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Research about career commitment of hung vuong corporation

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- RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) RESEARCH ABOUT CAREER COMMITMENT IN HUNG VUONG CORPORATION STUDENT’S FULL NAME : LE GIANG HOANG VU STUDENT ID : CGS00019908 CLASS : MBAOUM0915-K19C INTAKE : Sep 2015 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : DBA NGUYEN THE KHAI Mar 2017 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT DBA NGUYEN THE KHAI Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page i - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai PROTESTATION I assure you my thesis “research about career commitment in Hung Vuong corporation” on the true, if something goes wrong I would be responsible fully All of datas and results of the thesis are true without published in another thesis All sources of data used in this thesis are cited and originated This thesis has never been submitted to receive any degree at other universities or training institutions Ho Chi Minh city, 01st Mar 2017 Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page ii - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai RESPECTATION After studying and researching, I have completed the topic of "feeling the value and bonding staff of auditing companies in Ho Chi Minh City" During the implementation, I have received the guidance and enthusiastic support from teachers, friends, relatives I sincerely thank you deeply to: - The teachers of the Open University of Ho Chi Minh City have conveyed to me the basic knowledge for this thesis - Thank you to my scientific instructor - Dr Nguyen The Khai has guided me to complete the thesis - Thank you to my friends and colleagues in the auditing companies who helped me in the data collection process for this dissertation - I thank my family, friends and friends for giving me sincere advice and supporting me in the process of doing my research Ho Chi Minh city, 1st Mar 2017 Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page iii - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai ABSTRACT The thesis "Research about career commitment in Hung Vuong Corporation" analyzes the factors influencing the perceived value factor, and the impact of this factor on employee engagement From results we will have recommendations were made to improve the level of career commitment at Hung Vuong Corporation The research was conducted in two phases: preliminary research and formal research Preliminary research is done through qualitative method Group discussion techniques used in this study to help identify issues related to the research topic are important bases for the research model The official study was conducted by quantitative method: interviews with staff working at Hung Vuong Company - a convenient sampling site with a valid sample size of 257, Cross-sectional analysis of descriptive statistics and multivariate linear regression analysis The research has contributed to the introduction, incorporation of measurement, analysis and verification of factors affecting the value of the employee's commitment to careers, and the coherence of employees under the conditions of Hung Vuong Value sensing scale is components with 40 variables of observation Research has also tested the statistically significant and influential effects of the five factors: (1) Developmental Experiences, (2) Procedural Justice In Performance Appraisal, (3) Perceived Person-Organization Fit, (4) Value Attainment and evaluation of work performance to feel the value of Career Commitment staff The study also found differences in cohesion between groups: company type, employee rank, seniority, age, employee income Research has also made a measurement of the impact of value perception on employee engagement Based on the results of the survey, research has made specific recommendations for increasing the perceived value of employees and promoting employee engagement Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page iv - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai CATEGORY Contents ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT i PROTESTATION ii RESPECTATION iii ABSTRACT iv LIST OF CHART AND PICTURE AND TABLE vii CHAPTER I: OVERVIEW .1 1.1) REASON OF RESEARCH .1 1.2) PURPOSE TO MAKING RESEARCH 1.3) TARGET OF RESEARCH .3 1.4) METHOD OF RESEARCH .3 1.5) BENEFITS OF RESEARCH 1.6) STRUCTURE OF THESIS CHAPTER II: RATIONALE .5 2.1) CAREER COMMITMENT 2.1.1) Concept 2.1.2) Another research outside of Vietnam 2.1.3) Research in Vietnam CHAPTER III: MODEL AND PROCESS OF METHODOLOGY .9 3.1) Recommend model 3.1.1) Developmental Experiences (Wayne, Shore, and Liden 1997) 3.1.2) Procedural Justice in Performance Appraisal 11 3.1.3) Perceived Person – Organization Fit .12 3.1.4) Value Attainment 13 3.1.5) Career Commitment 15 Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page v - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai 3.2) Research process .17 3.3) Build research method 19 3.4) Analasys method 19 3.4.1) Reliability analysis ( Cronbach 's Alpha coefficient) 19 3.4.2) Descriptive statistics analysis 21 3.4.3) Analysis of linear regression equations 21 CHAPTER IV: INFORMATION PROCESSING .23 4.1 FIRM ANALYSIS 23 4.1.1) Introduction 23 4.1.2) Organization Structure 24 4.2.1) Result research .26 4.2.2) Hypothesis testing 33 PART V: CONCLUSION .35 5.1) Target of research 35 5.2) Elaluation 36 5.3) Limited problem 36 REFENRENCES .37 APPENDIX .39 Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page vi - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai LIST OF CHART AND PICTURE AND TABLE Pic 1: Level of staff commitment follow geography Pic 2: Recommend model Pic 3: table Expected hypothesis of Independent Variables Pic 4: Diagram process research Pic 5: Member companies structure Pic 6: Market chart of Hung Vuong group Pic 7: Excutive board of management Pic 8: Cronbach’s Alpha of Developmental Experiences Pic 9: Item- Total Statistics of Devolopmental Experiences Pic 10: Cronbach’s Alpha of Procedural Justice In Performance Appraisal Pic 11: Item-Total Statistics of Procedural Justice In Performance Appraisal Pic 12: Cronbach’s Alpha of Perceived Person – Organinzation Fit Pic 13: Item –total Statistics of Perceived Person – Organinzation Fit Pic 14: Cronbach’s Alpha of Value Attainment Pic 15: Item- Total Statitis of Value Attainments Pic 16: Cronbach Alpha of Career Commitment Pic 17: Item- Total Statistics of Career Commitment Pic 18: table of Descriptive Pic 19: Table of Correlation Pic 20: Table of Anova analysis Pic 21: Table of Model Summary Pic 22: Coefficients of Model Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page vii - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai CHAPTER I: OVERVIEW The contents of this chapter will give an overview of the research reason, research objectives, research questions, subjects, scope of research, research methods and practical implications of research topics 1.1) REASON OF RESEARCH There is a strong relationship between career commitment and employee performance The Correlation between them has significantly important for the outcome of any organization with great positive response and performance of employees committed by its organization To achieve better commitment, the organizations will have to devise career opportunities for the good behaviour of employee professional performance Commitment in a simple word, a promise of a person to a progression of related job either it is career oriented or job oriented, but we give priority to career commitment because our mission to engage with an organization begins from watching career strategies Today, where we are in the era of 21st century all organizations are in the competitive queue and victorious organizations always touch the peak level of success in which employees' performance committed to the organization's objective and works as an effective team member [1] The organization that provides career commitment procedures and strategy to its employees, basically it wants an output or better performance; actually these are requirements and needs of that organization As a result employee commitment is arrived with greater responses In a simple language, commitment means "sense of being bound intellectually to some portion of the action" [5], which includes relationship of one person to other ones In the working environment we always see this bond between employees and its related organization where their affection measured in terms of employee performance and organizational offered policies and procedures The organization provides job career with the legal or sometimes its own build up Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai strategies and regulations that is committed to the hired employees, and the employees should follow Before the deep dive into the employee behaviour we focus on the actual career commitment that is providing an intrinsic and extrinsic materialistic environment in an organization and keep hold of their employees A career commitment is based on employees' performances receiving and appreciating enticement to match contribution that’s may be also rewarded corresponding with the venture One factor is employee's physiological or emotional attachment that is responsible for the positive responses from organization through loyalty, warmth, belongings and pleasure etc All in all, career commitment supports the goal of the organization For proving this statement many analytical reviews, models, theories have been circulated, but we emphasize and highlight Meyer and Allen conceptualization model Organizational career commitment is largely planned and strategic procedures under control of one wave and imply on entire management Behavioural characteristics are mainly considered in the recital work done in environment to continue improvement in current job and job mobility attentiveness Many dramatic changes occurred in the last few decades in a new retail format which could see in large organizations It is important [8] for the retailers to understand the reason for employee performance by their motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment The training and development of human resources for the company takes a long time and requires careful investment; While the existing human resources are volatile as employees can leave their company at any time, they can even be "stolen" if they fail to develop a policy fit It is thought that "keeping up" employees with good management regimes and methods and professional environment are important factors for employees to associate with the organization and to work, dedicate and have peace of mind Improve your skills and skills Numerous researchs have been conducted to identify the factors that affect employee engagement However, in the aqualculture, there are not much research Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai the current employees in this organization? My values match those of the current employees in this organization Do you think the values and “personality” of this organization reflect your own values and personality? Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 41 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai A4 Value Attainment A4.1 Terminal values items: I = strongly agree, = unsure, and = strongly disagree A comfortable life (a prosperous life) An exciting life (a stimulating, active life) A sense of accomplishment (lasting contribution) A world at peace (free of wand and conflict) 5 A world of beauty (beauty of nature and the arts) Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunity for all) Family security (taking care of loved ones) Freedom (independence, free choice) Happiness (contentedness) 10 Inner harmony (freedom from inner conflict) 11 Mature love (sexual and spiritual intimacy) 12 National security (protection from attack) 13 Pleasure (an enjoyable, leisurely life) 14 Saved (eternal life) 15 Self-respect (self-esteem) 16 Social recognition (respect, admiration) 17 True friendship (close companionship) 18 Wisdom (a mature understanding of life) A4.2 Instrumental values items: I = strongly agree, = unsure, and = strongly disagree Ambitious (hard-working, aspiring) Broadminded (open-minded) 5 Capable (competent, effective) Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 42 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Cheerful (lighthearted, joyful) 5 Clean (neat, tidy) Courageous (standing up for your beliefs) Forgiving (Willing to pardon others) Helpful (working for the welfare of others) Honest (sincere, truthful) 10 Imaginative (daring, creative) 11 Independent (self-reliant, self-sufficient) 13 Logical (consistent, rational) 14 Loving (affectionate, tender) 5 16 Polite (courteous, well-mannered) 17 Responsible (dependable, reliable) 18 Sell-controlled (restrained, self-disciplined) 15 Obedient (dutiful, respectful) B1 Career Commitment I = strongly agree, = unsure, and = strongly disagree I like this career too well to give it up 2 If I could go into a different profession which paid the same, I would probably take it (R) If I could it all over again, I would not choose to work in this profession (R) I definitely want a career for myself in this profession 5 If I had all the money I needed without working, would probably still continue to work in this profession I am disappointed that I ever entered this profession (R) This is the ideal profession for a life’s work Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 43 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Maybe in the process of processing information, we have mistakes , please provide your contact information Full Name: _ Company: _ Tel: _ Email (if have): _ THANKS FOR YOUR STRONG SUPPORT Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 44 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai APPEDIX 2: Presentation Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 45 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 46 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 47 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 48 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 49 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 50 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 51 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 52 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 53 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 54 - Advisor:DBA Nguyen The Khai Student Le Giang Hoang Vu Page 55

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2023, 09:22
