Supplemental Schedules 923.5‘8 1.125.103 1.0‘6.094 18.229.193- 851.3‘3 ‘56.399 245.42s 951.531 1‘3.432‘ - 1‘.315.1‘3 2O.OlB.92‘ 25.35*.422 13.330,?43 25,405.101 11.912.498 1.101.000 1.952.000 186.000 5.506.000 1.356.000 3.4‘1.000 531.000 100.000 1.410.000 614.000 ,.6,0.000 440,000 190.000 5‘5.000 940,000 ALAd ,9.000,‘9‘ ,9,382,193 15.602.7‘J 21.182.926 19,*52.42* 21,93*.104 *,445.49* 11,974.143 1.310.284 A ,.101,000 1.952.000 186,000 5,5O‘.M)O 1.356.000 3.4‘1.000 531.000 1.101.000 186.000 w1.)5(.ooo 3.,‘,,000 537.000 5.*9*,9** ‘.384,1S3 4.991.201 ~~~5~~91~ 2.304.628 2.514.032 3.2‘3.593 511.137 1.816.275 ?.**9.‘19 6.8‘1.3‘1 1.172.440 5.333.470 6.512.5911 1.049.9“ PlO.‘*S 3.151.198 *.0*‘.4‘B 1.516.219 3.1‘1.115 ?S?. 135 2.115.129 1**.325 594.9‘8 ‘26.615 85S.001 ‘45,641 3u.399 541.355 56S.3‘2 135.410 15.02*.*53 1*.05*.275 15.WS.507 1*.361.*03 1.900.5** 9.13‘.592 12.4‘0.**2 1.*14.*91 1.410.000 ‘14,000 1,610,000 14.218.813 1*.5**.215 15.314.501 13.151.203 d d - d 7,900,5** P.I,‘,SW 1*.4*0,2*2 1,984,098 Page 29 GAO/AFMIMSM Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules Hultiple-use facilities Reservoir land and Landrights Highway. railroad, and other relocations and remowls Reservoir clearing Dam structure. excluding power intske section Roadways Village and reservoir facilities Other structures and improvements rota1 Deduct direct flood control investment, contra below Add nonoverflow sections to replace other sections. contra below Power intake section Lock section Total multiple-use facilities, allocated below; note 2. page 9 Navigation facilities Lock and appurtenances Channel mwrovements Deduct nonoverflow section to replete lock section. contra above Total before allocation of multiple-use facilities Add allocation of total multiple-use facilities show above; note 2, page 9 Total navigation facilities after allocation Flood control facilities Reservoir land and Landrights &dd direct flood control investment, contra above Total before allocation of multiple-use facilities Add allocation of total ewltiple-use facilities show above; note 2. psge 9 Total flood control facilities after allocation Power facilities Powerhouse. including intake section Turbines and generators Accessory electric equipment Other power plent equipment Total Deduct nonoverflow section to replace power intake section, contre above Total before allocation of multiple-use facilities Add allocation of tote1 rmltiple-use facilities shorn above; note 2. page 9 Total power facilities after allocation Total Accumulated depreciation Page 30 GAO/APMD-WM Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules S0”t.h Chennel .11oceiion *CE”m*.ted sotrely Fo"ta". Holston u* 0-a"gl.s Boone impro".me"ts d.W depracistion -~ s s 413.40, 1.625.351 s s 4.598.632 2.424.**9 s ‘.7*‘.‘8o s 2.116.530 s s 11.111.515 8 1.344.854 9.017.01* 3.745.94s ‘.3“).31‘ 8.107.311 2.724.632 94.106.123 232.107 1,033.43‘ 892.8‘4 385.808 574.900 575.423 24.333.113 3.205.913 45.779.313 17.411.137 11.396.184 19.523.6‘7 7.171.491 233.439.2'10 101.413.390 197.851 ‘06.244 211.319 341.593 82.4‘9 24.1‘4 6.703.73‘ 3.‘~0.0*‘ lJ.lS5 120,917 91.0‘9 230.010 334.1‘1 122.037 9.52*.**4 4.241.157 112.908 3.134.155 1.001.203 926,542 1,109.*44 3110.58‘ 10.018.033 10.*40.*3* 5.520.225- ‘1.516.494 is.'Bl.ll9 24.248.085 -13.111.863 36.5111.438 - 459.344.70 125,991.809 ‘21.000 7.623.000 4.950.000 3.045.000 7.057.000 110,000 55.439.000 13.980.04‘ 1.1‘0.000 13.804.000 ‘.9“.2311 A -ALLA 3.650.000 1,1‘9,042 4 897 225 53.893.494 L- 20.*31.*29 21.203.085 29 4‘1 438 I 14.7‘4.8‘3 - s 421.159.144 *120.741.043 t *1‘,‘37,18* s 43.413.534 - 47.076.PPO 47.076.990 9.130.985 -_A AdA A 3.650.000 1.7‘9.042 - A 47,0,‘.P90 **0.0*4.112 50.175.411 ll3.1‘1.131 32.601.702 373.831.303 *3,37,.1,9 1.310.294 623, ‘23.000 7.623.000 4 4,950.000 950 000 3.045.000 3.045.000 7.057.000 7.057.000 110.000 110,000 d A 55,4,e,ooo 5*.7*7.**4 13,9$0.04‘ 13.980.04‘ 130.**1.521 37.431.5*3 11)1,37*.1)05 51,411,‘29 ‘05.92‘ 5.6e.4.649 2.191.345 4.933.907 4.76P.550 4.142.9‘S - 11*.543.91* 51.019,345 1.*13.429 6.997.739 1.945.1111 *.*00.4** 6.3P3.017 1.151.132 149.**1.*47 99.NO6.52S 209.452 1.*t.0.17* 573.947 951.259 2.223.210 1.116.913 34.653.10‘ 17.942.870 145.250 ‘35.312 2‘4,Pll 425,121 5‘3.133 595,986 4 11.515.643 7.*41),202 2.244,057 14.59S.47‘ 5.571.444 8.910.1‘0 13.94~.‘S~ 11.601.059 311.5*1.034 1**.*1*,945 TYic5i ~TTiriii~~ 1,1‘0.000 / ,3.1)04.000 6.9‘6.231 - I 14.59*.47* , , -I 8.910.7‘0 13 949 *a* 10,447.059 297.171.034 1~5.650.101 176.971.092 50,713.751 474,748,12‘ *2*.3*4.4*5 $,,7‘,,212 *,*,114,9,0 ‘31.3‘5.273 $33.158.845 *50.4**.1** *25,321.922 *41,0,*,990 a1.035.951,234 ____ *, 059 590 *31.‘52,95‘ $10.23‘,47‘ *10.222,355 116.?41.645 s 9.350.917 -_) p a 9.130.995 $3‘1.153.213 Page 31 GAO/v Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules Schedule A-Multipurpose Dams Project Allocations Hultipl us. faciliti *sssrv~tr land ma lmdri6htm; not. Highway. r.ilro.0, md 0th.r rslocstion. and rmmv.1. Rsssrvair cl rin6 mm st~~t~cs. excluding porsc intsk* ssctlon rto.0r.y. vill.6. ana c rvoir fseilltiw Other stNCtYc.s ana improv*mts T-A.1 mauct direct powsc invsstmsnt. contcs bclor mom alcsct fl00a control inv.rtunt. contr. Add nonovrrflor ction. to 0th.c section contr. b.low POISC int.*. section Lock ction Aad sluicsray to rsplsc. porvr 1nt.k. 6na rat-r cmauct0r. contr6 balm Tot.1 arltlpl us. f.ci1iti.s. slloc.t.0 bala; not. 2. p.s. 6 hvigstion fmiliti*s LOCK ana appurt.nsne.s Ch.nn.1 imp;ovmnt. kauct nonovwflor sactlon to lock s.ction. contr. sbov. Tot.1 bsfora allocation of mltiple-uss fmilities Add sIloc.tion of tot.1 Mltipls-us. f.ei1iti.s show sbwe: not. 2. p.s. 9 Tot.1 fscilitiss .ftsr sllocstion rho control fsciliti Rssscvoir ha ana Iandri6hts stNCt”c ana impr0vmnt. D- stt7mUc.s ma r.t*w.p R rvoir f.ci1iti.s Chmncl impcov.llunts Tot.1 606 diract flood control invsstmmt. contcs .bovs Tot.1 b.for. .lloc.tion of Nltipls-uss f.ci1iti.s Add sIloc.tion of tot.1 aultipl us. f.ei1iti.s shorn .bovs; not. 2. p.s. 9 Tot.1 fi00a control f.ci1iti.s .ftsr .lloc&ion Locsl *conomic aw910p-nt f.cilitI*. u.t.c supply 600 .Iloc.tion of tot., lultipls-us. f.cil1ti.s shm .bov.; not. 2. p.6. 9 L c.imbuc m.nt by loc.1 .~.nct Tot.1 loc.1 .eonomic a~vslop~nt f.ciliti*. sftsr .lloc.tion ana reimbursmnts R*er*stion fmllities ma ana lanarights Other tion pl.nt 600 allocution of tot.1 aultipl us. f.ciliti*s shown abov.; not. 2. p.s. 9 Tot.1 rscr tion f.ci1iti.s sftsr .lloc.tion Pcw.C f.ctlttI*. ma .na l.nari6ht. Pcwrhouss. tnclu6ing intsks ction fucbinm. l no 6.n.r.toc. Acc ory .1.ctric.1 .quipwnt 0th.r pwsc plsnt bquipunt Tot.1 *ad aird PO-C invmmnt. contra above Deduct nonov*rflw sation to twp1.c. par intsk. etton. COntC. .bov. n.auct S~U~C.WS~ to c+.c. P-C 1nt.k. l no wt.= conductor. ear. SHIVS Tot.1 b.for. sllocstion of mltipl us. f.cilitt*. Add .lloc.tion of tot.1 mltipls-us. fmcilitiss shorn abow; note 2. p.s. 9 Total poum- f.cilitI*. .ftsr .lloc.tim Tot.1 Accunri.t.0 lot.: no1ton nilI Micksjsck t 1.865.762 $ 3.271.631 2.667.366 9,106.970 906,166 736.361 3.304.666 9.996.609 419.616 199.660 215.055 413.666 1.229.436 1.226.611 10.606.051 25.256.728 2.130.72s 1.120.000 700,000 480.000 950.000 A ~10.067.126 S26,901.726 - 8 9.456.833 $21.423.792 400.000 950,000 * * 3 20.673 79t 6.543.762 22.687:302 15.522.595 43.361.096 - 402.614 602.606 6.275,274 11.976.693 6,727.752 13.017.372 851.797 1.581.615 561.461 793,693 Tr32Tzn- 27.371.373 2.136,725 1.120.000 700,000 A 15.461.009 26.671.373 3,523.564 3.618,742 18.966.573 30.290,115 $36,467,168 $74.053,693 #9,767.712 $16.966.412 licksjsek inc1ua.s l.nO and I.nOri6ht. in the -nt of S1.298.961 acquired for r.tic.0 na1.s Bsr proJ.ct which i. .lloc.t.O on systa bssi Page 32 GAO/AFlWMWO Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules Tsllico Time b-0 B r Cr * $ 23.143.116 t 6.131.142 $12.993.004 51.346.905 12.363,625 7.680.685 5.357.147 3.057,250 4.237,323 30.042.962 14.244.947 36.269.639 9;705;490 352,345 1,731;010 10.731.170 84.142 595,924 1,954,965 1.192.063 1.042.164 132.203.177 39.425.534 66.750.749 - 5.107.000 Dxk River 844ch River 8 5.561.053 t2.oss.25b 11.146.941 222.93, 512.541 953,369 16.541.607 2.943,llS 60.600 655,974 266,253 170.016 66.595 36.590.132 6.624.119 - 4.273.000 A A $132,283.777 $43.698.534 $61.043.749 $36.590.132 $6.624.719 -~ ~ - 1 - t - 1 - t t L 23.tll.OtO A 23.t11.060 A A 386.655 10.021 114.479 1.639 A 2.386.476 2 - 5.707.000 - - 5.707.000 z ' ' 26,456.755 6.991,766 20.754.674 2.927.211 1.656.180 26,456.755 6.991.766 26.461.874 2.927.211 -i-FETE , , 124,660 6.614.169 9.613,677 8.546.125 23.051.763 - 3.000.000 - 5.700.000 6.614.109 6.613.677 8.670.765 17.351.763 12.175 937,663 2.Be.O.BlO 282.761 1.13a.133 1.157.500 47.622,160 24,471.179 31.,42.,50 10.611.136 50.502.970 24.766.115 33.tlt.746 11.76t.b38 971.562 - 7.233.822 - 3.501.120 974.733 141;,20 - 13.423.557 - 4.273.000 A - 9.150.557 27,779.593 2.621.912 2,,,79.593 11.772.469 $13S.164,517 $50.144.027 t61.951.405 $32.047.632 t 5,191,109 t 6,06t,925 t 5.331.1)69 t 3.041.253 19,445 4.966.539 199.025 4.7vJ.959 ch."rml improv4msntr t f t 2.145.066 * . -Timis I $9,344,611 $1.349.024 t2.145.066 - t 565,314 Tots1 project slloc*tions aam t 57.057.946 94.739.623 15.756.159 117.346.365 12.,69.523 12.964.204 6.663,6,0 317.539.690 2.138.725 5.707.000 1.820.000 1.430.000 4.273.000 $311.216.965 t 30.882.625 2.145.066 1.430.000 31.597.691 53.242.144 84.839.835 386,655 10.021 114.419 1.839 2.386.478 2.899,4,2 5.707.000 8.606.472 59.189.410 67.795.942 144.105 52.794.313 8.099.025 44.039.393 950.036 5.459.204 114 47.227 120.856.469 971.562 25.487.789 23.246.844 3.408.145 2,102.874 55.217.214 2.138.725 1.820.000 4.273.000 51.262.939 37.543.811 88.806,750 t406,338,389 *cCYMl*ted depreciation t 15.347.742 1.868.936 1.780.789 1.769.266 20.766.735 233,922 246,382 397.461 297,642 193.788 t21.775.342 t 1.682.891 565.314 297,642 7.950.569 4.820.016 12.770.585 5,553 25.698 409 529.910 561.570 246,362 807.952 3.615.186 4.423.138 19.818 4.032.333 4.052.151 1.004.805 7.098.286 8.103.091 6.020,257 9.644,757 1.206.229 827,236 17.698.479 233,922 397.481 793,788 16.741.132 2,209,521 18,950.653 $48.299.618 Page 33 GAO/AFMDdMO Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules Schedule A-Single-Purpose Power Dams and Steam Production Plants SEPTEMBER 30.19117 Sin61*-purpose power a- A t. luservoir lend l no lsnarl~hts. inChainfJ CCbXStimS Kss*rvoir cl*.rinG 6tructur.s -0 iqcovmsnts o- .na r*tschmy. I'mbin ma Gm.rstors *CC Ocy .1*ctr1c wquipmmt 0th.r pa4r plsnt quipmsnt ma dk0.a .na Brian vi114g* mid r rvoir f.c111t1 f0t.l .in*l purpos. par a- kc-m.0 1 46,556,106 1 11.848,350 1 5.534.665 t 5.078.761 t 4.544.574 St.” pr0auctim p1mt. A t. Lmla sna lulari~ht. stt73ttUc.s .na iqrev-t. 8oil.r p1ult cqulpunt Tucbo~8Mr.tor. *ee 0ry l ,.ctcie squlpmnt othar par p1snt squipmsnt Tot.1 steam proauction plant. 8SCCOOIl met Pstcict Apsl.chis ".nCy Orbat 1.11. 0.x "a. 3 1 2.457.772 1 175.306 t 1.194.718 t 702.114 t 237,226 1.463.481 12.151 126.855 216,056 28,702 70.074.101 1.316.010 1.899.609 371,416 695,678 121.151.156 11.151.527 4.565.200 2.386.338 5.615.903 63.484.102 2.700.097 3.052.138 149.700 1.026,760 18.700.510 649.102 644,186 436.154 368,566 5.385.421 296,716 275,ml 140.213 190,804 2.096,216 371,808 20,462 22.431 377,029 2.642.144 35,169 5.677.009 $287.456.109 t 23.332.717 t 11.814,631 t 10,901.431 t 8.540.668 Pscsaiss uiaa Creek shun** Ki~ston 1 1.829.568 1 2.599.996 1 996,934 1 504.507 t 2.330.813 93,490.219 85.180.640 41.743.233 51.917.771 40.665.121 457.762.161 633.292.663 296.2b4.121 188.186,511 177,865.141 12.525.426 129.628.441 77.185.104 81.941,186 66.817.482 49.287.390 37.382.325 33.698.528 20.257,616 15.838,257 11.957,542 14.205.243 10.235.305 7.635.586 6,380,673 $6t6,852,306 1902.2t9.308 $466,723,225 $350,503,183 1309,917,487 $188.603.865 $204.108.905 $209.870,819 $203.527.950 1179.902,681 Page 34 GAO/AFMlMMO Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules Ocoes 80. 2 8.1~~ niase OCO 80. 1 Uilbur 1 20,252 t 1.572,134 1 230,409 t 33.117 125.636 29.686 2.610 333,499 l.b13,243 243.331 401.991 26.262.213 12,564.467 1,991.181 1.008.485 452,352 542,534 330,295 740.191 165.663 512,763 230.176 184,257 199.418 1.300,023 137.110 64.437 13,387 851,894 6.550 1.913 40,602 10.897 6.616 8.612.637 t 27.446.844 t 19.123,516 1 9,210.241 1 2,,64.223 t 400.290.446 t 2.480.121 1 3.483.801 t 3.152.501 t 1.503.626 1 86.183.111 Tot.1 1 7.223.648 2,065.111 16.948.956 198.691.0?0 13.019,369 21.891.397 8.010.502 3.1bl.690 Johnsonvill. Co,b.rt G.ll.tin Bull Fan John Y.tts Bsc TWmm H. Il1.n T0C.l 1 108.467 1 279,029 1 690,082 t 2.220.883 t 1.491.512 1 11.997 1 142.024 1 13.205.812 42.437.683 35,375.519 31.309.512 30.021.266 23,044,609 4.841.638 37.104.203 523.197.480 185.665.428 110.b86.487 158.327.989 148.099.732 80.709.230 10.526.863 84.001.413 2.591.bl3.739 51.571,049 72.b15.392 49.218.211 30.358.469 33.528.500 6.289.636 51.548.643 729.887.605 23.527.393 24.285.469 12.320.111 15.865.465 9.074.991 1.805.202 1.266.013 250.608.906 5,568.533 5.216.453 6.242.507 4.657.819 4.225.342 820,495 4.422.617 81.628.315 015.07E.553 $308.518.429 $258,168.544 $231.223.634 $152.014.244 $24.301.831 $184.491.173 $151.437.061 :129,908.969 t101.696.196 t 64.300.294 t 80.852.548 $24.227.395 $136.318.695 $1.694.755.918 Page 35 GAO/AFMD@HO Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules Schedule A-Nuclear Production and Other Electric Plant Huelear production plants Assets Land and Landrights Structures and improvements Reactor plant equipment Turbogenerators Accessory electric equipment Other power plant equipment Total nuclear production plants 1 940.631 $ 3,184.030 269.424.185 453,170.388 468.760.310 793,911.206 258,521.092 290.820.140 131,966.597 235.173.215 39.908,869 70.665.596 g1,175,528,484 $1,646,924.575 1 4.124,661 722.594.573 1,262.671,516 549,348,032 373.139.812 110.574,465 $3.022.453.059 Accumulated depreciation t 341.506.918 $ 328,570,784 t 670,011,702 Assets Acc”mlPted depreciation on4 depletion Other electric plant Other production plant Cell&in gas turbines Thomas H. Allen gas turbines Colbert gss turbines Johnsonville gss turbines System control and training center Total other production plant $ 30.433.190 52.865.558 43.614.394 86.809.108 213.742.850 53.561.550 267.304.400 t 107.137.168 13.244.959 120.982,127 Transmission plant, including substations serving wholesale and industrial customers Land and Landrights Sttwctures and improvements Station equipment Towers and fixtures Poles and fixtures Overhead conductors and devices Total transmission plant 87.631,445 178.611,318 779.013.134 332.759.109 90.171.320 408,589,096 1.876.176.022 628.323,242 Cenersl plant Comunication equipment Coal land and landrights and mining equipment Office and transportation equipment Other, including Land and lsndrights of 51.521,824 89.438.477 213.908,024 220.906,624 116,948,821 641.201.946 33.373,528 3.630,813 53.580,272 Total general plant 53.750.203 144.334.816 Plant Leased to others, inCL”ding land and lendrights of $12.869.732 214.552.426 108.126.959 Plant held for future use Coel land and lsndrights Other. including Land and landrights Of $24.439.656 159,219 Total plant held for future use Other physical property, including lend and landrights of $1.220,168 29.339,740 29,498,959 6.471.306 4.235,157 3.015.590 Total other electric plant $3.033.569.510 $1.011,254.040 Browns Ferry Sequoyah Total Page 36 GAO/AFMDNMO Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedules Schedule A-Other Plant Assets Accumulated depreciation and depletion Single-purpose flood control plant, including land of $726,828 $ 2.065.257 $ 298,179 Recreation and environmental education plant Land Between The Lakes plant, including land of $33.888,959 Other recreation plant. including land of $795,987 Total recreation and environmental education plant Chemical plant Land Phosphate land and mineral rights Other land and landrights Total land Buildings and equipment Manufacturing plant and equipment Uitrogen facilities General service facilities Utility systems Other general facilities Total buildings and equipment Total chemical plant General plant Land and landrights Land improvements Coal gasification Structures General utility systems Data processing equipment Engineering equipment Photographic and reproduction equipment Medical equipment Office furniture and equipment Transportation equipment Alterations to leased plant Environmental quality equipment Hiscellaneous equipment 591.715 2.292.351 114.623.986 22,642.606 2.359,851 448.510 988.142 1,819,062 1.650.996 2.055.424 11.924.940 1.259.726 2,309.803 6,762,786 Total general plant 171,729,898 263845.577 Total other plant $372.231.114 $88.986.754 80.602.520 12,298,571 8.942.511 1.598.700 89.545.031 13.897.271 469,569 2,120 471,689 17.010 69,709,596 28.067.159 22.948.569 15,761,074 38,709,643 19.861.558 108,419,239 47,928,717- 108,890,928 47,945,727 Page 37 GAO/AFMD-@M Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version Supplemental Schedulea Schedule S-Construction in Progress, Nuclear Fuel, and Other Deferred Charges Power program All programs COIISTRUCTIOY IY PROGRESS Construction in progrers Generating facilities Watts Bar Uuclaar Plant Bellefonte Uuclear Plant Unit One and conunon costs 84.658.944.784 $4,658.944,704 Total generating facilities Additions and modifications to nuclear facilities Transmission lines, substations, and other additions to power facilities Other navigation facilities Multipurpose facilities Columbia Dam and Reservoir Other 3.213.840.260 3.213.840.260 7.872,785,044 7.872,785,044 529,532,677 529,532,677 334,749,193 334,749,193 3.192.356 81.101.280 Total rnrltipurpose facilities Chemical plant Recreation and environmental education facilities Land Between The Lakes Other recreation facilities Total recreation and environmental education facilities General plant 4,010,436 4,010.436 10,585.249 91.68b.529 7,072.OOb 373,287 234,202 607,489 General construction equipment and materials Other additions togeneral plant Total general plant 35,916,138 35,91b,138 2.181.381 39.562,514 41,743.895 Total construction in progress $8.776.993.488 $8,881.369.189 DEFERRED UUCLEAB GEUERATIHG UYIT Bellefonte Uuclear Plant Unit Two $ 793.072.000 $ 793,072,OOO UUCLEAR FWEL Muclear fuel in process Uuclear fuel in stock IIuclcar fuel in reactor Spent nuclear fuel in cooling 8 26,760.738 S 26.7b0.738 19.040,684 19.04O.b84 539.351.54s 539.351.545 289;415;560 289;415;560 874,568,527 874.568.527 Less accuaulatod amortization Uuclear fuel. net 670.151.023 670.151,023 $ 204.417,504 t 204,417,504 OTHER DEFERRED CHARGES Raeoverable operating costs and other deferred charges nine and mill development costs Coal mine development and leases Uranium mine and mill development and preoperations Total mine and mill development costs Total other deferred charges 8 63,503,418 $ 63.503.418 75.713.825 75.713.825 70.665,675 70.665.675 146,379,500 14b,379,500 $ 209,882.918 t 209.882.918 Page 38 GAO/m Tennessee Valley Authority This is trial version . 234,202 607,489 General construction equipment and materials Other additions to general plant Total general plant 35,916,138 35,91b,138 2.181.381 39.562,514 41,743.895 Total construction. S~U~C.WS~ to c+.c. P-C 1nt.k. l no wt.= conductor. ear. SHIVS Tot.1 b.for. sllocstion of mltipl us. f.cilitt*. Add .lloc.tion of tot.1 mltipls-us. fmcilitiss shorn abow; note 2. p.s. 9 Total poum-. rights Other land and landrights Total land Buildings and equipment Manufacturing plant and equipment Uitrogen facilities General service facilities Utility systems Other general facilities