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Advances in Photodiodes Part 5 ppt

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Simulation of Small-pitch High-density Photovoltaic Infrared Focal Plane Arrays 109 concentration in zero point ( 0t = ) is always equal to zero i.e. (0) bgr n =0. As the result concentration profile of photogenerated charge carriers nearby to point 0t = is formed preferably by their photogeneration with subsequent extraction into SCR. On the other hand due to disparity n LP L < < extraction of dark minority carriers into SCR takes place from whole thickness of p base where they have existed initially (at b V =0). Furthermore value of concentration (0) (0) 0 d nn = Δ< is fixed according to expression (34) by applied bias and algebraic value ()0 d nLP ≤ grows with increasing of S . In other words ratio ()/(0) dd nLP n is raised. This entire means that gradient of concentration of non-equilibrium dark minority charge carriers along axis t grows with increasing of S (Fig. 8a). 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 1E-10 1E-9 1E-8 1E-7 1 - I bgr , Θ=180 0 1 ' - I bgr , Θ=30 0 2 - I d 1 ' 2 1 I bgr , I d (A) S (cm/s) 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 1 10 100 1 - I bgr (S)/I bgr (S=10 7 cm/s), Θ=180 0 1 ' - I bgr (S)/I bgr (S=10 7 cm/s), Θ=30 0 2 - I d (S)/I d (S=10 2 cm/s) 2 1, 1 ' I(S)/I min (a.u.) S (cm/s) (a) (b) Fig. 9. Dark d I - (a) and background generated b g r I - (b) currents versus S in Hg 1-x Cd x Te (x=0.224) photodiode described by data given in Table 2. On graph (a) currents are given in absolute units and on graph (b) – in arbitrary units when curves (a) are specified to minimum photocurrent values 5. Photocurrent generation and collection in small-pitch high-density IRFPA Theoretical approach was developed for the case of front-side illuminated IRFPA based on regular structure of n p + − junctions enlaced by g r n + - guard ring around, Fig. 10. 5.1 PV IRFPA design model Cross-section of model PD array fragment (pixel) is shown on Fig. 10. 5.2 Photocurrent generated by sideways δ-shaped light beam For estimation purpose let’s consider one-dimensional (along line A) g rm g r n p n p n + ++ −− −− fragment (Fig. 10) of model PD array illuminated by δ -shaped light beam perpendicularly to surface of array, where m n + is n + - region of n p + − junction, g r n + is n + - guard ring around n p + − junction and p is layer (substrate) common for all pixels of PD array. Pixel is area including n p + − junction and limited by guard ring (Fig. 11). Model array fragment is symmetrical regarding m n + - region (Fig. 11). For simplicity word photocurrent will mean further photocurrent generated by pixel illuminated by proper light. Photocurrent generated in pixel is calculated at short-circuit between lead V and Ground (Fig. 11). Advances in Photodiodes 110 Fig. 10. Cross-section of model PD array fragment (pixel). 1 - m n + is n + - region of n p + − junction with width 0 W ; 2 - g r n + is n + - guard ring with width g r W ; 3 - p is thin layer (substrate) common for all pixels of PD array. Spacing between periphery of n p + − junction and guard ring is marked as W . Front surface of array is irradiated by photon flux h ν ( δ - shaped light beam or uniform flux or spotlight) that is absorbed and generates photocurrent Fig. 11. Front view of model PD array fragment. 1 - m n + is n + - region of n p + − junction with width 0 W ; 2 - g r n + is n + - guard ring with width g r W ; 3 - p is thin layer (substrate) common for all pixels of PD array. Spacing between periphery of n p + − junction and guard ring is marked as W . Front surface of array is irradiated by photon flux h ν ( δ -shaped light beam or uniform flux or spotlight) that is absorbed and generates photocurrent in pixel. One-dimensional consideration is developed along line A (illumination moves along that line). Common p thin layer and g r n + - guard ring grid are grounded. Photocurrent generated in pixel is calculated between Ground and V diode lead connected to m n + - region of n p + − junction Simulation of Small-pitch High-density Photovoltaic Infrared Focal Plane Arrays 111 Let’s assume: Recombination rates of excess electrons and holes are equal to each other. np n RR τ Δ == (43) Where: n R and p R - recombination rates, n Δ - concentration and τ - lifetime of excess electrons and holes. Drift of excess charge carriers in electric field in p - region is negligible. Band-to-band photogeneration of charge carriers at point g yy = , i.e. specific rate of photogeneration is described by formula: () ( ) g gy G yy δ δ = ×− (44) Where: ( ) g yy δ − - delta-function and G δ - total photogeneration rate of charge carriers. In analyzed conditions distribution of ()ny Δ in p - region is defined by diffusion equation: 2 2 () g nn DG yy y δ δ τ ∂Δ Δ ×−=−×− ∂ (45) Where: D - coefficient of ambipolar diffusion. Do solve equation (45) in intervals /2 o g W yy < ≤ and 70 /2 g yyy WW ≤ ≤≡ + assuming boundary conditions: (/2) exp 1 op qV nW n kT ⎡ ⎤ ⎛⎞ Δ =× − ⎢ ⎥ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ ⎣ ⎦ and 7 ()0ny Δ = (46) And stitching conditions are: (0)(0) gg ny nyΔ−=Δ+ and 00 gg yy yy nn DG yy δ =+ =− ⎛⎞ ∂Δ ∂Δ ⎜⎟ × −=− ⎜⎟ ∂∂ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ (47) Where: p n - concentration of equilibrium minority charge carriers (electrons) in p - region. Condition (46) means continuity of excess charge carriers’ concentration, and condition (47) is derived relation resulted from integration of equation (45) in neighborhood of point g yy= . Photocurrent value p h I δ at 0 /2yW= is defined by formula: ph IqGK δ δ = ×× (48) Where: K - coefficient of one-sided sideways photoelectric conversion defined as: [( ) / ] (/) sh W d L K sh W L − = . (49) Where: LD τ =×- ambipolar diffusion length of charge carriers. Advances in Photodiodes 112 Graph of K versus normalized distance dWbetween δ -shaped light beam and periphery of m n + - region of np + − junction is presented on Fig. 12. If sideways δ -shaped light beam illumination is symmetrical in relation to n + - region of np + − junction (i.e. junction is illuminated from left and right sides, Fig. 10) then total photocurrent value will be two times higher than got from expression (48). 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 d / W L=6W W=6L W=3L W=L K Fig. 12. Dependence of one-sided sideways photoelectric conversion coefficient K on normalized distance dWbetween δ -shaped light beam and periphery of m n + - region 5.3 Photocurrent generated by uniform sideways and front illumination To calculate photocurrent value lat p h I under symmetrical regarding m n + - region sideways illumination we need integrate expression (48) with respect to y between /2 o W and W and than multiply result by coefficient 2. In the case of uniform illumination ( ()Gx const δ = ) we get: 2 lat lat p hWtot IqG K=× × . (50) Where: 2W G - total sideways photogeneration rate (taking into account both left and right sides) is defined as: 2 2 W GGW δ = × (51) And sideways photoelectric conversion coefficient lat tot K if defined by: 2 lat tot LW Kth WL ⎛⎞ =× ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ . (52) Assuming that photoelectric conversion coefficient is equal to 1 under front-side illumination we can write photocurrent value f r p h I in this case as follows: 0 fr ph IqGW δ =× × . (53) Simulation of Small-pitch High-density Photovoltaic Infrared Focal Plane Arrays 113 As it follows from expressions (50) - (53) ratio of photocurrents generated by np + − junction under uniform sideways and front-side illumination is defined by: 00 1 22 22 lat ph fr o ph I LW RthathaY WL a I ⎛⎞ ⎛⎞ ≡ =× × =× × = × ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ ⎝⎠ (54) / oo aLW = , /aLW = and 1 2 2 Yth a ⎛⎞ =× ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ . (55) Graph of calculated universal dependence 1 2 2 Yth a ⎛⎞ =× ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ versus /LW is given on Fig. 13. Herein: (/ ) o Ra YLW = × . (56) 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 L / W Y a o = L / W o a = L / W R = I lat ph / I fr ph = a o Y Fig. 13. Graph of universal dependence 1 2 2 Yth a ⎛⎞ =× ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ versus /LW following to (55) 5.4 Photocurrent generated by moving small-diameter uniform spotlight Basic relation (48) allows estimating of photocurrent p h I variation when small diameter () s p ot D uniform spotlight is moving along surface of PD array. To calculate photocurrent value we need integrate expression (48) with respect to y within uniformly illuminated region except guard ring region ( g r W ). Further we will limit consideration by condition (57): s p ot o DW ≤ . (57) Within uniform spotlight area dependence of photocurrent p h I on spot center position c y will be described by formulae given further. Case (a): Gap between m n + - region border and g r n + - guard ring is higher than spot diameter: Advances in Photodiodes 114 s p ot WD≥ . (58) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates right half of central pixel. Let’s mark ()c p h I photocurrent generated in central pixel when spot moves within interval 00 22WW yW W−− ≤≤ + . 1a. Spot center moves within the interval: 10 02 c y yW r ≤ ≤≡ −. (59) In this case spot is located within m n + - region of np + − junction totally. Photocurrent ()c p h I is frontal only that is: () fr c s p ot ph ph IIqGD δ ==×× . (60) 2a. Spot center moves within the interval: 120 2/2 cspot yyyW D ≤ ≤≡ + . (61) Spot light is appearing on the side of m n + - region and at 2c y y> get it away. In the interval (61) we get: () () 3 12 3 2 () (,) c c ph c cc c Iy yy LW Fy y y y y y ch ch qG shWL L L δ ⎡ ⎤ − ⎛⎞ ⎛⎞ =−−≡−+ × − ⎢ ⎥ ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ ⋅ ⎝⎠ ⎝⎠ ⎣ ⎦ (62) ( ) 30 2/2 spot yW WD≡+− (63) 3а. Spot center moves within the interval: 23c y yy ≤ ≤ . (64) Spotlight is located totally between m n + - and g r n - regions, therefore 0 fr ph I = and () ( ) () () 7 27 2 () 2 c spot c ph c c sh D L Iy y y Fy y L sh qG shWL L δ − ⎛⎞ =−≡× × ⎜⎟ ⋅ ⎝⎠ . (65) Case (a 1 ): Let’s impose some condition - width of guard ring is narrower than spotlight diameter: g rs p ot WD < . (66) 4а 1 . Spot center moves within the interval: ( ) 350 2/2 cspot yyy W WD≤≤≡ ++ . (67) Spotlight gets away gradually from considered central pixel. Photocurrents generated in central pixel and neighbor right side pixel will be equal to each other when c y will coincide to mid 4 y of right side guard ring (68): Simulation of Small-pitch High-density Photovoltaic Infrared Focal Plane Arrays 115 () ( ) 40 22 gr yW WW≡++ . (68) In the interval (67): () ( ) () () 2 5 35 2 () 2 c c c ph c sh y y L Iy Fy y L qG shWL δ ⎡ ⎤ − ⎣ ⎦ =−≡× ⋅ . (69) 5a. Spot center moves beyond coordinate 5 y 5c y y≥ . (70) In this case spotlight leaves central pixel entirely and no photocurrent will be generated () ()0 c c ph Iy = . (71) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates left half of neighbor right side pixel. Photocurrent generation in right side pixel p h I > will take place when edge of spotlight appears in that pixel, i.e. at condition (72): ( ) 60 2/2 cgrspot yy W WW D≥≡ ++ − . (72) It means that till spot’s edge hasn’t reach periphery of right side pixel and no photocurrent is generated 6a. 6c y y ≤ ; ( ) 0 ph c Iy > = . (73) Photocurrent ( ) p hc Iy > and () () c c ph Iy values are symmetrical about mid line of guard ring region 4 y , i.e.: ( ) () 4 () 2 c p hc c ph Iy I y y > =−. (74) Therefore we do have the following cases: 7а 1 . ( ) 6110 2/2 cgrspot yyy W WW D≤≤ ≡ ++ + ; 36 () ph с I Fy y qG δ > =− × . (75) 8а 1 . ( ) 11 10 0 22 /2 cgrspot yyy W WWD≤≤ ≡ + + − ; () 29 () ph c c Iy F yy qG δ > =− ⋅ . (76) Where: ( ) 90 2 g r y WWW=++. (77) 9а 1 . ( ) 10 12 0 22 cgr yyy WWWr≤≤ ≡ + + +; () 11011 () , ph c cc Iy F yyyy qG δ > =− − × . (78) Advances in Photodiodes 116 10а 1 . 12 8c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () ph c s p ot Iy D qG δ > = × . (79) Where distance between centers of m n + - regions of central and right side pixels: 80 2 g r y WWW = ++. (80) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates left half of central pixel. Let’s mark photocurrent at negative and positive coordinate c y as ( ) p hc I y − and ( ) p hc I y properly. Values ( ) p hc I y − and ( ) p hc I y are the same in respect to zero point 0 c y = , i.e. ( ) ( ) p hc p hc I y I y − =−. (81) Therefore we do have the following cases: 11a. 1 0 c yy − ≤≤; () p hc s p ot IyqGD δ − = ×× . (82) 12а. 21c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) 12 3 () , p hc c c I yq GF yyyy δ − =× × + + . (83) 13а. 32c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) 27 () p hc c I yq GF yy δ − =× × + . (84) 14а. 53c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) 35 () p hc c I yq GF yy δ − =× × + . (85) 15a. 5c y y ≤ − ; ( ) 0 ph c Iy − = . (86) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates right half of neighbor left side pixel. 16a. 6 0 c yy − ≤≤ ; ( ) 0 ph c Iy − = . (87) 17а 1 . 11 6c y yy − ≤≤− ; ( ) 36 () ph c c I yq GF yy δ − =× × − − . (88) 18а 1 . 10 11c y yy−≤≤− ; ( ) 29 () ph c c I yq GF yy δ − =× × − − . (89) 19а 1 . 12 10c y yy−≤≤− ; ( ) 11011 () , ph c c c I yq GF yy yy δ − =× × − − − − . (90) 20а 1 . 812c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) p hc s p ot IyqGD δ − = ×× . (91) Case (b): Gap between m n + - region border and n + - guard ring is less than spot diameter: /2 spot WD ≤ . (92) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates right half of central pixel. 21b. 1 0 c y y ≤ ≤ ; () fr c s p ot ph ph IIqGD δ ==×× . (93) Simulation of Small-pitch High-density Photovoltaic Infrared Focal Plane Arrays 117 22b. 13c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () () 12 3 () , c c ph cc Iy F yyyy qG δ =−− ⋅ . (94) In interval (96) part of spot is located in m n + - region but spot edge does not reach guard ring. Case (b 1 ): Let’s impose some condition: b 1 . 2( /2 ) gr spot WD W ≤ − . (95) 23b 1 . 32c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () () 42 2 () 2 c c ph cc Iy W Fy y y y Lth q GL δ ⎛⎞ =−≡−+× ⎜⎟ ⋅ ⎝⎠ . (96) 24b 1 . 25c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () () 35 () c c ph c Iy F yy qG δ =− ⋅ . (97) 25. 58c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () 0 c ph I = . (98) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates left half of neighbor right side pixel. 26. 6 0 c y y ≤ ≤ ; ( ) 0 ph c Iy > = . (99) 27b 1 . 610c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () 36 () ph c c Iy F yy qG δ > =− × . (100) 28b 1 . 10 11c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () 410 () ph c c Iy F yy qG δ > =− × . (101) 29b 1 . 11 12c y yy≤≤ ; () 11011 () , ph c cc Iy F yyyy qG δ > =− − × . (102) 30b 1 . 12 8c y yy ≤ ≤ ; () ph c s p ot Iy D qG δ > = ⋅ . (103) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates left half of central pixel. 31. 1 0 c yy − ≤≤; () p hc s p ot IyqGD δ − = ×× . (104) 32b. 31c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) 12 3 () , p hc c c I yq GF yyyy δ − =× × + + . (105) 33b 1 . 23c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) 42 () p hc c I yq GF yy δ − =× × + . (106) 34b 1 . 52c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) 35 () p hc c I yq GF yy δ − =× × + . (107) Advances in Photodiodes 118 35. 85c y yy − ≤≤−; ()0 ph c Iy − = . (108) Generation of photocurrent when spot illuminates right half of neighbor left side pixel. 36. 6 0 c yy − ≤≤; ( ) 0 ph c Iy − = . (109) 37b 1 . 10 6c y yy − ≤≤−; ( ) 36 () ph c c I yq GF yy δ − =× × − − . (100) 38b 1 . 11 10c y yy−≤≤−; ( ) 410 () ph c c I yq GF yy δ − =× × − − . (111) 39b 1 . 12 11c y yy−≤≤−; ( ) 11011 () , ph c c c I yq GF yy yy δ − =× × − − − − . (112) 40b 1 . 812c y yy−≤ ≤− ; ( ) p hc s p ot IyqGD δ − = ×× . (113) 5.5 LWIR PD array: calculation of photocurrent collection profiles Data used in calculation of photocurrent generated in small-pitch high-density Hg 0.776 Cd 0.224 Te PD array are given in Table 2. Junction regions thickness t was taken t(n + ) = 0.5 μm and t(p-absorber) = 6 μm. Surface recombination rate 10 2 cm/sec. Developed approach (57) - (113) was applied to calculate photocurrent generated in small- pitch Hg 0.776 Cd 0.224 Te PD array. Calculated dependences of photocurrent p h I generated by spotlight in Hg 1-x Cd x Te (x=0.224) PD array are shown on Fig. 14 and ratio of photocurrents generated at uniform frontal and sideways illumination can be estimated easily from Fig. 14. It is seen clearly that developed approach allows analytical estimation of photocurrent generation in different close-packed PD arrays. Following to dependence presented on Fig. 13 contribution of photocurrent generated by sideways uniform illumination to total photocurrent of pixel can be too much high at not reasonable ratios between L , W and 0 W . Dependences of photocurrent value p h I are calculated as function of spot center position coordinate c y for central and neighbor pixels of array. Condition 0 c y = means that in start position Zero of coordinate system and spot center are matched. Length (distance) is given in units s p ot D (spot diameter). Photocurrent is calculated in units s p ot qG D δ × × . It is accepted in calculation that width of m n + - region of n p + − junction o W = 20 µm; width of g r n + - guard ring g r W = 5 µm; spot diameter s p ot D = 15 µm; operating temperature 77 op TK = ; ambipolar diffusion length in p layer L = 48 µm. Spacing between periphery of n p + − junction and guard ring W = 20 µm (a) and W = 5 µm (b). Photocurrent in central, neighbor right-side and neighbor left-side pixels are presented on graphs by solid curves, dashed curves and dash-and-dot curves properly 6. Conclusion We have attempted to develop some general approach for simulation MWIR and LWIR PD IRFPA including estimation of major electro-optical parameters. Estimations have shown that extended LWIR Hg 1-x Cd x Te PD with p-n junction will be potentially of 4-5 times lower dark current value than PD with n + -p junction at T=77 K and 2 times lower at T=100 K. Additionally extended LWIR Hg 1-x Cd x Te PD with p-n junction will be seriously lower [...]... Optical Devices on Integrated Circuits G Castillo-Cabrera1,3, J García-Lamont2 and M A Reyes-Barranca3 1Superior School of Computing (ESCOM), National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), of Basic Science and Engineering, CITIS, Hidalgo State University, 3Electrical Engineering Department, SEES, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico 2Institute 1 Introduction The main application of optical devices is image processing which is a... Bellingham, Washington 120 Advances in Photodiodes Kinch, M.; Brau, M & Simmons, A (1973) “Recombination mechanisms in 8-14 μ HgCdTe”, J Appl Phys., Vol 44, No 4, (April 1973) 1649-1663, ISSN 0021-8979 Gelmont, B (1980) “Auger recombination in narrow band-gap semiconductors”, Sov Semicond Phys & Tech., Vol 14, No 11, (November 1980) 1913-1917, ISSN 10637826 Gelmont, B (1981) “Auger recombination in. .. shows the gain range that can be achieved with the amplifier, going from 10dB to 32dB Beside this, Input voltage, which is provided with Vreset, goes from 2.2V up to 3.5V, taken as parameter RCASC in the source current, Fig 6(a) 130 Advances in Photodiodes Fig 7 Transfer function simulated In order to evaluate temporal response, input voltage was adjusted to 3.5V, which belong to the gain of 32dB Fig... freedom for the characterization of the architecture and different devices, including the possibility another kind of not optical integrated sensors (5) Transistor M2 it is inserted into the amplifier since it is a standard way for selecting row within an array However, the role of M2 on the amplifier here proposed must be analyzed (6) Finally, a standard buffer circuit is used for provide of power to the... these functions During the procedure of calibration, in a first set of measurements it was saw a strong response in the case photodiodes So, in order to carry out measurements, the amplifier gain was set at 10dB in case of photodiodes measurements, while phototransistors at 32dB, in order to have a good reading without saturated response It is clear that response of the photodiode, shown in Fig 13 tend... 14 This is an indication that the integrated current within the photodiode is higher compared to that of the phototransistor, even with the same incident illumination power Fig 13 Measurements of the temporal response in the N-Well/P-substrate structures (photodiodes) Fig 14 Measurements of the temporal response in the P+/N-Well/P-substrate structures (phototransistors) 134 Advances in Photodiodes This... saturated the amplifier, no useful results were obtained A drawing is given in the Fig 5 which is showing the fabricated array Fig 5 Drawing for the array of optical devices 4 Circuit analysis Now, doing reference to the Fig 3, some design criteria for the circuit are defined (1) Transistors MREST and MSHUT are used as switches, so their sizes can be drawn with minimum dimension features allowed by the technology... Proceedings SPIE 4130, pp 422-440, ISBN 9780819437 754 , December 2000, SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington Baker, I & Maxey, C (2001) “Summary of HgCdTe 2D array technology in the UK”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol 30, No 6, (June 2001) 682-689, ISSN 0361 -52 35 Norton, P (2002) “HgCdTe infrared detectors”, Opto-Electronics Review, Vol 10, No 3, (September 2002) 159 -174, ISSN 1230-3402 Kinch, M... for the proper operation of the amplifier The voltage gain in (19) can be estimated using the following expressions (Baker et al 20 05) : r01 = 1 λ ⋅ ID gm1 = 2 ( KP ) W I D L (20) (21) Using values of KP and λ , from the 1 .5 m AMI technology, the maximum voltage gain was estimated as: Av = 35dB 4.1 Simulation Once the sizes of transistors used in the pixel were calculated, simulations with PSPICE were... Kinch, M (2007) Fundamentals of Infrared Detector Materials, SPIE Press, ISBN 978-0-81946731-7, Bellingham, Washington Glozman, A.; Harush, E.; Jacobsohn, E.; Klin, O.; Klipstein, Ph.; Markovitz, T.; Nahum, V.; Saguy, E.; Oiknine-Schlesinger, J.; Shtrichman, I.; Yassen, M.; Yofis, B & Weiss, E (2006) “High performance InAlSb MWIR detectors operating at 100 K and beyond”, Proceedings SPIE 6206, pp 6206M, . devices, including the possibility another kind of not optical integrated sensors. (5) Transistor M2 it is inserted into the amplifier since it is a standard way for selecting row within an array of Computing (ESCOM), National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), 2 Institute of Basic Science and Engineering, CITIS, Hidalgo State University, 3 Electrical Engineering Department, SEES, CINVESTAV-IPN,. InAlSb MWIR detectors operating at 100 K and beyond”, Proceedings SPIE 6206, pp. 6206M, ISBN 9780819462602, May 2006, SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington Advances in Photodiodes 120 Kinch,

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