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AGENCY FINANCIAL REPORT | FISCAL YEAR 2011 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 12. RECONCILIATION OF OBLIGATIONS INCURRED TO NET COST OF (INCOME FROM) OPERATIONS The OFS presents the SNC using the accrual basis of accounting. This differs from the obligation-based measurement of total resources supplied, both budgetary and from other sources, on the SBR. The reconciliation of obligations incurred to net cost of operations shown below categorizes the differences between the two, and illustrates that the OFS maintains reconcilable consistency between the two types of reporting. The Reconciliation of Obligations Incurred to Net Cost of (Income from) Operations for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2011 and 2010 is as follows: Dollars in Millions 2011 2010 Resources Used to Finance Activities: Budgetary Resources Obligated Obligations Incurred 67,646$ 173,631$ Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections and Recoveries (91,708) (191,538) Offsetting Receipts (61,832) (118,860) Net Obligations (85,894) (136,767) Other Resources 1 1 Total Resources Used to Finance Activities (85,893) (136,766) Resources Used to Finance Items Not Part of Net Cost of (Income from) Operations: Net Obligations in Direct Loan, Equity Investment and Asset Guarantee Financing Funds 23,249 40,139 Change in Resources Obligated for Goods, Services and Benefits Ordered but not yet Provided 25,330 (12,639) Resources that Fund the Acquisition of Assets (50) - Resources that Fund Prior Period Expenses and Net Downward Reestimates 23,562 109,747 Total Resources Used to Finance Items Not Part of Net Cost of (Income from) Operations 72,091 137,247 Total Resources Used to Finance the Net Cost of (Income from) Operations (13,802) 481 Components of Net Cost of (Income from) Operations that Will Not Require or Generate Resources in the Current Period: Accrued Upward (Downward) Reestimates at Year- End 23,293 (23,563) Other 6 - Total Components of Net Cost of (Income from) Operations that Will Not Require or Generate Resources in the Current Period 23,299 (23,563) Net Cost of (Income from) Operations 9,497$ (23,082)$ RECONCILIATION OF OBLIGATIONS INCURRED TO NET COST OF (INCOME FROM) OPERATIONS Page 97 GAO-12-169 Fiscal Years 2011 and 2010 Financial Statements This is trial version www.adultpdf.com THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY | OFFICE OF FINANCIAL STABILITY REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Dollars in Millions Budgetary Accounts Nonbudgetary Financing A ccounts Budgetary Accounts Nonbudgetary Financing Accounts Budgetary Accounts Nonbudgetary Financing Accounts BUDGETARY RESOURCES Unobligated Balances Brought Forward 11,075$ 10,548$ 10,949$ 10,548$ 126$ -$ Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations 3,057 4,664 3,018 4,664 39 - Budget Authority: Appropriations 2,278 - 1,886 - 392 - Borrowing Authority - 77,914 - 77,914 - - Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections Earned: Collected - 107,307 - 107,307 - - Change in Unfilled Orders Without Advance - (23,320) - (23,320) - - Anticipated for Rest of Year w/o Advances - - - - - - Total Budget Authority 16,410 177,113 15,853 177,113 557 - Permanently Not Available - (90,568) - (90,568) - - TOTAL BUDGETARY RESOURCES (Note 10) 16,410$ 86,545$ 15,853$ 86,545$ 557$ -$ STATUS OF BUDGETARY RESOURCES Obligations Incurred - Direct 2,244$ 65,402$ 1,886$ 65,402$ 358$ -$ Unobligated Balance: Apportioned and Available 36 511 - 511 36 - Not Available 14,130 20,632 13,967 20,632 163 - TOTAL STATUS OF BUDGETARY RESOURCES 16,410$ 86,545$ 15,853$ 86,545$ 557$ -$ CHANGE IN OBLIGATED BALANCES Obligated Balance Brought Forward: Unpaid Obligations 69,128$ 41,918$ 68,898$ 41,918$ 230$ -$ Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources - (23,816) - (23,816) - - Obligated Balance, Net, Brought Forward 69,128 18,102 68,898 18,102 230 - Obligations Incurred 2,244 65,402 1,886 65,402 358 - Gross Outlays (24,501) (89,498) (24,148) (89,498) (353) - Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations (3,057) (4,664) (3,018) (4,664) (39) - Change in Uncollected Customer Payments from Feder al Sources - 23,320 - 23,320 - - Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period: Unpaid Obligations 43,814 13,158 43,618 13,158 196 - Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources - (496) - (496) - - Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period 43,814$ 12,662$ 43,618$ 12,662$ 196$ -$ NET OUTLAYS Gross Outlays 24,501$ 89,498$ 24,148$ 89,498$ 353$ -$ Offsetting Collections - (107,307) - (107,307) - - Distributed Offsetting Receipts (61,832) - (61,832) - - - NET OUTL AYS (37,331)$ (17,809)$ (37,684)$ (17,809)$ 353$ -$ 2011 Co mb in e d T AR P P ro g ra ms T AR P Administ ra tiv e OFFICE OF FINANCIAL STABILITY (TROUBLED ASSET RELIEF PROGRAM) REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION COMBINED STATEMENT OF BUDGETARY RESOURCES For the Year Ended September 30, 2011 (Unaudited) Page 98 GAO-12-169 Fiscal Years 2011 and 2010 Financial Statements This is trial version www.adultpdf.com AGENCY FINANCIAL REPORT | FISCAL YEAR 2011 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Dollars in Millions Budgetary Accounts Nonbudgetary Financi ng Accounts Budgetary Accounts Nonbudgetary Financing Accounts Budgetary Accounts Nonbudgetary Financing Accounts BUDGETARY RESOURCES Unobligated Balances Brought Forward 28,156$ 8,945$ 28,126$ 8,945$ 30$ -$ Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations 1,173 39,364 1,118 39,364 55 - Budget Authority: Appropriations 5,151 - 4,745 - 406 - Borrowing Authority - 69,440 - 69,440 - - Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections Earned: Collected - 156,112 - 156,112 - - Change in Unfilled Orders Without Advance - (5,111) - (5,111) - - Total Budget Authority 34,480 268,750 33,989 268,750 491 - Permanently Not Available - (107,976) - (107,976) - - TOTAL BUDGETARY RESOURCES (Note 10) 34,480$ 160,774$ 33,989$ 160,774$ 491$ -$ STATUS OF BUDGETARY RESOURCES Obligations Incurred - Direct 23,405$ 150,226$ 23,040$ 150,226$ 365$ -$ Unobligated Balance: Apportioned and Available 142 7,692 101 7,692 41 - Not Available 10,933 2,856 10,848 2,856 85 - TOTAL STATUS OF BUDGETARY RESOURCES 34,480$ 160,774$ 33,989$ 160,774$ 491$ -$ CHANGE IN OBLIGATED BALANCES Obligated Balance Brought Forward: Unpaid Obligations 56,151$ 79,202$ 55,992$ 79,2 02$ 159$ -$ Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources - (28,927) - (28,927) - - Obligated Balance, Net, Brought Forward 56,151 50,275 55,992 50,275 159 - Obligations Incurred 23,405 150,226 23,040 150,226 365 - Gross Outlays (9,255) (148,146) (9,016) (148,146) (239) - Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations (1,173) (39,364) (1,118) (39,364) (55) - Change in Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources - 5,111 - 5,111 - - Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period: Unpaid Obligations 69,128 41,918 68,898 41,918 230 - Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources - (23,816) - (23,816) - - Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period 69,128$ 18,102$ 68,898$ 18,102$ 230$ -$ NET OUTLAYS Gross Outlays 9,255$ 148,146$ 9,016$ 148,146$ 239$ -$ Offsetting Collections - (156,112) - (156,112) - - Distributed Offsetting Receipts (118,860) - (118,860) - - - NET OUTLAYS (109,605)$ (7,966)$ (109,844)$ (7,966)$ 239$ -$ 2010 Combi ned T ARP Programs TARP Administrative OFFICE OF FINANCIAL STABILITY (TROUBLED ASSET RELIEF PROGRAM) REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION COMBINED STATEMENT OF BUDGETARY RESOURCES For the Year Ended September 30, 2010 (Unaudited) Page 99 GAO-12-169 Fiscal Years 2011 and 2010 Financial Statements This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Appendix I: Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Appendix I: Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Page 100 GAO-12 -169 OFS's Fiscal Years 2011 an d 2010 Financial Statements This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Appendix II: Comments from the Office of Financial Stability Appendix II: Comments from the Office of Financial Stability (198661) Page 101 GAO-12 -169 OFS's Fiscal Years 2011 an d 2010 Financial Statements This is trial version www.adultpdf.com GAO’s Mission The Government Accountability Office, the audit, evaluation, and investigative arm of Congress, exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the American people. 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