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(Luận văn) factors affecting consumers behavioral intention toward email marketing

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business t to ng hi ep Ta Thi Thu Huong w n lo ad ju y th FACTORS AFFECT CONSUMER’S yi pl n ua al BEHAVIORAL INTENTION TOWARD n va ll fu EMAIL MARKETING oi m at nh z z ht vb jm k MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business t to ng hi ep Ta Thi Thu Huong w n lo ad ju y th FACTORS AFFECT CONSUMER’S yi pl n ua al BEHAVIORAL INTENTION TOWARD n va ll fu EMAIL MARKETING oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm ID: 22110025 om l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) SUPERVISOR: CAO HAO THI n a Lu n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 ACKOWLEDEGMENTS t to Firstly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr Cao Hao Thi, my research ng hi supervisor, for his patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques of this ep research work w n lo My grateful thanks are also extended to thank all of my friends and my colleagues, ad ju y th who help me collecting the survey to this research yi Finally, I wish to thank my family to their supports and encouragement throughout pl n ua al my study n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re i ABSTRACT t to Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools for businesses ng especially small companies However, many Vietnamese companies, especially small hi ep businesses have not yet taken advantage of this method On the other hand, few of studies have investigated about the Vietnamese behavior intention toward email marketing Hence, w n lo this study focuses in measuring relationship between cognitive factors – Attitude towards ad y th advertising, Perceived Benefits and Perceived Risk – and customer’s behavioral intention ju toward email marketing yi pl ua al To examine research model, information and data is accessed by using questionnaire n for respondents who usually use email such as office staff, student Sample size of this va n quantitative research is 223 respondents SPSS software is used to test measurement scale, ll fu oi m research model and hypotheses nh at Results in this study show that customers have intention to accept receiving email z z marketing if they perceive benefit and their attitude toward advertising is positive Among vb ht three impact factors, Perceived Benefit has the strongest direct influence, followed by jm k Attitude toward advertising, and the factor Perceived Risk has not any impaction toward gm customer’s behavioral intention It shows that the Vietnamese customers are not worry too l.c om much about the risk of receiving unwanted email or the disclosure of the personal n a Lu information n va Study results also suggest that in order to increase customer’s behavior intention ii y especially some component such as fun, entertainment te re toward email marketing, should take consideration of increasing benefit of the email content, TABLE OF CONTENT ACKOWLEDEGMENT…………………………………………………………… .i t to ng ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………… ii hi ep TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………… iii w LIST OF FIGURES and TABLES…………………………………………………………vi n lo ad ABBREVIATION………………………………………………………………… viii y th ju CHAPTER 1: INTRO DUCTION yi pl ua al 1.1 Problem statement…………………………………………………………………….1 n 1.2 Research objectives………………………………………………………… .1 n va ll fu 1.3 Research questions………………………………………………………… m oi 1.4 Research scope……………………………………………………………………… nh at 1.5 Research contribution……………………………………………………… z z ht vb 1.6 Research structure…………………………………………………… …………… jm CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW k gm 2.1 The effectiveness of email marketing…………………………………………………5 l.c om 2.2 The theories of Behavioral Intention………………………………………………… a Lu 2.2.1 The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)…………………………………………8 n y iii te re 2.2.4 Model of consumer’s acceptance toward mobile marketing………………… 10 n 2.2.3 The Theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)……………………… 10 va 2.2.2 The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)……………………………… .9 2.3 Research model…………………………………………………………… .12 2.3.1 Attitude toward advertising……………………………………… ………… 13 t to ng 2.3.2 Benefits in receiving………………………………………………… .14 hi ep 2.3.3 Perceived Risk……………………………………………………… 17 w n 2.3.4 Attitude toward email marketing…………………………………… 17 lo ad 2.4 Chapter summary……………………………………………………………………18 y th ju CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY yi pl ua al 3.1 Research Process………………………………………………………… .19 n 3.2 Source data for research………………………………………………… 19 n va ll fu 3.3 Research method…………………………………………………………………….20 m oi 3.4 Sample design and size…………………………………………………… .20 nh at 3.5 Measurement scale………………………………………………………………… 21 z z ht vb 3.6 Method of survey data analysis…………………………………………… .23 jm 3.7 Pilot survey result……………………………………………………………………23 k gm 3.8 Chapter summary……………………………………………………………………24 l.c om CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS a Lu 4.1 Descriptive analysis…………………………………………………………………25 n y iv te re 4.3.1 Reliable measurement…… ………………………………………………….32 n 4.3 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)………………………………………………… 31 va 4.2 Reliability analysis………………………………………………………………….28 4.3.2 Correlation Matrix…… …………………………………………………….34 4.3.3 Factor extraction…… …………………………………………………… 37 t to ng 4.3.4 Results and interpretation …… ……………………………………………40 hi ep 4.4 Multiple regression analysis……………………………………………… .43 w n 4.4.1 Correlation analysis……………………………………………………………43 lo ad 4.4.2 Regression analysis……………………………………………………………44 y th ju 4.4.3 Hypotheses testing…………………………………………………………… 45 yi pl ua al 4.4.4 Summary of hypotheses testing……………………………………………… 46 n 4.5 Testing the difference on customer characteristic……………………… 47 n va ll fu 4.5.1 Testing the difference on age and gender.………………………………… 47 m oi 4.5.2 Testing the difference on education background…………………… .49 nh at 4.5.3 Testing the difference on occupation………………………………………….50 z z ht vb 4.6 Chapter summary……………………………………………………………………51 k jm CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION gm 5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 52 l.c om 5.2 Recommendation……………………………………………………………………53 a Lu 5.3 Limitation and suggestion for further research…………………………… .54 n y te re v n APPENDICES……………………………………………………………………………… 59 va REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………………….55 LIST OF FIGURE AND TABLES t to ng Figure 2.1: The basic theory of reasoned action (TRA)………………………………… hi ep Figure 2.2: The model of consumer acceptance toward mobile marketing…………… 11 w n Figure 2.3: The model of consumer acceptance toward email marketing……… 13 lo ad Figure 3.1: Research framework……………………………………………………… 19 y th ju Figure 4.1: Time of using internet each day…………………………………………… 27 yi pl ua al Figure 4.2: Scree plot…………………………………………………………………….42 n Figure 4.3: The reconstructed research model………………………………………… 42 n va ll fu Table 2.1: SWOT analysis of email marketing………………………………………… m oi Table 2.2: Compares email to other forms of direct and internet marketing…………… nh at Table 3.1: Factors and Variables……………………………………………………… 21 z z ht vb Table 4.1: Gender of respondents……………………………………………………… 25 jm Table 4.2: Age of respondents………………………………………………………… 26 k gm Table 4.3: Occupation of respondents ………………………………………………… 26 l.c om Table 4.4: Age of respondents ………………………………………………………… 26 a Lu Table 4.5: Income of respondents ……………………………………………………….27 n y vi te re Table 4.8: Total Variance Explained…………………………………………………….35 n Table 4.7: KMO and Barlett’s Test…………………………………………………… 33 va Table 4.6: Reliability analysis of each variable………………………………………….29 Table 4.9: Table of communalities before and after extraction………………………….36 Table 4.10: Component matrix before rotation………………………………………….38 t to ng Table 4.11: Rotated Component Matrix………………………………………… 38 hi ep Table 4.12: The rotation of variables….………………………………………… 42 w n Table 4.13: Correlations between groups of variables in Regression Analysis…………44 lo ad Table 4.14: Result of regression analysis……………………………………………… 45 y th ju Table 4.15: Result of regression analysis……………………………………………… 45 yi pl ua al Table 4.16: Result of comparing customer’s satisfaction among age………………… 47 n Table 4.17: Result of comparing customer’s behavioral intention among gender 48 n va ll fu Table 4.18: Result of comparing among education background……………………… 49 m oi Table 4.19: Result of comparing among occupation…………………………………….50 at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re vii ABBREVIATIONS t to ng hi ep EFA: Explored factor analysis w n lo ad KMO: Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin y th ju SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re viii which, the component of “see advertising a good thing” have made higher impaction t to What is measurement scale of the customer’s behavioral intention toward email ng marketing? hi ep In the chapter 3, the measurement scales for customer’s behavioral intention toward w n email marketing was displayed with 19 attributes After the factor analysis step, 19 attributes lo ad was analyzed to confirmed that these are have made significant contribution to measure the y th customer’s behavioral intention toward email marketing ju yi pl How strength of each factor in the relationship with the customer’s behavioral al n ua intention toward email marketing? va n With the two supported hypotheses that was presented in the chapter 4, the results of fu ll hypotheses has shown the strength of relationship between each factor with the customer’s oi m at nh behavioral intention toward email marketing as following: z z H1: The more positive the attitudes toward advertising in general, the more positive vb ht the attitudes toward email marketing If the factor Attitude improves by one unit, the factor k jm Behavioral Intention will increased by 0.134 units gm om l.c H2: The higher the benefit in receiving email marketing, the more positive the attitude toward email marketing If the factor Perceived Benefit improves by one unit, the factor n a Lu Behavioral Intention will increased by 0.704 units n va y te re 5.2 Recommendation In the chapter 4, the regression equation shows that the two factors Attitude toward 54 advertising and Perceived Benefits have positive impact while the factor Perceived Risk has negative impact on customer’s behavioral intention t to ng As the result, the factor Perceived benefits has the highest effect on customer’s hi ep behavioral intention, in which, the benefits of entertainment are considered as a most impact to behavioral intention, following is information benefits and benefit in general Hence, to w n lo improve the positive behavior of customer toward email marketing, marketers should ad y th improve the benefit for customers when they send an email marketing By focusing on the ju value of entertainment, information and the usefulness of email’s content, the marketer will yi pl reach the need of customers and make them to be a volunteer receiver About the factor al n ua Attitude to advertising in general, marketers cannot directly increase customer’s attitude n va toward advertising, however, they can improve their advertising campaign to provide ll fu customers more interesting advertising indirectly oi m at nh 5.3 Limitation and suggestion for further research z z Beside findings that the study contributes to email research field or business field, this vb ht study has several limitations such as the conceptual model, the measurement scale and jm k geography Firstly, the conceptual model could be added more factors to investigate such as gm design of emails, sender’s reputation or time of sending Secondly, the conceptual model was l.c om simple and not enough to measure the customer’s behavioral intention more exactly Thirdly, big cities such as Ha Noi, Da Nang, Can Tho, the study would be more valuable Besides, y 55 te re companies and schools, the research results will become more reliable n classmate who usually are office staff or student If the 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T (1998), Integrated Marketing Communications, Butterworth- jm k Heinemann,Oxford,U.K om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 60 APPENDICES t to APPENDIX 1: Measurement scale of factors ng hi Attributes ep No Scale items w My general intention to receive n email marketing is very high lo Behavioral ad intention y th Sources toward email email marketing ju Hans H Bauer, Tina Reichardt, yi marketing I will think about receiving pl I will receive email marketing in al the future Stuart J Barnes, Marcus M ua Neumann (2005) n I find receiving advertising email ll fu Attitudes Shimp and Kavas (1984) n positive va I marketing appreciate receiving oi nh m toward email advertising emails at z z Generally, I find advertising a Hans H Bauer, Tina Reichardt, Attitude Neumann (2005); Pollay and k I like advertising Mittal (1993) l.c Through advertising messages via emails, I receive timely om gm advertising Stuart J Barnes, Marcus M jm good thing toward ht vb information Benefits Through advertising messages Hans H Bauer, Tina Reichardt, n va via emails, I receive exclusive Stuart J Barnes, Marcus M n a Lu Information receiving in The advertising messages customized to my profile are useful 61 y 10 Benefit Neumann, 2005 te re information I can benefit from advertising 11 messages via email t to I forward email marketing I like 12 ng to my friends hi ep Social Benefit 13 receiving advertising messages via the email, I can demonstrate my innovativeness w to my friends n lo The ad 14 advertising emails customized to my profile are fun ju y th Entertainment email exciting pl Benefit I find advertising messages via yi 15 By find email marketing is ua al I 16 n entertaining va There is a risk of personal data n Hans H Bauer, Tina Reichardt, Stuart J Barnes, Marcus M ll Perceived receive email marketing Risk There is a risk of receiving oi m Neumann (2005) nh unwanted email when receiving at 18 being misused when register to fu 17 z email marketing Hess (1995) z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 62 APPEDIX 2: Questionnaire in both Vietnamese and English version t to BẢNG KHẢO SÁT ng hi ep Xu hướng hành vi người tiêu dùng email marketing w Kính chào Anh/Chị, n lo ad Tơi tên Tạ Thị Thu Hương, học viên Viện đào tạo quốc tế ISB - Trường Đại học y th ju Kinh tế TP.HCM Hiện nay, nghiên cứu đề tài “Xu hướng hành vi người tiêu yi pl dùng email marketing”, đó, tơi tiến hành khảo sát nhằm tìm hiểu ý kiến n ua al Anh/Chị va n Rất mong nhận giúp đỡ Chị/Anh để giúp tơi hồn thành khảo sát fu ll cách cho biết mức độ đồng ý Anh/Chị phát biểu oi m at nh Tất ý kiến Chị/Anh có giá trị nghiên cứu Tôi xin cam kết z thông tin Chị/Anh bảo mật dùng với mục đích phục vụ z vb nghiên cứu Mọi thông tin liên quan đến đề tài này, xin liên hệ địa email ht jm huongttt8@gmail.com k om l.c gm Tôi xin chân thành cám ơn giúp đỡ Chị/Anh n y te re từ mức (hồn tồn khơng đồng ý) đến mức (hoàn toàn đồng ý) sau: va Anh/chị vui lòng đánh giá mức độ đồng ý với phát biểu dây theo quy ước n a Lu HƯỚNG DẪN TRẢ LỜI 63 t to 1.Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Trung lập (khơng có ý Đồng ý ng kiến) hi Không đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý ep Hơi đồng ý Hơi không đồng ý w n lo ad STT Thuộc tính Mức độ đồng ý Phát biểu y th Attitudes Nhìn chung tơi thấy quảng cáo điều pl towards Ads yi ju Generally I find advertising a good thing I like advertising n n va towards Ads via email oi at nh marketing exciting messages m Benefit advertising ll find fu Tơi thích quảng cáo I Entertainment ua Attitudes al tốt z Tôi thấy nội dung từ email quảng cáo z vb thú vị cáo gửi cho vui nhộn an Lu marketing is fun Entertainment Tham gia vào trò chơi trúng thưởng ey t re tổ chức qua email quảng cáo niềm n Benefit va om Participating in an lottery through email l.c Tôi thấy nội dung quảng email quảng gm Benefit profile are fun k Entertainment jm ht The advertising messages customized to my vui th 64 t to I ng email marketing messages are entertaining Entertainment hi ep find Benefit Nội dung email quảng cáo giúp tơi giải trí w n Through email advertising messages, I receive lo ad timely information Benefit y th Information ju Thông qua email quảng cáo, cập yi nhật thông tin pl marketing, I receive exclusive information Information n va ua al Through advertising messages via the email Benefit n Thông qua email quảng cáo, nhận fu ll thông tin phù hợp với m Social nh Tơi gửi chuyển tiếp email quảng cáo at oi I forward email marketing I like to my friends Benefit z z mà thích cho bạn bè tơi vb By using advertising messages via the email demonstrate my innovativeness to my friends profile are useful Nội dung quảng cáo gửi đến email n receiving in va 11 Benefit an Lu The advertising messages customized to my om thể sáng tạo với bạn bè l.c Sử dụng email quảng cáo tơi gm Benefit k Social can jm 10 I ht marketing t re ey tơi hữu ích th 65 t to I can benefit from advertising messages via ng hi Benefit ep 12 in receiving Tơi hưởng lợi từ email quảng cáo w There is a risk of personal data being misused n lo ad Perceived Risk when receiving email marketing y th 13 email ju Có nguy việc liệu tin cá nhân bị lạm yi dụng nhận email quảng cáo pl va Risk when register to receive email marketing n 14 Perceived ua al There is a risk of receiving unwanted email n Có nguy việc nhận email quảng fu ll cáo có nội dung khơng mong muốn m towards email Tơi thấy nhận email quảng cáo việc có z z MKT at 15 email positive nh Attitudes oi I find receiving advertising messages via the I appreciate receiving advertising messages via email towards email MKT Tôi đánh giá cao nội dung quảng cáo om qua email n Nhìn chung tơi có xu hướng đọc email ey t re Intention va 17 marketing services is very high an Lu My general intention to receive emailBehavioral l.c gm 16 k Attitudes jm ht vb tính chất tích cực quảng cáo cao th 66 t to ng hi Behavioral ep 18 Intention I will think about receiving email marketing Tôi nghĩ đến việc đọc email quảng cáo w n lo I will recieve email marketing services in the ad Tôi nhận email quảng cáo tương ju Intention future y th 19 Behavioral yi pl lai n ua al ll  Nữ oi m nh Độ tuổi: fu  Nam n Giới tính: va Thơng tin cá nhân Anh/Chị: at  Dưới 18 tuổi z z  26 – 35 tuổi vb ht  18 – 25 tuổi k jm  Trên 35 tuổi om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th 67 Nghề nghiệp anh/chị: t to ng  Học sinh, sinh viên  Nhân viên văn phòng  Nội trợ  Tự kinh doanh hi  Khác: …………… ep Trình độ học vấn anh/chị: w n  Trung học  Đại học lo  Sau đại học  Cao đẳng  Khác: ……………… ad  Trung cấp ju y th yi pl Thu nhập ua  Trên 10 triệu n  4-6 triệu  – 10 triệu al  Dưới triệu n va  – oi m  Dưới ll fu Thời gian sử dụng internet ngày  –  Hơn nh at  – z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm Xin cảm ơn Anh/Chị hỗ trợ! n a Lu n va y te re 68

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