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Analyzing human resource management of viethoa holding corporation and suggestions

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r MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GRADUATION PAPER ANALYZING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF VIETHOA HOLDING CORPORATION AND SUGGESTIONS Student's name: VU THI THANH THAO Class KQ 1103 Advisor TRAN TUY NGA, MBA JUNE 2015 rACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my parents and my younger sister for their spiritual encouragement and support to finish this graduation paper I would like to show my special gratitude to Mr Nguyen Ngoc HuanDean of International Business Administration Department and Mr Nguyen Quoc Hung - Associate Dean of this department for giving me the opportunity to this graduation paper I would like to gratefully acknowledge and give my special thanks to my advisor Mrs Tran Tuy Nga because of her useful advice, wonderful support and, sincere guidance I am heavily indebted to her instruction and great encouragement to complete this graduation paper In addition, I would like to show thank to all lectures at HUFLIT who have taught and provided me much necessary and valuable knowledge, skills and reality experience during the past four years In particular, Mr Nguyen Quoc Hung who gave me a lot of helpful knowledge and skills during writingup subject Finally, I am grateful to all staffs and supervisors HOLDING CORPORATION of VIETHOA who give me necessary documents as well as support much essential opinions and information to complete this research ADVISOR'S COMMENTS Title MANAGEMENT ANALYZING HUMAN RESOURCE OF VIETHOA HOLDING CORPORATION AND SUGGESTIONS Student : Vii Thj Thanh Thao Student Code: I1DH490584 Class: KQ 11-03 Advisor: Trftn Tuy Nga ,MBA PRACTICALITY: Human resource plays important role in any enterprises and VIETHOA Company is not exception The writer would like to analyze human resource management of VIE THO A HOLDING CORPORATION in order to help board of management run company effectively and build goodwill CONTENT The graduation paper has live chapters Chapter One: Introduction Chapter Two: Literature Review Chapter Three: Method and Material Chapter Four Discussion Chapter Five Conclusion and Suggestions Conclusion PRESENTATION The paper contains tables,13 figures, photos, appendices with relevant notes and References to tell us how hard and enthusiastic the writer is The paper is wellpresented GENERAL ASSESSMENT In term of applying Department of International Relations knowledge learnt at the university, the writer with ambition and diligence is capable of studying individually and scientifically In the process of completing this graduation, she always shows us her self-confidence The paper is really a success at the BA level The presentation is well-illustrated, and the content is arranged logically with rather feasible suggestions I appredate highly this graduation paper SUGGESTED GRADE: Excellent Ho Chi Minh City, June 9th, 2015 TRAN TUY NGA MBA ABSTRACT To grow and to thrive in today's competitive environment both local and foreign competitors, enterprise must deal with several major challenges to survive and the key to solve the challenges are aspects of human resource management (HRM) - a precious asset of business Employees are a vital element of organizational success In other words, company cannot develop and exist without the efforts from its members An effective human resource department is able to help enterprises to gain competitive advantages and create value chain Most of studies from past to present only focus on motivating employees in company but it does not strongly concentrate on analyzing HRM and giving an effective HRM model for intrinsic company As a result, most of readers cannot know the way to create an effective human resource (HR) model Contributing to share HR field, I spend five months on finding and analyzing infonnation to create a graduation paper with analyzing of HRM in VIETHOA HOLDING CORPORATION and suggestions This research is not only summarized from much available information such as news, books, journals, magazines and newspapers, ProQuest Central database and scholar Google but also gathered practical information through primary research in VIETHOA HOLDING CORPORATION and perfonned logically in order to understand clearly and easily This thesis brings useful value and helps receivers to know HRM situation in company Through this study, the readers can get much practical information to learn and apply for this enterprise In addition, this research provides some suggestions to develop HR in VIETHOA HOLDING CORPORATION, improve performance, build goodwill, retain excellent staffs and attract potential workforces Although I try to study and compile systemically, this research cannot avoid many limitations and faults Hopefully, the readers will contribute comments to help the writer to get practical knowledge TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Acknowledgements Advisor's comments Abstract i Table of contents ii List of abbreviation v List of tables vi List of figures vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 The background of the research 1.2 The aim of the research 1.3 The scope of the research 1.4 The benefits of the research 1.5 The structure of the research CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The definition of HRM 2.2 The functions of HRM 2.2.1 Job analysis and human resource planning (HRP) 2.2.2 Recruitment and selection 2.2.3 Training and development (T&D) 2.2.4 Performance appraisal 2.2.5 Compensation and benefits 2.2.6 Employee and labor relations 2.3 The roles of HRM 2.3.1 Establishing and administering personnel policies 2.3.2 Ensuring compliance with labor laws 2.3.3 Supporting the organization's strategy 2.4 The HRM 2.4 HRP 2.4.2 Job analysis 11 2.4.3 Recruitment and Selection 2.4.4 T&D 2.4.5 Performance appraisal 10 2.4 Compensation 11 CHAPTER METHOD AND MATERIAL 3.1 Method 13 13 3.1.1 Reasearch process 13 3.1.2 Reasearch model 14 3.1.3 Reasearch theory 14 3.1.4 Building scale and questionnaire 15 3.2 Material 15 3.2.1 Secondary research 15 3.2.2 Primary research 16 Survey (questionnaire) 16 Observation 16 Interview 16 Analysis 17 3.3 Overview of VIET HOA Holding Corporation 3.3.1 Introduction about VIET HOA GROUP 17 17 Executive sumlnary 17 Development process 18 Organization chart of VIET HOA GROUP 19 Business acitvitities 19 3.3.2 The establishment of VIET HOA HOLDING CORPORA TI ON 20 3.3.3 The organization chart 21 3.3.4 The HR situation in VIET HOA Holding Corporation 21 HR situation in company 21 3.3.4 Planning for HR 22 Job analysis 22 Recruitment 23 III Human resource T & D 24 3.3 4.6 Performance appraisal 25 Compensation and benefits 25 CHAPTER 4.1 DISCUSSION 27 The analyze of secondary research figures 27 4.1.1 Income statement of company from 2011-2014 27 4.1.2 The analyze of SWOT about company 28 4.2 The analyze of primary research figures 4.2.1 30 The Frequency analyze 30 RecruitInent 30 Integration training 30 Using labor 31 Upgraded training 32 4.2.2 Reality 32 4.2.3 Cronbach's Alpha 34 4.2.4 The weighted mean 4.2.5 The One- Way Anova test 4.3 388 General comment CHAPTER Suggestions CONCLUSION 39 40 AND SUGGESTIONS : 41 41 5.1 Carrying out HRP and improving recruitment sources 5.2 Job analysis to layout tasks, improve performance appraisal and 41 adjust salary policy 42 5.3 Enhancing the training quality 46 5.4 The other suggestions 47 5.4.1 Creating a convenient working environment 5.4.2 Building the relationship between managers and employees 48 5.4.3 Creating corporte culture 48 CO NCL U SI N 49 LIST OF REFEREN CES 50 APPENDICES iv LIST OF ABBREVIATION BARS Behaviorally anchored rating scale BOS Behavior observation scale HR Human resource HRM Human resource management HRP Human resource planning MBO Management by objectives OBM Organizational behavior modification PA Performance appraisal T&D Training and development TQM Total quality management v LIST OF TABLES Table 1: The functions ofHR department Table 2: Types of data collected through job analysis Table 3: HR situation in departments of 21 Table 4: Recruitment process 24 Table 5: Income statement of company from 2012 to 2014 27 Table 6: Some results of income statement in company from 2012 to 2014 27 VI LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: The HRP process Figure 2: Job analysis: A basic HRM tool Figure 3: The selection process Figure 4: Training and Development process Figure 5: The stages of performance management process 10 Figure 6: Components of a total compensation program 12 Figure 7: Organization chart of VIET HOA GROUP 19 Figure 8: The organization chart 21 Figure 9: Recruitment sources 30 Figure 10: The reasons of applying into VIETHOA Company 30 Figure 11: The time of employees working in VIETHOA Company 31 Figure 12: The reasons of working in VIETHOA Company 31 Figure 13: The satisfaction of training course 32 Vll APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Recruitment sources Statistics Ngu6n thong tin giup Anh (Chi) v~ vi~c tuy~n d\lng cua cong ty N 121 Valid o Missing NguAn thOng tin giup Anh (Chi) v~ vi~c tuy~n dl}ng cua dIng ty Frequency Valid Percent Valid Cumulative Percent Percent Nguoi than, b\ln be 47 38.8 38.8 38.8 Trung fiim gi6i thi~u vi~c lam 18 14.9 14.9 53.7 Internet 41 33.9 33.9 87.6 Bao chi 3.3 3.3 90.9 II 9.1 9.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 Ngu6n khac 121 Total Ngu6n khac Bao chi Internet Trung tam gi6i thi~u vi~c lam 38.8% Nguai than, b\ln be • Recruitment sources - 25- APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Recruitment sources Statistics Ngu6n thong tin giup Anh (Chi) v~ vi~c tuy~n d\lng clla cong ty N 121 Valid o Missing Ngu6n thOng tin gitip Anh (Chi) v~ vifC tuy€n d•••ng clla cong ty Frequency Valid Percent Valid Cumulative Percent Percent NguiJi than, b(ln be 47 38.8 38.8 38.8 Trung tam gi6i thi~u vi~c lam 18 14.9 14.9 53.7 Internet 41 33.9 33.9 87.6 Bao chi 3.3 3.3 90.9 II 9.1 9.1 100.0 121 100.0 100.0 Ngu6n khac Total Ngu6n khac Bao chi Internet Trung tam gi6i thi~u vi~c lam 38.8% NguiJi than, b(ln be • Recruitment sources - 25 - The reasons of working in VIET HOA Company Statistics Ly Anh (Chi) lam vi~c t\li cong ty N 121 Valid o Missing Ly Anh (Chi) lam vi~c ttli clIng ty Percent Frequency Va- Valid Cumulative Percent Percent £lugc lam vi~c cho cong ty lau nam va co uy tin 25 20.7 20.7 20.7 Luang cao va phuc Iqi tM 55 45.5 45.5 66.1 11 9.1 9.1 75.2 20 16.5 16.5 91.7 10 8.3 8.3 100.0 121 100.0 100.0 lid Moi truimg lam vi~c nang dQng va co nhi~u co hQi thang ti~n Vi tri cong ty g:1n noi cr, thu:j.n ti~n v~ phuong ti~n di ltli Ly khac Total Vi trf cong ty glln nO'i (y thu~m ti$n v' phU'O'ngti$n di 19i 16.50% Moi trU'cYnglam vi$c nang dQng va c' nhi~u CO'hQi thang ti~n LU'O'ngcao va phuc lQ'it6 8U'Q'c lam vi$c cho cong ty lau nam v' co uy lin - 26- 50% The time working in VIETHOA Company Statistics Thai gian Anh (Chi) se lam vi~c ~i cong ty 121 Valid N o Missing Thai gian Anh (Chi) se lam vi~c t\li ding ty Frequency Valid Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Du6i nam 14 11.6 11.6 11.6 Til I d€n nam 59 48.8 48.8 60.3 Tir d€n nam 32 26.4 26.4 86.8 Tir d€n nam 7.4 7.4 94.2 Chua xac djnh 5.8 5.8 100.0 121 100.0 100.0 Total Chua xac djnh Tir d€n nam Tir d€n nam 48.80% Tir d€n nam Du6i I nam • The time of employees working in Viethoa Company - 27- The reasons of working long-term in Company Statistics Ly Anh (Chi ) quy~t dinh giln b6 lau dai v6i CQcl~p - Tv - Hl}llh phUc Thcmhph6H6 ChiMinh, ngizy.::J.thiing.4, nam?Q:15 GrAYxAc ~ , 'T' (\ CON G TY •.•.:1aN.G: THVc T~ ,(\ CQh1.G: Y YL(L l:i.QfL tv ? 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Ngày đăng: 01/09/2023, 22:06

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