MASS TRANSFER IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROCESSES Edited by Jozef Markoš Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes Edited by Jozef Markoš Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Alenka Urbancic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer Jan Hyrat Image Copyright paolo toscani, 2011. Used under license from First published September, 2011 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes, Edited by Jozef Markoš p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-619-5 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at Contents Preface IX Chapter 1 Research on Molecular Diffusion Coefficient of Gas-Oil System Under High Temperature and High Pressure 3 Ping Guo, Zhouhua Wang, Yanmei Xu and Jianfen Du Chapter 2 Diffusion in Polymer Solids and Solutions 17 Mohammad Karimi Chapter 3 HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 41 Marisa Fernandes Mendes Chapter 4 Mathematical Modelling of Air Drying by Adiabatic Adsorption 69 Carlos Eduardo L. Nóbrega and Nisio Carvalho L. Brum Chapter 5 Numerical Simulation of Pneumatic and Cyclonic Dryers Using Computational Fluid Dynamics 85 Tarek J. Jamaleddine and Madhumita B. Ray Chapter 6 Extraction of Oleoresin from Pungent Red Paprika Under Different Conditions 111 Vesna Rafajlovska, Renata Slaveska-Raicki, Jana Klopcevska and Marija Srbinoska Chapter 7 Removal of H 2 S and CO 2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 133 J.I. Huertas, N. Giraldo, and S. Izquierdo Chapter 8 Mass Transfer Enhancement by Means of Electroporation 151 Gianpiero Pataro, Giovanna Ferrari and Francesco Donsì VI Contents Chapter 9 Roles of Facilitated Transport Through HFSLM in Engineering Applications 177 A.W. Lothongkum, U. Pancharoen and T. Prapasawat Chapter 10 Particularities of Membrane Gas Separation Under Unsteady State Conditions 205 Igor N. Beckman, Maxim G. Shalygin and Vladimir V. Tepliakov Chapter 11 Effect of Mass Transfer on Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell 233 Mostafa Rahimnejad, Ghasem Najafpour and Ali Asghar Ghoreyshi Chapter 12 Mass Transfer Related to Heterogeneous Combustion of Solid Carbon in the Forward Stagnation Region - Part 1 - Combustion Rate and Flame Structure 251 Atsushi Makino Chapter 13 Mass Transfer Related to Heterogeneous Combustion of Solid Carbon in the Forward Stagnation Region - Part 2 - Combustion Rate in Special Environments 283 Atsushi Makino Preface Mass transfer in the multiphase multicomponent systems represents one of the most important problems to be solved in chemical technology, both in theoretical as well as practical point of view. In libraries all over the world, many books and articles can be found related to the mass transfer. Practically, all textbooks devoted to the separation processes or reaction engineering contain chapters describing the basic principles of the mass (and heat) transfer. It would be impossible (and also meaningless) to make the list of them; however, the most fundamental works of Bird, Steward and Lightfoot [1] and Taylor, Krishna and Wesseling, [2, 3, 4] have to be mentioned. Unfortunately, the application of sophisticated theory still requires use of advanced mathematical apparatus and many parameters, usually estimated experimentally, or via empirical or semi-empirical correlations. Solving practical tasks related to the design of new equipment or optimizing old one is often very problematic. Prof. Levenspiel in his paper [5] wrote: “ In science it is always necessary to abstract from the complexity of the real world this statement applies directly to chemical engineering, because each advancing step in its concepts frequently starts with an idealization which involves the creation of a new and simplified model of the world around us. Often a number of models vie for acceptance. Should we favor rigor or simplicity, exactness or usefulness, the $10 or $100 model?” Presented book offers several “engineering” solutions or approaches in solving mass transfer problems for different practical applications: measurements of the diffusion coefficients, estimation of the mass transfer coefficients, mass transfer limitation in the separation processes like drying extractions, absorption, membrane processes, mass transfer in the microbial fuel cell design, and problems of the mass transfer coupled with the heterogeneous combustion. I believe this book will provide its readers with interesting ideas and inspirations or with direct solutions of their particular problems. To conclude, let me quote professor Levenspiel again: “May I end up by suggesting the following modeling strategy: always start X Preface by trying the simplest model and then only add complexity to the extent needed. This is the $10 approach.” Jozef Markoš Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic References [1] Bird, R., B., Stewart, W., S., and Lightfoot, E., N., Transport Phenomena, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2007 [2] Taylor, R. and Krishna, R., Multicomponent Mass Transfer, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1993 [3] Wesselingh, J., A., and Krishna, R., Mass Transfer in Multicomponent Mixtures, Delft University Press, Delft, 2000 [4] Krishna, R. and Wesselingh, J.A., The Maxwell – Stefan approach to mass transfer, Chemical Engineering Science, 52, (1997), 861 – 911 [5] Levenspiel, O., Modeling in chemical engineering, Chemical Engineering Science, 57, (2002), 4691 – 4696 [...]... 0.24 81 0 .11 55 0 .12 08 0 .10 84 0 .12 25 0 .10 35 0 .12 74 0 .19 81 0.3724 0 .16 66 0 .17 15 0 .15 94 0.24 31 0 .14 99 0 .18 56 0. 411 1 0.9540 0. 314 5 0.4520 0.4545 0.4554 0.2850 0.38 51 0.30 91 0.7560 0.2260 0.3594 0.3594 0.5 611 0.2056 0.2 813 1. 2669 5.6477 0. 717 7 2.6848 1. 6267 2.4097 0.82 01 0.7089 1. 9029 5.64 01 0.7 219 2. 214 0 2.9228 3.3796 1. 0394 0.8206 4.3693 7 .14 65 1. 52 41 3.5759 5.7 419 3.8080 2 .19 43 1. 9 411 3.4355 5.2 515 1. 1743... component N2 C1 CO2 diffusion coefficient in gas phase (final value) N2-oil CH4-oil CO2-oil 1. 932E -11 8.281E -11 2.403E -10 1. 944E -11 6.081E -11 2.690E -10 —— 6.743E -11 2.723E -10 13 diffusion coefficient in oil phase (final value) N2-oil CH4-oil CO2-oil 5.555E -12 3.978E -12 1. 082E -11 3.559E -12 2.287E -12 1. 263E -11 —— 3.985E -12 1. 869E -11 Table 7 Diffusion coefficient of identical component in different systems... 4. 616 5 1. 5 017 32.23 31 17.0647 71. 78 255 8 21. 9 825 N2 —— 10 .8768 0.0 711 0.0045 0.0279 0 .10 84 0 .15 94 0.4545 0.3594 1. 6267 2.9228 5.7 419 4.9054 4.5 018 68.2393 11 .53 823.8 lower oil phase CH4 0.72 31 1.90 91 30.62 01 0.30 81 0.0240 0 .12 25 0.24 31 0.4554 0.5 611 2.4097 3.3796 3.8080 2.7 312 2.6389 50.06 61 61 822.9 CO2 66.3558 0.0549 1. 9226 0.0000 0.0245 0 .10 35 0 .14 99 0.2850 0.2056 0.82 01 1.0394 2 .19 43 1. 6908 1. 9596... in Chemical Engineering Processes 5.556E -12 D(m2/s) 5.552E -12 5.548E -12 5.544E -12 the D of N2 in oil phase 5.540E -12 0 10 20 30 time(hour) 40 50 (a) 2.30E -12 D(m2/s) 2.28E -12 2.26E -12 the D of CH4 in oil phase 2.24E -12 0 20 40 60 time(hour) 80 10 0 (b) 1. 870E -11 D(m2/s) 1. 865E -11 1. 860E -11 1. 855E -11 the D of CO2 in oil phase 1. 850E -11 0 5 10 (c) Fig 5 Diffusion coefficient in liquid phase 15 time(hour)... N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C 11+ GOR(m3/m3) o (kg/m3) N2 —— 16 .7464 0.0256 0.0052 0.0394 0 .15 32 0 .19 81 0. 411 1 0.30 91 1.2669 1. 9029 4.3693 3.4355 3.9898 67 .14 75 13 .62 822.6 upper oil phase CH4 CO2 1. 111 5 66.6284 0.8037 0 .13 54 34.33 91 2.8402 0.7732 0.02 31 0 .10 65 0.0397 0.24 81 0 .12 08 0.3724 0 .17 15 0.9540 0.4520 0.7560 0.3594 5.6477 2.6848 5.64 01 2. 214 0 7 .14 65 3.5759 5.2 515 2 .18 83 4. 616 5... 98.23 — 1. 67 — — — — — — — CO2 0.0796 98 .18 1 1. 6939 — — — — — — — Dry gas 3 .19 51 2.5062 92.7098 1. 3957 0 .11 82 0. 014 1 0.0278 0. 012 9 0.0032 0. 016 9 name Table 1 Components of gas samples name iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C 11+ volume fraction,% 0.057 0.094 0.405 0.337 5.073 4.578 5 .12 5 3.625 3.683 77.020 molar mass, kg/kmol 58 .12 4 58 .12 4 72 .15 1 72 .15 1 86 .17 8 10 0.250 11 4.232 12 8.259 14 2.286 15 6. 313 critical... 3.5759 5.7 419 3.8080 2 .19 43 1. 9 411 3.4355 5.2 515 1. 1743 2 .18 83 4.9054 2.7 312 1. 6908 1. 5 711 3.9898 4. 616 5 1. 3 611 1. 5 017 4.5 018 2.6389 1. 9596 1. 8674 67 .14 75 32.23 31 16 .10 98 17 .0647 68.2393 43.06 61 23 .19 40 23.6572 13 .62 71. 78 363.2 255 11 .53 61 232.8 208.2 822.6 8 21. 9 827.7 825 823.8 822.9 830.2 8 31. 4 Table 6 Oil content contrast of oil phase Influence of system on diffusion coefficient The calculated... N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C 11+ GOR(m3/m3) o (kg/m3) lower oil CO2 CO2 N2 N2 CH4 CO2 CH4 CO2 (80 ) (80 ) 1. 111 5 74.6707 66.6284 0.72 31 66.3558 66.5355 16 .7464 0.8037 0.0606 0 .13 54 10 .8768 1. 90 91 0.0549 0.0564 0.0256 34.33 91 2. 812 0 2.8402 0.0 711 37.62 01 1.9226 1. 8397 0.0052 0.7732 0.0000 0.02 31 0.0045 0.30 81 0.0000 0.0000 0.0394 0 .10 65 0.0252 0.0397 0.0279 0.0240 0.0245 0.0229 0 .15 32... component 11 judging phase equilibrium YES 12 calculating Ci,ni,the distribution of each component in oil and gas phase 13 calculating the P in the PVT cell Fig 2 Flow chart of calculation procedure END 6 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes 3.2 Model solution Effective diffusion coefficient of each component directly affects the time to reach the balance for the whole system during the calculation... height of plunger and liquid level once completing sample transfer Fourthly, start the diffusion test and make a record of time, pressure and liquid level If variation of pressure is less than 1 psi during an interval of 30 minutes, it means gas-oil have reached the diffusive equilibrium and the 8 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes diffusion test is finished And then, test the composition and . 3.4355 5.2 515 2 .18 83 4.9054 2.7 312 1. 6908 C 10 3.9898 4. 616 5 1. 5 017 4.5 018 2.6389 1. 9596 C 11 + 67 .14 75 32.23 31 17.0647 68.2393 50.06 61 23 .19 40 GOR(m3/m3) 13 .62 71. 78 255 11 .53 61 232.8 o (k g /m3) . Wesselingh, J.A., The Maxwell – Stefan approach to mass transfer, Chemical Engineering Science, 52, (19 97), 8 61 – 911 [5] Levenspiel, O., Modeling in chemical engineering, Chemical Engineering. CO 2 —— 1. 111 5 66.6284 —— 0.72 31 66.3558 N 2 16 .7464 0.8037 0 .13 54 10 .8768 1. 90 91 0.0549 C 1 0.0256 34.33 91 2.8402 0.0 711 30.62 01 1.9226 C 2 0.0052 0.7732 0.02 31 0.0045 0.30 81 0.0000 C 3