PREPARE 2nd edition Level 2 combines teenappeal topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools exam. The Level 2 fullcolour interleaved Teachers Book makes it simple to teach with minimum preparation. The Downloadable Resource Pack includes Class Audio, and comprehensive Teacher Resources: extra vocabulary and grammar worksheets (two levels of difficulty), literature, speaking, writing, video and games worksheets. There are videos to accompany the Culture sections, as well as lively interviews with real teenagers. Contact your Cambridge representative about access to the Test Generator, and Presentation Plus all the course content for digital classroom presentation.
Trang 1CAMBRIDGE AMAA Wil ý J8 /1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1ý/1/1/1,1 me 'WITH DOWNLOADABLE som RESOURCE PACK
Things in the There is / There are
: 2 Look at the photo and read the sentences Write yes or no Match the words in the box to the letters
© A-P in the photo 0 There’s a rubber on the table yes
There are five students in the classroom There’s a red pencil case on the table
There’s a blue bag on a chair
There’s a computer near the window
There’s a poster on the wall There’s a bag on the floor
bag board chair coat
computer door exercise book map pencil case pen
poster rubber ruler
teacher textbook window OunhWNE
cy) 3 Look at the photo and listen to the questions Complete
4) Then listen, check and repeat oe the table with a tick (V) for the right answers
Yes, there | Yes,there | No,there | No, there
is are isn’t aren't
GRAMMAR 2 2 _ 1 ? | lam 3 | he/she/it is you/we/they are 4 | 5 | HA Ôn Đề sàn
LL 0IAEc6JoMY Jš bach thing? re tive sentences In pairs, ask and answer the 4 Work with a partner Student A, look around your
quéstions classroom for 60 seconds, and then close your eyes
Student B ask questions about the classroom
nà blue and white B: /s there a green bag under my desk?
Baie the coat? A: Yes, there is / No, there isn’t
ALVES, eee A: Are there any coats near the door?
B: No, there aren't
Trang 3
“Unit overview aa ee See =——— 4
My classroom and classmates TOPIC
VOCABULARY Things in the classroom
GRAMMAR Verb be; There is / There are; Have got
SPEAKING Classroom questions
VOCABULARY Numbers; Dates
GRAMMAR Can; Present simple
SPEAKING Find out about your partner
Resources `
Divide the class into small groups Appoint a secretary for
each group and give them a few minutes to write down
as many things in the classroom as they can, e.g desk,
board Don’t go through the lists with them yet Collect
in the lists and check them while the students are doing
Exercise 1 Award points for correctly spelled words
(0H15 ẤT Things in the classroom
1 Ask the students to look at the photo first and to say
what they can see Then, ask them to look at the words
Check that they can pronounce them correctly; in
particular remind them that board /bo:d/ and coat /kaut/
are one syllable Then, ask the students to match the
words to the lettered objects in the photo If you did
the Warmer activity, give the lists back and ask them to
compare their lists with the words in the book If they
enjoy competition, award extra points for every word they have written which is not in the book
cl) Answers
The answers are recorded for the students to check and then
Aboard Bmap Cposter Ddoor Eteacher F window Gcomputer Hbag Icoat Jchair Ktextbook L pen
Mpencilcase Nruler Orubber P exercise book
1 First, revise the names of the colours by pointing to
things in the classroom and inviting volunteers to name
the colours Write them on the board Remind students
that with the verb be, we use is for singular objects and
are for plural objects If necessary, remind the students of the question and short answer form Ask the students
to write at least five sentences about the objects in the
photo using It’s / They’re + colour, e.g /t’s green and white
(the rubber), it’s blue (the chair) Then, demonstrate the
pairwork activity by inviting a student to read out one of their sentences, e.g.:
Student: /t’s red and black
Teacher: /sitacoat? Student:
No, it isn’t
Is ita pencil case?
Yes, itis
Students’ own answers
There is | There are
2 Read the first sentence as a class and encourage the
students to look at the photo and to say if the sentence is
correct (yes) or incorrect (no) They then do the exercise
on their own
lno 2yes 3no 4no 5yes 6yes
Draw the table onto the board Play the recording and
top it after the first question Ask the students to repeat
the question, then look at the photo and say the answer
Invite a volunteer to put a tick in the correct space on
the table on the board Play the rest of the recording
for the students to complete the table in their books
or notebooks With a stronger class, play the recording
again and ask the students to say the complete correct
answer, e.g Yes, there is
Stop the recording after each question, ask the class
to repeat the question, and if necessary write it on the
board Give them time to look at the photo, compare their
ideas with a partner and then put up their hand when they think they know the correct answer
Ticks should be under:
1 Yes, there are 2 Yes, there is 3 Yes, there are 4 No, there isn’t 5 No, there aren’t
4 Play questions 1 and 2 from the recording in Exercise 3
again and invite volunteers to write the two questions on
the board Remind the students that we use Are there any
2with plural things and /s there a ? with singular
things If necessary, revise my and your They should take
turns to close their eyes while their partner asks at least three questions
Students’ own answers
Trang 4
Research suggest that backpacks should not weigh more than 10% of a students’ body weight Students should try
to keep as many books and material as possible at school
and they should regularly clean out their bag to check
they are not carrying unnecessary items, like heavy toys
Students should also make sure they spread the weight
of their bag evenly over both shoulders using both straps
and not carry it on just one
Have got
5 Inpairs, ask the students to look at things (A-I) and say
what they are Then, ask them to read about Simon’s bag
and tick the things in his bag
Etextbooks H exercise books G pencil case C bottle of water F sandwich I money
6 Onthe board, write: What have you got in your bag today?
Have you got a/an/any in your bag today? Remind
students that we use a/an with singular things (an before
a vowel sound) and any with plural things Encourage
them to ask you questions about your bag first Then, in pairs, they ask and answer about their bags They will
need to remember their partner’s answer because they
will have to write some sentences about their partner’s
Allow them some time to ask and answer their questions,
then challenge volunteers to come to the board to write some sentences, both positive and negative, about your
bag, e.g Mrs Fulton has gota bottle of water in her bag She hasn’t got a football
They must write at least five sentences about their
partner’s bag
Students’ own answers
cya Play the recording and ask the students to listen and
hở repeat the letters of the alphabet If necessary, write
some groups of letters on the board that students often
confuse, e.g the vowels A E! O U, and consonants G/J,
The alphabet is recorded for the students to listen and
2 Ask the students to look at the table in their books and
ask ‘Why is H under A, and why is C under B?’ (because
they have the same vowel sound) Ask the students to
write the letters of the alphabet in the right column,
according to the vowel sound Play the recording again
(or say the letters yourself) if the students need help
=9 Answers
The answers are recorded for students to listen and check
3 Tell the students to complete the questions (1-6) before
they match them to their answers (a-f) If time allows,
ask them in pairs to take turns to ask and answer the
In pairs, fast finishers ask each other variations on these questions, e.g How do you say ‘pizarra’ in English? How do
you spell ‘pencil case’?
lrepeat-d 2say-f 3page-e 4spell-a 5borrow-b
6 mean-c
Have a spelling race Divide the class into teams of four or
five Choose a word from this unit and spell it out quickly The first team to put up their hand, say the word and
spell it correctly gets a point With a stronger class, the
students can continue playing in groups
Trang 5|
Have got
5 Read what Simon says Tick (VY) the things he’s got in his bag
6 !n pairs, ask and answer the questions
A: What have you got in your bag today?
A: Have you go B: Yes, | have / No, | haven't ta/an/any in your bag today?
Write five sent ences about your partner
PRONUNCIATION | The alphabet ; KỈ) 1 Listen and repeat
* 03
2 In pairs, read out the names of the letters :
and complete the table with the letters that sound the same Two columns have
no additional letters!
3 Complete questions 1-6 with the words in the box Then match the questions to answers a-f
borrow mean page repeat say spell
1 Ứmsorry, can you that, please?
2 How do you _ bonjour in English?
3 What are we on?
4 Howdoyou ‘because’?
5 Canl yourruler?
6 What does fin pairs”
a B-E-C-A-U-S-E
b Sure, here you are c With your partner
d | said, ‘please do Exercise 3’
e 19,1 think
f Hello
cy) 1 Listen and repeat
ten twenty thirty _forty
c) 2 Listen and choose the numbers you hear
25 75 39
13 30 70 ft h
41 < 61 oD 91 eae Itty seventy eighty
17 19 90 LS 50 80
a hundred
3 Say the months in the correct order
lL bannnugnng 3i mm ` as
November September
February October
cy 4 Listen and write the dates
When we say dates, we say the
and of:
My birthday is on the ninth of June F3
When we write dates, we don't
write the or of:
My birthday is on 9% June Q
1 1st March
In pairs, compare your answers MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY
Say the dates
In small groups, ask and answer 2nd 3rd 4th 5th óth as the questions
¢ When / your birthday?
¢ What / today’s date?
e When / your mum’s/dad’s
Write the dates of all the students in
your group
Trang 7
WARMER Answers
Play | Spy with the class using the things in the classroom list March 212th October 38th May 425th February
in Exercise 1 on Student’s Book page 10 Begin by saying
‘| spy with my little eye, something beginning with B’”
Encourage the students to ask you questions before they >> AUDIOSCRIPT PAGE 000
guess what the word is For example:
5 22nd July 6 31st December 7 3rd April 8 11th August
Teacher: —/ spy with my little eye something beginning 5 Encourage the students tosay the complete questions ; with: first (When’s your birthday? What’s today’s date? / What’s
the date today? When’s your mum’s / dad’s birthday?) If necessary, write them on the board Then, in small
Teacher: Yes, itis groups, the students take turns to ask and answer the
Student B: /s/fnear the door? questions Remind them to begin their answers with /t’s
Teacher: Yes, it is Point out that they need to write down the other
students’ dates
Student A: Is it big?
Student C: /s it the board?
Teacher: Yes, itis FAST FINISHERS
With a stronger class, the students play the game in small Fast finishers write some new questions about dates, e.g
groups When’s the next holiday? What’s tomorrow’s date? What
date is our national day? When the others are ready, the
fast finishers ask the class their questions C)) 1 Ask the students to notice how these numbers are always
"* said with the stress on the first part of the word, e.g
Students’ own answers
The numbers are recorded for the students to listen and repeat
CQ) 2 Encourage the students to work in pairs and say the ` numbers in this exercise first, before they listen to
the recording If time allows, after the students have
completed the activity, ask them in pairs to take turns to
say another number for their partner to choose the right
number; e.g a 25, b 13
Answers / Audioscript
a75 b30 c91 d14 e19 f50
3 Highlight the syllables and stress in each month (e.g
Jan-u-ry) Next, ask the students to say each month
correctly Then, in pairs, the students say the months in order
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December
C)) 4 Ask ‘What’s the date today?’ and write the date on the
board using the ordinal number, e.g 7th September Ask
the students to repeat the date and draw their attention
to the box which explains the difference between how
we say dates and how we write them Check that they can pronounce the ordinal numbers on the calendar
correctly, especially 20th (twentieth) and 30th (thirtieth)
Then, ask them to listen and write down the eight dates
on the recording In pairs, they then check their answers
by asking and answering questions:
A: What’s 1?
B: It’s the first of March What’s b?
Trang 8GRAMMAR |Re-7,
1 Encourage the students to look at the photos first and try to say what the people are doing in each one before they
read the words and match them to the photos
Adrawacar Bswimunder water C make acake
Drideabike Espeak three languages F run 5k
G play tennis H stand on your head
2 Encourage the students to make a question with each
of the words in Exercise 1 first With a weaker class, you
might want to do this together on the board Allow them time to ask and answer the questions in pairs Then, if
appropriate, ask them to stand up and ask at least four other students the questions If not, they can do this in
groups of six Point out that they should take notes as
they will need to report back to the class They might find this easier if they complete a chart in their notebooks like
the one below
Name | swim under speak three ride a bike?
water? languages?
Jon v x ye
When they have finished, ask ‘How many students can swim under water?’ and encourage them to answer with either a number or with names, e.g Five students can
swim under water / Ana and David can swim under water
Students’ own answers
Present simple
3 Ask the students to read what the people say about themselves and answer the questions Point out that
they should use complete sentences In Unit 1, the
students will look at the present simple with adverbs of
1 Yes, he does
2 He hasn’t got any brothers 3 She likes swimming
4 He wants to goto China
5 He plays football
6 She goes shopping on Saturday
4 Write the question prompts on the board and encourage
the class to make complete questions Demonstrate by
getting volunteers to ask you the questions and give full answers For example:
What kind of music do you like?
I like pop and rock | don’t like classical music
Then, the students take turns to ask and answer the
questions Point out that they will need to take notes so that they can tell the class about their partner
For weaker students, write the question prompts on the
board, leaving a space for the missing words, e.g
do sports every day? 2 What kind of music
Invite volunteers to complete the questions on the board
Then, as above, demonstrate the activity and then ask
the students to ask and answer in pairs If they need more help, suggest that they copy the questions into their
notebook and write down the answers so they are true for
them, before they ask and answer with a partner
Students’ own answers
1 Brainstorm the questions as a class first Then, invite
two stronger students to demonstrate the activity orally,
giving complete answers The students then write the questions individually before asking and answering in pairs Point out that they need to listen to their partner
carefully as they will need to write some sentences about them Remind them that when they do this, they need to
use the third person he or she
Students’ own answers
Tell the class that you’re going to read four sentences
about yourself and that the information in two of them is
incorrect Encourage them to listen carefully and say or
guess which two sentences are incorrect and, if possible, correct the information For example:
My name’s Mrs Brown (correct)
I’m 18 years old (incorrect: I’m 40 years old.)
I’ve got two brothers (correct)
| like travelling and | love sweets (incorrect: | don’t like
Then, ask the students to write four sentences about themselves and include two sentences with incorrect
information In small groups, the students read their
sentences and the others have to guess the incorrect
information If the students enjoy competition, they can
award a point for identifying each incorrect sentence and
an extra point if they can correct it
Trang 9
GRAMMAR #727 Present simple
‘| Match the photos A-H to the words in the box 3 Read about the students and answer the
questions Use complete sentences
Does Tyler like music?
How many brothers has Jason got? What sport does Millie like?
Where does Tyler want to go?
What does Jason do every day? When does Millie go shopping? draw a car make a cake play tennis
ride a bike run 5km speak three languages stand on your head swim under water
Ø ƠI +> U2
Hi, my name's Tyler
I’ve got a brother and a sister | like
music and | love travelling | want to go to China
Hello, I’m Jason
| haven’t got any brothers or sisters
| like all sports and | play football every day
Hello, my name's Millie
| like swimming and | often go shopping
with my sister on Saturday | love sweets
but | don’t like ice cream
4 Work with a partner Ask and answer the questions
0 / do sports every day?
A: Do you do sports every day?
B: Yes, | do | play tennis after school every day
1 What kind of music / like?
2 / like travelling?
3 / play football at school?
4 / like swimming?
5 What / favourite food?
2 In pairs, ask and answer about the activities Now tell the class in Exercise 1
Manuela doesn’t like swimming She likes
Yes, | can
No, | can’t
Now ask around the class How many people 1 Write questions to find out about your partner’s
can * age ¢ favourite pop star
* swim under water? ¢ address e favourite school
° speak three languages? «_ phone number subject
« ridea bike? ¢ brothers and sisters
¢ play tennis?
« draw acarz In pairs, ask and answer the questions Then write
sentences about your partner
Do you like basketball,
football or tennis?
Which sport do you prefer?
Do you play any sports?
Sports 4 Read Sophie’s and Ben’s blogs Who does their sport
every week? Who can’t do their sport where they live?
‘Match the pictures A-M to the words in the box l -
5 Read about Sophie and Ben again and answer
® do athletics play badminton the questions
do gymnastics play baseball 1 How many women and girls do Sophie's sport?
go cycling play hockey 2 What does Sophie do at the weekend?
go sailing play rugby 3 What does Sophie want to do at Loughborough
go skating play table tennis University?
go snowboarding play volleyball Where does Ben prefer to be?
go surfing Why does Ben go snowboarding every day?
Ben says he’s ‘goofy-foot’ What does ‘goofy-foot’ mean?
4) Listen and check Then repeat
2 In pairs, ask and answer the questions
1 Which of the sports do you do in teams
(a group of people)? Which do you do alone
(just one person)?
Which of the sports can you do both
in teams and alone?
Which of these sports do you do?
Do you prefer team sports or sports Post about you and your sport here
you do alone? Why?
i 5 ĩ
PRONUNCIATION — fex/and /ay/ It’s fun!
My sport is rugby! That’s me in the photo People think that rugby is for boys, but that’s
not true More than 18,000 women and girls play rugby in England My team always
plays a match on Saturday or
a Sunday, and | usually go to practice
/e1/ sailing /at/ cycling games three times a week It’s hard
ai = work, but it’s never boring! I’m 14
and | play for the U15s That’s the
team for players under the age of 15 When I’m older, | want to go to the rugby
summer camp at Loughborough University My favourite player, Fran Matthews,
went there and now she plays for the England
national rugby team
1⁄4 UNIT | ee I
3 Put the words into the correct column
baseball bike fly play
riding skating
Trang 11
Common and unusual sports and games
PRONUNCIATION /et/ and /at/
GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency
READING Try these sports!
VOCABULARY Sports equipment
LISTENING An interview about an unusual sport
SPEAKING Guess the sport
PHOTOCOPIABLE WORKSHEETS: Grammar worksheet Unit 1; Vocabulary worksheet Unit 1
Challenge the students to guess the title of this unit: Sports and games:
° Write _ | a on the board, with one space for every missing letter
Encourage the students to take turns to guess the missing letters
If the students say a wrong letter, e.g u, which is not
inthe unit title, write it on the board Tell them that
they can only guess five wrong letters Brainstorm a list of sports onto the board
& avout you
Asa class, brainstorm a list of follow-up questions onto the
board, e.g Why do you prefer it? How often do you play it?
Who do you play it with? Where do you play it? Encourage the student who is asking the questions to keep their
partner talking by asking the follow-up questions on the board
Students’ own answers
1 Ifthe students have brainstormed a list of sports onto
the board, encourage them to compare their list with the
sports in the Student’s Book Ask them to try to name
the sports in the pictures before they match them to the
words in the box Invite the students to say when we use
play (ball sports), go (sports ending in -ing) and do (all
other sports) Ask the students to make a table of sports
you can play, go and do in their notebooks, including the
sports from this lesson
c) Answers
The answers are recorded for students to check and then
Ago sailing Bplay volleyball C play table tennis
D go cycling Ego snowboarding F play baseball
G do athletics H play rugby | play hockey J do gymnastics
K play badminton Lgosurfing M go skating
2 Ask students to read the first two questions and point out the explanations for in teams and alone given in
1 You play volleyball, baseball, rugby and hockey in teams
You go surfing, sailing and snowboarding alone
2 Youcan do athletics and gymnastics in teams or alone You
can go cycling and skating in teams and alone You can
play badminton and table tennis in teams and alone
3 and 4 Students’ own answers
PRONUNCIATION /e1/ and /ax/
3 Write /e1/ sailing and /at/ cycling on the board in two
columns and model the pronunciation Encourage the
students to say the words in the box aloud and write them in the correct column
op Answers
The answers are recorded for students to check and then
/e1/ sailing, baseball, play, skating
/at/ cycling, bike, fly, riding
4 Encourage the class to look at the photos first and say
what sports Sophie and Ben do Then ask them to look
at the two texts quickly and check their ideas Finally, ask them to skim the texts to find the answers to both
questions and to underline the answers in the text
Set a time limit (e.g one minute) for this to discourage
them from reading every word and add an element of
Sophie does her sport every week - four times a week (she plays one match and three practice games)
Ben can’t go snowboarding in the city He goes to the
5 Ask the students to try to answer the questions from
memory before they read the texts again Remind them to underline the answers in the texts and write the
question number next to the underlined answer Check the answers as a class, encouraging students to say
where they found the answers in the text
More than 18,000 women (play rugby) She plays a rugby match
She wants to go to a rugby summer camp
He prefers to be in the mountains (He feels at home there.)
He’s good at snowboarding and wants to become a famous snowboarder
‘Goofy-foot’ means Ben’s right foot is in front on the board
Trang 12Answers
WL Adverbs of frequency ha ẽ
1 You are always welcome in our sports club
, : ; 2 We never do athletics on Mondays
Books closed Write these sentences on the board; don’t 3-Do&s she usiially.goskating with her brother?
rub out these sentences until after exercise 2: 4 Students do not often play table tennis at school
My team always plays a match on Saturday or Sunday 5 Lizzie and her sister sometimes go cycling at the weekend
It’s never boring
| sometimes go snowboarding with Mum >> GRAMMAR REFERENCE AND PRACTICE PAGE 138
Encourage the students to tell you whether the sentences
refer to the present, past or future (present) and whether
they are talking about something we are doing now or
something we do often or every day (often or every day) Ask them to say what the underlined words are (adverbs
of frequency)
6 Highlight the use of but for a contrast (/ often , but
I never .), and for in addition (/ often and | usually
) and also the use of adjectives (/t’s great fun and It’s
never boring) Encourage the students to ask questions
with How often do you .? and to give full answers with
adverbs of frequency and adjectives Model a good
1 Ask students to find the adverbs of frequency in the answer with a strong student:
blogs Copy the line onto the board and encourage
volunteers to come to the board and write the adverbs in
the correct place Teacher: / never play badminton, but | sometimes play
tennis It’s great fun How about you?
Student: How often do you play badminton?
Key: (from left to right) Answers
never - sometimes - often - usually - always Students’ own answers
2 Encourage students to look at the sentences on the MIXED ABILITY
board again (see above) Ask the questions as a class
before they complete the rules in the book Put a stronger student with a weaker student Ask the
weaker students to ask some questions first so that the
Answers stronger student models some good answers
1 Present simple: My team always plays a match on Saturday
or Sunday | - : 7 Remind the students to use the follow-up questions
| often go with my little sister and other young people from the beginning of the lesson (e.g Who do you play
Lsometimes ga snowboarding wit Mum it with? Where do you play it?) \f time allows, encourage
2 Be: It’s never boring : )
It’s usually quiet volunteers to report back to the class on their partner’s
3 Insentences with the verb be, we put the adverb of answers
frequency after the verb
In sentences with the present simple, we put the adverb of Answers
frequency before the verb Students’ own answers
3 Write / don’t often play rugby on the board Check
understanding of what a ‘main’ verb is by asking a >> GRAMMAR WORKSHEET UNIT 1
volunteer to come up and underline the main verb (play)
Then students complete the rules COOLER
Answers Play Vocabulary Tennis Divide the class into two teams
In negatives and questions with the present simple, we put and give each team the name of a famous tennis player
the adverb of frequency before the main verb Team A says a sport and Team B scores a point if they
In negatives and questions with the verb be, we put the make a correct sentence using play, go or do and an
adverb of frequency after be adverb of frequency Team B then says a sport and so on
For example: 4 Encourage the students to underline the main verb in
each sentence first (see answers below) Then ask them
to say whether the adverb should go before or after the Team B: | often play badminton with my friends (one
verb point)
TeamB: skating
Team A: badminton
1 | usually play hockey at school on Fridays 2 Sophie is often tired after rugby matches
3 People don’t always go sailing in teams
4 My uncle and my dad never play table tennis 5 Is gymnastics sometimes dangerous?
6 Do you often go cycling?
Team A: /go skating never (no points)
5 © This icon indicates that the exercise has been
informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus (see page
XXX) Encourage the students to look at each group of words first and say whether they need to make an
affirmative sentence, a negative sentence or a question
Trang 13Wa Adverbs of frequency
We use the present simple to talk about things we do often or every day
| go snowboarding every day
| Look at these examples from the blogs The adverbs of frequency are in purple
My team always plays a match on Saturday or
Sunday It’s never boring It’s usually quiet
| often go with my little sister and other young people | sometimes go snowboarding with Mum
Write the words in purple on the right place
on the line
0% 100%
Bead, DC Leet, SS Lament (Ocoee Etc
2 Answer the questions
1 Which sentences in Exercise 1 have a present simple verb?
2 Which sentences in Exercise 1 have the verb be? 3 Choose the correct words to complete the rules
In sentences with the verb be, we put the adverb of frequency before / after the verb
In sentences with the present simple, we put the
adverb of frequency before / after the verb
Goofy-foot or regular?
| love the snow and the mountains | feel at
home there | live in a city and there’s no snow here, but in the holidays, | always go to the
mountains with my family | sometimes
go snowboarding with Mum, but | often go with my little sister and other young
people Mum usually skis with my dad, and my sister and | like spending more
time in the snow than they do It’s
usually quiet When we’re in the mountains, | go snowboarding
every day and I’m getting really good | often think about the
future — | want to be a famous
snowboarder one day, like Max
Parrot Oh, and lm goofy-foot — that means | put my right foot at
the front of the board
Ben James
4 Read the examples and choose the correct
words to complete the rules
People don’t always play sport in teams
Ben doesn’t usually go snowboarding with his dad
Do you sometimes play volleyball with friends? Is rugby often dangerous?
Football isn’t always boring!
In negatives and questions with the present
simple, we put the adverb of frequency before / after the main verb
In negatives and questions with the verb be, we put the adverb of frequency before / after the
verb be
5 Put the adverbs in the right place to complete the sentences and questions
1 | play hockey at school on Fridays (usually)
2 Sophie is tired after rugby matches (often) 3 People don’t go sailing in teams (always)
4 My uncle and my dad play table tennis (never)
5 Is gymnastics dangerous? (sometimes)
6 Do you go cycling? (often)
6 Put the words in order to make sentences and
questions and questions
0 often / school / plays / my friend / after /
My friend often plays football after school
1 welcome / sports / are / in / our / club /
always / you
Mondays / do / on/ athletics / never / we skating / brother / she / go / her / usually /
does / with /?
4 table tennis / students / not / often / do /
school / play / at
5 cycling / and /her sister / at / the weekend / sometimes / Lizzie / go /
7 How often do you do the sports in Exercise 1 on
page 14?
| never play rugby, but | often play
volleyball It’s great fun How about you?
| sometimes play rugby, and |
often go cycling It’s never boring 8 In pairs, ask and answer the questions
1 What sports do you do?
2 How often do you do them?
3 Do you play sports at school?
4 How often do you watch sports on TV? 5 How often do you go to watch sports? 6 Who are your favourite sports stars?
Trang 14
Look at the photos of the sports and games What can you see?
Read the three texts and match them to the photos
This sport is like football on bikes There are two teams Each team has usually got two players
The bikes don’t have any brakes to stop them Players in each team try to hit the ball into the
goal They can use their bike or their heads
to do this The ball is quite heavy - it weighs
half a kilogram The winning team is the team
with the most goals at the end of the game
This is an ancient sport from India The players
use two things: one long stick, called a danda and a short egg-shaped bat, called a gilli There
are two teams One player puts the gilli on the
ground inside a small circle and hits it into the
air with the danda Then the player hits the gilli
again and runs to touch a spot outside the circle
to get a point
The sport is also called underwater hockey There are two
teams Each team has got six players Players swim underwater to play this game They use small sticks and a puck The puck
is a little like a flat ball It’s heavy and weighs about a kilogram Players try to push the puck along the bottom of a swimming pool into the other team’s goal The winning team is the team with the most goals at the end of the match
Read the three texts again Are the sentences right (“) or wrong (X)?
1 There are always two players in a cycleball team
2 The ball in cycleball is small and light
3 Players in cycleball can’t hit the ball with their hands © TALKING POINTS
4 Gilli-danda comes from India Which of these sports do you 5 The two sticks in gilli-danda are the same size want to try?
6 Players use a small ball in gilli-danda Do you have any sports like
7 People play octopush in teams these in your country?
8 Players in octopush hit the ball, or puck, with their hands 9 Players in octopush swim underwater to play their game
Trang 15
Before the class, write some of the sports from pages 14
and 15 on the board with the vowels missing, for example
b_dm_nt_nand v_ll_yb_Il Challenge teams to complete
the words as quickly as they can
find question 6 a little more difficult because in gilli-
danda, there isn’t a ball as such - the short bat is used as
a ball
These are three real sports
Cycleball: People have been playing this sport since
1893 and there is an annual world championship which is governed by the International Cycling Union However,
because the bikes have no brakes, the gears are fixed
and players can’t put their feet on the ground, this sport
is very difficult to play and crashes, falls and injuries are
Gilli-danda: This game is often played in rural areas
between teams from different villages Versions of this
game are played in other parts of the world; for example
bilharda in Galicia, Spain, lippa in Italy and pee-wee in
the USA Some people believe that sports like cricket, baseball and softball evolved from gilli-danda
Octopush (or underwater hockey): This sport was
invented in the UK in the early 1950s by divers who were bored of just swimming up and down the pool to get
fit It’s now popular all over the world As itis played
underwater, it isn’t easy for people to watch this sport
1 Write these expressions on the board: / can see ,/ think
it’sa ,there’sa Encourage the students to say
as much as they can about each photo by asking them
to describe the players, their clothes and equipment,
the place where the sport is played, and the sport itself Encourage them to use full sentences If necessary,
pre-teach stick and bat by pointing to the stick bat
in the photo (or drawing a picture on the board) and
underwater by asking ‘Where are the swimmers in photo c?
Possible answers
A There are two teams Someone is holding a long bat He’s going to hit asmaller stick
B There are some swimmers underwater They are following
a ball
C There are some women on bikes They are trying to hit to the ball with their bike
2 Seta time limit (e.g three minutes) to encourage the
students to skim read the text for gist When they think
they know the answer, ask them to underline the words or expressions in the text which suggest the answer, e.g
in the first text, football on bikes, any brakes, hit the ball
into the goal, etc During open class feedback, invite
them to justify their answers, e.g C is cycleball because they are playing football on bikes
1C 2A 3B
3 Ask the students to read the sentences in pairs and try to say if they are right or wrong before they read the texts again Encourage them to underline the answers in the texts and to correct the wrong sentences Students may
Divide the students into three groups: Group 1 reads the
sentences about cycleball (1-3) and decides if they are
right or wrong; Group 2 reads about gilli-danda (4-6);
and Group 3 reads about octopush (7-9) All the students read the other sentences for homework and complete the exercise
Fast finishers write three or more right or wrong
sentences about the three sports for the rest of the class
lv 2*(Theballis quite heavy.) 3 * (They can use their
bike or their heads.) 4V 5 x (There is one long stick called a danda and a short bat called a gilli.) 6 * (People usea
short bat.) 7 v 8 x (Players hit the ball, or puck, with small
sticks.) 9 ¥
q The Reading text is recorded for students to listen and read
Wf ratkiwe poiNrs
Encourage the students to explain why by using because With the second question, extend the conversation
by encouraging the students to think of some sports in
their country which visitors might find unusual Ask them to think about how they would explain this sport In the
Speaking section at the end of the lesson, students will
have an opportunity to talk about a sport they know
Trang 161 Encourage the students to underline the sports
equipment in the three Reading texts on page 16 (e.g
bike, ball, goal, stick, bat, puck) Then ask them to try
to find some of these underlined words in the photos
before matching the words in the box
op Answers
The answers are recorded for students to check and then
Aracket Bstick Cbat D ball E board
2 Books closed Copy the table onto the board with the
column headings and challenge the students to think
of at least two sports for the first two columns and one
sport for the last column (e.g surfing, snowboarding and skateboarding) If appropriate, organise the students
into teams and award points for sports with the correct spelling Next ask the students to complete the table
in their books, but point out that some words don’t go
in the table, i.e sailing, skating, cycling, swimming and
running Then ask them to add any extra sports from the
C) | answers 13
The answers are recorded for students to check and then
use a stick, a racket or
a bat use a ball use a board
badminton (racket), baseball, surfing
baseball Eg, gilli- basketball, snowboarding danda (sticks or cycleball,
one stick and one football, hockey, bat), hockey (stick), rugby, table
octopush (stick), table | tennis, tennis,
tennis (bat), tennis volleyball (racket)
3 Encourage the students to cover the words in Exercise
2 and try to complete the sentences from memory first
When they have finished, encourage them to test each
other on these words in pairs by asking the question
What do you need to play [name of sport]? and answering
You need
1bat 2balls 3bat 4ball Sracket 6stick 7 ball
1 Encourage the students to look at the photos and predict
how the sport is played, what equipment is needed,
whether it is played in teams, and whether it is played inside or outside
1B 2A
As they listen for the first time, students should also
check their predictions in Exercise 1
30 UNIT 1T
cl) › Encourage the students to read the sentences first
°* and choose the correct words before they listen again
With a weaker class, play the recording for a third time
and stop after each answer With a stronger class, play
the recording for a third time, stop after each of the
interviewer’s questions, and encourage the students to
repeat the question with the correct intonation Answers
lfour 2six 3give 4throw
1 Encourage the students to choose a sport quickly
Alternatively, write some sports on different slips of
paper and give one slip to each student Then ask the
students to read through the questions and make some
notes on their sport Check that the students can say
each question with an interested intonation (rather than flat and bored) by asking them to listen to you and then
repeat Student A now asks Student B about their sport
Point out that Student B shouldn’t use the name of the sport in their answer as Student A will need to guess
the sport Encourage Student B to use some of the new
vocabulary and to use full sentences Have Student A
guess the sport before Student B confirms the answer
They then swap and Student B asks Student A about
their sport
Students’ own answers
Have a general knowledge sports quiz On the board,
write some questions based on the information in this unit (see below) Play in teams Each team takes turns
to answer a question and gets a point for a correct
answer If time allows, students write five questions for
another general knowledge sports quiz They can either
use the information in the unit or they can look for new
information on the internet Finish the next class with this
new quiz
Sample questions (and answers)
1 What sport does Sophie White play? (rugby)
2 How often does she go to practice games? (three times
a week)
3 Does Ben James live in the mountains? (no)
4 Does he go snowboarding with his friends? (no)
5 What’s another name for octopush? (underwater hockey)
6 How many players are there on a cycleball team? (two)
7 Are gilli-danda sticks the same size? (no)
Trang 17
‘Match the photos A-E to the words in the box
© og u⁄ g
bat ball board racket stick
ay Listen and check Then repeat
2 Complete the table with the sports in the box Some sports can go in more than one column
badminton baseball basketball
cycleball cycling football
gilli-danda hockey octopush
rugby running sailing skating snowboarding surfing swimming
table tennis tennis volleyball
Use a stick, Use a ball Use a board
a racket or a bat
= Listen and check Then repeat
3 Complete the information with the sports words
in Exercise 1
1 One for each player
2 Several small, light for the game
3 One foreach team
4 One small,hard for the game
5 One foreach player
6 Onesmall for each player
7 Oneheavy puck, likeaflat forthegame
Sports equipment LISTENING |
| Look at the photo of the sport Match the words 1-2 to A and B in the photos
1 handle 2 net
c) 2 Listen to an interview with a boy about his
rs unusual sport What’s the name of the sport?
l) 3 Listen again, and choose the correct words
1 There are four/six players in each team 2 There are six / eight handles on the ball
3 Players throw /give the ball to each other
4 Players throw / put the ball in the net to score
a goal
1 Think of a sport Choose one from this unit or
another sport that you know In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions
Do people do this sport inside or outside?
Is the sport on or under water? Is this sport on snow?
What things do people need to do this sport?
Do people play this sport in your country? What do you like about this sport?
Who are some of the famous players of this sport?
Try and guess the sport
SS ee —
What time does your alarm go off ona school day?
What do you do in the morning before you go to school?
> pi m)) 003/405
MY MORNING ROUTINE 11,345 views 1k@ Share c3
S Maddie’s mad life FOLLOW
1 Match the photos to the phrases in the box
® brush your hair check your messages
clean your teeth get dressed have breakfast leave the house prepare your school bag
put on your shoes tidy your room wake up
a Listen and check Then repeat
a 2 Listen to Maddie talking about her morning routine Number the photos in the order that you hear them 3 Can you remember Maddie’s routine? Complete the
sentences with the times in the box You don’t need to use all the times
6.00 6.30 6.45 6.50 7.00 7.10
felis 7.30 7.40 8.00 8.10
1 Myalarm goes offat
2 Igetupat
3 I clean my teeth at, -
4 Igetdressed at
5 | prepare my school bag at 7
6 | put my shoes on and leave home at _ enter
a Listen again and check
4 Inpairs or small groups, talk about your morning routine
| wake up at seven o’clock
| get dressed and then | have breakfast
Trang 19
TOPIC Everyday routines VOCABULARY
AND LISTENING Daily routines
GRAMMAR Present continuous and present simple READING Tell us about your day
LISTENING Tips for getting up in the morning WRITING A paragraph about your routine
EXAM TASKS Reading Part 2 matching; reading for specific
information and detailed comprehension
PHOTOCOPIABLE WORKSHEETS: Grammar worksheet Unit 2;
Vocabulary worksheet Unit 2
If appropriate, ask the students to close their eyes Set
off an alarm on a mobile phone or computer or make an appropriate noise or draw a picture on the board Ask the
class ‘What happened?’ and write on the board: When my
alarm goes off ona school day, | Brainstorm two or
three activities from the class (e.g get up, have a shower)
and then challenge the students in small groups to write
down as many activities as they canin two minutes Write
their ideas onto the board Leave this list on the board so
that the students can use it in About You and Exercise 1 below
Qs 16
& avout you
Encourage the students to use the activities in the list
on the board (see Warmer) to answer their partner’s questions
Students’ own answers
Daily routines
1 Ask the students to match as many words on the board (see Warmer) to the photos in the book and to say what the person is doing in the remaining photos before
looking at the words in the book
The answers are recorded for students to check and then
Acheck your messages Btidy yourroom C get dressed
D have breakfast E prepare your school bag F leave home
G wake up H brush your hair | put your shoes on J clean your teeth
yD 2 Ask the students to look at the photos first and try to
guess the order before they listen With a weaker class, play the audio again stopping after each answer
A2 B7 C5 D3 E8 F10 G1 H619 J4
First check that the students can say the times correctly,
reminding them that there are often two ways of saying
the same time, e.g six thirty or half past six and six forty-
five or a quarter to seven With a weaker class, stop the
audio after each answer
16.30 26.45 37.00 47.15 57.30 67.40
4 Ask the class to look at the sentences about Maddie in
Exercise 3 and think of some questions to ask her, e.g
What time does your alarm go off? Do you get up when
your alarm goes off? Write the questions on the board,
practise the pronunciation and encourage the students to use these questions in their discussion
Students’ own answers
Trang 20Present continuous GRAMMAR and present simple
1 Ask the students to look at the examples and say what
the differences are between the first and second set (the
first are all be + -ing form and are talking about things happening today, at the moment or now; the second
have adverbs of frequency because they talk about
things we usually do)
2 Point out that the students should complete these rules
with the underlined words in Exercise 1 Encourage
stronger students to think of one or two more words for
each one, e.g present continuous: right now, this week;
present simple: often, normally
never, always, sometimes, usually
today, at the moment, now
3 Before they complete the exercise, ask the students to
look at the sentences again in Exercise 1 and say how to
form the present simple (//you/we/they + verb, he/she/it + verb + s) and present continuous (//you/he/she/it/ we/
they + be + verb + -ing)
Ask stronger students to work through Exercises 3-6 at
their own pace (see Fast finishers activity after Exercise 6) Ask the weaker students to work in pairs, find the adverb
(at the moment, always, today, etc.) in each sentence and
if appropriate underline it Check their ideas Pens down
Ask the whole group to say whether they should use the
present continuous (PC) or present simple (PS) in each
sentence and if appropriate, ask them to write PS or PC
next to each one before they complete the exercise With
very weak students, read the complete sentence to them with the verb in the correct tense Ask them to listen and
say if the verb is in the present continuous (PC) or present
simple (PS)
lcooks 2give 3’m/amstaying, ’m/am not going
4’m/amwatching 5 does, getup 6 not sleeping
4 Point out there is one mistake with the present
continuous or present simple in every sentence
Encourage the students to find the words in sentence 1 which help them decide on the tense or the adverbs
(today, at the moment, etc) in sentences 2-5 to help them
find the mistake
1 How are you? I’m writing to you to give you some news
2 What are you doing at the moment?
3 My brother and | don’t go swimming every day 4 My mum only works in the mornings
5 We usually eat a big breakfast on Sunday
34 UNIT2
5_ Ask the students to look at the example sentence first
(or write it on the board) Point out that but is used to
connect the sentences and elicit whether the present
simple or present continuous is used in each part Do the
first as an open class example to make sure everyone
knows what to do
1 | usually have a sandwich for lunch, but today I’m having
2 | usually watch TV after school, but today I’m doing my
3 | usually play football on Saturday, but today I’m playing
4 | usually get up at seven o’clock, but today I’m getting up at
eight o’clock
5 Iusually have a shower, but today I’m having a bath
6 Elicit from the class how to form questions in the present
continuous ((Question word) + be + I/you/he/she/it/ we/
they + verb + -ing) and the present simple ((Question
word) + do/does + I/you/he/she/it/ we/they + verb) and write these on the board Then ask the students to look
at each set of words and underline the first word in each question first
Ask the fast finishers to write some more questions using the present continuous and present simple When the
others have finished, put the students into small groups with a fast finisher who asks the other students their new
1 What is your friend doing at the moment?
2 What time do you usually go to bed?
3 How do you get home from school?
4 Is your teacher sitting down at the moment?
5 Isthe sun shining today?
6 Doyou get up at the same time every day?
le 2b 3c 4d 5a 6f
7 Demonstrate this as a class first by miming one of the activities and asking the students to ask questions If necessary, remind them to use the present continuous
to ask their questions Then give some more information
about the activity in the present simple and elicit the
tense from the class If necessary, ask two stronger
students to demonstrate the activity again to the class
Students’ own answers
Ask the students to choose one of the activities in Exercise
7 and to write down some more information about it
on a piece of paper, following the example in the book
if necessary Collect in the pieces of paper Read out the information and award points to students or teams who
Trang 21
Present continuous and
‘| Look at the examples from the listening Write
simple or continuous
Present 0
Today, |’m talking about my morning routine
I’m having cereal with fruit today
At the moment, I’m wearing my favourite T-shirt
I’m leaving the house now
I’m not wearing my uniform today
| never have a shower in the morning
| always check my messages in the morning | sometimes have toast and butter
| usually wear my uniform
| don’t usually have a shower in the morning
2 Complete the rules with the underlined words
We often use the present simple with words like
We often use the present continuous with words
Eo chad ee cere a NG eee
3 Complete the sentences with the correct tense of
the verbs in brackets
0 | ’mshopping (shop) at the moment | can’t talk
1 My mumalways (cook) nice food
2 The teachers usually - (give) us a lot of
homework on Monday
3 1 (stay)athome today.l (not
go) to school
4 Itsfiveocloceknowandl =—= (watch) TV
with my sister
5 Whattime your dadusually
(get up) on a Sunday?
6 ItsOK,Jack» (notsleep) at the
moment You can go and talk to him
4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences
oO is getting
0 My cousin getsmatried today
1 How are you? | write to you to give you
some news
2 What do you do at the moment?
3 My brother and | are not going swimming every day
My mum is only working in the mornings
We usually are eating a big breakfast on Sunday
5 Make sentences with the present simple and present continuous Use usually and today
or at the moment
0 walk to school / go by bus
! usually walk to school, but today I’m going
by bus
have a sandwich for lunch / spaghetti
watch TV after school / do my homework
play football on Saturday / play tennis get up at seven o’clock / eight o’clock
have a shower / have a bath
6 Put the words in order to make questions
1 your / the /moment/ friend / what / doing /
is / at?
bed / do / go / you / what / usually / to / time? school / do / get / home/ how / from / you?
sitting / is / teacher / at / down / your / the /
sun / today / shining / is / the?
day / do / every / get / at / same / up/ the / time
/ you?
Now match the questions to the correct answer
d Yes, he is e She’s sleeping f Yes,I do a No, it isn’t b 10pm c | walk
In pairs, ask and answer the questions
Work in pairs, Student A, mime an activity in the
box Student B, guess what it is
catch a bus check your messages do some homework go to sleep
play football
put on your coat paint a picture
prepare lunch take a photo
_ Are you putting on your sunglasses? _
Are you taking a photo?
Student A, when Student B guesses the activity, give more information:
| go to a photography club every Friday
It starts at 7 pm | go there by bus
Student B, ask more questions
Trang 22oy
1 Read the texts once Who starts school the earliest?
Tell us about your day
A Omni - Finland
| get up at 8.00 am For breakfast | have
cereal and milk, with orange juice After
breakfast, | meet my friend, and we go to
school together on the metro Some days
school starts at 9.00 but on other days at
10.00 We don’t wear a uniform,
and we call our teachers by their first name We all get a free
lunch at school — meat or fish
with vegetables for the main course and fruit for dessert
School usually finishes at 2.45,
and after that | go to music
lessons or drama
club | have a snack in the evening
before bed
2 Read the texts again For each question, @ write O (Onni), D (Diego) or A (Aban)
1 Who says he uses the computer in the
2 Who can choose what he wears to school?
Who doesn’t have breakfast at home?
Who goes to school by car?
Who doesn’t start school at the same
time each day?
Who does sport after school?
B Diego - Mexico
| wake up at 6.00 am, have a shower and put on my uniform My
breakfast is coffee, with bread and cheese or avocado At 7.00 am, it’s
time to go to school Sometimes | walk, but often my mum drives me Classes begin at 8.00 and finish at 2.30 After that, | have my art class
| have lunch at about 3.00, and then | do my homework | do it till 6.00
or 7.00 After that, | go on the internet, or watch TV with my family | have dinner at about 8.00
C Aban - Ghana
My mother wakes me and my sister up at 5.00 am
| water the plants in the garden, and my sister
prepares the food for the evening meal Then we C3 `
put on our school uniforms and brush our teeth We leave the house at 6.30 and buy breakfast on our
way to school Lessons are from 7.30 to 2.30 pm
Lunch is at school — today, it’s rice and tomatoes | like
it, but my sister doesn’t! After school | have my football
class, and in the evening | watch TV before bed 4
ah A
1 Look at the texts and find these words
0 This is the first meal of the day breakfast
This is sweet and you have it at the end of the meal You have this when you don’t need a big meal
You have this meal in the middle of the day
This is a drink made from fruit This is the last meal of the day
This is the largest or most important part of the meal
Who has a hot drink in the morning? `
2 Match the photos to the words in the box
Whose school day is like yours? Whose is
Was any of the information surprising to you?
avocado bread cabbage cereal
cheese cucumber fish fruit honey
hotchocolate jam mango pasta toast tomatoes rice vegetables yoghurt
4) Listen and check Then repeat
20 UNIT2
Trang 23
Hold a geography quiz Write the following table on
the board and encourage the students in small groups
to complete it Set a time limit (e.g five minutes) The
answers are given below in italics
Ghana NorthAmerica Africa Finland Mexico Continent Europe Helsinki Finnish & Swedish Euro
Capital City Accra
Official Language
Mexico City
Spanish English
Currency Peso Cedi
Then, if possible, show the class where the three
countries are on a map
Finland, Mexico and Ghana appear in the reading text in
this unit
Finland Mexico Ghana
6-18 4-12!
Yes? Yes Yes
Uniform No Most? Yes
None Yes
Compulsory education 7-15
Yes (and lots
of tests) Homework
1some start later or can’t afford to start at all because of cost of books, clothes, etc
2 includes university tuition fees
3 compulsory in public (state) schools and most private schools
1 Books closed Tell the class they are going to read about a typical school day of three people from Finland, Mexico and Ghana Encourage a brief class discussion on what
they think each day is like, who they think starts school
the earliest and why The students then read the texts and check their ideas
Aban - Ghana
2 A2 Key for Schools Reading and Writing Part 2
@ In this part, students read three texts about three
different people, places, personal experiences, things,
etc and have to answer seven Which person/place/etc /
type questions Encourage the students to try to answer
the questions before they read the texts again
1D 2O 3A 4D 5O 6A 7D
C) The Reading text is recorded for students to listen and read
For Exercises 1 and 2, divide the class into three groups,
A, Band C, making sure there is a mix of stronger and
weaker students in each group Group A reads about Onni, Group B Diego and Group C Ghana Ask them to read their
text quickly to find what time each person starts school
Compare answers as a class and decide who starts the
earliest Then ask them to read their text again and as a
group try to answer as many questions in Exercise 2 as
they can, encouraging the stronger students to help the weaker ones Then put the students into groups of three where each student has read a different text and ask them
to share their answers The students read the other two texts for homework
Fast finishers write some more questions about the three
texts fora class quiz, e.g Who has acold drink in the
morning? Who goes to school with a friend? Organise the
class into teams The fast finishers come to the front of the class, ask each team some questions and give points for correct answers
Taking rowrs
Copy the table below onto the board and elicit some examples Then ask the students to copy the table and
make notes before they start talking Put the students into
small groups for this activity; ask them to use their notes to answer the questions and also to say which of the people
in the texts has the best and worst school day
e.g Diego and
Aban -! don’t wear a uniform similar surprising
e.g Diego - | also
start school at 8
e.g Onni’s school
starts late
| Answers
Students’ own answers
1 Point out that the words are all in blue in the text Make
sure the students pronounce each word correctly
1dessert 2snack 3lunch 4juice 5dinner 6 main course
2 Encourage the students to cover the words and say what
they can see in each photo first
s9 Answers
The answers are recorded for students to check and then
Amango Bjam Cfish Dfruit Evegetables F bread
Ghoney Htomatoes I cabbage Jcheese K cereal
Lcucumber Mrice N hotchocolate O pasta P avocado Qtoast R yoghurt
Trang 243 Ifthe students are slow to think of more food words,
encourage them to read the questions first, think
about the food words they’ll need to answer these
questions and make a list Model some good answers to the questions by encouraging the class to ask you the
questions first
Students’ own answers
G@ PRONUNCIATION | The sound /o/
The sound /9/ is also known as the schwa In English it is mainly found where a vowel is unstressed, e.g butter
4 Encourage the students to say how each underlined
sound is pronounced (/o/) Check that students
pronounce vegetable /'ved3.ta.bal/ correctly and if necessary, point out that it has three syllables
C)) Audioscript
The words are recorded for students to listen and repeat
breakfast, dinner, vegetables
5 Encourage the students to try to find the sound /a/ in
each word before they listen, check and repeat Point
out that we say chocolate with two syllables Ask the students to find some more words in this unit with the
sound /a/
=9 Answers
The answers are recorded for the students to listen and repeat pasta) chocolate b@narn@) salad tomato yoghurt
1 Write some useful language on the board first so that
the students can compare their ideas and say why, e.g /
think (have a cold shower) is /isn’t a good / great / bad tip because ; 1 (don’t) agree with this tip because ; What
do you think?; Do you agree? Ask the students to look at
the poster and say what it is about Encourage them to
guess what tip means from the context and then check
understanding by asking them to think of synonyms, e.g
idea, advice, help or the word in their own language
Students’ own answers
This exercise is loosely based on A2 Key for Schools
Listening Part 5, where students listen to someone talking about six people they know and choose one
answer for each person out of eight possible answers (the first person is always an example) Point out that
there is an extra tip that students do not need to use
and that Student 1 has been done as an example With a weaker class, stop after Student 1 and encourage the students to say what information on the recording tells
them it’s Tip C Students listen to the recording again in
Exercise 3 38 = UNIT 2 Answers Student 1 Tip C Student 2 Tip E Student 3 Tip G Student 4 Tip B Student 5 TipA Student 6 Tip F
cỊ) : Encourage the students to compare their answers in
pairs before they listen again If time allows, encourage the students to design a poster with tips for another part
of the day, e.g ‘six tips to do your homework well’ or ‘six
tips to get a good night’s sleep’
Students’ own answers
Tell the students that they are going to write about their
school day routine, similar to the paragraphs written by
Onni, Diego and Aban
GET READY Check the students understand the meaning of
and, but and or by asking them for a translation Encourage stronger students to rewrite the sentences so they are true
for them
1but 2and 3but 4or
PLAN If students are slow to start, encourage them to
choose one of the three texts, e.g Diego, think about which
phrases they could use in their own paragraph and to write
down complete sentences which are true for them, e.g /
wake up at 7.30 am My breakfast is biscuits and hot milk
WRITE Remind students to use and, but and or in their
paragraph and to look at their notes and the texts for ideas
REVIEW Encourage the students to look out for common
mistakes You will need to point these out to them or they
won’t know what to look for, e.g writing ‘i’ instead of ‘I’ or
putting the adverb after the verb rave ysuely-fish,
Organise the class into teams Write a word from this unit on the board, e.g chocolate and challenge the teams to
think of a food or drink beginning with each letter, e.g
cabbage, honey, orange, curry, onion, lemonade, apple,
Trang 25
A have acold
3 Think of ten more food words In pairs, compare
your words Then ask and answer these questions
1 What’s your favourite food? What don’t you like?
2 What do you have for breakfast?
3 What time do you have dinner? What do you have? 4 What snacks do you have every day?
PRONUNCIATION | The sound /3/
ch) 4 Listen and repeat
breakfast dinner vegetables
) 5 Listen and repeat Circle the /a/ sound in
each word One word has two /a/ sounds Which word is it?
pasta chocolate banana salad tomato yoghurt cucumber
tips to help
you feel great
in the morning!
a B tidy your room
‘| Read the poster What do you think of these tips?
4) 2 Listen to the radio show You will hear a woman asking six students about getting up in the
morning Match each student to the correct tip There is one tip you do not need
Student 1 TipA Student 2 a Tip B Student 3 Tip C Student 4 Tip D Student 5 Tip E Student 6 Tip F Tip G
4) 3 Listen again and check Then in small groups,
cs discuss the questions
1 Which of the tips do you think are useful? Which are not useful?
2 Can you think of other tips for getting up in the morning?
3 Is getting up in the morning easy or difficult for you?
Aparagraph about your routine
GET READY Read the three texts in Exercise 1 on
page 20 again and find all the examples of and, but
and or
Choose the correct words to complete the
1 Wedon’t get chocolate or crisps or / but
at school
2 | walk to school _my brother but / or
gets the bus
3 leatlots offruit — — drink lots and / or of water
4 Ilikestayinguplae lcant but/and
do that during the week
5 Idontlkecaros —“ tomatoes or/but PLAN Make notes about what you do and eat on a
typical school day
WRITE Write a paragraph about it Look at your
notes and the reading texts for ideas Use and, but and orin your paragraph
REVIEW In pairs, read your own text and your
partner’s Check for mistakes Give your partner two
ideas to make their text better
Trang 261 In 1 2 3
The International Paralympic Committee
m website ( tells us these facts:
2 Read the text in boxes (1-6) and match them to the
sports in the photos Write SV (sitting volleyball) or WR (wheelchair rugby)
3 Read the texts again and complete the table
114118 The Porolympic Games BA
| | First official Paralympic Games: 1960 They
eld in Rome, Italy and there was a
sing ceremony
i were h
special opening and clo
Number of sports: Around 25 G | Celebrated: Every two years There
Dare summer Games and winter Games
ee | i | ==——=
pairs, discuss the questions with your partner
Do you like doing sports? What sports do you do? Do you like watching sports on TV? What sports do you watch?
Do you usually watch the Olympic Games and the
Paralympic Games? 1 40 CULTURE
4 Find the words highlighted in the text and choose the
correct meanings, a or b 22 CULTURE Sitting Wheelchair volleyball rugby = i
The Paralympic Games take place |
Where do you play? |' j i Th int
What do they need? | a ball and a wheelchairs SCE NÓ CHẾ ng cv Ghi Tp VY
oe anda‘ Games and summer Games
How manyplayes |° a Athletes with physical disabilities
are there on a team? from different countries compete
How many players |” 2N for gold, silver and bronze medals
from each team are
on the court? The Paralympic Games have a lot
of different competitions for a lot of different sports There are 22
sports in the summer Games and
a a type of ball five sports in the winter Games
b aprize in a sports competition oie
wheelchair Here’s a description of two
a something people use when they can’t walk popular sports played in the
b something people use to stand on Paralympic Games
a aplace with seats
b anindoor or outdoor area for games player
a aperson ina wheelchair
b aperson playing a game or sport
goal line
a aline you pass to get points
b the number of players on a team
Wheelchair rugby Ñ
Trang 27
, = _=
The students learn about the Paralympic Games
In the project stage, they write interview questions for a
Paralympic athlete and find the answers
medal wheelchair rugby ball court player goal line
Paralympic athlete?
The Olympic Games symbol is five interlaced rings
(blue, yellow, black, green and red), which represent the five continents (Africa, America, Asia, Australasia and
Europe) The Paralympic Games symbol is three red,
blue and green ‘agitos’ (see illustration on unit page) An
‘agito’ (= ‘| move’ in Latin) is the symbol of movement
To compete in the Paralympic Games, each athlete
is evaluated by a panel of judges To avoid the least
impaired athletes from winning all the competitions,
each athlete is categorised according to their degree of
impairment; this categorisation is sport specific In the
word Paralympics, ‘Para’ stands for parallel (= side by side with the Olympics) and not paraplegic
Draw the Olympic Games symbol (see Background
information above) on the left-hand side of the board and ask the class what it is and what they know about these
games Write the class’ ideas onto the left-hand side of
the board Next draw the Paralympic Games symbol (see Coursebook page and Background information above)
on the right-hand side and ask what it is and what they know about these games Write the class’ ideas onto the
right-hand side of the board Then, ask them to read the factfile at the top of the page and the introduction to the six descriptions and check their ideas
1 If necessary, ask the students to look at Vocabulary and
Reading Exercise 1 on page 14 again to revise the names
of sports before they do this exercise Encourage them to answer in full sentences and ask follow-up questions
where appropriate, e.g Where do you play football? Who
do you play it with?
Students’ own answers
2 First, ask the students in pairs to look at the photos of
the two different sports (sitting volleyball and wheelchair
rugby), describe the sports and talk about how they
think each one is played Then, ask them to read the six texts (1-6) quickly to check their ideas before they write SV or WR
For Exercises 2 and 3, weaker students read about
sitting volleyball only (texts 2, 3 and 5) In Exercise 2 they
complete the three texts with SV and in Exercise 3 they
answer the questions for sitting volleyball only Then, pair
them up with a fast finisher who shares their information
about wheelchair rugby, so that their weaker partner can complete the table
3 Ask the students to try to complete the table before they
read the texts again Point out that they don’t have to
write complete sentences - they can write notes Answers
1indoor court 2¡indoor court 3net 4ball 5six 6twelve 7 six 8 four
)) The Reading text is recorded for students to listen and read
4_ Ask the students to find the six words in the texts first
and try to understand the meaning of each one from
context before they read the definitions
In pairs, fast finishers take turns to say five sentences
about one of the sports where some of the information is
true and some is false Their partners need to correct the false information
1b 2a 3a 4b 5b 6a
Trang 28(© TALtiNe P0INTS
Ask the students to look at their completed tables in
Exercise 3 again and decide on their own which of the two
sports they’d like to play first and why Then, ask them to compare their ideas with a partner If appropriate,
encourage the students to ask their sports teacher if they
can try playing sitting volleyball
a) 5 First, ask the students in pairs to describe the three
pictures and to say how they think each one is played
before they listen
wheelchair tennis
S) 6 Ask the students to try to answer the questions before they listen again With a weaker class, it may be
necessary to play the recording for a third time and
pause it after each answer is given
11lyears old 2 nearthe/her school 3 the Paralympic Games 4hehas alot of medals 5 the United States
6 no, she doesn’t 7 no, she has competitions
PROJECT An inverview
Ask the students to read the instructions in bold Check
that they have understood them by asking ‘Where do you
work?’ ‘Who are you going to interview?’ ‘What do you need
to write?’
Write the following table (with the title) on the board (without the example information about Martha):
A Paralympic Athlete
Name: e.g Martha Dirksen
Sport: e.g wheelchair tennis
Asa class complete the table for Martha Dirksen (see
example above), encouraging the students to think of
three questions they would like to ask her In pairs, ask the students to copy the table (with title) into their notebooks
Ask the students to find information about another athlete
and complete the table with the information they find
Remind them that they need to write three of their own
questions and also find the answers for these questions
With a less autonomous class, it may be a good idea to find
the names of several Paralympic athletes and give one of
these names to each group Ask the pairs to give a short presentation to the class on their athlete
Students’ own answers
Tell the pairs they are going to record an interview (either
voice or video) for the radio, where one of them is the
radio journalist and the other is the athlete Encourage them to use some of the questions they wrote for their
project above and their answers and where appropriate,
to write some new questions Point out they will also
need to write an introduction to the interview where the
journalist introduces the athlete Tell the pairs they can
either write out the full interview first or write some notes
They should rehearse their interview before they record it When the pairs are ready, play the interviews back to the
class and vote on the best three
® What is a Paralympic athlete?
* When students have completed the lesson, they can watch the video and complete the worksheet
Tell the students you are thinking of a sport (e.g tennis) The students have to guess the sport, but they can only
ask a maximum of five Yes/No questions, e.g /s it a ball
sport? (Yes, it is.) Do you kick the ball? (No, you don’t.)
Invite a student to come to the front of the class and to
Trang 29RE) 5 Listen to an interview with Martha
Dirksen about a Paralympic sport What sport does she do?
) Wheelchair | 1 basketball | ) Wheelchair | tennis
WR You play this sport on an indoor
court Players are in wheelchairs They
need a ball They pass the ball from one person to another
You play this sport on a court fl" @ Listen again and answer the questions
inside Players sit on the floor They need a3 ldi ha?
a net and a ball Teams need to hit the ball How o - is Martha?
Where is the court?
over the net in three turns using their arms What'does she want to be day?
What has her sports hero got? Where is David Wagner from?
Does Martha play tennis on Tuesdays? Does Martha rest at weekends?
Each team has six players on the court
Each team is on a different side of the net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
There are 12 players on a team,
but there are only four players on the court
for each team at one time For a goal, the
team carries the ball over the opposite team’s
line and two wheels need to cross the line
The net is lower than in the
Olympic version In the Olympic version,
the players stand
Imagine you work for a radio station
In pairs, write interview questions to ask
a Paralympic athlete
¢ Find out:
¢ Their name
e What sport they do
e Where they are from
« How many medals they have
e Write three questions you can ask the athlete
e Find information on a Paralympic
athlete Answer the questions
Tell the class what you found out
The indoor court is smaller than in
the game played outside It is the same size as a basketball court The goal lines are at the far ends of the court
Which sport do you like best - sitting volleyball or
wheelchair rugby Why?
Trang 30yo:
@02 Watch the video then ask and answer the questions
1 When do you listen to music?
2 Where do you listen to music? 3 Do you listen to music alone or
with friends?
4 Can you play any musical
instruments? Which one(s)?
Look at the words in the box Complete the table
© classical music drums electric guitar
hip-hop jazz keyboard opera
piano pop rap rock saxophone soul violin
Types of music Musical instruments
Match the photos A-F to the musical instruments in Exercise 1
` Listen and check Then repeat
Listen to the different types of music Match them * ~~ to the types of music in Exercise 1
24 UNIT3 44 UNIT3 Music
What types of music do you think the people are
playing in the photos?
Choose the correct word to complete the
1 You usually need a lot of different instruments for classical music / pop and the pieces of music are often quite long
2 People sometimes use sticks when they play the
keyboard / drums
3 There are different singers in jazz / an opera It’s a bit like a play with music and singing
4 Inrap / rock, the artists don’t really sing the words; they speak them
5 You put the saxophone / violin to your mouth to play it
6 Apiano / an electric guitar is quite easy to carry
Unit overview
AND LISTENING Types of music; musical instruments
GRAMMAR like, don’t like, hate, love + -ing
READING Starting in the music business VOCABULARY Music verbs
PRONUNCIATION Email addresses, phone numbers and names
LISTENING Talking about a music school SPEAKING Talking about music
EXAM TASKS Speaking Parts 1 and 2 interactional and social
language; comparing, describing, expressing
PHOTOCOPIABLE WORKSHEETS: Grammar worksheet Unit 3;
Vocabulary worksheet Unit 3
There are several photos of famous musicians in this unit
Page 24
A: Bruno Mars is an American singer, born in Hawaii He is
one of the best-selling artists of all time His music has a
wide variety of styles, including hip-hop, pop, reggae and soul
B: Vanessa Mae is a British violinist born in 1978 She
has sold several million albums and was once one of the
richest British young musicians
C: Kyle J Simmons is the keyboardist with British band
Bastille Bastille were formed in 2010 and to date have sold over 2.5 million records in the UK
D: Cindy Blackman is an American jazz and rock drummer She is famous for touring and recording with American
singer Lenny Kravitz, but has also recorded solo albums
E: Lady Gaga is an American singer, songwriter and
actress, born in 1986 in New York City She founded Born This Way Foundation with her mother to help young
F: Jaleel Shaw is an American jazz saxophonist He has degrees in Music Education and Performance, and Jazz
Performance He was awarded the Young Jazz Composer
Award in 2008
Page 26
Shawn Mendes is a Canadian singer-songwriter He
became famous after uploading covers of songs ona
video sharing app
Rihanna is a singer, songwriter and actress from Barbados
born in 20 February 1988
Write the unit title on the board and ask the students to say what they think the unit is about Ask the students to
look at the photos at the top of the page for 15 seconds and then close their books Challenge them to tell you as
much as they can about each photo
@ avout you
As aclass, brainstorm a list of follow-up questions onto the board, e.g Why do you prefer it? How often do you play it?
Who do you play it with? Where do you play it? Encourage
the student who is asking the questions to keep their
partner talking by asking the follow-up questions on the
© You can begin the class and introduce the topic of the unit
2 by showing the video and asking students to complete the
video worksheet Then, read the questions in the box and ask students to discuss them in pairs
1 Books closed Copy the table onto the board As a class,
brainstorm as many words as possible onto the board Books open, students complete the table and then copy
any extra words on the board into their table
Types of music: classical music, hip-hop, jazz, opera, pop,
rap, rock, soul
Musical instruments: drums, electric guitar, keyboard, piano,
saxophone, violin
2 Ask the students to say who is playing what, e.g Lady
Gaga is playing the piano
The answers are recorded for the students to check and then
A (electric) guitar Bviolin C keyboard Ddrums E piano F saxophone
s9 3 Check that the students pronounce the types of music
correctly Then, stop the recording after each type and
ask the students to work in pairs and say: What do you
think itis? | think it’s [rap] |agree / don’t agree
1hip-hop 2rock 3 classical 4pop 5jazz 6soul 7 rap
8 opera
4 Put the students in pairs to ask and answer questions
about each photo, e.g.:
Student A: What type of music is the manin photo A
Trang 32We
26 Ask the students to look at the photos first and predict
who can play what before they listen With a weaker
class, point out that they play two instruments each
1Mia 2Jason 3Jason 4Mia
Ask the students try to say if the sentences are right or
wrong before they listen again With a stronger class,
ask the students to correct the wrong sentences Witha weaker class, play the recording for a third time and stop after each answer
1 2 (Jason doesn’t like listening to opera.) 3 ¥ 4 x (Jason tried to play the violin but it was difficult.)
5 x (She hates listening to the drums They’re too loud.)
TET like, don’t like, hate, love + -ing
1 Books closed Write the four sentences on the board
and elicit who said what (Mia or Jason) Underline the
verbs in bold and ask ‘What do the expressions have in
common?’ (They express a preference.) Books open Ask the students to say what the two emoticons mean in the
exercise before they complete the table Do not rub out the sentences as they’ll be used again in Exercise 2
=9 Answers
The answers are recorded for students to check and then
a | love listening to rap
b She likes playing classical music
c | don’t like listening to opera
d | hate playing the violin
2 Rub out listening and playing from the four sentences
on the board (used in Exercise 1) Ask the students to
say what is missing in each sentence, write the missing
word (listening or playing) in a different colour and
highlight the -ing form Ask the students to look at the
table in their books and elicit the spelling rules by asking
‘What happens with verbs that end in -e?’ (remove the
‘e’) ‘And verbs with one syllable that end in consonant-
vowel-consonant?’ (double the last consonant) ‘And all other verbs?’ (add ‘-ing’)
help: learning, singing
write: choosing, driving, making, practising, riding
run: getting, sitting, swimming, winning
Encourage students to read the second sentence in each
question first and decide whether they'll need to choose
a positive or a negative word Answers
lhate 2doesn’t like 3loves 4 don’t like
Point out that students often make mistakes with the
-ing form after verbs such as like, love, hate, etc and they
should check their spelling carefully
46 UNIT3
lreading 2playing 3 going 4 learning 5 listening
Ask fast finishers to write questions for each of the
answers, e.g What do you like doing on Sundays? What
does your dad like reading? Then they ask and answer the
questions together
5 A2 Key for Schools Speaking Parts 1 and 2
@ In Part 1 Phase 2, the examiner will ask each candidate
some general questions about themselves on two
different topics One of the topics could be music, for example In Part 2, candidates talk about a different
topic to Part 1 They discuss their likes and dislikes on
a topic It is possible that a topic such as music could
appear in either Part 1 Phase 2 or Part 2 It will not
appear in both First practise saying the questions with
the correct intonation by asking the students to copy
your intonation Remind them to give full answers and to ask follow-up questions
With weaker students and more reluctant speakers, use a
disappearing board conversation:
1 rite the questions with sample answers (see below) on
the board
2 Divide the weaker students into As and Bs As a class,
As read the questions and Bs read the answers, then
change roles
3 Students continue to do this in pairs As they do this,
begin to rub out words from the answers until the
students are saying the answers from memory
4 Encourage the students to read the questions (still on the board) and give their own answers
Sample answers
1 | usually listen to music in my bedroom
2 | love pop music That’s my favourite
3 My favourite musician is Ed Sheeran He sings and he plays the guitar
4 | love listening to the piano but | can’t play it
5 Yes, they can Students learn to play the recorder at my school
Students’ own answers
Play track 25 again and ask the students to identify both
the types of music and the musical instruments and also
to express their opinion, e.g / hate this because | don’t like
Trang 33
cl) G Listen to Jason and Mia talking about music and
° musical instruments Who can play:
) 7
1 the saxophone?
2 the electric guitar? 3 the keyboard?
4 the piano?
Listen again Are the sentences right (W) or
wrong (X)?
Mia likes the new album a lot 4 Mia often listens to jazz at home Jason likes opera
Jason’s sister plays in a rock group
Jason thinks the violin is easy to play Mia likes the drums
like, don’t like, hate,
BRANEAN love + -img ———_
1 Put the words in bold on the correct place (a-d)
1 | don’t like listening to opera
2 She likes playing classical music 3 | hate playing the violin
4 | love listening to rap
@® C7
ˆ_— — _ —
ở ốc futimmtion
w Listen and check Then repeat
Look at the examples in the table How does the
verb change in the -ing form?
help > helping | write > writing | run > running
Now complete the table with the -ing form of these verbs in the correct columns
swim win
choose drive get learn
sing — sit
practise ride
Choose the correct words to complete the
1 | like / hate rock It’s too loud
2 She doesn’t like / loves playing the piano She prefers the saxophone
3 My mum loves / hates listening to opera She often goes to watch it
4 Lots of people like / don’t like hip-hop, but | think
it’s great
Complete the sentences with the correct form
@ of the verbs
0 On Sundays, | like having lunch with my family
1 My dad likes | the news online (read) 2 I really love _ _ football with my brother
3 Ilove tomy friends’ houses to play
computer games (go)
Everyone in ourclasslkes English (learn)
Do you like tÐ music when you are doing
your homework? (listen)
5 pairs, ask and answer the questions
Do you listen to music?
What’s your favourite type of music?
Who are your favourite musicians and what instruments do they play?
What’s your favorite instrument?
Can students learn to play instruments at your school? Which ones?
Trang 34Ỉ |
T_ Look at the photos In pairs, ask and answer the questions
1 Is it easy to become a famous musician?
2 How do people start in the music business?
3 How can the internet help people to become musicians?
2 Read the article quickly and match the teenagers’ questions
1-3 to the advice A-C
4 |’ma singer-songwriter | give
concerts at a local club Everyone
likes listening to my music and wants to buy a CD What can | do next?’
2 Hi, | play ina band with some
friends from school The others
aren’t serious about music, but |
am Help! Do | stay with the band or find other musicians to play with?
3 I’m15 and arapper | record my
songs and put them online | get lots of hits! But | live in the countryside
and there are no gigs here It’s too
far for me to travel to the city What can | do to become famous?
3 Are the sentences right (“) or wrong (X)?
1 Pete sells CDs of his songs at his concerts
Pete needs to make an album with a record company
Shona needs to change school as soon as possible Spark lives a long way from the city
Spark doesn't need to perform live for people to hear his music Aun hwWn [26 UNIT3 | [48 UNIT3
*, Why not make a music video too? Then it doesn’t
~" matter where you live Ask your parents or someone
*, You already write and perform your own songs
~ Great! Next step: record an album using
*, Music is an important part of your life Stay with
* your friends for the moment but think about
Shona is more interested in music than her friends are
from school if it’s okay, and they can show you how
to do it Then you can upload the video to a social network like YouTube or Instagram That's how
Shawn Mendes became famous!
computer software and post it online You don’t
need a record deal College courses are a really useful way to learn how to do this, and can give
you other ideas too Ask at your school
going to a music school These schools teach
music and everything you need to know about
becoming a musician Talk to your parents about it Good luck!
Are any of your friends musicians?
Do any of your friends upload their music to the internet?
Do you like listening to music on the
Which sites do you prefer?
Trang 35
Play this dice game (You'll need one dice for each group of six students.)
° Write this on the board:
NW nnutne poinrs
Remind the class that a yes or no answer isn’t enough and they should always try to give full answers by using words
like and, so, because, etc Also remind them to ask follow-
up questions If necessary, set a minimum time limit for
1love 1 listen (to) this exercise : l
2 like 2 play
3 quite like 3 watch ; Answers
A don'’tlike Aread Students’ own answers
5 hate 5 sing
6reallyhate 6go
° Demonstrate the activity to the class Roll the dice
This number (e.g 2) gives you the first verb (like)
Roll the dice again This number (e.g 6) gives you
the second verb (go) Make a complete sentence (/
like going to the beach when the weather is good)
Encourage the students to ask follow-up questions,
e.g Who do you go with? What do you do there?
° Organise the students into groups of six and give each group one dice Allow them to play the game
for three or four minutes, reminding them to give
full answers and to ask follow-up questions
1 Pre-teach music business by asking the students to look
at the photos and to say what the two people have in common (they both work in the music business) Check
understanding by asking for some more examples (e.g
Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga) and also asking if there are other
types of jobs (e.g songwriter, producer, sound engineer)
Students’ own answers
2 First ask the students to find the three questions (1-3)
and to underline what the three people want to know Then encourage them to match the three pieces of
advice (A-C) quickly and to underline the information which gives them the correct answer
9 Answers
The Reading text is recorded for students to listen, read and check their answers
1B 2C 3A
3 Encourage the students to try to answer the questions
before they read the article again Point out that the
students will need to read both the questions and
suggestions to find the answers With a stronger class,
encourage the students to correct the wrong answers
1 * (Everyone wants to buy his CDs.) 2 * (He can make an
album using computer software and post it online.) 3 W
4 « (She should stay with her friends at the moment.) 5
Whilst the other students are doing Exercise 3, ask the weaker students to decide if sentences 1 and 2 are right or wrong Check their answers If time allows, encourage
them to try sentences 3 and 4
Trang 36
FÌ)3 This exercise is loosely based on A2 Key for Schools
” Listening Part 2 where students need to complete
information with words, numbers or dates If the word
is spelled on the recording, the spelling must be correct
Encourage the students to read the note first and to say
what kinds of words are missing in each space (e.g 1
& 2 part of the day, 3 a name, 4a number, 5 a name, 6
an email address) Play the recording a second time for
students to check their answers
1 Before the students complete the sentences, point out
that they might have to add -(e)s to the verb for the third
Pairs take turns to be Student A and B Student A reads
out the sentences in Vocabulary Exercise 1 but says
banana where there are missing words, e.g 1 My dad can
upload it to Youtube With their book closed, Student B
repeats the sentence but with the correct words
1lmorning 2 afternoon 3 The Clarke School (C-L-A-R-K-E)
401572 39968 5 Phillips 6
1 A2 Key for Schools Speaking Part 1 and Part 2
@ In Part 1 Phase 2, the examiner will ask each candidate
some general questions and in Part 2 they will ask about
their opinions It is possible that a topic such as music
lrecord amusic video 2 givesaconcert 3 becomea singer
4playsinaband 5 record an album 6 become famous
7 teaches music 8 go ontour
2 Books closed Ask Pete’s question What can | do next?,
then ask the students to read suggestion B in the reading again and help them rephrase it using words in Exercise
1 After they finish, if time allows, pairs can role-play a conversation between one of the teenagers and
someone in the music business giving advice Possible answers
1 | think you can record an album and play it to your friends
could appear in either Part 1 Phase 2 or Part 2 It will not appear in both Ask the class to ask you the questions
and model good answers Then invite a confident
student to the front to be the candidate Ask them two or three questions; the rest of the class listen and say
Then you can ask an adult to help you and you can post it whether the candidate answers the questions well and
online At the same time, you can look for a good college why
2 Ithink you can stay with the band at the moment, but ask
your parents about music schools These schools help Each pair writes sentences about a famous musician
people become musicians
3 | think you can make a music video and then ask adults to
help you post it online You don’t need to give concerts People can see you playing online
using some of the words from Vocabulary Exercise 1 Then
they read their sentences to the class without saying their
name The other students guess who it is
Email addresses, phone numbers and names
1 Books closed Write the examples on the board and
highlight the pronunciation of @ (‘at’), (‘dot’), two numbers or two letters (‘double’) and the number 0
(‘oh’ - like the letter o) If appropriate, point out that in
American English we say zero If necessary, revise the
pronunciation of letters
c) Answers
The answers are recorded for the students to check and then
1 school at musicpopcloud dot com
2 oh four five one, two five six, double three seven 3 J-o-a-double n-a
2 If they wish, students can write down their email
address, phone number and mother or father’s first
name first Encourage the students to ask and answer appropriate questions for this (e.g What’s your email
address?) and to write down their partner’s answer so that they can check it with their partner
Trang 37
VOCABULARY [Tre phrases
Complete the sentences with the correct form of © the words in the box
become a singer become famous
give a concert go on tour
make a music video playin a band record an album teach music
1 Mydadcanhelpme Thenl can upload it to Youtube
2 My sister is a famous classical musician She
_ in our town every summer
3 Amy can’t play an instrument, but she has a
very good voice She wantsto_
4 Andy plays the drums well He with
his friends on Saturdays at the music club
5 We’ve got ten new songs and they’re really
good Let’s
6 | really want to one day and be on TV
and play at big festivals
7 My mum plays lots of instruments, and she
uuu, at our school
8 Whenbands they play concerts
almost every night in lots of different places
2 Read the article again In pairs, answer the
questions in your own words using information from the article
0 Pete: ‘What can | do next?’
| think you can record an album and play it to
your friends
1 Shona: ‘Do| stay with the band or find other musicians to play with?’
2 Spark: ‘How can! become famous?’
°se°s°ses°sseee°edse *“s“Ẳ°°°soаsseoo°oessesesoeoooôs°eoôeeoee
Email addresses, phone numbers and names
For @ we say ‘at’ For we say ‘dot’
For two numbers (77) we say ‘double (seven)’
For two letters (bb) we say ‘double (b)’
For the number 0 we say ‘oh’
1 In pairs, practise
1 Say this email address:
2 Say this phone number: 0451 256 337
3 Spell this name: Joanna
D Listen and check Then repeat
eee PWYVS46/605S060u4sdj0assev
c) 3 Listen to the conversation Shona is talking to her
friend Emma about the music school Complete
the notes ®°eeee°o°ee°eeeeeeo°e ` ƠƠƯƠỊƠỊƠ
2 Inpairs, take it in turns
1 Say your email address 2 Say your phone number
3 Spell your mother’s or your father’s first name
Music lessons are inthe?
School lessons are in the?
Name of Music School: 9 Phone number: 4
Head’s name: Ms”
Email address: ° -
a Listen again and check
1 In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions @ 1 Do you like different kinds of music?
What are they?
2 Do you like different musical instruments? Which ones?
3 Do you think
jazz is interesting? opera is exciting?
classical music is boring?
the saxophone is difficult to play?
musical instruments are expensive?
4 Which of these different types of music do you like best?
5 Do you prefer listening to music at home or going
to concerts? Why?
6 Which instrument would you like to play?
Trang 38
What do you do to have fun with family and friends?
Share your ideas with your classmates
1 Look at the photos Where are the people and what are they doing? cy) 3 Listen and match the conversations to the photos
Conversation 1 Conversation 2 | Conversation 3
Conversation4 - Conversation5 Conversation6 ~
i) 3 Listen again How did the speakers feel about their experiences? = Complete row A of the table with the conversation numbers
4 Now complete row B of the table with the adjectives in the box ® amazing awesome brilliant fantastic
fine great horrible lovely OK
perfect really good terrible wonderful
Conversation B | Adjectives amazing
x9 Listen and check Then repeat
5 Choose the correct words to complete the conversations
0A: Im not in the basketball team any more 3 A: Look at my lunch!
B: Oh no! That's (terrible) / fantastic! B: That’s horrible / excellent - don’t eat it!
1 A: I’ve got anew mobile phone 4 A: Are you enjoying the film?
B: Wow! That’s fine / brilliant! B: It’s OK / lovely It’s not great
2 A: My sister’s getting married 5 A: | got top marks in my test
B: That’s great / OK! B: That’s wonderful / terrible, well done
6 In pairs, practise the conversations Then make some new conversations together
28 UNIT4
Trang 39‘Unit overview —
TOPIC Feelings and emotions
GRAMMAR past simple of be
READING Activity days - latest reviews
LISTENING Five short conversations
WRITING A description of a party
EXAM TASKS Listening Part 1 multiple choice; listening for
specific information
PHOTOCOPIABLE WORKSHEETS: Grammar worksheet Unit 4;
Vocabulary worksheet Unit 4
Read the unit title Check that students understand
awesome by asking ‘Does it mean you love or hate
something?’ (/ove) Discuss briefly what they think the unit
is about (feelings about activities in the past) Brainstorm
a list of activities onto the board and then write the
Ask the students to copy the table into their notebooks,
then write each activity from the board into the column of
the table that corresponds to how they feel about it Then
ask the students to discuss the activities in small groups,
e.g A: Do you like playing computer games? B: ! love it! love don’t like hate
@& avout you
At the end of the activity, ask the students if they have
talked about any activities which are not on the board If
so, ask them to add the new activities to their table Answers
Students’ own answers
1 Ask the students to look at the six photos first and to say
if they think the people are having fun and why Students then take turns to answer the question about each of the
photos With a stronger class, in pairs, the students can
take turns to describe one of the photos and the other
has to guess which photo is being described
c4) | Answers
A The people are at a festival They are listening to music and
they are taking photos
B The player is running in front of the goal
C They are at a funfair on a ride
D The people are at a party having fun
E The people are at a wedding reception One man is taking
a photo
F The people are at a barbecue They are cooking
cy) 2 Encourage the students to listen for words which tell
** them where the people are With a weaker class, do the
first conversation as an open class example and ask the
students to tell you where the people are (at a theme
park) before they match it to the photo
Answers Conversation 1 C Conversation 2 F Conversation 3A Conversation 4 E Conversation 5B Conversation 6 D
a 3 Ask the students to look at the table in Exercise 4 and say
what each emoticon means: bad, OK, good, very good
Then ask them to think back to the conversations and try to remember how each speaker felt Next ask them
to listen again to check their ideas and to complete the
table If necessary, do the first two conversations as an
example Stop after each conversation to allow students to complete the table
Pair up a weaker with a stronger student Photocopy the
audioscript on page 000 and allow the weaker student
to read it as they listen Then stop the recording after
each conversation and ask the students to complete the
table in pairs The weaker student can help their stronger
partner by showing them the adjectives in the script
Answers 1 Conversation 5 2 Conversation 2 3 Conversations 4 and 6 4 Conversations 1 and 3 >> AuDIOSGRIPT PAGE 000
4 Point out that there is a space in each column for
every missing word With a weaker class, read out each
adjective with either positive intonation (a positive word)
or negative intonation (a negative word) and encourage
the students to say where each one goes in the table
6 Ask the students to say the adjectives again with the
Trang 40el past simple of be
1 The students look at the examples and complete the rules Point out that the missing words are given in the box
lwas 2were 3n’t 4was/were
2 With a weaker class, ask the students to find the subject
first and check whether it goes with was or were by looking at the rules in Exercise 1
lwas 2were 3wasn’t 4weren’t 5was 6 were
3 Point out that there is a mistake with be in every
sentence Refer the students back to the rules in Exercise lif necessary
1 All my friends were here on Saturday
2 | like your new shoes! Were they expensive? 3 Yesterday | was at a friend’s house
4 The players were good and the weather was fine 5 That was an awesome party last night!
4 Encourage the students to read the whole conversation
first before they complete it The students will practise
the conversation in Exercise 5
C) | answers XX
The conversation is recorded for the students to check their
lweren’t 2wasn’t 3was 4Was 5was 6was 7was 8
Were 9weren’t 10 were 1lwas 12 was
Suzy: Hi Max Where were you yesterday afternoon? You
weren’t at school
Max: Ohhi Suzy No, | wasn’t | was at a big athletics
competition at the city sports club
Suzy: Really? Was it fun?
Max: Yes, it was It was amazing! I was the winner of the
800 m race!
Suzy: Fantastic, that’s awesome! Were your parents
Max: No, they weren’t They were at work But my
brother was there with his video camera so it was
Ask fast finishers to continue the conversation with Max
asking Suzy ‘Where were you after school yesterday?’
and Suzy answering If time allows, in Exercise 5 they can practise the whole conversation with the new part and
then perform it to the class
94 UNIT4
5 Stop the audio after each sentence so that the students
can repeat With weaker classes, have them keep their
books open so that they can read the sentences in the
conversation in Exercise 4 With a stronger class, with
books closed, ask them to listen and write down the
complete sentence Then they listen again and underline
the stressed words Finally they repeat the sentences with
the correct sentence stress
C)) Audioscript
The sentences are recorded for the students to listen and repeat
1 Where were you yesterday afternoon?
2 You weren’t at school
3 No, | wasn’t | was at a big athletics competition
4 Was it fun?
5 Yes, it was It was amazing!
6 | was the winner of the 800 m race!
7 Were your parents there?
8 No, they weren’t They were at work
9 My brother was there with his video camera
6 Point out that the students need to put a different word from the box in each gap Check that the students say the
questions correctly before they ask and answer them
Encourage them to give full answers When they write
their own questions, point out that they should use some
of the sentence beginnings in the box
1What was 2Was 3Whowere 4Where were 5 What were 6 Were 7 When was
Students’ own answers
Books closed Write the seven question beginnings from
the box in Exercise 6 on the board Tell the class that they
are going to interview their teacher Invite a volunteer to sit on a chair at the front of the class Ask the students to