.as 45 He put the two letters into thewrong envelopes mistake A on B.by C with D.in 46 Even though hewas bored doing the same thing every day, hewas nervous change A about/ at B.with/for C in/about D with/ about 47 While Peter was driving home lastnight, he petrol A wasrunningout B was runningout of C ran out of D ranout 48 They gave metheir address send them abrochure A so thatI B in orderto C so thatIcould D in order that Iwill 49 Shewondered her father looked like now, after so many yearsaway A how B.whose C what D that 50 The police suggested that anyone who sawthe accident in touch withthem A shouldget B.got C had toget D would get IV Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the onegiven 51 I last saw him in1998 A I didn't see himsince1998 B It is in 1998 that I sawhim making a C I haven't seen himsince1998 D It has been 1998 since I sawhim 52 They say that the doctor has made a seriousmistake A The doctor is said that he has made a serious mistake B It is said that the doctor has been made a serious mistake C The doctor is said to have made aseriousmistake D The doctor is said to make a seriousmistake 53 My shoes needcleaning A I need to cleanmyshoes B I have to clean myshoes C Cleaning is needed formyshoes D I need to have my shoescleaned 54 You ought to make up your mindnow A It is time you made upyourmind B Making up your mind isnecessary C You should have made upyourmind D It is possible to make up yourmind 55 She is the most intelligent woman I have evermet A I have never met a more intelligent womanthanher B She is not as intelligent as the women I have ever met C I have ever met such anintelligent woman D She is more intelligent than I 56 She says that it's good if I make my owndecisions A She encourages me making myowndecisions B She encourages me to make my owndecisions C I was encouraged by her to make my own decisions D Making my own decisions is herencouraging 57 Iam sure that Tina didn't steal themoney A Tina couldn't stealthemoney B Tina couldn't have stolen themoney C Tina mustn't have stolenthemoney D Tina shouldn't have stolen themoney 58 It is worthiness to ask John forhelp A John is worthlesstohelp B John is worthhelping C It is no use to ask Johnforhelp D It is no good asking John tohelp 59 We prefer going by train because we can enjoy thesight A We would like to go by train or we will enjoythesight B We enjoy the sight although we go bytrain C We prefer going by train to enjoyingthesight D We would like to go by train so that we can enjoy the sight 60 We not need much furniture because the room issmall A The smaller the room is the less furnitureweneed B The smaller the room, the fewer furniture weneed C The small room makes the furniture lessandless D Much furniture is needed for a smallroom 61 His behavior isunderstandable A We can understand whathe behaves B We can understand why he behaves likethat C It is difficult to understandhisbehavior D It is understood that hebehaves 62 As the luggage was so heavy, we hadtotake ataxi A We had to take a taxi because of theheavyluggage B We had to take a taxi so that we can have heavy luggage C Although the luggage was heavy, we tookataxi D We had to take a taxi, so we had heavyluggage 63 Apples are usually cheaper thanoranges A Oranges are usually themost expensive B Oranges are usually more expensive asapples C Apples are not usually as expensiveas oranges D Apples are usually less cheap thanoranges 64 Iwas offered to work for IBM, but Irejected A I turned down the offer to workforIBM B I rejected to offer to work forIBM C IBM refused my offertowork D I was refused by IBM atwork 65 We could not handle the situation withoutyou A You didn't help us handlethesituation B If you had not helped us, we could not have handledthe situation C If you did not help us, we could not handlethesituation D We will handle the situation if youhelp V Identify the error in eachsentence 66 We weresackeddue to Bill'scarelesslyschedule, and weallblamed him forthat.A B C D 67 No soonerhadthe secretaryhangupthanphone rangagain.A B C D 68 Ifhad finisha courseoncomputerprogramming,Iwouldhave a bettersalary A B C D 69 I tryhardlybut I can never catchup withhim,becausehe issosmart A B C D 70 I tried to makeitcleartothem thaturgentactionwere required.AB C D 71 Atthe moment the company isin the processofreorganizing theirdepartment A B C D 72 The government suggestedthatsmall businessesgave theirown ideasonthebill A B C D 73 were at trouble because we had entered the building without permission A B C D 74 When they will pay me for the decoration, I will have enough money to buy a car A B C D 75 It's that we'll be able to afford it or not that I'mnot sure about.A B C D VI Choose the correct answer to complete thepassage: Everyone can dream Indeed, everyone does dream Thosewho(76) that they never dream at all actuallydream(77) as frequently as the rest ofus, (78) they may not remember anything about it Even those of us who areperfectly(79) of dreamingnight (80) night very seldom remember those dreams in(81) detail but merely retain an untidy mixture of seemingly unrelated impressions Dreams are not simply visual we dream with allour(82) ,so that we appear to experience sound, touch, smell, andtaste One of the world'soldest(83) written documents is the EgyptianBook of Dreams.This volume is about thousand years old, so youcan (84) that dreams were believed to have a special significance eventhen Many ancient civilizations believed that you (85) never wake a sleeping person as, during sleep, the soul had left the body and might not be able to return (86) time if the sleeper were suddenly (87) From ancient times to thepresent(88) , people havebeen(89) attempts to interpret dreams and to explain their significance There are many books available on the subject of dream interpretation, although unfortunately there are almost as many meanings for a particulardream(90) there arebooks 76 A.demand Bpromise Cagree D claim 77 A.also Bjust C only D quite 78 A.though Bbesides Chowever D despite 79 A.familiar Baccustomed Caware D used 80 A.after B on C.through D.over 81 A.great Bhigh C strong D deep 82 A.feelings Bemotions Cimpressions D senses 83 A.considered B.known C regarded D estimated 84 A.see B feel C ensure D think 85 A.would B ought C should D need 86 A.by B in C with D for 87 A.awoke B.awoken C awake D awaken 88 A.minute B hour C.moment D day 89 A doing B putting C.making D taking 90 A.as B like C so D such VI Read the passage and choose the correct answers Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication English as we know it todayemergedaround 1350, after having incorporated manyelementsof French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1066 Until the 1600s,Englishwas,forthemostpart,spokenonlyinEnglandandhadnotextendedevenasfarasWales,Scotland or Ireland However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work Thus, smallenclavesof Englishspeakersbecameestablishedandgrewinvariouspartsoftheworld.Asthesecommunitiesproliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking anddiplomacy Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English Twothirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers Today there are more than 700 million English users in theworld,andoverhalfofthesearenonnativespeakers,constitutingthelargestnumberofnonnativeusersthan any other language in theworld 91 What is the main topic of thepassage? A The number of nonnative usersofEnglish B The French influence on the English language C The expansion of English as aninternationallanguage D The use of English for scienceand technology 92 The word'emerged'means A appeared B.failed C frequented D engaged 93 The word'elements'is most similarto A declaration B.features C.curiosities D customs 94 Approximately when did English begin to be used beyondEngland? A In1066 B Around1350 C.Before 1600 D After 1600 95 According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the worldexcept A theslavetrade B the Norman invasionC missionaries D colonization 96 The word'enclaves'is closest in meaningto A communities B.organizations C regions D countries 97 The word'proliferated'is closest in meaning toorganized A prospered B.organized C disbanded D expanded 98 Which of the following is not mentioned as the field where English is the mainlanguage? A advertising B.drama C aircontrol D media 99 The word'constituting'is closest in meaningto A lookingover B settingdown C doingin D makingup 100 According to the passage, approximately how many nonnative users of English are there in the world today? A aquartermillion B halfa million C.350million D 700 million MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST 0002 I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounceddifferently A.table B lazy C captain D favor A host B.most C cost D post A.there B.than C.theme D.though A.repeats B coughs C amuses D.attacks A obey B pray C prayer D delay II Choose the word whose stress isdifferent A.village B begin C column D pity A.theory B.generate C delicious D confidence A.computer B obvious C dependence D horizon A.convenient B favorable C evaluate D relationship 10 A.peculiar B.appreciative C specific D.militant III Choose the right word or phrase to complete thesentences 11 Last night, nothing to watch on TV.we went out A therebeing B there having Chavinghad D.being 12 We mustn'tsiton chairs A breaking B break C broken D broke 13 Goldis in color tobrass A same B.similar C like D one 14 Bepatient you won'tsucceed A because B or C.though D when 15 I don'tunderstandwhat by the word'inflation' A ismeant B is the meaning C.means D.mean 16 A log grabber has alongarm which stretches out to pick uplogs A callsajib B callingajib C ajib called D called ajib 17 Ahomecomputer an opportunity for convenient and efficient work athome A provides B tobeproviding C.whichprovides D providingit 18 Once an offending allergen hasbeenidentified tests, it is possible for the doctor to give specific desensitizinginjections A meansof B bymeans of C of themeans by D bymeans 19 Sometime swears people out and is worse than the lack of sleepitself A to sleepthedesire B the desiretosleep C to desiresleepis D the desire to sleepwho 20 The wheel, has remained important for 4,000 years, is one of mankind's firstinventions A how B.when C which D about 21 children master the basics, advanced development becomeseasier A The B.Once C That D Even though 22 Perspirationincreases vigorous exercise or hotweather A during B.when C at thetime D for 23 Goddard developed the first rocket to flyfaster A thansound is B as does sound C thansound D as sound is 24 Even if theunemploymentrate sharply, the drop may still betemporary A dropped B drop C drops D have dropped 25 Herbs in soups andsauces A are usedto B are often used C.often use D get usedto 26 Studiesindicate collecting art today than everbefore A theremorepeople B more peoplethatare C that there aremorepeople D people there aremore 27 Susancouldn'thelp when I told her thejoke A laughing B.laugh C tolaugh D laughed 28 Youhairneed You'd better have it donetomorrow A cut B.to cut C.beingcut D cutting 29 Iremember him It was a five-dollarnote A paid B to pay C paying D to be paid 30 They the bridge by the time you comeback A willfinish B will have finished C willbefinished D have finished 31 I wouldratherJane my brother so much money I know for sure that I will have to pay hisdebt A notlend B didnotlend C hadnotlent D would notlend 32 By 1890, there were over 60 steamboats on theMississippi River, were quite luxurious A manyof them B manyofwhich C.whichmany D manythose 33 Copperplate, a highly ornate form ofhandwriting,is in commonuse A not longer B.no more C no longer D not tomention 34 When a fresco, an artist applies paint directly to the damp plaster of awall A painting B painted C.he painted D in painting 35 Newwords to describe new objects andconcepts A are beingconstantlyinvented B has constantly beeninvented C.constantlyinvented D are constantly beinginvented 36 Most teachers make for young student'smistakes A up B room C allowance D way 37 Claire complained that the medicine made herfeel A hanging B.overturning C dizzy D upturning 38 People who not smoke arelikelyto those who don't A outlive B livemorelonger C.livelongest D longlive 39 One of themajorcauses heart disease is lack ofexercise A for B to C of D by 40 John isnotlooking today Is he okay? A good B well C.finely D best 41 I the impression that they would riot chargeme A had B.made C.gave D took 42 Ever sinceBert was to department manager, he has been unfriendly tous A advertised B.encouraged C promoted D progressed 43 You should notbeso about his behavior He is tooyoung A subjective B.sanguine C intimate D.militant 44 The biggest bank in ourcityhas bankruptcy A announced B.declared C claimed D.informed 45 Mygrandfather often of the Great Depression of the1930's A speaks B.tells C says D converses 46 Our parents often havea strong on our lives A impact B effect C.result D influence 47 It is our to talk toyou A pleases B.pleasant C.pleasantry D pleasure 48 I bought some jewelry for my sister but it wasnot the sheliked A kind B thing C which D ones 49 Thepassage that the first settlers wereSpanish A refers B.instills C.implies D infers 50 Conservation also deals withgarbage A discard B.throw-out C.emission D disposal 51 Ships used tobeequipped afathometer A by B.with C at D in 52 I know for sure that Tina opened myletters A deliberate B.withaims C.inintention D on purpose 53 On November 5, a lot offireworkis off inEngland A set B.gone C placed D burned 54 Too many exams and tests have put highschoolstudents pressure A in B on C under D into 55 Aftertheconquest, Napoleonwouldput the lawofdrivingontheright A intouse B.underrule C.ineffort D inforce IV Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the onegiven 56 I am not sure, but perhaps he went toLondon A He might go toLondon B He must have gone toLondon C He might have gonetoLondon D He could go toLondon 57 He has no cause tocomplain A There is no reason to complainabouthim B There is no reason why hecomplains C Why he complains isnoreason D It is of no cause tocomplain 58 As a teacher, Kate understands the problem you havementioned A Kate who understands the problem you have mentioned is ateacher B Because Kate is a teacher, she can understand the problem you havementioned: C Because of a teacher, Kate can understand the problem you havementioned D Kate, who a teacher, can understand the problem you havementioned 59 Please don't talk with your mouth full offood! A I wish you wouldn't talk with your mouth full offood B I prefer you to talk when your mouth is not full offood C I would like you to talk when your mouth is not full offood D I would rather you didn't talk with your mouth full offood 60 Helen wrote a novel and made a cowboyfilm A Helen wrote not only a novel but also made a cowboyfilm B Helen both wrote a novel as well as made a cowboyfilm C Not only did Helen write a novel but she also made a cowboyfilm D Helen either wrote a novel or made a cowboyfilm 61 He is a reliable person, which is different from what peoplethink A People think differently about thereliableperson B Contrary to what people think, he isreliable C Contrary to what people think, heis unreliable D He, who is reliable, is not what peoplethink 62 A computer can work much faster than aperson A A person cannot work as fast asacomputer B A computer can work less slowly than aperson C A person cannot work faster thanacomputer D A person can work less faster than acomputer 63 We should limit the pollution; otherwise we willdie A We will die if we limitthepollution B Limit the pollution and we willdie C We will die unless we don't limitthepollution D Limit the pollution or we willdie 64 I regret selling the house in thesuburb A I wish I didn't sell the house inthesuburb B I hope I had not sold the house in thesuburb C If only I had not sold the house inthe suburb D Selling the house in the suburb isregretful 65 It has not rained for afortnight A It is a fortnight since itlastrained B It is a fortnight since it hasrained C It rained forafortnight D The last time it rained is a fortnightago V Identify the error in eachsentence 66 The surface ofthetonguecoveredwithtinytastebuds A B C D 67 Cosmicdistance is measured onlightyears.A B C D 68 Amillionoftourists from anoverthe worldvisitNew York everyyear.A B C D 69 WhereasEarthhasone moon the planetcallMars has two smallones.A B C D 70 An ardent feminist, Margaret Fuller,throughher literature, askedthatwomenbe givenafairlychance A B C D 71 No longerisscientific discovery amatterofonepersonaloneworking.A B C D 72 Thescientificmethodconsists informing hypotheses, collectingdata, andtestingresults A B C D 73 All datain computerare changedintoelectronic pulsesbyan inputunit.AB C D 74 Thebasiclaw of addition,subtraction,mutilation and division are taughtto allelementaryschoolstudents A B 75 A largepercentof Canadianexportbusiness iswith theUnitedStates C D A B C D VI Choose the correct answer to complete thepassage The tiger can live inalmost (76) natural environment from hot, steamy low fields with sub-zero temperatures A female tiger has her first cubs when she is less than four years old About half usually die beforethey(77) a year old They kill their first small animals when they are about one and leave their mother a year(78) Tigers are good swimmers,can (79) trees and eat 23 kilos of meat in anight They can jump nearly ninemeters,(80) is about the length of a double-decker bus A tiger depends on its sharp eyesand(81) ears it waits in cover and rushes at the animals it hunts,jumpingon(82) If it fails, itoften(83) up because it gets tired very easily It can go for more than aweek(84) catchinganything Tigers communicate by many sounds, including a roar that canbe(85) over several miles Adult tigers usually livealone,(86) they are quite friendly with each other They mostly hunt at night They often meet whilethey(87) out hunting rub heads together and then part They have similarbodies( 8 ) lions.(89) they never mate together in the wild Occasionally they in zoosand(90) are called ‘ tiglons’ or'tigons' 76 A any B all C none D some 77 A reaching B are C have D age 78 A afterwards B latter C later D before 79 A mount B upgrade C jump D climb 80 A what B which C that D then 81 A keen B bettered C sharp D active 82 A themselves B them C it D itself 83 A brings B picks C takes D gives 84 A after B instead of C without D being 85 A found B heard C sound D picked up 86 87 88 89 90 VII A although B because C nor D as A set B go C make D work A to B with C from D for A Otherwise B As a result C Nevertheless D In addition A offspring B children C toddlers D kids Read the passage and choose the correctanswers For centuries, sky watchers have reported seeing mysterious flashes of light on the surface of the Moon Modern astronomers have observed the same phenomenon, but no one has been able to satisfactorily explain how or why the Moonsporadicallysparks However, researchers now believe they have found the cause Researchers have examined the chemical content of Moon rocksretrievedby astronauts during the Apollo missions and have found thattheycontain volatile gases such as helium, hydrogen, and argon The researchers suggest thatstrayelectrons, freed when the rock cracks, may ignite these gases Indeed, lunar rock samples, whenfracturedin the lab, throw off sparks What causes these rocks to crack on the lunar surface? The flashes are most often seen at the borders between sunlight and shade on the Moon, where the surface is being either intensely heated or cooled A sudden change in temperature may cause thermal cracking Another possibility is that meteors may strike the rocks and cause them to crack Finally, lunar rocks may be fractured by seismic events - in other words, by tiny moonquakes 91 Which of the following statements describes the organization of thepassage? A popular notionisrepeated B generalization is made, and examples aregiven C The significance of an experiment is explained D phenomenon is described, and a possible explanation is proposed 92 According to the passage, how long have people been aware of the mysterious lights on themoon? A For the lastten years B Since the Apollo moonmissions C For hundredsofyears D For thousands ofyears 93 The word'sporadically'is closest in meaningto A reputedly B.occasionally C.mysteriously D constantly 94 The word'retrieved'is closest in meaningto A invented B.broughtback C.recovered D renewed 95 The word'fractured'is closest in meaningto A produced B degraded C.broken D analyzed 96 According to the passage, the theory that Moon rocks give off sparks when they crack issupported A a telescopic study oftheMoon B experiments conductedby by astronauts C observations madecenturiesago D an analysis of rocks from themoon 97 The word'they'refersto A helium, hydrogenandargon B.researchers C Apollospacecrafts D lunarrocks 98 The word'stray'is closest in meaningto A loose B.speeding C.fiery D spinning99 Which of the following situations is an example of 'thermal cracking' as described in thepassage? A A dam breaks when water risesbehindit B A stone cracks open because of the pressure of treeroots C A cool glass breaks when it is filled with boiling water D An ice cube melts in the heat of thesun 100 All of the following are given as reasons for Moon rocks crackingEXCEPT…………………… A.seismicactions B suddentemperaturechanges C the actionofmeteors D the pressure ofgases MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST 0003 I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently A.measure B leisure C ensure D pleasure 2.A expression B division C decision D television 3.A.advance B.advent C.advice D.adjustment 4.A showered B linked C concerned D belonged 5.A fever B.example C ignore D ink II Choose the word whose stress is different 6.A initial B inherit C occurrence D occupied 7.A obstacle B intolerable C possess D secure 8.A technical B teardrop C treatable D horrific 9.A apprentice B construct C perverse D papal 10.A panel B label C realize D reality III Choose the right word or phrase to complete the sentences 11 A.environnent B habitat C conservation D occupation 12 A.brave B daring C risky D ashamed 13 A deny B claim C refuse D reject 14 A.outside B external C fertile D superficial 15 A.encourage B encounter C cope D confront IV Choose the right word or phrase to complete thesentences 16 The children like programs whichcancater their taste They arenot fascinated news bulletins A for/ of B for/by C of/ with D about/with 17 The buswascrammed students whoweremaking the central park where the festival would take place A with/into B of/ out C.with/ for D in/for 18 When abroad, it is advisable to carryyourpassport alltimes A for B at C in D.on 19 knowthatperson sight but not name A of/ of B.at/in C.with/with D by/by 20 You need to book the tickets for such a popular show no less than 6months A ataloss B bythe way C in advance D at aglance 21 Can I aska favor you, Mark? Could you please move this sofabackwards? A for B of C.with D to 22 I read the contract againandagain avoiding making spellingmistakes A with aviewto B in view of C bymeans of D in terms of 23 This kind of product has tobe used 3days purchase A by/ of B within/of C on/on D on/after 24 Although my gravid is over 70, sheisyoung heart A at B in C by D of 25 The students put their name down forthecourse admiration ProfessorJenkins A in/ of B.with/of C at/for D with/for 26 The students areusedto in the school library A work B.working C.worked D beingworked 27 We tried a lot ofhotels,but of them had any freerooms A neither B none C no D not 28 The teacher no less thanhiscolleagues having a difficult time at them o m e n t A is B are C was D were 29 Annette wanted to read theletter A to which Ihad written B that had writtenbyme C Ihad written D which I havewritten 30 I'drather until Jill comes back Let's go home A not towait B not wait C havenot waited D I didn'twait 31 The reason why Iamwriting to tell you about our plan A is B.was C were D are 32 Show me thehouse A where they are living in B which theyare living C where they arelivingthere D where theyareliving 33 I him the truth, for he is telling it to everyoneelse A mustn't have told B canthave told C shouldn'thave told D shouldn't to tell 34 Nobody knows thetruth, A don't they B.do they C does he D willhe 35 The room was too small and I felt asifI in a lift A were B am C had been D would be 36 He an overdose of morphine anddied A usedto B used C wasusedto D was used

Ngày đăng: 17/10/2023, 17:17
