unholy war terror in the name of islam may 2002

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unholy war terror in the name of islam may 2002

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[...]... ach in ery as well as fu n d in g, an d becom in g a fu ll p articip an t in th e Afgh an jih ad By 1984 in creasin g n u m bers of Arab m u jah id in were arrivin g in Pakistan to join th e h oly war Bin Lad en resp on d ed by establish in g a gu esth ou se in Pesh awar for Arabs on th eir way to th e fron t in Afgh an istan In 1986 Osam a becam e m ore d irectly in volved in th e war, settin g... d a lead er of th e ban n ed Islam ic Jih ad in Egypt; Rifai Tah a Mu sa, leader of Egypt’s ban n ed Gam aa Islam iyya; an d two son s of Sh aykh Om ar Abd el Rah m an , th e blin d Egyp tian p reach er in d icted for in volvem en t in th e assassin ation of An war Sad at, su sp ected of in volvem en t in th e World Trad e Cen ter bom bin g of 1993, an d later fou n d gu ilty of con sp irin g to blow... lu g, sh e con vin ced m e to con tin u e Unholy W ar is in every sen se of th e words as m u ch h er book as m in e UNHOLY W AR 1 The M aking of a M odern Terrorist Osam a bin Lad en seem s like th e last p erson d estin ed to be a global terrorist His jou rn ey from a life of wealth an d p rivilege, as th e scion of a m u ltibillion aire Sau d i fam ily with close ties to th e kin g an d royal fam... y years, in p art icu lar d u rin g t h e Iraq -Iran War, b een st ro n g su p p o rt ers o f Sad d am Hu ssein ’s Iraq , seein g it as a ch eck on th e Ayatollah Kh om ein i’s Iran W h en Iraq d id in vad e Ku wait in Au gu st 1990, bin Lad en q u ickly wrote to Kin g Fah d , offerin g to brin g th e Arab Afgh an m u jah id in to Sau d i Arabia to d efen d th e kin gd om In stead , 12 Unholy W ar... bu sin esses in th e fled glin g Islam ic state Du rin g th ese years Su d an , wit h it s o p en bo rd ers, was in creasin gly co n d em n ed by Am erica an d Eu rop e for its lin ks with revolu tion ary Iran an d for h arborin g in tern ation al terrorists an d th eir train in g cam p s In 1993 Su d an was p laced on th e State Dep artm en t’s list of cou n tries th at 14 Unholy W ar sp on sor terrorism... ks to bin Lad en Bin Lad en sen t a letter to Kin g Fah d ad vocatin g gu errilla attacks to d rive th e U.S forces ou t of th e Kin gd om Som e ch arged th at h e was lin ked to an u n su ccessfu l assassin ation attem p t in Ad d is Ababa, in Ju n e 1995, again st Presid en t Hosn i Mu barak of Egyp t W h en five Am erican s an d two In d ian s were killed in a tru ck bom bin g in Riyad h in Novem... th e rise in th e broad er Mu slim world an d with in Sau d i Arabia Th e d isastrou s an d h u m iliatin g d efeat of th e Arabs in th e 1967 Six-Day ArabIsraeli war, in wh ich th e com bin ed forces of Egyp t, Syria, an d Jord an were beaten with in h ou rs by “tin y little Israel,” was a m ajor tu rn in g p oin t in th e h istory of con tem p orary Islam It gen erated d eep sou l-search in g abou... on sor terrorism bin Lad en was am on g th ose in d ivid u als wh om U.S in telligen ce id en tified as sp on sorin g terrorist train in g cam p s Alth ou gh h e d en ied d irect in volvem en t an d was n ever form ally in d icted , bin Lad en voiced h is ap p roval for th e World Trad e Cen ter bom bin g in 1993 an d th e killin g of U.S troop s in Mogad ish u , Som alia Am erican officials were d... ood of th e 1970s in Sau d i Arabia an d beyon d Ji h a d i n Af g h a n i st a n : Th e Ma k i n g o f a H o l y Wa r ri o r A m ajor tu rn in g p oin t in Osam a bin Lad en ’s life, th e begin n in g of h is jou rn ey toward becom in g a m ujahid, or warrior for God , occu rred with th e 1979 Soviet in vasion an d occu p ation of Afgh an istan As bin Lad en wou ld later say, “W h at I lived in two... tim e as “th e Paris of th e Mid d le East.” 7 Like m ost you n g p eop le, h e wou ld fin d or begin to d efin e h im self at u n iversity T he Making of a Modern Terrorist 5 Bin Lad en was edu cated in Medin a an d Jeddah , earn in g h is degree in p u blic adm in istration in 1981 at Jeddah ’s Kin g Abdu laziz Un iversity, wh ere h e stu died m an agem en t an d econ om ics Du rin g h is stu dies, . would find or begin to define himself at un iversity. The Making of a Modern Terrorist 5 Bin Laden was educated in Medin a an d Jeddah , earning h is de- gree in public adm in istration in 1981. Watson) Islam and Secularism in the Middle East (with Azzam Tamimi) Muslims and the West: Encounter and Dialogue (with Zafar Ishaq Ansari) UNHOLY WAR Terror in the Name of Islam John L. Esposito 1 2002 3 Oxford. otocopying, recording, or oth erwise, without the prior perm ission of Oxford Un iversity Press. Library of Con gress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Esposito, John L. Unholy war : terror in the name

Ngày đăng: 10/06/2014, 23:48

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Mục lục

  • Cover

  • Also by John L. Esposito

  • Copyright Info

  • Contents

    • Preface

    • Chapter 1 - The Making of a Modern Terrorist

      • The Islamic Vision

      • Jihad and the Creation of Saudi Arabia

      • Jihad in Afghanistan: The Making of a Holy Warrior

      • The Radicalization of a Saudi Elite

      • Sudan and the Entrepreneur-Mujahid

      • The Taliban and bin Laden

      • Ayman al-Zawahiri: From Medical School to Jihad University

      • Afghanistan and bin Laden's Declaration of Holy War

      • Chapter 2 - Jihad and the Struggle for Islam

        • Muhammad's Jihad

        • Hijra and Jihad: Response to Persecution and Conflict

        • Jihad for Defense and Expansion

        • Jihad: Sectarianism and Terrorism in Early Islam

        • Sunni and Shii Conceptions of Jihad

        • Jihad in the Creation of a Worldwide Ummah

        • Historical Sources of Revolutionary Jihad

          • Terror and Jihad in the Name of God

          • Ideologues and Movements of Revolutionary Jihad

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