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1237 lexiacl and syntactical stylistic devices in the novel ‘of mice and men’ by john steinbeck and its vietnamese version translated by hoang ngoc khoi lu

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MINISTRYOFEDUCATIONANDTRAINING QUYNHONUNIVERSITY HUỲNHTRỌNG KIM ANINVESTIGATION INTOLEXICALSTYLISTICDEVICESUSEDIN “OF MICE AND MEN” BY JOHN STEINBECKANDITSVIETNAMESETRANSLATE DVERSION BYHỒNG NGỌCKHƠI Field:The English LanguageCode:8 22 0201 Supervisor:Assoc.Prof.Dr.NguyễnTấtThắng BỘGIÁODỤCVÀĐÀOTẠO TRƢỜNGĐẠIHỌCQUYNHƠN HUỲNHTRỌNG KIM NGHIÊN CỨU BIỆN PHÁP TU TỪ TỪ VỰNGĐƢỢCSỬDỤNGTRONGTÁCPHẨM “OF MICE AND MEN” CỦA JOHN STEINBECK VÀBẢNDỊCHTIẾNGVIỆTCỦAHỒNGNGỌCKHƠI Chun ngành: Ngơn ngữ AnhMãsố:8 22 02 01 Ngƣờihƣớngdẫn:PGS.TS.NguyễnTấtThắng STATEMENTOFAUTHORSHIP Exceptwherereferenceismadeinthetextofthethesis,thisthesiscontainsnomaterialpub lishedelsewhereorextractedinwholeorinpartfromathesisbywhichIhavequalifiedfororb eenawardedanotherdegreeordiploma Nootherperson‘sworkhasbeenusedwithouttheacknowledgementinthethesis BinhDinh,2021 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The completion of this study is the result of not only my efforts but alsootherassistanceofindividualstowhomIwouldliketoexpressmyspecialgratitude First and foremost, I am deeply grateful to my supervisor, Assoc Prof.Dr Nguyễn Tất Thắng, who has supported me with his endless patience,thoughtful guidance and comprehensive advice during the whole period of thestudy.Withouthis instructions,thisthesiswouldhavebeenimpossibletobecompleted Secondly, I am also thankful to all the lecturers of the courses for theirvaluable lectures and experiences, which provide essential knowledge for thisthesis Thirdly, my gratitude is devoted to my colleagues and close friends fortheir kind support and warm encouragement, without which I could not haveovercomeall thetroubleduring the fulfilmentofthisstudy Last but not least, my special thanks go to my familyforaccompanying andgiving methestrengthto completethisstudy beloved ABSTRACT This research paper aims at conducting a contrastive analysis of lexicalstylisticdevicesusedinthenovel―OfMiceandMen‖byJohnSteinbeckandits Vietnamese translated version by Hoàng Ngọc Khôi The data of the studywere taken from this English work and its Vietnamese version Qualitative,quantitative approaches were used to describe and analyze lexical SDs used inthenovelinEnglishanditsVietnamesetranslation.Somenoticeablefindingswere found in the two languages First, there are seven lexical stylistic devicesfound in the English novel, orderly, metaphor, simile, allusion, hyperbole,irony, euphemism and metonymy They all contribute considerably to thecreativeworthandsuccessofJohnSteinbeck‘snovel―OfMiceandMen‖.Incompar ison between the English work and its Vietnamese translation, thedistribution of their sub-types is quite the same in the two versions Thisindicates that the translation is well-translated based on the English version.Them i n o r d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t h e E n g l i s h v e r s i o n a n d t h e t r a n s l a t i o n a r e also presented in Chapter In Vietnamese, simile comes first, followed byhyperbole,irony,metaphor,allusion,euphemism,andmetonymy.Thesedissimilar ities not change theoriginalmeaning ofthenoveli n E n g l i s h ; they just make the translation sound natural in Vietnamese and help readers tounderstand thenoveleasily By so doing, we hope to give a better understanding and appreciation ofnovels‘artistryaswellascontributetobetterteachingandlearningEnglishasaforeignlanguage.Andduetoitslimitationinlexical SDs,researcherscanbroaden the scope of their research by selecting other types of SDs, such asphonetic and syntactical SDs, and analyzing them all in one work to maketheiranalysismore in-depth TABLEOFCONTENTS STATEMENTOFAUTHORSHIP i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .ii ABSTRACT iii TABLEOFCONTENTS iv ABBREVIATIONANDCONVENTIONS .vii LISTOFTABLES viii LISTOFFIGURES ix CHAPTER1:INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 AimsandObjectives 1.2.1 Aims 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 ResearchQuestions 1.4 ScopeoftheStudy 1.5 SignificanceoftheStudy 1.6 OrganizationoftheStudy CHAPTER 2:LITERATUREREVIEWANDTHEORETICALBACKGROUND 2.1 TheoreticalBackground 2.1.1 GeneralNotesonStylistics 2.1.2 StylisticDevicesandFunctionsofStylisticDevices 2.1.3 ClassificationofStylisticDevices 2.1.4 Translation .23 2.1.5 TheAuthorJohnSteinbeckandthenovel―OfMiceandMen‖ .27 2.2 ReviewofPreviousStudies 29 2.3 Summary .33 CHAPTER3:RESEARCHMETHODS 34 3.1 ResearchDesign 34 3.2 ResearchMethods 34 3.2 DataCollection .35 3.3 DataAnalysis 35 3.4 ResearchProcedure 35 3.5 ReliabilityandValidity 36 3.6 Summary .36 CHAPTER4:FINDINGSANDDISCUSSION .37 4.1 LexicalStylisticsDevicesinEnglish .37 4.1.1 Metaphor .38 4.1.2 Metonymy .44 4.1.3 Irony 46 4.1.4 Simile 48 4.1.5 Euphemism 56 4.1.6 Hyperbole 58 4.1.7 Allusion 64 4.1.8 Summary .69 4.2 SimilaritiesandDifferencesofLexicalSDsintheEnglishandtheVie tnameseversions 69 4.2.1 SimilaritiesandDifferencesofMetaphorintheEnglishandtheVietna meseversions 71 4.2.2 Similaritiesa n d D i f f e r e n c e s o f M e t o n y m y i n t h e E n g l i s h a n d theVietnameseversions 73 4.2.3 SimilaritiesandDifferencesofIronyintheEnglishandtheVietnamesev ersions 75 4.2.4 SimilaritiesandDifferencesofSimileintheEnglishandtheVietnamese versions 76 4.1.5 Similaritiesand D i f f e r e nc es ofE uphem i sm int he Engli sh and theVietnameseversions 78 4.1.6 Similarities and Differences of Hyperbole in the English and theVietnameseversions 79 4.2.7 SimilaritiesandDifferencesof Allusion inthe English andtheVietnameseversions 81 4.2.8 Lossandgain 82 4.3 Summary .88 CHAPTER5:CONCLUSIONSANDIMPLICATIONS 89 5.1 Conclusions 89 5.2 Implications 91 5.3 LimitationsandSuggestionsforFurtherStudy 91 REFERENCES 93 APPENDIX .1 TOPIC-ASSIGNINGCERTIFICATE(Copy) ABBREVIATIONANDCONVENTIONS a Abbreviation  Stylisticdevice:SD b Convention  (1)–(141):Datanumberedfrom1to141  [E-1]–[E-118]:DatasamplescodedfromE-1toE118Forexample: (2)Lenniedabbledhisbigpawinthewaterandwiggledhisfingers.[E-5] ThisisthesecondexampleextractedfromtheEnglishdatawhichcodedE-5  BoldwordsareusedtoindicatethemarkersoflexicalSDs.Forexa mple: (24)Hishugecompaniondroppedhisblanketsandflunghimselfdownanddrankfr omthesurfaceofthegreenpool;drankwithlonggulps,snortingintothewaterlikeahorse [E-6] Theword―like‖isamarkerofsimile LISTOFTABLES Table Title number 4.1 DistributionofLexicalSDsinthenovel―OfMiceand Men‖byJohnSteinbeck Pagen umber 37

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2023, 09:42

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