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United States Government Accountability Office GAO November 2011 _part8 docx

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SEC’s Financial Statements Page 81 GAO-12-219 SEC’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2011 and 2010 NOTE 3. Fund Balance with Treasury The Fund Balance with Treasury by type of fund and Status of Fund Balance with Treasury as of September 30, 2011 and 2010 consists of the following: (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) FY 2011 FY 2010 Fund Balances: General Funds $ 6,874,986 $ 6,438,459 Special Fund – Investor Protection Fund 73 451,910 Other Funds 120,551 98,998 Total Fund Balance with Treasury $ 6,995,610 $ 6,989,367 Status of Fund Balance with Treasury: Unobligated Balance: Available $ 8,323 $ 17,213 Unavailable 38,751 472,136 Obligated Balance not Yet Disbursed 332,707 317,747 Non-Budgetary Fund Balance with Treasury 6,615,829 6,182,271 Total Fund Balance with Treasury $ 6,995,610 $ 6,989,367 The Special Fund consists of the Investor Protection Fund established in FY 2010. This Special Fund provides the  nancial resources for the whistleblower award program and the SEC Of ce of Inspector General’s employee suggestion program, both of which were mandated in the Dodd-Frank Act. Other Funds consist of Fund Balance with Treasury held in deposit funds. Obligated and unobligated balances reported for the status of Fund Balance with Treasury differ from the amounts reported in the Statement of Budgetary Resources due to the fact that budgetary balances are supported by amounts other than Fund Balance with Treasury. These amounts include Investor Protection Fund investments, uncollected payments from Federal sources, and the impact of the change in legal interpretation for leases. Non-Budgetary Fund Balance with Treasury is comprised of amounts in deposit funds and offsetting collections temporarily precluded from obligation in SEC’s General Salaries and Expenses Fund (X0100). Amounts temporarily precluded from obligation represent offsetting collections for  ling and securities transaction fees in excess of appropriated amounts. There were no signi cant differences between the Fund Balance re ected in SEC  nancial statements and the balance in the Treasury accounts. NOTE 4. Cash and Other Monetary Assets The SEC did not have a Cash balance as of September 30, 2011. The SEC receives disgorgement and penalties collections throughout the year. Any collections received after the Treasury Department cut-off for deposit of checks are treated as deposits in transit and recognized as Cash on the Balance Sheet. The SEC had a Cash balance of $2.8 million as of September 30, 2010. 136 2011 PERFORMANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT FINANCIAL SECTION N O TE 3. Fund Balance with Treasur y T he Fund Balance with Treasury by type of fund and Status of Fund Balance with Treasury as of September 30, 2011 and 2010 c onsists of the following : ( DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS ) FY 2011 FY 201 0 F un d B a l ances : Ge n e r a l F u n ds $ 6,874,986 $ 6,438,45 9 Special Fund – Investor Protection Fund 7 3 4 51, 9 1 0 O ther Fund s 120, 551 98,998 T otal Fund Balance with Treasury $ 6,995,610 $ 6,989,367 S tatus of Fund Balance with Treasury : U nobligated Balance: Av a il ab l e $ 8,323 $ 17,21 3 U nava il a bl e 38, 751 4 7 2, 1 36 O bligated Balance not Yet Disbursed 332 , 70 7 3 17 , 747 Non-Bud g etary Fund Balance with Treasur y 6 ,615,829 6,182,27 1 T ota l F un d B a l ance w i t h T reasur y $ 6 , 995 , 610 $ 6 , 989 , 367 T he Special Fund consists of the Investor Protection Fund established in FY 2010. This Special Fund provides the  nancial resources for the whistleblower award program and the SEC Of ce of Inspector General’s employee suggestion program, both o f which were mandated in the Dodd-Frank Act. O ther Funds consist of Fund Balance with Treasur y held in de p osit funds. O bli g ated and unobli g ated balances reported for the status of Fund Balance with Treasury differ from the amounts reported in the S tatement of Bud g etary Resources due to the fact that bud g etary balances are supported by amounts other than Fund Balance w i t h T reasur y . Th ese amounts i nc l u d e I nvestor P rotect i on F un d i nvestments, unco ll ecte d p a y ments f rom F e d era l sources, an d t h e i mpact o f t h e c h an g e i n l e g a l i nterpretat i on f or l eases. N on- B u d getary F un d B a l ance w i t h T reasury i s compr i se d o f amounts i n d epos i t f un d s an d o ff sett i ng co ll ect i ons temporar il y precluded from obligation in S E C ’s G eneral S alaries and Expenses Fund ( X0100 ) . Amounts temporarily precluded from obligation represent o ff sett i ng co ll ect i ons f or  li ng an d secur i t i es transact i on f ees i n excess o f appropr i ate d amounts . T here were no signi cant differences between the Fund Balance re ected in SEC  nancial statements and the balance in the T reasury accounts . N O TE 4. C ash and O ther Monetary Asset s T he SEC did not have a Cash balance as of September 30, 2011. The SEC receives disgorgement and penalties collections throughout the year. Any collections received after the Treasury Department cut-off for deposit of checks are treated as deposits in transit and recognized as Cash on the Balance Sheet. The SEC had a Cash balance of $2.8 million as of September 30, 2010. 1 36 2 0 11 PERF O RMAN C E AND A CCOU NTABILITY REP O R T FINAN C IAL S E C TI ON This is trial version www.adultpdf.com . SEC’s Financial Statements Page 81 GAO- 12-219 SEC’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2011 and 2010 NOTE 3. Fund Balance with Treasury The Fund Balance. and Status of Fund Balance with Treasury as of September 30, 2011 and 2010 consists of the following: (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) FY 2011 FY 2010 Fund Balances: General Funds $ 6,874,986 $ 6,438,459 Special. Balance Sheet. The SEC had a Cash balance of $2.8 million as of September 30, 2010. 136 2011 PERFORMANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT FINANCIAL SECTION N O TE 3. Fund Balance with Treasur y T he Fund

Ngày đăng: 19/06/2014, 19:20