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The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in backan province, vietnam

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越南北干省人工林发展政策对造林家庭户的影响 The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam 陈刚- TRAN CUONG 谢屹 经济管理 林业经济管理 林业经济管理与政策 二一 Tai ngay!!! Ban co the xoa dong chu nay!!! 六 二十二 DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT Author, certify that: The work in this thesis is the result of my own field survey, and this thesis does not include material that has been accepted for the other degree or diploma in any university or other institution This thesis does not include any material previous that has been published or written by another researcher, except where due references has been made in the thesis I declare that data was collected and analyzed throughout the course of the research following to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bac Kan province and supervisor requirements of Beijing Forestry University In the future, there is no part of this thesis will be used in a submission in my name, for any other degree in other university without the prior approval of Beijing Forestry University This thesis contains those papers that have been published by author or paper which prepared for publication, all of them has been co-authored agreed 答辩委员会成员信息 姓名 主席 委员 职称 工作单位 王立群 教授 北京林业大学 张彩虹 教授 北京林业大学 侯方淼 教授 北京林业大学 何友均 研究员 中国林业科学院 柯水发 教授 中国人民大学 摘要 摘要 越南人工林发展政策不断创新,《土地法》、《林业保护与发展法》、《林 地分配政策》、《越南林业发展战略(2006-2020 年)》等法律法规和政策文件 相继颁布实施。由此,越南北部山区逐步建立并扩大了人工商品林种植规模,其 中 具 有 代 表 性 的 主 要 树 种 为 马 占 相 思 树 ( Acacia mangium Willd ) 、 桉 树 (Eucalyptus urophylla S.T Blake & Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn)和桂南木莲 (Manglietia conifera Dandy)。本研究旨在从造林行为、造林经济效益评估和造 林户家庭收入三个视角,分析越南人工林发展政策对该国北部山区造林户的影响。 本文选择了越南北干省巴贝和纳里地区 个社区的 360 个农户作为研究对象, 其中造林户 287 户和未造林户 73 户;通过实地调查,获取一手资料;采用描述统 计和计量分析相结合的研究方法,分析了农户的造林行为和农户家庭收入现状及 其影响因素;采用净现值法(NPV)、内部收益率法(IRR)和效益成本比法 (BCR),分析了造林经济效益;探析了人工林政策对农户造林行为、收益和家 庭收入的影响,进而提出了对策建议。 研究结果表明:第一,户主文化程度、家庭规模、家庭土地持有规模、土地 永久性所有权、非农就业、信贷获得能力对农户造林行为具有显著影响,而家庭 社会经济特征、地块到道路或市场中心的距离、造林经验、林业推广人员每年到 访家庭的天数和家庭年总收入等对造林行为没有显著影响。比较而言,农户近年 来造林行为受到能否得到林业发展政策支持的影响程度大,鲜有考虑生态因素。 第二,采用 6%的折现率,对马占相思树、桉树和桂南木莲三个树种进行了造林 成本效益分析,结果表明桉树产生的净现值最高,桂南木莲产生的内部收益率和 效益成本比最大。第三,得到政策支持的农户从轮伐期为七年的人工商品林中得 到了正向财务回报,而未得到政策支持的农户则没有得到正向财务回报。第四, 家庭成员多、土地面积大、土地权益有保障、外出务工、有能力获得信贷的农户 较其他家庭更有可能参与发展人工林。第五,在人工林发展政策下农户的生活收 入支出、资产价值和营林收入均增加,人工林发展政策对农户家庭福利产生积极 影响。 本研究为人工林发展政策的影响及其影响机制提供了重要的实证证据,有助 于为制定人工林发展政策提供决策参考依据,帮助减少阻碍农户获得土地和财政 I The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam 资源的因素,提高家庭参与非农业活动的能力,以及帮助人们更多地参与农业推 广活动。此外,本研究还有助于为进一步提高人工林发展政策的重要性提供科学 依据,维持发展人工林来带来显著的经济效益,提高人工林可持续发展带来的生 态环境效益。 关键词:政策,人工林发展政策,人工林,影响,造林户 II ABSTRACT The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam ABSTRACT Since the emergence of innovations in forest plantation development policies such as the Land Law, law of forest protection and development, forest land allocation policy, Vietnam forestry development strategy for the 2006-2020 period, etc Forest plantations for commercial purposes have been established and more expanded in Northern mountainous region of Vietnam The major tree species grew in this area were Acacia mangium Willd, Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla S.T Blake × Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn), and Manglietia conifera Dandy This study aims to understand the impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households on three aspects as analyze behavior establishment plantation, assess economic performance and impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation household welfare in study area Based on a field survey from 360 households (include 287 afforestation households and 73 households had not afforestation activities) from six communities in Ba Be and Na Ri district of Bac Kan province of Vietnam Results analysis revealed that households head education level, household size, size of household landholding, ownership of permanent land, off-farm work, ability access to credit were the important factors that affected to decision establish forest plantation of households In contrary, those factors such as household‘s socio-economic characteristics, distance of the land plots to a road or market center, experience planted forest, and number of days per year in which forestry extension workers visited the household and the annual total household income were no effects on households‘ forest plantation decisions The results implicated that, in recent years, household‘s decisions regarding whether to plant forests seem to base primarily on support from forest plantation development policies rather than ecological concerns On the other hand, to explore the economic performance of plantations of afforestation households based on policies support for three trees sp: A.mangium, Eucalyptus and M.conifera, cost benefit analysis was employed to examine net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and benefit cost ratio (BCR) on the basis of an annual discount rate of 6% The results showed that Eucalyptus generated the highest NPV but A.mangium generated the greatest IRR and BCR; afforestation households earned positive financial returns from forest plantations with seven-year rotations than did not receive support household groups Furthermore, the statistical analysis revealed that afforestation households with more member family, large land size, secure on land rights, off-farm work, ability access to credit have probability participate on forest plantation development policies than other household groups Results from PSM analysis also indicated that forest plantations development policies have a positive impact on the afforestation household welfare through increasing their living expenditure, income, assets value and forest plantation income These findings provide important empirical evidences of the policy factors and special is the III The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam mechanisms may be help through minimizing the factors that hinder afforestation household access to land and finance resources, improve capacity participation in non-farm activities as well as help households participate more in agricultural extension activities On the other hand, this study also help aware the importance of forest plantation development policies when its not only aim significant economic but also ecological and environmental benefits for sustainable development of rural area of Bac Kan province in particular and Vietnam in general Keywords: Policy , forest plantation policy , Forest plantation , impacts , afforestation households IV TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT III 引言 1.1.研究背景 1.2.研究目的与意义 1.2.1.研究目的 1.2.2.研究意义 1.3.研究问题与假设 1.3.1.研究问题 1.3.2.研究假设 1.4.研究方法 1.4.1.研究区域选择与概况 1.4.2.研究方法 10 1.5.研究思路 22 1.6.研究内容 24 1.7.研究价值与创新点 26 1.7.1.研究价值 26 1.7.2 研究创新点 26 文献综述与理论基础 28 2.1.概念界定 28 2.1.1 人工林与家庭收入的关系 28 2.1.2.人工林的定义 30 2.1.3.人工林发展的定义 31 2.1.4.森林政策的定义 31 2.1.5.森林政策的重要性 32 2.1.6.人工林发展政策与家庭福利的关系 32 2.1.7 影响的定义 33 2.1.8.评估政策影响的重要性 33 2.2.文献综述 34 2.2.1.评估政策影响的研究 34 2.2.2.人工林建设的研究 39 2.2.3.长期成本收益分析的研究 44 2.3.理论分析框架 48 2.4.本章小结 51 越南的人工林与林业政策情况 52 3.1 越南人工林与林业政策概况 52 3.1.1.人工林特征概况 52 3.1.2.林业政策概况 62 V The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam 3.2.北干省人工林与林业政策概况 78 3.2.1.北干省经济社会特征概况 .78 3.2.2.北干省林业政策概况 83 3.2.3.人工林发展政策对北干省人工林发展的影响 .86 3.3.本章小结 93 人工林发展政策对农户人工林种植的影响 94 4.1.引言 94 4.2.材料与方法 96 4.2.1.文献综述 96 4.2.2.理论框架 97 4.2.3.方法 98 4.3.结果与讨论 101 4.3.1.描述性统计 101 4.3.2.农户对人工林种植的观点 102 4.3.3.农户人工林种植的影响因素 105 4.3.4.人工林发展政策对农户人工林种植的影响 108 4.4.本章小结 114 人工林发展政策对人工林经济效益的影响 116 5.1.引言 116 5.2.材料与方法 117 5.2.1.数据收集 117 5.2.2.数据分析 118 5.3.研究结果分析 121 5.3.1.研究区的生长能力与林地特征 121 5.3.2.人工林种植的成本与收益分析 125 5.3.3.人工林经营活动的经济结果分析 133 5.3.4.敏感性分析 137 5.4.人工林发展政策对人工林的影响 139 5.4.1.人工林种植的经济动机 139 5.4.2.政策性成本项目对造林户的影响 140 5.4.3.政策性收益项目对造林户的影响 142 5.4.4.政策对造林户的综合影响 142 5.4.5.越南人工林种植的前景 143 5.5.本章小结 144 人工林发展政策对造林户的影响 146 6.1.引言 146 6.2.材料与方法 148 6.2.1.样本与数据收集 148 6.2.2 收入的界定与核算 149 6.2.3.理论与实证分析框架 151 VI Appendixes [4] Increase investment for afforestation [5] Villagers are allowed to plant short-term crops in the planted area [6] Others D THE ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONS 10 What support has your family received from forestry extension and research organizations? [1] Training and technology transfer [2] Model building [3] Survey tour [4] Technical consultancy, market [5] Other 11 What kind of support does your family wish to receive from the agricultural and forestry extension organization? [1] Training and technology transfer [2] Model building [3] Survey tour [4] Technical consultancy, market [5] Support to set up interest groups [6] Supporting the establishment of the club [7] Other 12 How can poor households be able to receive more benefits from extension services? [1] Increase the number of extension workers [2] Capacity building for extension work [3] Village technical and market services [4] Other …………………… 13 Please tell us the state and local regulations that you know? No Content Level Conditions for receiving forestland Clearly Unclear Do not Know Duration of land allocation Borrowing conditions Type of product to be exploited Conditions for technical support 14 Who informs these regulations? [1] Commune forestry officer [2] Commune forest protection staff [3] Forestry extension staff [4] Village head [5] Information media [6] Other 15 How we spread the content of these regulations to the poor clearly? [1] Commune forestry officer [2] Commune forest protection staff [3] Forestry extension staff [4] Village head [5] Information media [6] Leaflets [7] Other… 16 What are the procedures for plantation forest exploitation? [1] Application form [2] Confirmation of the village [3] Confirmation of commune [4] Confirmation of forest rangers [5] License of forest rangers [6] Other 209 The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam + How long does it take? 17 What are the procedures for natural forest exploitation? [1] Application form [2] Confirmation of the village [3] Confirmation of commune [4] Confirmation of forest rangers [5] License of forest rangers [6] Other + How long does it take? 18 What are the procedures for NTFP exploitation? [1] Application form [2] Confirmation of the village [3] Confirmation of commune [4] Confirmation of forest rangers [5] License of forest rangers [6] Other + How long does it take? 19 Should local organizations be established to better help poor households? [1] Establishment of poor peer groups [2] Build a service system for the poor [3] Establishment of Credit Institutions for the Poor [4] Poverty alleviation committee at commune and village level [5] Other Thank you for your cooperation! 210 Appendixes FIELD SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (Use for forestry staffs) Adress: Province: District: Commune: Village: Name of household head or interviewer: Mobile phone number: Age: ……… Gender: 6: Organization: Newly planted forest in the past 12 months Type of forest Production cost No Name of trees Total area (Ha) 1= Production forest = Protection Forest = Forest special use (VND million) A B Exploitation timber in the last 12 months Exploitation timber No Name of products A Area of logging (Ha) Number of years planted for exploitation (Year) Total yield (m3) Yield (m3) Revenue (VND million) B What are the FPD policies that you know in over the years? No Policies Name of policies Forest land allocation policy Forest protection and contracting policy Development forest policy Forest protection and biodiversity conservation policy 211 The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam Exploitation forest policy Utilization, processing and circulation of forest products Other policies: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 How you assess the impact of FPD policies on local economic development? (1- Reduce, 2- unchanged, 3-Increase)? Income Policies No Sustainability of income Form of investment / capital source Land tenure rights 1 3 3 Access to natural resources rights Forest land allocation policy Forest protection and contracting policy Development forest policy Forest protection and biodiversity conservation policy Exploitation forest policy Utilization, processing and circulation of forest products Explain: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 How you assess the impact of FPD policies on? (1- Reduce, 2- unchanged, 3-Increase)? Policies No Employ ment Change s in househ old econom y Knowledge Role of forest Role of forest plantati on Aware on Hygiene, health Protecti on forest biodive rsity conserv ation Environ ment protecti on 3 3 3 3 Forest land allocation policy Forest protection and contracting policy Development forest policy Forest protection and biodiversity conservation policy Exploitation forest policy Utilization, processing and circulation of forest products Explain: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 212 Appendixes 12 How you assess the impact of FPD on local environment ? (1- Reduce, 2- unchanged, 3-Increase)? Forest area Policies No Forest quality 3 Degree of soil erosion Frequenc Ability to y of maintain floods, water droughts 1 3 Water quality Productio n Living 3 Forest land allocation policy Forest protection and contracting policy Development forest policy Forest protection and biodiversity conservation policy Exploitation forest policy Utilization, processing and circulation of forest products 13 How FPD policies affect the following activities of the household? (1- Reduce, 2- unchanged, 3-Increase, 4- No relationship)? No Policies Forest exploitatio n Forest protection Household participation Household in decision- participation making and in other planning for sociosocioeconomic economic activities activities 4 Solidarity, mutual trust in the region Trust in the policy of the household 4 Forest land allocation policy Forest protection and contracting policy Development forest policy Forest protection and biodiversity conservation policy Exploitation forest policy Utilization, processing and circulation of forest products Explain: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 What are plans/policies of local have related to plantations in this area? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 What suggestions you have for FPD policies to bring real benefits to households and local communities? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 What kind of support you need for FPD policies? 17 Please tell us the state and local regulations that you know? No Content Level Conditions for receiving forestland Clearly Unclear Do not Know Duration of land allocation 213 The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam Borrowing conditions Type of product to be exploited Conditions for technical support 18 In your opinion, should local organizations be established to better help poor households? Thank you for your cooperation! 214 Appendixes FIELD SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (The collectors are participating in Bac Kan timber market) PERSONAL INFORMATION Age: _ Education level: /12, Intermediate; Colleges/University; Address: I GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 How many years have you been involved in buying and selling timber? _ Year ; Post graduate 1.3 Why are you involved in timber trading? 1.4 How many family workers directly participate in timber trading? _Persons 1.5 Besides timber products, what other forestry relevant products (NTFP) you buy and sell? Name of products: _ Timber ratio/Total yield: _ 1.6 Do you have any other income-generating activities other than buying and selling timber? Activity 1: ………………………… Income/Year: ……………… Activity 2: ………………………… Income/Year: ……………… Activity 3: ………………………… Income/Year: ……………… II BUY AND SELL ACTIVITIES 2.1 Areas (communes, districts) that you often buy timber: 2.2 The volume of timber you have bought and sold in the last year Buy activity Total yield Sell activity Average price Total yield 2.3 Volume and type of timber sold to each object? Object Volume Retailer Company (Export/ Processing) Consumers Average price Price Location 2.4 Please, assess the impact of factors on the formation of buying and selling prices (using a scale from to 5, in the order of the degree of impact increases from very unimportant to very important) Indicators Buy Age of timber Product volume Transport distance Payment methods 2.5 How you know the information and approach the seller and buy timber? Self-looking for Through brokers Before relationship Others 2.6 Who decides the price during the buying and selling process? Seller Buyer Agreement Follow market price 2.7 What kind of payment you usually use? Full payment in advance Deposit, pay the rest after receiving the products Pay cash as soon as all products are delivered Pay later (Time ) III FINANCIAL SOURCES 3.1 How much is your current business capital? _ VND millions 3.2 In business capital, how much is your own capital?. % 3.3 Do you have a loan to business? Loan amount: _ VND millions If yes, Where you borrow? ( 215 Sell The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam IV BUSINESS CONDITIONS 4.1 Are there any difficulties you encounter during the trading process? m customers 4.2 What advantages you have in the trading process? -pharmaceutical companies 4.3 What is your assessment from the beginning of timber trading to the present? How does your income change? (Normal, better, or more difficult ): 4.4 In the future how is your development trend? Continue to maintain business scale Expanding business scale Narrow business scale Conversion work Thank you for your cooperation! 216 Appendixes FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION (With the participation of the farmer, researcher, village head and field assistants) Table Classification of local households according to standards Households group Number of households No Noted Table Assessment of the resources of the households ………… in the village ………… Households group Advantages Disadvantages Direction to improve Table No Information on land-use patterns in the study area Households group Land-use patterns Noted Table No Understanding about forest plantation development policies support afforestation households Households group Understanding about forest plantation Proposal development Table No Assessment about forest plantation development policies Advantages Disadvantages Direction to improve Table No Households group Orient for sustainable forestry development Understanding orient for sustainable forestry development Field survey in the community: - Purpose: + Supplementing, solidifying more information for households questionaire + Learn from experience, practical lessons + Reaching out/getting acquainted with the community - Achievements: + Statistics on the number of households divided by group + Assessment of the resources of the households + Collect information on land-use patterns in the study area + Assessment about forest plantation development policies of local community 217 Proposal The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam + Investigate about forest plantation development policies at local + Assessment advantage and disadvantage of households on access to resources conditions in production (L, K, Tech, R), Policy, market - How to proceed: + Assign groups of 10-12 people + Share information between groups + Additional questions: Assign questioners and note-takers + Use Ao paper 218 Appendixes REGRESSION DATA Binary logistic model - establishment forest plantation decision Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: log log log log log log log log likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood = = = = = = = = -181.52252 -72.025813 -42.148737 -32.367142 -30.166329 -30.067236 -30.06712 -30.06712 Logistic regression Log likelihood = Number of obs LR chi2(10) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 -30.06712 = = = = 360 302.91 0.0000 0.8344 -DECISION | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval] -+ -GENDER | 2354222 8692593 0.27 0.787 -1.468295 1.939139 EDU | 4106631 1320197 3.11 0.002 1519093 6694169 EXPER | -.1706136 7262238 -0.23 0.814 -1.593986 1.252759 HSIZE | 2.055392 5376007 3.82 0.000 1.001714 3.10907 LSIZE | 2.704945 8338367 3.24 0.001 1.070655 4.339235 LOCA | -.3177031 29469 -1.08 0.281 -.8952849 2598787 OFFWORK | -1.717886 8241196 -2.08 0.037 -3.333131 -.1026415 LSECUR | 2.545304 8223537 3.10 0.002 9335206 4.157088 EXTEN | 2990653 1876001 1.59 0.111 -.0686241 6667547 LOAN | 3.787615 8909589 4.25 0.000 2.041367 5.533862 _cons | -15.67503 3.371149 -4.65 0.000 -22.28236 -9.067703 -Note: failures and 35 successes completely determined estat gof Logistic model for DECISION, goodness-of-fit test number of observations number of covariate patterns Pearson chi2(348) Prob > chi2 = = = = 360 359 153.65 1.0000 vif, uncentered Variable | VIF 1/VIF -+ -HSIZE | 4.98 0.200803 EDU | 4.97 0.201388 LOAN | 4.68 0.213683 GENDER | 4.56 0.219488 LSECUR | 4.25 0.235098 EXPER | 2.98 0.335118 EXTEN | 2.70 0.370814 LSIZE | 2.34 0.426699 LOCA | 1.95 0.512246 OFFWORK | 1.44 0.695201 -+ -Mean VIF | 3.48 219 The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam Binary logistic model - participate in FPD policies decision Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: log log log log log log likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood = = = = = = -397.86648 -218.85239 -215.76187 -215.69755 -215.69753 -215.69753 Logistic regression Number of obs LR chi2(5) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 Log likelihood = -215.69753 = = = = 574 364.34 0.0000 0.4579 -POLICYPLANT | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval] -+ -HSIZE | 6976888 1164367 5.99 0.000 4694771 9259004 LSIZE | 2838281 0891569 3.18 0.001 1090838 4585725 OFFWORK | -1.462433 2797044 -5.23 0.000 -2.010644 -.9142228 LOAN | 2.417465 2736816 8.83 0.000 1.881059 2.953871 LSECUR | 2.186939 2608016 8.39 0.000 1.675777 2.6981 _cons | -6.199188 6586705 -9.41 0.000 -7.490159 -4.908218 - estat gof Logistic model for POLICYPLANT, goodness-of-fit test number of observations number of covariate patterns Pearson chi2(393) Prob > chi2 = = = = 574 399 403.39 0.3479 vif, uncentered Variable | VIF 1/VIF -+ -HSIZE | 4.00 0.250306 LOAN | 3.06 0.326874 LSECUR | 2.69 0.371372 LSIZE | 2.34 0.427331 OFFWORK | 1.48 0.677152 -+ -Mean VIF | 2.71 220 Appendixes AUTHOR’S PROFILE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Gender: Male Nationality: Vietnamese | DOB: 2th Feb, 1988 (+86) 13121863811 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND From To University/Institution Degree and Major 2005 2009 ThaiNguyen University of Economics and Bachelor/Economic Business Administration Investment 2010 2012 ThaiNguyen University of Economics and Master/Agriculture Business Administration Economic 2016 Now Beijing Forestry University PhD/Forestry Economic PUBLICATIONS / ACHIEVEMENTS Lead author Author (2012) Solution of restructuring the economic sector in Dong Hy district, Thai Nguyen province Science journal of Thai Nguyen University, 85(2), 72-80 Author (2019) Contribution of Acacia to household income in Vietnam: A case study from Bac Kan province International conference ―Sustainable development and the roles of universities in the Industrial Revolution 4.0”, 247-258 ThaiNguyen, Vietnam Author (2019) The Impacts of Forest Plantation on Household‘s Income Open Access Library Journal, 6(7), 1-17 Author (2021) Determinants Of Forest Plantation Establishment In Vietnam: A Case Study In Bac Kan Province In Northern Vietnam Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30( 06B),7654-7666 Author (2020) Economic Performance of Forest Plantation in Vietnam: Eucalyptus, Acacia Mangium and Manglietia Conifera Forests, 11(3), 284 Co-author Author (2011) The role of Dao ethnic woman to the economic development of farmers' households at Phu Luong district, Thai Nguyen province Science journal of Thai Nguyen University, 79(3), 102-110 Author (2019) Impacts of Forestry Policies to the livelihood of ethnic Minorities in Bac Kan province International conference ―Sustainable development and the roles of universities in the Industrial Revolution 4.0”, 131-140 ThaiNguyen, Vietnam Author (2020) Factors Affecting to Tea-Growing Household‘s Financial Efficiency: A Case Study from Thai Nguyen Province Open Access Library Journal, 7(12), 1-12 221 The impact of forest plantation development policies on afforestation households in BacKan province, Vietnam SUPERVISOR’S PROFILE 谢屹,男,北京林业大学教授,博导。1977 年出生于江西广昌。1995—1999 年,北京林 业大学林业经济管理专业学习,获得学士学位。毕业后,曾就职于北京市光华木材厂。2003— 2008 年,北京林业大学攻读并获取林业经济管理专业博士学位。2011—2012 年,赴瑞典农业 大学林业经济系公派访学一年。2018—2019 年,作为中美富布赖特学者赴美国华盛顿大学访学 十个月。 2008 年 月起,留校工作于北京林业大学经济管理学院林业经济系,先后主讲本科生《林 业经济学》、《自然资源与环境经济学》、《农林经济管理专业学术论文写作》,研究生《林 业经济实证研究方法》,留学生《Resource and Environmental Economics》、《Contemporary Forest Management》等课程。参与编制亚太森林恢复与合作网络硕士奖学金项目及商务部援外 项目硕士奖学金项目培养计划编写。 迄今,主持(参与)在研和完成国家自然基金、国家社科基金、北京社科基金等资助科研 课题逾 30 项。参与修订和制订《湿地保护条例》、《野生动物保护法》等法律法规,参与编 写《北京市关于完善集体林权制度 推进首都林业发展的意见》等文件,参与中美战略与经济对 话下的打击野生动植物非法贸易磋商、我国象牙贸易管控与大象保护、北京市乡村振兴与集体 林业现代化等政策研究工作。 在 《 Journal of Forest Economics 》 、 《 Forest Policy and Economics 》 、 《 Forests 》 、 《Science of the Total Environment》、《Global Ecology and Conservation》、《Sustainability》、 《林业科学》、《中国人口.资源与环境》等期刊发表学术论文逾 140 篇,出版专著 部,参编 (译)书籍 部。 曾获 2017 年梁希科普人物奖、2018 年梁希科技奖二等奖和三等奖、北京市哲学社会科学 基金二等奖、中国林业经济学会学术论文一等奖等奖励逾 20 项。 指导硕士生毕业逾 20 名、博士生 名,在读硕士 10 名、博士 名,其中硕士留学生 名 和博士留学生 名。 222 Appendixes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very grateful to my major advisor, Professor Xie Yi who have shared with me his valuable experiences on data analysis and research paper writing as well as dedicated his time for guidance and encouragements in developing my research proposal, help me to improve all parts of the study and enhance skills necessary research throughout my studies I would like to thank to him for the independence and freedom that he gave me in my research process as well as brought me from darkness to the light of knowledge and wisdom and pursue impossible during my PhD journey My gratitude is sent also to the Dean of my School, Professor Wen Ya Li, all my supervisors, all School officer and administration for all for their knowledge‘s and support in learning processes to enable me to complete my PhD study at Beijing Forestry University (BJFU) I also wish to thank the other members of my graduate committee because their contributions and comments had provided for me the great values I am grateful for my scholarship provided by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) to pursue my PhD journey at the BJFU Apart from generous financial support, CSC also has also provided a platform to develop my capacity of Chinese language skills I am equally indebted to my colleague, Master Cu Ngoc Bac and Doctor Kieu Thi Thu Huong, whose took their time to give me important guidance for my field data collection Thanks to Dr Juan Dias Sacco, researcher Saba Haider and Dang Trung Tuyen because these discussions with them for helping me improve the quality of my research I am grateful to the Vietnamese Institute of Policy and Strategies for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD), staffs of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Bac Kan province, Statistical Office, Agriculture and Rural Development Office of Na Ri and Ba Be districts because the assistances of them for my field work I am very grateful to all the farm households are living in Na Ri and Ba Be whose always willingly and dedicated their valuable time to provide the required information to my study I also would like to thank all my students who planning our trips to the field survey as well as effort the hard work to go to all sampled farm households and assisted me to collect the questionnaires survey Finally, I want to send my deepest gratitude to my family, whose always support and inspiring me during my time studying and working abroad I thank my dear wife Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, who during my long absence shouldered all the family responsibilities alone, and my young children, without whose patience and love, pursuing my studies would have been impossible I hope that those next researches will be able to find better solutions for sustainable forest plantation 223

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