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A study on teachers and students perceptions of using oral practice activities in teaching grammar to second year students of tien giang vocational training schools

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CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Nowadays, English is considered as one of the most important languages in the world because it bridges people in the world together Today, teaching and learning English is paid much attention all over the world, especially in the developing countries like Vietnam According to the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), on September 30th 2008, the Prime Minister issued Resolution 1400 about foreign language teaching and learning during period 2008 – 2020 This is the main point in the national foreign language project for higher education in 2020 One of the concrete objectives of this project is to deploy the program of intensifying training foreign language for vocational education, namely about 10% students in vocational schools in 2010 – 2011, 60% in 2015 – 2016 and 100% in 2019 – 2020 In order to achieve these objectives, the foreign language teachers have to apply various teaching methods to help students study foreign language better Recently, teaching English has been improved in methods in light of communicative approach, learner – center approach which is adaptable to require objectives and helps students have more opportunities to communicate in English However, at many vocational training schools, teaching English still has not developed students‟ ability, activeness and motivation, especially teaching grammar Grammar is central to the teaching and learning of languages because it makes up the skeleton of a language Without grammar, words hang together with no meaning or sense Students, with good grammar mastery, not only produce sentences grammatically but also acquire the ability to apply grammatical knowledge in certain context to express their thoughts and their feeling as well as to receive feedback By teaching grammar, teachers not only give students the means to express themselves, but also fulfill students‟ expectations of what learning a foreign language involves However, how to teach grammar effectively [1] is not easy and it is one of constant concerns of teachers of English So far, a great number of studies have been conducted to assist teachers and students in teaching and learning English grammar In fact, teaching and learning English grammar at Tien Giang vocational training schools have not achieved high results as expected Almost students not have motivation in learning English, especially English grammar They feel it so bored to the subject Therefore, they cannot follow the teacher‟s lessons and even apply the knowledge they have learnt in real situations Moreover, the teachers of English at Tien Giang vocational training schools seem to prefer traditional teaching methods in which grammar structures are taught deductively when teaching English grammar The most common activity the teachers use to help students practice is just giving the explanation of new words and grammar structures, asking students to repeat and in general making students passive Even younger teachers of English rarely organize communicative activities in their lessons because they are afraid of making noise which may influence the neighboring classes and also they find it difficult to control the class That is the reason why teachers of English seem to prefer giving students a lot of written exercises to in class This makes students have no interests in learning grammar at all Students often practice their grammar exercises reluctantly and passively The fact is that the second-year students at Tien Giang vocational training schools have a lot of difficulties in learning grammar They are taught grammar though repetition and written exercises Students are required to repeat the models and memorize the rules These activities are boring and not effective Furthermore, many teachers approach grammar far too seriously, with unsmiling faces, particularly during the first phases of a new lesson when students are trying to grasp an initial understanding of the form and meaning of the grammar structure In class, students not have many opportunities to practice grammar structures in communicative activities They are just asked to grammar exercises in the textbooks after the teacher‟s presentation and explanation of a new grammar point [2] and at home they have to grammar exercises in the workbooks without correction from the teachers because the teachers have no time for it It is difficult for teachers to finish their teaching successfully because of the time constraint, the large class size, and the students‟ mixed level As the result, the students can produce correct forms when doing exercises and taking tests, but consistently make errors while trying to produce their own free writing or speech It is obvious that students not master grammar structures thoroughly and this way of teaching and learning may result in the students‟ negative attitudes towards English grammar acquisition which surely hinders their language learning conduct This situation also provides another good reason for the study to be conducted with the hope to investigate the teachers‟ and students‟ perceptions of using oral practice activities in the grammar lessons in order to help the students of Tien Giang vocational training schools practise English grammar structures effectively 1.2 Aims and Objectives The study aims at exploring the teachers‟ and students‟ perceptions of using oral practice activities in teaching and learning English grammar at vocational training schools in Tien Giang province To achieve this aim, three specific objectives are targeted:  To investigate the teachers‟ and students‟ perceptions of using oral practice activities in teaching and learning English grammar, especially in the production stage of grammar lessons  To explore the difficulties faced by teachers and students when using oral practice activities in teaching and learning English grammar at Tien Giang vocational training schools  To suggest some possible oral practice activities which are thought to be effective for practising English grammar structures for the secondyear students at Tien Giang vocational training schools [3] 1.3 Research questions The study seeks the answers to the following research questions: What are teachers‟ and students‟ perceptions of using oral practice activities in teaching and learning grammar? How have oral practice activities been used in teaching and learning English grammar at Tien Giang vocational training schools? What difficulties the teachers and second-year students of Tien Giang vocational training schools face when practising English grammar through oral practice activities? 1.4 Scope of the study Due to the limited time, the researcher is unable to carry out the investigation on a large scale Therefore, the study focuses on production stage of grammar lessons in the real teaching and learning English grammar at Tien Giang vocational training schools The study is concerned only with learning of second-year students and teaching of teachers of English at four vocational training schools in Tien Giang province 1.5 Significance of the study The study is conducted with the expectation that its results will be useful for teachers of English at Tien Giang vocational training schools Based on the findings, conclusions can be made on the teachers‟ and students‟ perceptions of using oral practice activities in teaching and learning grammar, whether these activities should be applied or not, the difficulties the teachers and students face when using these activities to practice English grammar structures and how to deal with these difficulties Therefore, it could be a considerable contribution to teaching and learning English grammar effectively and enjoyably at Tien Giang vocational training schools [4] 1.6 Outline of the study The study is organized around five chapters: Chapter I – Introduction – provides an overview of the study background This gives a brief description of the thesis topic and information related to English grammar teaching and learning at Tien Giang vocational training schools Moreover, the aims, the research questions, the scope of study, the significance, the methods of study, and the outline of study are also included in this chapter Chapter II – Literature review – reviews the relevant literature related to the communicative language teaching method, especially oral practice activities in English grammar teaching and learning Chapter III – Methodology – presents the actual procedures of the study such as, study design, subjects of the study, the data collection method, instruments as well as process of data collection and data analysis Chapter IV – Data analysis and discussion – focuses on presenting, analyzing and discussing the results obtained from the study Chapter V – Conclusion – provides the summary of the findings, some recommendations on how to teach English grammar through oral practice at Tien Giang vocational training schools [5] CHAPTER II – LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview This chapter focuses on some theoretical grounds of teaching and learning grammar as well as oral practice activities in teaching and learning grammar It consists of two parts The first part is concerned with major issues regarding teaching and learning grammar The second one discusses about oral practice activities in teaching grammar The chapter also reviews previous studies related to the current one and points out the gaps in the literature 2.2 An overview of teaching and learning grammar 2.2.1 Definitions of grammar Depending on one‟s theoretical orientation, different people define grammar differently Scott Thornbury (1999: 13) define grammar as “a description of the rules for forming sentences, including an account of the meanings that these forms convey and grammar adds meanings that were not easily inferable from the immediate context” Grammar enables us to use language to describe the world in terms of how, when and where a thing happen as well as facilitates the way we interact with other people when we need to get things done using language Ur (1991:4) says, “Grammar is the way language manipulates and combines words (or bits of words) in order to form longer units of meaning.” This definition is quite close to the common understanding of what grammar is The main difference is that it tells us how the rules of language actually work – they arrange and shape words Nevertheless, knowing that these rules is not a very motivating factor alone In a word, it can be understood that grammar is not only the rules and the structure of a language, it is a means of communication and it helps people succeed in communicating with others [6] As it can be seen from the above definitions, grammar is not an unimportant set of rules that can be ignored without consequences It is a very complex phenomenon and even though learners may find it a difficult thing to master, the time devoted to that is certainly not wasted Making students realize it, however, is only the first step in teaching grammar, and the following activities can take many different forms, based on a selected approach and method 2.2.2 The role of grammar in teaching and learning English Nobody can doubt that a good knowledge of the grammatical system is essential to master a foreign language and it is also one of the most important parts of communicative competence Thus, grammar is a framework without it a language cannot be structured and a message cannot be conveyed smoothly and fluently According to Jim Scrivener (2003), people use grammar to communicate more effectively, more precisely with others That communication may be in a conversation or an essay or a notice or a hundred other things People use grammar to „fine-tune‟ a meaning, to make it more precise Moreover, it is quite reasonable to see the importance of grammar according to Harmer‟s viewpoint (1987: 12): Without some understanding of Grammar, students would not be able to anything more than utter separate items of language for separate functions The expression of functional language is only possible through the use of the Grammar of the language Firstly, teaching grammar helps students understand how the language works Apart from vocabulary, students need to know grammar to understand how it is written or how words are combined together to understand the proper meaning Without grammar or with a poor knowledge of grammar, they may get confused with complicated expression In other words, the teaching of grammar means providing students with opportunities to use English in a variety of realistic situations to learn to communicate effectively Appropriate grammar techniques are [7] embedded in meaningful, communicative contexts then contribute positively to communicative goals and they also promote accuracy within fluent communicate language use Secondly, according to Smith (2001: 15), if teachers neither pay attention to grammar nor create opportunities for learners to improve grammar, learners are likely to stand the risk of fossilization or reach a point where they can cope with level of communication that is demanded of them by making use of their existing grammatical resources and communication strategies and probably with sufficient fluency Surely, they not see the need to develop their linguistic abilities any further In favor of the importance of grammar, Larsen – Freeman (1986) affirms that grammar is regarded as a skill rather than an area of knowledge Learners not simply store knowledge about the language and its use; they need also develop an ability to something They must have a chance of learning situations to overcome the knowledge problem It is true to say that grammar is the fifth skill besides four skills reading, writing, speaking, and listening Skill development as well as learning grammar takes practice Grammar might not be taught only when the students already possessed the knowledge and the ability to use the grammar item in speech, writing and listening comprehension In fact, grammar is the basis for mastering four language skills When we have concrete foundation of grammar, we feel easy to advance In general, grammar is acknowledged to be of importance in language study and in language teaching and learning in particular Grammar is acquired naturally from meaningful input and opportunities to interact in the classroom More especially, learners can improve their grammar competence in a suitable environment without conscious focus on language forms However, this partly depends on the learning circumstances As a result, grammar teaching gains its significant role in English Language Teaching because highly developed language skills are difficult to achieve without some knowledge of grammar [8] 2.2.3 Overview of grammar teaching approaches There are some milestones which chart the journey in the development of teaching English methodology through recent history in which a language item is grammar taught in various approaches which have their own positive and negative aspects Yet, it is necessary to have a review of all the approaches in order that we can understand more clearly about the development and the history of grammar teaching and each approach‟s aspects as well The Grammar -Translation Method The Grammar Translation Method is one of the most traditional methods, dating back to the late nineteenth and early twentieth century‟s, which offered little beyond an insight into the grammatical rules attending the process of translating from the second to the native language According to Brown (2000: 15-16), long and detailed explanations of the intricacies of grammatical rules and forms are supplied for students to memorize and apply the syntactic rules to other examples.” We can conclude that in the method, grammar stays an important position However, its contribution to language learning has been limited, since it has shifted the focus from the real language to a "dissected body" of nouns, adjectives, and prepositions, failing to generate the communicativeness in grammar lessons Although the method is still a standard method for a long time, it is necessary to find a new method for an innovation in language teaching The Direct Method As with the Grammar Translation Method, the Direct Method, sometimes called the Natural Method is not new The Direct Method, an answer to the dissatisfaction with the older Grammar Translation Method, teaches students grammar and vocabulary through direct translations and thus focuses on the written language In the Direct Method, “Grammar is not of as importance as in Grammar_ Translation Method.” (Larsen -Freeman, 1986), grammar is taught by inductive analogy from the examples presented orally in the target language Little of [9] analysis of grammatical rules is given Structural patterns are given through the repetition drills and sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and taught one at one time (Brown, 2000) The Audio-lingual Method According to Skinner (1957), “In the Audio-Lingual Method, grammar is most important for the student; the teacher drills grammar, the student must repeat grammar patterns after the teacher.” The method fell short of promoting communicative ability as it paid undue attention to memorization and drilling, while downgrading the role of context and world knowledge in language learning in general and in grammar in particular After all, it was discovered that language was not acquired through a process of habit formation and errors were not necessarily bad or pernicious Due to weaknesses in performance, and more importantly because of Noam Chomsky's theoretical (1959) attack on language learning as a set of habits, Audio-Lingual Method is rarely the primary method of instruction today Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) In Communicative Language Teaching, grammar can be taught inductively or deductively It is the fact that some learners learn better by being given the context and then are presented with the grammar rules afterwards while others need the rule in order to understand the rationale for the new grammatical structure Besides, it depends on the kinds of grammatical points, which help teachers decide the ways of presenting grammar effectively The teacher spends less time on the structures of the language and more time encouraging the learners to use the language It is frequent that communication activities such as games and puzzles which are often carried out in pairs or group are encouraged in teaching with no much correction or intervention during the activity From all the above, it can be seen that through the history of grammar teaching, the ways teachers have gone about the teaching of foreign languages have seen [10] REFERNECES  Brown, H D (2000) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents Brown, J D (1988) Understanding Research in Second Language Learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Celce- Murcia and Hilles (1988) Techniques and resources in teaching grammar Oxford University Press Chiu-Ping Huang (2010) Exploring Factors Affecting the Use of Oral Communication Strategies Foreign Languages Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Chomskv N (1959) A review of B F Skinner's Verbal Behavior Language 35(1): 26-58 Corder (1981), Error analysis and interlanguage Oxford: Oxford University Press Dai Ming (2011) Adapting Communicative Language Teaching to Grammar Teaching in China’s University English Classroom Master of Science in Education University of Wisconsin-Platteville Das, B K (1986) Communication and Learning in the Classroom Community SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Doff, A (1990) Teach English A training course for teachers Cambridge University Press in association with The British Council 10 Eagly and Chaiken (1993) The psychology of attitudes University of North Florida 11 Fortune, A (1992).Self-study Grammar Practice: Learners‟ Views and Preferences.ELT Journal 46, (2) 12 Friederike Klippel (1985), Keep Talking Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 13 Harmer,J (1987) Teaching and Learning Grammar Longman Group UK Limited [67] 14 Harmer,J (1991) The practice of English language Teaching NewYork: Longman 15 Harmer, J (2001) The Practice of English Language Teaching (3rd Ed.) Essex: Longman 16 Hedge,T (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom Oxford: Oxford University Press 17 Jim Scrivener (2003) Teaching grammar Oxford university press 18 Krashen; Stephen D (1987) Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition Prentice- Hall 19 Larsen- Freeman, D (2005) Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 20 Lasen- Freeman, D (1986) Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching Oxford: Oxford University Press 21 Leech, G., & Svartvick, J (1975) A Communicative Grammar of English London: Longman 22 Littlewood (1981), Communicative Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 23 Nguyen Thi Chuc Ha (2009) A study on how oral practice can change Tran Nguyen Han 10th graders’ attitudes towards grammar learning Master in Education, Ha Noi International University 24 Nunan, D (1992) Research Methods in Language Learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 25 Nunan, D (2007) What is This Thing Called Language? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 26 Pattision, P (1987), Developing Communicative Skills Cambridge University Press 27 Rapley, Douglas James (2008) Policy and reality: the teaching of oral communication by Japanese teachers of English in public junior high schools in Kurashiki City, Japan Master in Education Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand [68] 28 Rod Ellis (1997) Second Language Acquisition Oxford University Press, USA 29 Scott Thornbury (1999) How to teach grammar Longman London 30 Sadia Afrin (2007) Teaching Grammar Creatively at Elementary Level Bechelor of Arts in English BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh 31 Selinker, L., Interlanguage, IRAL; International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 10:3 (1972) p.209 32 Smith, M (2001) Making Content Classes More Communicative Teacher‟s Edition (p 14-17) 33 Skinner, B F 1957 Verba1 Behavior New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts 34 Tran Thi Thu Hien (2011) Using oral activities to teach grammar communicatively to first year non English major students at Vietnam University of Commerce Master in Education, Ha Noi International University 35 Ur, P (1988) Grammar Practice Activities New York: Cambridge University Press 36 Ur, P (1991) A Course in Language Learning New York: Cambridge University Press 37 Ur, P (1996) A Course in Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [69] APPENDICES APPENDIX TEACHERS QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is a part of study being conducted to investigate second-year students‟ perceptions towards English grammar learning through oral practice activities Please tick () the option that best describes your opinion Your assistance in completing the following items is highly appreciated All information you provide will be used for the research purpose only and kept strictly confidential Thank you for your help!  I BACKGROUND INFORMATION What is your gender?  Male How long have you been teaching English?  Female ………………years II QUESTIONS Which of these English language aspects you think the most difficult for you to teach?  Reading  Speaking  Listening  Writing  Grammar  Pronunciation In your opinion, English grammar is……  Very essential  Essential  Not so essential  Not essential at all [70] What is your opinion about the role English grammar in language teaching and learning? (You can choose more than one options)  English grammar helps combine words into sentences to express ideas, feelings and so on  English grammar assists the learner in memorizing and using the language appropriately in communication  English grammar is essential in developing various language skills to reach the aim of communication  English grammar helps develop the learners‟ self-confidence using language What are your difficulties in teaching English grammar? (You can choose more than one options)  Your students not have motivation in learning English grammar  It costs much time  The classes are large and multi-level  There is lack of teaching aids  The students are passive  Many students are low level of English grammar  It is not enough time for students to practice the new structures Which stage you think may be the most difficult stage in a grammar lesson?  Presentation stage  Practice stage  Production stage What activities you to get your students involved in class to practice new grammar structures?  Do written grammar exercises in textbook  Do written grammar exercises in textbook and workbook [71]  Do written grammar exercises outside textbook and workbook  Do grammar exercises orally What is your opinion about the activities hold in the production stage of the grammar lesson at your school?  Very motivating  Motivating  Rather motivating  Not motivating at all What oral activities you to get your students involved in to practice grammar structures? (You can choose more than one options  Interview  Discussion games  “What would happen if….” activities  “Find someone who” activities  Problem solving activities  Role play and stimulation  Guessing game  Other, please specify………… How often you hold these activities to help your students practice the new grammar structure?  Very often  Often  Sometimes  Rarely  Never 10 What you think about using these activities to help your students practice English grammar structures?  Very interesting  Interesting  Rather interesting  Not interesting at all 11 How oral English grammar practice activities assist your students in learning English grammar? (You can choose more than one options)  It encourages students to co-operate in learning  It helps students to understand more easily and memorize grammar structures longer  It makes grammar lessons more enjoyable [72]  It gives students opportunities to use English naturally and meaningfully  It makes students feel more confident to use grammar to express our ideas orally  It makes students like learning English grammar more 12 What difficulties you meet when applying oral practice activities to help your students practice grammar structures? (You can choose more than one options)  It is difficult for you to design interesting oral practice activities  It is not enough time to hold oral practice activities  Your students feel shy when practicing speaking in front of the class  Your students are afraid that their classmates will laugh at them if they make mistakes  The students cannot find exact words to express their ideas  It is normal if the students not practice You never complain about that  You cannot control the class because the class was noisy  Your students are under much pressure when taking part in these activities Thanks for your co-operation! [73] APPENDIX STUDENTS QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is a part of study being conducted to investigate second-year students‟ perceptions towards English grammar learning through oral practice activities Please tick () the option that best describes your opinion Your assistance in completing the following items is highly appreciated All information you provide will be used for the research purpose only and kept strictly confidential Thank you for your help!  I BACKGROUND INFORMATION ………………years old How old are you? What is your gender?  Male How long have you been learning English?  Female ………………years II QUESTIONS Which of these English language aspects you think the most difficult for you to study?  Reading  Speaking  Listening  Writing  Grammar  Pronunciation In your opinion, English grammar is……  Very essential  Essential  Not so essential  Not essential at all [74] What is your opinion about English grammar in language learning? (You can choose more than one options)  English grammar helps combine words into sentences to express ideas, feelings and so on  English grammar assists the learner in memorizing and using the language appropriately in communication  English grammar is essential in developing various language skills to reach the aim of communication  English grammar helps develop the learners‟ self-confidence using language What are your difficulties in learning English grammar? (You can choose more than one options)  You not have motivation in learning English grammar  The grammar lesson is not interested  The grammar teaching method is not suitable  The grammar tasks are not easy  English grammar structures are very difficult for you to understand  You not have opportunities to practice grammar structures and apply them in your real life  You are afraid of taking mistakes when practicing grammar structures  You cannot remember the grammar structures in long time Which stage you think may be the most difficult stage in a grammar lesson?  Presentation stage  Practice stage [75]  Production stage What activities you get involved in class to practice new grammar structures?  Do written grammar exercises in textbook  Do written grammar exercises in textbook and workbook  Do written grammar exercises outside textbook and workbook  Do grammar exercises orally What is your opinion about the activities hold in the production stage of the grammar lesson at your school?  Very motivating  Motivating  Rather motivating  Not motivating at all What oral activities you to get your students involved in to practice grammar structures? (You can choose more than one options)  Interview  Discussion games  “What would happen if….” activities  “Find someone who” activities  Problem solving activities  Role play and stimulation  Guessing game  Other, please specify………… How often you hold these activities to help your students practice the new grammar structure?  Very often  Often  Sometimes  Rarely  Never 10 What you think about using these activities to practice English grammar structures?  Very interesting  Interesting  Rather interesting  Not interesting at all [76] 11 How oral English grammar practice activities assist you in learning English grammar? (You can choose more than one options)  It encourages us to co-operate in learning  It helps us to understand more easily and memorize grammar structures longer  It makes grammar lessons more enjoyable  It gives us opportunities to use English naturally and meaningfully  It makes us feel more confident to use grammar to express our ideas orally  It makes us like learning English grammar more 12 What difficulties you meet when practicing grammar structures orally? (You can choose more than one options)  You feel shy when practicing speaking in front of the class  You are afraid that your classmates will laugh at you if you make mistakes  You cannot find exact words to express your ideas  It is normal if you not practice The teacher never complains about that  You cannot concentrate because the class was noisy  You not have enough time to fulfill the activity  You are under much pressure when taking part in these activities Thanks for your co-operation! [77] APPENDIX TEACHERS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS What you think about using oral practice activities in order to practice English grammar? In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using English oral grammar practice activities in comparison with traditional written practice? What oral practice activities you often get your students involved? Which activities did you find the most interesting and/or the most useful in practicing new grammar structure? Why you think they are the most interesting and/or most useful for your grammar learning? Do you have any suggestions to make your students practice English grammar structures through oral practice activities better and more enjoyable? Thanks for your co-operation! [78] APPENDIX STUDENTS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS What you think about using oral practice activities in order to practice English grammar? In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using English oral grammar practice activities in comparison with traditional written practice? What oral practice activities you often get involved? Which activities did you find the most interesting and/or the most useful in practising new grammar structure? Why you think they are the most interesting and/or most useful for your grammar learning? Do you have any suggestions to make your practicing English grammar structures through oral practice activities better and more enjoyable? Thanks for your co-operation! [79] APPENDIX OBSERVATION SHEET Date and time of Observation: ………………… School: ………………………………………… Class :……………………………  The purpose of this observation sheet is to provide a more accurate and equitable database for the research Below is a list o effective teaching behaviors that may occur during the production stage of a grammar lesson This form is to be used as a basis to highlight selected areas on which to focus, not a list of teaching requirements Please respond to each statement using the following scale: Not observed More emphasis recommended Accomplished very well 1 Content Organization I The oral practice activities The rules of oral practice activities are easy to understand and follow The students can revise the old structures and apply new ones in oral practice activities 3.The oral practice activities attempt to link language learning with the students‟ real life II Students learning and involvement The students feel interested and ready to take part in the oral practice activities All students are involved in the activities and their chance to practice the new [80] Comments structures through oral skill is the same The students practice oral practice activities through group work or pair work There are good balance of teacher talking time and students talking time The students are encouraged and praised to contribute their ideas to the activities III Teacher’s manner and use of English The teacher controls the time of the activities and manages the class The teacher establishes situations to promote the oral practice activities The teacher use simple language to help students understand the rules of the activities 4.The teacher uses a variety of teaching aids such as pictures, maps, projector, and samples of real objects, and so on to maximize students‟ opportunities to practice During the oral practice activities, the teacher facilitates students‟ practice and gives them advices when necessary 6.The teacher observes what students in oral communicative activities so that he/ she can give the students useful feedback [81]

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