i EDITED BY STEPHEN McGLINCHEY, ROSIE WALTERS & CHRISTIAN SCHEINPFLUG International Relations Theory Tai Lieu Chat Luong This e book is provided without charge via free download by E International Rel[.]
E D IT E D B Y S T EP H E N Mc GL IN C H EY, R OSIE WA LTE R S & C H R IS T IA N SC H E IN P FLU G i International Relations Theory Tai Lieu Chat Luong This e-book is provided without charge via free download by E-International Relations (www.E-IR.info) It is not permitted to be sold in electronic format under any circumstances If you enjoy our free e-books, please consider leaving a small donation to allow us to continue investing in open access publications: http://www.e-ir.info/about/donate/ i “In the plethora of textbooks on IR almost none depart from ‘playing it safe’, giving forms of instruction in the rudiments of established theories The great breakout of this volume is its entire second half of proposing quite radical new ways of looking at the world The book is both ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ and in both it is sometimes witty in a way that students will savour – learning what IR is, and what it could be A lovely book in which even the doyens of ‘old’ IR are sometimes bold.” – Stephen Chan OBE, Professor of World Politics, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London “This rich volume offers a highly accessible and exceptionally broad-ranging introduction to the field of International Relations theory In 20 short chapters the book provides a highly readable and comprehensive overview of core theoretical frameworks ranging from ‘mainstream’ realism and liberalism all the way to queer theory and critical geography By placing each theory in context, and by providing a wealth of easily graspable examples, the book provides ‘one-stop shopping’ for the full range of theoretical frameworks and concepts – along with welcome attention to non-western perspectives An excellent place to start.” – Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Senior University Lecturer in International Relations at Cambridge University “This is a superb book It offers a comprehensive listing that is imaginatively presented and enormously accessible Helpfully, too, it takes the form of a global conversation IR theory at its sparkling best.” – Peter Vale, Professor of Humanities, University of Johannesburg; Professor of Public Policy and Global Affairs, Nanyang Technological University and Nelson Mandela Professor of Politics Emeritus, Rhodes University ii International Relations Theory ED IT ED BY S T E PH EN M C GL IN C H EY, R OS IE WA LTE R S & C H R IS T IAN SC H E INP FLU G iii E-International Relations www.E-IR.info Bristol, England 2017 ISBN 978-1-910814-19-2 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-910814-20-8 (e-book) This book is published under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license You are free to: • • Share – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the material Under the following terms: • • Attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made You may so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use Non-Commercial – You may not use the material for commercial purposes Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission Please contact info@e-ir.info for any such enquiries, including for licensing and translation requests Other than the terms noted above, there are no restrictions placed on the use and dissemination of this book for student learning materials/scholarly use Production: Michael Tang Copy-editing: Gill Gairdner Cover Image: feedough via Depositphotos A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library iv E-IR Foundations Series Editor: Stephen McGlinchey Editorial Assistants: Michael Bolt, Eloise Cox, Gary Leigh and Farah Saleem E-IR Foundations is a series of beginner’s textbooks from E-International Relations (E-IR) that are designed to introduce complicated issues in a practical and accessible way Each book will cover a different area connected to International Relations This is the second book in the series, with more to follow You can find the books, and many other learning materials, on E-IR’s Student Portal: http://www.e-ir.info/students E-IR is developing our Foundations series as part of our mission to provide the best source of freely available scholarly materials for students of International Relations Each book is available to buy in bookstores in paperback and, uniquely for textbooks, also freely accessible in web and PDF formats So, readers can have each book at their fingertips and on all their devices without any restrictions or hassle Typically, textbook publishing is designed to appeal to professors/lecturers and, consequently, even the introductory books are intended less as an aid to the student and more to assist the instructor in the classroom Our books are designed to meet the needs of the student, with the focus on moving readers from no prior knowledge to competency They are intended to accompany, rather than replace, other texts, while offering the student a fresh perspective About E-International Relations E-International Relations is the world’s leading open access website for students and scholars of international politics, reaching over three million readers per year E-IR’s daily publications feature expert articles, blogs, reviews and interviews – as well as student learning resources The website is run by a non-profit organisation based in Bristol, UK and staffed by an allvolunteer team of students and scholars http://www.e-ir.info v Acknowledgements This book would not have been possible without the assistance of E-IR’s Student Review Panel Members of the panel gave up their spare time to read drafts of each chapter and offer their thoughts on how they could be improved The panel comprised Laura Southgate, Matthew Koo, Constance Dijkstra, Loveleena Sharma, Daniel Golebiewski, Ljupcho Stojkovski, Max Nurnus, Jess Dam, Caroline Cottet, Jan Tattenberg, Matthew Ribar, Laura Cartner, Cameran Clayton, Phoebe Gardner, Ana Carolina Sarmento, Naomi McMillen, Kanica Rakhra, Dean Cooper-Cunningham, Jonathan Webb, Daniel Rowney, Janja R Avgustin and Scott Edwards The editors would also like to thank all members of the E-International Relations team, past and present, for their many acts of kindness in feeding back on ideas and providing a supportive climate for the book’s development Finally, and most importantly, the editors would like to thank the authors of each of the chapters for working so hard on this project and helping us deliver such an excellent book vi vii International Relations Theory Contents GETTING STARTED WITH INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters & Dana Gold PART ONE – ESTABLISHED THEORIES REALISM Sandrina Antunes & Isabel Camisão 15 LIBERALISM Jeffrey W Meiser 22 THE ENGLISH SCHOOL Yannis A Stivachtis 28 CONSTRUCTIVISM Sarina Theys 36 MARXISM Maïa Pal 42 CRITICAL THEORY Marcos Farias Ferreira 49 POSTSTRUCTURALISM Aishling Mc Morrow 56 FEMINISM Sarah Smith 62 POSTCOLONIALISM Sheila Nair 69 10 T OWARDS A GLOBAL IR? Amitav Acharya 76 Contents viii PART TWO – EXPANSION PACK 11 G REEN THEORY Hugh C Dyer 84 12 G LOBAL JUSTICE Alix Dietzel 91 13 Q UEER THEORY Markus Thiel 97 14 S ECURITISATION THEORY Clara Eroukhmanoff 104 15 C RITICAL GEOGRAPHY Irena Leisbet Ceridwen Connon & Archie W Simpson 110 16 A SIAN PERSPECTIVES Pichamon Yeophantong 117 17 GLOBAL SOUTH PERSPECTIVES Lina Benabdallah, Victor Adetula & Carlos Murillo-Zamora 125 18 I NDIGENOUS PERSPECTIVES Jeff Corntassel & Marc Woons 131 19 A CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE ON REALISM Felix Rösch & Richard Ned Lebow 138 20 T HE ‘ISMS’ ARE EVIL ALL HAIL THE ‘ISMS’! Alex Prichard 145 REFERENCES 153 NOTE ON INDEXING 166 153 International Relations Theory References Acharya, Amitav (2014) ‘Global IR and Regional Worlds: Beyond Sahibs and Munshis – A New Agenda for International Studies’, Presidential Address to the 55th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Toronto, 26–29 March Acharya, Amitav (2016) ‘“Idea-shift”: How Ideas From the Rest are Reshaping Global Order’, Third World Quarterly 37 (7): 1156–1170 Acharya, Amitav and Barry Buzan (2010) ‘Why is There No Non-Western International Relations Theory? 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