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Learners perceptions of using video recording to improve english speaking skills thai thi ngoc lang ; nguyen vu phuong supervisor

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY ∞0∞ THAI THI NGOC LANG LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF USING VIDEO-RECORDING TO IMPROVE ENGLISH Tai Lieu Chat Luong SPEAKING SKILLS MASTER THESIS MASTER OF ARTS IN TESOL HO CHI MINH CITY, 2021 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY ∞0∞ THAI THI NGOC LANG LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF USING VIDEO-RECORDING TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS Major: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Major code: 14 01 11 MASTER THESIS MASTER OF ARTS IN TESOL Supervisor: Dr NGUYEN VU PHUONG HO CHI MINH CITY, 2021 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH KHOA ĐÀO TẠO SAU ĐẠI HỌC Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc GIẤY XÁC NHẬN Tôi tên là: THÁI THỊ NGỌC LANG Ngày sinh: 24/05/1987 Nơi sinh: Bình Thuận Chuyên ngành: Lý luận phương pháp dạy học môn Tiếng Anh Mã học viên: 1781401110011 Tơi đồng ý cung cấp tồn văn thơng tin luận án/ luận văn tốt nghiệp hợp lệ quyền cho Thư viện trường đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Thư viện trường đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh kết nối tồn văn thông tin luận án/ luận văn tốt nghiệp vào hệ thống thông tin khoa học Sở Khoa học Cơng nghệ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Ký tên (Ghi rõ họ tên) Thái Thị Ngọc Lang CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc Ý KIẾN CHO PHÉP BẢO VỆ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ CỦA GIẢNG VIÊN HƯỚNG DẪN Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Tiến sĩ Nguyễn Vũ Phương Học viên thực hiện: Thái Thị Ngọc Lang Lớp: MTESOL017A Ngày sinh: 24/05/1987 Nơi sinh: Bình Thuận Tên đề tài: LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF USING VIDEO-RECORDING TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS Ý kiến giáo viên hướng dẫn việc cho phép học viên Thái Thị Ngọc Lang bảo vệ luận văn trước Hội đồng: Nghiên cứu sử dụng video-recording công cụ giúp học sinh phản ánh cải tiến kỹ nói Kết nghiên cứu mang lại nhiều hàm ý giúp cho giáo viên vận dụng tương tác nhóm giảng dạy tiếng Anh Phương pháp nghiên cứu phù hợp với mục tiêu nghiên cứu Hình thức luận văn trình bày phù hợp theo quy định trường Có đầy đủ nội dung cần thiết nghiên cứu Luận văn có thảo luận tương đối đầy đủ nghiên cứu trước cho mô hình nghiên cứu Mặc dù, việc lý giải đơi lúc chưa mạch lạc, việc lỷ giải sử dụng video-recording mơ hình giúp thể nội dung trọng tâm nghiên cứu Điều giúp việc lựa chọn phương pháp phù hợp Việc thu thập liệu thực nhiều công cụ, giúp cung cấp mô tả phong phú nội dung nghiên cứu phát Luận văn đóng góp vào việc sử dụng sử dụng video-recording hoạt động giảng dạy nhằm thúc đẩy q trình học tập hiệu thơng qua hoạt động hợp tác nhóm học sinh Nghiên cứu giúp đưa hàm ý hữu ích cho giáo viên hoạt động tổ chức giảng dạy Giảng viên hướng dẫn đồng ý học viên nộp luận văn để bảo vệ trước hội đồng Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, ngày tháng năm 2021 Người nhận xét Nguyễn Vũ Phương i Statement of Authorship I certify my authorship of the MA thesis submitted today entitled: “LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF USING VIDEO-RECORDING TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS” for the degree of Master of Arts (TESOL) is the result of my own research, except where otherwise acknowledged, and that this thesis has not been submitted for a higher degree at any other institutions To the best of my knowledge, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by other people except where the reference is made in the thesis itself Ho Chi Minh City, 2021 Author’s signature Thái Thị Ngọc Lang ii Acknowledgements I am grateful to a number of people for their support over the completion of this thesis First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Doctor Nguyen Vu Phuong, who offered expertise support and supervised me through the development of this thesis Without his patience and expertise supervision, I would not complete this thesis My gratitude for him has grown bigger and bigger through the development of the study Having the opportunity to take the master course and complete this thesis, I am indebted to the Department of Education and Training of Binh Thuan and Nguyen Thi Minh Khai high school board as well as my colleagues Thanks to their support, I had a flexible schedule and someone to give me advice on the translation of the interview questionnaires I also highly appreciate my students’ time and effort to participate in the study Their contribution and enthusiasm encouraged me to overcome tough time and complete this thesis Finally, I owe my special thanks to my mom and my sisters, who always care for me, assist me and believe in my ideals Their presence is a motivation for me to try hard during the worst time iii Abstract This study was conducted because the researcher found that her students had difficulties in English speaking while she hardly found enough time to help them in class From her own experience of employing video-recording, the other research’s findings of this tool, the requirement of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam and the development of technology, the researcher decided to explore a group of thirty-six Vietnamese high school students’ perceptions of video-recording when it was used in their speaking activities to see whether it could help to solve her students’ problems or not The researcher used a qualitative case study design with two instruments, including reflective journals and semi-structured interviews to collect data From the thematic analysis, the research concluded that video-recording was more beneficial for learners regarding some aspects of communication, motivation, confidence, vocabulary and pronunciation than grammar and intonation Furthermore, learners perceived the procedures of implementation promoted learning via each step as well as the intervention’s values for continuous learning Learners also revealed some difficulties during the process including high time consumption, their limited ability in language use, anxiety, ineffective feedback and lack of technical preparation This study contributes to the field in terms of reinforcing the findings of previous research, providing conceptual framework of learning for teachers’ and educators’ understanding, and intensively depicted procedures for teachers and educators to apply video-recording to their own teaching contexts Moreover, in the context of Vietnam, just a few researchers have investigated the impacts of this intervention; especially almost no one has at high school level Therefore, this tool is considered as a solution to the requirements about teaching speaking skills of the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training nowadays iv This study also determines what compromised principles should be considered and what ways to stimulate whole-hearted and active participation into the process For other researchers, the study recommends longer exploration or adding instruments to measure learners’ actual performance to compare with their perceptions of video-recording when being employed for their speaking skills v Table of Contents Statement of Authorship i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Table of Contents v List of Figures viii List of Tables .ix Abbreviations x Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Global context 1.2 Vietnamese context 1.3 Rationale for the study 1.4 Purpose statements 1.5 Research question 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Delimitations of the study Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Speaking skills 2.2 Video-recording 2.3 Reflection and reflective learning 2.4 The employment of Facebook group to upload videos 11 2.5 Using video-recording to improve speaking skills 11 2.5.1 How the procedures of using video-recording may maximize reflection and collaboration 12 2.5.2 Benefits of utilizing video-recording 13 2.5.3 Challenges of using video-recording 17 2.5.4 Conditions of utilizing video-recording 18 2.6 Summary of the literature review 19 vi 2.7 Research gap 20 Chapter METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 Conceptual framework 22 3.2 Research design 26 3.3 Research site and participants 26 3.3.1 Research site 26 3.3.2 Participants 27 3.4 Instruments 27 3.4.1 Reflective journal 27 3.4.2 Semi-structured interview 29 3.5 Data collection procedures 30 3.6 Data collection and analysis 34 3.6.1 Data collection 34 3.6.2 Data analysis 36 3.7 Trustworthiness of the study 38 3.7.1 Credibility 38 3.7.2 Transferability 39 3.7.3 Dependability 40 3.7.4 Confirmability 40 3.8 Ethics 40 3.9 Researcher’s role 41 Chapter FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 43 4.1 Findings 43 4.1.1 Students’ experiences of video-recording and feedback through Facebook group 43 4.1.2 Learners’ motivation to take part in the study 45 4.1.3 Benefits of the intervention 46 4.1.4 Learners’ perceptions of the intervention 55 124 APPENDIX K Basic Themes The basic themes were coded from the transcripts of students with all the themes emerging Reflective journals Categories Basic themes Benefits Pronunciation and Vocabulary development; Grammar enhancement Motivation; Confidence in learning at university and in life Technical skill reinforcement, Knowledge expansion Self-reflection and Collaboration; Understanding own English ability and the self; Tool for practice; Personality improvement Communication skills: more confident, not worried about being wrong; daily conversational phrases; convey thoughts and ideas fluently and clearly; face expression, eye contact, opening and closing, Improvisation New experiences, Increasing interests in learning English Problem-solving skills: time management, searching for information, key word searching, useful websites, Challenges No improvement at all Useless feedback Suggestions Self-chosen topics Plans Continue to use More time for preparation Stop using Low Internet connection; Background Time consumption Direct speak in class No smartphone; Inconvenience of smartphones Shyness, Health problems Variety of formats given 125 Semi-structured interviews Categories Basic themes Benefits Pronunciation improvement; Vocabulary development; Grammar boost; Intonation enhancement Incorrect use realization and selfimprovement; Teammate helps recognize the wrongness and correct; Selfawareness of speed and intonation Motivation from good feedback; More Interested in speaking English; Be more patient Conveyance skill improvement; Natural face expression; Conversational phrase employment; No fear of wrongness; Be more confident; Be more fluent; More qualified content; Fear decrease Challenges Unable to employ many new words Suggestions Self-choose the topics Plans Continue to use Time consuming Longer time for preparation Stop using Unreliable feedback Unattractive appearance in the videos; Shyness; Worried about the content, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, being unnatural Busy schedule; Hard to Learn by heart an English paragraph; Sore throat; Tiredness, distressed No smartphone; Noise; smartphones could not save more Longer Video duration Group work Practice in class before videoing Teacher’s feedback 126 APPENDIX L Organizing Themes The organizing themes were deduced from grouping basic themes which were of similarities Reflective journals Categories Organizing themes Benefits Challenges Language development Motivation enhancement Confidence increase No improvement Useless feedback Time consumption Health problems Technical issues Shyness Technical skill reinforcement, Knowledge expansion Self-awareness increase Communication skill improvement Collaboration growth Problem solving skill development Suggestions Self-chosen topics More time for preparation Direct speak in class Variety of formats given Plans Continue to use Stop using 127 Semi-structured interviews Categories Organizing themes Benefits Challenges Language development Selfimprovement Motivation increase Limited ability in language use Time consumption Conveyance skill improvement Shyness Fear decrease Health problems Unattractive appearance Technical preparation Qualified content Unreliable feedback Suggestions Self-choose the topics Longer time for preparation Longer Video duration Group work Practice in class before videoing Teacher’s feedback Plans Continue to use Stop using 128 APPENDIX M Global Themes The global themes were deduced from organizing themes with the reconsideration of the purposes of the study and term definition in the literature review Reflective journals The analysis of students’ reflective journals resulted in four main categories: benefits with three global themes, challenges with two global themes, suggestions for improvement with four global themes and value of being conducive to learning with two ones as below Categories Global themes Benefits Reflection on learning Enhanced collaboration Developed understanding of technical skills and speaking strategies Improved speaking performance Challenges Limited ability in language use Anxiety in making videos Suggestions Self-chosen topics More time for preparation High timeconsumption Direct speak in class Ineffective feedback Variety of formats given Value Reflection on learning Improved speaking performance 129 Semi-structured interviews The findings obtained from learners’ semi-structured interviews showed a general agreement with their reflective journals with a few differences in suggestions as below Categories Benefits Reflection on learning Enhanced collaboration Challenges Limited ability in language use Anxiety in making videos Global themes Improved speaking performance Developed understanding of speaking strategies High timeconsumption Suggestions Self-chosen topics More time for preparation and longer duration of the video Variety of formats given Value Reflection on learning Improved speaking performance 130 APPENDIX N Consent Form for the Principal of the Research School PRINCIPAL CONSENT FORM (to conduct the research in his/her school) Title of the research: Learners’ perceptions of using video-recording to improve English speaking skills Researcher: Thai Thi Ngoc Lang, Post Graduate School, Ho Chi Minh City Open University I am a Master student in Ho Chi Minh City Open University As part of this degree, I am conducting research to explore learners’ perceptions of video-recording in their speaking activities, leading to a master thesis I am guiding learners of a class to video-recording of themselves speaking English, post on Facebook group, give feedback, write reflective journals and I also conducting interviews these learners to insight their perceptions of video-recording in terms of benefits, challenges, suggestions and values Participation is completely voluntary Consent from learners will be obtained Please complete this form if you allow Thai Thi Ngoc Lang to conduct her master research at your school By giving her permission to conduct her research in my school I understand (please tick if you agree):  I have been given information about the project and had opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to my satisfaction  The requirement of students to take part in the research  The participation in the research is voluntary and the participants may withdraw from the research without penalty 131  All research information would be stored in private files (including students’ reflective journals and video-recordings) for research purpose only They will be destroyed completely after the completion of the thesis  School’s and learners’ information will be protected  If I have any enquiries about the research, I can contact Thai Thi Ngoc Lang in person or at langttn.178t@ou.edu.vn I can also contact her supervisor, Dr Nguyen Vu Phuong at phuongnv@uel.edu.vn By signing below,  I consent to the researcher conducting her project in my school  I consent to the researcher inviting students in my school to be part of the study Signed:………………………… Date:…………………………… Name:……………… 132 APPENDIX N Consent Form for the Principal of the Research School in Vietnamese ĐỒNG Ý CỦA HIỆU TRƯỞNG (cho phép thực hi n nghiên cứu t i tr ờng) Tên nghiên cứu: Sự nhận thức ng ời học nói tiếng Anh cho học sinh i với vi c ghi h nh cải thi n kĩ Vui lịng hồn thành mẫu ơn Ông/Bà ồng ý cho Bà Thái Thị Ngọc Lang thực hi n nghiên cứu cho luận văn Th c sĩ t i tr ờng Ông/Bà Khi cho phép Bà Thái Thị Ngọc Lang thực nghiên cứu trường, đồng ý với điều sau:  Bà Thái Thị Ngọc Lang ã cung cấp ầy ủ nh ng thông tin mà mu n biết v nghiên cứu  Yêu cầu cho phép học sinh lớp Bà Thái Thị Ngọc Lang ang d y tham gia nghiên cứu  Học sinh tham gia nghiên cứu cách tự nguy n có th d ng tham gia nghiên cứu lúc mà không bị m i nguy h i  Tất thông tin c l u tr bảo mật (bao gồm viết video học sinh) phục vụ cho mục ích nghiên cứu Các thơng tin c x a i vĩnh viễn sau nghiên cứu hồn thành  Thơng tin v học sinh tham gia nghiên cứu tr ờng c bảo mật  Khi có thắc mắc v nghiên cứu này, tơi có th liên h trực tiếp với Bà Thái Thị Ngọc Lang qua email: langttn.178t@ou.edu.vn Tôi c th liên h với giáo viên h ớng dẫn bà qua email: phuongnv@uel.edu.vn Khi kí vào ơn này:  Tôi ồng ý cho bà Thái Thị Ngọc Lang tiến hành nghiên cứu t i tr ờng Thpt Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai 133  Tôi ồng ý cho bà Thái Thị Ngọc Lang mời học sinh tr ờng tơi tham gia nghiên cứu Ch kí:………………………… Ngày:…………………………… Họ tên:…………………… 134 APPENDIX O Consent Form for Participants PARTICIPANT CONSENT FORM (to take part in video-recording, write reflective journals and be interviewed) Title of the research: Learners’ perceptions of using video-recording to improve English speaking skills Researcher: Thai Thi Ngoc Lang, Post Graduate School, Ho Chi Minh City Open University I am a Master student in Ho Chi Minh City Open University As part of this degree, I am conducting research to explore learners’ perceptions of video-recording in their speaking activities, leading to a master thesis I am inviting you to take part in this research I am guiding you to video-recording of yourselves speaking English, post on Facebook group, give feedback, write reflective journals and I also conducting interviews which will be recorded to insight your perceptions of video-recording in terms of benefits, challenges, suggestions and values Participation is completely voluntary Please complete this form if you would like to take part in Thai Thi Ngoc Lang’s master research By taking part in this research I understand that (please tick if you agree):  I have been given information about the project and had opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to my satisfaction  The participation in the research is voluntary and I may withdraw from the research without penalty  I will be asked to:  Do video-recording of my own speaking activities  Post the videos on Facebook group and give and receive feedback 135      Write reflective journals according to provided form  Participate in an interview which will be recorded Any information I provide will be kept confidential to the researcher and the supervisor My real name will not be used in published results All research information would be stored in private files (including my reflective journals and video-recordings) for research purpose only They will be destroyed completely after the completion of the thesis I will have an opportunity to check the transcripts of the reflective journal and interview to make any correction If I have any enquiries about the research, I can contact Thai Thi Ngoc Lang in person or at langttn.178t@ou.edu.vn I can also contact her supervisor, Dr Nguyen Vu Phuong at phuongnv@uel.edu.vn By signing below, I agree to participate in the research Signed:………………………… Date:…………………………… Name:……………… 136 APPENDIX O Consent Form for Participants in Vietnamese ĐỒNG Ý CỦA NGƯỜI THAM GIA (tham gia ghi hình, viết phản hồi vấn) Tên nghiên cứu: Sự nhận thức ng ời học nói tiếng Anh cho học sinh i với vi c ghi h nh cải thi n kĩ Vui lịng hồn thành mẫu ơn em mu n tham gia vào dự án Khi tham gia vào dự án này, đồng ý với điều sau:  Tôi ã c cung cấp ầy ủ thông tin v dự án c hội c giải áp tất thắc mắc  Vi c tham gia vào dự án tình nguy n tơi có th ng ng tham gia lúc mà không gặp phải nguy h i  Tơi c u cầu:  Ghi hình l i ho t ộng nói tiếng Anh  ăng lên nh m, g p ý nhận góp ý t b n  Viết phản hồi theo mẫu có sẵn  Tham gia vấn có ghi hình  Thơng tin tơi cung cấp c gi bí mật riêng cho ng ời nghiên cứu ng ời h ớng dẫn ng ời nghiên cứu Tên thật không c sử dụng luận văn  Tất thông tin c l u tr riêng cho mục ích nghiên cứu, c xóa hủy vĩnh viễn luận văn hồn thành  Tơi c ki m tra l i nội dung phản hồi vấn sau ng ời nghiên cứu biên so n l i  Khi có thắc mắc v nghiên cứu này, tơi có th liên h trực tiếp với côThái Thị Ngọc Lang qua email: langttn.178t@ou.edu.vn Tôi c th liên h với giáo viên h ớng dẫn cô qua email: phuongnv@uel.edu.vn 137 Khi kí vào ơn này, tơi ồng ý tham gia vào dự án Ch kí:……………………………… Họ tên:…………………………… Ngày:……………………………… 138 APPENDIX P Students’ Video-recording and Feedback

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2023, 01:38



