STATEOFILLINOISNORTHEASTERNILLINOISUNIVERSITYFINANCIAL AUDIT (IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SINGLE AUDIT ACT AND OMB CTRCULAR A-r33) Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for The Auditor General. StateofIllinois For the Year Ended June 30, 2005 This is trial version State ofIllinois Northeastern Illinois Universitv Table of Contents Table of Contents Agency Officials Page 1 2 Financial Statement Report Summary 3 Independent Auditors'Report 4-5 Management's Discussion and Analysis 6-17 Basic Financial Statements Statement of Net Assets 18-19 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets 20 Statement of Cash Flows 2I Notes to Basic Financial Statements 22-43 Supp lementary Information University Facilities Revenue Bond Funds Insurance in Force (Unaudited) Rates and Charges (Unaudited) Summary of Reserves for Debt Service and Renewal and Replac ement (Unaudited) Other Reports Issued Under Separate Cover Compliance Reports (including Single Audit) for NortheasternIllinoisUniversity for the year ended June 30,2005 Compliance Reports for NortheasternIllinoisUniversity Foundation for the year ended June 30, 2005 Financial Audit Reports for NortheasternIllinoisUniversity Foundation for the year ended June 30, 2005 44 45 46 This is trial version State ofIllinois Northeastern Illinois Universitv Agency Officials President Vice President for Finance and Administration Director ofFinancial Affairs / Controller Acting Director of Internal Audit Associate Vice President - Financial and Administrative Affairs Mr. David Jonaitis Dr. Salme Harju Steinberg Mr. Mark Wilcockson. CPA Ms. Peggy Ho Mr. Ronald Cierny, CPA Executive Director - Office ofUniversity Budgets Ms. Helen Ang Agency offices are located at: 5500 North St. Louis Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 This is trial version StateofIllinoisNortheastern lllinois Universitv Financial Statement Report Summary The audit of the accompanying basic firrancial statements of the NortheasternIllinoisUniversity was performed by E.C. Ortrz and Co., L.L.P. Based on the audit, the auditor expressed an unqualified opinion on the University's basic financial statements. The auditors reported that the supplementary information presented in this section has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and the auditors express no opinion on them. This is trial version Hil 'lt t( ()l{it,./\('{).Ill, INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT Honorable William G. Holland Auditor General StateofIllinois As Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, we have audited the accompanying basic financial statements ofNortheasternIllinoisUniversity (University) and its aggregate discretely presented component unit, collectively a component unit of the Stateof Illinois, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2005, as listed in the Table of Contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the University's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. The prior year partial comparative information has been derived from the University's June 30,2004 financial statements and, in our report dated November 4,2004, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and the significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position ofNortheasternIllinoisUniversity and of its aggregate discretely presented component unit as of June 30, 2005, and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. As discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements, the University implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 40, Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosures, an amendment to GASB Statement No. 3 as of July 1, 2004. The Management's Discussion and Analysis on pages 6 to 17 is not a required part of the basic financial statements, but is supplementary information required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. ; .r l. i , i: ( .i,,,) il i l.:i i). I ') {! ii ill.s-r, l.)li This is trial version In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated November 28,2005 on our consideration of the University's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements that collectively comprise the NortheasternIllinois University's basic financial statements. The accompanying supplementary information, as listed in the Table of Contents, is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. The supplementary information, as listed in the Table of Contents, has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and accordingly, we express no opinion on it. t (' {''r-h1 ,t(.,., LL t) Novemb er 28, 2005 This is trial version STATEOFILLINOISNORTHEASTERNILLINOISUNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS This section ofNortheasternIllinois University's (University) Comprehensive Annual Reporl presents management's discussion and analysis of the University's financial position and activities during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005 with comparative information for the year ended June 30,2004. The discussion and analysis is designed to focus on current activities and currently known facts. Please read it in conjunction with the University's financial statements and related footnote disclosures. This discussion and analysis is focused on the University, a r;'^'.":^- ^-r analysis of the lJniversity's Foundation can be found in the separately issueC LII J\, LIJJI\JII CLII.LI financial statements of the Universitv's Foundation. USING THIS ANNUAL REPORT The University's annual report contains three financial statements: The Statement of Net Assets; the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets; and the Statement of Cash Flows. These financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statements No. 34, Basic Financial Statements - and Managemenl Dtscussion and Analysis fo, State and Local Governments, and GASB Statement No. 35, Basic Financial Statements - and Management Discussion and Analysis - _fo, Public Colleges and Llniversities, as amended by GASB Statements No. 3l and 38. In fiscal year 2004, the University adopted GASB Statement No. 39, Determining [4/hether Certain Organizations Are Companenl LLnits.In fiscal year 2005, the University adopted GASB Statement No. 40, Deposit and Risk Disclosures, an amendment to GASB Statement Jlio. -1, which addresses common deposit and investment risks related to credit risk (including custodial credit risk and concentration of credit risk), interest rate risk, and foreign currency risk, as applicable. These statements establish standards for external financial reporting and provide a consolidated perspective of the University's assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues, expenses, and cash flows. The Statement of Net Assets presents the assets, liabilities, and net assets of the University as of the end of the fiscal year using the accrual basis of accounting, whereby revenues and assets are recognized when the service is provided, and expenses and liabilities are recognized when a service is delivered to the University, regardless of when cash is exchanged. Net assets, the difference between total assets and total liabilities, is one indicator of the overall strength of the institution. Except for capital assets, all other assets and liabilities are measured at a point in time using current values. Capital assets are recorded at historical cost less an allowance for depreciation. For comparison purposes, comparative data are provided for the prior year. The Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets presents the University's results of operations, as well as the non-operating revenues and expenses for the fiscal year. Operating revenues are generated by providing goods and services to various customers and constituencies of the institution. Operating expenses are incurred when goods and services are nrnriidcd hv rrcp6l6rs and employees for the overall operations of the University. Non-operating r^"' revenues and expenses include resources provided by the State and other non-operating transactions. For comparison purposes, comparative data are provided for the prior year. This is trial version STATEOFILLINOISNORTHEASTERNILLINOISUNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The Statement of Cash Flows presents the receipt and use of cash and cash equivalents in the University's operating, financing, and investing activities during the fiscal year and provides a view of the University's ability to meet financial obligations as they mature. For comparison purposes, comparative data are provided for the prior year. The Notes to Financial Statements are a crucial component of the report because they include important background and financial information that may not be reflected on the face of the statements. Details on the University's accounting policies, long-term debt obligations, cash holdings, capital assets, and other important areas are presented in the footnotes. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of the lJniversity's financial position for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005 are presented below: o The University's total net assets decreased over the prior year by $0.1 million to $88.0 million, of which $89.8 million is either invested in capital or restricted assets. . The University has total assets of $129.4 million, including current assets of $14.0 million and non-current assets of $ 1 1 5.4 million. o The University has total liabilities of $41.4 million, including current liabilities of $ 1 1 .3 million and non-current liabilities of $30.1 million. . The total operating revenues of the University are $77.3 million, including $28.2 million in student tuition and fees, net of scholarship allowances, and $26.5 million in grants and contracts. o The total operating expenses of the University are $ 1 1 8.9 million, including $3 8.4 million in instruction and $30.2 million in institutional support. o The operating loss of $41 .6 million was 93o/o funded by non-operating revenues, including State appropriations, gifts and donations, investment income and other non- operating revenues. As a result, net loss before other revenues, expenses, gains and losses totaled 52.9 million. This is trial version STATEOFILLINOISNORTHEASTERNILLINOISUNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FINANCIAL AIIALYSIS Following are condensed financial statements. Certain significant items are discussed in further detail following each respective statement. Statements of Net Assets o E G .n f o E, .= .n (It 6 E $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 ($1o,ooo) Comparative of Net Assets - Fiscal years 2005 and 2004 lnvested in Capital Assets Unrestricted L This is trial version STATEOFILLINOISNORTHEASTERNILLINOISUNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Condensed Statement of Net Assets as of June 30, 2005 and 2004 (dollars in thousands) Increase Percent 2005 2004 (Decrease) Change ASSETS Current Assets Noncurrent Assets Long-Term Investments Noncurrent Receivables Capital Assets Restricted Assets Other Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities Compensated Absences Revenue Bonds Payable Total Liabilities NET ASSETS Invested in Capital Assets Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Assets $ 14,020 8,798 2,335 100,919 2,7 67 546 $ r3,7 12 9,902 ) )44 87,36r 13,870 584 $ 308 (1 ,1 04) 9l 13,558 (11,103) 1,7 55 360 4,152 r93 2.2% -1r.r% 4.t% rs.5% -80.1% 18.3% 4.3% -r.4% 4.6% 5.3% 2.s% -r72.0% (38) -6.s% 127,673 1,7 12 r.3% r29,385 IT,34I 8,658 21,420 4r,419 B 1,785 9,039 (1,858) $ 87,966 9,586 8,298 2t,730 39,614 77,633 7,846 2,580 s 88.059 -0.r% Current Assets - The majority of the Current Assets of the University consist of cash and cash equivalents of $6.0 million and net receivables of $6.8 million, including $3.5 million in grants receivable, $.1 million in student loans receivable, $2.0 million in tuition and fees receivable and $1.2 million in other receivables. Total current assets increased by $.3 million from the prior year. This is the net result of the $4.4 million decrease in cash and cash equivalents primarily due to the 4.7 percent average increase in employee salaries, the $1.0 million increase in short-term investment, and $3.8 million increase in receivables due to the slowerpayment of grant funds. Noncurrent Assets - As of June 30, 2005, the University had total non-current assets of $1I5.4 million compared with $114.0 million at June 30,2004. This net increase of $1.4 million is primarily due to the decrease in restricted cash and cash equivalents of $1 1.1 million, the This is trial version . Holland Auditor General State of Illinois As Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, we have audited the accompanying basic financial statements of Northeastern Illinois University. Auditor General. State of Illinois For the Year Ended June 30, 2005 This is trial version State of Illinois Northeastern Illinois Universitv Table of Contents Table of. version STATE OF ILLINOIS NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS This section of Northeastern Illinois University& apos;s (University) Comprehensive