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The determinants for fresh graduates to select jobs and employers for intel vietnam

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1 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ TP HCM HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITEÙ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES SOLVAY BRUSSELS SCHOOL MBAVB3 VŨ THỊ HƯƠNG LAN A Research on THE DETERMINANTS FOR FRESH GRADUATES TO SELECT JOBS AND EMPLOYERS for Intel Vietnam Tai Lieu Chat Luong MASTER PROJECT MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (PART-TIME) Tutor’s Name: Dr LÊ THÁI THƯỜNG QUÂN Ho Chi Minh City (2010) DECLARATION This thesis is a presentation of my original research work Wherever contributions of others are involved, every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to the literature, and acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussions The work was done under the guidance of Professor LÊ THÁI THƯỜNG QUÂN, at the OPEN UNIVERSITY, HO CHI MINH CITY [Researcher’s name and signature] VŨ THỊ HƯƠNG LAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many remarkable people have contributed to this thesis in their guidance, support and encouragement Nevertheless, my special appreciation is for: Doctor LE THAI THUONG QUAN, my principal supervisor, who has not only supported me through this journey but also provided me with valuable academic guidance Professor Michel VERSTRAETEN, whose human resource knowledge, theories and materials added to the richness and academic contribution of my thesis content Professor CLAIR GRUSLIN, whose market research teaching, books and materials added to the richness and academic contribution of my thesis content Mr BALAN KRISHNAN AMBIGAI, Staffing Manager of Intel Products Vietnam and Malaysia, whose support me with deep and practical knowledge of recruitment in Intel My husband and children, Thien An and Thien Phuoc, who through their prayers and encouragement kept me focused and motivated, who have accompanied me patiently in this journey TABLE OF CONTENTS I Introduction 12 1.1 Back ground and Intel Vietnam introduction 12 1.2 Problem statement 13 1.3 Research objectives 15 1.4 Scope of Research 15 1.5 Thesis structure 15 II Literature Review 17 2.1 Importance of Recruitment & Selection in Human Resources 17 2.2 Human resource planning 18 2.3 Recruitment, Selection and Placement 18 2.3.1 Definition of Recruitment 18 2.3.2 Definition of Selection 19 2.3.3 Definition of Placement 19 2.4 Recruitment theories for Semiconductor Manufacturing 19 2.4.1 Classical Control Theory 20 2.4.2 Rough Set Theory for Semiconductor Manufacturing 21 2.4.3 Job satisfaction, Motivation & Recruitment Challenges 21 2.4.4 Behling and other’ theories of Recruitment 23 III Research Methodology - Hypotheses - Questions -: 26 3.1 Research Methodology 26 3.2 Research Hypotheses 26 3.3 Research Questions 27 3.4 Main issues 27 3.5 Questionnaire design 28 3.5.1 Content of questionnaire 28 3.5.2 Format of questionnaire 29 3.5.3 Layout of questionnaire 29 3.6 Sampling method 30 3.6.1 Population 30 3.6.2 Sample selection 30 3.7 Survey Instrument 31 IV Research results and findings: 33 4.1 Sample characteristics 33 4.1.1 Major 33 4.1.2 Gender 34 4.1.3 Grade Point Average (GPA) 35 4.1.4 Education Level & Degree 35 4.1.5 English skill 36 4.2 The key expectations of fresh graduates 38 4.2.1 Job Major expectation 38 4.2.2 Compensation & Benefits expectation 39 4.2.3 Career Opportunity expectation 39 4.2.4 Working Environment expectation 40 4.2.5 Company Reputation expectation 40 4.2.6 Overall conclusion and ranking all expectations 41 4.3 Detailed Analysis top three expectations 41 4.3.1 Working Environment elements & ranking 42 4.3.2 Compensation & Benefit elements & ranking 43 4.3.3 Career Opportunity elements & ranking 44 4.4 Testing for difference in ranking expectations by segments 44 4.4.1 Ranking top expectation elements by Education Level 45 4.4.2 Ranking top expectation elements by Gender 51 4.4.3 Ranking top expectation elements by Major 55 4.5 Perception of Fresh Graduates about Company Reputation 58 4.6 Preferable channels of Fresh Graduates 59 4.8 Knowledge about Intel of Fresh Graduates 60 4.9 Fresh Graduates’ ideas to improve Intel knowledge 61 V Conclusion, discussion and recommendations 62 5.1 Conclusion and Discussion 62 5.2 Recommendations 63 5.2.1 Apply expectation analysis for marketing & benefit policy 64 5.2.2 Promote Intel image and opportunity information 64 5.2.3 Diversify job post channels 65 5.2.4 Revise expectation to utilize local labor pool 65 5.2.5 Higher education support policy for fresh graduates 65 5.2.6 Promote attractive and transparent career path 66 5.3 Limitations 66 References List 67 Appendix: Questionaire 68 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS C&B: Compensation and Benefits CO: Career Opportunity CR: Company Reputation HR: Human Resources IT: Information Technology GPA: Grade Point Average M&E: Mechanical and Electrical PR: Publish Relation RC: Role Centrality 10 Sig.: Significance Level 11 SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 12 WC: Work Centrality 13 WE: Working Environment 14 B.S.: Bachelor of Science 10 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 : Sample distribution by Major 33 Table 4.2 : Sample distribution by Major versus Gender 34 Table 4.3 : Sample distribution by GPA 35 Table 4.4 : Sample distribution by Education Level 35 Table 4.5 : Crosstab ” English Skill & Education Level 37 Table 4.6 : Working Environment Elements 36 Table 4.7 : The most importance of Working Environment by Education Level 46 Table 4.8 : The most importance of C&B by Education Level 47 Table 4.9 : Salary Expectation for Bachelor by Education Level 49 Table 4.10 : The most importance of Career Opportunity by Education Level 51 Table 4.11 : The most importance of Working Environment by Gender 52 Table 4.12 : The most importance of C&B by Gender 53 Table 4.13 : The most importance of Career Opportunity by Gender 54 Table 4.14 : The most importance of Working Environment by Major 56 Table 4.15 : The most importance of Compensation & Benefits by Major 57 Table 4.16 : The most importance of Career Opportunity by Major 58 11 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Model of Engineering Education pathway 20 Figure 4.1: Sample distribution by Major 34 Figure 4.2: Sample distribution by Gender 34 Figure 4.3: Sample distribution by GPA 35 Figure 4.4: Sample distribution by Education Level 36 Figure 4.5: Overall about English Skill of sample 36 Figure 4.6: Importance Level of a Job at Major 38 Figure 4.7: Importance Level of Compensation & Benefits 39 Figure 4.8: Importance Level of Career Opportunity 39 Figure 4.9: Importance Level of Working Environment 40 Figure 4.10: Importance Level of Company Reputation 40 Figure 4.11: Importance Level of five Key Expectations 41 Figure 4.12: The most importance of Working Environment 42 Figure 4.13: The most importance of Compensation & Benefits 43 Figure 4.14: The most importance of Career Opportunity 44 Figure 4.15: Education Level & Salary Expectation for Bachelor 48 Figure 4.16: Company Reputation 59 Figure 4.17: Preferable Channels to seek jobs 60 Figure 4.18: Intel Perception 60 Figure 4.19: Fresh Graduates’ ideas to improve Intel knowledge 61 59 Figure 4.16: Company reputation Agree 24% 5% 52% Strongly agree 21% 28% 60% 54% 25% Company has many PR compaign Company is in top five in the industry Company has its branches all over the world Company is wellknown 82% of the sample agreed that the reputation of the company is defined by its famousness; 81% attaches the reputation of the company to its number of branches worldwide while 76% agrees that ranking in top five of the industry determines the company’s reputation Launching many PR campaigns is not the proper tool to enhance the perception of the company’s reputation as described by the disagreement from 37% of the sample 4.6 Preferable Channels of Fresh Graduates to seek jobs: It is quite easy to understand in a high technology development in Vietnam circumstance that the internet job advertising is the most popular channel which is used by 86% of fresh graduates to seek and apply for jobs nowadays Job agency is also a popular channel when 61% of the sample uses this channel frequently Newspaper channel has nearly equal result with 60% uses frequently while Job fairs and referral channels are chosen frequently by 55% and 52% respectively of the sample 60 Figure 4.17: Preferable Channels to seek jobs Preferable Channels (% of Fresh Graduate use to seek jobs) 86 Referral 61 60 55 52 Hiring Event… Newspaper… Job Agency… Internet… From the survey, it could be concluded that fresh graduates nowadays are quite active and dynamic when more than haft of them maximize all the channels to look for the jobs they like Among the mentioned channels, three most frequently used channels for fresh graduated students are internet job advertisement, job agency and newspaper job advertisement 4.7 Knowledge about Intel of Fresh Graduates Figure 4.18: Intel Perception Intel Perception Strongly agree Agree From Agree & Strongly agree 98 89 survey, it can be concluded 72 that Intel is a 54 40 32 the 35 52 46 highly evaluated company with More attractive Company Well-known Company Highly evaluated Company 61 highest agreement of 98% Intel is also a well known company as 89% of respondents When being asked to compare a job opportunity with Intel and any other company, 72% of Fresh Graduates finds that working for Intel is more attractive than other companies There many things to to improve the company attractiveness for the rest of 28% of the target group 4.8 Fresh Graduates’ ideas to improve Intel knowledge (Figure 4.19) The only open question of the questionnaire is about what Intel should to improve students’ knowledge about Intel and why Amazing result comes from the 23% 25% following creative ideas: Intel should conduct many 20% 16% 15% 11% 9% 10% 8% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 0% Career for Talks students (23%), more promotion campaigns (16%), Intel factory visit (11%), sponsorship for students’ programs (9%), more media advertising (6%), hiring event (6%), product improvement (5%), partnership with universities (5%), TV advertising (3%), competition organization (3%), Vietnamese version of Intel website (2%), improve computing awareness (2%) and improve client care (2%) 62 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter carries a summary of the previous chapters, solutions or recommendations for corporate branding activities and suggestion toward policies to attract fresh graduate candidates of Intel Vietnam The limitations of study and a suggestion for further research are also given in this chapter 5.1 Conclusion and discussion Understand from the huge demand of Intel Vietnam for fresh and qualified students (of both technical and economic majors), the research was aimed to explore the determinants that affect the employer selection and job expectation of fresh graduates and last year students From these factors, Intel might develop corporate marketing activities and adjust its recruitment policy to be more attractive to these students The methodology of the case study was outlined for designing the questionnaire and conducting the survey Data collected from 170 fresh graduates was analyzed in quantitative approach Multiple crosstab analysis was conducted to find out the relationship among the variances and Chi-squares to test the significant level to make proper conclusion on the hypotheses of the impact The research solved all the questions in the first chapter - The highest expectations of the target group come from Working Environment, Compensation and Benefits and Career Opportunity - While Professionalism is the most important among the Working Environment elements as a whole, there are still some different level expectations among the 63 sections within the target group (Bachelor versus College, Male versus Female, Technical versus Economical major students) - Similarly, while High Educate Support is the most important among the Career Opportunity elements as a whole, there are still some different level expectations among the sections within the target group (Bachelor versus College, Male versus Female, Technical versus Economical major students) - Exceptionally, Base salary is the most important among the Compensation & Benefit elements and won absolute highest votes from all the sections within the target group - From fresh graduates’ point of view, Company Reputation is defined firstly by its famousness, then its number of branches worldwide and its ranking in top five of the industry Number of PR campaigns is not the proper tool to enhance the perception of the company’s reputation - The internet job advertising is the most popular channel for fresh graduates to seek and apply for jobs nowadays Job agency is also a popular channel, then newspaper job ads which is followed by Job fairs and referral channels - Referring to fresh graduates’ knowledge of Intel, it can be concluded that Intel is a highly evaluated company with amazing agreement level of 98%, is also a well known company, but lower percentage (72%) finds that working for Intel is more attractive than other companies There many things to to improve the company attractiveness for the rest of 28% of the target group 5.2 Recommendation: The globalism forces the new labor generation to find ways to develop their career properly This shaped the expectation trend of fresh graduates accordingly Therefore we should find out solution to approach these problems and to support the new generation stakeholders of the company 64 5.2.1 Apply research result of expectation analysis for each segments in marketing activities and benefits policy As the analysis result above, fresh graduates of different segmentations (such as Bachelor versus College, Male versus Female, Technical versus Economical major students) expect differently about their top concerns of Working Environment, Career Opportunity To attract them, Intel should base on their specific expectations to build proper benefits policy and use proper messages for its marketing campaigns to attract the target group, maintain diversity work force as needed 5.2.2 Promote Intel image and opportunity information The research result shows that job seekers know well about Intel and they are highly positioned Intel brand name However, once coming to a decision between working for Intel and other companies, fresh graduates have no further ground to choose Intel Therefore, Intel needs to increase Intel image and give more information on the company’s working environment and job requirement and other benefits to students so that they can make a choice of working with Intel In addition, since fresh graduates are more willing to work for top industry companies, Intel should deliver more messages that Intel is the leader in high technical industry Intel can deliver these messages via recruitment events to universities, job hiring fairs For long term, Intel can consider granting scholarship to excellent students of key technical universities to build up its image and generate more opportunities to recruit qualified graduated students 65 5.2.3 Diversify job post channels In terms of channel for recruitment, at present, Intel usually recruits students by organizing hiring events and job advertisement on internet According to the survey results, Intel should diversify its channel to job agency and recruitment via internet To make referral a successful channel of recruitment, Intel should consider some incentives to internal referral Intel should educate employees and job agencies on how to promote Intel as a number one employer 5.2.4 Revise expectation to utilize local labor pool Since Intel recruits lots of positions which require different skill-sets and qualifications, the company should review its requirements, especially English skill, to utilize capabilities of fresh graduates In addition, since education from universities in Hochiminh City is not adequate for high technology industry, Intel needs to adjust its expectation from candidates and develop other solutions internally to overcome this shortcoming of local employees such as pre-work training, translation technical guidelines and training materials into local language to support local new hires and help them in their integration 5.2.5 Higher education support policy for fresh graduates The most important expectations of fresh graduates are working environment, compensations & benefit and career development In terms of career development, higher education support is the most concern of fresh graduates Intel should develop a plan to support fresh graduates to learn higher by suitable or flexible working time and financial support These can be considered an extra benefit of Intel that can help Intel be more attractive to fresh graduates as well 66 5.2.6 Promote attractive and transparent career path for students Data from the survey shows that qualified and excellent students are quite limited If Intel insists on recruiting these students, the compensation and benefits as well as the company’s training policy and working environment must be outstanding against its competitors’ Intel should deliver a transparent and attractive career path so that high potential candidates have more information to decide to work at Intel Base salary is the most important compensation and benefit for graduates Intel, therefore, needs to pay most attention to the salary scheme for fresh graduates also 5.3 Limitations This study is aimed to quantitatively determine the expectations and behaviors impacting job search and employer selection of fresh graduates However, some limitations of this study should be noted Other variances, beyond the abovementioned, have not been considered such as the impact of the social and economic factors, Intel hiring skills, process and offer package competition, Intel hiring time versus the graduation window of fresh graduates in Hochiminh City Further researches should be made internally and externally so that Intel can have a whole picture about the company hiring capacity 67 REFERENCES LIST 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pG1-G6 68 APPENDIX: QUESTIONAIRE (Bilingual version) RESEARCH ON THE DETERMINANTS FOR FRESH GRADUATE TO SELECT EMPLOYERS & JOBS Kính chào q Anh/Chị, Tơi, sinh viên MBA SOLVAY-ULB, thực chương trình nghiên cứu để tìm hiểu yếu tố định đến việc lựa chọn nhà tuyển dụng Sinh viên trường Thành phố Hồ CHí Minh Xin Anh/Chị vui lịng dành phút để trả lời câu hỏi nêu phần Những thông tin Anh/Chị bảo mật cách tuyệt đối Nếu q Anh/Chị có điều khơng rõ, vui lịng liên hệ với chúng tơi theo địa email: lanhumanresource@gmail.com I JOB-SEEKER EXPECTATION - MONG MUỐN CỦA NGƯỜI TÌM VIỆC: Which of the following elements you expect from an employer Please rank them according to importance level by mark (x) in the respective number (Anh/Chị quan tâm đến vấn đề sau tìm việc Vui lịng xếp theo mức độ quan trọng yếu tố sau đánh dấu (X) vào tương ứng, với quan trọng nhất, năm quan trọng nhất.) (1 = Very unimportant; 2= unimportant ; = Neutral; = important; = Very important) Job Seeker Expectation (Mong muốn người tìm việc) A job at your major (Công việc chuyên ngành/mong đợi ) Compensation & Benefits (Lương Phúc lợi) Career Opportunity (cơ hội nghề nghiệp) Working environment (Môi trường làm việc) Company Reputation (Danh tiếng công ty) 69 Please choose the most three important elements about Compensation & Benefits, rank them from one to three (with one is the most important and three is the least important) (Anh/Chị vui lòng chọn ba yếu tố Lương & Phúc Lợi quan trọng nhất, đánh số theo thứ tự từ đến ba, với quan trọng nhất, quan trọng thứ nhì, ba quan trọng thứ ba yếu tố sau) Compensation & Benefits (Lương & Phúc Lợi) Rank Base Salary (Lương bản) Allowance (mobile phone, transportation) (Phụ cấp) Additional Private Medical Insurance (Bảo hiểm Y tế mở rộng) Incentive Bonus (Các khoản thưởng) Company share/stock (Quyền lợi cổ phiếu Công ty) Please choose the most three important elements about Career Opportunity Please rank them from one to three (with one is the most important and three is the least important) (Anh/Chị vui lòng chọn ba yếu tố Phát triển Nghề nghiệp quan trọng nhất, đánh số theo thứ tự từ đến ba, với quan trọng nhất, quan trọng thứ nhì, ba quan trọng thứ ba yếu tố sau) Career Opportunity (Phát triển Nghề nghiệp) Rank Local External & In-house Training (Đào tạo chỗ hay nước) Overseas Training (Đào tạo nước ngồi) Job Rotation (Ln chuyển cơng việc) Promotion (Thăng chức) Supporting for higher education (Hỗ trợ nâng cao trình độ học vấn) Please choose the most three important elements about Working Environment Please rank them from one to three (with one is the most important and three is the 70 least important) (Anh/Chị vui lịng chọn ba yếu tố Mơi trường làm việc quan trọng nhất, đánh số thứ tự từ đến ba, với quan trọng nhất, quan trọng thứ nhì, ba quan trọng thứ ba yếu tố sau) Working environment (Môi trường làm việc) Rank Professional (Chuyên nghiệp) Teamwork (Có tinh thần đồng đội) Safety & Security (An toàn & An ninh) English Speaking (Sử dụng Tiêng Anh) High Technology (Công nghệ cao) How you define a company with good reputation ? (Theo ý kiến riêng Anh/Chị, công ty danh tiếng ?) (1 = Strongly disagree; 2= disagree; = Neutral; = Agree; = Strongly agree) Company Reputation (Danh tiếng công ty) Company is in top five in its industry (Công ty năm công ty hàng đầu ngành) Company has its branches all over the world (Cơng ty có chi nhánh tồn giới) A well-known company (Công ty nhiều người biết đến) Company has many PR compaign (Công ty có chiến lược quảng cáo rầm rộ) 71 II JOB-SEEKER STATUS (TÌNH TRẠNG HIỆN TẠI CỦA JOB-SEEKER) Please mark (x) at your answer (Vui lòng đánh dấu (x) vào câu trả lời bạn) Gender - Giới tính bạn: 1) Male – Nam 2) Female – Nữ Your highest Degree – Bằng cấp cao bạn 1) Bachelore Degree - Đại học 2) College Diploma - Cao đẳng hay Trung cấp Your Major - Chuyên ngành bạn 1) IT & telecommunication - Công nghệ thông tin & Viễn thơng 2) Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics- Cơ khí, Điện & Điện tử 3) Other:………………………………………… Your GPA scores - Điểm trung bình (hệ số 10) bạn: 1) Less than - Ít 3) Above/Trên 6.5 - 2) From/từ – 6.5 4) Above/Trên Your English skill - Kỹ tiếng Anh bạn Under average Average - - Yếu Trung bình Fair – Khá Good - Tốt Listening – Nghe Speaking – Nói Reading – Doc Writing – Viết In your opinion, What is a reasonable salary for a fresh Bachelor Degree holders? Theo Anh/Chị, mức lương phù hợp cho sinh viên tốt nghiệp Đại học, chưa có kinh nghiệm? 1) from usd 200 – under usd400 3) from usd 600 – under usd800 2) from usd 400 – under usd600 4) from usd 800 - and above 72 III CHANNELS FOR JOB-SEEKERS (KÊNH TÌM VIỆC) What channels you often use to seek jobs ? Bạn thường tìm việc thông qua kênh tuyển dụng nào: (1 = frequently used/thường xuyên sử dụng ; 2= seldom/ít sử dụng) Channels (kênh tuyển dụng nào) Referrals (Người quen giới thiệu) Hiring Event & Job fair (qua kiện tuyển dụng & hội chợ việc làm) Job Agency / Headhunters (thông qua cty tuyển dụng) Job ads in newspaper (thông báo tuyển dụng đăng báo chí) Job ads in internet (thơng báo tuyển dụng đăng mạng Internet) IV YOUR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT INTEL (VỀ INTEL) Please give your agreement about following statements (Bạn vui lòng cho ý kiến nhận định sau): Strongly disagree You know well about Intel (Bạn biết nhiều / nghe nói nhiều Intel) You highly evaluate Intel (Bạn đánh giá cao vị Intel) You find the opportunity to work for Intel is more attractive to others (Bạn thấy làm việc Intel hấp dẫn nhiều so với làm việc công khác ) Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 73 According to your opinion, what should Intel to improve your knowledge about Intel? Why? Theo ý kiến riêng bạn, Intel nên làm để bạn biết Intel nhiều ? Tại ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… MANY THANKS FOR YOUR TIME

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2023, 10:33


