Advanced Model Predictive Control Part 10 doc

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Advanced Model Predictive Control Part 10 doc

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Predictive Control for Active Model and its Applications on Unmanned Helicopters 259 To verify the accuracy of the estimate of the model error, described in Fig.3, the following experiment is designed: 1. Actuate the longitudinal control loop to keep the speed more than 5 meter per second; 2. Get the lateral model error value and boundaries through ASMF, and add them to the hovering model we built above; 3. Compare the model output before and after compensation for model error. This process of experiment can be described by Fig.4, and the results are shown in Fig.5. Fig.5a shows that model output (red line) cannot describe the cruising dynamics due to the model error when ‘mode-change’, similar with Fig.3b; however, after compensation, shown in Fig.5b, the model output (red line) is very close with real cruising dynamics (blue line), and the uncertain boundaries can include the changing lateral speed, which mean that the proposed estimation method can obtain the model error and range accurately by ASMF when mode-change. Fig. 4. The experiment process for model-error estimate 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Sampling Time (a) Velocity/m/s Model Accuracy before Compensation Real Data Model Output 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sampling Point (b) Velocty/m/s Lateral Velocty after Compensation Real Velocity Model Output Up-boundary Down-boundary Fig. 5. Model output before/after compensation: (a) before compensation; (b) after compensation Advanced Model Predictive Control 260 5.3 Flight experiment for the comparison of GPC SIPC and AMSIPC when sudden mode-change In Section 5.2, the model-error occurrence and the accuracy of the proposed method for estimation are verified. So, the next is the performance of the proposed controller in real flight. In this section, the performance of the modified GPC (Generalized Predictive Control, designed in Section 4.1), SIPC (Stationary Increment Predictive Control, designed in Section 4.2) and AMSIPC (Active Modeling Based Stationary Increment Predictive Control, designed in Section 4.3), are tested in sudden mode-change, and are compared with each other on the ServoHeli-40 test-bed. To complete this mission, the following experimental process is designed: 1. Using large and step-like reference velocity, red line in Fig.6-8, input it to longitudinal loop, lateral loop and vertical loop; 2. Based on the same inputted reference velocity, using the 3 types of control method, GPC, SIPC and AMSIPC to actuate the helicopter to change flight mode quickly; 3. Record the data of position, velocity and reference speed for the 3 control loops, and obtain reference position by integrating the reference speed; 4. Compare errors of velocity and position tracking of GPC, SIPC and AMSIPC, executively, in this sudden mode-change flight. GPC, SIPC and AMSIPC are all tested in the same flight conditions, and the comparison results are shown in Figs. 6-8. We use the identified parameters in Section 5.2 to build the nominal model, based on the model structure in Appendix A, and parameters’ selection in Appendix C for controllers It can be seen that, when the helicopter increases its longitudinal velocity and changes flight mode from hovering to cruising, GPC (brown line) has a steady velocity error and increasing position error because of the model errors. SIPC (blue line) has a smaller velocity error because it uses increment model to reject the influence of the changing operation point and dynamics’ slow change during the flight. The prediction is unbiased and obtains better tracking performance, which is verified by Theorem. However, the increment model may enlarge the model errors due to the uncertain parameters and sensor/process noises, resulting in the oscillations in the constant velocity period (clearly seen in Fig.6&7) because the error of its prediction is only unbiased, but not minimum variance. While for AMSIPC (green line), because the model error, which makes the predictive process non-minimum variance, has Fig. 6. Longitudinal tracking results: (a) velocity; (b) position error (<50s hovering, >50s cruising) Predictive Control for Active Model and its Applications on Unmanned Helicopters 261 Fig. 7. Lateral tracking results: (a) velocity; (b) position error (25s~80s cruising, others hovering) Fig. 8. Vertical tracking results: (a) velocity; (b) position error (<5s hovering; >5s cruising) been online estimated by the ASMF and compensated by the strategy in section 4.3, the proposed AMSIPC successfully reduces velocity oscillations and tracking errors together. 6. Conclusion An active model based predictive control scheme was proposed in this paper to compensate model error due to flight mode change and model uncertainties, and realize full flight envelope control without multi-mode models and mode-dependent controls. The ASMF was adopted as an active modeling technique to online estimate the error between reference model and real dynamics. Experimental results have demonstrated that the ASMF successfully estimated the model error even though it is both helicopter dynamics and flight-state dependent.In order to overcome the aerodynamics time-delay, also with the active estimation for optimal compensation, an active modeling based stationary increment predictive controller was designed and analyzed. The proposed control scheme was implemented on our developed ServoHeli-40 unmanned helicopter. Experimental results have demonstrated clear improvements over the normal GPC without active modeling enhancement when sudden mode-change happens. It should be noted that, at present, we have only tested the control scheme with respect to the flight mode change from hovering to cruising, and vice versa. Further mode change conditions will be flight-tested in near future. Advanced Model Predictive Control 262 7. Appendix A. Helicopter dynamics A helicopter in flight is free to simultaneously rotate and translate in six degrees of freedom. Fig. A-1 shows the helicopter variables in a body-fixed frame with origin at the vehicle’s center of gravity. Fig. A-1. Helicopter with its body-fixed reference frame Ref.[18] developed a semi-decoupled model for small-size helicopter, i.e., 00 00 0 010 0 0 00 0101/ / 010 0 1/ ua lon lat ua lon lat lon lat fcf lon lat flonlat XgX uuXX MM qqMM A aaAA ccCC                                                      , i.e.,  33 32 0 lon lon lon lon lon lon lon lon lon XAXBu yI XCX            (A-1) 00 00 0 010 0 0 00 0101/ / 010 0 1/ ua lon lat ua lon lat lon lat lat fdf lon lat flonlat vYgY vYY pL L pLL X B bbBB dDD d                                                                    , i.e.,  33 32 0 lat lat lat lat lat lat lat lat lat XAXBu y IXCX            (A-2) 0 000 ped col wr p ed yaw heave w r ped ped col col fb fb rrfb ZZ wZZw rX NNN rNN rr KK                                         , i.e. Predictive Control for Active Model and its Applications on Unmanned Helicopters 263  22 21 0 yaw heave yaw heave yaw heave yaw heave yaw heave y aw heave y aw heave y aw heave y aw heave XAXBu yI XCX               (A-3) where δu, δv, δw are longitudinal, lateral and vertical velocity, δp, δq, δr are roll, pitch and yaw angle rates, δφ and δθ are the angles of roll and pitch, respectively, a and b are the first harmonic flapping angle of main rotor, c and d are the first harmonic flapping angle of stabilizer bar, f b r  is the feedback control value of the angular rate gyro, lat  is the lateral control input, lon  is the longitudinal control input, p ed  is the yawing control input, and col  is the vertical control input. All the symbols except gravity acceleration g in lon A , lat A , y aw heave A  , lon B , lat B and y aw heave B  are unknown parameters to be identified. Thus, all of the states and control inputs in (A-1), (A-2) and (A-3) are physically meaningful and defined in body-axis. B. Proof for the predictive theorem Proof: Assume the real dynamics is described as: 1tdrtdrtkt XAXBUW    (B-1) which is different from the reference model of Eq. (11). In Eq. (B-1), t X is system state, dr A is the system matrix, dr B is the control matrix, t U is control input, t W is process noise. The one-step prediction, according to Eq. (B-1), can be obtained by Eq. (13-14), |1 111 ˆ tt t d t d t k dr t dr t k t dt dtk XXAXBU AX BU W AX BU          (B-2) And   11| 111 ˆ { ()} {( ) ( ) } ttt dr t dr t k t dr t dr t k t d t d t k dr d t dr d t k t EX X EA X BU W AX BU W A X B U EA A X B B U W           (B-3) According to condition 1) and 2), prediction is bounded, then, 11| ˆ ttt XX    and, when the system of Eq. (B-1) works around a working point in steady state, the mean value of control inputs and states should be constant, so we can obtain:   11| ˆ (){}(){}{} ()0()000 ttt dr d t dr d t k t dr d dr d EX X A AEX B BEU EW AA BB         (B-4) Advanced Model Predictive Control 264 Eq. (B-4) indicates that the one step prediction of Eq. (B-2) is unbiased. Assuming that prediction at time i-1 is unbiased, i.e 11| ˆ {}0 ti ti t EX X     (B-5) for the prediction at time i, there is | 111 1| 1| 1 1111 11| 2 1| 1 11| ˆ {} { ˆ ˆ ()} { ˆ () ˆ } ˆ { ti tit dr t i dr t i k t i ti t d ti t d ti k dr t i dr t i k t i t i ti ti t ti dtit dtik dr t i d t i t EX X EA X B U W XAXBU EA X B U W X XX W AX BU EA X A X                                11 1 11 () } (){} (){ }{} ()0()000 dr d t i k t i dr d t i dr d t i k t i dr d dr d BBU W AAEX BBEU EW AA BB                 (B-6) Therefore, the prediction at time i is also unbiased. C. Parameters’ selection for estimate and control in flight experiment 1. For Modeling The identification results for hovering dynamics are listed in Tab.D-1. Longitudinal Loop Lateral Loop Vertical Loop Para. Val. Para. Val. Para. Val. Xu 0.2446 Yv -0.0577 Zw 1.666 Xa -4.962 Yb 9.812 Zr -3.784 Xlat -0.0686 Ylat -1.823 Zped 2.304 Xlon 0.0896 Ylon 2.191 Zcol -11.11 Mu -1.258 Lv 15.84 Yaw Loop Ma 46.06 Lb 126.6 Para. Val. Mlat -0.6269 Llat -4.875 Nw -0.027 Mlon 3.394 Llon 28.64 Nr -1.087 Ac 0.1628 Bd -1.654 Nrfb -1.845 Alat -0.0178 Blat 0.04732 Nped 1.845 Alon -0.2585 Blon -9.288 Ncol -0.972 Clat 2.238 Dlat -0.7798 Kr -0.040 Clon -4.144 Dlon -5.726 Krfb -2.174 tf 0.5026 ts 0.5054 Table D-1. The parameters of hovering model Predictive Control for Active Model and its Applications on Unmanned Helicopters 265 2. For ASMF 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 0.01 0 00.1 I Q I       , 88 0.01RI   where mm I  is the m×m unit matrix and 0 mn  is the m×n zero matrix. 3. For GPC 10p  , 40 40 2.32I    , 10k  4. For SIPC 10p  , 44 2.32I    , 88 0.99I    80 80 WI   , 10k  , 44 0.8I    5. For AMSIPC 10p  , 44 2.32I    , 88 0.99I    80 80 WI   , 10k  , 44 0.8I    , 13 13 HI   8. 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In industry, the most common ester productions are carried out in batch reactors because this type of reactor is quite flexible and can be adapted to accommodate small production volumes (Barbosa-Póvoa, 2007). The mode of operation for a batch esterification reactor is similar to other batch reactor processes where there is no inflow or outflow of reactants or products while the reaction is being carried out. In the batch esterification system, there are various parameters affecting the ester rate of reaction such as different catalysts, solvents, speed of agitation, catalyst loading, temperature, mole ratio, molecular sieve and water activity (Yadav and Lathi, 2005). Control of this reactor is very important in achieving high yields, rates and to reduce side products. Due to its simple structure and easy implementation, 95% of control loops in chemical industries are still using linear controllers such as the conventional Proportional, Integral & Derivative (PID) controllers. However, linear controllers yield satisfactory performance only if the process is operated close to a nominal steady-state or if the process is fairly linear (Liu & Macchietto, 1995). Conversely, batch processes are characterized by limited reaction duration and by non- stationary operating conditions, then nonlinearities may have an important impact on the control problem (Hua et al., 2004). Moreover, the control system must cope with the process variables, as well as facing changing operation conditions, in the presence of unmeasured disturbances. Due to these difficulties, studies of advanced control strategy have received great interests during the past decade. Among the advanced control strategies available, the Model Predictive Control (MPC) has proved to be a good control for batch reactor processes (Foss et al., 1995; Dowd et al., 2001; Costa et al., 2002; Bouhenchir et al., 2006). MPC has influenced process control practices since late 1970s. Eaton and Rawlings (1992) defined MPC as a control scheme in which the control algorithm optimizes the manipulated variable profile over a finite future time horizon in order to maximize an objective function subjected to plant models and Advanced Model Predictive Control 268 constraints. Due to these features, these model based control algorithms can be extended to include multivariable systems and can be formulated to handle process constraints explicitly. Most of the improvements on MPC algorithms are based on the developmental reconstruction of the MPC basic elements which include prediction model, objective function and optimization algorithm. There are several comprehensive technical surveys of theories and future exploration direction of MPC by Henson, 1998, Morari & Lee, 1999, Mayne et al., 2000 and Bequette, 2007. Early development of this kind of control strategy, the Linear Model Predictive Control (LMPC) techniques such as Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC) (Gattu and Zafiriou, 1992) have been successfully implemented on a large number of processes. One limitation to the LMPC methods is that they are based on linear system theory and may not perform well on highly nonlinear system. Because of this, a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) which is an extension of the LMPC is very much needed. NMPC is conceptually similar to its linear counterpart, except that nonlinear dynamic models are used for process prediction and optimization. Even though NMPC has been successfully implemented in a number of applications (Braun et al., 2002; M’sahli et al., 2002; Ozkan et al., 2006; Nagy et al., 2007; Shafiee et al., 2008; Deshpande et al., 2009), there is no common or standard controller for all processes. In other words, NMPC is a unique controller which is meant only for the particular process under consideration. Among the major issues in NMPC development are firstly, the development of a suitable model that can represent the real process and secondly, the choice of the best optimization technique. Recently a number of modeling techniques have gained prominence. In most systems, linear models such as partial least squares (PLS), Auto Regressive with Exogenous inputs (ARX) and Auto Regressive Moving Average with Exogenous inputs (ARMAX) only perform well over a small region of operations. For these reasons, a lot of attention has been directed at identifying nonlinear models such as neural networks, Volterra, Hammerstein, Wiener and NARX model. Among of these models, the NARX model can be considered as an outstanding choice to represent the batch esterification process since it is easier to check the model parameters using the rank of information matrix, covariance matrices or evaluating the model prediction error using a given final prediction error criterion. The NARX model provides a powerful representation for time series analysis, modeling and prediction due to its strength in accommodating the dynamic, complex and nonlinear nature of real time series applications (Harris & Yu, 2007; Mu et al., 2005). Therefore, in this work, a NARX model has been developed and embedded in the NMPC with suitable and efficient optimization algorithm and thus currently, this model is known as NARX-MPC. Citronellyl laurate is synthesized from DL-citronellol and Lauric acid using immobilized Candida Rugosa lipase (Serri et. al., 2006). This process has been chosen mainly because it is a very common and important process in the industry but it has yet to embrace the advanced control system such as the MPC in their plant operation. According to Petersson et al. (2005), temperature has a strong influence on the enzymatic esterification process. The temperature should preferably be above the melting points of the substrates and the product, but not too high, as the enzyme’s activity and stability decreases at elevated temperatures. Therefore, temperature control is important in the esterification process in order to achieve maximum ester production. In this work, the reactor’s temperature is controlled by manipulating the flowrate of cooling water into the reactor jacket. The performances of the NARX-MPC were evaluated based on its set-point tracking, set-point change and load change. Furthermore, the robustness of the NARX-MPC is studied by using four tests i.e. increasing heat transfer coefficient, increasing heat of reaction, decreasing inhibition activation energy and a [...]... NARX-MPC controller with SSE =10. 80 was able to reject the effect of disturbance better than the IMCPID with SSE=32.94 282 Advanced Model Predictive Control Reactor Temperature (K) 316 314 312 IMC-PID NARX-MPC 310 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.2 NARX-MPC IMC-PID Jacket Flowrate, L/min 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 20 30 40 50 60 time (min) 70 80 90 100 Fig 10 Control response of NARX-MPC and IMC-PID controllers... NARX model for different number of nu and ny Nonlinear Autoregressive with Exogenous Inputs Based ModelPredictive Control for Batch Citronellyl Laurate Esterification Reactor 279 Error (y actual-y model) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Estimation 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0.5 Validation 1 Error (y actual-y model) 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Error (y actual-y model) 1 Validation 2 0 -1 -2 -3 0 50 100 150... study • Interaction study Selection of input signals Selection of model order for NARX model Model validation Design new test data No Is the model adequate? Yes Done Fig 3 NARX model identification procedure 274 Advanced Model Predictive Control • Identification pre-testing: This study is very important in order to choose the important controlled, manipulated and disturbance variables A preliminary study... Temperature (K) 310 308 306 304 302 NARX-MPC IMC-PID 300 298 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Jacket Flowrate (L/min) 0.3 NARX-MPC IMC-PID 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 20 40 60 Time (min) 80 100 120 Fig 13 Control response of NARX-MPC and IMC-PID controllers for robustness Test 2 with their respective manipulated variable action 286 Advanced Model Predictive Control 314 Reactor Temperature (K) 312 310 308 306 304... Temperature (K) 312 310 308 306 304 NARX-MPC IMC-PID 302 300 20 40 60 80 100 120 Jacket Flowrate (L/min) 0.2 0.1 0 NARX-MPC IMC-PID -0.1 -0.2 20 40 60 Time (min) 80 100 120 Fig 15 Control response of NARX-MPC and IMC-PID controllers for robustness Test 4 with their respective manipulated variable action 288 Advanced Model Predictive Control 6 Conclusion In this work, the NARX-MPC controller for the... applied controllers in set-point tracking 300 280 Advanced Model Predictive Control The responses obtained from the NARX-MPC and the IMC-PID controllers with parameter tuning, Kc=8.3; TI =10. 2; TD=2.55 (Zulkeflee & Aziz, 2009) during the set-point tracking are shown in Fig 8 The results show that the NARX-MPC controller had driven the process output to the desired set-point with a fast response time (10. .. Temperature (K) 310 308 306 304 302 NARX-MPC IMC-PID 300 298 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Jacket Flowrate (L/min) 0.3 NARX-MPC IMC-PID 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 20 40 60 Time (min) 80 100 120 Fig 12 Control response of NARX-MPC and IMC-PID controllers for robustness Test 1 with their respective manipulated variable action Nonlinear Autoregressive with Exogenous Inputs Based ModelPredictive Control for Batch... Engineering, 24, 106 9 -107 5 Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P (2007) A critical review on the design and retrofit of batch plants Computers and Chemical Engineering, 31, 833-855 Bequette, B.W (2007) Nonlinear model predictive control: A personal retrospective The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 85, 408-415 Bouhenchir, H., Le Lann, M.V., and Cabassud, M (2006) Predictive functional control for the temperature control. .. Autoregressive with Exogenous Inputs Based ModelPredictive Control for Batch Citronellyl Laurate Esterification Reactor 283 313 Reactor Temperature (K) 312.5 IMC-PID NARX-MPC 312 311.5 311 310. 5 310 309.5 309 15 25 35 45 Jacket Flowrate, L/min 0.2 IMC-PID NARX-MPC 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 15 25 35 45 Time (min) Fig 11 Control response of NARX-MPC and IMC-PID controllers for load change with their respective... that both controllers manage to compensate with the robustness However, the error values indicated that the NARX-MPC still gives better performance compared to the both IMC-PID controllers Controller Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 NARX-MPC 415.89 405.37 457.21 481.72 IMC-PID 546.64 521.47 547.13 593.46 Table 4 SSE value of NARX-MPC and IMC-PID for robustness test 284 Advanced Model Predictive Control 312 . advanced control strategy have received great interests during the past decade. Among the advanced control strategies available, the Model Predictive Control (MPC) has proved to be a good control. input si g nals Selection of model order for NARX model Model validatio n Done Is the model ade q uate? Design new test data Yes No Advanced Model Predictive Control 274 • Identification. Robust Model Predictive Control. ” Automatica. Vol. 40(1): pp. 163-167, 2004. Crassidis J. L., “Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Model- Error Control Synthesis,” Journal of guidance, control

Ngày đăng: 19/06/2014, 19:20

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