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437 the effects of recovery service on customer satisfaction leading to switch intention and word of mouth about vietjet air 2023

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Tiêu đề The Effects Of Recovery Service On Customer Satisfaction Leading To Switch Intention And Word-Of-Mouth About VietJet Air
Người hướng dẫn PhD. Trần Văn Đạt, Lecturer at Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City
Trường học Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City
Chuyên ngành Management
Thể loại Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2022
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 118
Dung lượng 0,95 MB

Cấu trúc

  • 1.1 Researchbackground (13)
  • 1.2 Researchobjectives (17)
  • 1.3 Researchquestion (18)
  • 1.4 Researchscope (18)
  • 1.5 Researchmethod (18)
  • 1.6 Researchsignificance (19)
    • 1.6.1 Theoreticalsignificance (19)
    • 1.6.2 Practicalsignificance (19)
  • 1.7 Proposalstructure (20)
  • 2.1 Termand definitions (21)
    • 2.1.1 Definitions (21)
    • 2.1.2 Theoricalmodel – justicetheory (26)
  • 2.2 Previousresearch (27)
    • 2.2.1 Globalresearch (27)
    • 2.2.2 Domesticresearch (39)
  • 2.3 Researchgaps and contribution (40)
  • 2.4 Researchhypotheses (41)
  • 2.5 Researchmodel (45)
  • 3.1 Researchprocess (48)
    • 3.1.1 Qualitativeresearch (48)
    • 3.1.2 Quantitativeresearch (49)
  • 3.2 Adjustscale (52)
  • 3.3 Dataprocessing method (54)
    • 3.3.1 CronbachAlpha Analysis (54)
    • 3.3.2 EFAanalysis (55)
    • 3.3.3 ConfirmatoryFactor Analysis – CFA (57)
    • 3.3.4 SEMstructure (58)
  • 4.1 Overviewof theresearch samples (60)
  • 4.2 Crosstabulation (67)
  • 4.3 Reliabilityof scale (68)
  • 4.4 Exploratoryfactoranalysis (EFA) (69)
  • 4.5 CFA (71)
  • 4.6 Structuralequation modeling (74)
  • 4.7 Hypothesisestesting (76)
  • 4.8 Discussion (76)
  • 5.1 Conclusion (80)
  • 5.2 Managerialimplications and theoreticalcontributions (81)
    • 5.2.1 Theoreticalcontributions (81)
    • 5.2.2 Managerialimplications (83)
  • 5.3 Limitationsand Recommendation forFutureStudies (84)

Nội dung


As a result of the globalization trend, domestic businesses are finding it moredifficultt o c o m p e t e B u s i n e s s e s m u s t p r e s e r v e a n d i n c r e a s e t h e i r p o w e r i n o r d e r t o take advantage of other businesses and rivals, as well as maintain their position, inorder to sustain and grow the marketplace As a result, successful entrepreneurs have athorough understanding of their clients and rivals Businesses would like to achievehigh levels of consumer satisfaction and happiness in order to promote brand loyaltyand encourage others to do the same (Famiyeh et al.,

2018) When service failureoccurs, the dissatisfaction of the customer may have an impact on his subsequentconsumption behavior (Shandong, 2018) The certain level of failure between servicecustomers and service providers is positive, regardless of how well the service processis planned or how qualified employees are educated (Lee and Hu, 2004) Glasly (2018)found that 92% of respondents said they would not continue to purchase from acompany after three or less negative experiences As a result, how to restore service ina timely manner to please customers twice is a topic worth investigating Servicerecovery is essential when a service failure occurs because their first service failure,26% of those surveyed said they would stop buying (Forbes, 2018) When recovery isvery poor, 63 percent of customers cut back spending, according to a study by theTemkin Group

(2016) of 10,131 customers from 20 sectors and 315 firms In addition,consumers maybe quietly turn to the competitor or spread bad word of mouth (Singh,1990).Althoughbusinessescannotensureerror- freeservicedelivery,theyc o u l d ensurethatserviceerrorsareresolvedinatimelymannerth atmeetscustomers’expectations.Compensation,apologizing,demonstratingremorse,andprovi dingclarification are the kind of solutions for service recovery (Gelbricha n d

R o s c h k , 2011) Service recovery has been marked as an important component to achievingconsumersatisfaction(Andreassen,2001),andisthereforecriticalforincreasedco nsumerl o y a l t y w i t h b r a n d ( S t a u s s a n d F r i e g e , 1 9 9 9 ) H o w e v e r , b u s i n e s s e s t h a t adopt turnaround plans do not have what consumers desire, causing 60% of consumersdissatisfied (Walker and Jean, 2018) According to the Customer Rage Study (2015),76 percent of consumers would like an apology but only 32 percent get one, and 40–50percentwantreimbursementbutonly10–20%getit.While,withinaviationindustry, airline service delays and unsuccessful recovery attempts have received a lot of mediacoverage Edvardsson (1992) illustrated that delays and canceled flights accounted for82 percent of dissatisfaction The frustration stemmed specifically from the lack ofdetails provided about the delay (Etemad, 2017) The airline industry is facing a publicrelations crisis as a result of service delays and unsuccessful turnaround attempts(Shen, 2017) In the context of Covid 19 pandemic, it effects on the travelling industryincluding air transport, hotel chain, and etc Early indications of the effects on airtravel, cruises, and lodging have been damaging (Stefan, 2020) The most commonapproach used by airlines to improve from service failures is service recovery (Chou,2015).Inconsequences,the “right”recoverytechniques inthepresentco ntextcouldbeenforced for effective service recovery.

In the aviation context, because of the essence of the operation mechanism theyare prone to service failures (Steyn et al., 2011) Most airline passengers might wellhave such expectations prior to their imminent journey (Coye, 2004), but their actualexperiencemaydifferfromtheirexpectationsduetoservicefailures.C a n c e l l e d fl ights, distractions, or delays, attitudes of ground and cabin staff, accidents, bookingissues,andoverbookingofflightshaveallbeenidentifiedascausesofservicedisrupti ons in the airline industry (Bamford and Xystouri, 2005) According to Changand Chang (2010), these air service failures can be extremely costly for businesses, ascustomers often turn to other airlines after such a bad experience The most commontechnique used by airlines to improve from service disruptions was service recovery(Chou,2015).Therearemanypreviousresearchpapersthathavefoundtherelations hip between service recovery and customer satisfaction carried out in manydifferent countries and have focused on customer viewpoints in measuring their levelofsatisfaction.Firstofall,Reza(2017)lookedathowairlinepassengers'perce ptionsof service recovery output/process influenced their loyalty and satisfaction AccordingtoMigaczetal. (2018),themostsuccessfulrecoverytechniquef o r a i r l i n e managementwillbetoconce ntrateoncompensatingcustomersbeyondt h e i r standards While using online customer feedback for airline services, Xun Xu et al.(2019) investigated the impacts of multiple airline service failure attributes and relatedrecovery behavior on customer consumption emotions, satisfaction, and suggestionprobabilityu s i n g d e e p l e a r n i n g , s e n t i m e n t a n a l y s i s , a n d r o b o t i c p r o c e s s a u t o m a t i o n

Anderson, Baggett, and Widener (2009) showed that customer satisfaction is impactednegativelybyservicedisruptionsandpositivelybysubsequentservicerecoveryactions Moreover, preliminary studies on offline bad experience and recovery hasshown a strong link between customer satisfaction and service recovery, as well ascorresponding constructive behavioral intentions Michel (2001) looked into the matterfurther and discovered that the impact of recovery on satisfaction are highest whenconsumer standards of recovery are only partially met In the research of Coverly et al.(2002), it would be imprecise and potentially misleading to claim that service failureleads to service recovery, which results in satisfaction, engagement, retention, andprofitability.

According to the data of the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam in 2019,VietJet Air is the airline with the highest flight delay rate among domestic airlines.Until the first of 2022, the flight delay rate has not improved, still keeping the rate of23.5%, which means that there will be 1 flight delay in every 4 flights, although thenumber of flights has the strongest growth (146.8%) Vietjet Air's punctuality ratedecreasedby15.2%overthesameperiodandsharplydecreasedby17.8%compa redtothepreviousmonth.ThelatestnewontheeveningofJune4,2022,m a n y passengers complained to Tuoi Tre hotline about Vietjet Air's flight VJ605 from CamRanh to Ho Chi Minh City, which was delayed continuously, making hundreds ofpassengers angry (Tuoitre, 2022) In addition, this brand also encountered many otherservice errors such as refusal to serve people with disabilities, luggage being searched,etc For example, on December 25, 2018, a Vietjet Airlines flight from Cam Ranh toHo Chi Minh City had a technical problem after taking off, turned around but landedon the wrong runway, which had not been put into operation waterfall at Cam Ranhairport (Tuoitre, 2018) Another reports that Vietjet Air's flight delay without notice,without an apology is reported by a passenger on flight VJ778 from Nha Trang toHanoi in

2020 (Dau tu Vietnam, 2020) Moreover, on January 21 of 2022, a customeraccused Vietjet Air of deliberately canceling a flight to force the customer to change tothe next flight and pay an additional transfer fee (Tuoitre, 2022) These issues will ledto a significant decrease in customer satisfaction and many people from refuse tochoose to VietJet Air next time However,

VietJet Air is a low-cost airline in

Vietnamwithalotofserviceerrors,butwithpricecharacteristics,manycustomer sstilltryto endure these mistakes and wait for an improve from VietJet They have used a strategyof ticket discounts to draw customers and broaden their marketing network In thebeginning, they sold tickets for unoccupied seats for 0 VND or at a low price; thesetickets were sold ahead of time by a few weeks to increase the flight occupancy rate(Nguyen,2020).

In addition, the situation of the 4th wave of COVID-19 epidemic continued todevelopverycomplicatedly,causingairtransportbusinesses,whichwerealreadydifficult, to now fall into a very difficult situation A flights’ traffic were decrease,passengers were absent, airports were stopped, airlines continuously reported losses Inthe report in 2020 and the first 5 months of 2021, with the aviation industry, theMinistry of Planning and Investment said that the market had the most serious decline,the demand for air transport in 2020 decreased by 34.5 - 65.9%, revenue of aviationenterprises decreased by 61% compared to 2019 However, in the fourth quarter of2021, Vietjet's revenue from air transport reached VND 2,789 billion, down comparedtothesameperiodlastyear.However,forthewholeyearof2021,VietJetA i r achieve d consolidated revenue of VND 12,998 billion, consolidated profit after tax ofVND 100 billion, up 46% compared to

2020 (Vietnam Plus, 2022) This can be easilyexplained because the stressful Covid-

19 situation, people lost their jobs and stayed athome in a long time for a social distance, resulting in their financial situation alsodeclining In addition, VietJet Air also provides free Covid-19 testing for passengerswhenchoosingthisairline,creating moreconveniencefortheirpassengers.

Figure 1 Flight delays of airlines in February 2022(source:CivilAviationAuthorityofVietnam)

The following are some of the study's key contributions: First, this research looks athowservicefailuresandrecoveryactionsaffectsatisfaction.Second,findingtherelationship between customer satisfaction leading to negatives/ positive WOM andintention to switch in the context of the aviation service industry in Vietnam Theresults also provide further evidence of the importance of service restoration throughcompensationandtimelyapologyfromtheairlinethatwillbesmartfactorsinimprovi ng customer satisfaction when they have a bad experience in the era of socialcommerce with fierce competition at present Therefore, numerous studies on servicerecovery was conducted in other countries at the moment, but there is still a scarcity ofsystematic study of aviation service recovery and customer satisfaction in Vietnam.Therearenotanyresearchpapersfocusingontherelationshipbetweenservicerecover y and customer satisfaction leading to the switching intentions and word ofmouthforVietjetAirs.Furthermore,itcreatedanopportunitytomonitorthetransformation ofpassengers'perceptionsregardinghowairlinesrecoverfromdisappointment over time.

As a result, the author recognizes the necessity to conductthisresearchbyreviewingpreviousstudies“ Theeffectsofrecoveryserviceoncusto mer satisfaction leading to switch intention and word-of-mouth about VietJetAir”.

Based on the findings, the author proposed a marketing strategy for aviationbusinesses,emphasizingtheuseofhigh- qualityservicestoimproveVietJetAircompetitiveness The next section of this thesis is a summary of the analysis, whichincludes the theoretical foundation, methodology and materials, as well as the findingsand discussion Finally, the author summarizes the most important observations anddiscussesthe consequences of future study.


The overall objectives of this study is to determine which variables of servicerecovery(compensationandapologies)haveaneffectoncustomersatisfaction,result ing in changing intention and WOM about Vietjet Air It could contribute to thesuccess of recovery process in aviationservice Thus, it makes a conclusion andprovidebetterunderstanding aboutthe servicerecovery inthis sector.

- Exploringw h i c h v a r i a b l e s b e l o n g i n g t o s e r v i c e r e c o v e r y ( c o m p e n s a t i o n a n d apologies)have an impacton customer satisfaction.

- Evaluatinghowcustomersatisfactioncouldimpactonswitching intentiona ndwordof mouth (WOM) towardsVietJet Air.


(2) Whencustomersaresatisfactiedwiththerecoveryserviceoftheaviationcompany, how it effects on their switching intent and word of mouth about thisbrand?

(3) Which managerial implications for businesses are improving and innovating therecoveryprocessfor VietJet Air?


(1) Research Scope: Vietnamese customers who are used to enjoy and had servicefailure when using VietJet Air service in Viet Nam (Ho Chi Minh mostly).Therewasnodistinctionherebetweenservicefailuresoninternationalordom esticflights.

(2) Research time: The research was carried out from September 2021 toDecember2021


- Qualitative research approach: The approach refers to the process of formingthe basis about how suitable of the questionnaire and find out which variableshould be having in the research An in-depth interview or Focus Groups withexperts (who is a Vietnamese customer witnessing in bad experience duringusingVietJetservice)willbeconductedaspartofqualitativeresearchtodeterm inetheusageofterminologyinthequestionnaire,aswellasthemodification of terminology Based on this foundation, the author proposes aresearchmodel suitable forthe current context.

- Quantitative research approach: the questionnaire survey will be conducted inViet Nam to collect information Online questionnaires are used in quantitativeanalysis The priority data collected from VietJet Air’s customers were cleanedand would analyze by the SPSS 22 software (for Cronbach Alpha analysis,ANOVAandetc)andAMOS20 software(forSEMmodelsanalysis).



This analysis improved the researcher's understanding of research methods andhelped the other researchers better understand the relationship among the variables.Furthermore, other researchers will benefit from this analysis because they will beable to use the findings to help and refine their own studies The findings of this studywould also provide a more comprehensive view of service recovery methods in theaviation industry At the same time, it is the basis to learn about practical applicationseffectivelytobringsatisfactiontocustomerswhentheyfailtouseairlineservices.


The airline industry necessitates a high level of personal contact between airlineemployeesandpassengers;miscommunicationmayresultinservicefailure.Therefore, as the aviation industry develops, this study shows the importance of service recoverybecauseitaffectsmoreorlesspassengersatisfaction.Atthesametime,italsocr eatesasteppingstoneformarketingprofessionalsintheaviationfieldtounderstandsatisfacti onfrom the customer's point ofview.


The research paper's first chapter provides readers with a better understanding of theresearch problem by addressing basic concerns such as why the topic was chosen,research objectives, subjects, and study scope In addition, the author offered theresearch techniques and structural design in this chapter, which served as a foundationforadditional investigation inthe following chapters.

Termand definitions


Sincetheearly1960s,researchershavebeendebatingandclarifyingthedefinition and notion of service Although there is a significant corpus of serviceresearch that acknowledges a plethora of service definitions and ideas, some of themore generally recognized and cited definitions in recent literature are as the tablebelow:

In which the object provided must beintangible and does not lead to any ownership of an object.Thep r o d u c t i o n o f a s e r v i c e m a y o r m a y n o t b e t i e d t o a physicalproduct.

Aserviceisanactivitythathasanintangibleelementattached to it and involves the interaction of the serviceprovider with the customer or with the customer property.Thes e r v i c e d o e s n o t i n v o l v e t h e t r a n s f e r o f o w n e r s h i p o f theoutput

The Bureau of Labor Statistics published an analysis of the service industry in2006, stating that the service sector of the US economy accounted for more than 75%of US GDP and about 80% of all jobs at the time In Vietnam, service industryrepresented for 41% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) (Statista,

2021) Inrecent years, this industry has consistently been the largest contributor toVietnam'sGDP.However,customersarestilldissatisfiedwiththequalityoftheserviceexperien cethey experienced.

The service failure literature can be split into two categories: 1/ research intononcatastrophic failures, such as ordinary service failures (e.g., Smith et al., 1999; itrefersasminorincidents)or 2/researchintomajorincidents,suchasdefectsoraccidents that have the potential to cause serious harm to consumers, such as injury ordeath (Dawar and Pillutla, 2000) From the perspective of the customer, service failurehappens when the service's quality and performance fall short of their expectations(Chahal and Devi, 2015) In the aviation conext, failure to provide airline service isregardedasastressfulscenariointheinteractionbetweenpassengersandairlinebusinesses (Ro,

2015) Many experts agree that if a service failure is not remedied,customers are more likely to spread unfavorable word-of-mouth (Barakat et al., 2015;Choi and Choi, 2014; Harrison,

2018; etc), reconsider their commitment to a company,developswitchingbehaviorandpotentiallyreduceacustomer’ssatisfactionperman ently (Hocutt et al., 2006) In this research, the author clarified service failuressuchasshavingaflightcanceled,overbooked,ordelayed,etcwhichisth esameastheresearch ofBarakat et al.(2015).

Customers'p e r c e i v e d s e r v i c e d e f i c i e n c i e s a r e a s i g n i f i c a n t s o u r c e o f c o n c e r n for service providers because of the possible impact on the service result (Anders,2009) Therefore, service recovery is a choice taken by a business in response to aservicefailure(Gronroos,1990)withthepurposeoftransformingthecustomer'sfrustrationtosat isfactionandtherebymaintainingthoseconsumers(Milleretal.,2000) Various authors have described service recovery in their own definitions; forinstance, Johnston and Fernell (1991) describe it as "finding and coping with servicefailures", while itt is defined as "a process with a beginning and an end" by Zemke andBell (2003) Addition to Hoffman and Kelly (2000), service recovery was defined asthe processes by which a company admits fault for a service failure, fixes the problem,provides an expression, apologizes to the customer, obtains a compensation proposal,and remains gentle and courteous throughout the recovery process On the other hands,service recovery has been highlighted by researchers as a relatively underappreciatedpart of service marketing that requires more attention (Tax et al, 1998; Kim et al,2003).Examplesofrecoveryattemptsincludediscounts,refunds,presents,and coupons, free service for a limited time, clarification of the mistake, empathy, andapologies (Jung and Seock, 2017) In the nearest years, Van Vaerenbergh et al. (2019)defined service recovery as the process by which a company reacts to a customer'scomplaint in order to keep that customer When a consumer analyzes his or her servicerecoveryexperience,theperceivedjustice/fairnessofthecomplaintresolutionprocedur e will have an influence on the consumer's satisfaction (Babin and et al.,2021).

In addition, service recovery actions are approaches that was used by serviceprovider and its staff to recover consumer loyalty after a bad experience has causedfrustration (Siu et al., 2013) When a business effectively performs service recoveryfrom failures, customers feel more satisfied and are more committed to the connection(Tax et al., 1998) The key goal of service recovery attempts is to restore disappointedcustomers to a state of satisfaction by effectively implementing measures to minimizethe harm to customer relationships caused by a customer dissatisfaction (Ha and Jang,2009).

Servicerecoveryisparticularlyimportantintheairlineindustry,b e c a u s e airlines would be able to reduce customer betrayal and improve their relationship withcustomersi f t h e y c a n e f f e c t i v e l y r e c o v e r f r o m s e r v i c e f a i l u r e s ( A l i e t a l , 2 0 2 0 ) Implementing successful service recovery after a bad experience might not result innegative outcomes (Hu et al., 2013) Service recovery has become an integral part ofthe service structure, designed to discourage disappointed customers from leaving andspreading negative word of mouth to prospective customers (Nikbin, 2015) Even ifcompaniesc a n n o t f u l l y e r a d i c a t e s e r v i c e f a i l u r e s , S t e y n e t a l

( 2 0 1 1 ) i n d i c a t e d t h a t they can introduce service recovery efforts as well as successfully handle these failuresinth e f u t u r e to su s t a i na n d pe rh aps ev e n i mp ro ve cu s t o m e r sa t i s f a c t i o n a n dl o y a l t y As a result, the most efficient strategy to ensure consumers achieve the appropriateexpectationsis throughservice recoveryactivities (Paiet al.,2019).

Oliver's study and conceptions of satisfaction in the late 1980s and early1990sfocused mostly on transaction-specific satisfaction Particularly, in 1981 she describedsatisfaction as "an appraisal of the astonishment inherent in a product acquisitionand/orconsumptionexperience,"whichisoneofthemostfrequentlyrecognized definitions according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, satisfaction is the'filling of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure obtained from this(Jewell and Abatem, 2001) In a nutshell, satisfaction is a good emotion that occurswhenone's desiresor requirements aremet (Liu etal., 2016).

Customer satisfaction is important to the business organization because it helpthe growth of the business (Kadir and Shamsudin, 2019) According to Kotler andArmstrong (2012) indicated customer satisfaction is almost the prerequisite to futurepurchasing behavior Customers who are pleased with the product or service theyreceive are more likely to buy from the same seller again (Rita et al.,2019) Thus, tomake more revenue and build the business, the company must maintain and enhancecurrent customers by providing satisfaction and bring new clients by promising highervalue (Rosli and Nayan, 2020) It can be seen the firm's competitive edge was that itsatisfied clients better than its competitors, going above and beyond their requirementsandwishes (Minta, 2018).

Word-of-mouth (WOM) Defined

According to Sửderlund (1998), the extent to which a client notifies friends,relatives, and coworkers about an experience that has resulted in a specific level ofsatisfaction is referred to as word-of-mouth (WOM) In the nearer year, WOM wascharacterizedbyHarrison-

Walker(2001)as“informal,individualcommunicationabout a brand, a product, an organization, or a service between a perceived amateurcommunicatorandareceiver”.Soitmeansthereisnocontainfurthero f f i c i a l con sumer communication from an organization (Jan et al., 2018) In addition, it alsowas described as interpersonal communication about a service or product between aperceived noncommercial communicator and a receiver (Daniels et al., 2004) In 2016,customers conveying information about goods, services, brands, or companies to otherconsumersw a s k n o w n a s w o r d - o f - m o u t h ( R o s a r i o e t a l , 2 0 1 6 ) W h i l e , W O M w a s also clarified as a verbally or in writing referral of a service or product by a satisfiedconsumer to prospective consumers (Ngoma and Ntale, 2019). Thus, WOM mightcontain not only promotional communications from the company, but also officialcomplaints and suggestion from customers (Marchand et al., 2017). According toexisting research, contentment, loyalty, perceived value, and customer experiences allaffectword-of- mouth(Jalilvandetal.,2017;Rosarioetal.,2016).Asaresult,word- of- mouthisparticularlycrucialforserviceproviderswhoseservicesaremostlyintangibleand relyon expertiseor credibility (Balajiet al.,2017).

There are 2 trends of WOM which are negative WOM and positive WOM.Particularly, customers who had a positive experience are more likely to spread thenews through word-of-mouth, such as recommendations to others (Matos and Rossi,2008) Positive WOM (PWOM) can encourage customers buy speedier (Libai et al.,2013) and avoid switching intention (Money, 2004; Wangenheim andBayón, 2007).Customer identification, consumer commitment (Brown et al., 2005), consumer trust,perceivedvalue(MatosandRossi,2008),ands e r v i c e q u a l i t y ( H a r r i s o n -

W a l k e r , 2001) are all factors that contribute to positive WOM On the other hands, negativeword of mouth( N W O M ) g e n e r a l l y a r i s e s a s a r e s u l t o f c u s t o m e r s ' d i s c o n t e n t w i t h their purchase experience, and they tell others about their unsatisfactory experiencewith the product or service Therefore, positive word of mouth is beneficial to theenterprise'sperformance,whereasbadwordofmouthcommunicationharmstheenterpris e'sinterestsanddegradesitsimage.However,Arndt’sstudy( 1 9 6 7 ) discoveredthatnegati veword-of-mouthdisseminationhadamorethantwo-foldinfluence on lower sales than good word-of-mouth sales The reason behind this is thatwhen a consumer hears unfavorable word-of- mouth about a product, they are likely tobelievet h a t t h e p r o d u c t i s n o t g o o de n o u g h ( Q i , 2 0 1 8 ) O n t h e c o n t r a r y, c o n s u m e r s will not be viewed as high-quality items if they have favorable information about aproductor brand (Qi, 2018).

Switching behavior has risen as a result of simple access to information aboutitems and their qualities from many companies (Grigoriou et al., 2018) Kaur et al.(2012) defined customer switching behavior as when a customer ignores one businessprovider's services and switches to another While Harianja et al (2017) described"switching intentions" as a measure of the chance or certainty that consumers willswitch from their present supplier to a new one According to Kazmi et al (2021),customer moving of exchange and relationships with rival companies is known asswitching intention.Keaveney (1995) listed the driver factors to switching intentionsuchasprice,annoyance,coreservicefailures,servicemeetingfailures,s t a f f res ponsest o s e r v i c e f a i l u r e s , c o m p e t i t i v e d i f f i c u l t i e s , e t h i c a l i s s u e s , a n d u n i n t e n d e d variables As a result, switching intentions from current customers might result in alarge drop in earnings and a company's turnover (Sun et al., 2017) Thus, it can be seenasthe opposite ofconsumer loyalty (Bolton etal., 2004).

Theoricalmodel – justicetheory

Attributiontheory(SwansonandHsu,2011),mentalaccountingt h e o r y (Chuang et al., 2012), equity theory (Wen and Chi, 2013), and the disconfirmationparadigm have all been used to investigate service recovery assessments (McCollougheta l , 2 0 0 0 ) T h u s , t h e c u r r e n t s t u d y e m p l o y s t h e m o s t w i d e l y u t i l i z e d t h e o r y i n service recovery research, as recommended by Tax et al (1998) is the justice theory ofRawls (1971) The prior study showed over 60% of service rehabilitation assessmentswere based on this three- dimensional model of justice (Siu et al., 2013) Justice theoryhas been proposed to be an "efficient evaluative method and a strong indicator ofservice recovery satisfaction among customers" and has been used to reveal manysignificantf i n d i n g s ( K i m e t a l , 2 0 1 2 ) K e n n e d y -

M c C o l l a n d S p a r k s ( 2 0 0 3 ) p o i n t e d out that was based on the idea that "customers' satisfaction and potential loyalty levelswill depend on whether the consumer felt that they were treated equally, and thatjustice was done." Intitially, social psychology is the fundamental of justice theory(Babin et al., 2021) It explains how individuals react cognitively and behaviorally tocomplex disputes, the justice concept is intensively investigated in both consumerbehavior (Homburg et al., 2007; Vaerenbergh et al., 2019) and organizational behavior(Colquittet al., 2001; Haynie et al.,2016).

According to Chebat and Slusarczyk (2005), perceived justice is related toservice failure and recovery because its features include elements of fairness andequality theory, meaning that service provider-customer interactions should be equal.Inaddition,basedonjusticetheory,customers'judgmentsofproceduraljustice,distrib utive justice, and interactional justice are based on the economic and socialrelationships involved in in-service failures It is critical for service companies tounderstandthekeycomponentsofjustice,includingdistributive,procedural,andinteracti onal justice, in order to establish a sustainable recovery strategy (McColl-Kennedy and Sparks, 2003) To begin with, distributive justice was described byMaxham andNetemeyer (2002) as the “degree to which customers believe they havebeentreatedequallywithrespecttotheactualrecoveryoutcome.”Moreover,concerns about measuring distributive justice emerge from the potential for uncertainty amongconsumersindistinguishingbetweenfairness,need,andequality,aswellasthechalle nges of evaluating input and performance from the same perspective as bothcustomers and providers (Mattila and Patterson, 2004) Distributive justice in servicerecovery is when it comes to what they would have received before the service failureoccurred (Cheng et al., 2018) Consequently, procedural justice was described in theliterature as an organization's step-by-step behavior in resolving problems (Ha andJang, 2009). The "adequacy of conditions or process" in decision-making is oftenreferred to as procedural justice (Tax et al., 1998) Thirdly, interactional justice hasbeen studied extensively in the context of consumer satisfaction when a service failureorperceivedinjusticeoccurs(Chengandetal,2018).Forairlinepassengers,distributi ve and interactional justice had an effect on their satisfaction with a specificexperience (McCollough et al., 2000) Furthermore, Lin et al (2011) found while allthree dimensions of justice have a significant impact on consumer satisfaction, onlydistributivejusticehasapositiveimpactonrepurchaseintentions,andonlyinteractional justicehasasignificantnegativeimpactonnegativeword-of-mouthadvertisements In the airline industry,

Wen and Chi (2013) discovered that all threejusticevariableshaveadirectorindirectimpactonpassengers'post-recoverysatisfaction,repurchase plans, and WOM Whereas, Nikbin and Hyun (2015) foundthatproceduralandinteractionaljusticehadanindirectimpactonr e c o v e r y satisfa ction,but distributive justiceseemed to haveno effect.



Fristly,therelationshipbetweenperceivedjusticeandservicerecovery(distributive, procedural, interactional, and informational), failure attributions (stabilityand controllability), recovery satisfaction, and loyalty is investigated in the study ofNikbinandetal., (2015).Asurveyof263airtravelersinMalaysiawhohadencountered a service failure and then a service recovery within the previous yearyieldeddataonperceivedjustice,failureattribution,recoverysatisfaction,andcustomer loyalty In terms of distributive, procedural, and interactional fairness, thefindingsdemonstrateasignificantlinkbetweenperceivedjusticeandrecoverysatisfactio n.C o n s u m e r l o y a l t y w a s s i g n i f i c a n t l y i n f l u e n c e d b y c u s t o m e r s a t i s f a c t i o n

Figure2.Nikbinandetal,(2015)researchframework with the recovery process In terms of procedural, interactional, and informationaljustice,theinclusionoffailureattributionsofstabilityandcontrollabilitya s m oderatorssuggeststhatbothstabilityandcontrollabilityaffectedtheconnectionbetween perceived justice and recovery satisfaction Figure 2 presented the model.However, there are some drawbacks to this study First, because the study is limited toasingleservice- orientedindustry(theairlineindustry)inasinglecountry,anyextrapolation of the findings to other industries or areas should be done with caution.Thesamplesizeisthesecondlimitation.Thestudyusedaconveniences a m p l e str ategywith263participants.Finally,sincethefindingsarebasedonac r o s s - sectionalsurvey,theymayrepresentsomebiasduetotherespondents'memories.

In addition, Migacz et al., (2018) pointed out that service recovery has been acritical problem for all service providers, the airline industry faces unique challenges,involving (1) the effect that some service failures would have on large numbers ofcustomers at a time; (2) service failures can result in substantial loss in comparison toother services; and (3) flying can cause feelings of anxiety The data was collected viaMturk's self-reported measure, which showed that all three justice dimensions had aneffectonairtravelers'satisfactionwithservicerecovery.Therefore,itwasalsodiscovered that the most successful recovery plan for airline management would be toconcentrate on offering rewards above and above what was anticipated However, thecurrent study used a scenario-based experimental approach and focused on servicerecovery and airlines Previous research on service recovery and airlines had beenlimited to on- site surveys (airports) and consumer recollection Nevertheless, there arecertainlimitationsto t he currentstudy t ha tcanbe us ed toguide fu tu re resea rch T o begin with, the study used a scenario-based experiment, which may have weakenedrespondents' visceral responses to service failures and recoveries when compared to"actual" consumption circumstances Second, the situation script did not specify thereasonfor a flight cancellation.

AstudywasundertakenbyEuchariaandKalu(2017)toinvestigatetheassociation between service failure recovery and customer loyalty in the Nigerianairline industry (figure 3 represented the research model) Using multiple regressionsfor the studies, a theoretical framework was built to empirically prove the links thatexist between the two variables A total of 200 questionnaires that were released todifferent airline passengers, but 115 questionnaires were returned, and 107 of whichwere acceptable for the analysis The results found that there is a link between issuerecognition and client loyalty, according to the findings, while there is also a cause-and-effect relationship between timeliness and client loyalty.H o w e v e r , a p o l o g i z i n g hasa d e t r i m e n t a l i m p a c t o n l o y a l t y T h e r e f o r e , a i r l i n e c o m p a n i e s s h o u l d d e v e l o p alternative service recovery measures in the event of a service failure, as well as limitthe number of repeating incidents that result in frequent customer apologies (EuchariaandKalu, 2017).

Besides, Xu et al (2019) also conducted research on service recovery whichexplores the effects of airline service failures and subsequent recovery behavior oncustomer consumption emotions, satisfaction, and recommendation probability usingonline customer feedback for airline services via online customer reviews This studyfound that compensation for the current trip, whether financial or non-financial, willhelp customers deal with their negative emotions, while compensation for future travelhas little effect on feelings The findings also showed as opposed to compensations,positive employee attitudes, habits, and timely service and recovery efforts producemore positive emotions while alleviating negative emotions Travelers who fly full-service flights and in business class are more affected by service delays and prompt,efficient, and adequate recovery efforts than travelers who fly low-cost airlines and ineconomy class However, one main limitation was pointed out that customers who areexceedinglysatisfiedorextremelyunsatisfiedaremorelikelytopublisho n l i n e review s to communicate their happiness or dissatisfaction than customers who havemoreintermediatesatisfactionandexperiences,whichisthestudy'sprincipalweakness. Figure4.presentedtheresearchmodel.However,customerswhoareexceedinglysatisfiedor extremelyunsatisfiedaremorelikelytopublisho n l i n e reviews to communicate their happiness or discontent than customers who have moreintermediatesatisfactionandexperiences,whichisthestudy'sprimaryweakness.

Matikiti and Roberts (2019) also conducted research to look into the factors thatinfluence service recovery satisfaction and customer loyalty among airline businesscustomers A standardized questionnaire was used to collect 320 airline passengers inSouth Africa but 300 were valided for analyzing, accounting for 94% response rate.The presented hypotheses in the study were investigated using structural equationmodeling (SEM) and partial least squares As a result, it was discovered that recoveryaspirations and perceived equity have a significant impact on recovery satisfaction,whichinturnhas asignificant effect ontheoverall satisfaction, confidence, andengagement.Customercommitmentisantecedentbyconfidenceandoverallsatisfaction ,accordingtothereport,andcustomercommitmenthasastrongrelationshipw i t h p o s i t i v e w o r d o f m o u t h T h e l e v e l o f p r e v i o u s s e r v i c e r e s u l t s w a s also found to mediate the relationship among recovery satisfaction and engagement.Therefore, it made recommendations, such as encouraging consumer confidence in theservice delivery process by being transparent on how they address service failures andremainingc o m m i t t e d t o t h e i r s e r v i c e r e c o v e r y c o m m i t m e n t s t o c u s t o m e r s A i r l i n e s canalsoimprovepositiveWOMbyprovidingadequateservicer e c o v e r y Nevertheless,thekeydrawbackwasdatabeingcollectedusingacross- sectionalapproach So, upcoming research may need to apply a longitudinal approach to theentire service recovery process, from the moment of service failure until the resolutionofthe problem.

Van Vaerenbergh et al (2019) considered service recovery in a more specialaspect, which was the service recovery journey (SRJ) (Figure 5.) They consideredshow that SRJ was initially conceived as the result of a service failure that has threephases: pre-recovery, recovery, and post-recovery Then they combine the findingsfrom 230 research articles on organizational reactions to service failures with theinnovativeSRJapproach.Followingthat,theyofferedacomprehensiveseriesofresearch questions that will help us learn more about the pre-recovery, recovery, andpost-recovery phases, as well as the connection between the customer's usual trip andthe SRJ Finally, they examined the management consequences of adopting an

SRJviewpointandsuggested6guidelinesforrecoveryresearchaimingtoinfluencebusiness practice.However,VanVaerenberghetal.’sstudydohavel i m i t e d knowledgeaboutthec ustomer'snormaltravelandtheSRJ.Theybelievetherearetwo components of this link that need to be investigated further Besides, the pre- purchasestage was not deeply discussed on service recovery, but it affects customers’ decision-makingprocess (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016).

Ali et al (2020) also stated that a firm's service failure and recovery can have asignificant impact on customer satisfaction as well as the strength of its relationshipwith its consumers, regardless of other firms' attempts to build solid relationships withtheir customers in the long term Their model was showed in figure

6 below As aresult, they set out to undertake research into the relationship between service failureand recovery and AirAsia passenger satisfaction The information was received from361 domestic passengers who flew out of Kelantan's Sultan Ismail Petra Airport.Accordingtotheresults,servicefailurehasapoorsignificantassociationwithpassen gers a t i s f a c t i o n , w h i l e s e r v i c e r e c o v e r y h a s a p o s i t i v e s i g n i f i c a n t c o r r e l a t i o n with passenger satisfaction However, this finding only found in Malaysia, so maybenotreflect approriately for Vietnameseinsights.

Lin et al (2021) discovered that adopting a proactive and appropriate servicestrategytocalmcustomerunhappinessiscriticalforaccomplishingthegoalofsustain able operation in the airline sector (Figure 7.) This study employed structuralequationmodelstosend300interviewstoTaiwanesecustomers,with279validrespo nses received and a data gathering rate of 96.33 % via a questionnaire survey.Confirmatory factor analysis and SEM models was used for testing hypothesises TheLin et al.’s findings revealed a considerable supportive association between servicerecovery and customer satisfaction Politeness, recompense, and the quickness withwhich a service is remedied have a consistent and substantial impact on satisfaction;brand authenticity and perceived authenticity operate as a moderator As a result, thefindingso f t h e s t u d y c a n b e u s e d a s a r e f e r e n c e f o r t h e a i r l i n e s e c t o r i n t e r m s o f service recovery and customer happiness However, the study merely gives a broadoverview of this topic, failing to emphasize the distinction between service failurerecoveryand customer recovery satisfaction.

Al Rasyid et al (2021) was conducted research on service recovery because ofthe plane crash on Indonesian customer beliefs Their subject was a low-cost carrierairline in Indonesia The primary goal of this research is to determine the relationshipbetween service failure, service recovery, and consumer trust With simple randomsampling,thestudyemployedquantitativeapproachesandprobabilitysamplingtec hniques The survey was sent to 190 people who had heard about the plane tragedy.SMART PLS was used to analyze the data This research showed that service failure,service recovery, and consumer trust are all linked The highlight point that they foundwhenever airlines do service recovery efforts, they need examine the causes of theplane crash and evaluate the accident, which makes their potential passengers feel lessworried about flying with the airline Apart from the valuable insights, the study hassome drawbacks The research only subjected to low-cost carrier airlines, so whetherpremium airlines would find these findings In addition, this study also focuses on onlytypically accident event which was the plane crash, so will other accident events occurwiththesameimpactoncustomertrust.Researchmodelwasshowedinfigure 8.

Inaddition,therearemanyresearcharticlesonserviceserviceinmany differe ntaspects,which aresummarizedby theauthor inTable2 below.

Artificialintellig enceservice recovery:the role ofempathicrespo nse inhospitalitycust omers’continuous usage intention

Applying four different testscenarios, when it comes toservice recovery, a high-empathy ArtificialIntelligence response canboost users' desire to usetheservice again.

 Customers do nottake AI servicefailures critically,the experimentalsituation s used inthis paper wererestricted toexamples with alowdegree of failure.

 The conceivablecom binations ofinteractive formsare no longerlimited to textand voice, thanksto thediversification offorms of human– computer interaction.

 As a new servicetechnology, AIhas the potentialtobuild new correctiveforms and approachesthat go beyondthe empathicreacti onsdiscussedhe re.

Disentanglingthe dynamics ofservice failureand servicerecovery in peer-to- peeraccommodat ions:a triadicperspective

 Failure caused by guests(as opposed to failurecaused by hosts orplatforms) has the leastnegative consequences interms of recoverysatisfaction andrepurchase intentiontowardahost/pla tform.

 Customer- involvedrecovery is less effectivethan single recovery (i.e.,hostor platform).

The main limitationischoosing 1typical servicefailure situation and2 service recoveryscenarios, whichcan not berepresented for theentire servicerecoverycon text.

Arli,D., apology:the serviceemployeeswere participantswere Surachartku effectivenessof foundtohaveamoderating allresidentsofthe mtonkun,J., recovery effectontheassociation UnitedStates,

S.(2018) evidence fromMalaysia’s hotelindustry satisfaction and thatcustomer satisfaction andloyalty have a positiverelationship. environment,whichis restricted to thehotel industry inMalaysia.

Managing onlineservicerecov ery:procedures,j ustice and customersatisfa ction

Customer satisfaction canbe restored, switching issignificantly lowered, andpositive word of mouth isincreased when services arerecoveredonline.

The participants inthe study werefrequent users ofairtimeand/orretail services who hadpreviouslyexperi enced at leastone service failure.The study used anexperimentalrese arch design,which ensured thatthe findings wereinternallyvalid

Chou(2015) An analysis of therelationshipbetwee n servicefailure, servicerecovery andloyalty for LowCost Carriertravelers

Service recovery has afavorable effect on attitudeand behavior loyalty, whileservice failure has a goodinfluence on servicerecovery, according to theresearch Both apologiesand compensation haveonly a partial mediationeffect between deliveryfailure and attitude andbehavior loyalty, accordingtotheempiricalfin dings.

Research only inthecontextoflow- cost airlineservices.


The topic of “service recovery” has not been explored much by Vietnameseauthors Some research related to service recovery has been done intensively in recentyears.Inwhich,Nguyenetal.

(2021)discoveredthatservicerecoveryaffectsinternationaltourists'contentmentandwordo fmouthabouthomestaysinthehospitality business The findings highlight the significance of service recovery intourists'assessmentsofservicequalityandimage.Thedatawasanalyzedusingstructural equation modeling The findings reveal that service recovery is comprised ofthree dimensions: distributive justice, interactional justice, and procedural justice. ThestudiesencompassCronbach'sAlpha,ExploratoryFactorAnalysis(EFA),Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling, all of whichareusedtotestthestudyhypotheses(SEM).Theirmodelwaspresentedinfigure 9.

TheresearchfromQuocetal.(2021)wasconductedtoshowhowtheseverityof service failure, service recovery, customer happiness, and loyalty to the Vietnameseinternational hospital system are all linked (figure 10.) The data for the study camefrom 303 participants who had used services at overseas hospitals and had serviceproblems The study found that service failure has three components: system failure,request failure, and behavior failure, using Structural Equation Modeling to analyze.Besides, distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice are the threecomponents of service recovery The degree of a service failure has a significant effecton service recovery, and service recovery has a significant relationship with customersatisfaction,r e s u l t i n g i n a n i n c r e a s e i n c u s t o m e r t r u s t i n i n t e r n a t i o n a l h o s p i t a l s i n

Vietnam.However,thisstudywasnotconductedinthecontextofaviation,whichwillleadto many differencesbecause of thedifferent contexts.

Researchgaps and contribution

Vietnam's aviation sector is the world's fifth fastest expanding According Trade.gov(2020), Vietnam is anticipated to have the greatest average growth rate in SoutheastAsia between 2016 and 2021, at 17.4 percent, compared to 6.1 percent in

ASEAN Aburgeoningtourismindustry,theintroductionoflow- costairlines,andr o b u s t economicgrowthareallimportantdriversofthisexpansion.In20 19,theCivilAviation Administration of Vietnam showed Vietnam's airports attracted

116 millionpassengers, up 12 percent over the previous year They also indicated that amount ofcargo moved climbed by 11 percent to 1.5 million tons, while the number of flightsclimbed by 13 percent to 740,000 From the recent remarkable development of theaviation industry in Vietnam, administrators as well as researchers in the world and inthe country seem to have forgotten the topic of service recovery in aviation industry.Today, along with the dramatic increase, service failures are also common in anyairlinecompanies.Especially,forlow- costairlines,whenserviceisnotfocused,leadingtoerrorswhenprovidingservicestopasseng ers,itisverynecessaryforresearchersandmanagerstopayattention.Moreover,previousstudiesc onductedresearch on "service recovery" in fields such as restaurants and hotels,unintentionallyforgettingthecountry'saviationindustry.Fromtheaboveshortcomings,ithasc reated the impetus for this study to study service recovery strategies in the aviation sector,especiallylow-cost airline - VietJet Air.


The following assumptions were used to support the conceptual framework forexaminingtherelationshipbetweentheindependentanddependentvariables:

Researchers looked at various forms of service recovery, including apologizing,acting, rapid recovery, compensating customers, and using managerial interference(Van Vaerenbergh et al.,

2012) Leary (2010) indicated that apology is a tactic forrepairing a relationship that has been hurt by a negative incident So many researchershave discovered that when a service failure happens, an apology is a basic service andan important procedure(Martin et al., 2018) by providing a thorough explanation,expressions of remorse and regret, and acknowledgment of guilt (Radu et al., 2019).Since then, customers' positive feelings will be strengthened after service failuresthrough empathy and apologies (Xu et al., 2018) Aw et al (2021) also indicated it canelicit the forgiveness from customers However, such apologies do not guarantee theirongoing purchase (Radu et al., 2019), but real apologies can help customers to be lessantagonistic toward the company.Furthermore, offering an apology is viewed as animage management strategy that helps the service provider to avoid client reprisal bydesiring forgiveness and promising future good deeds (Radu et al., 2019).Consumersaremorelikelytoacceptbrands'faultsafterreceivinganapology,accordingtopre viousstudy(RiekandDeWit,2018).Withoutthepresenceofana p o l o g y , customers cannot perceive the goodwill and sincerity of the service provider and,therefore,itislesslikelythatthecustomerswouldforgivetheservicep r o v i d e r (Hon ora etal.,2022) Inaddition, accordingtoby Cowdenetal.(2018), culturalfactors such as self-construal a are important in social interactions and are critical forforgiveness In this case, service failure is seen as a threat to interpersonal and socialharmony Thus,expressing empathy via apologies is a relational-guided approach thatnot only resolves the customer's emotional state but also demonstrates an intellectualcomprehensionof thecustomer's position Thus, I hypothesise:

In any industry, apologizing to guests has proven to be an extremely necessaryaction when there is a service failure, and so is the airline industry Airline passengersare frequently subjected to service failures such as delays, cancellations, and otherissues From past to the present, service failures are always happened whenever theperformance is outstanding, so many researchers found that apologies are essential togive airline passengers whenever service fairlures occur (Etemad and Bohrer, 2017;Yang, 2017; Yang and Hassett, 2020; Chen and Hassett, 2018; Mai et al., 2021) Inparticularly, Yang (2017) discovered in China that addressing customers' sorrow bygiving them honnest apologies has a positive influence on consumers' self- esteem,which can then balance the sense of psychological loss andrecoup these failures.Moreover,Maietal.

In the Pakistani airline business, tendering an apology was proven to have afavorablei m p a c t o n c u s t o m e r s a t i s f a c t i o n i n t h e e v e n t o f a s e r v i c e f a i l u r e (

W a h e e d andKhan,2019).Moreover,Jareankieatbovorn(2018)alsoshowedofferinganapo logy must be the first recognized step, as it is the absolute minimum information torestore psychological equity Therefore, Vietnamese passengers receive an apologyfrom the airline after a service error occurs, their satisfaction towards VietJet Air willbeaffected ornot Hence, thehypothesis of H1afollowed as:

H1a:After service failures occur, if passengers receive the apology, it significantsignificantlypositive on their satisfaction.

Whereas,accordingtothepreviousstudyofAlbrechtetal.,(2019),compensation is one of the most important factors influencing customers' perceptionsof a service-recovery operation Compensation refers to financial compensation and isa basic service-recovery technique focused on distributive justice, which refers to theperceived fairness of real and observable results (Ok et al., 2007) Xie and Peng (2009)suggest that economic compensationis more tangible and visible than other recoveryapproaches,causingthecorporationtoberegardedasbenignandcaringaboutconsu mer interests In addition, Aw et al (2021) and (Gu et al., 2016)listed economiccompensationincludingdiscounts,reimbursements,andvouchersareexamplesofways to mitigate customers' losses as a result of service failure.Greve et al. (2020)provedthei m p a c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n a s a p a r t o f d i s t r i b u t i v e j u s t i c e , onc u s t o m e r satisfaction As a result, compensation is a mechanism to improve distributive justice,pace of recovery is a factor influencing procedural fairness (Kwon and Jang, 2012).Conversely, Bitner et al (1990) warn that offering compensation without explanationmay cause customers to perceive the company as culpable, resulting in a negativeimpression.Moreover,monetaryincentiveswerefoundtobelesseffectivethanapol ogies in making buyers withdraw their negative feedback(Abeler et al., 2010). Ifcompany only offer economic compensation, it may not turn a consumer’s reactionfrom negative to positive Besides,Hocutt et al (2006) also pointed out offeringmonetarycompensationmayenhancethecompany'scostswithouti m p r o v i n g customersatisfaction.T h u s , t h e hypothesis of H1bfollowed as:

H1b:After service failures occur, if passengers receive the compensations, whichsignificantlypositive effect on satisfaction.

Asthemarketcontextbecomesmorecompetitive,customershavemoreopportunities toaccesstheirdesiredservicesandsoswitchingtoanotherserviceprovider would be more appealing (Kuo et al., 2013) From that, the author based onsocial exchange theory (SET) to understand, an individual's decision to stay or quit arelationship is based on his or her assessment of the partnership's overall worth afterremoving the costs and benefits (Dawi et al., 2018) In which, Arikunto (2006) foundthat there was a direct influence of customer satisfaction contributing to switchingIntention in Jakarta’s scenario Then this impact was found that be a negative trend(Yen and Horng, 2009; Han et al.,2011; Srivastava and Sharma, 2013; Wu and Ai,2016; Quoquab et al., 2018; Mosavi et al, 2018; Wu et al., 2018; Dey et al., 2020).They explained that a satisfied client is less likely to transfer service providers, but adissatisfied customer is more likely to have a bad feeling and eventually acquire thedesire to move service providers (Quoquab et al., 2018) Wu et al (2018) emphasizedthat when consumers are treated properly and appropriately, they will not switch toanother company Moreover, Nguyen et al (2020) showed because customers areconcernedoftheswitchingbarrierstheymayfacewhileswitching,theyarenotinterestedin transferringto anotherbrand once theyare satisfied.

On the service recovery aspect, the impact of service recovery on customersatisfaction, repurchase intention, word-of-mouth, relationship levels, and loyalty hasbeenstudiedextensively(McQuilkenetal.,2017).Particularly,Chuangetal.(2012) indicatedeffectiveservicerecoverypreventsconsumersfromswitchingproviderswhilealsob uildingapositiveimageandcompetitiveadvantages.Inthea i r l i n e context,theremanyst udiespreviouslyfoundcustomersatisfactiondirectlyandstrongly influences non switching intentions- it can be known as customer loyalty(Nikbine t a l , 2 0 1 5 ; H a r u n e t a l , 2 0 1 9 ) H o w e v e r , C h a n g a n d C h a n g ( 2

0 1 0 ) f o u n d that customer satisfaction towards service recovery did not have any influence onloyaltyinthecontextofairlineservices.Astheabovearguments,theauthorhypothesizedw hetherinthecontextoflow- costaviationindustryinV i e t n a m , customersatisfactionaffects switching intention:

The previous study has found a link between customer satisfaction and behavioraloutcomes,particularlyWOM(Lametal.,2004).Thisiscorroboratedbyth efindingsof a study conducted by Kumar et al., 2013; Jan et al., 2013; Pizam et al., 2016;Tripathi., 2017; Rajaguru and Hassanli, 2018; Duarte et al., 2019 Whereby, Lam et al.(2004) showed satisfied consumers have good WOM motives that are close to theirloyalty conduct Then, Jan et al (2014) pointed out that WOM which was driven bycustomer satisfaction, was a vital communication technique, despite the fact that theorganization has little or no control over its content Erjavec et al., (2016) also showedthat loyalty and WOM intentions are sometimes lumped together in the literature,limiting the ability to test the relationship between frequent visits suggesting coreloyalty) and optimistic WOM intentions contributing to recommendations to otherprospectivecustomers.Inthehospitalitycontext,RajaguruandHassanli(2018)indicat edthatGuestsatisfactionpositivelyinfluencesbusinessguests’WOMrecommendations.Besides, Ahmadinejad(2019)foundthepositiveimpactofconsumer satisfaction (ease of checkout, responsiveness of customer service, design,and speed) on word-of-mouth advertising in the e-commerce scenairo However, thisresearch is limited to Iran and online applications, but it might be applied to othernations'onlineshoppingwebsitesandotheraspects.Incontrasttothepreviousfindings, Jiewanto et al., (2012) and Li (2013) claimed that customer satisfaction hasno effect on WOM (word of mouth) Li (2013) also said WOM must be formedthroughcustomer loyalty not customersatisfaction.

When evaluating services in the background of air travel, Pappachan and Koshy(2016) looked at satisfaction as a key mediator between employee service quality andWOM intentions While, Gürler and Erturgut (2018) found the direct relationshipbetween customer satisfaction and WOM in Turkey airline industry They indicatedthat customer satisfaction affected word-of-mouth, therefore airlines who offer theirpassengerswithareasonableprice,timeandefforttotravel,andanacceptablealternative willbeonestepaheadoftheircompetition.Inaddition,customersatisfactionalsohadasignifi canteffectonWOMinGarudaIndonesiaairlinepassengers(WidjajaandTedjakusuma,2018 ).Fromtheabovearguments,inthecontextoftheaviationindustryinVietnam,whethercustomer satisfaciona f f e c t s WOMor not Hence,the hypothesis of H3followed as:


Many researchers have studied the relationship between service failure, servicerecoverytypes,servicesatisfactiononswitchingintention,andpositiveword-of- mouth marketing The reason why the author only choose compensation and apologywas based on the finding of Bakar et al (2019) which indicated the common types ofservice recovery strategy are apology and compensation award This research is basedon the key research from “An analysis of the relationship between service failure,servicerecoveryandloyaltyforLowCostCarriertravelers”(Chou,2 0 1 5 ) ; “Man aging online service recovery: procedures, justice and customersatisfaction”(Singh and Crisafulli, 2015), and“The mediating effect of customer satisfaction on therelationshipbetweenperceivedvalueandword-of- mouthintheairlineindustry”(GürlerandErturgut,2018).Besides,“JusticeTheory”isconsider edasthefundamental theory of the model related to service recovery, and this research also isthe same As a result, the author decided to study the topic “The effects of recoveryservice on customer satisfaction leading to on switch intention and word- of-mouthaboutVietJet Air”

Contribution to theory: The author will select some key elements of service recoveryand propose a research model that is appropriate to the research content of the topic inVietnam This contribution is meant to develop the theory for research that relates tothecustomer'ssatisfaction,switchingintention, andWOMofthecustomer.

Contribution to practice: Contribution to practice: The author aimed at future andcurrent customer service managers in the airline industry Thus, it is necessary to takean interest in how passengers respond to the service recovery after the airline createsthe failures because the airlines do not really focus on service recovery seriously at themoment Proposals help airline companies provide an appropriate service recoverystrategy or any solution that can satisfy their customers after a service failure, decreasetheswitching rate of customers.

H1a: After service failures occur, if travelers perceive the apology, which significanteffecton satisfaction

H1b: After service failures occur, if travelers perceive the compensations, whichsignificanteffect on satisfaction

Chapter2outlinesthetheoreticalbasisforservicerecoveryinaviationindustry,impactingtocust omersatisfactionwhichhavesignificantimpactsonswitchingintention àn WOM The author argues and proposes a research model based on thefindings of prior investigations The model consists of 5 variables including apology,compensation,customer satisfaction, switching intention and WOM At the same time,the author created four groups of preliminary hypotheses (H1a, H1b, H2, and H3),which will serve as a foundation for further surveying the situation and evaluating thesurveyresults in the following chapter.



Qualitative approaches were used to perform preliminary study in Ho Chi MinhCityinOctober2021.Structuredquestionnaireswereemployedbytheresearc hteamtoclarifyfiveresearchthemes:1/Apology;2/Compensation;3/

C u s t o m e r satisfaction; 4/ Switching intention; 5/ Word of Mouth In addition, the questionnairewas used to test the questionnaire so that it could be adjusted and supplementedappropriatelybeforetheofficialdatacollection.Thisisanopportunityfortheq uestionnaire creator to learn whether any of the items are unclear, as well as whetherparticipants have any suggestions for how the items could be modified (Tsang et al.,2017).

Survey question:in the Apendix 1 for an English version and Apendix 2 for Vietnamesversion.

Survey method: The group conducted 10-15 experts trial interviews who are fromaviation industry such as building strategy officer, marketing officer, client serviceofficer, etc who works in the aviation industry with a convenient sampling method toeditthe draft scalebefore going intothe official interview.

Foraresearchprojectabouttheservicerecoverystrategyonpassengersatisfaction using Vietjet Air's services which could affect switching intention andWOM,theauthorwillchooseaclosed-endedquestionformatforreviewandevaluation passengers' attitudes and intention about service recovery Thus, closed-ended question format means that respondents will choose to agree with the statementsabout the elements of the questionnaire Through the questionnaire with availableanswers, it will be easier for the author to quantify the answers and clearly see therespondent's evaluation level Ask a few questions about the official scale that is usedin quantitative research In addition, the author looked at the survey's grammar andgrammaticals t r u c t u r e i n o r d e r t o u n i f y , c l a r i f y , a n d n o t c o n f u s e p e o p l e w h o w e r e being questioned As a result, the Likert scale (5 levels) will be used to measureindependent and dependent variables in this research Because the Likert scale is arange scale, the researcher may analyse and quantify the data obtained in order toidentifythecorrelationandlinearconnectionbetweentheindependentfactorsandthe dependent variable The following five levels of evaluation are applied to the questionsinthe questionnaire:

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree


Quantitative research uses a representative sample of the population to arrive atstatistically significant conclusions about the population (Lowhorn, 2007) The samplesizeinquantitativeresearchhelpstoaccuratelyrepresenttheinteractionbetweenvariables in order to form conclusions about the study's features and qualities As aresult, in a research publication, sample selection is critical The bigger the number ofsamples, the higher the accuracy, but this comes at the expense of time and money Asa consequence, the athor used a suitable sample approach so that the surveyed

VietJetAircustomerswhohadencounteredserviceproblemswereeasilyavailablea n d will ing to respond to questions via online surveys, saving time and money There wasnodistinctionherebetweenservicefailuresoninternationalordomesticflights.Accordi ng to Tabachnick and Fidell (2007), the sample size for regression analysismustmeet the following formula: n>P+ 8p.

Inthispaper,Themodelinthisstudycontains5independentv a r i a b l e s , applying theformula50+8*5samples.Asaresult,aminimumof98samplesor more is required to obtain the optimum regression model The author performedsurveys for 260 people in order to reduce risks and errors during the survey's executionand to improve the topic's correctness Besides, this research also included an EFAdiscoveryf a c t o r a n a l y s i s , w h i c h , a c c o r d i n g t o H a i r e t a l ,

( 1 9 9 8 ) , r e q u i r e s a s a m p l e sizeofatleast 50,preferably100, withavariableratio of5:1 andtheformula: n>= 5* q

In total, 17 questions were utilized in the thesis As a result of the precedingformula, the EFA discovery factor analysis requires a minimum sample size of n≧5*17= 85 samples As a result, the minimal number of samples necessary to combineEFAwith regression analysis is 85.

The research method began with a study of the literature in order to develop theresearch model and hypotheses On practical data, EFA and SEM were done at theanalysis step Finally, the conclusions and debates tried to bring the results to a close.The authors chose to create a research process map and a process table that includedthestages below:

 Phase 1: A preliminary investigation to confirm the scale's dependability.

Tochange the study model, scale, and additional elements, preliminary research wasundertakenutilizingfocusinggroupapproaches.Beforebeginningquantitativeresear ch and formally evaluating the study model, the author considered adjustingitemsin the questionnaire.

 Phase2:Extensiveofficialresearch.Aquestionnaireisusedtoperformquantitative research with 260 people With the use of SPSS 22 software,collecteddataisutilizedtoreviewscales,factoranalysis,correlationanalysis,modelverifi cation,andregressionassumptions.Appropriatereviewsandrecommendationsforfutu resubjectswillbegeneratedthroughscreeningproceduresand changes.

The author carried out the stage of creating particular implementation methodsafter completing the study process diagram Based on the research process diagram, itwould be roughly connected to the time it takes to perform the study and the quantityofsurvey samples collected at each step.

Table4.Collectingdatatiming(Source:Theauthor) Researchstep Method Conductedmethod Samplesize Conducted time

Preliminary Qualitative Onlinesurveys usingGoogleform 15 October,2021

Offical Quantitative Online surveysusingGoog leform

The purpose of the Google form is to make the crowd survey more accessible.The surveyor's Drive is automatically developed and merged with the response results.Another benefit of Google forms is that they can be shared and edited by others Tocollect survey responses, the author created Google forms with survey questions andthenshared them on social mediaplatforms.

PassengerswhohaveencounteredVietJetAirserviceproblemsaretherespondents in the quantitative study They were chosen at random, regardless of theirage, gender, income, or level of education Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient,exploratoryfactoranalysis(EFA),one- wayANOVA,andlinearregressionwereemployedin this study.


Thequestionnairewillbedesignedtomeasuretheimpactoftheservicerecovery strategy on customer satisfaction, both positive and negative, as well as theimpact of customer satisfaction on switching intention and WOM, in accordance withtheresearch objectives andresearch questions ofthis study.

Asaresult,thesurveysaredividedintotwosections,withthes u b s t a n c e comingafte rtheliteraturereview.Thefirstsectionasked7questionstogatherinformationbyutilizingmul tiplechoicequestionstodeterminew h e t h e r t h e respondent is qualified to complete the survey (e.g.,

Have you gone by plane? Haveyou ever taken a flight with VietJet Air?, ) The major and most crucial section foranalysis is the evaluation section Three small parts ask about: apology, compensation,customer satisfaction, switching intention, WOM The author used the Likert scale tocreatestatementsregardingdifferentviewpointsonaspectsofservicerecoveryapproach and the respondent's attitudes toward it In each sentence, respondents areasked to score their responses on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and5 being

"strongly agree." Each component will have several questions related to it inthissection.

AP1 VietJet Air make a public apologyimmediately Haruta and Hallahan,

(2003) AP2 I expects aplogies which could show theirstaff’ssincerity Jenkinsetal.,(2021)

Theapologiessignificantlyhelpmemore reduced anger, negative impression withVietJetAir ChungandLee,(2021)

CP1 VietJetAirhastakenappropriate compensationpoliciestosolvetheissue Nikbinetal.,(2014) CP2 Providing compensation enhances mypositiveemotions Xuetal.(2019)

CP3 When VietJet Air offers compensation,Iprefermonetarycompensatio n.

SF1 I feel pleased with the dealing of thespecificevent Siuetal.,(2013)

ST1 I have searched and checked product priceofother airline brands Guoetal.,(2021) ST2

Inthefuture,Iwillnotreducethe frequency travelling VietJet Air have thathada bad experience Davidow(2000)

SinghandCrisafulli(2016) WO2 I am likely to share positive opinions tofriends and family about my overallexperiencewith VietJetAir.

WO3 Recommend VietJet Air to someone elsewhoseeks my advice Anetal.,(2019)

Dataprocessing method

CronbachAlpha Analysis

TheCronbach'sAlphacoefficientevaluationmethodisusedtoassesst h e scale'sdep endability;thehighertheconsistency,themorereliablethescale.Cronbach'sAlphacoefficie ntwasusedtoexcludeinappropriatevariablessincepseudo- factorscanbeproducedwithoutit(NguyenDinhTho,2011).Infactoranalysis, numerous researchers have established the following criteria for evaluatingscalereliability:

- Types of observed variables with variable correlation - modest total (less than0.3); criteria to choose the scale when Alpha reliability is larger than 0.6 (thehigher the Alpha, the better the internal consistency reliability); (Nunally

&Burnstein, 1994; followed by Nguyen Dinh Tho and Nguyen Thi Mai Trang,2009).

- Alpha values: a good measuring scale is larger than 0.8; 0.7 to 0.8 is acceptable;and 0.6 or more can be employed if the study concept is novel or novel in theresearchsetting (Nunally, 1978).

The author will evaluate the scale using the following criteria based on theprecedinginformation:

- Good measuring scale if Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient is better than0.8.

- The scale can be utilized if Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient is 0.6 orhigher.

- Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient is less than 0.6: The scale is calibratedby removing low total correlation variables and boosting theCronbach's Alphacoefficient.


The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient method and the Exploratory FactorAnalysis(EFA)analysisfactorareusedtofilterandexcludeobservedvari ablesthatdonot matchthecriteriad u r i n g t h e p r e l i m i n a r y a s s e s s m e n t o f t h e s c a l e ' s r e l i a b i l i t y andvalueusing SPSS22processing software(trashvariables) Inwhich:

- The Cronbach alpha coefficient is a statistical evaluation of the rigor (ability todescribe a research concept) of a set of observable variables (questions) in ascale Manyscholars thinkthat the Cronbachalpha coefficient withvalues from 0.8 to nearly 1.0 is a reasonable scale; it is useable from 0.7 to nearly 0.8,accordingtoHoangTrongandChuNguyenMongNgoc(2008).Manyacademics (e.g., Nunally, 1978; Peterson, 1994; Slater, 1995) believe that theCronbach alpha coefficient of 0.6 or above can be used when the concept beingexamined is novel to the respondents in the research context On the other hand,Cronbachalphadoesnotadvisewhichvariablesshouldbeeliminateda n d whichsh ouldberetained.Asaresult,inadditiontotheCronbachalphacoefficient, the variable correlation (iterm - total correlation) will be deleted, aswillvariables with atotal correlation of lessthan 0.3.

- The "exploratory factor analysis - EFA" refers to a series of processes that areoften used to analyze scales or decrease a set of variables Factor analysis isutilized in this study to condense a group of observed variables into a singlefactor that measures several characteristics of research themes There are someapplicable criterias and variables for EFA discovery factor analysis To startwith, the Bartlett and KMO coefficients are used to measure the appropriatenessofE F A E F A i s s a i d t o b e m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e w h e n t h e K M

O a n d S i g coefficients are 0.5 and 0.05, respectively When KMO is less than 0.5, factoranalysis is likely to be ineffective for data In addition, there are criteria forextracting factors, such as the Eigenvalue index (which represents how muchvariation is explained by the variables) and the Cumulative index (the totalvariancee x t r a c t e d f o r f a c t o r a n a l y s i s e x p l a i n s h o w m u c h p e r c e n t a n d h o w much percent lost) According to Gerbing and Anderson (1988),Eigenvaluefactors have no impacts on summarizing information better than the originalvariable(Itislessthan1).Therefore,thefactorsareonlyextractedinEigenval ue≥1andacceptedwhenthetotalvarianceextracted≥5 0 % However, the magnitude of the Eigenvalue and variance value is determined bythe extraction process and factor rotation According to Gerbing and Anderson(1988),P r i n c i p a l A x i s F a c t o r i n g w i t h P r o m a x r o t a t i o n h a s a l o w e r v a r i a n c e than Principal Components with Varimax rotation, but it will represent a moreaccurate data structure Then, Nguyen Khanh Duy (2009) indicated if EFA isfollowedbyregressionanalysis,themethodofPrincipalcomponentswithVarimax rotation can be used, but if EFA is followed by affirmative factoranalysis (CFA) and analysis Linear structure model (SEM), the Principal AxisFactoringmethod withpromax rotation shouldbe used.

- Standard Factor Loadings: This criteria refers to a simple correlation betweenvariables and factors that is used to assess the relevance of EFA Hair (2010)showed that Factor loading > 0.3 is considered a low level; Factor loading > 0.4is considered important; Factor loading > 0.5 is considered practical If Factorstandard loading > 0.3 is used, the sample size must be at least 350; if thesample size is around

100, Factor standard loading > 0.55 is advised; if thesample size is around 50, Factor loading > 0.75 is recommended Exception: thevariable with Factor loading 0.3 can be kept, but it must have a content value.WhenthevariableswithFactorloadingdonotmeettheaforementionedcondition s, or when the factors are different, the weight difference is very minor(researchers do not accept less than 0.3 because it makes no difference) Thevariable is removed to represent a factor, and the remaining variables are sortedintothematchingfactorderivedfromthepatternmatrix(PatternMatrix).

ConfirmatoryFactor Analysis – CFA

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a statistical approach for confirming acollection of observed variables' factor structure It enables the researcher to test thehypothesisthatobservedvariablesandtheirunderlyinglatentconstructshavearelationsh ip (Suhr, 2006) Non-significant loadings on a factor can occur for measuresthat assess other variables or are just inadequate measures of the factor and should beeliminated,according to Iacobacci (2009).

Criteria for assessing general relevance and criteria for assessing suitability interms of content value are included in the CFA implementation standards n which, toevaluatet h e g e n e r a l s u i t a b i l i t y o f t h e m o d e l , t h i s s t u d y u s e s t h e c r i t e r i a : h i - S q u a r e (Chi squared CMIN); Chi-Square adjusted according to degrees of freedom (CMIN

/df),GFIindex(GoodnessofFitIndex),TLI(Tucker&LewisIndex),CFI(Comparative Fit Index), RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Approximation) index.WhentheChi- SquarevalueisP005,themodelisjudgedsuitable.However,depending on the size of the sample, Chi- Square has disadvantages The Chi-Squareincreases as the sample size grows, reducing the model's appropriateness As a result,besides P value, the standards used are 1≤ CMIN / df ≤ 3 (according to Hair et al,2010), some sample cases ≥ 200, CMIN / df ≤ 5 can be accepted (Kettinger and Lee,1995)G F I , T L I , C F I ≥ 0 9 ( B e n t l e r & B o n n e t , 1 9 8 0 ; H a i r e t a l , 2 0 1 0 ) ; R

M S E A ≤ 0.08, in the case of RMSEA ≤ 0, 05 according to Steiner (1990) are considered verygood.Thefollowingaresomecriteriafordeterminingthemodel'srelevanceinte rmsofcontent value:

- Thescale’sreliability:is assessedthroughacompositereliabilityfactor(Composite reliability), the total extracted variance (Variance extraction), thereliabilitycoefficient(Cronbachalpha-

™).Averagevarianceextracted,inparticular, indicates the general variability of observed variables explained bythe latent variable (Hair, 2010), as well as the general reliability of assessing thereliabilityofasetofobservablevariablesTheCronbachalphareliabilitycoefficient is a factor that assesses internal consistency across a set of observedvariableso f a n s w e r s ( S c h u m m a c k e r & L o m a x , 2 0 0 6 ) C r i t e r i a f o r e v a l u a t i n g thesuitabilityofthemodelbythereliabilityofthescalei sρcc>0.5orρcvc>0.5,or ™ ≥ 0.6 (sameplace but not scattered).

- Convergent validity : indicates the value of measuring a notion that is closelyrelatedtoeachother,afterrepeatedmeasurements.GerbingandA n d e s o n

(1988) showed that the scale is considered convergent when the standardizedweights of the scale are high (> 0.5) and statistically significant, p

0.5,Sig 0.000 < 0.5 (rejecting the Ho hypothesis: the observed variables are not correlated inthe aggregate), indicating that the factor model hypothesis is insufficient and will berejected.Thus,thedataemployedforfactoranalysiswasabsolutelyadequate.


Factor InitialEigenvalues Extraction Sums ofSquaredLoadings

According to the results table, at the Eigenvalue value = 1.009 (> 1), the totalextracted variance is 57.713% (> 50%) This means that these 17 observed variablescanexplain 57.713% of the datavariability.


Loading coefficients greater than 0.5 are considered to be of practical relevancewhenusingthePrincipalComponentsextractionmethodwithVarimaxprocessrot ation.Theoutcomedemonstratesthatallfactorsareacceptable.Therefore,determine the explanatory level of the observed variables for the factors and scales inthestudymodelthathavebeenvalidatedusingaffirmativefactoranalysisafterassessingthe reliability (CFA).


The next stage will be to reevaluate the above scale using factor analysis, whichsupports CFA using official research data from 260 VietJet Air passengers in Ho ChiMinh City. Unidimensionality, convergent validity, discriminant validity, syntheticreliability, and extract variance were among the evaluation criteria Because theoreticalfactors are built and considered to be unidirectional, factor analysis is used to verifyscales.A s a r e s u l t , i t i s c o n f i r m e d t h a t t h e f a c t o r o n l y e x a m i n e s t h e c r i t i c a l m o d e l while evaluating the convergence value, discriminant value, and model compatibilitywiththemayordataintheanalysisstep.

Whenitisimportantforresearchinstitutesto interactfreelywithoneanother(criticalmodeliscompatiblewithmarketdata,component factor models are also compatible with market data), the model should beconsidered.

It is statistically significant when using the modification index indices toalterthelinkbetweenthe variancebetweentheerrors oftheobservedscales.

The results of measuring the scale of complaints by factor analysis confirmedCFA,theresultsshowedChi-Square/df=1.581;GFI=.927;TLI=.954;CFI=.963


RMSEA = 047, certificate show scale suitable for the market data and confirm theunidirectionalscale.

Table 40 The value of CFA Standardized Regression

In thetable40.,the CFAweights instandardized formall matchthe standard(>

=.50),withthelowestvalue(TC1=0.583,p=0.000)beingthelowest.Theobservablev a r i a b l e s u s e d t o m e a s u r e t h e i d e a s ( f a c t o r s ) i n t h e s t u d y m o d e l w e r e a ltered after Cronbach alpha and EFA satisfied the convergence value criterion andgainedun directionality.


Regarding discriminant values, the correlation coefficients between the researchconcepts are ≤ 1 and statistically significant (p = 0.000), proving that the researchconcepts in the model all have differentiated values The detailed results were showedintable 4.16.

Structuralequation modeling

The research model is tested using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach,andthemodelparametersareestimatedusingtheoptimalestimationmethod.Furth ermore,testingcriteria areused toCFA analysisin asimilarway.


The SEM result of the research model is fully obtained in Figure 14.: Chi-Square/ df= 1 5 7 8 , G F I = 9 2 3 ; T L I = 9 5 4 ; C F I = 9 2 3 ; R M S E A = 0 4 7 T h u s , t h e a u t h o r temporarilyacceptsthemodel'smarket valueandcontinuestoanalyzeit intermsofc ontent.


Theresearchmodelistestedusingthelinearstructureanalysis(SEM)approach,andmodel parameters are estimated using the optimal estimation method Furthermore,testingcriteria are usedto CFA analysisin a similarway.


Thetotalof4hypotheses,allaresignificant.Theresultsfoundthatalltheinfluences have significance in statistics based on a two-tailed test with P- a value lessthan0.05asshownintable42.Thepathfromapologies(H1a)showedstrongsignificant (β 0.558,p < 001) effect Thus, H1a was supported This result indicatesthat offering apologies influences the customer satisfaction towards VietJet Air. ThesameresultcouldalsobeseeninH1b,wherecompensationhasapositiveandsignificant effect on consumers' satisfaction Thus, H1b (β= 0.215,p < 001) was alsosupported.Itcanbeexpalinedthatofferingapologiesandcompensationsplayasignifica nt role in consumers’ satisfactions in general In addition, the relationshipbetween customers’ satisfaction and switching intention, customers’ satisfaction andWOM also have p-value < 0.001 andβH2= 0.443; βH3= 0.428 respectively Therefore,thehypotheses H2 and H3 were also supported Based on this result, we could concludethat when VietJet Air passengers feel satisfied they will not change to another airlinesandenhance positive WOM towardsVietJet Air.


The findings offer significant theoretical and management implications for theaviationindustry.Initially,thisfindingsupportedthesignificantlypossitive relationshipbetweenmakingapologiesandcustomersatisfaction.Thisf i n d i n g revealed that customers will be satisfied if VietJet Air offers apologies, especially apublic apology immediately after service failure while in the current survey, less than50% of total 260 respondents recognized that they received a public apology fromVietJet Air. This finding shows that an apology is very meaningful to customersbecause it is one of the top behavioral foundations Vietnamese people have alwaystaught children to be

"thankful" when someone cares and help them and to know"sorry" when they make mistakes and shortcomings Thus, an apology is not simplyknowing and admitting fault, but it also shows a person's sense of responsibility forlife,knowinghowtoaccepttheirresponsibilityfortheconsequencescausedbythemselve s This finding was in line with the finding of Jareankieatbovorn (2018);Waheed and Khan, (2019); Mai et al (2021); etc They said that an apology must bethe first recognized step in service recovery (Jareankieatbovorn, 2018) which canreducenegativeemotionsandenhancecustomersatisfaction(WaheedandKhan,2019).

( 2 0 2 1 ) i n t h e h o t e l s e c t o r ; P h a n , N g u y e n a n d P h a m (2021)ine- retailingsector;Nguyen,HuynhandMai(2021)intheinternationalhospital sector and etc.

In addition to, compensations also found its positive effect oncustomer satisfaction as well, which was in constrast to the finding of Hocutt et al.(2006) who said providing monetary compensation may increase the expenses withoutenhancingcustomersatisfactionmonetarycompensation.Whilethisoutcomealsosu pported the outcomes of Greve et al (2020) It can be explained that when customerrecieved compensations, their positive emotions including customer satisfaction willincreaseeaccordingly.Theothersresearchersclearlyindicatedthatpsychologyrequires remorseandempathy (Jung &Seock,2017); concreterecoveryprovidesphysicalcompensation forclients' actualdamages (Chou,2015).

Besides, the hypothesis H2 also supported in this rearch.The positivei m p a c t s of customer satisfaction on switching intention was found, which is similar to Hui andWan (2007); Nikbin et al., (2015); Harun et al., (2019); Mai et al.

(2021) According toMai et al (2021), positive WOM will significantly raise if the service recovery is at ahigh level and promotes passenger satisfaction In aviation industry, this trend alsomaintenance,whichmeanspassengersfeelsatisfiedwithVietJetAir,theirintentionto change other airlines may not exist Because some previous studies said that acquiringa new customer is 6-7 times harder than keeping an existing customer, so customersatisfaction will help VietJet Air retain customers in the future not to haveintention offinding an alternative airline Morover, the significant positive impact of customersatisfactiono np osi ti veW OMw asp ro ve d, w h i c h iss im il ar to th e f i n d i n g o fG ür le r and Erturgut (2018) and Widjaja and Tedjakusuma (2018) It can be explained thatcustomersatisfactiondirectlyaffectswordofmouth,whentheairlineo f f e r s passenger sareasonable,timelycompensation,orasincereapologyorhybridapproaches, which most ways passengers have not actually received from VietJet Air.Thus, in order for customers to speak well about VietJet, the airline needs to pay moreattentiontocustomersatisfactionbecausethisisapositivepositiverelationship.

The study uses conceptual scales that have been modified to the current study spaceandperiodfromearlierinternationalstudies.Afterusingcalibratedqualitativemethods , apology (AP) included 4 observed variables; compensation (CP) included 3observedvariables;customersatisfaction(CS)included4observedvariables;switchingi n t e n t i o n a n d W O M i n c l u d e d 4 o b s e r v e d v a r i a b l e s f o r e a c h f a c t o r

T h e scales are based on previous research done across the world, with adjustments andsupplements made to fit the Vietnamese aviation field in Ho Chi Minh City In which,thesubjectivevariables’scalescanbetrustedwhichhaveallCronbachAlphaind exes

> 0.6 Besides, 17 observed variables can explain 57.713% of the data variability.And,the CFA weights in standardized form all match the standard As a result, all proposedhypothesises were support with P- a value < 0.05 The finding were in line with manyprevious studies such asWidjaja and Tedjakusuma (2018); Waheed and Khan, (2019);Maiet al (2021); etc.


The goal of this study from the start has been to identify service recoverystrategies and evaluate the impact of service recovery strategies including apology,compensation to customer satisfaction, which leads to switching intention and WOM,so that managerial implications and recommendations for future research and practicecanbemade.Thisdissertation'sresearchmethodologyisquantitative,withtwometh odsofanalysis.Inwhich,descriptivestatistics,reliabilityanalysis,andexploratory factor analysis are utilized to analyze and validate the scale (EFA) AMOSis used to do confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling fortesting the hypotheses (SEM) Before the real test, conducting pre-test by qualitativemethodwasapplied totestgrammar,grammaticalstructure,andintelligibility.

A total of 260 surveyed subjects, of which, the proportion of men accounted for40,4%,womenaccountedfor59.6%.Quantitativeresearchwasconductedwithpassengers who have experienced with service failures of VietJet Air Cronbach'sAlpha reliability and EFA factor analysis were both satisfactory Moreover, 57.713 %ofthe datavariability canbe explained by17 observablevariables.

In comparison to earlier study, quantitative research with a large sample size(n&0) was possible to determine the strength of each of these variables in impactingvariables It concludes from the findings of this study that the objectives have beenmet Initially, the positive and significant impact of the service recovery strategyincludes offering apologies, compensations for customer satisfaction. Particularly, ifpassengers receive an apology or compensation, it significant positive effect on thesatisfactiono f c u s t o m e r s w h o w i t n e s s e d s e r v i c e f a i l u r e s d u r i n g t h e i r f l i g h t j o u r n e y with VietJet Air This finding is in line with the finding from Lin et al., (2021);Waheed and Khan,(2019); Albrecht et al., (2019) and etc In contrast, Hocutt et al.(2006) found that providing compensation especially financial compesnsations couldincrease a company's costs while not enhancing customer satisfaction Likewise,thisstudyalsofoundthatcustomersatisfactionhasapossitiveimpactonswitchingintention and WOM as well It can be explained that the airline makes an effort inservice recovery leading their customer satisfaction, they will not intend to switch toanotherairlinescompany In contrast,thisoutcomeis quiteontheother handofChang andChang's(2010)findings.Theyshowedcustomersatisfactiontowardsservicerecovery did not have any influence on loyalty in the context of airline services atTaiwan In addition, they also express their satisfaction with their positive word ofmouth towards this airline brand, which also supported to the findings of Widjaja andTedjakusuma(2018)andGürlerandErturgut(2018)inAsianaviationindustry.

In addition, the results can be valuable for aviation companies especally VietJetto come over service fairlures, increase customer satisfaction, enhance positive WOMand reduce switching intention If scientists around the world have researched manyaspects of service recovery, finding out the relationships between service recovery,customer satisfaction, intention to switch, WOM in the various contexts (Migacz et al.,2018; Matikiti and Roberts, 2019 and etc), while in Vietnam, this topic has not beenfullyresearchedespeciallyintheaviationindustry.Servicerecoveryhasbeenconsidered as a prerequisite to help businesses not leave a bad image in the customers’mindsandmitigatetheirnegativitytowardsthebusiness(WenandChi,2013).Furth ermore, when businesses have an effective service recovery strategy, it leads toincreased customer satisfaction (Abeler et al., 2010; Jin, 2019; Waheed and Khan,2019; Alzoubi and Inairat, 2020 and etc), thereby limiting intent to switch (Nikbin etal., 2015; Harun et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2018 and etc) and generating positive word ofmouthaboutthebusiness(GürlerandErturgut,2018;WidjajaandT e d j a k u s u m a , 2018;etc).

Managerialimplications and theoreticalcontributions


In chapter 5, the author reviewed the topic's research findings by providing fourhypotheses.Theauthorhasmadeadaringproposal,includingadministrativeconsequences for aviation service providers to better comprehend the distress andanxiety that customers experience when they encounter service failures To fulfill theexpectationsofcustomers,organizationscanupgrade,establish,anddevelopanadequate service recovery Besides, in this chapter, the theoretical contributions werealso highlighted From these contributions, this study also had some drawbacks whichneedimprove in the future studies.

The study's findings show that the items utilized in the research instrument tomeasurethemodel'scomponents areaccurate anddependable Thesuggeste dmodel has been validated, with links between the model's postulated elements confirmed inthe context of a rising aviation market The study contributes to theory by providingclarityonthesignificanceoftheassociationbetweenservicerecovery,customersati sfaction, switching intention and word of mouth The research reinforces previousresearch ofMatikiti et al (2019); Waheed and Khan, (2019); Lin et al (2021); etc inwhich a positive relationship between service recovery strategy (offering apologies, orcompensations), customer satisfaction, word of mouth and switching intention haspreviouslybeen established.

The study further implied Justice theory to explain the results of why a servicerecovery strategy including offering apologies, or compensation has positive impact oncustomersatisfactionintheairlineindustryofanemergingmarketeconomy.According to Roschk and Kaiser (2013), the justice theory explains why the empathy,intensity, and timing of an apology contribute to service recovery satisfaction Inaddition, justice theory has been recommended to be a "effective evaluative instrumentand a powerful predictor of service recovery satisfaction among consumers" (Kim, etal., 2012) Particularly, customers believe they have been treated fairly in terms of theeventual recovery outcome when they receive concrete compensatory compensation inthe form of discounts, refunds, replacements, and coupons (Gelbrich and Roschk,2011).While,offeringapologiesisbelongingtointeractionaljusticewhichisassociate dw i t h t h e i n t e r a c t i o n a l a s p e c t s ( M i g a c z e t a l , 2 0 1 8 ) T h u s , i f t h e a i r l i n e agent is perceived as harsh during the customer interaction because the representativedid not look customers in the eyes, did not listen attentively, and did not apologize, theclient will be dissatisfied, which is related to interactional fairness (Migacz et al.,2018).

Finally,thestudyalsoaddedtotheservicerecoveryliteratureasitwasconducted in an emerging market in the Vietnames context, whereas most previousstudies on service recovery and service failure were conducted in other nations such asTaiwan, Turkey, Indonesia,etc As a result, this study suggests recommendationstailored to the Vietnamese airline industry, and the findings could serve as a baselineforfuture service recovery studies inVietnam.


Recommendation 1: Should focus more on service recovery by offering sincereapologiesat first andthen the adequate compensation.

VietJet Air should be engaged in obtaining consumer expectations in advance,so that when service failures occur, the airline can provide compensation or apologiesthat enhance customer satisfaction because many people truly agree that apologies canmore help them overcome the pessimistic emotions than compensations after facingservice failure (Mean AP3 = 3,950 > Mean CP2 =3,577) According to crosstabulationresults, Knowing individual customers' requirements and desires (asking them whattheyfavor),investigatingthetypesofcompensationcustomersaremorelike ly(suchas economic compensation, discounts on future purchases, gifts, etc), and gatheringinformationontheirpreferredsolutionscouldbeallveryusefulstrategiesforincreasin g their satisfaction It is an ideal utilizing suggestion boxes and conductingresearch through the use of questionnaires distributed to consumers when they checkin In comparison between offering apologies and compensations, the data showedapologies have more effect on customer satisfaction than compensations (βAP=0,558>βCP =0.215), which mean VietJet Air staff should give their customer a sincere apologyasapriorityafterfacingservicefailuresthenofferingthemthemostsuitablecompens ations.

Research results with the beta index of H1a (0,558) and H1b (0,215) showedthatasincereapologyandcompensationstrategy,arebothverynecessaryforcustome rs after service failures At present, some airlines in the world such as AirAsiaemphasizestheuseofapologieswithoutignoringcompensating,whileMalaysiaAir linesemphasizescompensationwithoutignoringapologies(Warsihantaria n d Putra,

2018) They only implement one of them The 2nd recommendation also thesame to the study of Bakar et al (2019) If the airline can combine both apology andcompensation strategies, it will be more effective because the apologetic method itselfwill not be adequate to make up for the service failure It can be seen as the mostappropriate service recovery strategy Thus, VietJet Air should imply the strategywhichhave bothoffering apologiesand suitablecompensations.

Trainingo f e m p l o y e e s r e l a t e d t o t h e s e r v i c e r e c o v e r y p r o c e s s , b e c a u s e t h e y who interact with customers during the recovery process, is critical for maintaining acompetitive edge. According to Bakar et al (2019), client service and communicationskillstrainingclasseswouldbeperfect.Customerswillkeeptrustingtheserv iceprovider based on how much effort the company puts into making up for a failedservice and how successfully the recovery strategy is implemented As a case from theEmiratesAirlineCompanywhichspendsfarmoretimeandmoneytrainingnewemployees than many of its rivals Their training programs cover topics such as how tocommunicate with people on board during flights and how to provide service withoutcausinganybadconsequencesbysimplysmilingorspeakinginaliteratemanner ,allofwhichare foundedon psychologicalconcepts (UKEssays,2018).

Because of poor service recovery management, organizations should aim toavoidcustomersdisseminatingnegativeimpressionstootherclientsorfuturecustomers.

To avoid this, VietJet Air should handle service failures in a way thatpleases customers, allowing them to be satisfied Thus, a good word of mouth can beboostedbytreatingallclientswithcivilityandrespectwhentheyventtheirfrustrations,ther eby keeping a positive image.

Limitationsand Recommendation forFutureStudies

- To begin with, due to a lack of time, ability, and money, research is confined tostudents living in the city As a result, future research can address these constraintsin order to improve the value of study findings Furthermore, this research studywas unable to survey all of the city's passengers, and several survey tables werefoundtobeunacceptable,resultingintheirrejection.Thefollowingresearchshouldbe examinedwithabiggernumberofsamplesandabroaderareaifpossible.

- In addition, Vietnamese’s notions were unfamiliar to the term “service recovery”,theyhad difficulty comprehending them.

- Last but not least, this study do not examine the service recovery satisfaction, itonlyfocused on customer satisfactionin general.

The author proposes several future research directions based on the study'slimitations:

- Further research should focus on people who live in Hanoi or other large cities inVietnam, as this study only looked at VietJet passengers who live in Ho Chi MinhCity, who may have differing perspectives and emotions about the airline's servicerecovery.

- There are numerous variables belonging to service recovery such as explaination,apology- compensation;e t c w h i c h w e r e f o u n d i n p r e v i o u s s t u d i e s S o t h e f u t u r e ca nexpand to the otherservice recovery variables.

This chapter is comprised of some parts The first part is a conclusion of this research;the second part provides the implication, the third part presents the limitation of theresearch and a recommendation for the future studies When compared to prior study,quantitativeresearchwithalargesamplesizewasabletoquantifytherelativeimportan ce of each of these variables as influencing factors (n = 260) Morover, Basedon the research results, some implications are proposed to increase VietJet Air insolvingservice failures.

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Department in Banking University Ho Chi Minh City Currently, I amconductingthestudy“ Theeffectsofrecoveryserviceoncustomers a t i s f a c t i o n le adingtoon switchintentionand word-of-mouthabout VietJetAir ”.

Moreover, your information will be used purely for academic researching purposes.Kindlysparefewminutestohelpmecompletethequestionnaire.Ourdeepapprecia tionto your valuable time andsupport.

Question1:Doyouunderstandthe con te nt ofthesurvey?

Compared to theoriginal questionnaire taken from foreign research, do you think the translation is appropriate?

Question2:Therearesomephrasesthatwecannotfindtheproperexpressionwords,please help me translate.


Tôi là Lương Lan Anh– sinh viên cao học khoa Quản trị Kinh Doanh của trường đạihọc Ngân Hàng thành phố Hồ Chí Minh HIện nay, tôi đang thực hiện nghiên cứu“ Tác động của dịch vụ phục hồi đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng dẫn đến chuyểnđổiý định và truyền miệngvề VietJet Air ”

Tôi cam kết những thông tin anh/chị cung cấp sẽ chỉ để phục vụ cho quá trình nghiêncứu.Rất mong nhận đượcsự hợp tác của anh/chị.

Câu hỏi 1: Anh/chị có hiểu rõ nội dung trong phiếu khảo sát không? So với bảng câuhỏi gốc được lấy từ nghiên cứu nuớc ngoài, theo anh/chị, việc chuyển ngữ có phù hợpkhông?

Câu hỏi 2: Có một số cụm từ chúng tôi không tìm được từ ngữ diễn đạt thích hợp,monganh/chị giúp đỡ chuyển ngữ.

Câu hỏi 3: Bảng câu hỏi có phù hợp với tình hình thực tế tại khu vực thành phố HồChíMinh hay không?


DearMr/Mrs,MynameisLuongLanAnh-amasterstudentofBusinessAdministration Department in Banking University Ho Chi Minh City Currently, I amconductingthestudy“ Theeffectsofrecoveryserviceoncustomers a t i s f a c t i o n le adingtoon switchintentionand word-of-mouthabout VietJetAir ”.

Your information will be used purely for academic researching purposes Kindly sparefew minutes to help me complete the questionnaire Our deep appreciation to yourvaluabletime and support.


□ Yes,Ihave(continuing) □No,Ihaven’t(stop)

4 Have you ever used the airline service of low-cost airline Viet Jet Air?

□ Yes,Ihave(continuing) □No,Ihaven’t(stop)

□ Yes,Ihave(continuing) □No,Ihaven’t(stop)

Servicerecoveryistheprocessbywhichacompanyadmitsitsfaultfors e r v i c e failures, thereby fixing the problem, issuing an apology, compensation, from that donotgeneratenegative emotionsafter theyexperience servicefailure.

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by ticking thecorrespondingcircleiconof thestatementaccording tothefollowingrule:

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

The apologies significantlyhelp me more reducedanger,negativeimpres withVietJetAir.sion

When VietJet Air offerscompensation,I prefer monetarycompensation 1 2 3 4 5

I feel pleased with thedealingofthespecific event 1 2 3 4 5

When I decided to travelwithVieJetAir,Ibelieve

I am satisfied with theoverall service recoveryactionstomyservice failures.

In the future, I will notreduce the frequencytravellingVietJetAir thathadabadexperiencehave

I'll not require the servicesofadifferenta irline companies.

I will tell friends / familyabouthowtheairl solvedtheproblemsIhadine

I am likely to sharepositive opinions to friendsand family about myoverallexperiencewith

Recommend VietJet Air tosomeoneelsewhoseeks myadvice 1 2 3 4 5

Tôi là Lương Lan Anh– sinh viên cao học khoa Quản trị Kinh Doanh của trường đạihọc Ngân Hàng thành phố Hồ Chí Minh HIện nay, tôi đang thực hiện nghiên cứu“ Tác động của dịch vụ phục hồi đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng dẫn đến chuyểnđổiý định và truyền miệngvề VietJet Air ”

Tôi cam kết những thông tin anh/chị cung cấp sẽ chỉ để phục vụ cho quá trình nghiêncứu.Rất mong nhận đượcsự hợp tác của anh/chị.


4 Xin vui lòng cho biết, anh/chị có từng sử dụng dịch vụ hàng không của hãngHàngkhông giárẽ Viet JetAir?(Vuilòng chọn 1câu trảlời)

5.Xin vui lòng cho biết, anh/chị có từng gặp bất kì vấn đề gì khi sử dụng dịch vụhàng không của hãng Hàng không VietJet Air không? (ví dụ: delay chuyến bay,thấtlạc hành lí, )(Vuilòng chọn 1 câu trảlời)

6 Xin vui lòng cho biết, anh/chị thường di chuyển bằng máy bay trong những dịpnàoNHẤT ?(Vui lòng chọn 1câu trả lời)

Service recovery (phục hồi dịch vụ) làcác quá trình mà một công ty thừa nhận lỗi lầmcủa mình bởi những lỗi dịch vụ đã gây ra, từ đó khắc phục sự cố, đưa ra xin lỗi, bồithường, từ đó không tạo ra cảm xúc tiêu cực sau khi họ trải qua thất bại dịch vụ(servicefailure).

XinAnh/ chịhã yc ho biếtmứ cđ ộ đồngýcủ a mìnhvề các phátb iể usau bằngcác hđánhchọn vàobiểutượngvòngtròntươngứngcủacác câuhỏitheoquyướcsau:

Không đồngý Bìnht hường Đồngý

Tôimongđợinhữnglờixin lỗi có thể thể hiện sự chânthànhcủanhânviên

Lời xin lỗi giúp tôi bớtgiận, ấn tượng xấu vớiVietJetAirmộtcáchđáng kể.

1 2 3 4 5 Đối với tôi, một lời xin lỗitừhãnghàngkhônglàrất cầnthiết.

VietJet Air đã có nhữngchínhsáchbồithườngh ợp líđểgiảiquyếtvấnđề.

Cung cấp bồi thường giúptôicónhiềucảmxúctíc cựchơnh

Khi VietJet Air đề nghị bồithường, tôi thích bồithườngbằngtiềnhơn

3.Customersatisfaction Đối với sự kiện cụ thể, tôicảmthấyhàilòngvớicách xửlý 1 2 3 4 5

Khi quyết định đồng hànhcùng VietJet Air, tôi tinrằngmìnhđãlựachọn đúngđắn.

VietJet Air đã làm tất cảnhữnggìtôimongđợi 1 2 3 4 5

Tôi hài lòng với các hànhđộng khôi phục dịch vụtổngthểđốivớicáclỗi dịchvụcủamình.

Tôi tìm kiếm và kiểm tragiásảnphẩmcủacáchãng hàngkhôngkhác 1 2 3 4 5

Trong thời gian tới, tôi sẽkhông giảm tần suất điVietJetAirvìđãcótrải nghiệmtồitệ

Tôi sẽ không yêu cầu dịchvụcủacáccôngtyhàn khôngkhác.g

Tôi sẽ nói với bạn bè / giađình về cách hãng hàngkhônggiảiquyếtcácvấ n đềtôigặpphải

Tôi có thể chia sẻ những ýkiếntíchcựcvớibạnbèvàgia đình về trải nghiệmchungcủatôivớiVietJ 1 2 3 4 5

VietJetAir cho một người kháctìmkiếmlờikhuyêncủa tôi.


I expects aplogies which could showtheirstaff’s sincerity 260 3,627 ,0632

The apologies significantly help memore reduced anger, negativeimpressionwithVietJet Air 260 3,950 ,0520

An apology from the airline wasessentialto me 260 3,908 ,0599

VietJet Air has taken appropriatecompensationpoliciestosolvet heissue.

When VietJet Air offers compensation,Iprefermonetarycomp ensation.

I feel pleased with the dealing of thespecificevent 260 3,473 ,0736

When I decided to travel with

I am satisfied with the overall servicerecoveryactionstomyservicefailu res.

I have searched and checked productpriceofotherairline brands 260 4,004 ,0608

Inthefuture,Iwillnotreducethe frequency travelling VietJet Air havethathad a badexperience 260 3,985 ,0499

I am likely to share positive opinions tofriends and family about my overallexperiencewith

Recommend VietJet Air to someone elsewhoseeks myadvice 260 4,323 ,0677


The average variance extracted (AVE) for each construct was greater than 0.5 andconstruct reliability (CR) of all the variables were higher than 0.7 As a result,themeasurementmodelachievedtheconvergentvalidity(Fornell&Larcker,1981).


TheresultsshowedthatthesquareofAVEvaluesofallthevariablesarehigherthanth einterconstructcorrelations Asaresult,the outcomeswereappropriate.

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table47:GendercrossAP2 AP2- I expects aplogies which could show their staff’ssincerity Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Theapologiessignificantlyhelpmemorereducedanger, negativeimpressionwithVietJetAir Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table50:GendercrossCP1 CP1 -VietJet Air has taken appropriate compensationpoliciesto solve theissue Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table51:GendercrossCP2 CP2-VietJetAirhastakenappropriatecompensation policiestosolvetheissue Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table52:GendercrossCP3 CP3-WhenVietJetAirofferscompensation,I prefer monetarycompensation Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table54:GendercrossSF2 SF2-WhenIdecidedtotravelwithVieJetAir,IbelieveI madetheproperchoice. Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table56:GendercrossSF4 SF4 -I am satisfied with the overall service recoveryactionsto myservice failures.

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table57:GendercrossST1 ST1 -I have searched and checked product price of otherairlinebrands.

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table58:GendercrossST2 ST2-Inthefuture,Iwillnotreducethefrequency travellingVietJetAirhavethathadabadexperience.

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table59:GendercrossST3 ST3-I'llnotrequiretheservicesofadifferentairline companies.

Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table60:GendercrossWO1 WO1 -I will tell friends / family about how the airlinesolvedthe problems Ihad Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Table61:GendercrossWO2 WO2 -I will tell friends / family about how the airlinesolvedthe problems Ihad Stronglydisagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stronglyagree

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2023, 06:40


