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(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on punctuation errors in writing of first year english majors at hpu

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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC DÂN LẬP HẢI PHÒNG KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP NGÀNH NGOẠI NGỮ HẢI PHÒNG 2010 HAI PHONG PRIVATE UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT GRADUATION PAPER A STUDY ON PUNCTUATION ERRORS IN WRITING OF FIRST YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS AT HPU By: NGUYỄN CẨM VÂN Class: NA1004 Supervisor: PHAN THỊ MAI HƯƠNG, B.A HAI PHONG - JUNE 20 BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC DÂN LẬP HẢI PHÒNG NHIỆM VỤ ĐỀ TÀI TỐT NGHIỆP Sinh viên : Mã số: Lớp : Ngành : Tên đề tài : NHIỆM VỤ ĐỀ TÀI Nội dung yêu cầu cần giải nhiệm vụ đề tài tốt nghiệp (về lý luận, thực tiến, số liệu cần tính toán vẽ ) Các số liệu cần thiết để thiết kế, tính tốn Địa điểm thực tập CÁN BỘ HƯỚNG DẪN ĐỀ TÀI TỐT NGHIỆP Người hướng dẫn thứ Họ tên : Học hàm, học vị : Cơ quan công tác : Nội dung hướng dẫn: Người hướng dẫn thứ hai: Họ tên : Học hàm, học vị : Cơ quan công tác : Nội dung hướng dẫn: Đề tài tốt nghiệp giao ngày … tháng… năm 2010 Yêu cầu phải hoàn thành trước ngày……tháng… năm 2010 Đã nhận nhiệm vụ Đ.T.T.N SINH VIÊN Đã giao nhiêm vụ Đ.T.T.N CÁN BỘ HƯỚNG DẪN Hải Phòng, ngày………tháng…………năm 2010 HIỆU TRƯỞNG GS.TS.NSƯT Trần Hữu Nghị PHẦN NHẬN XÉT TÓM TẮT CỦA CÁN BỘ HƯỚNG DẪN Tinh thần, thái độ sinh viên trình làm đề tài tốt nghiệp: Đánh giá chất lượng Đ.T.T.N (So với nôi dung yêu cầu đề nhiệm vụ Đ.T.T.N mặt lý luận, thực tiễn, tính toán giá trị sử dụng, chất lượng vẽ) Cho điểm cán hướng dẫn : (Điểm ghi số chữ) Hải Phịng, ngày……tháng……năm 2010 Cán hướng dẫn (Họ tên chữ kí) NHẬN XÉT ĐÁNH GIÁ CỦA CÁN BỘ CHẤM PHẢN BIỆN ĐỀ TÀI TỐT NGHIỆP Đánh giá chất lượng đề tài tốt nghiệp mặt thu thập phân tích số liệu ban đầu, sở lý luận chọn phương án tối ưu, cách tính tốn chất lượng thuyết minh vẽ, giá trị lý luận thực tiễn đề tài Cho điểm cán phản biện: (Điểm ghi số chữ) Ngày …….tháng…….năm 2010 Người chấm phản biện ACKNOWLEDMENT First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mrs Phan Thi Mai Huong, my supervisor, for her precious guidances, comments, corrections and most of all her kind encouragements throughout the study My sincere thanks are also sent to the teachers in the English Department of Hai Phong Private University for their useful lessons and whole-hearted advices during four years studying here I also would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my family whose support has been especially important to the completion of my study Finally, I take this opportunity to thank my friends especially the first year English majors at Hai Phong Private University who gave me many precious helps and supports in collecting material for the study TABLE OF CONTENT Part A INTRODUCTION Rationale 12 Aims of the study 13 Scope of the study 13 Method of study 13 Design of study 14 Part B: THE STUDY ON THE PUNCTUATION ERRORS OF FISRT YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 16 Academic writing 16 1.1 Definition 16 1.2 Characteristic features 16 1.2.1 Audience 16 1.2.2 Tone 17 1.2.3 Purpose 18 Paragraph 19 2.1 Definition 19 2.2 The structure of paragraph 19 2.2.1 Topic sentence .20 2.2.2 Supporting sentences 20 2.2.3 Concluding sentence 21 2.2.4 Unity and coherence 21 Punctuation 22 3.1 Definition 22 3.2 Role of punctuation marks in writing 22 3.3 Summary of punctuation marks 24 CHAPTER 2: PUNCTUATION ERRORS OF FIRST YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS AT HPU 27 Types of writing taught to the first year English majors 27 1.1 Freewriting 27 1.2 Paragraph writing 28 The punctuation errors 28 2.1 Comma errors 29 2.1.1 Comma functions 29 2.1.2 Comma errors 33 2.2 Colon errors 38 2.2.1 Colon functions 38 2.2.2 Colon errors 38 2.3 Full stop errors 41 2.3.1 Full stop functions 41 2.3.2 Full stop errors 43 2.4 Ellipsis dots errors 44 2.4.1 Ellipsis fucntions 44 2.4.2 Ellipsis dots errors .45 2.5 Question mark errors 46 2.5.1 Question mark functions .46 2.5.2 Question mark errors 47 CHATER 3: CAUSES OF ERRORS AND SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS 48 1.Causes of punctuation errors of first year English majors .48 Suggested solutions .51 Part C CONCLUSION 1.Conclusion 55 Suggestions for further study 55 Suggested exercises 56 Suggested keys .59 Appendix1 62 Appendix2 65 REFERENCES 70 10 citizens of Boston Massachusetts and Providence Rhode Island, yearned for bright reds, green, and, blues because of the grey, New England winters (A college handbbok, Nhà xuất trẻ,2006:429) Exercise Can you identify all 15 errors in the following passages? My wife works part time registering, and placing children in the Minneapolis school system Often her work brings her into contact not only with children but also with parents who have difficulty reading and writing Once she was helping a mother fill out a form; when she noticed something unusual Under ‗marital status‘ the woman had written, ―Two times a week‖ Although, the woman had misunderstood the question, by some standard‘s I guess that‘s not so bad But the mothers inability to read and understand a common term such as ―marital status,‖ reflects a serious problem in American society ―Adult Literacy in America,‖ a government study released in 1993 stated there are some 40 to 44 million Americans like her, adults who possess only the most rudimentary reading and writing skills In it‘s introduction, the study revealed that nearly half of all adult Americans read and write so poorly they have difficulty holding a decent job Who gets the blame for this shocking level of functional illiteracy in America? You We The schools, the parents, and the students - we all You may not agree, however, I believe we all bear some responsibility for the problem High schools are awarding diplomas to students who cannot read or write Parents are spending too little time interacting with their 57 children And students are devoting too little effort to their number one responsibility in life – getting educated Who pays the price for functional illiteracy in America? We all do, and ―we‖ includes: the business community which for years has complained about poor writing skills among the following groups; job applicants and new hires (http://www.wilbers.com/punct12.htm) 58 Suggested keys Exercise The following short passages contain fragments Correct the fragments by adding them to an independent clauses and crossing out the period and capital letter Use correct punctuation where necessary: The Chinese always kept better records about earthquakes than any other country Therefore, it only makes sense that they created the first seismograph It was invented by an astronomer and geographer name Chang Heng In the second century A.D, it had eight carefully balanced bronze balls which were arranged in a circle around a compass Whenever the instrument picked up movement from an earthquake, once of the balls would roll off Because it is very expensive to put a criminal in prison, electronic tagging bas become a popular way to restrict a criminal‘s freedom while awaiting trial A belt fitted around the criminal‘s ankle carries an electronic device that sends out a coded radio signal to the criminal‘s home telephone If the criminal tries to leave home, the signal is broken and the telephone immediately contacts the police Exercise Many early American homes were decorated with blockprinted wallpapers Import from England and France, the papers made the arrival of ships from abroad an exciting event for Colonial homemakers Merchants, looking for sales, advertised that pepering was cheaper than whitewashing and they urged would be customers to examine the endless variety of brightly colored patterns Indeed by today‘s standards, the colors in many Colonial papers seem vibrant, intense, and even gaudy One wonders whether the citizens of Boston Massachusetts and Providence Rhode Island yearned for bright reds, green, and, blues because of the grey New England winters 59 Exercise My wife works part time registering, [ Unnecessary comma between compound elements that are not independent clauses] and placing children in the Minneapolis school system Often her work brings her into contact not only with children [Note: A comma is optional here; for a faster pace and less emphatic style, omit it.] but also with parents who have difficulty reading and writing Once she was helping a mother fill out a form; [Semicolon between a subordinate clause and an independent clause] when she noticed something unusual Under ‗marital status‘ [Single quotation marks for double quotation marks] the woman had written, ―Two times a week‖ [Period outside rather than inside closing quotation marks] Although, [Unnecessary comma after although; in addition, commas are often used erroneously after and, but, and such as] the woman had misunderstood the question, by some standard‘s [Unnecessary apostrophe in a plural word] I guess that‘s not so bad But the mothers [Missing apostrophe in a possessive] inability to read and understand a common term such as ―marital status, [Unnecessary comma between subject and verb]‖ reflects a serious problem in American society ―Adult Literacy in America,‖ a government study released in 1993 [Missing comma after a set-off phrase] stated there are some 40 to 44 million Americans like her, adults who possess only the most rudimentary reading and writing skills In it‘s [ It’s for its] introduction, the study revealed that nearly half of all adult Americans read and write so poorly they have difficulty holding a decent job Who gets the blame for this shocking level of functional illiteracy in America? 60 You We The schools, the parents, [Note: The serial comma the comma before the conjunction in a series of three or more items may be used or omitted.] and the students - [Hyphen for a dash] we all You may not agree, [Comma splice – a comma between two independent clauses] however, I believe we all bear some responsibility for the problem High schools are awarding diplomas to students who can‘t read or write Parents are spending too little time interacting with their children And [Note: In all but the most formal writing, it is now permissible to begin a sentence with and or but.] students are devoting too little effort to their number one responsibility in life – getting educated Who pays the price for functional illiteracy in America? We all do, and ―we‖ includes: [Unnecessary colon between a verb and its complement] the business community [Missing nonrestrictive comma – a comma setting off a nonessential element] which for years has complained about poor writing skills among the following groups; [Semicolon for a colon] job applicants and new hires 61 Appendix1 Survey on punctuation errors of first year English majors at HPU The following section of the questionnaire aims at finding out punctuation errors of first year English majors I would like to ask you to help by answering the following questions This is not a test, so there are no “right” or “wrong” answer and you don not even have to write your name on it I am interested in your personal opinion Please give your answer sincerely as only this will guarantee the success of the study Thank you very much for your help The following are the questions related to your English learning and punctuation using Pleas circle one of the alphabets a, b, c or d after the answer you choose How long have you been learning English? a 1- years c 3-5 years b years d over years How you think about the importance of appropriate punctuation marks in English writing? a not important c important b a little important d very important Did the teachers teach you punctuation marks functions in writing at highschool? a.Yes c.rarely b.No d.usually Do you pay attention to punctuations when you write English paragraph? a never c usually b sometimes d always Do you often check your punctuations when you finish your writing? a never c usually b sometimes c always 62 Which sentence has appropriate commas? a He ate four small chocolate candies c He ate four, small, chocolate candies b He ate four small, chocolate candies d He ate four small chocolate, candies Choose the best answer for date writing: a 10 May 2010 b 10 May 2010 c 10 May, 2010 d other: ………………… Which punctuation mark you use after the salutation in a letter? a.period c.question mark b.dash d.comma 9.Which punctuation can be use after the word “such as”, “including”, “contain”, “include” or “contain”? a question mark c.colon b zero d.comma 10 How you write if you want to mean that there are many equal other after a list of item? For example: She brought many things: cakes, flowers, present a ellipsis dots (…) b period (.) c use words such as ―etc‖, ―and so on‖ d your opinion: ………………………………………………… II Small exercises This exercise is to examine your punctuation using Mark the punctuation in places that you think necessary Punctuate the following sentences: His friends fortunately got home safely I‘m not tired he said Proceed as follows switch on the computer insert a disk and press any key I not know how they got there What is your problem John asked Get out she yelled He arrived lately she insisted 63 When asking us to answer questions our teachers have to read full name to identify us When I ask my grandmother, she said Honey your name is beautiful and lovely like yourself 10 We have to learn many English skills including speaking listening writing and reading 11 My name that was given by my grandfather is very beautiful *************** Thank your very much for your cooperation 64 Appendix2 A list of examples used in the study The fruit basket contained apples, bananas, and oranges He ate four small chocolate candies ―I have finished all my homework,‖ Marry said ―The weather is fine,‖ the pilot said ―He arrived lately,‖ she insisted ―But they need rest,‖ she said, even if they are not tired.‖ To transport the merchandise package, the company has to use container Living for a long time, the tree reaches the height of three hundred feet Well, I would like to go to beach for the holiday My sister is hard-working In contrast, I am lazy Frankly, I not like him When we meet, I shall explain everything Before she had a breakfast, she drunk a glass of water His friends, fortunately, got home safely His friends, as a matter of fact, got home safely His friends, as I‘ve been told, got home safely We ate and they drink 10 The boy was sick; therefore (,) he did not go to school The boy was sick; he therefore did not go to school 11 The boy was sick; he did not go to school (Yes) The boy was sick, he did not go to school (No) 12 It is a fine day, isn‘t it? You have learnt it, haven‘t you? 13 Sunday, May 31 st, is her birthday 14 Dear Sir, I write this letter to… 15 October, 22 (incorrect) October 22 (correct) 15, May (incorrect) 15 May (correct) 65 January, 2010 (incorrect) 22 April ,2010 (incorrect) January 2010 (correct) 22 April 2010 (correct) 16 Population in Hai Phong city is over 654.000 (incorrect) Population in Hai Phong city is over 654,000 (correct) Volcano formed over 1.000.000 years ago (incorrect) Volcano formed over 1,000,000 years ago (correct) 17 Dear Mia! I am writing to… 18.She has many English music discs, and books (incorrect) She has many English music discs and books (correct) When my mother was young, she was very poor, she had to work all day to earn her money 19.She was intelligent and learned hard, she used to be in the top of my class 21.She was intelligent and learned hard; she used to be in the top of my class 20.When my mother was young, she was very poor, so she had to work all day to learn her money 22.She was intelligent and learned hard; as the result, she used to be in the top of my class 23.When my mother was young, she was very poor She had to work all day to earn her money 24 When I asked my grandmother why I have name ―Nga‖ she said that my name was name of movie star (incorrect) When I asked my grandmother why I have name ―Nga‖, she said that my name was name of a movie star (correct) When asking us to answer questions our teachers have to read full name to identify us (incorrect) When asking us to answer questions, our teachers have to read full name to identify us (correct) Whenever teachers give new constructions or new words we usually write them down notebooks.(incorrect) 66 Whenever teachers give new constructions or new words, we usually write them down notebooks.(correct) 25 My name, that was given by my grandfather, is very special (incorrect) My name that was given by my grandfather is very beautiful (correct) The teachers usually ask us many questions, that are very difficult to answer (incorrect) The teachers usually ask us many questions that are very difficult to answer (incorrect) If I had a chance to choose a new name, I would choose the name, that I have now (incorrect) If I had a chance to choose a new name, I would choose the name that I have now (correct) 26 We have to learn many English skills, including: speaking, listening, writing and reading (incorrect)  We have to learn many English skills, including speaking, listening, writing and reading (correct) I always have a habit to take note important things on my paper such as: new words, sentence structures, idioms (incorrect) I always have a habit to take note important things on my paper such as new words, sentence structures, idioms (correct) My friends give me a box of presents containing: toys, candy and some books (incorrect) My friends give me a box of presents containing toys, candy and some books.(correct) 27 I had to found in: my pen box, my bag and my pocket (incorrect) I had to found in my pen box, my bag and my pocket (correct) After lesson, my friends and I stopped at: supermarket, souvenirs shop, and bus top (incorrect) After lesson, my friends and I stopped at supermarket, souvenirs shop, and bus top (correct) My cat likes to lie on: the table, television even my bed (incorrect) 67 My cat likes to lay on the table, television even my bed (correct) 28 I like: coffee, bananas, and candies (incorrect) I like coffee, bananas, and candies (correct) We need: read many books, practice writing daily, and speaking English whenever we can to improve our English (incorrect) We need read many books, practice writing daily, and speaking English whenever we can to improve our English (correct) I want: a cup of coffee, a loaf of bread and a newspaper (incorrect) I want a cup of coffee, a loaf of bread and a newspaper (correct) 29.Everyday I get up at 700 and have breakfast at 730 (No) Everyday I get up at 7:00 and have breakfast at 7:30 (Yes) 30.The days are growing shorter, and the nights are becoming cool On some mornings, a hint of frost chills the air Note her ways closely Leave it at the door I wonder what she will next I always wonder how to learn best I ask her if she could help me study speaking well 31.We not want customers saying, ―Why don‘t you have what I want?‖.(incorrect) We not want customers saying, ―Why don‘t you have what I want?‖ (correct) 32.Before she went to Ho Chi Minh City to study I had cried a lot I always revise After I wrote a paragraph When I read the paragraph There are many new words If you want to have a good studying You should study seriously I like my name very much Which has particular meaning 33.When I ask my grandmother, she said, ―Honey, your name is beautiful and lovely like yourself!‖ When I ask my grandmother, she said, ―Honey, your name is beautiful and lovely like yourself!‖ ―I know! It‘s you!‖ He stood up and shouted at me ―I know! It‘s you!‖ he stood up and shouted at me 68 I used to ask my mother this question: ―Mom, why did you name me Thủy?‖ I used to ask my mother this question: ―Mom, why did you name me Thủy?‖ She asked me, ―Why don‘t you note the news words on your handle book?‖ She asked me, ―Why don‘t you note the news words on your handle book?‖ 34.At home, I spend four hours to learn English: doing homework, listening English, chatting with my friend in English,… In history, there are many heroes such as Lê Lợi, Lê Hoàn,… Sometimes, I want to change my name to others such as Hương, Nga, Mai,… 35.When I meet a beggar on the street, I can give them a little money… Now I am studying my favorite major, so I can concentrate easily and spend time improving my English or doing things I love… 36.Who have broken my glasses? Must the problems of farmers be ignored? What you want? 37.I cannot forget her question, ―Why you don‘t forget it to concentrate on studying?‖ ―What is your name?‖ the teacher asked 38.I wonder what I have to to improve my English? What I not know is why he tells me that story? I not know how to that? She asked me how many English books I read? She did not tell me when she would come back? 69 REFERENCES Alice Ohima and Ann Hogue Writing Academic English (second edition) Addision Wesley Publishing Company Betty Schrampfer Azaz.(1999) Understanding and using English Grammar (second edition) NXB Thanh Niên Dorothy E Zemach and Lisa A.Rumisek (2003) College Writing Macmillan Publisher Jame A.W.Heffernan and John E Lincoln (2006) Writing – A College Handbook NXB Trẻ Joy M.R (1991) The Process of Writing (Second edition) Prentice Hall Pregents Micheal Swan (1999-2000) Practical English Usage (new edition).NXB Trẻ Rebecca L.Oxford and Meredrith Pike- Baky,(2000), Tapestry writing 1, Heinle - Cenage learning William Cobbett (1998), A Grammar of the Englishlanguage, NXB Giaó Dục Websites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuation http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/marks.htm http://www.englishclub.com/writing/punctuation.htm http://www.languagelink.edu.vn/vi/free-english/344-punctuation.html http://www.slideshare.net/michaeljm007/punctuation http://www.wikihow.com/Use-English-Punctuation-Correctly http://www.wilbers.com/punct12.htm 70 71

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