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θ X 1 X 2 (x 1 , x 2 ) v 1 v 2 R L Fig. 3. The one axis car 4.1 Controller design System (30) is differentially flat, with flat outputs given by the pair of coordinates: (x 1 , x 2 ), which describes the position of the rear axis middle point. Indeed the rest of the system variables, including the inputs are differentially parameterized as follows: θ = arctan ˙ x 2 ˙ x 1 , u 1 = ˙ x 2 1 + ˙ x 2 2 , u 2 = ¨ x 2 ˙ x 1 − ˙ x 2 ¨ x 1 ˙ x 2 1 + ˙ x 2 2 Note that the relation between the inputs and the flat outputs highest derivatives is not invertible due to an ill defined relative degree. To overcome this obstacle to feedback linearization, we introduce, as an extended auxiliary control input, the time derivative of u 1 . We have: ˙ u 1 = ˙ x 1 ¨ x 1 + ˙ x 2 ¨ x 2 ˙ x 2 1 + ˙ x 2 2 This control input extension yields now an invertible control input-to-flat outputs highest derivatives relation, of the form: ˙ u 1 u 2 = ⎡ ⎣ ˙ x 1 √ ˙ x 2 1 + ˙ x 2 2 ˙ x 2 √ ˙ x 2 1 + ˙ x 2 2 − ˙ x 2 ˙ x 2 1 + ˙ x 2 2 ˙ x 1 ˙ x 2 1 + ˙ x 2 2 ⎤ ⎦ ¨ x 1 ¨ x 2 (31) 468 Robust Control, TheoryandApplications 4.2 Observer-based GPI controller design Consider the following multivariable feedback controller based on linear GPI controllers and estimated cancelation of the nonlinear input matrix gain: ˙ u 1 u 2 = ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ˆ ˙ x 1 ( ˆ ˙ x 1 ) 2 +( ˆ ˙ x 2 ) 2 ˆ ˙ x 2 ( ˆ ˙ x 1 ) 2 +( ˆ ˙ x 2 ) 2 − ˆ ˙ x 2 ( ˆ ˙ x 1 ) 2 +( ˆ ˙ x 2 ) 2 ˆ ˙ x 1 ( ˆ ˙ x 1 ) 2 +( ˆ ˙ x 2 ) 2 ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ν 1 ν 2 (32) with the auxiliary control variables, ν 1 , ν 2 ,givenby 1 : ν 1 = ¨ x ∗ 1 (t) − k 12 s 2 + k 11 s + k 10 s(s + k 13 ) ( x 1 −x ∗ 1 (t) ) ν 2 = ¨ x ∗ 2 (t) − k 22 s 2 + k 21 s + k 20 s(s + k 23 ) ( x 2 −x ∗ 2 (t) ) (33) and where the estimated velocity variables: ˆ ˙ x 1 , ˆ ˙ x 2 , are generated, respectively, by the variables ρ 11 and ρ 12 in the following single iterated integral injection GPI observers (i.e., with m = 1), ˙ ˆ y 10 = ˆ y 1 + λ 13 (y 10 − ˆ y 10 ) ˙ ˆ y 1 = ρ 11 + λ 12 (y 10 − ˆ y 10 ) ˙ ρ 11 = ρ 21 + λ 11 (y 10 − ˆ y 10 ) (34) ˙ ρ 21 = λ 10 (y 10 − ˆ y 10 ) y 10 = t 0 x 1 (τ)dτ ˙ ˆ y 20 = ˆ y 2 + λ 23 (y 20 − ˆ y 20 ) ˙ ˆ y 2 =ρ 12 + λ 22 (y 20 − ˆ y 20 ) ˙ ρ 12 =ρ 22 + λ 21 (y 20 − ˆ y 20 ) (35) ˙ ρ 22 =λ 20 (y 20 − ˆ y 20 ) y 20 = t 0 x 2 (τ)dτ Then, the following theorem describes the effect of the proposed integral injection observers, and of the GPI controllers, on the closed loop system: Theorem 7. Given a set of desired reference trajectories, (x ∗ (t), y ∗ (t)), for the desired position in the plane of the kinematic model of the car, described by (30); given a set initial conditions, (x(0), y(0)), sufficiently close to the initial value of the desired nominal trajectories, (x ∗ (0), y ∗ (0)), then, the above described GPI observers and the linear multi-variable dynamical feedback controllers, (32)-(35), forces the closed loop controlled system trajectories to asymptotically converge towards a small as desired neighborhood of the desired reference trajectories, (x ∗ 1 (t), x ∗ 2 (t)), provided the observer and controller gains 1 Here we have combined, with an abuse of notation, frequency domain and time domain signals. 469 Robust Linear Control of Nonlinear Flat Systems are chosen so that the roots of the corresponding characteristic polynomials describing, respectively, the integral injection estimation error dynamics and the closed loop system, are located deep into the left half of the complex plane. Moreover, the greater the distance of these assigned poles to the imaginary axis of the complex plane, the smaller the neighborhood that ultimately bounds the reconstruction errors, the trajectory tracking errors, and their time derivatives. Proof. Since the system is differentially flat, in accordance with the results in Maggiore & Passino (2005), it is valid to make use of the separation principle, which allows us to propose the above described GPI observers. The characteristic polynomials associated with the perturbed integral injection error dynamics of the above GPI observers, are given by, P ε1 (s)=s 4 + λ 13 s 3 + λ 12 s 2 + λ 11 s + λ 10 P ε2 (s)=s 4 + λ 23 s 3 + λ 22 s 2 + λ 21 s + λ 20 s ∈ C thus, the λ i,j , i = 1, 2, j = 0, ···, 3, are chosen to identify, term by term, the above estimation error characteristic polynomials with the following desired stable injection error characteristic polynomials, P ε1 (s)=P ε2 (s)=(s + 2μ 1 σ 1 s + σ 2 1 )(s + 2μ 2 σ 2 s + σ 2 2 ) s ∈ C, μ 1 , μ 2 , σ 1 , σ 2 ∈ R + Since the estimated states, ˆ ˙ x 1 = ρ 11 , ˆ ˙ x 2 = ρ 12 , asymptotically exponentially converge towards a small as desired vicinity of the actual states: ˙ x 1 , ˙ x 2 , substituting (32) into (31), transforms the control problem into one of controlling two decoupled double chains of integrators. One obtains the following dominant linear dynamics for the closed loop tracking errors: e (4) 1 + k 13 e (3) 1 + k 12 ¨ e 1 + k 11 ˙ e 1 + k 10 e 1 = 0 (36) e (4) 2 + k 23 e (2) 2 + k 22 ¨ e 2 + k 21 ˙ e 2 + k 20 e 2 = 0 (37) The pole placement for such dynamics has to be such that both corresponding associated characteristic equations guarantee a dominant exponentially asymptotic convergence. Setting the roots of these characteristic polynomials to lie deep into the left half of the complex plane one guarantees an asymptotic convergence of the perturbed dynamics to a small as desired vicinity of the origin of the tracking error phase space. 4.3 Experimental results An experimental implementation of the proposed controller design method was carried out to illustrate the performance of the proposed linear control approach. The used experimental prototype was a parallax “Boe-Bot" mobile robot (see figure 5). The robot parameters are the following: The wheels radius is R = 0.7 [m]; its axis length is L = 0.125 [m]. Each wheel radius includes a rubber band to reduce slippage. The motion system is constituted by two servo motors supplied with 6 V dc current. The position acquisition system is achieved by means of a color web cam whose resolution is 352 × 288 pixels. The image processing was carried out by the MATLAB image acquisition toolbox and the control signal was sent to the robot micro-controller by means of a wireless communication scheme. The main function of 470 Robust Control, TheoryandApplications the robot micro-controller was to modulate the control signals into a PWM input for the motor. The used micro-controller was a BASIC Stamp 2 with a blue-tooth communication card. Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the experimental framework. The proposed tracking tasks was a six-leaved “rose" defined as follows: x ∗ 1 (t)=sin(3ωt + η) sin(2ωt + η) x ∗ 2 (t)=sin(3ωt + η) cos(2ωt + η) The design parameters for the observers were set to be, μ 1 = 1.8, μ 2 = 2.3, σ 1 = 3, σ 2 = 4 and for the corresponding parameters for the controllers, ζ 1 = ζ 3 = 1.2, ζ 2 = ζ 4 = 1.5, ω n1 = ω n3 = 1.8, ω n2 = ω n4 = 1.9. Also, we compared the observer response with that of a GPI observer without the integral injection (x 1_ , x 2_ ) Luviano-Juárez et al. (2010). The experimental implementation results of the control law are depicted in figures, 6 and 7, where the control inputs and the tracking task are depicted. Notice that in the case of figure 8, there is a clear difference between the integral injection observer and the usual observer; the filtering effect of the integral observer helped to reduce the high noisy fluctuations of the control input due to measurement noises. On the average, the absolute error for the tracking task, for booth schemes, is less than 1 [cm]. This is quite a reasonable performance considering the height of the camera location and its relatively low resolution. DC Motor 1 DC Motor 2 Micro Controller Bluetooth Antenna USB Camera USB Port Target PC Bluetooth Transmitter PWM 1 PWM 2 Nonholonomic Car Fig. 4. Experimental control schematics 471 Robust Linear Control of Nonlinear Flat Systems Fig. 5. Mobile Robot Prototype 5. Conclusions In this chapter, we have proposed a linear observer-linear controller approach for the robust trajectory tracking task in nonlinear differentially flat systems. The nonlinear inputs-to-flat outputs representation is viewed as a linear perturbed system in which only the orders of integration of the Kronecker subsystems and the control input gain matrix of the system are considered to be crucially relevant for the controller design. The additive nonlinear terms in the input output dynamics can be effectively estimated, in an approximate manner, by means of a linear, high gain, Luenberger observer including finite degree, self updating, polynomial models of the additive state dependent perturbation vector components. This perturbation may also include additional unknown external perturbation inputs of uniformly absolutely bounded nature. A close approximate estimate of the additive nonlinearities is guaranteed to be produced by the linear observers thanks to customary, high gain, pole placement procedure. With this information, the controller simply cancels the disturbance vector and regulates the resulting set of decoupled chain of perturbed integrators after a direct nonlinear input gain matrix cancelation. A convincing simulation example has been presented dealing with a rather complex nonlinear physical system. We have also shown that the method efficiently results in a rather accurate trajectory tracking output feedback controller in a real laboratory implementation. A successful experimental illustration was presented which considered a non-holonomic mobile robotic system prototype, controlled by an overhead camera. 472 Robust Control, TheoryandApplications 0 50 100 150 200 0 0.1 0.2 Time [s] u 1 [m/s] 0 50 100 150 200 −2 0 2 Time [s] u 2 [m/s] Fig. 6. Experimental applied control inputs −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 1 [m] x 2 [m] Reference Tracking Fig. 7. Experimental performance of GPI observer-based control on trajectory tracking task 473 Robust Linear Control of Nonlinear Flat Systems 0 50 100 150 200 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Time [s] ˙ ˆx 1 ˙ ˆx 1 ˙x 1 0 50 100 150 200 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Time [s] ˙ ˆx 2 ˙ ˆx 2 ˙x 2 Fig. 8. Noise reduction effect on state estimations via integral error injection GPI observers 6.References Aguilar, L. 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IEEE Trans Autom Control 2005; 50(7): 1158-62 488 Robust Control, Theory andApplications [12] Chen W H, Guan ZH, Lu X M Delay-dependent.. .Part 5 RobustControlApplications 21 Passive RobustControl for Internet-Based Time-Delay Switching Systems Hao Zhang1 and Huaicheng Yan2 1 Department 2 School of Control Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092 of Information Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237 P R China 1 Introduction... retrieval, exchange, andapplications Internet-based control, a new type of control systems, is characterized as globally remote monitoring and adjustment of plants over the Internet In recent years, Internet-based control systems have gained considerable attention in science and engineering [1-6], since they provide a new and convenient unified framework for system controland practical applications Examples... with the robust passive control for such kind of Internet-based control systems The robust passive control problem for time-delay systems was dealt with in (24; 25) This motivates the present passivity investigation of multi-rate Internet-based switching control systems with time-delay and uncertainties In this paper, we study the modelling androbust passive control for Internet-based switching control. .. { } Pr = x ∈ ℜn | H r x ≤ dr , r = 1, N r (9) 494 Robust Control, Theory andApplicationsand Nr denotes the total number of polyhedral regions in the partition Algorithms for the construction of a polyhedral partition of the state space and computation of a PWA control law are given in (Maciejowski 2002, Cychowski 2009) In its simplest form, the PWA control law (8)–(9) can be evaluated by searching... frequency and the ς is the damping coefficient of the reference model 496 Robust Control, Theory andApplications The task of the MPC controller is to bring the output variables to zero by manipulating mer while respecting the safety and physical limitations of the drive system, which in the analysed case are set as follows: −3 ≤ mer ≤ 3 −1.5 ≤ ms ≤ 1.5 (13) The selection of the prediction and control. .. 0.0985 −0.4304 M2 = 10−5 × 0.1231 −0.9483 P1 = 10−3 × Passive RobustControl for Internet-Based Time-Delay Switching Systems 487 5 Conclusions In this paper, based on remote controland local control strategy, a class of hybrid multi-rate control models with uncertainties and switching controllers have been formulated and their passive control problems have been investigated Using the Lyapunov-Krasovskii... industries However, since the time-delay is variable and the uncertainty of the process parameters is unavoidable, a dual-rate Internet-based control system may be unstable for certain control intervals The interest in the stability of 480 Robust Control, Theory andApplications networked control systems have grown in recent years due to its theoretical and practical significance [11-21], but to our knowledge... time-delay, and uncertainties The controller is switching between some modes due to the time and state of the network, either different time or the state changing may cause the controller changes its mode and the mode may changes at each instant time Based on remote controland local control strategy, a new class of multi-rate switching control model with time-delay is formulated Some new robust passive . Automation 15(3): 578–587. 476 Robust Control, Theory and Applications Part 5 Robust Control Applications Hao Zhang 1 and Huaicheng Yan 2 1 Department of Control Science and Engineering, Tongji University,. toolbox and the control signal was sent to the robot micro-controller by means of a wireless communication scheme. The main function of 470 Robust Control, Theory and Applications the robot micro-controller. Identification and Control 4(1): 12–27. 474 Robust Control, Theory and Applications Fliess, M., Lévine, J., Martin, P. & Rouchon, P. (1995). Flatness and defect of non-linear systems: introductory theory