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An investigation of the influence of dexway course on speaking performance for efl students at quality training solutions

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY ∞0∞ DO LE NHA TRUC AN INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF DEXWAY COURSE ON SPEAKING PERFORMANCE FOR EFL STUDENTS Tai Lieu Chat Luong AT QUALITY TRAINING SOLUTIONS MASTER OF ARTS IN TESOL HO CHI MINH CITY, 2022 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY ∞0∞ DO LE NHA TRUC AN INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF DEXWAY COURSE ON SPEAKING PERFORMANCE FOR EFL STUDENTS AT QUALITY TRAINING SOLUTIONS Major: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Major code: 14 01 11 MASTER OF ARTS IN TESOL Supervisor: NGUYEN NGOC VU, Assoc Prof HO CHI MINH CITY, 2022 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH KHOA ĐÀO TẠO SAU ĐẠI HỌC Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc GIẤY XÁC NHẬN Tôi tên là:……………ĐỖ LÊ NHÃ TRÚC …………………………………… Ngày sinh:……16/11/1993……………… Nơi sinh:…Tiền Giang………… Chuyên ngành: ……MTESOL………… Mã học viên: … 1781401110042 Tơi đồng ý cung cấp tồn văn thông tin luận án/ luận văn tốt nghiệp hợp lệ quyền cho Thư viện trường đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Thư viện trường đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh kết nối tồn văn thơng tin luận án/ luận văn tốt nghiệp vào hệ thống thông tin khoa học Sở Khoa học Cơng nghệ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Ký tên (Ghi rõ họ tên) ……Đỗ Lê Nhã Trúc …… I STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I certify that the thesis entitles “An investigation of the influence of Dexway course on speaking performance for EFL students at Quality Training Solutions” is my original work All resources used in the thesis have been documented The work has not been submitted to Open University or elsewhere Ho Chi Minh, March 12th, 2022 Do Le Nha Truc II RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, Do Le Nha Truc, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL, accept the requirement of the university relating to the retention and use of the Master’s thesis deposited in the university library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the university library should be accessible for the purposes of studies and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the library for care, loan, and reproduction of thesis III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest appreciation to those who helped me complete the thesis Without their help, I could not finish the thesis I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Dr Nguyen Ngoc Vu, who agreed to be my instructor when I had no one else to ask for help I would like to express my gratitude to Dr Nguyen Ngoc Vu for his guidance in helping me figure out a more comprehensive picture of the literature review section and the appropriate steps to conduct a thesis, as well as his calm and pleasant attitude whenever I got stuck, which saved me from any unnecessary pressure and worries I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the control and experimental groups, as well as my beloved board of manager, Do Phuong Van and the learning department staff at Quality Training Solutions, who play an essential role in enabling and supporting me to complete my thesis I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my dedicated mother and little brother, who have passed away but still harbored the dream that I finish my post-graduate education I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my mother, who supports me all the time, forgives me, and encourages me whenever I find difficulty with the thesis I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my counterparts at the Open University MTESOL017 course for their support and contributions, especially Nguyen Tan Loi, who has graduated, for his untiring support and motivation I'd like to thank my friends Ly Duy Nguyen, Hoang Phuong Tieu Anh, Dao Thi Ngoc Ly, and Vo Thi Phuong Anh for their constant motivation and encouragement I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the knowledge and ways of teaching of all of my teachers in my Master degree course, which can help me broaden my mind and have a more thorough and positive view of life I wish all peace and happiness for all in our journey IV TĨM TẮT TIẾNG VIỆT Máy tính mạng internet cơng cụ để thành lập tự giác thông qua hoạt động cho phép sinh viên nghiên cứu độc lập mà không cần hỗ trợ thầy giáo sư Mơ hình học tập kết hợp môi trường học tập lạ mà học sinh tham gia vào lớp học trực tiếp truyền thống buổi học trực tuyến, giải pháp thay cho lớp học trực tiếp truyền thống Thơng qua hình thức học tập này, sinh viên học lớp học trực tuyến bổ sung cho họ học lớp, ngược lại Trên thực tế, tảng hệ thống "Dexway" ngày trở nên phổ biến lĩnh vực giáo dục Cùng với phát triển công nghệ, Tổ chức giáo dục Úc Quality Training Solutions áp dụng phương pháp học đảo ngược cho khóa học kết hợp Dexway, nhằm giúp học sinh luyện nói tiếng Anh Mục đích nghiên cứu để xem xét ảnh hưởng tập Dexway đến nhận thức khả nói học sinh với phương pháp học đảo ngược Trong nghiên cứu, ba mươi học sinh lớp tám tham gia chương trình học với Dexway chọn chia thành hai nhóm: nhóm thực nghiệm nhóm đối chứng Trong lớp học trực tiếp, hai nhóm sử dụng chương trình giảng dạy, sách khóa học, sở vật chất phương pháp giảng dạy Nhóm thực nghiệm thực hoạt động nói họ Dexway, nhóm đối chứng thực chúng lớp Các công cụ sử dụng để kiểm tra tác động tập Dexway khả nói quan điểm học sinh bao gồm bảng câu hỏi, quan sát trình học học viên, kiểm tra trước bắt đầu khóa học kiểm tra sau khóa học Sau đó, kết nghiên cứu học sinh nhóm thử nghiệm nhóm đối chứng có cải thiện kỹ nói với điểm số cao nghiên lớp thực nghiệm Lớp học đảo ngược không cho thấy ảnh hưởng tích cực đến kỹ nói học sinh mà tự tin học sinh suốt khóa học Mặc dù cịn số hạn chế, nghiên cứu đóng góp vào lĩnh vực việc tìm hiểu tác động tảng Dexway việc cải thiện khả nói tiếng Anh cho học sinh Quality Training Solutions Từ khóa: Hoạt động Dexway, Kỹ nói, Nhận thức, Flipped learning, Blended Learning V ABSTRACT Computers and the Internet are key instruments for establishing autonomy through activities that allow students to study independently without the support of professors Blended learning, a novel learning environment in which students participate in both traditional face-to-face classes and online sessions, is an alternative to traditional faceto-face classrooms What students learn online will complement what they learn in class, and vice versa, through this type of learning In reality, in the sphere of education, "Dexway" is becoming increasingly popular Thanks to the technology, Quality Training Solutions applies flipped learning method for each Dexway course, which aims to help students in practicing speaking English The purpose of this study is to see how Dexway exercises affect students' views and speaking abilities with flipped learning method A total of thirty students in grade eight are chosen and split into two groups: an experimental and a control group In face-to-face classes, both groups share the same curriculum, course book, facilities, and teaching approach The experimental group conducted their speaking activities on Dexway, whereas the control group did them in class Instruments used to examine the impact of Dexway exercises on students' speaking performance and perspectives include a questionnaire, an observation, a pretest, and a post-test The research then claimed that students in the experiment group indicated a remarkable increase in speaking performance paralleled with the slight increase of the control group’s speaking grades Flipped classroom showed not only the positive influence on students’ speaking skills but also the students’ confidence during the course Though there were still some limitations based on the individual traits, the research also contributed to the field in investigating the impact of Dexway platform in improving English speaking performance for students at Quality Training Solutions Keywords: Dexway activities, Speaking performance, Perceptions, Flipped Learning, Blended learning VI ABRIVIATIONS A: Agree CALL: Computer-Assisted Language Learning CG: Control Group CMC: Computer Mediated Communication CMS: Classroom Management System D: Disagree EFL: English as a Foreign Language EG: Experimental Group FL: Flipped learning ITC: Information Communication Technology L1: First language LMS: Learning Management System M: Mean N: Number N: Neutral QTS: Quality Training Solutions S: Student SA: Strongly Agree SD: Strongly Disagree 81 Posttest Choose one of these tasks: Record a short audio answering the following questions (max minute) 1/ Talk about your last vacation You should say: • Where did you have your vacation • Who did you go with? Who did you meet? • Where did you stay? • Which special places did you go and which food did you eat during your vacation? • What did you do? What activities did you enjoy doing? • What did you feel? 2/ Talk about a movie you have watched You should say: • Where did you watch it? • With whom did you watch it? • When did you watch it? • Who are the main characters in the movie? • What did you feel after watching it? Adapted from IELTS Speaking Tests 82 APPENDIX B Week Class Unit Lesson Objectives Nice to meet you Starter Unit - Deictic words: this, that, these, those What's your new - Vocab: Family members school like? Open your books and Starter let's start! Unit You never help with - Vocab: location, activities at school - Imperative - Conjunctions the housework Which exercise are Starter you doing? Unit Playing on the - Present simple - Present continuous computer 2 Starter Unit Starter It's like my old school - Relative clauses: Who, when, where, Reading and listening: which - Descriptive adjectives Amy Speaking: Describe a - Too/either and so/neither picture - Review: Present simple, Present Writing: Yummy! continuous, Relative clauses Unit Unit Past and Present 83 I enjoyed my holidays a lot Unit - Interrogative pronouns - Past simple with 'to be' I didn't swim in the sea - Preposition of time Did you know? - Adverbs of frequency - Past simple with regular verbs I went to the beach Unit I didn't take my - Past simple with irregular verbs umbrella Which café is open? Unit - Subject questions Past Practice - Past simple review - Vocab: Places in a Town or a City I loved it! Unit A party to meet new - Pronounce '-ed' - Expressing purpose people Spelling: /ɪn/ and /ɪŋ/ sounds Unit Speaking: What I did yesterday? Writing: My last holiday Unit Can I borrow your laptop? - Pronunciation: /ɪn/, /ɪŋ/ - Speaking: your yesterday - Writing: your last holiday 84 I won't pick up my toys - Future Simple - Particles - Vocab: Computer I'm going to have Unit dinner with my family - Be going to I'm not going to cook - Vocab the main course Times and tenses Unit - Tenses review - Telling time Mary-Lou - Vocab: numbers (10-30) What are doing later? - Conjunctions Spelling: /əʊ/ and /ɒ/ - Pronunciation: /əʊ/ and /ɒ/ Unit sounds Unit Speaking: Predictions - be going to V-bare, present continuous, Writing: Plans future simple The School Trip Unit I haven't been to - Present perfect tense: long & short form - Vocab: take a trip, travel, journey Wales Have you fed your Unit hamster? How is the trip going? - Present perfect vs past simple - Vocab 85 How long have you Unit known him? - since/for in present perfect, ago - WH- words Quiz 10 Let's play videogames - Present perfect and past simple review Unit - Suggestions: let's, why don't you, how Reading: Australia about Speaking: Three of a kind Unit 11 - Tense review Writing: A letter to a friend Unit Review Test Speaking A Test Speaking B Vocab review 12 Table 3.2 Dexway syllabus 86 APPENDIX C Fluency and Lexical Grammatical coherence resource range and (25%) (25%) Pronunciation Total (25%) (100%) accuracy (25%) • normally • can converse • creates basic keeps the flow on both known phrase patterns quality sound of speech but and with sufficient involves unexpected precision; • repetition, self- themes, but employs a correction, has limited limited range and/or vocabulary of more sluggish flexibility sophisticated • efforts to structures, speaking to keep continuing utilize but with varying • may have degrees of certain success connectives and discourse markers overused • vocabulary range: colors, family, things however these school, means basic speech of transport, fluently; weather, jobs, • make few mistakes in pronunciation and don’t affect the meaning • produce clear and correct frequently vowels and contain consonants mistakes and • have a natural may cause accent when some speaking understanding issues at home and • generates • produce good- 100 • expected tenses and grammatical 87 nevertheless, nationality, structures: more food and simple present, complicated drinks, places modal verb, speech in the city, present produces sports, animals continuous, fluency issues and plants, simple past, sickness, body present parts, perfect, past appearances continuous, and future simple, characteristics, relative clause film description Need Need Need Need Requirement improvement: improvement: improvement: improvement: to pass: 75

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2023, 00:25