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Feng shui application to improve business performance the case of hoang long viet company

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HCMC UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION roW03 GRADUATION PAPER FENG SHUI APPLICATION TO IMPROVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE - THE CASE OF HOANG LONG VIET COMPANY STUDENT'S NAME TRUONG THANH LUAN CLASS KMl102 STUDENT CODE IlDH490212 ADVISOR CHAU THE HUU, MBA JUNE 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who have contributed their efforts and time in helping me to complete this graduation paper throughout the duration of time First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest and sincerest appreciation to my parents, who have brought me up by their all of efforts and given me a lot of opportunity in my educational path A special thanks to Mr Chau The Huu, my lecturer who supervised me patiently by providing valuable guidance, advice, support as well as motivation from the very beginning until the completion of this paper Without his insightful suggestions and his dedicatio~ in guiding me, this graduation paper would not have come to completion in such a timely and professional manner I would like to send my thanks to Board of directors and all the members of Hoang Long Viet company, who support me during my internship period and involved in this graduation paper for their willingness to spend their time and effort in participating in the interviews Last but not least, heartfelt appreciation is expressed towards Mr Trung Quang Ich and Mr Tran Dai Phuoc, my Feng Shui instructors who gave me many expert advises to complete this research paper This paper would not be completed well without the practical experiences as well as materials which are suggested by him Finally, I would like to thank my all friends who supported me many aspects during research time All these suppOli inspired me to perform this research with best passion Thank you ADVISOR'S ASSESSMENTS As the advisor, I would like to approve the submission of Mr Truong Thanh Luan's graduation thesis Based on a sound and logical structure, his thesis focuses mainly on the combination between Feng Shui application and business operation, which is an interesting and practical issue for businesses nowadays This topic also requires him to get involved in the real business environment for his observation and research During his time of composing, he has been trying hard and shown himself as a fast leamer, which I really appreciated Advisor CHAU THE HUU (MBA) CONG HOA xA HOI cHiJ NGHiA VIET NAM Dl}c l~p - TV - H:;l.Dhphtic -_//_- NHAN • xET eVA DON VI• THue • TAp • Don vi: Cong ty TNHH ThU'ong IDl;liva Dich Vl}Hoang Long Vi~t Xac nh~n sinh vien: Truong Thanh Luan Ngay sinh: 30/05/1992 L6'p: KMII 02 Chuyen nganh: Marketing H~: D:;tiHQc Khoa : Quan tri Kinh doanh Qu6c tS t:;tiTruOng D:;tihQc Ngo:;tingu - Tin hQc TP.HCM Da dSn don vi thgc t~p: Tir 12 thang 01 nam 2015 dSn 06 thang 05 nam 2015 Sau qua trinh thgc t~p t:;tidan vi cua sinh vien, chUng tOi co mQt s6 nh~n xet, danh gia nhu sau: Trong thai gian thgc t~p t:;ticong ty, sinh vien Truang Thanh Luan da co y thuc chfrp hanh nQi quy va n€ nSp cua cong ty Ben c:;tnhdo cling cho thfry sg n6 19c hQc hOi, tim hi€u cac khia c:;tnhho:;ttcua cong ty cling nhu nghien cUu cac vfrn d€ lien quan dS khoa lu~n t6t nghi~p cua minh Nhfrng nQi dung co lien quan dSn cong ty duQ'c trinh bay khoa lu~n t6t nghi~p cua sinh vien Truang Thanh Luan v€ d€ tai "Ung dl}ng Phong Thuy d~ cai thi~n hi~u qua kinh doanh - truirng hQ'P cua cong ty Hoang Long Vi~t" la chinh xac v6'i tinh hinh cua cong ty Thai dQ IS phep va kheo leo giao tiSp v6'i mQi nguai nen duQ'c cac nhan vien cong ty quy mSn Co tinh th~n trach nhi~m va y chi du tiSn cao Can bl} hU'Ong d~n Twang phOngMarketing - ~ Truong Thi NgQc Hl;lnh ABSTRACT Feng Shui is a subject on environmental science applied in many different fields with a long appearance in society Understanding and applying of Feng Shui will properly bring many practical benefits, especially in the business sector This paper aims to summarize and verify the effectiveness of some typical aspects of Feng Shui mentioned in many previous academic literatures, based on a specific circumstance of Hoang Long Viet Commercial and Service company Limited It also considers the transformation of this company before and after the application of Feng Shui to learn about the influence of Feng Shui in the office, from which solutions are offered to improve or enhance the effectiveness for small and medium enterprises in the future T ABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Acknowledgements Advisor's assessment Company's assessment Abstract i Tab Ie of Contents ii List of Figures iii List of Tables iv Introduction CHAPTER I 1: OVERVIEW ABOUT FENG SHUI APPLICATION IN WO RKPLA CE 1.1 Overview a bou t Feng Sh ui I I I Feng Shui I I Chi I I Yin and yang I 1.4 Five basic eleillents 1.2 Feng Sh ui a pplica tion in workplace I I Atmosphere I 2.2 Electrical appliances I 2.3 Decorative plants 10 I 2.4 Furniture 10 1.3 Importance of Feng Shui application in workplace CHAPTER 2: FENG SHUI APPLICATION COMMERCIAL 2.1 Introduction 13 IN HOANG LONG VIET 15 AND SERVICE COMPANY about Hoang Long Viet Commercial and Service company 15 I I General information 15 I History of development 15 2.1.3 Function, tasks, organizational structure 16 1.4 Business results from 201 I to 2014 20 II 2.2 Situation of Feng Shui application in Hoang Long Viet Commercial and Service com pany 22 2.2.1 Before application 22 2.2.2 After application 27 2.2.3 The effects of the application 30 2.2.4 Evaluation of the application 33 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVING PERFORMANCE AT HOANG LO NG VIET COMPANy 3.1 Opportunities 35 and challenges of Hoang Long Viet company 35 3.1.1 Opportunities 35 3.1.2 Challenges 36 3.2 Develop men tori enta tio n 39 3.3 Solutions to improving business performance co m pa n y at Hoang Long Viet 39 3.3 Feng Shui solutions 39 3.3.2 Other solutions 42 3.4 Reco m men da tio ns 43 Con clusi n 45 Ref eren ces 46 Appendices III LIST OF FIGURES Page Title Figure I: The opposite of Yin and Yang _ Figure 2: Five basic elements theory cycle _ Figure 3: Some good positions in the workplace, _ 13 Figure 4: Some bad positions in the workplace Figure 5: Organizational structure _ _ Figure 6: The office of HLV before applying Feng Shui Figure 7: The office ofHLV after applying Feng Shui IV _ _ 13 17 23 28 I I LIST OF TABLES Title Page Table 1: Labor force structure of the company for period of 20 11 - 2014 17 Table 2: Results of the implementation of business targets for the year from 2011 to 2014 20 Figure 3: Revenue and profit of Hoang Long Viet Company in the period 2011- 2014 _ 27 Figure 4: Financial tigures about the operation of Hoang Long Viet company 32 v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FTA : Free Trade Area HLV : Hoang Long Viet Commercial and Service company IPO : Initial Public Offering TPP : Trans-Pacific Partnership VND : Vietnam dong WTO : World Trade Organization CONCLUSION From the case of Hoang Long Viet company, it can be seen that a shortage of natural energy can lead to bad performance If the company know how to carry and utilize the positive flow of Chi from outsite coming into the office, it will improve the quality of work as well as human relationship Feng Shui is like the product of human creativity, based on natural rules and be summarized by the knowledge of the ancients It is based on the laws relating to the natural elements that create life on earth People can live for several days of fasting but indispensable oxygen and water for several hours Therefore, a good Feng Shui office is a place where is full of natural energy such as sunlight, oxygen, wind, water, plants, etc Also, the balance in the design and restrict various types of harmful energy (electrical equipment types, objects messy, uncomfortable smelly, ) is also extremely important to Feng Shui theories Ifsuch things are done, the success will come to business In contrast, an office is always separated from the natural world outside, it is a bad office in terms of Feng Shui, and the company will be very difficult to develop business in the long run, even the more operating the more happening problems 45 REFERRENCES Browning, K (20 II) Feng Shui for Abundant Living Retrieved from http://text.123doc.org/document/1574353-feng-shui-for-abundant-living-pps.htm Diep, N (20 II, July 2) disadvantages of air conditioner in the workplace Afarmily Retrieved from http://afamily vn/suc-khoe/4-tac-hai -cua-dieu-hoa-nhiet -do-no i- cong-so-20 II 070 II 04216842 EVNNPC (n.d.) 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Truac day toi khong tin vao phong thUy, vi V?y l\fa chQn van phOng toi cung khong quan tam d€n v61.184 89.576.085 TllUe va cae kboan kink ph,\i tilu Nll'\ l1lro-c i-'(\lao"dIch'~~;~i~''bfi~~' tni(ph i~ii c"i1i";ih """'V"'_V"_' _ ,.~ 798.448.023 1.262.644.782 177.809.710 153.431.496 441.009.272 129.641.625 117.318.701 - ,., -. -_._-., , '-1 169.318.701 phu tl,i' s,iii' ~~ii1n h~i;"kjlac-.'-._ !.ti -2';.:.-\1""s'AN- 306.657.03 i)AI'-Il iN (200 = 210+220-'-250+240) i>~'ii'~~;~1 ~A dinh '1':Ng'0~;lgi.{-"-'" Gia 1'1 hao mo~ 1;:I{k~('$'j II H~t dqng ~an aau ttr 1.991.121.256 2.358.072.709! 210, 2.214.710.786 : 211 2.741.517.340 1.991.121.256; 2.577.123.487 2.3~~.0.?~:7.0:92-._ 2.948.925.663 3.510.002.364 • 213 ~ 220 l~N!!I;yc';g'j{-"'" ", j 2.214.710.786! 212 OJ: C"ijTp'hT;~y-{l\ro'g-ca'l~at~"(i~da~l>g : 221 :2':'"6ia trf i~'~;'~;~'6;1 1~.9k~(>I

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2023, 22:11


