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TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS Pages STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATION LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURE ABSTRACT ABSTRACT CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Scope of the study 1.3 Research aims 10 1.4 Research questions 10 1.5 Organization of the study .10 CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 12 2.1 Definitions of listening 12 2.1.1 Communication and communicative competence 12 2.1.2 What is listening? 13 2.1.3 How to design an activity? 14 2.2 The historical summary of communicative language teaching (CLT)? 15 2.3 The nature of listening 16 2.4 Principles for teaching listening .21 2.5 Kinds of listening 23 2.6 Bottom-up and top-down views of listening 24 2.6.1 Bottom-up views 25 2.6.2 Top-down views 26 2.7 Process of listening 27 2.8 Summary .28 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 30 3.1 Research approach .30 3.2 Research subject .30 3.3 Instruments for data collection .31 3.3.1 Questionnaires 31 3.3.2 Class observations 32 3.3.3 Interviews .32 3.4 Data analysis 32 3.5 Procedures 33 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 35 4.1 The difficulties in listening .35 4.1.1 Lack of vocabulary 38 4.1.2 Listening rarely 41 4.1.3 Be lazy in listening 43 4.1.4 Meaning in context 46 4.1.5 Listening equipment is not good enough 48 4.1.6 Sounds joint together and wrong pronunciation 49 4.1.7 Different accents and speed of speech .51 4.1.8 Less confidence and less concentration on their listening .52 4.2 Designing supplementary listening activities by video segments 57 4.2.1 Listening activities for song 58 4.2.2 Listening activities for broadcast .61 4.2.3 Listening activities for films 62 4.2.4 Creating participants‟ listening material 64 CHAPTER IMPLICATIONS AND SOLUTIONS 65 5.1 Implications 65 5.1.1 For learners 65 5.1.2 For teachers 66 5.2 Solutions 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 69 6.1 Summary .69 6.2 Implications 70 6.3 Limitation of the study 71 6.4 Suggestion for further research 71 REFERENCES 72 APPENDIX LIST OF ABBREVIATION CADAFOL : Cao Dang Foreign Languages CDs : Compact Disks CLT : Communicative Language Teaching EFL : English as Foreign Language ESL : English as Second Language N : Number TV : Television VCDs : Video Compact Disks LIST OF TABLES Pages Table 4.1 The frequency of using participants‟ tapescripts 44 Table 4.2 Different levels of the participants‟ concentration 53 LIST OF FIGURE Pages Figure 4.1 The most difficult skill 36 Figure 4.2 The importance of listening skill 38 Figure 4.3 The differences of participants‟ self-studying listening before and after teaching listening with image 41 Figure 4.4 The participants‟ feeling about listening before and after teaching listening with image 56 ABSTRACT The target of this work is to find out the reason which made the learners of the CADAFOL get trouble in listening and to help them to overcome it This work also designs suitable and helpful listening activities in order to improve their listening ability The statistics, which are collected by the questionnaires, the interviews on the learners, teachers and the observations of listening study and teaching, shows that the majority of the learners agreed that listening is one of the hardest skill and trained at least among the four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) Their problems in listening include subjective and objective causes By realising the matter very well, they can look for an excitement and the most effective way in listening CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale English is a popular language in the world In Vietnam, it is the main foreign language in schools English is also a tool for people who use it for their work in company, commerce, market to contact with foreigners But why we study foreign language? That is a question that many people wonder themselves And every one has their own different answers because every one has their own reasons and their own purposes Some people not study for their knowledge but just for the coming examinations Some others study because they love it The others study for job‟s requirement For short, everybody has a reason to study, but they all have the same purpose that is how to be mastered in that language Learners sometimes not have to study everything, but they only focus on certain skill for their job‟s specific requirement Although, all skills are taught in schools from the beginning, but for some reasons communicative language are not focused For a long time, the country was “closed the door” to the west, foreign language seemed to be an unnecessary thing to study in general, and communicative language was left aside in particular Year by year, teachers had no opportunity to practice their proper foreign language, speaking and listening were rarely used and taught Perhaps, the education curriculum was too heavy, in a very short time, teachers had to finish a thick book, so they could only glance it As students, they found no passion to study hard foreign language, all they had to was to „go through the motion”, as long as they passed the examinations or got the certificate In fact, sometimes learning a foreign language is one thing and communication is another thing In other word, communication is very difficult Someone can be very good at grammar, writing and reading but he then finds he cannot communicate when they travel out of their country, even with tourists right in their country; People not understand what he says and he cannot listen what they say They completely not understand one another, even in a simple case, such as asking for orientation Fortunately, communicative language, in which listening skill is an essential part, started to be recognized And listening is a considerable concern for not only students but also for language teachers Teachers can even lose their listening skill if they not practice everyday It seems that the weakest skill of the learners at the moment is listening They not have a good environment to study and practice as their teachers are not the native English, and the teachers even speak English with local accent Therefore, the learners get big troubles in class when listening to tapes or compact disks (CDs) and of course indirect communication Being dealt with writing language only has made them so clumsy and embarrassed in communication because their reactions in communication is very slowly Nowadays, communication has been more important, to communicate well, someone has to be good at speaking and listening It is not easy to have good listening skill That is a long process that the learners have to practice patiently and frequently, so that they can hear and understand the others This is one of reason why learners come to CADAFOL with a desire that they want to improve themselves, especially listening and speaking because they can practice these skills in here much more in their college, their school or their university Searching for an efficient way to study a foreign language in general and a communicative language in particular, in which listening plays a major role, is the reason why I choose this topic 1.2 Scope of the study Although listening skill is taught for students in secondary and high school as well as writing, reading and speaking skills, students seem to be scared of listening The weakest skill of students among four skills is listening With their progressive willingness, students come to CADAFOL to enroll in an English course In here, they will be taught listening more than in their schools Moreover, they want to be good listeners because of the necessary demand of study, communication and working after that Thus, I choose students in CADAFOL to my research Learners in here are at many levels and come from everywhere in different colleges 1.3 Research aims When thinking of my study, I always think of my students I wonder myself what and how I can help them to improve their listening skill Then, many devices are put out They help me to solve my problems when I carry out my research It is my objectives that help me to go in the right way So, by doing this study, I want to find out difficulties of students about listening What makes students get difficulties in listening to have suitable approaches to teach as well as to design activities which are suitable with students‟ levels to encourage students toward listening skill Then, designing supplementary listening activities for students of CADAFOL helps them to improve their listening skills They are my research aims in my study 1.4 Research questions Together with research aims, research questions play an important role in a study because research questions raise problems need to be solve So research questions also keep researcher in the right way in researching It means that researcher have to be based on problems which research questions give out while doing research because what researcher found will be the answers for research questions For the importance of research questions, there are also some research questions in my study And the study aims to answer the following questions: What make listening be difficult for students in CADAFOL? Which listening activities should be designed and be used for students? What are the solutions to improve learners‟ listening skill? 1.5 Organization of the study In this part, I would like to show how I organize my study as following: CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION In this chapter, I present the reasons why I choose listening skill for my study, where I choose to my research Besides, I also present research aims and research questions of my study CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW BACKGROUND In this chapter, I find theory to support my thesis 10 AND THEORETICAL Vietnamese Authors Hữu Đạt (1997) Tiếng Việt thực hành (in lần thứ 2) Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Hoang Thi Thanh Nga (2009) An investigation into how communicative approach is applied in teaching listening skill to non-English majors at Hue Junior College of Education Hue University: Unpublished B.A Thesis, College of Foreign Languages Ủy Ban Khoa Học Xã Hội Việt Nam Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt Nhà xuất khoa học xã hội Hà Nội-1983 Hoàng Văn Vân (2002) Ngữ pháp kinh nghiệm cú tiếng Việt: Mô Tả Theo Quan Điểm Chức Năng Hệ Thống Hà Nội: Nhà Xuất Bản Xã hội 75 APPENDIX APPENDIX BẢNG CÂU HỎI ĐIỀU TRA A Bảng câu hỏi dùng để tìm hiểu khó khăn người học tiếng Anh nhằm phục vụ cho việc nghiên cứu đề tài “Thiết Kế Sử Dụng Các Hoạt Động Nghe Thêm Để Cải Thiện Các Kỹ Năng Nghe Cho Các Học Viên Ở Trung Tâm CADAFOL” Từ đó, tơi tìm hoạt động nghe phù hợp để giúp học viên Trung tâm CADAFOL nghe tốt Xin vui lòng cung cấp vài thông tin cá nhân Tên: Giới tính: Nam □ Nữ □ Tuổi: Anh (chị) học tiếng Anh thời gian bao lâu? Xin trả lời câu hỏi cách đánh dấu ( ۷) trước ý kiến anh (chị) chọn Anh (chị) có nhiều lựa chọn đưa ý kiến số câu hỏi Theo anh (chị), tiếng Anh kỹ sau khó học nhất: A Nghe B Nói C Đọc D Viết Theo anh (chị), học kỹ nghe có quan trọng khơng? A Khơng quan trọng B Ít quan trọng C Quan trọng D Rất quan trọng Khi nghe, anh (chị) gặp khó khăn gì? (có thể có nhiều lựa chọn) A Từ vựng B Ngữ pháp C Cấu trúc D Phát âm E Tất Trong nghe, anh (chị) thường: A Nghe ý B Nghe chi tiết D Ý kiến khác…………………… C không nghe Anh (chị) làm gặp từ khơng biết? A Dừng lại nghĩ B Khơng để ý đến C Bỏ qua quay lại có thời gian Anh (chị) nghe có nhiều tiếng ồn khác quấy rầy? A Chỉ tập trung vào nghe B Tìm nơi khác để nghe C Nghe hết thứ D không nghe gi Ở lớp, thời gian nghe bao lâu? A Ít hơn10 phút B Từ 10 - 15 phút C Từ 15 - 20 phút D Nhiều 20 phút Theo anh (chị), việc nghe giáo trình đủ chưa? A Chưa B Đủ C Quá nhiều Anh (chị) có nghe thêm nhà khơng? (Nếu có, xin trả lời tiếp câu 10) A Không B Thỉnh thoảng C Thường xuyên D Rất thường xuyên 10 Nếu có, tài liệu anh (chị) thường sử dụng? (có thể có nhiều lựa chọn) A Bài hát tiếng Anh B Phim C Các chương trình tiếng Anh D Các trang Web tiếng Anh E Tất 11 Anh (chị) có thích hát tiếng Anh khơng? A Khơng thích B Thích C Bình thường D Rất thích 12 Hiện nay, chương trình học, anh (chị) nghe chủ yếu qua (có thể có nhiều lựa chọn): A Đĩa tiếng tape (băng) B Đĩa hình D Truyền hình E Mạng C Cả A B 13 Anh (chị) có gặp khó khăn nghe đĩa băng (khơng có hình ảnh)? A Khơng B Có D Nhiều E Rất nhiều C Bình thường 14 Anh (chị) có sử dụng nghe viết sẵn nghe không? A Không B Ít D Thường xuyên E Rất thường xuyên C Thỉnh thoảng 15 Theo anh (chị), thời gian nghe đoạn nghe thích hợp? A Ít phút B Từ 1- phút D Từ - phút E Nhiều phút C Từ - phút 16 Theo anh (chị), lượng từ vựng mà anh (chị) có là: A Rất B D Nhiều E Rất nhiều C Bình thường 17 Anh (chị) có từ vựng cách nào? A Học thuộc lòng từ B Học từ thực hành C không học D Nhớ từ cách tự nhiên E Lẩm nhẩm từ viết 18 Anh (chị) nghĩ học nghe? A buồn tẻ B không thú vị D thú vị E thú vị C bình thường 19 Khi nghe, làm để anh (chị) hiểu đoạn văn? (có thể có nhiều lựa chọn) A Dịch nghĩa từ B Hiểu nghĩa từ theo ngữ cảnh C Đoán nghĩa D Hiểu theo cách hiểu tiếng anh, không cần dịch E Ý kiến khác:…………………………… 20 Anh (chị) có nhận tên lạ người hay địa danh nghe đoạn băng không? A Không B Hiếm C Thỉnh thoảng D Thường xuyên (Chân thành cám ơn anh (chị) tham gia) APPENDIX BẢNG CÂU HỎI ĐIỀU TRA B Bảng câu hỏi dùng để tìm hiểu khó khăn người học tiếng Anh nhằm phục vụ cho việc nghiên cứu đề tài “Thiết Kế Sử Dụng Các Hoạt Động Nghe Thêm Để Cải Thiện Các Kỹ Năng Nghe Cho Các Học Viên Ở Trung Tâm CADAFOL” Từ đó, tơi tìm hoạt động nghe phù hợp để giúp học viên Trung tâm CADAFOL nghe tốt Xin vui lòng cung cấp vài thơng tin cá nhân Tên: Giới tính: Nam □ Nữ □ Tuổi: Anh (chị) học tiếng Anh thời gian bao lâu? Xin trả lời câu hỏi cách đánh dấu ( ۷) trước ý kiến anh (chị) chọn Anh (chị) có nhiều lựa chọn đưa ý kiến số câu hỏi Theo anh (chị), học nghe có kèm theo hình ảnh có thú vị nghe tiếng? A buồn tẻ B không thú vị C bình thường D thú vị E thú vị Việc học nghe kèm hình ảnh có giúp anh (chị) hiểu nhiều không? A không B D nhiều E nhiều C bình thường Hình ảnh giúp anh (chị) nhận điều để dể hiểu hơn? (có thể có nhiều lựa chọn) A hình miệng B cử chỉ, hành động C mơi trường xung quanh D đốn chuyện E từ để vật, tượng chưa biết F Ý kiến khác:…………………… Việc nghe kết hợp hình ảnh có giúp anh (chị) nắm bắt ý dễ dàng khơng? A khơng giúp B khó D bình thường E dễ dàng C khó Theo anh (chị), có nên đưa việc dạy nghe kèm hình ảnh thay cho việc dạy nghe tiếng lâu ? A khơng B có C ý kiến khác:…………………………… Anh (chị) có thường xun luyện nghe nhà khơng? A Không B Thỉnh thoảng C Thường xuyên D Rất thường xuyên Nếu có, tài liệu anh (chị) thường nghe? (có thể có nhiều lựa chọn) A phim B hát tiếng anh C chương trình nội dung tiếng anh D trang web tiếng anh Anh (chị) thích hình thức hoạt động nghe lớp? A cá nhân B cặp C nhóm D tập thể E ý kiến khác:………………………… Sau nghe, anh (chị) thích hoạt động gì?(có thể có nhiều chọn lựa) A biết đáp án từ giáo viên B thảo luận với giáo viên để có đáp án xác C thảo luận với bạn trước biết đáp án từ giáo viên D không cần kiểm tra đáp án E Ý kiến khác:…………………………… 10 Theo anh (chị), việc thảo luận đề tài nghe có cần thiết khơng? A khơng cần B cần D cần E cần C bình thường 11 Theo anh (chị), hoạt động nghe giáo trình học anh (chị) có thú vị khơng? A chán B khơng hồn tồn thú vị D thú vị E thú vị C bình thường 12 Các dạng tập nghe mà anh chị thích? (có thể có nhiều lựa chọn) A câu hỏi đúng/sai B trắc nghiệm C điền vào chỗ trống D trả lời câu hỏi E điền vào biểu bảng F ghi nghe G xếp 13 Kiểu nghe sau khó anh (chị): A nghe ý tồn B nghe chi tiết C nghe ý D nghe đoán ý 14 Theo anh (chị) nghe kèm theo hình ảnh có phải ln ln tốt cho người học khơng? (Nếu có, xin cho biết lý Nếu khơng, xin cho biết lý do) (Chân thành cám ơn anh (chị) tham gia) APPENDIX Interview Students’ Questionnaire Do you distinguish accents such as America, British English, Canada, Australia and so on? Do you think phrasal verbs and structure will be useful for your listening? Why? What you think about accents and speed of speech of native speakers? What is your idea about listening periods ? What you think about phrasal verbs, structures and proper names? And you recognize them while you are listening? Do you feel confident when listening? Why? APPENDIX Interview Teachers’ Questionnaire What is your idea about listening periods? How you feel about your students? Do you teach listening outside cirriculum? Why? What you think about listening with images? APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE A This questionnaire is to find out the difficulty that the learners get when study English, and it is only to support a research “Designing and using supplementary listening activities to improve listening skills for students in CADAFOL” Due to this I can find out some suitable listening activities to improve the listening skill of learners of the Centre of Foreign Languages and Informatics - CADAFOL Would you mind providing some personal information? Name……………………………… Gender…….male □ female □ Age How long have you learnt English ? Please make a tick (√) right in front of your idea You can also have more than one choice or you can even give out your own point of view 1/ Which skill is the hardest to learn? A listening B speaking C reading 2/ Is listening skill important? A not important B less important C important D very important 3/ What difficulty you get when listening? (more than one choice) A vocabulary B grammar D pronunciation E all C structure 4/ What you often get when listening? A main idea B in details C not at all D other ideas D writing What you when you hit an unknown word? A stop and think about it B ignore it C leave it there and get back later when time permits 6/ How you face unexpected noise around you when listening? A concentrate on the listening only B look for another quiter place to it C listen to all D listen to nothing 7/ How long you usually listen in class? A less than 10 minutes B from 10-15 minutes C from 15-20 minutes D more than 20 minutes 8/ Do you think listening curriculum in school enough? A no, not enough B enough C too much 9/ Do you practice listening at home? A no B occasionally C frequently D very frequently 10/ Which listening material you usually use? (more than one choice) A English songs B English movies C all English programmes D all English websites E all of them 11/ Do you like English songs? A no B a little bit C like other entetainments D very much 12/ At present, which material you listen from?( more than one choice) A CDs and tapes B DVDs C A and B D television E internet 13/ Is it difficult for you to listen to CDs and tapes (without image)? A no B a little bit C so so D a lot C occassionally D frequently E very much 14 How often you use tapescripts? A never E very frequently B rarely 15/ How long you need to listen to a short segment? A less than minute B from – minutes D from – minutes E more than minutes C from -3 minutes 16/ How many vocabularies you have? A very little B little C average D quite good E a lot 17/ How did you get vocabulary? A learn by heart every single word B learn new words and practice C ignore D Take them in naturally 18/ Do you find listening interesting? A boring B not very interesting C quite interesting D very interesting 19/ How can you get the meaning of a segment when listening? (more than one choice) A translate every single word B get the meaning of the words by the context C guess D let the brain listen and understand it in English, no need to translate 20/ Do you listen and get proper names? A no B rarely C occassionally D frequently Thank you very much for your cooporation APPENDIX QUESTIONAIRE B This questionnaire is to find out the difficulty that the learners get when study English, and it is only to support a research “Designing and using supplementary listening activities to improve listening skills for students in CADAFOL” Due to this I can find out some suitable listening activities to improve the listening skill of learners of the Centre of Foreign Languages and Informatics - CADAFOL Would you mind providing some personal information? Name……………………………… Gender…….male □ female □ Age How long have you learnt English ? Please make a tick (√) right in front of your idea You can also have more than one choice or you can even give out your own point of view 1/ Do you find it more interesting to have images when listening? A boring B not very interesting C quite interesting D very interesting 2/ Do you understand better when listening with image? A no B a little bit D good E better C average 3/ How the images help you to understand better? A mouth‟s shape B activities C the invironment D guess by contxt E get the word for unknown things F other ideas 4/ How does listening with image help you to get the main meaning? A not at all B very hard D alright E good C hard 5/ Do you think listening with image should be taken to substitute the known listening we have used? A no B yes C other ideas 6/ How often you practice listening at home? A not at all B occassionally C frequently D very frequently 7/ What sort of document you often listen to? A English movies B English songs C all English programmes D English websites 8/ What kind of activity you prefer in class? A individually B by pair C by group D the whole class E other ideas 9/ What you want to right after listening/ A get the answer from teachers B discuss with teacher to know the answer C discuss with friends before getting the answer from teacher D not care about the answer E other ideas 10/ Do you think it is necessary to discuss the topic you are going to listen? A not at all B a little bit C not too much D quite necessary E very necessary 11/ Do you find your listening curriculum in school interesting? A boring B not really C interesting E very interesting C so so 12/ Which kind of exercise you like? A yes/no questions B multiple choice C fill the blanks D fill the chart E take notes as much as possiple F rearrangement 13/ Which kind of listening you find most difficult/ A listen for the main ideas C listen for major purposes B listen for details D listen and guess 14/ Is listening with images always good for the learners? (Please, explain either yes or no.) Thank you very much for your cooporation

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:18

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