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Photovoltaic Conversion: Outlook at the Crossroads Between Technological Challenges and Eco-Strategic Issues 331 11. Conclusion Despite the fact that photovoltaic conversion is still under developed, it is certainly a technology that will progress in a sustained manner since the prospects of this technology are favourable and appealing. Generating few or no greenhouse gases during the operating stage, producing no sound pollution, able to be integrated both aesthetically and functionally into the urban landscape, it should generate more interest and surpass, in an intelligent manner, the technical and technological limitations. It is crucial to back research and development on persistent considerations to potential health effects and environmental impacts. This is also a means for driving progress in a sector that has already reached the boiling point. Humankind, which absolutely must deal with the depletion of fossil resources and the increasingly obvious consequences of greenhouse gas emissions, has neither the means nor the time to waffle. The conciliation of the photovoltaic industry with the principles of sustainable development, its integration in the clean energy mix, based on social acceptability and international solidarity are obvious requirements. PV conversion should be able to develop an advantageous place both in the global energy landscape and in the urban landscape while being the preferred candidate for energy equity despite the unequal distribution of solar layer around the globe. 12. References Aladjidi, G. & Rolland, B. (2010). Photovoltaique : Idées Reçues et Enjeux Industriels, In Mines Revues des Ingénieurs, Dossier les Énergies Renouvelables, No. 446, pp. 29-31 (May-June 2010), 02.03.2011, Available from http://www.mines-energie.org/Dossiers/ENR2010_16.pdf Antony, F. ; Durschner, C. & Remmers, K H. (2010). 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